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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY ..TAX l INSISTS i flIES AFTER LOfJG llD STRUGGLE r V ,STATEL:iinT1 V.: X-' ; Floyd Dailey, Badly Burned in Woman Who Daflad PoIIca In Party; Adopt a Pianorm ana Arfana a ' Parmanant ' ivv East Water Street fire, 5uo- Hotel Rafuaea to Laava Cot f in City Priaon. 'vcumbe This Morning. (-f Organization. V- SAYS SHE IS 6ICK-i ' V ; MOTHER NOT INFORMED HORACE A: DUKE IS OF HER SON'S PEATH v .- DOCTORS DOUBT IT V -( CHOSEN CHAIRMAN . i . r,tRS,G0RD0DIC(( TO BED AGAin I f . to - Mra. Dilr In Present Condition '.'! ? Fitter and Youngest Son Alao Lost Uvea as Result of Fir. ; floyd Delley died at St-Vlncent'sbo- from lb effect of tM burns ns r- ,' celved Mk sao white escaping from , V th East Water street fir which eon- sumed. with thr building. 'the clear and candy tor owned by nisy rstnsr, '? ". Dtley. t No arrangement hav yet '-.' Ka aaada for. the funeral.- Th body V will be burled In lone cemetery be- aid hi fether snd younaor orotnsr, a.a ward nailer. Th mother has not been ' -rtold ofher boy' death for fear of th ' consequence or ms save in r yiww- nt condition, ' . ' '! - The death of Floyd is the third fatality In the Dallcy family aa a reeult of the fir. . Tb first to auecumb was the vounaest son. Edward-who was burned V- to death In hla bed in a room on the ".around floor of the building, t I T. " Dallav, the father, was so badly burned V that ho died. .Whether there are any , other bodies In the ruins remains to be - seen, and will not be known nnttl the , debris haa bean cleared away prepara- : tory to rebuilding.- '' ' " . Mrs. Dalley is rapidly recovering from ' tvr burns. William Dallav. that' second oldest son. escaped from tho burning , bulldlna with slnaed hair and a general . ehaklng up, received by 'Jumping from ." the window. v- ' v 1 The body of tho first victim taken I . from the nr. aa unxnown man wno waa charred beyond recognition, was bailed ,- this morning by Coroner Flnley at the ', county farm. It was held a week In an ticipation that, It might be identified. There is an Impression that tho man is Carl Anson, a Finn.- whs occupied room No. it in tho Alplno rooming-house, ' which was destroyed, Anson's room mate. Ous Edburg. asoaped by jumping through a second-story window and suf j fered a sprained ankle. X I!E17 FISBT FOMIFE IS EEGLa BY PATRICK Hearing of Wltneeeee,!. Moat of HTham Experta, Begins Await Philippine Soldier. ; ' Ueorssl Spsrtal aerobe.) -Krt Tort, Feb. 1 Before Recorder . 'I'Ooff la general sessions today ths hear , Ing of witness begun In tb motloa . for a new trial for Albert T. Patrick. ' convicted and sentenced for the murder of William Marab llloa, the aged Teaaa ;. milllonalro Mors than witnesses ; ' are to be heard. Among them are some ' of ths best-known physicians and patbo- ' ' loaiats In the conntry, who declare that . ' Rice's death could not have been caused , by chloroform. Tho prospect la that th bearing will last many days and that tbo outcome will-decide tb fat ono - for all of th man who has fought off .. death for Bve years under clrcumstaaeas that seemed all but bopelesa. s - Patrick's lawyers will ask for tho postponement of tho final deofelon on - th motion for a new trial until ths ar . ' rival her of Corporal Alexander a. ! ' Bunbery of ths Twelfth United States Infanrr. who "1 now on his way from t th Philippines, atanbary waa th pro - decoeeor of Jones as secretary and valet for Mr. ltloe. Ho Is tho personal friend of Jons and, la hi affidavit, aays Jones , told him all hla ' confeaalons as t th t manner of Rica's death wer Ilea and ' anado to ear his own Ufa. ' i Should th result of th present hear c Ing be' the refnaal of a new trial ths . defense will apply to th federal court for writ of error and application will .. then b mad to hay th eon .