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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
. 1 i. r vf - : rf.i. AOTAVCK blat s 9c iiiv. ...4 , - The Tea.l ef the 81w" . ' mDlr. Aaaer. Ijrrie , hoU MiMtt.ittMnr va nru4 vmmtiim Star .. Vea-svlUe 1 .... .1. - W- , I M - tk .Ilk. 'Jsct of a. lecture yestsrday ftarnoon - nlman. data i ot . tba Unlvorsit -of PaanarlvAnla.', The leoture u under tha auspices of tha Ministerial aseo . elation. At tha Commercial club last mgni local ainmni u ins nnwi gavs A banquat to .honor of Dean Fan . . nl man. Thoaa In attendance vara Dr. 1 M- . B.- Mareellue, Dr. (Hon NottAge. Blahop B. Wietar Morris. Dr. Robart ' n-a. A as - eaaf M.aUn TW VJI7I1. al 1V) WA eTAAA ajveasssB,- - - jT n. tw t. r HHtiMtrfnk. Htnrv ,R Rodnty, William J. Gowlin, If J. O. Woodruff. A. F. rataai ug w. .1. y. ' winium of VuHonr. Washington. . II . wu daeldad to organise s University of x . Pennsylvania. Alumnus . society. Dr. William Boyefwaa mm cnairsaas ana "Dr. Robart mod, secretary v ' Photographs of Oregon scenery ar constantly bo lot takan by tha Harriman '.railroad lines for us In varloue publi cations, but tba paassnger dapartraaot . thla year wilt make an extra affort to fat an attractive aat of picture to placs In tha aaatarn mageslnee with '. ' view to getting tha favorable atten tion of tourists. It ia tha wish Of tha Orsgoa official of tha Harrtmaa-roadrftocaT to supply a continuation or ine aaver ; " Using- now bains dono for : "tha ro.l - of a thouaand wondsrs through Call Indue tha tourist to axtand hia trid to Oregon and return aaatward ' via tba a R. A N. and Union Paclflt Th W. V. T. li . nma lia nauai rattvi Ooodnough building. It wa raportad . . mm . . A - J i v inai nvrutri ouaiiuca . ii wmw -ww . Vtnvi gatiif mirtm In- Otisi BlmAsl aVJlfl SO Id ; another uid 10 in another tnembm ' AS Ka YtVtal 7atmBafftU.eafi lAaTlCUl. Tll ' day balna tha manorial of rraaoea wu- J.IU . UWW I I. wai www " . - -tatlona from her laotura ana writing. " It waa ramarkad that In th aartlaat .a . Miaa ivillaral'a work aha look ad toward tha encircling of tha world by tha wblt ribbon and ah llrad to a , . am.aMM.ataB. !-. MtiBa mr Ant Saa tBIWII m Wnrin. . PVI V MNVSMWW mmW ,wwa lfi '.With tlaw to darelopmant f . aubataaual trarno ouainaaa in inia iar ' rltory. In antlolpaUon of th ontrno- tlon of . tha Oragoa Coaat Baaaarn railway ana a, oonnaotmn witn K ai - Humboldt bay. tba Atchlao. Topaka A Santa: Wm. PiIIvm ' mmUB haa Bant aganta Into Oragoa to gathar atatlatlo - of it eropa and data ragardlng ahlp . mrat of ail kind of produeta. It la aaid that aa aooa aa tb Santa Pa ha " nana an humh w uio wum uw. . might b aaourad aaat and aoutn. It " will plao traffic rapraaontattyoa por. . I Im. a. aawaata WM . . IH. mnil . aa. in mm mn .w vwuaffw.w w. tuinaa. . ' M. T. UeConnaU of Dulutb. ' who Dqumi nm tcpiinm-i u. h i uaj urvparif at Ralnlar. will naxt Monday atart ont atlona with a naw logging road ho baa i uuii.ti uviau wvf.i mi nuaa av . u. uhi ka. -That inarx ailll Ka. kMlt h- : car and dompad on a roll way Into th ' Columbia . rlvor. .whato thay . wilt b anad lata raft, to. bo tew ad t t mtlllm. . .... . j ' . . ' Th Bnrllagtm railroad' double train . with departor tonight at 11:4 o'clock kif . .ha mmm train.. Ita artulnaiaikt in. . elude ehairoara and Puumaa and tour . Jat aleeplng-oara. Tb trala will rca over .tha ' Northarn Paelfla to BlUlnn. y thenc over tb Burlington to Kanea City. Bl' LAUla and Chicago. -"At a Talentln party given by th - young women of th T. M. C A. gya "-. naalum olaaa laat ayanlaar 1. 