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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
MR.'AND i.:r,S. EVANS WEDDED U ; SIXTY-TWO YEARS AGO TCDM .-THEvGREErJ' ::",z-Ji i ) L co.irs HULL y u ': U A' Vhen This Hat Caen Don; Flro-1 Cott WXCa In Excellent -V' Condition. ,'.," HMD . , . If"- S' ' : fJ'Jl'' ""O I 'aeajaAt ." .M HEAVY MACHINERY MAKES HULL THROB I , ' Goorgo ttjVVUllajao Problbly Win B Taken to Pry-dock Tomorrow ' and Repair Work Complotod in - Threo or Four Day.- - - . I I delarmin 'juat what work muat be don to the flrsboat arf H. WH- llama to put her In' good condition.1 conference was held thla naming in th office of United State Inspectors Edward aad Fuller mt which Mayor Lens, rlr Chief Campbell and . r. A. Ballin, narlna architect and designer of the veaael. wars in -attendance. It waa as reed that about ail that would have to be dona would b to strengthen the hull. Mayor Lane la enxlou to hava the repairs made juat aa quickly aa poaalble At. vessel may not ba kept outl.bratad tha sixty-second annlverosry of -of servloc any longer - them necessary. It t probable that aba will ba taken to , thedrydeck tomorrow and It la thought that aha can ba mad ready for com- m Melon in thra or lour day. - Tha Inspectors aay that tha machinery . or tba craft la In xcllent ahapa and wUl require no overhauling. They alao declare that all tha hull naeda la a Uttla , stiffening. Otherwise tha Wllllama li aald to be In aa fin ahapa as any other boat On th river. It-is -explained by tha government . repreaantatlyea - that there la not a steamer In tbalr dlatrlot uiai aoea not nave to unasrgo minor I rrpatra every year, ana mere is notaing unususl In tha fact that a small amount of work wtll have ta b don to the fireboat . Architect Ballin says that ha made H clear at tha time tba Oeora H. WU imma ,w nut wm ID! null WUU1U rw- I oulra elosa attention on account af tha powerful machinery with which tha boat ..v.i ..u .w - ."il' - la aaulppad. Had It boon aa Iron hull. :be aays. It could have atood tha aavar strain to which It Is dally subjeetad without showing the vlbratlona which hava bea notload In tha wooden bull of lata. But It ta claimed that tha wooden sort Of hull is just as good aa ona mad or. iron if it is watched closely and kept la repair. FAVORS SUBSIDY.' JCrtoal eHaaaaahlp Kaa Bay ; ; aaaaatur Wffl Sala ASL Should the ship subsidy act pass con gress and be ratified by the praaldent, (local atoamahlp man aay. and Impetua . will be given Immediately ' to shipping .from the Pacific coast ports never be- fore known. It la claimed ' that an 'American Una of ataamera will "be placed .In service from Portland to the far east,' calling regularly at tha Philippines, Tha opinion appears te prevail locally that the bill will pass after jecelnng minor ' modifications. ' i "It will not be tb ween af bulUtfig up a trust," aald a local ateamshlp man . this morning, "but It, will build up an American merchant marine. By the : 'terms of -the-measure, the merchant ma rlne.wlll be aa auxiliary of tha. 'navy . ana subject to erdera of th government ;J In ease of war. There la every Indica Mlon that the United States will need a powerful navy very shortly, aa China la ' aaauming a moat tnreatenine- attitude. Ttrer la not a country in tha world that - has net built up Its navy in just this manner. The aaaertioa Is often made that Germany and England contribute no -bountlea to the shipowners. Aa a mat ' ter of fact they give enormoua bounties for carrying mall, which carton them to a greater degree than a law almllar to . that being considered by congreae." He - alao declared that the produoere "would not have to bear tha burden of " Paying the aubslily, as la generally sup- posed, but on the contrary thla tax , would be borne largely by the ship owners. He