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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
c3 ' V J'.fc . , 1 - mm e m m Then youH read these items that tell of savings to be made, in tomorrow's, sale with 'aviiltyv , And the sale IasU two diys--Friday and Saturday. ; ;.y ; ' ":'(" '; ' "First", Focr Annex FlTi Ctreet ..'. v ' Pretty White Japanese Silks, very popular for. making little cool fancy waistsfor summer wearour best wear- ing quabttes.and splendid values at the regular prices. We,off er them for. Friday Economy Sale and also for Saturday s selling at the following special prices--7-27-inch Silksi our $1.00 valuev Speclryard i TC -WnchlSilksfr$4iaI rrr-C2 27-inch Silks,; our $1.50 vsl'tf , ;vfTp1't, yrAytl s re . IN -THE LtlCE STORE rrnsT floor. Muimrtui ' Worth-while, Savings many , not printed . here, but of ,v-. which the f (air sample. ;. u- . 1 .as Mt sooum to u, ..;.t , i: 7 A mw IIm of Lac Collar la era. cream' Ul white lace,-ln'twe- lab atyte; our J 60 vela. Special Eeoaomy Sal price, ach..;15d W'.r BSSS.amiawB w'!.. Pretty Lac Collar attr large slass. with three points r, taa. .' la era on! jr." Our 5o ralpa. ' Special jEoenway Bala trlea, AH Moa wmlapa aa BraUa Sfraalal Frtoay aly Who Wants RobeBrCo And doaan't want to par run valuaf If rov'ro taat party you'll bo lataraatad In today story, of tpaalal Sairlasa to ho had fawotlt 4ulHM aUUa fh. Br4iw Bala' i -'j Oanulna fendlatoa Indian Robea !a , lauaaaao varlaty . of eolora; regular yalua M-0. Bpaelal, aach ................SS i'-.riir-M ' . . '....,:, .'f -..rf , ' :'-.f .'j ..' "' " , ' -' !f 'V",-': K':! fTM Ooaali OaVM tKSS, 1,.: y---.'; Haavy Tapaatry . Couch Corara, ' Inchaa wlda. . 191 tacbea lone Orlantal daaltna; ragular Talia $r.l. Spoclal, aacb .S4LSB flmpiiigf fhe iflrf . 1 mwtt .rxaoaa ' zv ' abt 1 1, -C". ,J' ANNEX SECOND VLO0IL '. '.f-W SttahWT Ubaao W , faaMal. ta, Dolllaa, Caatatpiaoaa. ' baaia sad ' Scarfs; rarular raluaa rrom to to padal.Xoeaoaiy.8al . price ........................ t fl.l O Saaa Statf Mm 'V, v - ' dJt BXBAOSUDZVABT' till 0 i. : . . r.v-.;-: :;?::i.,'fv'.v','-::, High Grade Dinner Sels , THIRD 1TLOOB, Worth-while Sarins 'Bar for eaaolaaar la fin war for the .Vy-.-r---: raiiy kosjrdr- -ruifv.vv-77 aTarUaad Ohlaa Blmae , decorated with a Try aet told lae ; border deetra. lit piece t et; our Illl.M vala. Special '. .XcOBoaiy Sale price, the aet ....'...SST.wO ajarnaad OalaA XHaaer aewj, aaata decoration a abore. Ill pleoea to aet; our f 11S.M rain. . Special Economy Sale prloa. the aet . f...i..Ml......M.HSAO floral 111 M ' baadle and knob and cold, lined,1 117 pieoe to aet; r ralaa. Special Bcoaoaiy Sal prloa. tb aet V.. .... $71.90 SUTOaaa Oblaa JMaaot Sea with a very choice areaa aad cold da ' elm. (4 place to aet; our 7. aloe. Special Sooaonay Sal f prloa, the aet .aVM " . 1' - .i' --,...'. -v i f , .'V.i" ;' '";"( SUTflaad Ohlaa Btaaw Sola, with aeat decoration and tippled goM handle and knobs. M piece to aet; our IIT.fS yalu. , Special ' ; Xeonomy Sal price, the set ...... ...'...'............. ..$25.00 Sav decorated with rry pretty dealga aad ,. ha gold' traced handle and Jcneb. pleoea to aet; our llt.TI ralna. Special Economy Bale price, tbe eat, ............ .$19.00 ''-..-. v.v -' .'..