- aldored by tb United - atatee supreme WITTE RESIGNS THREE T I; -: ; jlMES IN ONE WEEK Ooatnal gperlal aarvtaa.) ' ' at Petersburg. Feb. It. Count Witts resign three time last weak, but each Um was persuaded to withdraw his reeJvnation. ' OLD AGE vvoar tsars, tt vpost txt ax roRoa, ! i: In Portland lately ther has been a good deal of dlscuaalon la regard to old people. Soma at SO years call them ' alvea eld. and really appear so. while . others at 7S rears seem active, vigorous and young. It U not yeara, but it ia Joaa of vital fore that makes a person old. Weak rened dlseatlon. thin blood and poor cir culation soon start functional powers and vitality on the wane, and then ths , , symptoms of old ags quickly appear. A member of the Si-nt of Woodard. ... Clark . Co., our well-known drug i state, says that old feeling may be I warded off, and w wiak every person ' In Portland who feela old, whether they ar so la year or not, would try the , v great dlsoovsry, Vlnol. W know that ,it ha vital principles which will In a natural manner atrengthen digestion, send rich, . red blood coursing through the'vln. and glv pew life and strength to every organ of the body, and thla is ' . what makes the old feel young again. . Mrs. If. W. Avery aays: "At ths ago of (I I felt the need of V a, teaks, something t streagthsn and build m up. For som time t have been taking VlnoL and I have found that it brings vigor and renewed vitality 4 to th aged aa nothing els wilL" - , Vlnol repairs worn tlasuea, check th J, natural decline and replace wet knees t wiin . sirens", n il aa loeai , ooay . builder for old folka. - v We promts you thst Vlnol Is, first of alt agraeabl. becane It -oontalna " no flahy oil. Beoond, that It is a -genu-"in' cod liver, medicine, containing-all , the medicinal eurativea and strength- making elements taken direct from fresh red 11 vert; and third, w .will return your money If It does not do exactly what w claim for It'r-Weodard, Clark A Co, drvA-gtsts 1 Phvsiciana " Fear Consequences If Perauaaion and Threats Fall, Bailiff May Carry . Mrs. - Oordon Bodily Into Courtroom Stay for Present, However. Afflicted - with what is , sclentlflosjly called morphomanla, ' Mrs. Bert TJOffloh," also ' known as Mra. W. A. Mo Cardy. lav on a cot In th women a ward Of tb otty ail today and refused to appear la court for arraignment aa fuaitlvs from justic. When notified by Matron Simmons this morning that she must gst up and appear befure Judge Cameron, Mra Oordon declared that sue wouia not. 8h was stlU 111, ah said, and she knew tb polio could not fore her to appear unleas she was willing. Mrs. Oordon has remained in bed con stantly since shs waa removed from ths Portland hotel early Sunday morning. When arrested on tlsgraphio Instruc tions from th chief of polio of San Francisco she refused to arts from her bed and detectives kept watoh over her for eeverai hours. Later, whsnav f ugl- tives-jrarrant waa issued, she agala refuaed to aria and accompany th officer to headqnartara. . However, sh flnaUy surrendered when captain Brum threatened to wrap her In a blankef and forcibly reoiov nr. ' ,f taja to Xs Saa. Phvslelana have bean unable to dis cover any symptom of Illness In Mrs. Oordon. --' ' - . Ths woman has eaten rcguiariy ana heartily sine ' her confinement la th )alL ah also talks freely with Mrs. Simmons and with prisoners who make any advances. Officers have discovered that Mra. Oordon has not neon suenaea by a physician sine ah reached Port land eacept on Saturday evening, when ah was arreated. Sh suddenly dis covered that shs was 111 and summoned a physician to her room -at ths Portland hotel. Th physician declares that h could discover nothing to justify her assertion and that .hl jnerel "bluffing." - - Judas Cameron or tn municipal ooun has consented to a brief delay ol ths arraignment. However, the woman must appear and further delay will not be tolerated whan It la dearly shown that sh is not ill and. th officer f ron Saa Frsnolsoo arrive to take her back. Of ficials ar deliberating upon th proper steps to pursu If ths woman persists la her refusal to appear la court. May Be Carried.,-"... Effort to persuad Mrs. Oordon to hang bar mind will b mad by threats similar to those ei captain ruin, who declared that be would wrap bar ia a blanket and carry her to polio Headquarter.