1C lta vara , and Harry Living ton broke th Paeiflo ' coast high dlv record by lumping from pringboard oyer, bar for a dlstaac T t feet I lache. .The former record , t wa feat Inohea. Tb program Jn ; eluded other gymnaatlo faaXa and musi cal iecuona. ' John (1 Waollay. Brohlbltlan orator ' and praaldantlal eandldat on that ticket at the last election. Is expected to visit Portland about April L He Is now - en route from Honolulu to Saa Fran- placo after a vialt to Australia. - When Mr. Woolley .comes to Portland th Oro- gfon Prohlbltlonlat plan ta hold their - lata convanuoa aer. :- When we opened , this naw gallery la the Elks' bonding. Sevan th and Stark, 1 It was completely aultd with every. thing new and modern hi photography. This means mora than Is generally an " Maa.a fha war K... .hat mm4 .mm prodoce la human picture. m. W. Moore. .. . .. '; , Edward Hoiman m cex, tn - leading . funeral directors, hay th finest eatab- llahment, th flneat good, the finest ' rohlcle and th moat reasonable price. . Fine ' broadcloth cove red casket. t ana fio. Tn nneer wooa gooa mean. , from flS to It. , Parlors II and lit ; , Third street, corner Salmon. Portland. . Oregon.. ,, ;.. . : - Penney feroa. Friday SDeclalFlva big bargains In win: ll.( grad Whit or Red Port, at II per gallon; 11.M - grad ot Sherry, at II per gallon) ' grade of Muscat, at II per gallon; ILII pr;rMUj vi wis va smj mm w pvr sUVVSa phone East 1IT. Fro deliver. . ITS - -.a Sautaau a. ' atu 111 seat nomra, i j..i., .-:r ; , .., I flteemehlp Alllano aall from Couch ' street dork for Coo Bay and Eureka I : BaumgaVtner, agent. Mala Ilia . jonn l uviu ana rfwiin mu aniy, nnr or proprietors of the Masoot saloon, at ' Seventh and Morrison streets, will leave ili. J a-- fVHlMMil. "Iia. will . I I a .1.11111. msrrn . . w . m. ..v j wh. PWm (I va v. . u. w a a i. .a. vwa.aaia aaa Restaurant ookim AjrO OOVOat tm BAT E .-BaasBtBBsanana-' " .. : : IManer Frem U a. m. m M s - toy cr.i Oil V ' Am vff v ,n ' ; And You Wl Always Be a ' RATnOII LocJ 1 Cac!;- AlrtacJy Hav Riiud CvrsJ Hundred DoU lart for Countryman. i SIX HUWDnSD THOUSAND ' CA!D TO CS CUFFERINQ lfooty liaised Win, B Ssnt to Jas ," saws -OoTwamut, Whkh A Win - Us It to Eattbllah IndiMtrl" So .That PeopI lfay'lfsk a Lhrlnt.. i . Japanaaa aoelatlaa - la Portland fcava nadartakan to aaalat thalr eountryaMB la tha faatlaa-atrlokan provlneaa of northarn Japan. Alraady aavarai hnn dred dollar baa bean ralaed by popular anbaerlptlona among mambar of tba ao elatlaa. - Tha looai Japanaaa aoelatlaa bagaa to rata contribution a aoon a r porta of daatltutloa raaehad Portland. - Thar ara ,four auch aoelatlaa la Portland, thraa of which ara organlaad and maintained tor tha purpoaa of promoting tha Intaraata of Japanaaa eltlaan la Aaarloa.r Thay ara tha Ntnonjln Kwai. tha Rigq Kwau tha YimaaaoUi KanH Kwaf" Tba fourth japanaaa , organisation l ., tna Toung Man' Buddhlat aaaoclatlon. or ganlaad purely for roltglou