-;.'.- . dur "t Ohiaa Btaaot Seaa, decorated with gold traclaga. 7 pleeea to aet; outt ralua. . Special Economy Sale price- - r the t ..... . J?i ........ .$2S.00 VAs ajto rvmxovs reiy FIRST ' FLOOR ANKtX6th Sr. READ THE REASONS rOR THE FORECAST. : Sdfw Friday we offer for aale a large aaaortmeat f Broochea, aome aione eei, rnxmrn wwhw, nh , other la oxidised finish. A great variety from which to select, and the beat vala erer offered ' at tb price;. value to to. . Special Eoonomy Sale price,. each .........................&M : ''"Jw--sS awatf taaS ttm to. '.V An assortment of Scarf. Pin ia aaaay dlfferoat - dealgna la ocMlaea aaa rose gota rinisn, wr Sto value. Special Economy Sale prloa. : ( each ... ...,....,.........j....IBf Thro Spealal Bargain AdMitmaae 1. , 10. Since taklna? Inventory and rearranalng atoeka. we hare UAea out all odd place f Jewelry t aome sllahtly damaged and hav arranged tare pecial Sargala lt for Friday selling. ' .. ..r - & V. 1 An aaaortmeat of Hat Pin. Stick Flna, Broechea. But. tone,etc your choice. Special Economy Sale price, each.. .,...14 X STa. 'a Ah assortment of Brooches, Hat Fin. Button. Stick rina, ate, Speeiai-d9conomy sale prce, aca ..... Bt Sfa. S A large assortment of Scarf Plna, Breoeha,'Hat Plna, Chalna, C-- Cu.f Buttons, comb, etc Special seonomy aje - a '.BnBhl !fs ' Ire ; RemTuQd TUn to cet an sarly start for ths stors tomorrowwths occasion is an important one for thoss folk who cars for savins in ths purchase of dally needs. If 'tis possible to nave raater tbrons Inthe store than we have had at some xf the sales this week we want them tomorrow. Every reader of these special announcements should join the mtrry ; multitude. : We have ample full stocks of fresh, bright, spring merchandise for every one. But practically all de partments have extra values to oSTtreoine are described here, some are crowded out. Hundreds of things suited for wear end use these early spring daja are marked at special reductions for thelCUt Weekly Friday Economy Event. Hundreds, of practical, 'useful everyday things axe marked way below value because bought way below vaiuo 1 ana tor, puicr waayiiia a hhu ui wvsww. , ,tu us uusy uajf-,wiii vauij. - .t , I'', n !.' blSTYUSM SUiTl GKAND SALONS-SECOND FLOOR SO;- v '.When' we told" you some two weeks ago ,6 f a fortunate purchase made by our garment buyer now in New York where more than half the price was saved on a lot of new tailored suits for wear of dressy femininity, we did not know the full extent of the purchase for " some of the suits had not then left the workrooms. Along with 'the first lot 'came word , . from authoritative fashion sources ithat Jo'ng coated suits would still hold favor in the realm " of correct dress. - A few days ago -the second shipments-end last, of our monster purchase V came to hand. The first lot melted away before the'onslaught of eager purchasers like dew before the rising summer sun and as even lower price is affixed to this lot, which t comprises tomorrow's offering, we expect rem to go out like "hot cakes." ' Only about 100 in the convention to start with, so be early. 