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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
w:m ma LiiLJL-.IJliluJ 111 Denver Coeltty Knew Wjtson ; Mizner. m tha Husband of,; '1 ;': ' :.KlW Edith Crater.; v; ' NOT KNOWN WHETHER " THERE WAS DIVORCE .Whether a Keel Caratnony Was y fonncd With th Colorado Womaa J ! Not Xnowi bat Her Father Was ' " Convinced at It. !. : -;; . .,, .. Denver. , CoL, - Feb, - 1. IHnver society . folk. . - who i for 4 three - years knew' ; Wilson ' MJsnsr ,;, and Bdlth Cratsr aa man aad wife, ar. wondering : ' fust what ar tha marital relations be ' twMa the couple and la what way Mra. ' Charles T. Terkea, tha rteh widow whom . Wlnnr fcu Juet married, became in . , volved. Whathor or not a real mart-tare y ceremony was ever performed between , Mlaaer aad MIse -Crater, they llrad to re tner for years, and Edith Cratar waa . ; iatreduoed many tlmaa and entertained ' as lira. Mlxner, wife of Wilson Misner. Mot evsa tha moat tntlmata friends knew whether there baa arar been dl ( voroe prooeedtasa or whathar tha rooaat marrlaaa at Sflsnef aad tha wealthy - widow of a ' month ago waa- by agree- : - mant with tha (lrl who so long passed . aa Mlsner'e wife. 8 ha haa gono east. ' perhaps to taka legal aotlon in tha mat , - tar. ' Relatives haro refuse to dlacuaa tha ease. . ...-.-..- ' . . Thara ara a doasn or mora 'witness ! -wtUlnr -to testify In bohalf of Kdlth Cratar, that Misnsr ltvsd with bar la . . Deaver for throa yoara and raoognlaad '. bar as bis wlf a, .Whenever Mianar vis. ' lted Denver ha prasontad Mies Cratar - aa hla wifaand tha two received . aueh. .;' Although tha glrl'a fathar refusss to discuss tha matter, thosa who know tha . family lntlmataly aay that tho blow - - haa boon a bard ona for him, Is ha was Arm In Ihe bellaf of tha legality of tha .,' marrlago ot bis danghtsr and tho Call , forata man. He racalred tho two la hla homo aad apoka of Mianar aa hla eon . v. ln-iaw. . ,- :. :v - .- BROWN OF BAKER ASPIRES TO GOVERnOSSHIP V Reform Sheriff Latest' Repub lican to Announce Candidacy and Platform. ; r (peelal Dlapateb te The fearaaL) ' Baker City, Or, Feb. H. The plat form of Harvey K. Brown of Baker City, the latest Republican to announoe his andldaey for tha governorship, advo eatea the primary law and tha eleotlon Of all officers by direct Tote of the peo pla. abolishment af machlnea and of tha I '4 t $ ? ' a ' 1 -v ' , Hanrdy Brown.. ass of money for campaign purposes by - any candidate;-- faction or corporation; enforcement of all laws, federal, state and municipal and tha repealing of such laws as may. after a fair trial, bo found not proper laws for the people;, and last, bat not least, woman's suffrage these ara some 'of tho planks which "Harre" Brown haa nailed Into his platform. . Brown la tho present sheriff of Baker county . aha - reform sheriff. For two l II lJPSaH 11 ' HI 11 Hal -ra- m Specially- Registered mm v ; Consider how to you, gnaranteeiof a a II II . ZLXJ aClT ; ' i ' IDHH - sjegayf thisii n TO;. , ,A s j .' ' 114 an Extrefnsly Hard Coofb CoiitmlUer PbytlcUo With No ; ; ' Pwrmaaent Results.- Ko saarat eeolety la tha world atajids higher In nobis alma and charitable eo compllehmente than tho Knlgbta of Pythlaa. That Order Is doing' great good, and one of Its finest Institutions is tha onio rytnian Homo, at Spring' neia, unio, wmon ts amy presided ovar by uperlatendent Ie Ferre i wife. Mra Callle I. ta Pavi and his matron. Tha latter haa reoaatly written a letter, which will command wide spread attention because of the prom' Ineace of tha writer. It le aa follows: "Last year I Used Dr. Aokar's English Remedy at the auggestloa of a friend, for a eerioue, long atandlng throat diffi culty and extremely hard oouah. Had aaad msny-walLaaokaa at prparallons wiiaput raiiar. 1 can noneauy aay tlmt Dr. Acker's English Remedy removed tho difficulty and atooned tha eouKh. I did not purohase or use mora than three bottles, and at least ona half of the laat ta atlli on hand. I also consulted phyel clane with , no permanent rsaulta. (Signed) Calfta I. Le revre." The-friend to whom Mrs. ! Ferre referred as - having suggested Dr. Acker's English Remedy Is Mrs.