and Chan Labia Durnoaaa. . Commlttaa bay baaa appotntad by aacb of tha aoelatlaa to adilolt funda. Tha eommlttaaa, it la aaid. bav mat with . llbaral anoouragemant. Bubacrlp tlona hava haan aollcllad onlv from Jan umt. Th money that la raised la America and other foreign, countries will not be sent for distribution among th half- starved people of the northern prov tnoea, but will be turned over to. gov ernment official who will devil means of employment for th Buffering. "Th government will take entire charge ot th funds that are contributed for the sufferers," said T.- Alba, Jap anese vice-consul In Portland. "Cora' mlttae ' that are" aollnltlnar fnnda la this country and elsewhere will send the money aa fast aa It Is collected to th proper officials at- Toklo and from there It will be sent to government rep resentatives la the northern provlnoes. "The government will use the fund tn establishing commercial industries. factories or other , meana of providing employment for the hungry thousands. The -chief aim of the govsrnment and other friends of the people In th fam ished distrusts is to keep them busy, provide them employment that will sus tain them and prevent the possibility of troubles mors, serious, than even a famine. ... ,! . - "Th Japanese government has re fused to make an official call foa con tributions, but ArlTl receive and appre ciate anything (hat la done to alleviate the suffering In th northern provlnoes. Japanese' residents - of Portland bar contributed liberally." ' - - ..' , (The famine tn northern Japan la said to be the worst that haa occurred sine 1119. It embraces three provinces with A population of t.lll.llT. Failure of crop, due to a 1st eummer and excee- slv rain 1 aaid t be th causa. Rio 1 th principal crop raised In tb prov ince and on It th people depend for sustenance. Tna crop, laac year was aj most a complete failure.' i It 1 estimated that no less than III.IC4 people arc already in actual want. - Foreigners ; residing in ' Japan bay organised societies and hava ap pointed oommlttee to solicit aid for the sufferers. - They have taken a steps as yet to Interest any of th commercial bodies of Portland. In th situation. - Francisco. Los Angeles and ' the re sorts of Southern California. 1 Whll it Is their present expectation to return to Portland, It Is among the poeslblli tie that they may locate In lyom An geles. ' Mr.. Caswell and Mrs. Kelly will aooompany them. . , . , , Early Peas and Radishes, eto-It will soon be time to make gardens. Oet our nrw 100-page Seed Planters' Ould and make up your order. Have the seed on band and be ready to plant as soon a weather will permit. . Portland Seed Co, Front and TamhllL ; '. ... Monday evening. February It, there will be an Improvement fund entertain ment In tb Third Presbyterian church. corner Bast Thirteenth and pin. Mr. Montelth and Mr. Qoodwyn will Uk Mr 1. J. Bosnian of 410 south Third street, Grand Fork, North Dakota, la anxious to learn th address of her sister, Mrs. Alice Irwin, or receive any information oonosmlng her. . . Watches, Watches, WatchesOn assy weekly payments, 11 down, per aveek. , Don't go without a good time pteoe. MeUgar Ccx. Ill Sixth street Why nay It to 110 for eyeglasses t W guarantee S perfect fit for 11. Eye examined free. , Metsger Co, III Utb atrMt . Th Sohmer need no subsidised ar tists to play upon (hem.' -All snob ex penses go Into th piano Itself, . Quality.' Quantity and Quickness Is th rule at th Morris restaurant. It Wash ington street. .. f. ': J Ool4 madals for lawn grass and sweet Butser, seedsmsn. 