-, m - oese au-ei- forts to indue nr to aria imi uw bailiff will probably be ordered .to carry th- woman bodily Into court 1 am sick ana aon't want to gsi up. Mra Oordon said thla morning. . "And beside X don't want to go Into that court room, and I know a wall aa any body that tbey eaa't make me so there unleas I am willing." Mrs. Oordon Is accused of having passed a worthless note for MOO. Sh waa under bond, which waa declared forfeited Saturday. - A bench warrant waa Immediately Issusd and M located III Portland. . wiLL EXTRADITE HER. Baji Praasl Vellea Iiaot&a ordea wue. , ' -(Bpeeial Mesateb e Te Jesraatl ' -Baa Francisco, Feb, is. Th police will Immediately undertake th aatradt tloa of Mrs. Bertha R, Gordon, also known aa Mrs. W. A. McCartty, who waa arrested at Portland yesterday, accused of passing a fictitious cheek on Dr. F. W. Vowiackel .in payment for an ap pendicitis operation. She claimed her husband waa R. B. Oordon of North Bend, which proved false. Th woman was arreated her and released en tl.voo bonds. 8h escaped and waa triced to Portland, , v - . BENSON CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE " rapeeial Ptosateb e Tns Jearaal.) ' Union. Or Feb. !. Oeorg Benson, former county clerk of Union county. and for a number of years past an xprt in th accounting firm of Clark a Buchanan, may stand for tho Democratic nomination for secretary of state... For It yaca Mr. Beneon waa in th clerk's offto of Union ounty lthr as deputy or clerk. ' He 1 a natlv of Union and la l year of age. He had charge of th xprt work don oa th public record ox Baker county ana ar walla walla. . ''... ' i M'MINNVILLE SOON TO : ; HAVE GRAVITY SYSTEM (ttpariat tnapatrk te The Jasraal.) . MoMlnnvllle, Feb, If. The contract for building th new gravity water sys tem for McMlnnvllls haa been let to ths National Wood Pip oompany of Olym pian Th contract calla for . building seven miles of pipe line besides excavat ing a reservoir. Tb work will a com pleted by August 1. Th largest Item In th contract Is for finishing and . laying wood pip. Ths concrete work and excavating Is te be don by the cubic yard. Th systsm altogether Will com about 111.000. . v . , " FAST MAIL WRECKED - ' AND FIFTEEN INJURED (tarsal Special Service.) St Louis, Mo Feb. is. The Iron Mountain fsst mall was wrecked at Rob ert avenue this morning. . Fifteen train men and mail clerks were Injured, nona faUlly. , v. , .. Spreading rail paused th accident The Injuries of Engineer Brennecks, Fireman Rafferty and Mailer O'NolU ar serloua. ... ; .1 STORMS RESIGNS AS -. ; SECRETARY OF STATE ' ' (Jearael Special awvloCt -Indianapolis. Ind., Feb. . It. Daniel Storms has. resigned aa secretary, of tat. - Hla action follows th demand by th governor for hi resignation after th dlsqpvsry of allsgad Irregularity ia 4 the conduct of Storm' office . r ; Mr. and Mra. Howard Gould, Who BAKOITS HOLD UP. A STAGE AM) KIDNAP RAIICHER . Naw ' Maxlcan Cattla-Ownar la Taken Into Hills by Robbara Who-Thraatan Murdaff .a . ' (Jeoraal Saeclal Service.) ' Doming, N. M., Fob. Jamss W. Haanlgan received a telegram last night from Sheriff Farnawortb of Silver City, announcing that the stags ooah on the lln between Silver City and Alma, Naw Msxtoo, ia th Mogollon mountains, 100 mile nortbweet of her. 'waa held up Friday ovenlng, and that . his father, Robert Hanniganv had been taken from th stag into th hills by a man who aald be -was going to kUl him. The holdup waa reported to tn otn car end a searohlng party scoured th mountain all day yeateraay,. out . no tree was found of Hannlgan. Hannl' gaa owns a largs ranoh In the Mogollon mountalna and had some trouble over a eattl deal recently and th matter was carried Into the oourts.. Toung Hannl gan, accompanied by an - ofllcer from thla city, left for th seen of th hold up and will organic a party to search for hla father. . . 