' w. J e n -v ' 4 ' ' u 11 a 4 GOOD EVE HIITG V;s.' -; ' THE WEATH2H. ''J- i V , Rain tonight ' and Sundays - eoutherly breeee. , , Journal Circuhtion ; Ycsicr&y Vas ..vr; -fc.-.. niHi .1 1 Tenth i . ' . 1 KFflli Roosevelt's Famous' Luck Visits X' Daughter Bitter Cold 't of , Fast Few Days Gives f Place to Sunshine. X; BLOOM AND VERDURE . ' IO0RN-4WHHE-H0USE ' Ifoai' DiatbignUhd " Sutewntn. and DiplomaU of ,tb Land,' Lifhta of 1 Literaturt. Liona of Society ' and Captains of Industry Pay llomafe to Happy Couple ' C-'f t; '. '-' -' i " Maaraal apcJafrle. ' Washington. rbr .' l?.Mlaa ; ,AUe Rooaavelt.. alder dauabter of tha pr dFDt of tha Vn'to Stated,- waa married to Repreaentattva ' Ntcholaa Lonirorth of Ohio at noon tpOy In tha east room or tna writta houh at ociock. I im fiios ej laftinfjuiei nwi raxuaiiiiem m tha laol, llKhta ot . UUratura, llona of -aoclety and captataa of induatrjr men qd womea from avarjr walk of Ufa uud from ttlmoat a vary ollaia and oor- fner of tha floba cama . to pay noma tq thir happy ooupla and to avail the throna;; at .tha most- brilliant; wsddtnf tha- npltal haa evtr aean. Tblrty-aeyn . f orain - - aanbasaadora arid L.inUtara ' wera In fcttandanca, to xtend.tha falloltAtlona of tbalr eov ' arelaua and, peoples. Cabinet off tears, " sanatora. the brldrooro-a ooUtasuM In the. haUao and..ta "IntlnuKa .personal - friend of the Kooeevalt and Lonfworta families In Washington, New York and ctno'lnnatl were included amone tba for ' tunat thousand invited to wltaeas tba . roarrlaa-e. ' ...v n ' Baron Henmullr, the Austrian am ' baaaador. dean of the dVplomaUo corps, i ' at the last minute Issued an order pro ,. Mbttlna; tha dlplomata from; wearlp , . told braid. They only worn frock coats The Vhita Ifouie never looked more " beautiful' than U did today In Ita kola ; dress of bloom and verdure. For mora than week-florists and decorators had - been movlna; tropical plants -Into plac4 and' weavtnr -garlanda for tba area - evenC - Tha result revealed when tha doom, were opened this morning amply repaid , all the care and labor bestowed air tna tank. -,- -. .- .'. Inside the executive mansion tha re " ceptlon -of-tha- ruests was in chars;a of the president's mlllUry and naval a Idee, amontT them Colonel Charles Sumner Brorawell, Rear Admiral Wll ' llam & Cowles, Major Charles U. H .' Cawley of tha marina oorpa, LleutenanU Commander Albert L. Key, Lieutenant V.. 8. Orant. Lieutenant P. H. Sheridan , and Lieutenant Fltmhurh Lee. ' . At 11:11 o'clock tha (meats "aa : eembled In tba eaat room. Tba tern- porary altar, which . had been, erected ' in front of tha large center - windows - on. the aaat aide of tha -room, was sur rounded by tall (oldea stands filled with cluster of lone -stemmed - llllea. . In front was a- prledleit of crean. en U livened by clusters of bride's roses and ribbons,, on which tba couple knelt dur . ins; tha ceremony. Large clusters of ..llllea and other flowers were to be aaen In tba blue room' and other -par lore of-the mansion, adding- 40 the gen ' aral "effect ,. v.,---.;',.. .... 'V ,-' -s' wronplni ef Aaaaia, '. ; Tba reremony- was performed on - a low platform before, the large window . overlooking the Treaaury building, tha y vshera having .arranged themselves on either side. . Among them was se Theodora Roeevelt Jr, brother of tha 1 bride. The . brltfegroora'a family . waa represented by tba Vloorote Charles da : Cbambrun. brother 01 tha Comte Adel- bert da Chambnn. who married Mr. . Longworth'a younger' alater; Buckner A. Waltlngford of ClnclnnaM. who mar ried hla eldest alater, and Lara Ander son of Waahlngton. grandson of tha