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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
TZI3 OKUON DAILY J KB 0. C. KELLV S11Y OF 28B?nBMXlE ( - :m a wot ism JoumtJ's Haw."i Guests Hxvs 'Ml ' Attorney Jaffary flctod to Piecea JiwJ'LalC'-w-J ' ths Tlmf of Ux at Can ' :w.fT."- :'-' Frauietteo.: : - Evidence of Prosecution nJill'AMlnit Sailor. ? ''.ia OREGON GIRLS SAIL . FIVE JURORS STOOD FOR . i; 1 , .- . ii.., . , n ' Coves) 'gr-a aoetty r ea fa iiaairtiT'a vyal N ON SONOMA TODAY FIRST DECREE MURDER rataes ta la gtvem Oaoo a.a aend li Vorgeat Baa of eaae. . j r frssa 1 sra aaed ta taa w wwadai Waathar Canae Poatponament oi Oa Sixth ' Ballot. ' ThcM Tieldtd Namerons Tripg About California ' Coovkted Man Will Seek AppnU r, '.:' .Metropolis That Tboy Will Take) on w to Suprame Court Meaning Will Sctorn From Honolulu. ,. t I - . ii . j The Jury'la the ease of D. C. Kelly :i till morning returned ' a ' verdict af guilty or murder In the seoond degree. Kelly was chart! with having killed Thomas Flentmlnge during tho robbery of cbo Centennial saloon December li. Tho Jury -u out from :ll tColock : yesterday afternoon until M thla 4 morning, -4-' -; , :..f I When tho Jurors . entered tho Jury room yesterday afternoon, according to reliable authority. they Brat decided to ballot aa to whether or not Kelly was -mllty of he ring committed any crime. . Tho drat ballot stood 11 for guilty and 1 for not anility; tho aecond ballot waa , unanimous for guilt-. ' Than It waa de cided, to ballot aa to what degree murdor KoUy should ba found guilty of, S The first four ballot were seven for aaoond degree and Are for flrat. In tho sixth ballot Kally waa found guilty of mur- " der In tho aeeond degree. - .. ? -.-', Attorney John A. Jeffery received many eompllmente this morning on bis aavtns; of Kally from th tallows. With out oua bit of testimony for his client, ' without ovaa tho. prisoner taking- the wltnasa stand In hi owa behalf, Jeffery picked the evidence affarad by tba atate . to piecea.' : " "I narsr expected aueh g , verdict." aald Kally afterward, "for I thought aura they would free ma. I have main tained my innocence all alone and even leat night I told parsons that I would ba freed. X want to thank Mr. Jeffery " (Continued from Page On a) f- tloulsr portion of tha country, but that It la broad and liberal in Ita scope, em bracing tha entire territory of America, Including tha United fltatea, Canada and Mexico aa great' triumvirate la whose behalf the labora of the Jeagua ehail oa directed. . The oenclae and axprt aire bannera which adorn tha walla of tha Commercial elub where tha eo tferenoa la being bald, are a fair Indi cation of tha broad and unblaeed spirit back of tha movement. . "... ' ' Vorget BoaxAary &laaa. " Hera are soma of them: 8aa seen . ary made In America,, "Forget boundary i lines,- "America can maaa gooa in oil' '. tnate and acenery aa against tba whole ' world. 'aa Europe If you will but aee , America ft rat." "The greatness and beaa- ties of America are better appreciated i Toy those who have seen them." The ' lesaue struck a keynote that will doubt leea draw a reeponalva chord from the hearts of the American publio whea It printed this banner: "Scenery and ctl- mate are tangible aasata capable of eon- version into aoiiars ana eenie.- - ' The club proposes to work upon this Idee. In arousing Intereat in the . league movement It will aeek to aducat the people of tha country up to realisation . of the fact that climate and acenery are proaucte or commercial value and cape ' tile of being uaed for tho financial bet ' terment af their ' pocketbooka. The league betievea In tha old-saying that r If fou. touch I mu'i poekstbook you touch hia soul and the membere nro ' - poae to awaken tha aesthetla nature of Americans by showing them how It will benefit their pocketbooka, not only to hare other Americana aee what America ' , baa ta offer, but to aee It themeetvea. " Keep Jatoaey aa Soma. Tha great prlnoJpla which the league dleslrea to Instill Into the