1 Suits have long, tight-fitting coats, tight-fitting . backs with loose, boxy fronts, others straight-cut in mannish effect. Coats silk lined thro' out or half lined with rich, heavy satin. Cheviots, serges and Scottish tweeds comprise ma Kf terials, all plain tailored, some having, collars of velvet, others of materials, still others be- Jng collarless with trimming effects in silk and fancy braids. SJrirts are full plaited and in the modish rotind lengths. .'A full color line embraced blues, blacksTtnywns, light greens, gray mixed and fancy' tweedish effects. Regular ' '. v.': v!-r '..v:"':? $25 and $35 Values for One Day 0nlyFriday-$U.95 '1 (A trio of bafina our male clientele will be sure to appreciate ready in the "Haberdasherie" . Friday morning Sale lasts all day. -...v ; Men's tltO Undressed Kid Clovei'$U3 ' ; . Qur best line of Men's Undressed Kid Gloves, the "Mon arch, in gray ; regular value $2.50.5pcuI,The""r' w pair si. . ..s.s.i... .el.C3 MenV Ne A new line of Men'e Wide End Oub Ties, in dots, stripes ( and figures ; regular value ftOc Special, ? , ; each ............l...;.S5d X'fMi- Men's Tc' Nightrobes ls .' Men's plain white Muslin . Nightrobes, made long and , wide, all seams felled; regular value 75c Special, each ....;4.. ,.Z2f The NOTION BASKET A grejup'orPwaBySa vers among the everyday aeed aem FB2BAT "BOOBeWT the -ram. riiltl. Faper Bast EagUah Ftoa. Spaaial. Bw SS Flala Shell Back Comb. Special. 34 II Belt Fin Book. Special... ) la Card f 1 doaea White Peart Shirt But. . ton. Special . .......Ed IS Card Black or WaMe Ball aad Socket ' Garment Faatenera, Speotal ...., ..OA II Barber Raaor Strop. Special. ...1 Be) Can Colgata-a Beat Dental Teeth Powder and OuetlM CX Caatuner Boooiuet Toilet Soaa. Sneelal .........U....K f II Caa Cold Cream. Special M..lTd IS Boa; Witch Baaal TfrOet Soap. Spe cial . i. ......Be) htlsaloa OUv Toilet Soap. Sped!, I aake .. A............10 II Solid Back Hand-drawn Mail Brashe. Special ..10d IS Bottl L Pag IAuld Fish Ola. Speotal. ........ ........a IS Eaary Ket Shopptag Baga. Spelai r... .....() Pretty Bjubeaasd aad Decorated Phot Fiams. Speelal. mn ala. each w.... 14 Larg alaa, each 10a) Annex Bargains for Adultand Lass x , . ssooiro FXOOX Another Stirring mlhnevy enmg J $5.00 TO $8.50 m i o m m m i M m . ' 1 .1 -X. I MM M I , ' 4 - t ziBSOture ar.7i;roF ML BARGMti-GMtlC A sale having no parallel, in the past or present holds the boards tomorrow in the Annex Salons, Second Floor.1 A fetching and ultra stylish convention of smart dress hats for ladies' and misses' wear Silk Beavers and French Felts, artistically trimmed with dainty flowers and pretty tips, wings and bird breasts Values up from $5 T to $8.60 Special-for Friday only at a dioice, until sold, for...,......e..s..08dT iilii ,-" w m r aa mm. Think of Buying New Spring Qtgandies ai 5c Then come tomorrow, to the Wash Goods Section Fin t Floor where, spread out like a great bed of glorious pansies in springtime, in all the freshness of buttercups smiling at the kiss of the morning sun on their dew-wet lips lie 10,000 yards of exquisitely beautiful organdies, dainty 'fabrics for new spring and summer frocks, in ' a-variety of charming' floral effects, light or dark shadings very newest conceits, , wonderful value at the H special price of, yard ........... . . ". . . .. .......... . . WOMEN'S LEATHER NOVELTIES r;V- V :: .'v'i;' BUMAfX'mVaUBSU '.' : ', ' . ' ' ' '"-'r '''.'aknex-sixtk street Fnurr; ixoob! ;" - 1 aVt Ladles i email Cola Par-see, mad from genuln Alligator' leather, with strong nickel frame: two eon pertinents; good value a ise. Speelal Eoonomy Sale price, each ............. ....t ZOa . .. .... . . . ,..