1 1. v : ' ORDERS A PIG BUT IS SENT COFFIN AND CORPSE Shipping Dlracttona Baeoma Wixad In Expraaa Of flea and Wrong Packaga la Santa . r " (Joaraal Sseelal Serrloa.) " ' Cromwell. Ind., Feb. It. William Archsr purchased a prise shoat several days ago and ordered It sent to him by esprsss. Tsstsrday ha went to the depot to most th train and aaw a mee senser struggling with a heavy bos. Archer asked If th packag waa for him and th messsngsr pushed ths boa toward ths car door and replied! "Here It la." - Archer eteppsd back In amassment for the boa contained a cofin, and nat urally th coffin contained a corps. Archsr protested bs wss not expect ing a corpee, but a llv pig, that waa to com by expreae on that train. Di rections on tb boa showed plainly that Archer was th man to whom the corps had been shipped, but hs refused to ac cept It and Insisted that hie prls pig be produced. A telegram to ths shipper revealed th fact that th direction for th two shipment' had been mlad, - - , MRS. MIZNER DENIES I REPORTS OF TROUBLE (Jsnraal Speelel Servtea.) ' ' ' .' " Kew Tork, Feb. 1. Attempts to a Mrs. Wilson Mlaner today resulted in an lntrvlw with Mlaner brother Addison, who statsd that Mrs. Mlaner denied th report of troubl between herself and husband and- that, th lat ter had gone to" San Francisco on a business sngesement and aha lovsd him aa much as ever. Mlaner was In Wash ington last Saturday. . ; , 1, : ,:- Caal maul MM. .'v , (Joaraal apeclal Servlee.) " ' Chicago, Fsb. Efforts to locate Mre. Mlsnsr, formerly Mra Yerkes. supposed to -be here, today failed. WELL-KNOWN SURGEON ' . DIES OF MENINGITIS f ; r 1 ... 5 . ' ; ; (Jnsraal Special Sat vies.) ' - Garten. ' Utah. Feb. It. Dr. William H. Hlnton. formerly chief adrgeen of- the Bants Fe at Chicago, and one of tho best known railway men In th west died her last n1ht of merHngltls. - C ASTOR I A ; lor Xnlavata and CUldraa, Tlii tki Yea EanAlxrji C;r;U 1 .. . .' Bears the 8catara of c far- Art Yachting on the Maditerranean. DYNAMITE MYSTERY SOLVED (Contlnud from Page One.) on December tt, last, Orchard's con fession. It h haa made one, la In th hands of detectives and nothing - haa boon glvn out. It la believed that tb confession layebar ths murderous plot alleged t 'have been hatched 'by tha Inner otrcl of the WeaUra Federa tion of Miners and that many promi nent man. Including . Sheriff Bell of Colorado and Oovemor Psabody have been marked for daughter. Many are believed to b Implicated in th plot It la alleged that Orchard admit that money was paid la Denver by th as sociation to himself and others for crimes committed. Many outrages are said to hav been confessed, Including that at Crlppl Craek. . Thre Idaho deputle- who accom panied th Plnkerton to thla elty left for Crlppl Creek thla morning to make additional arreeta, probably . of men Bromlnent In thai federation. It I be ared that wholesale arreets'are con- tampiatao. ,;.; u ;,. : t ; 1 . ST. JOHN ARRESTED " 1 V. Fraldat of aOautre tTalaa a Bark aa. " eaaea of OompUoity la (Special Dhwatsk ts Tae Isstssl i Wallacs, Idaho, Fsb. It. Vincent St John, president of th ulnars' union at Burke, waa arrested last night charred with eorapllcity In th BUunenberg tnur- oer, and la auil tn JalLr Tb tlm for hla-hearing ha not been set There 1 much excitement her over hla arrest st John ha been known here aa John Vincent H want to Burk after the Tellurlde, Colorado, murders. It la understood that th authorities ar In a position to arrest Simpson, who baa been sought aa th mysterious com panion ' of Harry Orchard, - vr alne th murdar of Oovernor Stunnbrg. Th authorities refuse, howavsr, to say that Simpson has Men located. Vincent St John will bo taken to Bots. HAVE RIGHT PERSONS. Stoaaembarg Family OoafUeml . that TsdsraUoa Officials At 0oUty. f apeclal Dtsseteh te The Jearnal.) Caldwell, Idaho. Fab. lt-VTh m bar of th Bteunenberg family today expressed thsmselves as confident that tho right parties hav bean secured in th arrest of tho officials of th West-f ra Federation of Minora for th mur der of Oovernor Bteunenberg last De cember IS. Th opinion la universal that th plot haa been uncovered In all of its detail a by Orchard in bis con fasaton, Orchard la known to hav a "yellow" streak la hlra. . 