Amerloan la that money apent at home ataya at home, aids home Industries and returns ta him with Intereat while that apent atbroad r mains abroad, hlpa foreign In-. ousiry ana increases .soma loreignera bank account - The promoters of the See America Ttrst lesgue have learned that mllllotie of dollars of American money is being spent annually in for eign countries. .i The campaign that the Bee America First league la launching la - one of education designed to awaken In the American mind a realisation of what America' baa ta offer and ahew him that . he can aee Juat aa grand aoenery .right VJEDDMG GIFTS SILVER i A greet variety la ehooee from In well selected styles and pnttarna. v, .. , HollovorFlat r IVare Our stack prasanta dlstlnet Ire featareo la weight, fin ish and .workaianahlp that plaosa gooa value . at tba disposal of : all Intending buyera. ,.; .. . , -.f.( mU And for this." prices offer liberal Indueementa, quality eonsldcrrd. Tkt nSMlngT Stamp - y cii Every Piece U e isskii ' Cor. This aad Waahlagaoa gta. ( I'jewelers J I , " - BllversmlUiaij Manufacturing Opt Id an s. 1 Qmmlr U lag aleaV P. C rSailoO KUy, Showing Eaflt ; Tattooed oa Hia ' Brtaat : for tha way ha fouht for ma; J haren't cent to pay nim, and auii no nae worked for ma Just aa hard aa I would hare expected bint to If I eould hare paid him. a handsome fee. I want a new trial, and will than prora that I mm aa Innocent nun." , ; . ,- " Mr. Jeffery aald that n would appeal tba ease to tba supreme court. Dis trict Attorney Manning bald that ba waa eatianed with tha verdict "What are you goint to do with Raaa-i man, who eonf eased to baring taken a hand la tha boldupr waa aakad Mr. Manning. ' I guaaa I wiu ' have to keen , my promise to him." was tha reply. cm ina wiineas aiana naaaman nn that he had beea promlaed that be would ba aavad U he told of tho orlme. eoond-dearea murder In this state may mean a Ufa aentenoa In the pent-! ten Mary, which. If tba prlaoner - be haves, meana but II years imprison-' ment r : . . . i here and at tha seme time spend .hia money where It will bring returns te himself and home people. -- . It Is tha belief af tha league that tha habit of going abroad on acenio excur sions la mora af. a fad tbaa anything else, and realising that fads are followed by tha multitudes the league propoeee to make it a fad to see tha soenle beautlaa of America, After these have been via- I ted. If the tourist baa tha money, tba time and Inclination, he will ba weloome to travel abroad, but the lcagut lcilita that ha travel over hia own country flrat 0 i m i , .. , AT COMMERCIAL CLUB. Oueeta Are aatertaiaed at Xiameheoa By . rbooal Bastaeea Kam. . . ; ,. . " Mora than 1 of Portland's promi nent business men gathered in tha par lors of tha Commercial club at noon to meet Fisher Harrla. aeoretary of tha executive eommittee af the Sea America league, and ex-Mayor Morrla of Salt Laaa City, who ta hire la tba 1 uteres la of tba league. All of tha buslnees man took occasion . to personally meet tha two visitors and exohaoge a word with them In regard to tha new movement la behalf ot American interests. . -, About I o'clock tha visitors, accom panied by tha following Hat af espe cially Invited guests, went to the dining room where luncheon waa served and abort talks were made: H. M. 'Cake of tha Commercial club, Fisher . Harrla, eeeretcry of tha executive eommittee of the Se America" league; It P. Morrla, ox-mayor of Salt Lake City Emerson DePuy.V delegate to '"See America'' convention from Dee Moines, Iowa; Wallls Nash,. R. H. Iloge, preal- dent ohamber of commerce; A. L Craig, general "passenger agent the O. R. A N. Co.iyrom . Richardson, - Com msrclal club; Judge J. H. Ouerry, Oooe Bay. epeclal delegate to eonrerenee from Coos county: C J. Owen and F. I. Ful ler, Portland, i President Cake of tha Commercial club Introduced Fisher Har rla aa tba father ot the "See America' movement, and aaked tha visitor from Salt Lake' to explain In a few worda what tba objects and alma oX tha organ' laatloa ara.' , .' .'