The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 18, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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rttwjTi'jV.:. "lie
Paul RtjSirCoy C;p
at Patriotio t'.zzt I'.iztlnz
TvY3 Hundrad Fifty Thouaarid
C"orta of OppoafcJon Movement
at Marqutm Grind.
Somo t Dig for, Pipt t --i.
oma for Fact-Wash
XafXctura atCivnth
i " Othara for Tlnfypaa. ;
cr.d CUrk CtreatJ.
Uttl. -
) A big Oaorga Waahlgfoo'e birthday
patriotio meeting i la to Va bald In tha
Marauam .Grand theatra thla afternoon
at :te o'clock. ' Ctorarnor Chamberlain
will deliver aa addraaa on tha "Lara or
C: SiilU end jTc?-
..':;..Wt r . ' v
Mrs. Anna B. Shaw Calla Oref oa tba
V Battlefield ' of National ' Organinf
' inn ' and' Praises Initiative : . and
Oaorga Washington." , Judge A. U rra
car end ether prominent men will par?
.nzTi. ettzred fcr tzlp:
Crowd of Curioua Keep Watch Vbila
Efcb o! Cast on i Jlcweat, Caya
IZercfcant Back From Extended
Ownere of Peatrored Chopa and
rfitoree Pry ia Aahea for 8ch
TriyWa Hava JUlfhtw Ftae Eej-u-
Referendum Law."V r
-aa Flamee Left Undeetroytd,
tadoa FlnancUnr and Otherwise. ,
. '
' r i . rm f i- v w M a t
f yvsnirAi i i? nit
ffort of
Vrouble the UU' orr esaoclatlon
buth Hie, ao secure doe. tne organisa
tion feet In He own strength. Commu
alcattona ware read from some of the
tlon yeeterday at ternoon. . together with
' soma proteetatlon. from friends Who
are dlaturbed by tha opposition move
ment . But dlaouaaUM waa not allowed.
.. Meaaagee were read from tha national
convention at Baltimore. WUh.. tat
auooaaa in the coming campaign and ae-
aurancee of good will from many
frteada Dow of tha convention were
.Ivan. Aft abetract of e annual ed
drees of the president. Dr. Anna Bhaw.
' waa. raad. Bha spoke of tha PaclBc
coast, and oepeolally Oregon, as tha
immadlate battlsneld af tha organisa
tion and pralsed.tbe liUtUtlve and raf
arandum law which makee It PoeaUle
to bring tha flueetlon bafora tha jotara.
Kur hope Jlae n tha power of tha
paopla to eompal action." aha Bald; "tad
the -beat method yat employed U that
iecuEd tha atata of Oregon through
lla initiative and rafarandum law. Tha
announcement an November It by tha
Urnm! manager of tha Oregon cam
valga that tha raauirad number of alg
KISrU had bn
Thankaglving day oom plat. The lawr
announcement that "-"l0 'Jf
r bwn accepted by tha eeoretary of atata
Sod tha proclamation of - the
' had been leaned December IV eubmlt-
- tine our bill to be aotad upon by tha
, voSr? on June 4. ware
lor rejoicing and gratitude aa-we list
ened Iti thertnglng of balla that told of
thablrthof tha M gear a saw year.
let na bope. ta be freughtwttb Victory
- for our cause." ' WJ tUm
Compliment, wara paaeeed by tha
praaidant on the work of Mlas Laura
Oregg. who baa tha :- campaign In
ctarge; Mi" 1"r cl""r nd
rers. national offlcers making their etay
OrTroo; MJ Clara Colby of Waeh
' rnston. Mrs. Woodworth of Oklahoma,
Mlair Mary Chaee of New Hampahlra.
M aa Oall Laughlln of Maine, aire. Do
; Voa of Illinois and Mra. Boyer pf Pann-
''MTaaLaughlln made the principal
addreaa of tha afternoon at today a
maetlng. and Mr. Hanoae. an .Mpo
nar. gave an Intareatlng Ulk on early
atranlaa for woman a euflraga. Mr.