explained that th freight j rates for oarrylng gooda aoroaa ths Pa V clflo would ba materially ., reduced and shippers be benefited. As th matter N now atande. he asserted, the A marl SALEM RESIDENTS, IF-SOrNOWlISjTHE TIME TO GET ONE! SPECIAL Subscribers for m gOxrmvAX, (daily and Sunday) one year and pay Ut down for packing and ' express charges and OaTB BBOOBB,' Tb outfit' than became yours, AJMMMTTBajY WWKM . for nt year. ' purchase tt additional rcrda during the ' year th outfit beeomes'your for good. - t ' f, '..:,--,' , ,'.,'.., , ;. Bear Jn mind that records formerly celling at It. cent each now aall at tt ornts.. ,' ' JfOTJBkTAX is only enabled 1 make" this liberal offer through 'a special arrangement with AJTDmaW TUCUS (suo vKaor ta J. VVenger) at t OOknoraOZAX STmaBT. r Remember, thi offer Is only opea for a SZOBT TXstB.' Call at th store of axrraw tkxcxjc. too txmuunm mm, at nc and aee the machine and hear it play' or mall (hla coupon, today. . "Mr. and Mrs! Evsna. f t " Mr. and Mr. Evans. (Special Mspatea Ta euraat) Barlow, Or... Feb. II. Mr. and Mr. Sylvester Bvana of Barlow, Oregon, eel- their marriage today. -Mr. Evana was born la Tompkins oounty,, New .Tork, March Sr. lift.. II waa married 'to Mlaa Susan Catharine Hulaandar Feb ruary It, 1144. - - v Mrs. Bvana waa , born In O ran re oounty, New Tork, April IT. 1111. 1 in uiey movea rrom New J or eaa shipowner eannot eompet with tb foreigners who ar protected by their respective governments and a bounty kw. tha oily thing that will brlna snout a enanga. TO LOAD LUMBER. naMa tkip Oatajsi 'Aaoama WtU Vaka Ca4'tmaoXlon-. - . A. .li. -.1 J" "POrtad, that 4h Italian ahlp aianna Aocam naa n enarieren to load lumbar at Portland for tha United Kingdom. Tha vassal is expected to4"' " . "'"'"a wn.nevsi reach hera tha mlddla Anrll HhaT"' t"lnlt can-nso-tham ta advan aallad from Hamburg for Portland on November It with a general eargo. rot tna next two or thra months. shippers aay, lumbar will b about tha only product seat-to foreign porta. Mora squarHriggrs and sohoonars. It is as sorted, .ara. being sngaged for lumbar carriers than aver before, while tramp atnamera for tha bualneaa ara In con stant demand at satisfactory rates. Until th prte of grain In Europe ad vances, exporter aay thsr will be no demand for- grain tonnage at any of the racino eoaat porta, it la claimed that tha price la almoat aa low In Europe now aa In tha local markata, and aa long 'aa that condition exlata the ahlppara say thev eannot afford to charter-veaaels at Mfh rates. It Is alao feared that what Uttla grain" will ba sent foreign from the Paclflo eoaat during tha next month or two wilt be shipped from the sound on account of the owners making a d la ertmlnatton against this port by eharg- ing more for sending their- tenaag - if-' WILL CUT, RATESr , i i w atailor BoardlAg Xovi yopto VQ -. ' apply Seaaasat fe 10 Baok. Simpson de Lehman,' tha new aallor boarding houae men who were recently granted a state license, hava cut tha fee to 110 a man for supplying tha ships with seamen, is against IIS charged by Grant at White, th firm that ha been doing bualneea for years, and a rata war Is expected to enajia. .. lt.,1 said to be certain that an attempt will be mady thoae who have enjoyed a monopoly of shipping satiora from Portland to fore th new firm, out of bualneea. The new proprietor made a call on British Consul Laldlaw yeeterdar and xplalned to him that It la their inten tion to conduct their house on the same lines ss a Hotel. If aallora in port see At to stop ,thert they declared, their guests would be charged the usual price for meals and lodging. When a captain Is in need of men to g to sea, If thalr guests wanted to make th voyage they would turn them over to him on the1 The JournaVs r special ' FREE offer to all