-...:;.'. . :-r- ; -.i'',laaiaBBVlB J .,;....-. . -A tin of Ladle Hand Baga-In Mack and browa leather, with round leather handle. . nickel ball clasp frame, alsely lined aad fitted with coin purse; our lie value. Speotal Eoonomy Sale price, each . 4. ............ .....494 . Whtt Kid Beta Worth Se few eVa. A new line f LadlW Whit Soft Kid Belt with gilt buckle; our value. .Special Eoonomy Sal price, each i....n.....494 HOUSEKEEPERS' BBniiMiNsnm " -i v:.;; '. y,.'.'- TSIXO FLOOR, ' , : " '. ' 'i'';' "i.'Ji , 9MS Oloaa fag fdOa. '. -' r Eight-day hfantel Cloaks, . strife the half hoars cathedral gong. ' Finished la black with gilt trimmings; ur 7.l valut Sneour Eoonomy Sal prloa, each ...,y..rt.(.A,15 sMAfgsevs. . Chafing Diahea, niakel plated n wrought trea stand: r tin valna. Special Eeoaomy Sal price, each (3.43 :-'''- IS trill fat dSa. r ' , A Kov 1 plat Ola atlrror staada.' sia by S taoh; ur TU valoe. Speelal Eoonomy Sale price, each .... , ...4t imparted Uses as f X. t.. g Uw- li4 pint sts. C fecial Coi- f Sale prloa, each . V Ovd KJt Lea tH inch slsa, sum war a ttt luoonomy tela price, each ,.... -.'. ,t .-.r ' ... Wemen'a Black PetUooata, made of fln sualltr ttallaa eleth. with . deep, full flounce, raws of shlrrins; aad fin toeks. Others are : made with pleating aad smell ruffles; ur S.a ralue, Seeehu Eeoaomy Sale prloa, each ...............,......$1.S3 Children' Blue aad Whit Checked Otagham Apron a. ta pretty stylesi trimmed with whit braid; alas 4 to II yaaras war t le va! ua. Speoiai Eeoaomy Sal prio. eah ..41 mJm ' . mm ' Under near ana Hosiery Values first FLOoav ;: ' SSS ToatstMr Sea. Wemen'a Fin. WhlU Cettea Vesta, . Spring weight, with long sleevea, high heck-shaped waist. Mew gooda Jaaa la. Splendid II value. Speotal Booaomy Sale prloa, each ....SO), SS fa Woma's Whit Swfmi ribbed Vast, rnedhtm weight, long aleesea, peeau verv alaatle. Freaeh haad peat t saatehi gar lao rata. Eoonomy sM pn ut garment illll(llltltl Women' Silk Tight, aakl leagth, pa in are am or hlaeht oor !. vain. Speelal Eeoaomy Sale prtoe. the pair.........CXl Women' Fine Lhrt Boas, Imported i black with embreidtrad woets: t our Tie aad It value. Special Eeoaomy Sal prloa, the peir..tV Women's Fin Black 141 Ho a fin gaaa weight, aplloee sol. ( Freaeli toot good 10 value. Speotal Booaomy Sale prloa, tb pair -.;vr... .'-'j , ' lafaata XeM f Sa : 1' ' - . ' ; " -.- . - ' , Infants' Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Ho, aeamtaea, atoa, atedhma weight; our beat II valoe, Speelal Booaomy Sale prtoe, tb , pair . t -7 i) a snehal Ptaasd a Xettl, with heavy eoppar bottom. H a P . cial Booaomy 81 price, each . ........ pedal Economy Sal prtoe, eaah-CT feat ieaaV S social Booaomy r price, each , alvaawiid Wash Vaha, Urg sis. Special Beeaomy Sale prk. each . Wan at OeCx Xsrjm, Special Eoonomy J prion, each..... Cavy rip C-t:"3. fjaelal raeasmy till rt'h " v.'......" fartt!rirri " T. t. r3oasEy t t " "V cinr,-- r. r r?r- r -'" r c ' . t :r ?r : '