Handea made tha lirat addraaa for tha
aaJaa in Orago" 1 " achool.
hotiaa In tha early aUtiaa. Kaporte wera
..J. .v. rk thrauahout tha atata
and Mra. Colby, who baa Jtiet returned
!1 lrtrt"l tour In Wa.hlnaton
r!Trr the anthualaam with
;4wo W work waa tbara rlrjjl
She laarae neat week for Columbia
""I! ..Tarda the uelab. aie
h. mrthdmr of Suaan B. Anthonywlth
. ' M a-Kea aaaiw lltamd
nrtarVover the Allan Gilbert IUm
2ka "piano hooae. A targe number ware
! is ettendanoo. - .
n -BIj Rail Eatala Daal. V
It ia reported that Charlaa K. Henry
aurtng thapaat few daya haa made a
fnTi K3 iTth. "nor7 part of tha,
city for 10e.M. Tha 1-acra tract of
Charier Hegela, fronOng on the
to manufacturing concern. A naif block
In tbT northern part of the city for 140.
M Art block on the aouthwaat
cornar ofKlath ead HHSTSl
to Mr. XX Ci Palton, which, with the
property heretofore Bold by Mr, Henry
-toMr Pelton. makaa a vary attractlT.
and valuable property. A JH
Intba north and of the tty for Hl.aO.
.n t .nufactnrtna- eoncera i a-lergf.
tract of river frontage with ti-ackaae
and deep water faellltlaa eppoalt Bt
Johaa for Bar. T. U Elot. Alao a eta
" gla corner lot In tha northern part of
the city for llO.eoe. A .uarter block
' on McMillan atraet to a party who will
. build thereon, aa welt aa a number of
amallar aalea In Piedmont. Alblna. Al
blmv Homaataad and other part, of the
" city. A warehoaae quarter block en tha
I aaat aide for Ite.oee. and euartar
block In Carotbera' addition to partlee
. who will build thereon. ......
. . vrtiaa havlna aood prone rtlaa for
aalo at right prloaa will And It te their
lntareet to Met aamo wb tiunw a.
- Henry, who baa been abaadlly la tha
real aetata bnalnaaa for tha peat II
yaara and la a euooeeiful Balaam. n. In-
dividual, firm, and eoporatlona wUl And
v t to their advantage to eonault Mb
' Henry about real aetata la or about the
city of Portland before buying elae
where. - . ,-. -. : '' : : "
,-iv ' 11 ;.
'k:r: Oal PewmWa Vrogiaaa. -
carl Pan ton haa arranged tha follow
Ing organ muale for aervicea today at
. r Trinity church. At 11 a. m.i "Andante
. In- A." atainar; "Prayer." Benotat; "Bor.
-" tie," Dunham.. At 1:o p. tn.: Overture,
,; -WlllUm Tell" Hoaalnlj "Ave Maria,
. . ahubert; "March In XX Batlate.
fh aeTarta of ' the BJlU-etMrragiBta
1 tO-fhcft
7 X
XC...... 2 C l..-Tlf SIGNED BT THE MANtir ACTUKER8
Paul Rxxa. ' r
tiii.ta. Paul -Rlaca, a boy aaprano,
wUl alng "My Own-United BUtee." the
popular and catchy aong. from' the pa
tiiotlo opera,, -wpm'
Marching " Homa-7 Tha Trinity boya1
eholr will alng and tha T. M. C. A. er
oheatra will pmy patriotio aire. '
- Thla will be tha flrat big maee meet
In for boya only.; oonduotad by boya.
aver held In Portlands Admlaalon la to
ba by ticket only xo aw ooye
and H yaara of ega.v Ticketa can be
aeeurad free thla afternoon at the T. M.
C. A. boya" room. Fourth and Tamhlll
atraeta, between 1:10 and S o'clock. Bar-
era! boy eluba. ooy unimw. "
Ur organleaUona, have aeeured tlckate
and will attend In bodiea and occupy
aata together. .-,.-.; .-.,.:.,:'r
Balovad , Man In Iratand
Ukaly to Viait Portland qn ,
tTow of Country. i-'
Dk1 Hyde - Xa - Preeldent of- OaeHc
Iafua and Haa Been Inatrumentml
In Securinc Imtruction la Pytof
Tonga for Children. - .
:.' rt ---.i " 'V1; - f
"' k - ' "'j-
'It la likely that Dr. Douglea Hyde
of County Ittoacommen,' one of tha moat
beloved man In Ireland, will Port
land, He la at preent In Ban Fran
eleeo, and eftorta are being made by
Portland adnnrera of the famoua Iriah-
man to induce him to Include thle city
In hla Itinerary. 4 ; ., .
A maetlng for that purpoae waa held
yaatarday In tha office of Judge ML O.
Munley. Aa a raault of tha meeting a
telegram waa aant te tha national aao
ratary of tha entertaining committee In
New York aaklng that arrangement, be
made for Dr. Hyde to Portland.
A reply la not expected until Monday.
However. It la generally believed the
invitation will ba aooepted. In eaaa It
ia thoaa who will have charge of hla
antartalameat will eadoatui tu bate PfT
Hyda participate In tha celebration In
honor of at. Patrlck'a day. .
. Dr. Hyda la tha eon of a Protectant
clargynwn. graduate of Trinity oollege.
Dublin, and la praaidant of tha Oaello
league. It la largely due to hla efforta
that nearly aoe.OOt children are atudytng
Qaelle, or Irl.h. aa Dr. Hyde-pre f era to
call It. in tha acboola of Ireland. It la
alao largely du to him that tha product
of nearly all the amallar manufacturing
tnduetrlea haa doubled.- and that Irian-
man now demand clothaa. hata, ahoee
and other artlclea made by Irlahmen In
Ireland from material raiaed la Ireland.
' Dr. Hyda, through bla endeavore to ra
store the Oaello language, baa become
one of the foremost men la the world.
Gaelic haa not beea in .common nee In
Ireland for nearly 10a yaara. It waa
practically barred from the . public
achoola by tha BngU.h government.
though In a meeaure It waa kept alive
by traveling achoolmaatara. It waa rap
Idly becoming a dead language when
rovlved by the league. Thla will be the
Brat In.tance In which one of tha dead
or dying languagea haa been raatored to
common uae. Chalra for Instruction In
the Oaello tongue have bean eatabllahed,
In unlveraitie. in twpennagen. Berlin,
Pari, and In John Hopklna and Harvard
la America. '.
Records - 25c
Our Displif the Urgest
Our Machthts utf Rec
prds the Btst ; :
BUTm OurTemstht
' Easiest
Me efow el TIarBal la totte
atreel. .Tetoabuae sattina. , y
A hundred bu.y hands' are removing
the black ruins left by the East Water
erreerflra or6naarTaar,'and"iome
mblanoa of order la being-nrougnt in
tha chaoa. ' Traffic -haa bean raaumea
over Abe Morrison street ' bridge by
teams, though only half the roadway
at present open te the public, wo
workmen being engaged In placing new
supports under the aaat approach.
About toe feat of the approaca was
mora or leas badly ournea ana ; me
major portion of the decking to tha
bridge proper and much of the heavy
piling and eroeepleeea beneath wiu nave
to be replaced. Thle work wilt prob
ably be finished by the and of the pres
ent week.
Morbid crowds still gather about the
ruins la the hope that aoma of the n
merous explorers will' dig up grue
some find. ' .
No Una of demarkation was iari to in
form tha owners of the - half doaea
burned buildings where their original
eetabllahmeata stood, bat rough boun
daries have been aat up la the charred
heap and on every little patch a crew
Is working. Up tn one corner Is a bar
tender (rubbing in the cnarooai xor
damUobna and. etraage te say, finding
them often intact. Besides tha bar
tender a plumber and bla aaalatant are
eearchlna. Deen down under tha pile of
olnders tbay found a vain of metal which
whan mined - produced elbows ana
smaller fittings little the worse for the
fire.- r-
To the rear of the Induatnoua
clumbers is a beauty doctor clawing
over the ashea of bla former parlor for
such hot t lea of com pie Ion varnlen,
hair bleach, face ointment and wrinkle
eradlcator as may be left By some
chanoa hla stock was rather well pre
served and buahela of bottle, bava been
carted away by blm in the last few
daya . Farther on a tintype man is
prying with dejected mien among the
rulna of his gallery. The photographer
finds leaat to repay blm for bis trouble.'.-
..:.'':- -
Over In a far corner of the plot, a
lean, gaunt figure in ruaty black, armed
with a long-handled ahojral, la ac raping
tha chaos about htm tn tha apparent
hope of finding something, but he In
three days baa brought up nothing .to
reward his Industry.' Back among the
rulna of tha stable curs ' from scow
town nose about, fighting , over , auch
atray bone aa may bava eaoaped the
garbage men. who removed the ca
of the burned horaaa, and occasionally
kitting down and-bowling la conoaru
BjrliUe n aOf another weaa moat ar
lite rulna will have been thoroughly ex
plored, all the atuff of value taken out
and tha site will baeady Tor naw build
ing' operstlona, which It la reported will
be soon startod. The northweat corner
of the atraet intersection Is one of the
best central east side bualneaa. loca
tions and a atn ale 'block of atone or
brick would attract a desirable class of
tenants and pay a good return.
mesldeata af mnaatly Termed riewteet
v in Veabt ae be lel augbte.
Realdenta of the naw precinct formed
recently in North Irvlngton are wonder
ing under what aort of a license admin
latratlon they are. Tha majority of this
precinct was formerly dry and the ma
jority of tba reeldenta of the naw pre
cinct are opposed to aaloona in tha resi
dence fllstrlnt nut bsts net nm -r
election oa the queation alnce the di
vision of the precinota anew, eo It te
not 'certain- what the atatus of the dla
trlct la. R. B Inner deatraa to open sa
loon ia tha precinct at Falling and JCaat
Sixth etreet and baa lnrormeoe tne rear
dente that If be aecuree the aeoeaaary
names bo can open bla bar. ' -
Whether thla opinion or the liquor-
deeler la Ju.tltfled by tha law haa not
yet been abown te the raaiaenta, wno
arc trying to discover Just what they
can do aaould Sinner secure a llcenae
and open a saloon among their homes.
Those who ere preparing to contest tne
matter assart that Slnnera record as a
saloon-keeper la not a- good ana and that
before the aaloon formerly la that dis
trict waa closed drunken men ware com
mon la the residence districts and a
crowd of undealrablee frequented the
place. Btnoe the precinct went dry It la
said that conditions are greauy im
proved, there being- no maudlin crowds
reeling home by night nor young bravee
who frequent street corners and insult
unprotected women and glrla. -
Pabruar 14 waa Valentine's day ant
the first annlveraary of Master Raymond
Janklna birth. A valentine party at the
residence of hla parenta, 414 East Mill
street did Honor to the occasion and !
mothara and tbelr children were present
Valentlnea of all aorta wars tn ovidence
and manay more aubatantlal glfte were
tatsrehaasea.'- -: - --
The annual basaar and dinner of the
Bt Johna Evangelical Aid aoclety will
ba held at Blckner e hall In Bt Johns
Friday afternoon and svening.
An elaborate entertainment and Valen
tin, aantsl wu arivan at the Grand Ave
nue United Presbyterian church, WedJase-
day evening by tne memoera ox .ixnv
boys' Sunday school elsas. Ths deenra
tlon. and program, ae well as the unique
amuaementa. ahowed tha Ingenuity and
versatility of the young boats. A con
siderable amount was netted from the
entertainment and wUl be used for tbe
needs of the church. V - ' '
The Congregational potplt at Bt Johns
will ba occupied tomorrow, by Rev. J. J.
Btubbe of Portland at S o'clock p. m.
Ia a few weeks tha new ehtfrch building
of the organisation will be completed
and formally ' dedicated. At present
services are being held la woodmen .
hall. - '..." .
Work has been eommeneed on tbe Me
Cheaney block In BU Johna, which will
be one of the largest store and office
buildings In the town. It will ba two
storlee tn height and constructed of
brick and stone. i
A well-attended -invitation dance was
given by tha Royal club at tha Mult
nomah ball laat evening.
Tueaday evening the Uniform Rank.
frcscrrcd Ptrd tzi
C a-.-' ''I f"7 '
.MseU 'VJ
The Wla'sV'avonte Winter
Emollient for winter rashes,,
blemishes, eczemas. Itch-'
ings, IrriUtlons, scallngs,"
chapplnjs. For red. rough,
and jreasy complexlons,ior.
sore, itching, burning hands
and feet, for baby rashes,
itchings and chafings,' as
well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nurs
ery, Cuticura Soap, assisted
by Cuticura Ointment; the
great Skin Cure, is priceless.
Q.IHI aitaieal mmt I.iumI TMmI amy
a Ckmm. Ol .fcWhWi
If Interested In Hurst B witch Stock It
will ba to your advantage to deal with
the company direct. - By ao doing It will
enable them to erect a larga factory, and
tbua your Investment will materialise
much quicker than by patronising indi
viduals, - ;; - .. .. ,;
jror particulars eau ive aur bbuu-
a lasiisullag I4g1
Bandon, Or- Fab. 1TP. J. Werlloh,
Inspector of the thirteenth lighthouse
dlatliet, waa bare thle week Inspecting
tba Coqullie and , cape Bianco ngni-
housea. - '
saBBgaaassMgBsBasaHrWasssBrsB II I SBl i n 1 , .
Daily Trains c Daily Trains
St Paul, DulutJi, Miraieapolia
. i . arid tne Ast
4 TOAinS
.jrV r
:r. V! V UiroUJJB
- Wonderland can ba had for tha aaking or by
'mail for 9 centa poauce. r-y N':
The Ticket Office at Portland la at
jt torn an exUnded bualnas trip to aaat-
era commercial canters, jl. a. num
bach oondrmed the- report published In
Tha Journal a few weeks ago that he
lntenda to Improve hla Quarter of a block
at tha corner of Seventh and Stark
atraeta with a handsome building.'
"It will coot about IliCOav.' con
tinued Mr. Btelnbaob, 1 aat not ready
to talk about the matter any further.
but yon are at liberty to aay that when
tha building is oompletad it wlU be a
credit to the city of Portland.
"Before the fair I could nave put tip
a two-story ouiiaing upon me ois wsi
would have mads me lota' of money dur
ing tha exposition. ' But I - knew that
onoe the building waa up It would be
apt to stay tbara, ao-1 decided not te
build untU 1 was) reaoy to expon aoout
"Tha country never oaroro anjoyoa ue
prosperity ft la enjoying now. I beard
mora about the Faelflo coast and Oregon
on thla trip than ever before.. The ejrea
of the east are on the northweat. I do
not mean on Chicago, but Ibta section
the extreme northweat We have a.
mighty ana reputation financially, and
otherwise in the east ' - - :
'la my business I round the asmano
greater than tha aupply.. WhyT Baoauaa
tha people have money and are apendlng
it I want east several weeks earlier
thaa naual so as to ba an aarly arrival
upon tha market and get tha gooda. The
lata comers cannot get anything. "
1 left Portland on January s ana
went direct to New York City. I ran
In and out of that city for aeveral
weeka and than took a pleasure trip to
Atlantic City, where I remained a week.
To aavo time I caught tha riyer out of
New Tork City for Chicago and after
looking the market over there came oa
home." ... '-jr.-, V- ; f . y-.
? . I ' - 1 ' !