residents' of Salem for a short time only Do you OFFER to Illinois, and la HTi to Xanaaa. In 1194 they earns to Oregon and settled In Barlow. . . , - .. . Mr. Bvana sawed on and one-half oorda of wood on his 10th birthday, aad ia j ear hvir sua puwa aisawrusr - T Mr. and Mrs. Evana war b Ulna children. - Thar hava It rraadchll- dran and nine great grandohlldren. Mra, Evana doa all of her own house work, and . Mr. Evana raised ona of tha 11 neat sard en a In tha oounty last year. Both ar well and hearty. , - i . ;. payment of lit a man. They' informed th consul that they did not Intend to engag la ertmplng. and would not an tic seamen from a ahlp In order to get board era. "Conducted en that plan aald Consul Laldlaw, -tha enterprise wlU be boon to th shipping Interests of Portland. Crimping and enticing aallora from ahlpa are Juat a bad at this port and on Puget sound as la former days, not with tandr Ing tha many reoorta to tha contrary. Bailors ara being Induced to leave ahlpa by the boarding houae men whenever tage. It la true there have been no rows recently on board the vessels , like there used to be when Sullivan made himself so obnoxious, but the eonditlona ar lust as naa. it ta a aisgrao to Fort land that tha ahlnewnera ara obliaed to pay 10 In blood money for every sailor! way enipioy. - .Excepting Fuget . sound thera Is no other port In th world where such exoesslvs charges ar made," TO CO TO ALASKA. Toledo Will Be Mvea sacral V, OTarhaaUat at Dry dock. . as ; soon aa aha na been given ; a general overhauling, the steamer To ledo will bo taken to the sound and placed In service In Alaskan waters. She wss sold a few daya ago. Caotaln Shaw of Ban Francisco will have com mand of th craft. Last aummer the. Toieoo waa. operated between Portland and ttraya Harbor .. by. ray Brother. She, waa taken off th rout In th fall and tied ' up at tha foot of Jefferson street, where ah kaa been lying ever ainoa. - it ta ina intention to place bar on th drydock at one.. ,-;- ' TO USE COLUMBINE. Beard WlU Tlsct Arrangements have been made for the government board of Inquiry, which la Investigating tha Valencia oaa at Se attle, to visit the eoone of the disaster oir-th lighthouse tender Columbine. Permlaalon to us th tender for this urpos waa granted by the local light louse efflclala. Tb Columbine la now on the aound and will probably go out to too seen of th wreck tomorrow or next day. Some of the wltneeeee for tha government will alao make tha trip. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The North Pacific Lumber company chartered the Italian ahlp Eraamo y es terase to transport a eargo of lumber NOTICE! want, a XQBppn of Inquiry , Date. ANDREW VERCCER TS9 Cctrdil St, Salca. Qngsa Please send solicitor taray ad dress to explain Free. Crapfto phone Otttr. v: j -j-is, '::ir,. You needn't wait till the who& ov& ct- iun be tween -the drops. Our Reincoets win eee you" through any . storm and - keep-you.. wjurn and dry. - At ?10 to ?25 Wir?; showing the newest - pat terns in this season's Rain Proof ' Coats. . We ' Invite you to come in and try : some oii. c 1 - UciCummaQ GuiJiJxrPrc Outfitters for Hon and Boys, , 160 and 168 Third Stroot, ; from Portland to Genoa, Italy.. The British bark Bal more, which reached port this afternoon. Is Under charter to carry a eargo to th same destination. - T. B. McRath St Co. have oh arte red the German ship Maria to load a general cargo at ' Newoaatle-n-Tyne for Puget sound. Sh will begin loading the lat ter pari of thla months v. ffhe hull of the steamer W. HTKTrugerV wnicn went aanore near rort Bragg, la reaaing up. aad it la eonaldered uaeieaa to make efforts to save anything from tna wreca. .