111 . Front, Last week big sals bargains. ' "itarks' Shoe Co m Morrison street.. , Toder plans stsdlo. Phone B Ills. ' Ask for Frtts taanal. " ...i.' By Canerar Acclamaon. ' In th hlgb-elasa restaurants and ho tels. In th home of the able provider, In tact wherever A good palate serve ss a guide, the selection of Moot A C hand on "Whit Seal," vintage of 100, la posi tively manifest, and this delicious prod net Is proclaimed the "champagne of the day." Ro less than M.II7 cases of Moot 4 Chaadoa ebampagne- wars brought Into th port of Now Tork during 101, which -amount Is over 10 per cent greater than waa Imported by the boose second on th list, aa compiled In the Cuatom bouse etatlstlca. . At all social gatherings, prominent functions and banquets, tb featur proper Is "White Seai," vintage 100, and the great In crease of. Its sale Is evidence of Its continued popularity,- . Noticav : ' If Interested la Hurst Switch Stock It will be to your advantage to deal with the company direct. By so doing It will enable them to erect a large factory, and thus your Investment will meterlallas much quicker than by patronising Indi vid sals. ; .-' For particular call III McKay buUd- And do It rlrht Iron, too, every-' thing, but tnat -which must be done by hand that our busrnees - smews the famlliee has grown so large. W call for and deliver nywhre. . Uz!:n Ltizilry, JCZHLMTIOIE FCLIG.VS 17. R. LETT EVEGYiVuEnE Anti-Profanity Worker KaKaratas That Hall la Merely eiang, ' V but Oppoeea &an2 v The - widespread circulation of ' The I Journal eras testified 'to-hlmoWlng by W. R. Lett of San Franolseo. na tional secretary of th AnU-Pretanlty Society of the World, while dlacuaelng th results of a recent Interview In the paper with him relative to th as f wear words and slang. ; i . "Everywhere;! have been since that krtlcl appeared.' aaid Mr. Ltt 'this morning. "I have been taken to task. The Journal was correct in every -de-1 taii,abut many of the people who read the . story- misunderstood me. They either did not read the artlcl through or oould not understand plain English. "The Immediate application of a word makes It swearing. I said that and yon aaid it.- In ths abstract heUV I not sweating. Apply it by comparison to his satan la majesty, and It lav Ws protest against swearing tn any form or a semblance to It. W draw . tba line so that certain words generally sup posed to bo profanity ara not, and class them as slang. And whss It comae to lang, we oppose It as vigorously aa w do swearing, because it lead to th use of profanity, w teecn yes or so, according to th Bible. Nothing more nor nothing less, . .. Th oclty baaes all Its foundav tiona and requirements absolutely en th scriptures. Nothing but holiness In all mannsr of eon vera tlon will satisfy our msmbsrs. All msn who as pro fan or indecent' language know well whan the nsa It. and know well ft Is wrong to nss It In th hearing mi th publlo -or la the hearing or women or children. ' Tha latter w wisn apeciauy to prelect.". . '. ', '. . v.