1 A grand jury ha been summoned te meet here and Indictments will be Im mediately returned, saving a. prelimi nary hearing. All bath will b refuaed and th acouaed man kept In priaoa pending trial. v- , ; It I believed her that tha W cetera Federation employed ( . Simpklna and Orchard to carry out ' tha plot to mur der the former governor In revenge for bis action ia summoning troops during the .Coour d'Alece rlota. . .... , ? REVOLUTION IS FEARED;! (Continued from Psg On.) .-"V portion of th country th peopl ar In a chronto tat of starvation. Oer f-mani Suffering deeply from their de- florabl economic condnion .ar at rasted Jy th prosperity of their breth ren tn th German mptr. Th Csecbs remembering their former grandeur seek lndepnditov . Th southern Slav want a confederation with their broth era tn th Balkan a. , Independence I declared by Hungarian to be th . sol means of economic lf -preservation. WOMAN ESCAPES JAIL BY . ; USE OF RED-HOT PQKER .ffjnaraal Special Barrve.) . Oriffin.'lhd.t -Feb.-Jt. Charged with having attempted t- ahoot aa Illinois sheriff and fleeing1 .to , Indiana, Mra Lou lac Whlffon waa arrested her yes terday and placed in a wooden Jail for temporary oonnnemant , No attention waa paid t to ths woman until th mar shal wsnt to call her for supper about S -o'clock. Than It was discovered that sh had heated a poker red -hot burned hole around th lock of th door until he could wrench It off. and thu mad her escape). . It . waa learned that ah boarded A freight train and tela gran hav sees ent to head her off. ' ' Rapt Admiration" ' Is sure to command you When you listen to th strain of the aaatchla Sohmer I Utniiclpal Owoarabip, Tsxatioa ol Oroaa Earning of Corporations sad " Exclusion AIL Orientals Includ Inga Japs and Koreans Its Tenets ' A ' ' ' ' " ,'. '-Ia amDhatic tsrm th Oregon Labor party h. daclftred in It platform that all Usrlalatlve candidates who seek th party's , support must , suoscnos 1 to statement No. l-i Tn piairorm was adopted unanlmoualy at the oonvontton held In this elty ysstsraay aiurnoon, and th plank relating, to this matter la sa follows: . .. .. "W advocats icnoa -or uniisa State senators by direct vot of th people. W. will withhold our support from all legislative candidates who do pot subscribe to statement No. 1 of fh direct ertraarv law." . Municipal ownership of publlo utiu- tie, stringent child-labor leglalatlon, taxation of tb groaa arnlng or oor- po ration and exclusion of oil oriental ar also advocated by the labor party's platform.. -. i- . Permanent organisation of the party was effected by th lectloja of th fol lowing of floors: " ' - Horace A. Duke or ctgarmajcerr anion No. tot waa choaan president; N. Hughs of Carpenters' union, vice-presi dent; K. 8. Durke of Printing Press man's union No. t. secretary: E. A. Oa ecu of the Carpenters' union, treasurer, and W. U. S parka of th Teams tsrs" nnion, ooorxcpr. . , Th platform, which waa adopted piang py piaaavjs aa ioiiowsj , , -"Tha xnatfoeas, , ! "The vital spirit of liberty Is honesty and fair plan. Its safeguard la th lov of Juatlo that d walla in th heart of th great body 01 American people, .pro foundly sanslbl that it preservation dapends upon malntananea of damooratl govarnnrant, whoa law should be th faithful reflection and the true Index of th popular wUL . ' - v "Th 1 sxDresslon or popular win in government 1 embarrassed by element inimical to our insuiuiiona. ine pwi- tloiaa by occupation, prollflo of promlees. unscrupulous la propitiating conflicting lntereet. appealing to cupidity prejudice, haa aought personal aggran disement and gain, and not good govern ment ' cental na . or inauatry. con temptuous of wage-earner and their humble and imperfectly organised f- forU to