- . i , -. v A dispatch to thi mrehaata axchana statea that the British steamship Nairn shire sailed from Geelong, China, yes terday for Portland. It la supposed that ah has bees chartered to load lum ber. . . f S..,,., . .. Having discharged her ballast ths British ship Argus shifted this morning from the Banneld to the Irving dock to load grain for the United Kingdom. The steamer r. B. Jones went out on her first trip ' this morning as an oil- burner. She will tow log rafts to Port land from points on the Columbia river. Major B. W. Koessier went to Celllo this morning to Inspect tha work being aone on tn government eanai. . ' - . . The ateamer Roanoke will aall tonlsmt for Los Anseles and -way porta with a cargo of grain and general freight and big list or passengers. The Benatot wlU leave for San Francisco with a full eargo of freight and a large number of '""eateamei' Alllano will be lowered front ,Ahe dry dock, this afternoon, aft The tug . gameon shifted froas . tb Victoria dolphins this morning to an anchorage at the foot of . .East Oak atreet '.: - . Chains have been placed underneath th steamer Dalle City and aha has been partly ralaed. It la thought that aha will be In ahap for bringing to Portland by Sunday. - - . 'MARINE NOTES. . ...., . . y Astoria, Feb. ll.-Arrlved -1 last night, steamer Cascade from San Fran clsoo; outside at T:4 a. ax, three-masted schooner; left up at I p. aw steamer Cascade. ,. San rranclsoo, Peb. II. Arrived at 4 m.. steamers South Bay aad Jesni. from Portland.'. Astoria. Feb. 14. Balled, at 4 P. m.. ateamer Oeorg Loom la, for Baa Frao- Oisoo. . r Oeelong.1 Feb. .. 14. Sailed. British sterner Nalrnehlr. for Portland. - . Hongkonr, reb. ,15. Arrived, Qeyaiaa Steamer Arabia, from Portland. - St. Helene, Feb. II. Psssed at l:l a. m., British bark Balm ore. Astoria, Feb. 11. Condition of tha bar at I a. m., rough; wind aouthj weather eloudy. ' - . . ., CANDIDATES CANNOT . CHANGE APPUCATIONS Thpeelal IMepatch te The law-sal ' Salem. Or., Feb. II. Attorney al Crawford rendered an opinio today re to whether a person who to a can didate for nomination under the direct primary nominating election law, after he haa filed a copy of hla application declaring tha measures - he advocate and th form In which he wlahe It after hla name on th nominating ballot, can Ilia another application changing . th principles ha advocates and th form to be printed after hi name." Th opinion says in part: , "If a candidate were permitted . to change that whenever ha ohoee to do so, then tha secretary of state would have to change th record, and a candi date might think aa tha emnvmsa pro gressed that by adding to or taking rrom- Bioi ratten- or principles - ha could strengthen hla position before th people. '-r .,: '. . ' , . "Th change muat b made In oome other way for th reason that th record la mad under th law. and no provision exists in th law that will permit changing th record aftar one filed. A candidate's algnatur might be corrected but the declaration of principles must stand, substantially, as m the register. Any other eouras would aaak end est eonfualon." , ' .. B. F.PIKE OF MORO, FILES HIS PETITION (apodal lipe te The Jaorssl.) ' Salem. Or Feb.. 11. B. F. Pike of Morb, Oregon, who aeplre to be Joint representative from piOtata, Sherman and Wheeler countlea n the Republican ticket, bag Bled his petition for nomina tion. ..... ... .. ... ; Ollhert It. Kins of Ontario la a caitAI. date for representative on. the republi can ticket from Malheur and Harney countlea. He will "respect th wlsbee of Republicans aa expressed by them at the prlmaiiea In voting for United Statea senator." Moreover, he "stand firmly for only auch measure aa will promote the general safety, prosperity and progress of my legislative district and Of th state of Oregon." , Vnrtvaled Se: MetekUse 4a- tone, touch, worimanshlp aad durability, . , ... - ( Bver sine the Int of V efewaacy, up f earfuUr oat up broken, ta eases, SB WUl so sawmsssiy i xae na aeon oaup impriasis upon ews sataa thad m at I a xuas asosoa m4Q saaaaiy , ! sus oireuuijiMltist gftriis, fwaad so o arid StimmerS Wklek to CHILDREN'S SCHOOL AND ; i STREET PRESSES ' At Pries That Will Make Yon Boy . .. From SB Up ...,n ';' 9 j - 1 1 - - yy t , r , . ;, , , ..... ......... 