first , Nicholas Longwortk. The - other ushers were Qulncy A. Shaw Jr. of Bos ton, Frederick Wlnthrop of New York, Francis R. Bangs or Boston and Ouy Norman 'of Boa Ion. all of them college t mates 01 ins groom. . velt families were seated at tba right. In a apace set apart by ftnral chains. Across to aisle, at tba left, ware the representativae of the foreign govern ments. . Behind these. In the order of ohVtal precedence, were place the members of the cablnst and their wives. their wives, tna lortner memoerw 01 ne cahlnet who-bra now In tha senate, the .hl delegation 'In congreaa, tha New York delegation tn - congress, the mem bera of tha party that accompanied. Mlaa Roosevelt to tba orient last summer and tha personal friends, of tba' young eod ' Brlda Baters rwttoA ' -, 1 1 Promptly on tha, stroke of II. Bishop ftatterlee and tha Rev. . Roland Cotton m I th, rector of the church which Mrs. and Miss Roosevelt always have at tended In Washington, entered tha par lor and took up tholr pnstilons oa tba t snl left of the alter. A moment ' - rrhfre hurst forth In a ' t hrMal party lilODlUG ..'. ' z' .f - .... . ! f. , Y' - ' ' f' 'f '' ; White House Weeding, Most: Brilliant Function , Nation1 Has Ever- Known ' AY K SjKf :eW-.- iSr ::7k jFaBSBBfakSaS - t : ' Av3 S:)2S . . 1 r rT-' T'lr-vT""- - 5 - 'y.-rz i L' XX. o ' v ; .. ' In 41 a-?- " -r - W ,. .;,).,,.T.,rt.3, vjrifi-,!-. ;--.. -.TrT-:w. .-,-, ,- (- - v "- - ' --.. WOMAN BURGl'lAR SHE'S ,1 1 . " -'f- ..(Jearaal Ssedal service.) San franclaco, reb, 1J. At the city prlaon there la a comely young .woman burgle r who elalma. to have coma from Portland. Oregon, a Short time ago. . She gtves the name of Mamla Borke. but admits that tt la not correct. Her for mer home la said to be tn Ohio. , , About a o'clock last night J. M. Har bour, local manager for tha Shasta, Min eral Water company, went to his apart- stents st the Bt. Nicholas hotel. - lis was dumfounded when ha entered bis. room to nixj a strange woman there. ; , - This la a sarprtse, I assure you. t To hat am I honored with this visit T" courteously remarked Mr. ilarbour. Vheea It Cul, you got ma dead to rights. To tsll the truth. I J.i.t msds mistake tn my ooudotr.. - I'll .hurry hence."- ; . ' ' - . 'Not movh." dec la red. tha water man. A few mlnutea later th woman buralar 1 taken .down to . the .- hotel office. where she eonfasad to tha manager that she had entered the houae for. the purpeee af "swiping enough to get ma OUt Of hOCk."..-. ' ... ,. : J-.-, Mho had been to Harbour's room once hefors during tha day. snd got away with 7t worth of eUvorwar. and waa en her return trip for mora booty when CAPTURED; , - FROM - PORTLAND ', When' the prison ' matron searched-the woman she found a pair of as nicely turned skeleton keys, or picks, as any professional ever carried. - These,, wltb a comb, balrbrusbe and nail file taken from tha lit., Nicholas hotel, war booked aa' evidence. .The police believe that In the woman they have one of, the most daring female crooks operating In this section of the country. , Drtectfvea be lieve they ran tracs a number of room robberies to bar. " , ,, -. BOSTON BELLS RING FOR ALICE'S WEDDING : , .. ' ' .-' ": " v -' - . - 1 ., X. (Inerasl aperial service.) " , Boston, Mass.. reb. 17. This city of- fkbilly celebrated the Lengworth-Rooee velt wedding., the mayor, ordering all bella In tha lty to ring far 11 mlnutpe, beginning at soon. .. . , ,v . ? . ' fjssmwsg StosMMtj aVsfalaitlea. i , . ' (Spertel Pleacaj te The li aanl.) " . Salem.-Or, . 1 T.