parUoipat Id poUtlcal lUe, have ridden roughehod over th right of th many. Mad with past suocees and filled with the spirit or achieve. mant the Industrial bucoanser haa stood a determined obstacle to enactment or enforoement of laws ssseatlal to tn health, oomfort and morality of th men, women and children who toll. . .Th po litical soldier of f ortun and th In dustrial buccaneer, at homs la political lntrigde, la lsglalatlv hall and in th courts, hav snsered. with impunity at honest but less adroit effort to sub serve th lots rests at the laboring p- "This deplorable condition. Incompati ble with popular gorsrnmeat la the re sult of lack of that cohesion and unity of action among laboring people which oan be attained only through agremnt unon definite principle ana a wu defined plan of aggressive -action. To glv form and vitality to the hitherto Imperfectly expressed win or tn wag- sarnsrs of thla commonweal in. tn Ore gon Labor party 1 organised. Wa max no appeal to prejudloe or passion, and deelre no alignment of classes. Th cause of th laborer da the eauee of hu manity and th safeguard of democracy, Tha organised wage-earner today ataad the en obstacls of potentiality in th way of th great eorporauoae wnoee amaaina ods rations ar fraught with dlr menace to th economic well Doing of society and to popular gxrvsrnmsnt ItMlf. - V ' :'.A : -. Ttm tCrinaetpal Ownewhtn. W Invlt th encouragement and aid of all good eitlssna, regardlee of party preference In national politic who be- llevealn our principles as orxsrmg solution of local problem of Immediate concern affecting our dally lives. Whll tendering . hoppitabl ' treatment t all who profess attachment to ear princi ples, w glv notlc that th dishonest and th self-sseklng will b rigidly ex cluded from our confidence upon dis covery. - We ar determined that our high purposes shall not be thwarted by clash ambition witnia or. mDarrmsssa by lack of effectual mean to combat hoatllitr without our organisation. "Pledging ourselves to faithful ad- hsrenee to th lntereet of labor and of th commonwealth In political activity, th Oregon Labor party submit to th people of th tt tb following decla ration or Principle: ' - ' "W demand municipal ownership of publlo utllitls In their natur monopo listic , Under 1 municipal . ownership, m cloys will receive Just trsatmsnt without strlf. and th community will secure decant orderly and .economical conduct of u tllltle ineopsrable from communal Ufa; W advocate no sudden ohang.- Ws do advocate acquisition -of theee utilities along oonservatfve Una certain and aura. Xicountnanolng any' thing la th natur of confiscation, w demand that -municipal -ownership d acoompllshsd without recognition of property In population or Its prospective Increase. W refer particularly to. th street railways, and call attsntloa te th dally spectacls of dlscomfert and In decency on all uburbaa Una la herd ing of passenger regsrdles of. age. disability or aex,';' "W demand speedy tsrmlnatlon f th sxcluslvs privilege now exercleed by th Portland Oa oompany. "W ar oppod to repeal sr tem pering of th preeent Chlneee gxolusloa law. w advocate, axtansion or tn law to Include Japan and Koreans. ."W advocats election of, United State senator by direct vot of th people. W will withhold our support V Th Fwrfsction ef KriCy J J Wa are vary busy in tnsnt ' The pric i Solid Oak Parlor Table, fluted lega; regular price SpCCletlag. w w a-e - m .gj m X . b r V ' - - m - - Solid Oak Parlor Table, J A ery fine workmanahip ; regular price C C A vm:, special. .u ... . ... : vbD.OU Weathered Oak, the same aixe; regular ifhC price $3.00...' Specials ,v)De 0 h "I Mahogany Parlor Table, 24-bchtop, very beautiful, and extra well made ; regular price $8.75. " ? i (h- : J Special. .'...,.,. n 'Pav ;.