- W. B. Chilton, wife of the praaMent of the Troy Tranafer Ca Troy, Ohio, where thla ' remedy hag aeoompUahed - many other - cures in Throat . and ' Lung Troubles. In conversation with aa ac quaintance, Mra. Le Fevra aleo said: ,aIf you will call on Mr. W. H. Schauaa. a prominent china and art merchant of Bprlnsfleld, Ohio, you will find that he, too. haa bad any amount of experience with - Dr. Acker's English Remedy In his family, and thinks they cannot keep house without It" Dr. Acker's English Remedy ts truly tho family aafeguard.' We feel proud to know that '- auoh prominent people ooaalder It their duty to help suffering humanity by telling them of means to cure their Ills. Dr. Acker's English Remedy la aa old tried and true pre scription of that famous old English Specialist, Dr. A. E. Acker, and la posi tively guaranteed to cure all Throat and Lung troubles. By "guaranteed" we mean that It MUST do aa we aay' or It will coat you nothing. - If - tha people only -knew tha real value of Dr. Acker's English Remedy, the 'great .White Plague (Consumption) would lose ita terrors and there would bo countless thousands of - happy homes that - are now miserable. we are trying to get rott to save yourself and to tsll your rlends and neighbors. - We don't ask you to yly on what Wa aay, we do ask yea to buy Just one bottle of -Dr. Acker's English Remedy, give it a fair trial aad If It falls your money awaits you at tha drugglat from whom you purchased. Do you know of anything else we can ti to convince youf Try It today, and be happy tha rest of your life. Be sat as ask for , Mr tha Xiangs. AU Bragg!, aos, SOo, SLOS. years ha haa been standing firm la ths enforcement of tha statutes of this atata. As a result open gambling la thing of the past, and all Bake? city saloon remain cloied on tha Sabbath day. -. '.' ' . - Harve Brown's incumbency of the office of sheriff of Baker county hss been one continual fight. ' Ha began tha enforcement of all tho lawa he could lay hla hands on. On his own Initiative hs brought about tho indictment, trial and conviction of 161 Baker county, saloon- men ... ... o '-.v , , .. Harvey IC Brown to a natlva Oregon- Ian. He was born St- years ago In Po cahontas, a village near Baker city, his fathar waa on . of tho builders of the west, crossing ths ocean from Ireland In 1141 and the plain is ibi. ; his son spent that portion of hla early life. which counts the most aa a character- former on the cattle range. When II vaara old h waa one Of tha hast known cowboys In eastern Oregon. la 11(1 he began shipping horses to ' the eastern markets, making frequent trips aa far eaat aa tha Atlantis seaboard. Later he forsook the horse and cattle bualness for mining. Outside of his charming wife and 1 1-year-old daughter, and a mother, Mr. Brown hss no relatives of that same west of the Missouri river, v - Sheriff Brown la an Elk, a Workman and a. Knight af Pythias. . See Nature ,ln H4r Winter Garb. -i Ta so-tha far-famed Rocky moun tains In their wondrous winter garb Is the- treat of a lifetime. Tha eaayona, ? teaks aad gorges are even more at ractlva In winter than In summer. The Denver, a) Rio Grande, popularly known aa TThe Sosnlo Line of . the World." pierces the Tory heart of tho Rookies, and beside la- tho only transcontinental Una passing directly through Salt Lake City, tha quaint and picturesque Mor mon capital. Stopovers granted oa all classes ' af tickets. Fes rates -to -all eastern points call upon or writ W. C. McBrlda, lit Third etreet . i .i i I. : Ontario Xglalafrare Keeta. - (Joenul Sper-tel Kervtee.) . ' TorontOk. Oau Feb. It. The Ontario leglalature ssssmblsd this afternoon and was formally opened by tho lieutenant governor. The outlook Is for a brief but busy session, with adjournment fixed for tho second week of April. - the United States Government protects its delirery safe and In good order. ;. t The NAnoNAX atscurc coHPAirr ewrcaei 1 ; : erea prater protectirif; foresight b delivering its - X Biscuit and Cfackers to jroo.- Fresh from theoven, , the are enclosed ia a dust tight, moisture proof ; ' ;; 5 IxKksge. e esich end of which is sffixed this trade '.' mark ia red aad white." J '' ' . ' ' " 'r ClHOKR 8NAM-Cram, dctHoas, itn0WlVlKa na crscssrs socMsla( I isUeasi Ml IS tsmpt aa ( (tD "Cap THE DANARJIE RECEPTIOI. la all tha history of tha world thara was never a time when ' It '.wa as glorious to ha a woman a It ta now. AU doors ' Of achievement are 'owing doors marked "push" aad open to her who wuia... , Thara waa never a time whoa com panionship among womaa . waa aa full of -aharm and Interest as now, aad we Ilka, ta believe there was never a tlm when . women took auoh genuine pride and pleasure ta aaeh other's attain ments aad achievements whan personal Spites and Jealousies knd rtvalrlae were so- effectually relegated ta tha , back ground, ..'.' ,-( '-. Just la proportion aa thla I es.a will tha work I TI . ;'r j x : of womaa beoome effective andTbeaii r That time win eome, never to pass away, as aooa aa each -one realises the fact that, ao ona can rob as of what la really, , Intrinsically ours. . Ko ona woman, s made tha poorer by any graeee er gifts some other woman poa sassss. but rather richer, for tho mora or .truth - or-beauty or graolouanaes thsra Is ta 1 tho world of women, by tnat muca is tha, world of rlcbod. ' . - - Let ao woman underestimate tha tact or talant or - beauty of . some other woman, hat at the -same time 'let her have a wholeeomo respect for her own capacitlaa and power and .'And : her pleaaure not In attempting to belittle another but la making the best and the nat possible of herself. Women (If there are any suchi-who ao not love and admlra othsr women. miss much of the best there Is In life. Thla thought came ta ma aa a re sult of studying some of the valuable things and some of the beautiful things womea are doing taghtbsre In Port land, a good .example -of i which waa shown at the White Temple Tuesday afternoon at tha reception given by the Ladles' Aid society of that church and the Banarjee circle to little Mra. Suk hoda Banarjee of Calcutta. The -meeting opened with' a violin aola by Mlsa Klpbora Harris followed by a song by Mrs. t. 8. Hamilton, both beautifully rendered. , . .7 Mra." C A, Dolph, one of Portland beat knawii suit - preahled and the speaker and guest of honor was introduced by Mrs. A. B. Dunlway, who lends a grace and charm to such occasions by hsr felicitous choice Of thought and expression that many a man might, envy. ' . ' It will be remembered ' that Mrs. Banarjee left here for India laat Octo ber and with the funds then secured es tablished a homo In Calcutta for tha rescue and education af the ehlld-wtve and widows of India.. She haa already forty or mora In her refuge and those who need help ara legion so that all the funde she will be able ta ralss will be well employed ana' me meeting or last Tuesday was held ror tha purpose of increasing what ana ai ready naa. . The utue brown womaa gave a Tory Interesting talk outlining the work shs had accomplished between the tlm of her departure laat fall and her return. She also brought a great many curlot from, India which aha waa kind enough to enow and explain . to her hearer a For tha present Mra - Banarjee .may be aeon at ITt Twelfth etreet. corner of Montgomery, where she makea her home while In Portland. She, however, Intends to go eaat after she haa made tha canvass of tha northwest coast and will endeavor to Interest tho people ot that section ta her work and to ralss money for It. - - .Mrs. Banarjee will apeak In the First Baptist church one week from next Sunday evening February 1 1. r Do not tall to hear and sea her. She wlU remain la America about a year. i i, ' This little wOmsa Is a - wonder to those wh.o know what she haa eocaped from and the way la which she ha been "led" to be the savior of that elaaa of unfortunates, the child-wives of India. Hsr story 'la unspeakably aad and still ons that shows ths strong soul and 'Indomitable wlU la her frail body. , . - - The reception of Tuesday was a vary pleasant ona Even the strangsr with in the gatss fslt tha spirit of cordiality of the acting