-Oovernor Cham berlain honored ' requisition for llora MiSXInstry. wanted in t'Jiehaila for bur glary, and wbo la nadcr arrest at Port ia, jv , , . - ... VlfiWOF EAiSTROOFTAKn GREATEST : 17.RSHIP, '. FLEET Flower of .England's Navy ' Pre ,'yentinB; Supposed Attempt.-' to Sweep; the Seas-; :'..: ' . c ,- - ' ' i. ' is :.r - ; ';. . , - - " ? . .. ... - .' . .v , (Jflmrsel Spfria! 8etvica.) ' . ',. ' i Londoa. Fb. . 17. The greatest wee anlp . maneavers aver held .began- today In the British, channel with the Atlantic fleets off Laboav. Africa, .' The oquedron Includes l" battleships, rmorsd cruisers and a number or am'alter" craft, with the British machant marina par ticipating. 1 '. - .' -". - Tha problem la to prevent a supposed attempt of an rrwm jr to sweep comnierca from tha aeaa. The value of the ships la.' estimated at $S.n.o. The fleet Is under the suprsmS command of Ad miral Wflaon. snd eight flag officers'. tn cludlsg Prtne Henry of Batlenberg. . . . v ZMer-Oajrrler rsperisl JMapetra (a Tbe Jonrsel.) ' ' Helena. M011U . !., ll.-t la-xie C. Whlttmore, the Butte letter-carrier von vlclert of aecretlng a letter addressed to Dr. Innl Cnmpbell, was today srn tenceti fo f daya In. iatl ' by United Suttss iua Iunt , ' LAWSON LEADS BEAR RAID ON WALL-STREEtAND STOCKS DROP -V - ' - V "... . .. ' '-."V tearssl Spealal tmica.t ' J " New York, reb. 17. Tha atoik mar ket was thrown into disorder todsy 'from tarlaus'catises.f Tbera wkw-very heavy liquidation by tha longs, and 'tha bear made" repeated raids ujxm tba market The bulla were unable to withstand the pressure, and tonight the entire market ahowa heavy deellneg.""' ' ' i Thomas ,W- Iawson ha come Into the Held again. ': He Issued a statement ad dreeeed to ananclers and holders, of Amalgamated copper stocks.' .He said: - '-sjhe'e coming next wrk. - iltsnd from under. - I wUl tasua a. diagram ahowlna how. It' la: poasible for a' man' to. be all wrong on. the market., for sis months snd yet be alive with a, .checkbook and a. laugh. 1 will also Issue a enmprehea stvo diagram showing the different kinds or laugh a generated by the atock mar- ketV '- ' .''.' " .- The "principal point of attack of the bear crowd was In Amalgamated Corner, which lost havtly during the der. i Harrtman lsxiea were also hurt. 1 1 (ho Various steel and Iron ... ng ratlwsy stork lost It f t p-rled tro' l in the cr I 1 was a ' sttrr "t 1 1 a 1 rlftee' of 1.-1 n f V, l t It 1 vi E ' . - S It appears' probable, '.-however, from tha general sentiment, that the tnlncre and operatore will affect a peaceahlo, aet tlement. ' An ? anthracite ,.coal,,-eadeTr when, told ,that a miner was reported to have said. "It would bo a good thing lo ahut down In April anyhow. as the operators have so much coal stored," re. piled: "That would bo a reaaonabla way to. loo at it JASPER JENNINGS IS : ? I '.G RANTED A RESPITE ' (ee!at tMrsstcb U.Tbe Jeorsal.) " Salem, Or., Feb. 17.-Jaap,er Jennings, convicted of the murder of his father at Granite Hill, will not bang klnrch II. A etay ot ecutlon his ben granted, the cutc:: I f lw-M : . -esssBBsBa saau ..... . . EDS ECDCF FATIIERCH :: DISSECTG THE . Surgeon About to Cut Up Re , mains as Lesson in Anatomy - .i-i'fi n for Clinic Students- u '-'- ' tJosrssl gpeelsl svvwe.f ''' ' V St Louis, Mo.,- Feb. 17. Mtratche4 on) a dissecting: table., with tha clinic pre paring to' receive " Instruction Inr. tha anatomy of man. William Lynn, an un dertaker, found Um body of hla father, Alexander Lymt,'who dlnd .In the city hospital January .37 aa a result- of in juries received by falling down ai-1 For sou-is tlms William Lynn h"! searching unsvalllny for l"e 1 who had wn. -1 aw t t Inquiry st tat t . fne-t tt a' f Alexxn r J 57. s I t