-.r Quarter-Sawed Oak Center in diameter, gtjod value at SpCCioftler aaavsa anjaH aji aj $50.00 Buffets or Sideboarda. . $45.00 Buffets or Sideboards. ;. $42.00 Buffeta or Sideboards.". $S2.50 Buffets or Sideboarda..... $27.50 Buffeta or Sldeboarda. $20.00 Buffeta or Sideboarda. ., - . TERMS ONE DOLLAR-A WEEK V. SHTOJA RUG SPtelAL Tomorrow- aJternoon from 3 until 4 o'clock we win. place on sale 100 30x60-inch Reversible Smyrna Rugs," -beautiful floral designs, fringed ende. r Not more than two Ruga will be aold to one cuatomer, .Cn only between the hours named. Special.... -73C j TeO your frUnda of theee raduotiona, and do 'not let thla opportunity pass to furnish your Eastern Outfitting Co. : Tha atora Whara Tout Credit b Good . ; v Washington and Tenth From the Housetop To Its foundation, when yoa ar bent on painting, have evefy Inoh covered with paint of good material, mixed with first-grade ou ans Dimina , in short get all your paints, varnish. wnit eao, iinseeo oii, lurpmunw .vc., .m . at thla nalnter'e hsadauartsr. and tsu'll appreclat our tock vry tlm you tainx ox iu, . , . 'm aUO VAX BTOXJa. Fisher, Thoren & Co. from ail legislative candidate who do not aubacrlb to sUtsment No. 1 of th direct primary law. .'-:. -v-, W ar opposed to leasing ar con victs and bringing them In' Competition with free labor. We favor putting eon- vlots to work on stat and . county roadC - -i -i, t "Wi demand rigid enforcement of the present 10-hour law relating to fsmsls employes, and advocat It xtdloa to Include these wage-earners In retau-J rant and mercantile eetaniiabments. - "Ws advocat . enactment and rigid enforcement of law to prevent tb pread of tuberculosis and other con tagious or Infectious diseases. r "W demand enactment and rigid en forcement of tringnt child-labor law. W damandUhat all city, oouaty aad Ut work be don by the authorities wherever practicable, and not by con tract. Wo demand that lght hour hall eonatltut a day's work tor all laborer and mechanic employed by the state, county or elty. "Under th present system th stat printing of fie has been a sourc of po litical corruption and waste. W advo cat ownership by th tat of a prop erly equipped printing plant and that th atat printer be given a axed annual salary. - ....... .v : . .. - W favor taxation of th groaa earn ing of corporations aa- proposed by the Oreroa atat grange. - "Ws favor a law relating to weignia and measure adsquat to protect th nsnsDcctlng. and ah crontloa of aa of- Sea to soforc ita provisions." . tha Furniture Depart, tU the reaaon why. hand-poliahedy lS-Inch top, ZI.C0., . ; iani ttiP aJI J - ' . ' r' - J - - - ; - - ft -' . . - ? " "" hand-polished, 24-inch top, v Table, round top 80 inches 318. Extra I, lgajtawtfsy ss im m ,;. r.l?35.00 .32.50 ..S?25.00 ..?20.00 i- Ia a really good.' chsap fuel. y It doea not light nlt so readily a aom grade of ooal, yet not a dlffloult fuel to lgnit. W aeU it aa well aa every ooal that's . mined. . ' . .. . - - , Riog Up Phone Main 3776 - " - ' " --'f'" '..'"''' Vulcan Coal Co. k ass avavraxpa v v The Best : Night School?: In the Northwest la conducted at - . ... , the ... '''''. .-' . . ' i,.- i .-.i Bchnke-Walkcr Business College ' -,, '.'.'' Kan aaQdlaer. ' ' ad nw.SK i atoaday, Tosaday, wsdsssdsy and i ' ...', v f:'; ? .. ' No batter Investment than a oeurao In our departments o , Booxxjuirars at .' :: ; W hav th most modern equip meat of any college in the Wset Ail our departments are in enarge of experts. Yvx Choice lor $259 -v . ' ' - 1 We heve sst astd IS STANDARD and HIOH-ORim PIANOS and for three - daya only will glv you your choic. of , what remain, unsold when you call, for Ssae. These are ail new pianos and--bava heretofore been sold by otbsr Arms ar prices ranging-from 11(0 to t0. You wlU and tn tn lot maces of tha Smareon, Starr, Sterling and - other . ptano companie all of th hlgheet ' standing and if you want a piaao thla ia your opportunity to get on of tho ' very beat for little money, W can ar-' rang tsrms of payment to suit .The.: tea set aside at above pric -will not last long, so you should eaU early to gat first choie of th lot: Duhilcre, Pinnio Co. SSetaway aad Yea etaot : is casta at, Cr caere-avn x'V Talking llxchiaoa, rtaet lwC : s J . . X-f: