The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 17, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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. . . ,
Police Expect Outbreak Between
, 7" Tenifmert In Chinatowns
.f .;.at" Any Time. .
- 1 1 : !.
Ten Revolvers StoleB From van.
Y couver and Police .Think, Thief Wilt
Diapose of Them to Chinese Sc
. j era! Weapons Confiscated.
,.' ' Thins are ft a tension In Chlnstown
odjr;-i-tWoll ere momentarily
"- expecting an outbreak. All the patrol.
'- men 4n the quarter havcbeeajnatructed
by Chief Qrltsmscher to be mora than
ordinarily vlgllast arid to Inveellgats
vary auaplctoue movament noted. -.
Tha detective branch or tha depart
mnt haa, also received Inatructlons
from Inspector Brain to Uka nots of
any crowd In Chinatown and dlsperss
r them. No Chinese ara to ba allowed to
, congregate around dead walla. A num
- ber of flaming posfere. placed on Boms
vt these walla during the night, bava
been torar down. "
'"Information haa bean received by the
authorities, thst. a murder may occur
imoni tha Chlneae at any time. It baa
been learned that an order for three
doaeir revolvers, with els and alK and
cine half Inch barrela waa left with the
: Northwest Gun Bicycle .company-at-
o'clock yesterday afternoon by a cmna
, men regarded aa a member of one.of tha
highbinder tonga. ... , '
;. Ten revolver were atolen - from
hardware aatabllahment at Vancouver
: . laat night, , and the police are aatlafled
, V, that ba burglar In lend aelllng them
to Chines tongmen; -in- fart, contracted
to. deliver them "at.atated price before
f- the crime waa committed.. 1
City Marsha Huteman of yan.ccu.ver
Z telephoned the police relative -to- tha
', burglary tlfla morning and gave deacrlp-
tlona of tha weapons stolen. :'H0 la. x
peeled thla evening to confer wirh tha
. pollce relative-to the--bursiery.-T T
Two Chlneae have been murdered In
Hmtnatnwn Inr.tba laat tx weeks, - One
la believed to have been a tongman and
' tha other had. Influential frlenda and
relative. Vengeance nn the murderer
.; or thelf relative la regaraen aa tna
. motive actuating the residents of .. the
' ouarter In their preparstlons for more
' bloodshed. ''' -
i . Jislf a rfosen Chlneae have "been ar-
. rested by tha police within tha lat two
i lweeka that were found to be carrying
' revolvera" of heavy caliber. These
.1 weapona have all been eonftecated by
' the authorities and none will be ' ro
1 , turned.- -i '.' - -.-
i, Bin rxxk hnd Joe-Qum, arreatdd a
' aoceaaorlea to the murder of Man Bhue
; ' by L Chung, worn raleaaed from cut
tody thla morning by Police. Judge
.' Cameron on motion of.Erneal Brand,
. representing pietrlct Attorney Manning.
A The evidence did not show that they
' triad to prevent Quong lee from eatch
Ing Lee Chung after he murdered Mah
' Uhue any. more than. It. did that they
'' thought Quong 'was following.' Xea74o
'i kill him. ' '." y-,.
"Who la tha
truaty' that, made hi
escape front the'cltr prlaon yeaterdayT
That la tha ijueatlon aaked by tha po-
.. lice. . it . . la . .echoed by - Ben ' Branch. .
. - jailer;' Frank Henneaay, clerk of the po
lice court, and othera whoae attention
la daily, directed to polloa nffalra.
' There la no doubt .that a. "truaty"
; . eacaped. He " laid down a broom with
which he wun ' sweeping an upper cor.
. rWor and while Jailer Branch waa di
recting the work of other Inmatea of
; the ll, walked down) the front atepa
: and daappeured down Second atreet.
' .-.The fugitive waa known to Wa aaao--'latea
merely .'"Tom.' lie told them
" ho waa-aentenced for begging. Judge
.v Cameron, ire poedth eenteuce, aa la re
, , mnmbnred by a number of peraona., Be--i
Jeew-rletwtnar-thej nrtnan'"TonV ; told a
mmpanluu tlutt ba Jtad daya mora to
.-aerva. t.-S ' ' ' '
. The boo): Imre been eonaulted and no
prlavMr f the name ofTm" haa
f len aorouuted for.- Nobody remembered
the man e surname and so hla Identity
haa not been determined. But he waa
- ' prisoner, duly sentenced . for noma
misdemeanor there la no question of
that. - .. ? '; ''J.