- LARGE AUDIENCE: ' ; ; . - ; ENJOYS' MESSIAH ;,H.7-::V. - ' Handel's "Meaatah." waa presented by the Portland - Philharmonio soolsty at Centenary Methodist Eplsoopal, church last night before a -large and. Apprecia tive audlenoe, Th difficult, rrtusl of this . most oalebrated - ot HaCeel' . re ligious ompoeltlon was handled by th chorus and orchestra of 10 performs-. Every solo was Insistently encored.. Di rector Frederick M. Goodrich, owing to the length -of th program, declined to permit tb sing era to respond to these bursts of enthusiasm say by bowing. ' The solo parts of the oratorio war sung by Miss Inss Camming, soprano; Mis M. Evelyn Hurley, contralto; a B. Allen-Good wyn, tenor, and F. Claire Montelth, basso. -' Miss - Cummins sad Miss Hurley both, posssss clear, well--rounded, sweet voices, and they evi denced a grsap of th musts they sans. Mr. Allsa-Ooodwyn waa recovering from a severe cold and the affectlve nees of bis voice waa lost to consider able measure. Mr. Montelth handled the bass recitation sad srla parts In fair form. . t .. .. ' - Last night was th nrst occasion soon which ths Pbllhsrmonlo - society at tempted Th Measles." aad the pre sentation brought many congratulations to Director Goodrich aad hi musicians. I. Larger Quarter. ' After an absence of six weeks. Mr. Hy. J. Ell era. p real dent of Ellsra Piano House, arrived la Portland this morning on tho delayed San .Francisco train. Mr. Ellsra stated that ths Saa Francisco boainess has Increased t such aa as lant that It became Imperative to aeeur larger quartara. The Eller Piano Com pany, with a chain of II stores through out th west, has taken an sight years' less on 10,00 square feet of floor space In th History building. Til and 711 Market street. This will give the Arm .on of the ' biggest and best ap pointed plane stores west of Chicago. Part of the upper floors will bo devoted to muaic studios and recital hall. A desirable feature of the premise is th frontage of II feet ea Stevenson street, which makes It convenient for the handling of the wholesale trad. . A musical publication credits this . Arm with selling 10 psr cent of an the pianos and organs sold on ths Psclfto coast, a trade amounting to millions of dollar annually. . It Is considered remarkable that thla sxtenslvs and profitable busi ness baa been built np within the short pan f tlm of sight years. - With re gard to thla, Mr. Eller says: ': "The reason for . tho success with which we have been rewarded lies In ths simple fact that w hav reduced our business to a purely commercial . basla, furnishing instruments of th very high est quality at th vary lowest price. To thla end w hav put forth our eern eet, undivided efforts." . - ' Preferred vook Oeaaed 0eedA Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. - ' .... i Oreen; Short Slab Wood From InMaa-Poulsen's mill on th East Sid, and th Portland mill on tb West Sid, will b sold at ..'