1 , 1 ) BUSY PUTTING AWAY THE NEW 1 VH&l?A I COUHTerV iiii YcawHIr find Knit flyer i f n.lA- t r j ilia -.Window LAMM f aXUTszao til ED TZSTB ladies- ring WAtti aii'a'axksa . fin.9 aigeih tAsutr rim wkifk iisu vim-. ' rlvVlrMS8ir...f?r..v.'ww: LADItS kI4-U riTt-81S 4ts . lADLSS' WsUTt UIU tilfTS km. . brll atyK trlasMd 1U torckca lace. yirrm rici te tADISS' WXITI XVIT VAVTO Us brrlla style, leee trlawed. , ' fXTEK PllCg .....IBe tAsiES' ring wxin atoaia Vxsis aoa r AJITS OS m rrat waoL ; . . W w m myiw Xi. . LTT PBIOX. LADIJES' II V. ,v , i ii n ( w u ......... i mm juts tam suss i Aewrtrd JMttfrsa, Soabl ala. mil rauos, ta pair ..... 14 LAPIEd' WXITX OOTTOX SUITS Imi a1ve. ankle lnrtha. I ADOS' SLXBVELCM WXITI 00T TOlt tnflOV V1T Tlsht kaee or ambrella etytej lace trlanwd .....We ABrcs' wrwf MORE THAN EVER WILL THESE 1 U PRICES APPEAL TO Y0 axuc mssvop: AXZr-Om aVsVOTS Flyer prteas, ta fcOVBS isgulat sao. Ply price ...,15 AJTD OOMU9 BZaXtOn t i g-tnek widths. - Fly th yard .. 6 iBSBOIinT AKV XJTKXSTXOsT S., I, and 4-lDCh wldtha. Flyer prtoe, ko Far tti 1 iai O Coats, . -Suits and Furs Oolng at Stock. Taking '; Prices 2or lor PENDLETON MARSHAL TENDERS RESIGNATION ... . s. u x (apertal tHspateh t Tb Jen real) Pendleton. Or- Feb. II. Marshal Or- villa Coffman. at a meeting of tha lty council laat evening tendered hla reelg natlon, which waa accepted. The coun cil appointed Policeman left Stevens acting marahal to auceeeded Mr. Coff man for th time being. Mr. Coffman's occupancy of th office waa due to a com prom lae reached by tha elty d minletratton whan It went Int office the Brat of the year. , At that time there ' waa a deadlock - regarding the marabalshlp, and the "council seeing there waa no other way out of It re tained Mr. Coftmah, who had been mar shal - several - months Mr. Cotfmaa'a resignation la understood to bar been requested. '. - . Member of ' th council . say that Cnffman'e resignation was called for principally because tha police commit- tee la dissatisfied with th lax manner In wtitrhhe has earned out kls tnetru- tlons te prevent gambling. we be to sake avsek, ko sayl TOW WTTI. sTOT I r rr ov vt itaiiVVL W:-T It t . . t-4" M ro.r t i f TPT sieu jroa nut wAV .i.-,,.-.--, Dame Fashion Says th color for stylish spring and summer garments Is . , , We' hare fast ' reohre4 vour spring suiting and gray. In Ita many beautiful streets, la bora aiapiayea xor your inspection, . Em Yoa Seta the PretJy New . Wash Fabrics We Are Sbowln,? Fin BaUat.. Flyer Price, the x r me iawna, riyer moe, the A rareTV . ... .-. ...... 7 H HcCairs tkjadne (Tse Qeeea W Falalea.) f - For 4 Year and 1 5c Pattern for 30t frkaa Paid t Oar Stare. xi tovx orromrujiTi to eetala the kedfsg atasaeuie for . wesMs, devsted te letaet faefeloas, Casey seedle-wera, lUlstrr. aeetal seoee- , bold laforaatloa, chlldrea'e - dotklag, O1NLY.30 Tea get the Majraals- eaeb swath st ear stare, while Uie paMishers weald efears rea soe a ymr tor the Mara. slse elese ssd wan yes pay the ine I ear atore yea eea save tse . ef aay Ue Pattera tree. . ; S8d and 8Bw eawttful patterns, worth 40s, Boo yard .204. SBe aad 8B B FIAT aireIAaT-SAB SOaB, very earrlrMM, T Jscliee lengt rsgslsr P . GLOBUS OPT tklOS ........a.M kOVFS BOAS la bUet "ear Seal ealy. Ua4 with sasuvel, . a-laea leagthai - reenter S2.n0. . , . - OLbsiBo oot Ftuoa BrSsXaJI XATB BOAS, trmnaed with ' -tall aad eerds, Saad m rS-lsea atagthst tsntrptf Pkt tS.t SCAAXB OF sTXAa SXAX, , la blank. aatln Uaed. with e wltheat ersai ' ' Hnl ftt HO olosuro oxrt pmica.. ...,. ...... W have kroaae ass M teoW . Bsmilavr Cepee, sot the latest, bet es eelleat fore. Oelets are brews, gray and black. Tbey ar sow, Lli, IM Me aad Ma. ..,,..,.