-Who waa tha trm'r canedri
' tlireatlena to become aa-great a prob
' Jem aa "Wh atrnck Billy Patteraont
r -When la Republloan peaca con
V ference not a peace unferenceT"j -
' The II ret eesalon of the special com
. f atittne of seven cotmcllmen appointed o
' Inveatlgata . ti allalra ef. the'Poft
. . land Oss company wlH be-, held- next
Tueeday' a'rternoon. Nothing, baa been
r-f done as yet by the "members of tha com
v mlttee In gathering testimony escrpt to
' advertise for complalnta. Inquiry at the
tltv '-auditor's office- thla morning re
u, "vea le the. fact that not one complaint
'had been handed a, i- v .' . s ' t
' It la not knows Juat what turn tha In
' v Vestlgatloit will take, but the whole' af
1 fair is lookd ..tipon omewlmt susplc-
iously-and Htw alncerttyfftKose be
hind the- Investigation ta questioned. It
; la aatd that representatives of the gas
- company will be present with witnesses
' and legal, talent. , while- the committee
will call upon the city attorney td eon
' duct4he Investigation. .'. .. v '
'-. Rev. George B. Van Waters haa ur
chused from John' Manning and M.
'"Adams a quarter block-at the aorth-
' east corner of Fifth and. Ollaan streeta,
-for" 140.000.' . ' There tn the
. '. ground some old buildings, containing
a blacksmith shop and carriage repair
shop. Ttis new owner states thaC he la
not ready to announce any building
urolect In connection with the deal.
2 ears. Mannlat and Adama a few
mi ba Sao bought the property from
Jot. aloCrakea for II0.OO0 and have
' made a substantial profit on the trans
action. The ground Is oppoalto the plant
bt the I nlon Meat company. -Weasaa
Cluurged Wltk Bawlary.
' Mrs. Josenhlne McKlnstry, arrested Or
i" warrant aent from- Chehalla. Washlnr-
lon. waa Uken to hehalls by BherlrT
, I'rquhart of -twla county this after
. nnoa. Tha woman Is charged with bur-
lirr. Her husband la a lunk dealer,
and ah la accused of etesllng goods and
: .hrtnrlna them to this city to be dls-
' r-4 Of. ...-.,..-' r: '
Are Holding Out for Highest Bide
; Ever Made Before Letting '
fe Co of Wool Clip. " '
Mutton I Worth Mora Thairlyer
TBefora nd Owners of Flocks Will
Kp Fleecs : Until Twenty Canta
J. : M. : Keeney, hotel ' proprietor ; at
Shanlko, who has acquired tha title of
"Sheep King of Oregon" througn-'-nie
Durchaae- of the flock of tl.000 aheap
owned by 'Charles Cunningham of Pen
dleton, who held that title for yeare, la
among the Imperial hotel guests, , He Is
accompanied by Mayor Will Wursweller
f Prlnevllle, who la yearly becoming
mora prominently known as one or me
big sheep and wool men of the state.
Mr. Cunningham disposed of hla hold
ings for about 24e.0. They Included
aheep and thouaands of aeree Of gras
Ing land In Umatilla and Morrow coun.
tlea. - ' ' " -
While there Is no actual friction, be
tween Tie aheepmen of the aula and
buyers from throughout ..tha country,
the two parties to a deal have) bo far
been unable to get together on any Urge
transactions In Oregon. "
An trouble la," continued Mr. Kee
ney, ,'hat , the buyers ara not will
ing to pay ue what we want. .Xaat year
wool, on the average, brought, about If
r If cenla. This year we want SO cents,
and more for better grades. And we sre
holding out. If the buyers do not want
the cltp at that prioe we ere so filed
financially that we can store it. , ,r . .
"We are a little Independent thla
year because lamb and mutton are high.
A vaar aso We rot about ti ll for Sheep.
Tbte-yne-Uxy are wort b , almnat.flJ
mora There are maiancea wnere aneep
sold for leer"nl'for'conlderaWy more,
Only-the orher day A. Bmythe of Arling
ton aold 10,000 yearllnga, June delivery,
for f.0. That Is reaUy the highest
pries paid In this state, as far as have
been able to team.. ' - r
The winter has been In onr" favor.
It baa been open In the eastern part of
the state. The grsaing grounds have
been good and sheep, have fattened.
Natnrally WS feel a bl( Independent and
propose to msks ths butcher and the
woolen mill man corns to- ue. - Laat
years' prlcee do not interest us. In the
leaat, . i: i . '. -y '
"Thouaands of dollars are to be mads
this year by ths sheepmen. They made
thouaanda , last ' year. The demand
throughout the United States for tha
Inmb snd mutton grown In this stats
Is yssrly Increasing. The quality - of
wool la being graded upward. And in
quantity It la keeping pace." - j
I, t
lo;;g ARLl OF LAW
FrCrVanderhoof and Misr Agnes
Miller Drive Away In Buggy
Not Seen Slnct.'r
A- suit waa Bled lv- the -circuit-court
thla morning by the Jonea Lumber com
pany agalnat P. B. Vanderhoof for til,
alleged to be due for Inmbsr purchased.