. .,.v vv $1.50 Per-Load For a short tlm. aa per th district advertised by us last Fait Those prioes wilt sot be continued for long. . ' B:nffc!J- Vcysey Fud Co: IM 50s to a5c Vc!::::3 atS5c,Pair. Aftereit wtcacf trtdal dwanca ta! wa Hr;rr?.i err Friday SorprUe Salaa raea-Tta ycr-i,a 1st coatUte cf IOlCCO T'rf(Y 'BMcicr OFrcnli Storoftt 030th Friday Siirpriso Sda 5000 palre of mertVw0iyx,, and other standard "makes of fine Hpsieiy-fandeiT end plain colors in - immense assortment stripes, checks, jacquards and plain blacks, in lisles and cottons. Sample lines of the very best 28c and 85c yalues. Anticipate your iy ' ; summer needs tomorrow at. this low, price, pair. 1 C Economical men will buy liberally of them. See Morrison Street window! displiy., V;cr(FrwinkStcrofa 500 in tho Lot Matchlc:3 Dnrncina; .' 4 ..... . .. - T ' . ' " One of pgr alwaya-popniar SUk Petticoat Bargains b an noencad for tomorrow's fllflth Friday Snrprisa Saia -500 of tVn frvszt from a lending; New York panafactgrer at r a rrejar htlow rtzdar valne AH tba very bast styles ; F.laifa r f Cs ctsSty tnffeta silks, dee? exccrkn--plalted Cocnca witSi mche, deep tnckad rcfflet or jpkltbg whh threa rows of roctJnjIntlftiny made Full width and tba best shades Reds, bines, greens, frink, wblta. grays., Hick and many other popular coioria SUk petticoats of tho tisheat grade, selling at pricea yy to $14.00 each Your choice for tomorrow only t Uva f yt . f - C pheiioracnaBy low price of, each .... . . p iisf e See Fifth-Street Window T T5 Meier Q Frccli Storo 030th Friday Snrpriso Sdo Mens O20arid 023.5a SAYS PASSION PLAY TREATS JEWS UNFAIRLY At the meeting of th Jewish Council of Women yesterday Mrs. Mas Hlrsoa, who has, visited Oberammargas aad seen th "Passion Play," read an Interesting paper ea tho lesson to be derived there from. Sh aaid that th sthlcal and moral value of the play was almost out weighed by the extent to- wbloh It foster th sntl-Setnltlo acntimsat. The Jew Is pictured in such an unpleealog light that ths peasant hav a horror f Btmer SMgM. '. Two physicians had a long and stub born right with sn abscess on my light lung," writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont. OA lead gave me , up. , everybody thought my tlm bad com.. As e-lset resort I tried Dr. King' New Disoovsry for Consumption. - The benefit . I . re served was atrlklng and I was on my feet Is a few dare. Now I've entirely regained my health." ' It conquers all Coughs, Colds and 'Throat 'and Lung troubles. Ouaranteed by S. O. Skidmore A .Co.. druggist. 111 Third street Prlo Ivo aad li.00. Trial bottle free. . , .Pairs W liral vTt n". '" iicla aa immenf e assortngat of rcrrT f yl f r rri3 end Summar wear CLiU thraadi t-i cct-i ti flc!a colore and ribbon ehadea, fancy ayf ytt, , I "ztl "rzi'l aa4 vertical tattarne, cbecka andrl-':i Lcet c:.zcUwr.Ji colored tope --fbe aeaortotat cf tlac!u h ctjgia lisle noveltlee and EJrH-rr-!a ttr!a IcSaa Tanoea ta iJiSnitle, lace and aprcli trad:Alo red, light bine, pht brae itzX lrr frayrcsclj t!3e,dumpape.browii ate., cto. 1 1 Isthry cf ttyiard value, eeE.23 fairly at 50c, 65c, 75c and" WesTW ynmsusl mmmmmmtmw Sea n.l!vtratt Window DUplay Display Great Surprise Sale bargain In Men's Suits for tomorrow Two great lines of Men's fc.0 and (28.80 suite to be closed out at a marrelously low price In order to make room for tha heavy shipments of spring apparel arriving every day, and many' of these garments are of splen did style and weight for spring wearFancy cheviots, fancy tweeds and cassimeres in single or double-breasted sack coats Entire stock la included The best product of America's most reputable manufacturers Hand-made button holes, hand-felled collars, best Italian serge lining All sixes Regular $20 and 128 suits Every one of them The exclusive clothiers would ask $28 for them Your choice tomor- row at the re markably low, price of. each i See Morritoiv-Street ef oven- portraying th eharacter of one. ., Mrs. Emanuel Slcbal told of tho cur rent events of prominence among Jew and mentioned some Interesting points tn connection with tho Kusso-Jswlsh trouble. Th opening address of Sena tor lead or Raynor of Maryland before th senate was sne event mentioned. Mr. Ben, Belling wa requested to tell of the progrees of the elasse conducted at the Neighborhood - bouse la South Portland and dilated on tho gratifying progress made. Mr a. S. M. Blumauer, president, who last week addreeoed the Seattle council on the triennial conven tion of the national council at Chloago. told ef tho work of the Isrgest section of tho council, Louisville. Kentucky. . Miss Hilda Hegel and. Monty Let wars the soloists for ths afternoon and Mrs.. A. I., Has tar ths accompanist. " W' understand that In spits of thd pen winter, grocer are sailing large quantities ef None Such Mince Meat, which pin to show that this, well known article Is appreciated by the housewife, and that Its use Is not con fined to "snow weather,' as tn ths past. As a matter of fact, a None Such Klnee Pie tm good to eat and good for the eater any month In th year. An limner Rood River valley msn raised I.AIO worth, nt, of r ." rrt4 last yeer from one Si j f i -J will plant s lot nuoro . bcclcry SamrJetnet of . .rviajri IVff Mall Orders WD Ce Proretly TZZ4 Window Display FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD DANCES AT MASKED BALL "' - - t'ndar a canopy ef whit, blu and yellow, the lodaa Mln .ha - ...a wnnmr, and friends of Portland lodge. No. lot. rraieraai srotnernood. danced In mas auerad costumes last nla-h- . n rs halt It proved one of .the moat enjoyable soclsl functions given by the camp.- -The hall hsd been profusely and artistically deeorataat r. .k. I! ' - - - - ..w vwJHigq under tho supervision of D. R. Ladd. who, wm master or ceremonlea during the dancing, appearing upon th floor dlsnlaeA a m Ma aaia.u M. a . . Ing red tights and similar-colored head s"". rum wrw swaraea aa follows: . - woman, miss Marie W.I at: beat SraaMawi .... ur u mend, who aaelsted Mrs. D. R. Lads n arraaaing ine aecorsuons; best sua tariiad female rh.racfa u Rmlth; beet sustained male character, B. T. 1 nllllpA - During the course of the evening there were 40 msahsd couples on th flOOS at (me tlm.. Ttaarw . VA... ,.a spectator a The r-c ' B committee or lb evening, oor j of: k.r. snl Mrs I. Illir, Ik r. I j, Ity, nd 1 rm, . 1 ' v . i. i Ls l. ir. . a . a. a uva.a. an a With tV.SBV B.r, Cat. tWlrf-X.t. 1-w'sr-SswV'SI-tO. - Baieaar, TSe;- IM S - aa . ..,.... m rowa, om , mmt a - r Mure vauerj, suav- Seiee u4 Iam, llo.eo. . ... htell OrSwe WlQ Not k. .laal.aS Am ,aa at. KA.0CAM fsiKssWt , '. Baggrawt thejt8iliie-t TraseSUa. : CXABUS S, ASt6tD,- Tealgkt.-OtH wOleah, THX TAMINC OF THE StOEW rtMlsy strtt. i:U, "Oth.lte." mtorsay Stella uar. s'.i. -me Merrbeat ef . Teaio erareay Bkrb inroar aajDr. v;it "lafOj EVININO PRICKS Peroart.- tl.Mt , Par I nrele, 11.00. Salney, Tie, c.' Oalierr. atAriKKaV-PSICSg . .Par-e.t. ' l Onj farrH fcijnja. Satire Saloon r, 00. , ailwy. fchtrThtctrerS: ffliaalTI aa4 Tkhw eta.. '. rhmmm Mala SMT. TOltlOHT, TOMORROW mflHT AMD lATV'S ' - DAT MATINIS. AS Tale Week Aawi Seel Sviar. - ; "Th- Ham Doodle CMs" tatredselea three seetleas ef 1 inisnai. nr Tae Sieat Meeieal tvMra,' "A jrhattaMe . Insaraaae Coaayaay," Iina4 ftttaiiai ma Sakar Traar. .f Asroaata. Tkue .a. ieraeawagl-area, "A Tr e ae ailnSiawa.'' - Matlaes Sstareay, lasst Perforauaaa Me, me. Ha, 00c. ;. Klrtt arlr -16e. Me. . I0e. tie. w-k,tartlBt Bw'y W-ai .' SALtaOAX AAAO tiXS.'' ,f EMPIRE nxiru. -: -; Mltea W. SeaaMS, ttasassr. v . ' j . PortUiad'a fvftmr PUrkaeae. . (SCOMO AMP LAST Will OP Datlaaal. I lllta.laa. A.. mmmmmmm, a ,iiim a a MiiijrHuaH vyvaw w ym aa j - . . TOWIOrlT PsarOkatAgCA . 1 . -run aAim oisl." PSIDAT KIOHT AMD BATl'SDAT kTATIMSS. "A ASgSJOAM MriXIOaAJAS." , . , SAT(ISDAX NIOHT 0PB'IAU ' Mack wain, la the Pww-rfiil M.lndrasts. . , "SIDCWALXS OP SXV TOAK.' BveeUg prtae. tie. Me, got, 0o. atatliaa 1 . mmn awraenea, wwni aaay ruiaaa, , "TKX kOOsaiaUjiaA'l BAOdAXAA" Taa4erule A'' PJLACS U RAJtOSOMTST HOURS OM COAST. :, JOHN A. JOnNSONv SnMeat laaaa-as, IwJi.Wa, rraaiai BaHteae. Hare ef Ike liT-Taakl Valeaeia, . ItttlhUar OUtaae, lawen ead laaein. ' assata Briias? Wteea i V "ill. 1 aal.a Maana m- . farauuKM Saiy at t 0, T:M aad p, w, ral lOailaalaa. lOei tmrved aeata, te. f wwm assay WS AtJW W WfTm . 1.4.,- a-" A "A Pelpklss a aMsMra, VW-Ia Baatea a tancAvA .' nCXATAB. , Ths Seaaia Trie. Week ot Psh. IS nN WUssss, wms ss res. is. Priacta Trixle , Prleea Sfealiwts aad the beet adseated Suaeara, lor. toe, Wee la tke siatliiMe, toe ta say warts. eaet emrept keaea. . A pa Tardea, w-y a WOkar " dlrtH Mr. aad Mi, pkelss XXXATIX. ' : Haarea Barter. Weak i t Mis aad Mrs, West Wia"ctW. M?.,' m ' ft W-sagsMe'lmBl mnmWmmmmmjm lepetky. f east esaest soae tat ivooKPAaaaxa emox oo. nAstare 'Oo C!rhM A asiauoxor vsaoa rs nnxa Acta Met Sunns Sesva, Saa. C!o2!nOutC!CjX!i? WOLFF-AUEIUCAN $40 Bicvcis, now..C23.0 (50 Cushion Frame C73 tZS Ruby Racer... t3.C0 150 Rims at .Hall Price S.S.SI(iEL ' IS! UOSRISON ST. " tc:v - KasAwaMty rsmfcewd. eteassriy eeeaaasA fbepreef, fire stlaatas' waa ream aaa.t af akasplag aad keatsee Sanrlet. ail k - .try, estates nisi, oeaaai aaateA. aawn- a Uckta, ealifkma la eack iiwiaal. e. Lerre erftaas. Iala, ewaae. wrt- tastes' raaeetlea sextaa. . AeaBaa--assrra4 ky atatl at taliikeaa. Mmu $1.00 to 43.00 m Osty " 0 ' ma has sAtoa. , . . . (relay ly of Botei aaesath, ssikemj . bee. Miss V. WL OotshalL Dr. aad Mrs. MeKenal. Mr. and Mr a. W. Waller, K. C Matson. Mrs. R. J. Beycs, Dr. S. B. Vsn AlsUn. ... -' -.. t,r . !'. aa W e.ui Upchurch lodge, no. lis. Ancient ur der of United Workmen, held a suceeaa ful dance Isst evening a Its hall. 1 Seventeenth .and Mara nail streets. Ad mlaatan waa hv . tnvltstlOA. about 10 couples attending. Tho committee la charge of - the affair were: uer-rai committee, I. B. Fremont. John l.r old, Leo Komeyr-lntroducory. A. H. Ortsohow, Charles. Dudrowj John i'ar old: floor, Charlea Dudrew, Leo kAac-, D. R. Jsnsen. ' ' ' "" I a. - .-a .a.. ' 'I '