George W. Earl thla morning waa al
lowed a divorce from rraaeta V. sari.
thus closing a romance that sad aii
the frllla of a fairy tale. The ooupie
married la Portland on May it. ivn
and Mrs. Earl left her husband's
home oa July SO la company with her
brother, Leon Jones, L-etters written
by Mra. Bart weeks after her marriage
caused Judge Cleland, who granted tha
divorce, to aay that "one of two things
Is true either mesa letters are
ar tha testimony offered In the case Is
Chair GtrsrrDining Cars
:-.-V. ": ,"'..;.';.'.'Jf ";-T-f "'irvA-'-.A--" :,yy'': f- Vs -
A lt la tha train of Juxuriea-hbt batha. barbera aetvicea.' Ubrary, .vidlectric . m :
berth UehtaTprivate amoWng compartmenta, clothea pnumg aervnee, , aU tha Htpa ,
tltLtail to tha comfort of ijourney. It. beautlfxU w
tion. The dininf car acrvica ia auperior; tha menu varied and aatiafying. From and to end V4
it ia pleaainr;, comfortable and beautiful- to1 ain which makea f rlenda and y-ry -v -
traina leave joruana aauy, ruruunK vv aavu
rwrvGi:: V s.;. .ions- Lake Pend id'Orellle.
W.saa v.aw7,.s--
Rocky mountains to Helena ana xjune, mcntc w Myiu,wu,
" "point via Gardiner, Montana, the fbvernment official entrance to the ' - v;
- :
sidtant Gener
Top Coato Tan covert cloth
and pearl gryo
r. - . '. V . i ' i' '
', ' l' JBByBBJBsafBBBBBB ' V
-" -'.vv 5-T-'-t -"'' ': '
r , liU
3! I Uorrison St.
falae, and the 4estlmony oi-heaa4etter
cannot be eoittradlctad." '"';, '
Mrs. JEart bad nursed Harre eletet
during a fatal illness. The nurse wrote
tha brother regarding the last hours of
tha sister, who passed away at bar Ohio
horn. -Earl thanked the nurse In a let
Mr, and soon afterward tha let tare be
tween them spoke of nWtrlmony. The
nurse arrived- afar SC. and tha wedding
took place tha next day. on Jones, a
brother, arrive Juiy 11, ana,
to Earl's testimony, at onoe took charge
of things ia ths new home the groom
had erected at the corner of East Seven
teenth and East Ankeny atraeta. ;r
"The Scatilo Una of tha World."
The Denver efc rue ursnas, in oonnsv
Hon with the a R. . N., has estab
lished tourist sleeping car set vice be
tween . Portland and Denver, leaving
I w wa - . '
; . Very low apecial ratea ara now in effect from'
all eastern pointa tatha weat. . .
2i55 IVIorrison Street,-Corner Third
t ii.
'm r ...,,.v
0pp. PosteKke :
Portland at 1:11 P. m. dally. ThlepuU
passengera la Bait Lake City at 1:4 the '
second, morning, whera they , nave, the
privilege of spending tba day., Leaving
Bait Lake City that 'evening gives a
daylight ride through Colorado's won-,
drous Rocky mountain scenery tha fol
lowing day. .That you may form some ;
Id, of tha eoenlo attractions ofc the
Denver Kio Orande write or call upon
W. C. McBrlde,-ll .Third atraet. Port
land. '.." 'vr.i - ' y. . V"
Do You Know? v "
That the Northern Paoino runs through
Standard aleeplng-oar, Pullman tourist
aleeplng-car and chalrcar In connection
with tbe Burlington Una between Port-
land and Kanaaa City without change .' -r
t ntmit Bonnactloa made at Bt -r-;
Joseph and Kanaaa CltT or all points ij
asst. and aoutheaat. .. r
---ssaesssaasBSBSBSBSBSBsawaaBimi s - - i-i- ......- .
Lincoln, Omaha, St Joe,
St Lods and the East
-j-r v-trte r, -w-r -
;:y ;
s : v
w; j i - '
j-J It loo. umnce at Uoitaomeb bail . , ,