hostesses. ' ' A table waa spread la tha large bay window of thd lecture room where tea aad a dainty lunch were aerved. On the platform stood tha tiny In dian woman, clad la yellow silk mad in some indefinable oriental . fashion. part of tha el lk bsing draped from her head. - The garment wss bordered by sliver embroidery and - the sleeves of lbs costume were a sort of rose color. Tho quaint mode was vsry becoming to Mrs. Banarjee, who Is about tli also of a half-grown American girl. In- there were- little misses la short frocks oa tho platform with her as tall If not .taller than shs. '''-. She la much darker than the Japen- mo or Chinese, and It wa easy to un derstand th difficulty a whit peraoa has on first going to India to distin guish any dlffersnos In ths dark face; a fetter registered e e m .'. 1 a MPaf af iX o - r' ..iTelv and the dart -skinned people find tho asm difficulty la recognising Individ uals ox ine wmte raee. HAPPINESS IN MARRIAGE. "Happiness a not th ultimate- and of marriage," said Dr. 'FelB Adlsr. "Hspplness Is h blessed incident and re ward, but the real aim of marrlaaa la to keep alive the flam of Ufa. of men tality and morality-In th world." ' Sound and tenable ia the'loalq of Dr. Adler. aay a Louisa Sattsrthwalte. Such Is Indeed the 'great final oauae of love and marriage which la society's expe dient (or the breaking of love, that wild colt which would be of but little practical good unless It ts harnesssd, bitted and occasionally beaten Into sub jection. ' But ta ssy that happiness la mar- rlsge Is a. blssssd laaldaat end reward.. la axpreaalng a refinement of hopeless cynicism.. v - What do I care, what do you care, as to tha mentality aad morality and life of the world a hundred years from nowf : atrictiy speaking, we abould care and be much ooncerned therefor; atrletly speaking, -we should be broadmlnded enough to determine by Individual ef fort to leave the world a better place than we found It a. . So 'we should think, and so liver but theory and practice are two thtnasi ethics jnd life Irreconcilable matters having decided to live en dry bread, w taa au ths more delight in feasting oa plum pudding. Such is human nature; we want to be happy, we hope to be happy; nay, we determine to be happy, though every one else near ua la weeping, or swear ing or sighing. '. , . Strong and unquenchable Is thla de sire and hope for happlneea, beat In deed that It la so, elae under the ac cumulated misery ot the paet and pres ent generations all the world would go melancholy mad. So whan w love and marry we hop aad expect to be happy, and If we are not we judge ourselves accordingly for tha alight dealt ua by the jealous fates. Tet If we atudy pr. Adlers words carefully, wa - perceive that ha mere than hints that happlneea In marriage ta aa exception rather than a rule. In Baying ltla -a bleeeed "Incident" be practically warna ua that it sometimes occurs, but It Is not -tor be relied upon. Better, In' fact, and wiser Browc,ifoL no new sxpaci it, cut msrry with ths solemn ana- awe-rnsptrlnr resolution to do our duty, 1st ths worst corns to the worst. A fig then' for aueh philosophy which woufd- tell hs thst the social and is hlghsr than the Individual and,' which bids us sacrifice our paltry personal tallow-dtp f happlneea ao that a great light may shins on the world perchance ta too A. D. We hunger and thirst for happiness. and the . true love of maa for maid means the best copy of earthly bappl seas bow extant We are human crea ture with human wants, and a poor human outfit to Uve a humaa life, and lofty, altrulstlo principle are fine things but when a man works hard all day for the little wife at home, goea home at night and sits down to a meal which aha has made ready, whea lights are soft and bright eyes look love Into nis. uttie -old earth seem not such bad place, after all. - , Happinsss In' marrlaaa la - not bleaeed incident,. Dr. Adler to the con trary notwithstanding) It la a blessed rule with the large majority af earth creatures? faulty as tbsy are,, full of quips ana creaks, subject o stormy weather at home and abroad, etlJl bappi- in