Ox the sheriff's books- It Is recorded
that no complaint was served on .Van-
..... '
l ' F. E. Vanderhoof.,
derhoof because he could not be found.
It Is thought that ha la rapidly speed
Ing eastward In order to iecapa being
ar.resteL-for sloping -with Agnes Oliver
One day hi at , week, 'Vanderhoof "and
Miss Oliver-left the letter's noma In
buggy. 'Ths net day; Mrs. Oliver re
ceived a letter from her, daughter say
ing that aha and , Vanderhoof had-de-
clded to elope. The man 1s said to have
a- wife and baby living at Corvallla,
Oregon, as well as a beautiful, home en
the east aide. ' The-' runaway couple
were traced to Troutdale, where they
are aald ' to have ' purchased railway
tickets for soras eaatern point, v .
v-Biientf vAt4 haa aent complete de
scriptions of the elopers to all towns
and rltlee within J0 mllea -of Port
Innd.'es well as to many Cities In the
Mlsslaslppl valley ' etatee. Vanderhoof
waa a building eon tractor, while Mtas
Oliver waa -a telephone operator. ' -
- (leerasl Hnerlal Ssrle.l - '
i Omaha., Neb.. Feb. 17. A novel sight
was witnessed4 today when two r big
Baldwin englnee for the Southern Pa
clflo paaeed through OmahS; In tow ef
a Union- Pacific tratrt. An expert from
the Baldwin worka waa accompanying
the engines to their destination. , He
had fitted up ths eab of one of ths mon
sters for a living snd working apart
ment - la ths cab he haa a stove, desk,
table and Impromptu bed. Here be
lives snd transacts business while trav-H
1 sling across the. continent. T r v
i I T been
Capitalist ' From - Kansas City
, Interested In Picperty '
Wr Near Prlnevitle. V
Oldest Properties In County Located
' Near Howard and lfuch Oold Has
J jen Jake From B61H Quarta and
Placer. Diftjnfs."-v:;,-1,' 'A '
; (RfMelal Pleaatek te Tee Joerael.)
Prlnevllle. Or.. Feb. 17. Kansas pty
captultsts have bended the Mayflower
mlnea near Mowaro,- is muss essi ot
here, for 1100.000. and extensive devel
opment work Is planned for this year by
the new management. - in minea are
the oldeat ta the county, gold Having
found there IS -yeare ago, aince
which time large sums have been takea
oat of both the quarts veins and placer
The Oatearood Mining at i raaing com
pany which haa juat some mto posses
sion of the property, haa 1st contract
for . feet ef lumber, ana me erec
tion of a nve-etamp mill Is well under
way. A cyanide plant will also be !ir
stalled and now being made of
the ore the results ttt which -will deter
mine whether a roaster will be added.
to tha equipment. - -
-i The main yeln wI ba tapped about
400 feet down from the surface, the
ledaw at oreaent running from two to
pix feet In width and carrying ore aver
aging It a ton. - It la estimated that tha
ore dumps contain approximately is.vw
tons of gold Quarts which wilt average
7 a ton and It Is stated that t.00 tons
of HO ore Is In sight. Tunnel work will
be resumed as soon aa the mill naars
completion sni ths rest ef the plsnt Is
placed In readiness to handle. the era.
The company at present haa If men
em ployed- on the property and- thie num
ber will be Increases) as the ' work
progreseee. '.. ' j' v . V V if . f,
The bond on the property carries a
sivyear contract,-ths sum of I! 00.060
to bs paid la II equal payments with
the provisa attached that U .119,000
ahould be paid Inside of If . months,
then title passes to ths Oatewood com
pany without further cost. if '
. 3. Oatewood, who Is In charge of the
property,- Is very sanguine in his opin
ions of ths property which be and hla
associates have acquired, and says bo
Is aatlafled that it is one of the beet
properties In ths state. He haa visited
all of the. gold fields In both eastern
and western Oregon during ths past
year and has mads a close Inspection
of those which have .been on the mar
ket. , : , .- . ... - ,
- The company, in addition to the m!n
Ins- arawertv which It bought, has Pur
chased the general mercantile business
of B. r. Analt at Howard and will es
tablish its hssdquarters there. - - .
Ths property of which the new eem-
psny Is now in control was lormeriy
owned by Lewla MeCallleter, who leased
It to, Judge Cady of Portland and otners
for a term of years. Later ths property
waa aold to Thron Thronaon and hla as
sociates, ywho reside In Dayton., Wash
ington. Although worked for 4ver tf
years. It has been only recently that any
extensive - development work nia Been
done. There are now t.000 feet of tun
nel, nine miles' of ditches and two reser
voir used in the placer diggings. ' About
t7,000 hss been spent In development,
-"It often happene that ' old people
when they dispose of their property give
the most of It to soms one who Is con
sidered by many to be unworthy and
whom othera did not think ahould bave
received the gift." said Judge Clsland
this morning In deciding the case of T.
B. Reader and others agalnat J. L.
R seder. Findlnga were for -the defend
ant. . The suit waa begun' te set aatds
a conveyance made by Mlaa Catharine
Reader to J. L. Reeder ahoftly before
her death on November ,Jt,-100. --:': -'
The defendant Reeder' secured by deed
from his mother, Mrs. Reeder, -a large
portion of the old ' Reeder '.donation
claim on Bauvlea Island, and -other chil
dren contended that their mother had
unduly Influenced. . They alleged
that their mother's mind wns not strong
st ths time-ths deed wss tnade, - bet
Judge Cleland stated that nothingAadieultabirrnho accommodation of fssnt.
been ahown jij His avldeins lltsT i ixail
cedar wss in a condition dtr
fering from any woman of her advanced
yeare. - i
The plaintiffs In ths -case, wars T: B.
Reeder. Mrs. B. M. Bonser, Mrs. Jose.
phlne Godwin. Mrs,-D. BJ. Akins, O. &
Reeder and Paul n Reeder, eena . and
daughters of Mrs. Catharine Reeder.
An entertainment of Intereat will be
given at the Fourth Presbyterian church.
First atreet, between Glbba and Whitta
ker streets, Tuesday evening. February
10, at t o'clock, under the susploee of the
South Portland (Library association, for
tha benefit or ithat Institution. , Mlaa
Shelley,' elocutionist, wilt give the read
Inge, and will be aaalated by Ml Helen
Copeland, Mlaa Harwas. B. H. Allen
flood wyn and others- The pro grim will
Vocal solo, selected. Miss Ellssbeth
Harwas; cornet solo, "Answer". (Robyn),
Mr. Fred English: "Rueben Toaat'a
Tricycle Ride" (Clara AguaU), Mlaa
Shelley; baaa soto, "A Hundred Fathoms
Deep" tCranahaw). Q. H. Beatow; "Aum
Rlnora's Hero" (Pauline Phelps ), Miss
Shelley; solo, "Monk's Drinking Bong"
(dough Leltsr). ,Mr. T. Ordermann, pu
pil of 8, H. Allen Ooodwyn; violin solo,
"Follea d'Estangs" (Corelll), Master
John Ward Alden. pupil of Wallace W.
Graham; "Tha Soft Boot In B. 0t" (An-l
nle Donnell). Miss Shelley; plsne solo.
"Fantasia" (Chopin). May Thomas, -pupil
of Marie -A- B. Soule; contralto solo,
The Dream Maksr Man" (Nevln), Mlaa
Helen Copeland; selected. Miss Shelly;
tenor solos, (a The Lass With ths
Delicate Air" (Dr. Arne), (b) "Bally In
our Alley" (Old Kngllsh), Mr. a- H.
Allen Ooodwyn. "... .-. ,
'," ' IVawsoa. Klamnderseood. . "
' ' ' ' tJearml Saerlsl aervlee.) " t
' St. - Paul. Minn, Feb. 17. Governor
Johnaon. In a speech laat night, said:
"Lawaonlr position Is much misunder
stood. Lawson never made a statement
that haa not been borne out aubeequent
ly, snd I believe Lawson- will suggest a
remedy Tor ths evils bs has aneerthed."
'.' ' Brew Bomalag Oesapaay. t. :
M C. Dtcklnaon. W. A. Munly and
M. O. Munly this morning Sled articles
of Incorporation for ths Oregon Annex
company. , The new company will deal
In reek end personal - property, bond a.
mortgages and 'other papers. .The capi
tal stock Is tsf,ooe.
N. A: Lang Cands Cuft and Puree
toTailor Xhop but the 1
fm-U I- I .a ' ' ''..J,', .
f-i, - weiau ie wau; - f
Carelessness In ens Instance baa. east
N. A. Lang, a San Franelace merchant.
II 10 and given the polloe anether prob
lem. ia staying at tne belvedare
hotel and vesterdajr gave a . suit . ef
ciotnee to a bellboy named Paul te send
te a uor soop to be-. cleaned 'and
pressed. , Tbe clothes were Intrusted) te
a messenger by. the bellboy. When the
garments 'were- returned 1 110. fastened
In an Inner pocket with a clasr .waa
Miss Allien Mar lost a brooch, set
with diamonds and 10 small pearla- It
Is valued at about tf 10. -
Mrs. T. A. -took, living at 411 Man
hattan .street, bought some potatoes
from a boy pedular and gave htm to.
He did not have tha neoesaary change,
so bs said, and departed with the prorq-
' i i 4.. ei'
w.-i: v"... . .'.":...:
. il ' - asaaawaee - . a g
It N. tt" . , ' L' 1 f ,:,s
Marguerite . Caliae, the- Pjttsburc Dreaamaker, ) who has one ,to her . old
home in' France to acarch her father's 'estate for.' buried treasure, re- '
: vealed to her ia a dream.' ' Vii
las to' return In a short tims andre
fund all but .the. price 'of the. potatqea
He did not return. This morning' Andy
Nutter was arrested by' Patrolman Ma
lonsy on a -warrant accusing -him? of
embeaalement, and confessed . that' he
had kept the -money, . -i -a
A burglar, broke Into the window. of
f Welch's . butcher shop. -art- Nineteenth
street ' and ' Taooma -avenue laat night.
There waa plenty of. evidence left that
he bad ransacked the anon, but' nothing
waa . discovered missing.--
Ous BtrlMlng of 107 Grant street and
Clyde Sheeta of 1017 Rest Ninth street
reported to the polios tnta morning -ins
larceny of tbslr blcyelea, . -.
; f
V . , j. .
. . 8aedal Dlasatrfe te Tea learaaU .
' Pendleton.-Or Feb. 17. -If : plana ;of
tbe O. Tt N.- offlclala are carried out,
all Japaneas and Chine swlsborers on the
tracks' of that system will be replaced
by white men aa rapidly as suitable
white labor can be secured. There are
1.000 , laborers on the - tracks, of . , ths
system. Including all Its branches, 'and
In very few nlaess are white men now
employed.- - Japanese are- In the -major
ity on the section. . ., w .
..If white men-are employed - U" -will
mean tha construction of many new llv
Ina ouartsra and dwellings along ..ths
as lae present puns nouses, are am
:,-.v iu '' i i. .f".jki
.- iJeeraal Special Bervles.l- ', ,- ;
Washington., a C, Feb. 17.-Xt'4:l
this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Longworth
left the White House In an automobile
for "Friendship," John R. McLean's
country home, where they will spend
Sunday. - Bhowars of tics were thrown
by the president, member ef the family
and Intimate friends.- ' Tbe president
waa on of the most - enthuslaatio
throwers of rlcs In ths crowd. . Borne one
threw a whits slipper., .Ths coupls.was
expected to go south and a private car
haa been ordered- to- await ' them' at
Alexandria Monday morning ' prepared
to take the party 'south. ' . ' t -.'j
Mill I ..-:"- . -'
" The authorities are angered over tha
disappearance from ths city -of George
McDonald, who Identified Thomas Rice
ss the man who held hire up and robbed
him of a rasor-ln the railway terminal
yarda about three weeks ago.". In order
to hold-Rice until a search can be made
for McDonald, Detective Welch will
Bis a charge of ' aaaault,' being armed
with a dangerous-weapon, against him.
Hs was arrested with four other hoboes
by the detectives the night of the rob
bery, and drawing a revolver ordered
Welch to? ''"move on;" "'The detective
backed around the corner of a ear,- drew
his own "Weapon and. returning unex
pectedly, captured Rlcejj ,
CE CUU.i I T UUS-lUlatn
Andy Delia .filed with the county Clerk
thla afternoon ' a declaration of his. In
tention td become a. candidate for the
office of county coroner on the Republi
can ticket'; '',.'., I ' V .
... - f ska a. MaOall 17?taf- '.:: " y.
': j- -.'' (Jnaraal fMetst Sarvtee.) st't
' Lakewood, ' N. J.. Feb. lt.--The con
dttlon ef John A. McCall Is.vsry- grave
this morning snd members ef hla -family-fear-the
Ond is near. There Is s
decided change for the worse snd phy
sicians, priest and relatives have been
sujnmened. .:... (
t V-Vv
II 1
'.'Tr; .!
.-.' - -v
i if.
.IJ'..- V VI in? '
'.' Writing from Franklin, Masa. Minnie
Cosktoy -requests , the police to . furnish
her -Information ; relative .to her -.uncle,
Patrick Coakley, or his .sister, - Mary,
who became the-wife of W. H. Rogers,
formerly living at ll Thirteenth street.
Acting Detective Heilyer applied at- this
sddrsss. but - found nothing, that would
help him in his search. . The writer says
that -bar tetters are neither answsred
nor ' returned, and she fears tbey bavs
fallen Into the hands of strangera --
Secretary Malcolm Bond of 'the Inter
national Eatate Adjustment company of
St. Louis; trylnr to dleoov
er the whereabonta of Mrs. J. A. Fargo,
who lived In -Portland two -Tears-ago.
She Is believed to have been .a milliner.
i ' .t --' .. ; .. ':..' "' .: ' '.'..
(Joaraal Special Ssrvles.) - -"
Seattle.. Feb. 17. In the federal In
qnlry Into the "Valencia wreck, ; William
Hawkins,, a passenger rescued on .the
raft, - aays ' that ths remaining - peaeeri
gars, wanted to go on the laat raft, bat
there was no room. "If there had been
more life aavlngrapparatua more people
could bave been, aaved. - JHe said that he
heard ' the ' officers of tbe Valencia- ad
mit that-they did not know their sta
tion, TBs Investigators left this after
noon on the lighthouse tender Columbine
for the' scene -of- the wreck- and, signal
stations' on Vancouver - island. - Captain
Cousins has-been -ordered tot take the
suad next, Thursday. ; -i .i'V,
"l "i &v'fr f r ':,.:' A
, ' -' w (Joaraal Special Sereles.) .
VaUeJo. Cel., Feb. 17. Officials orders
bavs been received at Mare-Ialand navy
yard to.oomplets the gunboat- Yorktown
In- to daya.' She la a small craft, suit
able for service in-China. Fifteen hundred-tens
V 'ammunition ta : ready at
ths navy i yard shipped to-Manila
on the -next transport.' The belief here
is that',- the "transport. Iris, will be .re
turned from Manila to carry ammunl-
-," ' ' )"' -: ..' .;
' ' -i,.j ' ' .-
" Blsaell;' Thomasi srreeted : some ' lime
since on a charge of iaaulng a forged
draft,1 wss today eommlttted to ' ths In
aane asylum, the court deciding that he
waa mentally Irresponsible?' v ,- -:
Thomas Is ths son of ths prominent
-corporation. attorney of aat Bt. Louis,
who' la now a' candidate on the. Repub
lican ticket for the position of -chief
Justice- of tbe aupreme court of Illmola
When young Thomas was arrested at
torneys employed to defend , him mads
the Insanity plea to the court, contend
ing that ' Thomaa suffered mental de
rangement through exposure while serv
ing, aa.a lieutenant during Jhs war In
thsePhlUpplnes. . A !. ..: ; . " t i .
' Trenale for aHexlesa.
Four 'women were arrested In a -rear
apartments of i ths. Pserlees saloon., Ill
Alder street, test night, by Acting De
tectives Ksv and White. Their healings
will take plsoe In the police court Mon
day. A -warrant for the arrest of T. C.
Rosad, the proprietor. - was leaned . this
afternoon, i He ls; accused of conducting
a dlareputable houee. ... " v
, f, t; 1
Oeal . Qnmpaay annrpirstis,
Article ef .incorporation of the Brit
Uh .Colussbia-Amalgamated Coal com
pany t were filed with the county -clerk
thla afternoon. .Thecepital stock Is
t10.000.00f. - Ths incorporators are:
Treve Wenes, Lester Turner Jr. aad Al
fred A. Aya, . : v
; Jamea Falling,, pioneer hardware mer
chant." has been appointed . Juf y com
missioner ' In ' (he United States district
omtrt. to fill the vacancy caused by the I
rveisnaKion ok - u. nwa, - ins: ap
pointment waa'' made today by Judge
Wolvsrton. Mr. Felling will serve In
conjunction 'with Edwnrd ' B.: McKee,
cTrarrtHf court, . ; . .,..; -
' - During the : Incumbency-' of .'Judge
Bellinger Mr, 'Reed was Jufy oommls
sloner. - ' Within . the - same year - the
Judge died and, Mr." Reed was appointed
United States, marshal.' Sines ' then
there has -been a vacancy.- There has
been . no necessity of 'filling It as no
Jury- cases for Immediate trla were on
tfle court calendar. -As the time Is ap
proaching for -Jury trials, -Judge - Wol
verton decided to fill the vacancy.
The duties of Clerk McKee and Mr.
Falling -will be to fill the Jury box with
names from' which venires 'for- Juries
will be drawn..-. '. f... 1 - .
"What any I going to-dbt- I can't get
worn, ana x -won c atarvs,
Thla was ths remark of Robert Rraun
to Police Captain Blover laat night when
arrested , by . Detectives Show and Ker
rigan on ths charge of stealing carpen
ters' tools from J.-J.' Armstrona.
I Police Judge Cameron heard tha evi
dence this morning and came to the
conclusion that Braun's explanation waa
flimsy. ' Hs solved the -problsm by sen
tencing hire to serve 0 days on ths
ecrunty ;rockplle.'- -. :"- .-- -(
"There you will find work," said the
court, "and you will also receive plenty
to eat," - ' '
-. eoaaeu er xcana pane as. i
. Amaaque ball waa given Friday night
st its hall In the Allaky building by
Portland No. L Council of Malta. Ths
attendance 'was large and every one en
joyed the evening. s This 'Is' ths first of
a, series of . entertainments to be. given
by i the- council, - Prises were awarded
after the' ball Friday . night as followa:
Best' dressed lady,. Miss Bertha Wilson;