. s .r v Mr. Harris began by' expressing his appreciation af tha .most cordial and hart-v -reception tendered- him aad Mr. Mnrrto by the bustneea man and people af Portland. Ha declared that tba recap tion aooorded bios waa but In keeping with--the reputation .Tor hospitality which Portland enjoys In tha four quar ters of tha ' globe. in explaining what tba See America league proposes ta I eompllsh, Mr. Harrla stated that the movement wag no new thing .bora-Of a night but was something thst had been In tha mlnda of publio men for genera- tione- and waa now juat betag evolved and worked Into ahape for. active opera tion. . '-..-.:. 1. Ha baapoka for tha movement tha broadest aad moat compute success In the future. "People hava had aa Idea," aald he. "that they had ta go to Europe or some foreign country to aee ina sights, spend their money and hava a good time. Tba reault la that each year hundreds af millions of dollara bava been apent In foreign lands ta an' rich foreign landlords and pay for that which can ba secured at boma Just aa welt - People Of tha east aaem to think that beyond tho Mississippi there la naught ' but wlldemees. We want to divert from Europe tha " eight-seeing traveler and turn him to the fields of beauty wlthla our owa boundaries. Ws want to keep tha money that la. being poured into foreign coffers at homo and ahow tha people i of America that tha weat and ather parts of our owa country ara aa grand and attractive as any por tion of tha old world." . . Mr. Harris waa listened ta moat at tentively by a crowd that filled tha din ing hall, and hia remarks were applaud ed voclferouoly.' President Hoge of tha chamber ' af commerce made a abort and appropriate address; welcomleng tha visitors to Portland and bespeaking support . for the Sea America rrMvemeC... . . Owing ' to unforeseen circumstances n I MeCormick and U W. Pratt of Taeoma," two Interested and active pro moters of tha league, were unable ta reach tha city thla morning and their addressee oa the program of Jthla aft ernoon had to ba omitted. Both will arrtva at e'elock tonight aad will aa m T. Loraa. Wlnao. Kr.. wrltaa. April 1I,' I1: "For la to 11 years 1 had been effllcted with a malady known as the itca. ina ucning wss most unbearable; I haa tried foy years to nnd relief, karlns tried all remedies I could beer of, besides a number of dnctora. I wleh to elate that one aln gle application of Ballard'a Snow t.lnl men. cured me completely end perma nently. Since then 1 have used the lini ment on two eeoerale occaalone for ringworm And lt-oured completely, Jaci oc a. a i.e. oie- ey ryoooaro, Clarka Ca ; ,;., . t ,.. .-. -... 4. 'M .W'-fr-. V- SUDQ7iTulE, ; ; A CrcsR, cfTflrtsr Pcvricr r t i. frcofrom olum or $iizz -1ri pear at tba evening meeting. Tha even ing aaaaloa promisee to he 4 moat la tereetlng one. o" i v ,' ' . " ' At 1:10 thla evening there win ce an other s aee Ion af tha league Tha pro gram followat . "Tha Eaat la Interested." JTlshsr Har rla, executive aeoretary. Soma Oood Storiee" A. 'B. Caldar, Seattle (tha story teller of tha Canadian rscinoj. "Juat a Word from Bait Utke," Morrla; az-mayor. "The Advertising Men's Interes Thla Movement" R. M. Halt . GET COMMON PEOPLE. Seat Try to Keep nrmitraalroa at Srnsrson TDaPay, gsneral tha advertising department of tho I Homestead, ' publlsed at Dee Mot Iowa, aad a delegate ta tha Sea Amai lea league convention la fait Lak raoe it ly, la ana of tba Eastern attendants ip oa tha Portland conference who p'O poeee ta atart the ball' rolling at oi e And do what ha can te Influence AmeVf can! to aee Amerioa flrat -' . " ..''':: "My Idea of tha sphere of activity of li" , Vi .."aaa aeon at the I Commercial elub thla marnlng, la that It Ilea among the middle classes, or what . la coramenly called tho common people. Don't try to keep tha million aire from going to Europe. Ton cannot do It If yew desire to. He will go abroad Decease It la faehionablt to do eo, aad that la alt there la to it. But there la a vast class of people who are possessed