memage wners man is true and womaa sweet, patient and lovable,, la anown aa quite me nest aad most civ ilising thing In sxlstence. Let us do ths bast we can. and lat philosophy go hang; let aa hope to be happy, and whan love come let u marry, and may the "social end" the generations of 100 years to eome take care of themselves, for no philosophy can ao mm mucn gooa ror tiro now and as it will be aa a little sweat, aid. fashioned, overwhelming love and mar riage wnicn reriaea it. Winter Garden Billiard Hall. ' Third and Morrison. Finely 'aaulnnaa Eleven high-grade pool and billiard ta bles. First class la every respect.. STONE BEAF BULL TERRIER SOLD AS WATCH 00G ... A ' ' ' ' .!, ... . , r . Animal With One Eye Out and a Discouraged Appearance TTOriesTTi Oeeraal Sparta! gerrle.) " ' " ' San Francisco, Fsb. IS. A bun ter rier, seemingly stons dsaf, with, oa y out of business and a generally discour aged appearance, was ths silent partici pant ta a suit la Justice of the Peace Danlelf court yesterday. Ho had been acid for til by 0. Barnett of the College kennel e tOrB. Beatvater of Oakland. who wanted a watch dog. "First," said Bsstvatsr. "I thouaht It waa becauss be didn't know me that he would not pay any attention when I talked to him. By and by I shouted at hint and still he didn't taka Mtb. Thea I found that ha waa hum -t i. ua watahdog would he POr For th reason aus-swstad. had bfferod-td return the dog, - asking back tha tit, and Barnett would not consent "Th dor I sold anient lu K . tittle deaf." said th defendant, "bufhe wasa't mangy and full of fleas, and hs had two good eyes. Just look at what ha waate to give ma back." "Wtfan I offered the do back hla ay waa all right," proteated Baatvater. "but while I waa waiting to get rid of him he had trouble With a cat. and ' It waa thea his -eye was put-out of busi ness." .-.'-.--. 1 y- Justice Daniel held that th doa could not be returned Oa tha around that hs had become a damaged article. , 1 1 i .in . SUSAN B. ANTHONY ' . .IS EIGHTY-SIX TODAY; 4'aarssl Special SwvUa.l . Washington.. Feb. It- Susan B. An- tboay. who appeared before tha house oommlttee on judiciary today as a mem ber of a delegation from the National Woman Suffrage asaoclatloa to urea a constitutional amendment providing for woman s suffrage, waa th real plant of innumerable eongratuiatlone from on gresamea and ' others, tbls being the eighty-sixth birthday of ths plonser womaa suffragist. Sllss Anthony was born In Msssachusetts February It, 112. Early In her career she became interested la temperance work. Since the wsr shs hss devoted herself en- liratg to tb wejaaa sulrag pMremant. 1 COurt. P ". - fesifte lip' 1 llllSII 11 MISS MAKMAJUk BXXBT, SSSS FerrsstvUla Ara, CaTICA0. ttlae Benry sayet "Beforel bsyaa saint Dandarla my hair waa falling Oat la sreel aaadanlL aad I am pleased to aay thai Deederiae aot oaly a lopped ll at ones, but baa atade ny aair grow Basra Uaa twto aa Ions salt ever waa." . -Mr. XlolM atberum. UMe Boefe. Ark saysi Tt le surely remaraable tha way Uaadartas laiprevea ttaabatr. It has made my hair grow tea I an haa Btadamv eria-a Blithe er la-Are moatbe and It ta aetUng thicker and wasas All lU. Km. 1 hlloMtMviln MM Wkea it IS duaandyoaeaaasssiyaaBta as relareso U DAK2IJZUtoVihmhittHfotbomtntftmnmn& snnaUne are to TafetaUon. II foes right te we roots. Inyifforstes and strengthens Umm. Its sxhilarmUng, t artlllrlng end lifa-pcodnclng propertlas esose the hair to erow abundantly lonetronffsnd beautiful IT IS THS NATURAL FOOD OPTUS H AIR, SCICNTinSALLT CHARGED WITH MXV AK3 CZKUIK3 UFK-PROOUCINa EttENSEt UNHEARD OP BT 0TKZ3 MAKERS CP HAIR TCK!3. KOVfil ail drafffftsts ia thrae sizes, MS ctQtSO eenU end 91ASQ per bottle, x' . , rttrC " To show hew onleklr PnaWaag sett, wa will send a largs lample free by return aiall to anyone who seeds this al i ininaisajr T ItCCs la the Kao wltoa ahaadaVhleag, With their asms and address sad tea esats ta suvsr at suaps I pay pealags. . J ) - FOR BAUD AND OUARANTKBD.BT. W00DARD, CLARKE it t0." " - 1 r 110 GRAin SHIPPED TO GEttlY New Tariff in Effect In March Ties Up All Cargoes From " Uryted States. ' " INCREASES COST OF , BREADSTUFFS ABROAD Rstallstory Blow Caused bf Dlnflsj Tariff Dlscrtmlnstloa ' 'Against ; Msnnfsctursr of the Fathar land Rsdprocltjr Wanted, i- .' ' -4 ' 1 1 fJeeraal SpsHal Sefrtes.1 New Tork. Feb. liAll grain ship ments to uermany irora America a ports bav beta tied up pending tba settle ment of the tariff question between the United Stats and Germany. Tha laat shipment bava gone out and a more contracts for American grain ot any kind are unfilled and outstanding. 