best dressed man,. Mr. -Applegate; beat
auatatned character. Mrs. Obeook and
H. Fanchsr; moat comical character, J.
Bchlmdlke. Nxt Friday night. at ths
regular .meeting, of the. couacll A large
class , of Neophltes will be Introduced
te the; mysteries of tbe order. ,'
t-ii ' r'-V'T-r r?-..'T;-i":"-"'rV-jr;
""Polios Captain. Blover has Issusd or
ders to ths patrolmen of the first night
relief that hereafter, none of. them must
chat-over the telephones with .sweet
hearts or frlenda. ' Thla. practice haa be
come so extensive : that on - many occa
sions the work of the police i has been
hampered by friends calling 'up soma
body-at! police headquarters and using
the telephone line when It was -needed for
other .purposes..,;-; m,...' X,
c-j"t' " Da You Know?'-' ;..;.,,. ,
That the Northern' Pacific runs through
Standard aleeplng-car,- Pullman tourist
ateeplng-caf and chalrcar In connection
With the Burlington line between Port
land and Kansas City -without ohange
of caraT- Direct connection, made at St
Joseph and Kanaas City - for all points
sast and southeast. . .- '' '
.'- " ' - ,
'- OraU Ixerpeetors aVsarpoiawd.
i , Oraln Inspectors 'who ' have, been for
years In the -employ .'of the Portland
chamber of .commerce have been reap
pointed by the grain .standard commit
tee. Ths Portland district will continue
In charge of Alexander. McAyeat. In ths
Pogst sound district ths Portland Cham-
bar's Interests will be looked after, by
Henry Lawake' of Taeotna.. . .."
. Bad Money
SomV one Is pssslng bogus coin in
Portland. . A sparlnus- If gold coin wss
passed, en the landlady of the Park Hill
lodging house,. Psrk and Yamhill streets,
yesterday. morning. It la believed that
the crook Is ths same person who passed
many bogus tt 'gold, coins la Spokane,
Seattle and Tacoma. !..,'. n--',
. Oraagers' BtU the.
' The grangers'' bill.: providing for ths
taxation of all public franchises, wilt
be. the', subject of - discussion at (Tie
people's'' forum tomorrow night. -Ths
meeting will be held In Pythian hall in
the Marquam building. ; - - '
. .(Spselsl DWeatek te The JesraeLI
. Enterprise. - Or.i - Feb. . 17. The total
tax. roll for Wallowa- county for-the
year l0l la t?Mi&. and la composed of
the 'following Heme: General fund.
I41; special scfaools, tll.lti: roads,
i.S70. It Is based On a levy of It mills.
.- ,;' -
l, ...):-' ):'
1-l.JLe.!.uUsi.C:;"f: :
Pc'.lsy of Leaeins Forext Reserves
. . to.fctocJcnitrt Drln to'v
v -- W
i s . Close Confilctsi - ". , .
- .
covzRr:ENT prc::.:cz3 r
Sentiment ia Interior Which Has
Been Bitterly Hostile. to, Forest
Reserve Policy Begins to Turn ths
1 Other' Wiy ''-i'.;';s.X;u;'I'V:
-(Sseclal Dispatch- to The lebraal.)
PrineViUe, Or.. Feb. 17. CeVtrat Ore
gon's range wars, ' which have caused
the lose of thousands of. dollars worth
of livestock during ths past few years,
are a thing of ths past. In view of tbe
Interior department's recent rulings rel
ative to the grazing of stock In the Tqr
sst reserves and the payment of a noml- '
nal fee by the stockmen to the govern- .
ment for "the range privileges and pro- -.
taction during ths erasing season, It la .
not believed that there will . be any "
more clashes on, 1 ths public domain .
brought about, aa la the past, by ths
sheep and cattlemen In their struggle "
for supremacy la the erasing districts.
Both the laUer Interests ejtprsaa : no
smsll degree of satisfaction concerning -the
new rulings of the forestry depart- '
meat, and this yeer's regulattona. which ,
are a radical departure from .those -In ..'
vogue for years past, have been .. re- ,
celved with favor. . -.-
Stockmen in .this section generally ' ,
look upon the payment of a fee to the .
government aa ths solution of a Jiaraae- ; '
Ing problem , which has assumed eacb . .
year, as the ranges become mere con-- i
gestsd. a more disagreeable aspeet. al- ;
though It was not until after the appll- . '-,
cations for graslng allotments had been .
made and filed laat month and, Forest "' '
Supervisor- 8. C Bertram had explained '.