of meana and ara willing 'and desirous of traveling aad aaelng the dMautlee of nature. They don't feel they can spend tha money: to go abroad or that they care to tramp through eome foreign country. ' They ara patrlotlo enough, however, to travel all ever their own country If they were only given aa In vitation to go aad see tha beauties of It , -, Many Beady ta TaaaaL . " .The trouble 1 they have hot bean Invited la tha right way. They only go where they ara Invited In a manner In dicating that their presence la really de sired. - There ara hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United States wha ara ready and willing to aee the attractlona of America If theee attrao tlona ara properly brought to their at tention, tf tha league will devote Ita weak ta thla Una It will accomplish a great good. . "The eaat ta overcrowded with people, all af whom are looking for aome place to go. They are seeking more congenial climates and aurroundlnga. They ara going to tha districts most favorably brought to their attention. Aa a eon' sequence there la a great emigration toward Canada and British Columbia, It Is because tha people hava been In' vlted there. The west aad aerthweet wanta ta buay itself. , The Immigration feature, of tha work that aaa ba aocora pi I eh ad by tha league la a moat Impor tant one. and It can be made moat vai aabla to tha entire country If properly conducted. It will be able to relieve congested conditions In one dlatrlct and develod and populate unsettled aad un developed districts. Thlg air be brought about by disseminating thia - aplrlt of Bee America throughout the population of the nation; becauae to aea la to II eve and. to believe la to act, and thoae who aee the poealbtlttlee of our great country la their travels about 'will be lieve and will act aooordlngly. ... Tho value of this Bee America werk aa stimulant for Immigration can hardly be underestimated. WARN ALL OF LEGATIONS ((Continued from Page Oaa) . tlllery. which cannot he moved to China In case of aotual warfare. With tl.oag man, withdrawn from . tha remaining standing army you can easily figure out Juat how many men will ba left la thla oountry. i . :'.-..' It la not tha policy of tha govern ment -to -move-moot of Ita available troops tba country without mak ing aome arrangements for a reserve force. . Jt may be found advisable later to keep some of the regular army hero and aend volunteers in thslr atead. Ia that event Oregon, Washington and Cal tfornia may be called upon. "I hava bad several talks with army offlcera tegarding tba affaire In China, and I gather from wbat they aay that trouble of a serious nature may - be looked for. Tba offloere were aot at liberty to talk 'freely, but they gave ma to understand . that a clash la Inevi table. -v , , "Tha reault ta simple.. Thla Country la certain to be Involved ta an extent that will demand that It place aformable fighting force In China. To do that the United Statee must plaoe aa many men In. China aa England, France or Ger many. That oannet ba dona without de pleting tba standing army la thla ooun try too greauy. - I taae it. mat uiai means a oall for volunteers to protect oar Interests In that country. Naturally tha flrat 'call for soldiers would come from tho point nearest to tha aeat af the trouble, which . would mean Oregon, Wsshlngton and California. ' "My boys ara ready to go at any time t do not think there la a national guard In tha fnlted Statee that eould wake tha creditable ahowtng . that my men eould on the spur of the moment Per- aonally the boye aa a whole are ready, anxious aad willing to go to China. I would aay that if a call for volunteers, we lewued by President Rooeevelt -ito- m 6 fro W that to per cent -f ne Orecon national guard would report far duty." . J it p. i i. maaagar of rhra FEARED THIRTEENTH . v MARRIAGE LICENSE X ' Because ha waa afraid to take ' Becauae ha waa afraid to take out tho thirteenth marriage li cense yesterday, Flodye A. White waa almost forced to postpone hia wedding day. Ha appeared . at tha county clerka office about ' noon and - aakad Deputy Clerk ' Fred W. Preen for a iloenae to wed Mlaa Beasle K. Beam. ' d "Hava many lloeneee beea is- e sued today TP asked tha groom- e ( elect' i" ' Prasp counted thoee who had come before.