1 Ths tariff agreemsnt between the United States and Germany wll expire ea March. 1 of thla year and, unless con gress. In tha meantime, taka some definite steps toward the establishment of reciprocal trade relations, the new high tariff on American grains will ge Into effect In uermany. v. The' Oermaa relcbstag haa accepted th proposed higher schedule aa wheat, oats, rye and barley, , but has aot yat acted upon the proposed hlghsr schedule for corn, . expecting, probably, - that the united States government would take soma atapa toward preventing a tariff war between the two countries. Under the new law the duty on wheat will be It mark per l.OO kilos. Instead y of ( as heretofore; rye, IS mark Inatead of II; malting barley 9 Instead -af I mark, and oats 10 Instsad of tt mark. Should a tariff war between ths tw countries bresk out Germany would lnv pose -'the maximum rata, '"which are till hlghsr titan the tales hsrs given. It has been a mystsry to a great many people oa thla side of the ecesn how the Oermaa government was able te secure the adoption of the new schedule, aa its immediate effect would be a con siderable Increase In tha prloo of bresd la all parte of Germany. Tba Socialist made the beat use of that argumsnt in opposing the sew schedule, but they were appeaaed by tha promlss of ths German government that tha sum accru ing from the higher duties would be transferred to ths , Imperial pension fund. -. ". i " ' ' Tha general sentiment In Germany Is by no means ons of snmlty toward fas Unltsd States or Its products. The peo ple simply feel that tbay owe It to themselves to retaliate against a ooun- try which discriminates against Oermaa producta. ' MANY GOVERNORS PAY RESPECTS TO H0LBR00K " fjearaal Spar 4.1 Servles.) - Montpelller. Vt, Feb. 11. Ex-Oover- Bor Frederick Hoi brook of Vermont, who Is celebrating hla ltd birthday today, will be the central flgurs of ons ot the most interesting gatherings ever held In Ahf city. Formsr Oovtrnor C. B. Pas bss orlalaatsd ths Idsa of a most original reception In honor of ex-Governor Holbrook. It will be held this even ing and will be attended hy.a aurprts tngly largs number of former governors of this state an1 of other states. Of Vermont alone there will be 14 former governors and Ave ot New Jersey. Governor rioiorooa aervea aa Ver mont's chief executive from till t Begins with tho . symptoms af a com mon cold; there is chlllneee. snseslng, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarseness and Impeded resnlrauon. Olve frequent small doae of Ballard's Horebouno eyrtip tine eniio will cry for I-). and at tha first sign of acroupy sough spply frequently Ballard's Snow Unlment to. the threat. M re. a. Vliet, new iwsus. Colorado writes, March If, ItOtt 1 think Bal lard's atorehound Syrup a wonderful remeay, ana ma pieasant to waa by Woodard. Clarke A Co. Sold C 3 IJLXNCS BUSSBIXr- Age a years, SIS Mehswk (treat, CBIOAOO. (Mace It haa beoome generally ksewa tha Denderlnecaueee hair to (row lust aa atraadantly oa tba heeds of children aa it doaa ea thoaeof naturad pareoaa, ataay truly aufveloiie eaaa are eomlBS te our Boiloe. LIUleMlaaaueeell.whoaephoto graph appears above, leoertaialy one of the remarkable ansa. Bar beautiful balr ia ever thirty inebea lens and b or aioibar loas - yea I says that" DaJiUWU iaiw avaat (ji I m (hit in Atj etatle PrepsraiionTot-Assimilating 8x Food and Befl ula tudSbi&ttia&MJoaUor Promotes DigMUonJCheerful ness and RestXontalns neither Ojaum .Morphine norMiucral 1VOT HARO OTIC. ' A perfect Remedy forConsflpe non, Sour Stonach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .revmstr