In detail the new methods to be em- "
ployed' by - the government, that locsl
stockmen cams Into a full appreciation
of the advantages to be gained through" -the
new rullnga Up to that time a de-
cided' stand had been taken against the
to charge for tha graslng
prlvllega Now there le a reversal of
opinion in that respect and Grant coun- . r
ty, along with Crook county, has ex- '
pressed, through Its stock associations. T
aunndorscment of the Fuvernnn'nre r
new policy. ,- Belief Is commonly voiced
the the forestry officials thsmsslves
have practically settled the range dlffl- .
eulttea so far as central Oregon, la con- '
oerned. '"-. '',,.,' : . '-. '', Y:'-v.'
-, ViwiMotloB Vmaisea; . ' .
v In return for the email tax levied .upon
each head of stoek that graaea In the
reserves, the government has promised.
greater measures of safety to the stock , ' .
men In the protection of their Individual
dlatricts, besides -extending-tbe term of
thm allotments from three to live years, . ,
aa will be done next January when the
leases at present existing will be re- .
newed. Additional rangers will be em- .
ployed In ths reeerves to guard agalnat '
tlrse aad prevent enoroaohmsnta- ot one
stockmsn upon another's . territory. On
the ' other band, each , Individual stock- , ,
man. feeling ecvre-n- the district for '
whose uss be da paying a tax ooverlng a
period vt years, wUl be lately to use his '
privilege with care and perpetuate the .
range as fsr aa possible, thus preaerv-
ing the'graeeea' la a lven district a .
greaUr length of time. .- . '
These are a few. of vtbe salient fee
tures tf ths new rulings ef the forestry
department which It Is believed' will
place a .quletua on .the fight-.Over the',.',
range., a struggle which last year cost '
Crook and Lake counties In the neigh- .
borbood of ti0,00() In the loss of aheep
alone, besides 'indirectly . causing the
death ot Virgil Conn, one of Lake ooun- - ;
ty's most prominent merchants , snd "
bualneas men. ' . . ",
Crook county stockmen, through the .
Crook County Cattlemen's' - association ,"
snd the - Crook ' County . Stock Growers'
association, wore the flrst -ih eaatern ';
Oregon to endorse the government's new
rulings and cooperate with tbe forestry .
officials In ths furtherance ot their'
work.. Similar action haa recently been t
taken by the Orant county stockmsn, '
snd ths sheep and cattle Interests in -both
counties, through their various or
ganlsations, - have passed resolutions -asking
tbe Interior department to make v
permanent the temporary withdrawal In
the Blue mountains. , '. .
'..'''X- Favev asssns olloy.'"'..' 'V r;
. This' sctlon, ia vlsw of the fact that,--not
until this year nave the stock In- .
te rests as a whole In either couaty re-,
tracted a single stsp In tbelr opp'ost-; '
tlon to the creation of the Blue Moun- .
tain reserve, shows clearly bow effsc- -tlvs
bavs been the efforts of the for- .
estry department In bringing to a close
the - difficulties on the ..publlo range.
Both sections apparently - realise that
with. a. permanent reserve established -
In the Blue mountains and tbe more
recent . rulings of tbe department In ,'
force throughout the territory embraced. .
practically all danger of claahee be- '; .
tween the stock Interests will be ellml-' '
nated. -. The foreign sheep coming into .
the district from othsr eountiss, which - ,
have alwaya proven a disturbing sle- '
ment, will be governed, by . the same '
rules and under the same restrictions .,
as the home stock, and -the latter- be- , "
Ing given preference In the matter of .
choosing thslr allotments and at liberty .,
to select sufficient areas for graslng.
purposes, will be freed from difficulties . ; ,
among themselves. . --- r-x- '- -.-, -w
- Stockmen generally ' throughout - thla
section express mack satisfaction over ,v
the prospects for the future livestock
business. It la felt that Uncle Bam s ,
sagacity' la the handling of tbe ranges :
has adjuated differences which the stock '
organisations , have -struggled with la ' ;
vstn for years; and with ths settlement ,
of ths range difficulties If Is certain - '
that ths stock Interests wilt continue , '
te prosper and grow and harmony will
prevail over the Immense desert re-
alon ot central Oregon, which only last .
year waa strewn-with the dead. and
dying bands of thousands of Innocent . .,
sheep. ' 'v. - '.' , ' -
.'a.a svaanaawavsa
i Judge Cleland trds morning decided
that Andrew M. Borland has a right te V
occupy the little room between 40S and
410 Washington atreet,' where be - hsa ,
operated a smsll cider mill. Otto Nuea
ler had filed a suit In the circuit Court -te
eject Borland from the room, claim- .
Ing te be the lessee of the bulld,lng in ...
which the cider prese wss located. Bor
land contended that he had an agree-.
ment-with a former -occupant nf the'
room regarding ths occupancy 6f It '
Judge Cleland also decided that . tie
would allow ths motion to quash the -summons
n the Commercial National
bank In , the suit filed) by Oeorge H.
Williams st al against Wells, Fargo at
cn. . ... -.. ...... f. - ;