- "Toure will be tha thirteenth." - replied the deputy. J. . ..i "Oh. no It won't" aald White, Tor Z'm afraid af the number it." , . ' White left' the eourttiouae, but ratarned two Jiours later. He waa attu II. Then ba aat down : a and waited for aome other proa-. - pectlve groom to appear and get a license. 1 At last Juat a few anlnatea before o'clock, tha' hour of closing, tws man arrived aad took out lloeneee without asking Questions. Aad then White made a rush for tha or- e teenth marriage licence lasuad oa d " St Valentine's day, lfO. , , w PENDLETON ENFORCES SALOON BOX ORDINANCE taseileh Masatah ta Tee aearaal.t ' ' ' " ' Pendleton, Or, Feb. 14, The police committee of tha Pandletoa city aoua cll have given, tho elty marshal strict ordsrs for tha enforcement af tha box ordinance, aad also to prevent gambling In tha elty.- Up to thla time there haa beea aome doubt aa to the exact mean ing of tha .box -ordinance, and during tha time Mayor Fee waa engaged la tha Da via trial tha matter, waa held In abeyaaoe, though it waa enforced at leaat agalaat saloon boxae. Now , It la paid that restaurants will also have to comply with tha provisions of the erdlnanoe, that places having boxes, but aot serving llquora, will bava to leave them open entirely oa ana aide. while plaoea earring liquors must not maintain any mae-room box oi laea floor area than IM sous re feet restaurants with boxea ara now remov ing them, ,.'..!, , .. ..' Milwaukl Country Club.' ' Loo Aageles aad Oakland raoaa. Take Sal) wood aad Oregon City earn at Flrat POMONA HOTEL MAN . A - ; SHOT BY HIS WIFE ' (Joersal Special Berries.) Pomona. Cat. Feb. Id. Harry Staata, proprietor of tha Paclfld hotel, one of tha best In this citr. was anot ana fatally woundsd by his wife last night His wife and he had been drinking and Quarreled over financial matters. --arbe revolver waa furnished by an unknown party. Tha woman la la JalL . THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Paw People Saw Vawfai It ta ta Nearly everybody knowa that char coal la tha safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few realise Us value when taken Into tha humaa ayetem for tha eame cleans ing purpose. '- . .Charcoal la a remedy that tha mora you take af It tha better; It la not a drug at all, but simply abeorbe the gaaea and Impurities always present In tha stomach and Intestines and earrlee them out of tho ayetem, Charcoal sweetens tn oreem arm smoking, drinking or after eating anions and other odorous vegetablea, . , Charcoal effectually elsare and Irs proves tha complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acta aa a natural and eminently safe cathartic - It abeorbe tho injurious gaaee which collect In tha atomach and bowels; It disinfects tha mouth aad throat from the poison of eatarrh. All . druggists aeit onareoai - in aaa form or another, bat probably tha beat charcoal and tha moat for tha money ia ta Stuart's Charcoal Loseagee: they ara oompoeed oc tba nneet poadered Willow charcoal, aad other harmless antlaeptlea In tablet form or rather ta tha form of large, pleasant "Tasting leaengeav-thej eharcoal being mixed with honey. - Tbe dally uss or these loaeagea will soon tall- In a ranch lza proved condition of the general health, batter complexion, swseter breath and purer blood, aad tha beauty of It la. that no possible harm can result from thslr continued nae, but on tha contrary, great benefit - . A Buffalo Dhralclan la aneeklna 'jf the benefits of charcoal says: "I ad vise Btuart'a Charcoal Loasngea to all patlsnta Buffering from gaa In atomach and bowels, and ta eleer the complexion and purify tha breath, mouth and throat) I also believe the liver la greatly bene fited by the dally aaa af them: they coat but twenty-five , centa a box at drug stores, and although