nt ss endLoasorSusEP. Fat Simla Signature of VtW YORK. txiottxmr till and hs wss on f th sdvtseri of President Lincoln In the war. lis keeps abreast of the ' times, spending part of the time reading and having rbthera read . to. .... him, and his eorre- spondenee tskestip a part ot each day. Ha la vlgoroua In mind and his writings continue to be forceful and Jnctelve. At the recent annual 'meeting of the Ver mont Savings bank Governor Holbrook presided as president, aa he has don many years. Oil Oil WATERS SAVES SHIP FROM F0III6 - Steamer Argyle and Barkentine Fullerton Narrowly Escape ; V Destruction In Storm. . ; ' Uearaal Spsetsi Serrtea.) Honolulu, Fsb. II. Ths stsnmsr Ar- gyle, which arrived her today from Port Harford with the barkentine Ful lerton In tow, encountered a terrific storm February T and nearly foundered In mid-ocean. The Fullerton wa badly battered in th storm, bar rudder post torn away by tremendous' wavss pound ing her counter, and tha Arsrla waa compelled to jettison more than Oto barrels- oftier cargo of oil to- enable her to. ride out the gala Both vessele left Port Harford with cargoes of oil for this port. Th Ar gyle Waa in tow of the Fullerton. They truck a gale seven daya from here, which Increased to a hurricane, and dur ing the night the towllne of th Fullerv ton parted. The barkentine waa help- leea with her steering gear torn away, but the A r gyle, heavily laden, could aot give assistance .for hours, aa the stssmsr wss In dsnger of being over whelmed by the sees which swept her decks. Not until shs-waa lightened by Jettisoning oil could she assist the Ful lerton, when she Anally succeeded In getting , a Una to her. The crews of both vessel almost gave up hup of weathering: ta storat,. ; - t&Zi- MetssBrjsaMsi AstaWBV - MISS SBXMA HSSSBXT, : STSS Hertai 4 Cew OaUOAOOk : Mlsa liinl saysi my hair weald aot . raaaa below say waist whea I bsgaa aaiag your Daadartoa. It was aleo faded aad apUt- , Mag at tba eada Vew tt la aver H fast looser thaa It ever waa Bod tt I liaortriael rich blond color. a about loar BMBtsa au toestasr. For Infants and Cilllrr Th3 Kind Yoir lh taa Dounhi Bears tho 0 n For Ovor Thirty Yoar Alway mi- Sigiiat h In ;hyomei cures catarrh It aallag Balsams Kill AH Catarrhal - S arm a eold Vadat sjuraatea by Woodard, Olaika Oa. ".. T" There le bo more - commoa disease than catarrh, and none that la more : dangeroua. It weakens and debllltatea the whole system, if it is allowed to run, leads to serious, and sometimes r fatal, complications , It is a noteworthy fact that among . tha many medlclnee aad treatment a for catarrh there la only one which Wood ard, Clarke a Co. sell under their post- ' tlvs guarantse to refund the money If It does not cure Hyomet. Kature'a rem edy for the cure of catarrh. No dangeroua drugs are taken Into the stomach when Hyomel . Is used. Breathed through the small pocket In haler that comae with every Hyomel outfit,-its healing baleama penetrate to " the moat remote cello of the throat. 1 nose and lungs, killing the germs of ea tarrh. healing tbe Irritated mucous . membrane and making complete . and -, laat lng cures. . Ths complete Hyomet autflt, conetst. lng of an Inhaler that can 'be carried In the puree or veat pocket, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel, costs only 1. Tho Inhaler wlU laat a life time, while extra bottlea of Hyomet can be procured, whenever needed, lot , ouiv M cents.- . ,..' .' Woodard,- Clarke Co. are selling a good many .Hyomel outflts at thla eaa- s eon, and they have so much confidence -In the remedy that they guarantee to ' refund the money la oa aa It doaa aot:. cure. It ant ewrenlant ta aetata Ryeaiet at Wess- -srd, Clarke A Co., er eoate etber erastlet. It villi be hmmmtf frea the labaratwy by bmU ea receipt ef prlne. - THS B. T. BOOTH CO,u. , r , Byeael ldg, Ithaes. New Tot. v TEETf For modern dental work. World-renowned specialists. .... Lowest prices' eonelatent with Srst-elasa . ..... .... . . . srork.. .-. ; . feEVY0.i:iczr:7i3T3 rotrarx ajtb kzzzz- i c. '. Opea day and night. Inn I .It a, I . .fit 1 ' v '., ;