-. .,. . Don't fall to sea our In fants' an4 ChlMran'sMnslla : UadanraarPrlcea Irani ioc IV. T i. ZZ2C0LZIC0IZZL JAP SECTIOri HANDS " . . . REPLACED DY. WHITE (apeelst Bkpe Mi te Tsefnasaal) - Adams, OrvFeb. llv Section fore man J. W. Spencer has -put thra men to work on his seotloa- In place of tha Q reeks aad Jap, and will have four more men next week, which' will make aa ntlr fore Of whK help ea thla section. Th O. R. St N. -company, It la understood, ara putting la whit men oa all sections wherever it 1 poaslbls to gst them, aa they have agreed to pay som higher wages, aad they ar more trustworthy and sot so Inclined to scrap aa the Jap aad Q reeks - At tha Peopte's InsUtute, Fourth knd Burn side, tomorrow night Daaa Peant man of the University of Pennsylvania will give o lecture on 'The Develop ment of ' th University Idea," illus trated with many lantern views. All thoe wh ar interested In thle sub teet ere-erdmlly- firvrted. Th lecture siir tvfur st'l O'clock, . a sain una I aad im las thai rti ac a as. Do Yea Kno-vV ? ; o row mw kow aery H la us mrs pwatwNS r yew sstea a '. bw f avuaiae of. a re am Lurtoont ay. tat . wtuk ka awowm m Bowalag to t. WhyNotBeffin "vo2 wheal a! 'tke'poSats'an ta rouo fwvort - epealal prices aa iaxssrsso aad ouaer odd Vsta uraeeat ta asask ajortaa;. rirw raea at1o ssowaa, aad fcs rsv paiais of Th Khmpm Veek ad ImbUso every rtday aad fta. ,.,',., A VERITABLB FEAST v wale anaailso pwa So far- SPRING GOODS MEN I Yoa caaaot dupllcat thla raoao7savns; oppor- tanlty anjirharo. , c See Our VVlndowa tftk'i arraxa woox, nrnawcAa Blae, brews, satarsl aad seek eaters; rassler II arses. , . rranxa njOX, the gerswat. '..;.. MZF'S SXKBT aiSBXS VXPCaWZAX la M eetor: resnlar fOo cnalltyi Int erases la alsta. Walla they laet, the garaatat '...-...,.......ii.. ... . .SSs POTT gWXATUS Wertk 11.00. xookVTAxai yaiok Tse i itcucaaa SUSPENDERS-Easily worth S5C only I So ' So) our wladows. ., OAinaio ' aTAntaaosniFs; .. waits "sad with eelored bareers. r .,' , tXTU FsUCS, seah ... fAPOsTtrra aUFDraunRXT wa silk white, at wait with FLTsm raici. ..'. BAXBUMAJI SOOXS, ta wait, black ev srows; ilo fancy. The pair... U He iTteJtOLftHiaTa, la white aad eokr. yLTtsfraiog . ... STizy bosom warn gaUM. Te ' .eea say two I atf ana. ; FlTXa PklCX, seek -APmAS SHiaTS ts-Btany .iilt.ed ee- " wmmwm e avsraie. .. tlTxa p&ioa ...!Tr.. . yrri vsXAtnrtiriD vrarra kaugra. .fx.tu raioa .7. Boys Salts at Stock-taking J' fi Pricas M.M TO M M BOTF IrOBTOtX S w so MM TO M M SVXTS at.........M.U Notions Kajrr-onar atooxa aam , Thp card.. On BAXF OSaTT FSAkt BPTTOU. a doaea nr.....'. rxxMXXB OAyrrr rora, t okxssuro oottBS ...r...t........iu nuinr Ma. mu. . ... ia .urrroa btaxxx, ta wttie..u...u O XOAVA BTOSX gOTPdBTXXS. ...... .Me ad rroaTzxs........BH a .M ead Ms I 1 ICHJ cugaioa ooaat. MAIL TRAI.'. WRECKED ON PENNSYLVANIA, , Lancaster, Pa. Feb. II. A mall train on th Pennsylvania ; oolltded with a freight near here this morning. All oars were smashed and tha debris la burning, t No live were lost. . I . (flseelal tMesatck t Ta JeemalJ , Hosaburg. Or.. Feb. II. Tb .Febru ary semi-annual teachers' examinations are being held here, with County Super. Intendent P. B. Hamlin In eharge, as sisted by Professor O. C. Brown of th Drain normal and Superintendent A. M. Sander of th Roseberg school a There are ft applicants, of which Si aro for county aad la for state papers. lAvarunre And harassed byiB bed cmirhT us ''1 lilaru a korehpuhd Syrup. 4'. will . ', eure yoa sound sieen and fTect evemwi and radical -our, ioowardj Clarke 4k Co. Bold -w- v- -j. r 'A