in aome aenee a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal In Btuart'a Charcoal -Ijoacnges than In nay, of the octuaary onarceaa lanisisv i ' fBoaalal DUsatefe' Is Tbe losrsslt ' Baa Franolaoo, Feb. li. We ara hav ing tha time of our Uvea," aald one of Tha Oregon Journal beautlaa thla morn' Ing. "Everybody haa been eo kind to us, Tka people at the- raiaoe nave giv aa na tha very beat accommodations, and Mr. Brewnell looked after .our every eomfortv The preae baa also treated aa 9 nioeiy, auia uw gnuema eensemea with tha Holtuschioka club, where wa ware entertained last night war Juat perfectly lovely." r Thla expresses tha aentiment or the entire party of tea of tha aaoat popular young ladles of Oregon who ara Bare now aa gueata of Tho Journal, aa route to Honolulu. Laat evening they ware entertained at tha Holtueehlcke elub, ti Sutter atreet, a apent a delightful evening. There waa a musical program. a reception and dancing. Today at it ocjook tha ' pej-ry nad luncheon at .the call cafe, and this aft ernoon at o clock aalied oa Use ataaat abip Sonoma for Honolulu. On aooount of tha weather the trio to tha Park, CiJt and through China town haa beaa poatponed until tba re turn.' Every one la tha beat of health and not a alngle thing haa occurred to ma tha pleas ifre of Tho Journal party. WALLA WALLA TROLLEY TO EXTEND TO MILTON ; 7' ' , s fBDeelal IMscateh te The fearasll " ' Mfltoa. Or, Feb. 16V It to authori tatively announced here that tha North weetera Oaa Electric company, -with headquarters in, Walla Walla, whoaa Unas of electric .wires extend all over Umatilla ooaaty, .will begin tha con struction 'of an ' else trio ' line - Trora Walla Walla to thla city thla earing, a distance of ten miles. Tba - aarvey for ; thb MUton-Walla Walla JJnee wag made last -spring aad aa It passes' through practically level, country little grading will ba required. Tha power will aome from tba power plant on tha Little Walla-Walla river, six milee above Milton, from which Walla Walla, Milton, Pendleton aad in tervening points ara now supplied with power aad light Tha line will ha la operation noma time thla eomlcg gam mer, "Wi.-.'T--" 1 -' . . . . '. BURGLARS BLOW UP ' 0 SAFE AT TROUTDALE W1.1 DleMtdk ts Tee IssrsaLl ' Troutdala. Or.. Fob. Fox'o - gen eral atora at thla place waa ante red last night tha aafa blown open ana aooui t7t taken. Tha burglars failed to get Into the burglar-proof vault containing about 91.100. -;:.....-' ' Four auapaota navo oeea arresiea. The front ot the atora waa wracked and the Panlflo Btates tela d hone awltoh- board demolished. Appearanoeo indicate that dynamite waa taa explosive una . . .I i i i t STANDARD OIL HAS - . ANOTHER DIVIDEND i - (jonmal flpeetal arrtce.) s aie Wk vH il he atandard Oil company declared IU regular quartariy dividend today of II per eent the aama thla time last vear. - Tha dividend amounta to li,00.0. y . ' v , BOSTON'S AGED CHIEF - DIES EN ROUTE TO FIRE -'- poena! R pedal ejerrlea.) -Beaton, Feb, Is. William T. Chee- well, chief of the flra department died af heart dlaeaaa today while an route to a Are. Ha had been chief ainoe lift. ; -v- V'--.. ' MALLEY ONLY A CATSPAW ' ' aaa.piiiam as ' -- St j (ConUnu4 from Vm Cm) aatloa In tha primaries, hut they can't beat him. lore wore will eo ina aeau- Probably wot II per oent of the Demo- crate of the county- hava reflets red np te the preeent time. Tha only danger Of Word's defeat llee In the. apathy of hia party. With a full regietretloa of Democrats It la - unlveraally o needed that ha would aweep tha primaries, dtseelal plepaleh te The Josmal.) Pendleton. Or- Feb. It. As a result Of the gambling, raid made by the police In thla , olty, , Oeorge Rlnker, Frank Iathera and -Charles Isnsr were ar rested and each, forfeited III ball for the offense. The men ware found' by Marshal Ccffman overhead the State sa loon- a number of othera were aleo preeent, but they were not engaged la the I game, and consequently were aot taken tnte custody. The men arreatad ware connected with the game. , ,..., -" : aw FfiTtlaaa Building permits hava been- leaned aa follows: A. W. Bennett residence, cor ner Bast Thirteenth and Wygant streets, coat 11.000; W. J. Walters, repairs to residence, TIT Wasoo atreet cost 110: T. O. Lands, residence, corner Thomp son and Eiast Tenia atraeta, coat gcoaa,' M. a Turner, cottage, Madrona, between Gordon and Farrall streets, cost I IU. ' fjeareel aveHal aerrtes.V "' Chicago, Feb. la. -Officiate of the packing oompanlea appeared ea the stand today aad continued their teatl moay In aa attempt to abew that Im munity waa promised them If Qarflald'a demands for Information during tho In vestigation waa granted. - -that All cock's are tha original aad genuine porous plasters; all others ara Imltatlono. ., ' (Joareal Kpertal Semes. . Berlin, Feb. II. The kaiser left to day to attend tha funeral of, King Chriatian, .. - v-- -.- --, ; . pxtae txim CrUekerljHr. St Ptlaa yog rtamhall fiaar Caaad. - '- ' ' rfj-i - i laacy fckBaaaaa (CSrant Ole) rTrlght Siaaa. Sta Frlae t-. raner ITsasgeny, aSeranaQ VesMW Vpngfct ' stk Piiiis i f-ra yaset Bletroatyla inaSa. 1 S - , . Ttk. Pslja- Z -al laaaw styla Xaban Vaalaw Onraa.' SO r-lao CtoCA Vm U 8100 aaa . awtr hlglii Sialt pteea ta anx warerooxaa. . . reeh af tha ot- vrl be given Cr t a -l fcllowing tn'S It -St li Unt Ira's .' ls nrsce i nri t " aamdtna! t enure The i- -e ci t" t r snpeala at onoa to tea -ub..o i m toe tt ' thai lnau-ui ota at , ImO Uouae are sold axclualve. jr upon tha : uniform or "one-r i a. All Instruments being marked In piaia flf urea. Tbsrefors 1 a-' - I of Credit Bills ara aaaured of tha bona nae reduction to the e-o-nt of the Credit B1U on any new, high-grade plana . .walch tney may - i,Tr..oyea of I a Plan r"use or any- memhar of their famHSsa are not euaible for t- conwet To all othera It ta entirely open, , - WHY WE Thla la tha blst eontaet over lnaugu rated' In tha United Statee, There id no etlr'houe tnat eould afford to attempt a contest of thla (aanltude; ta fact, t-.'e ara probably not mora than three concerns in - tius oountry whoaa b-nse la extenslvs enough. to warrant eo glgantie a contest for toe purj or puouoity. i ne Norm weal is wneeain ung a e V- mil Imm ara nmtnm km dailv dally one ot theee good pevpie to anow.aiuers riaao ateueek lie sneiooae. iia pianos and its money-saving laeiutiea to taa ouyer yuax aa people hava lived here for yeare know tnem. - .. During the year Juat closed tho total- aalee af mere. Piano Houee ex ceeded tha ana aad a half million-dollar mark, aa lncraaaa at ft per oent over the preoedlng year. . During ltod wa want to reach the graad total of II.6oo.eoa In salsa, and to thla and we hava aat naida. . before hand ' 1 per cent (1 cent F every dollar) of thla anticipated business for tba . purpose of br'ne- "g to tba ..attention of every boma. old and new, ' throughout tha loruiweet the name af"EUerg Planoa." . ; - - - In ether w'-s, when you think "Planoa," Oood Planoa and all bUlty," think "i lers," and again when you think :"JBilexa maka t ayan i oaravma with Siood I-oa aad BeliabUJty." : y . i ' r'.. - . ' ... - - .-v?.t''',i:-,ii.;''r2.i.7; NO CATCH ' - There ara positively na strings to any of tho Brines ta this publicity contest. Th instruments ara now on display and wlU go ta tha winners without any expense whatsoever. ' ''.' . : . s ': - InoidentaHy wa wish ta complete our atatletleo off maaloal instru nmt owners in tho Morthwaat, henoo aak each oonteatant to state whether' noeeeaeing a plana or organ, aad if eo what make. Remenfber any man, woman or child in tha Northwest la entitled to -oabmlt a list of woraa. . Neoody is barred. U wlU be weU to etudy care-. fut-y taa -auajoiaeo CONDITIONS Only ouch worda of tho English language ara to be need as are found In Webatar'a International Dictionary. No names of per eon a. or towns, or plaosa. or plural a, ara to ba used. Da not aaa a latter mora times tbaa It appaara In the two worda "EUere Ptanoa'7 Worda apelled tha aama. but having different meanings, can u.ira nt nt Hat Af arorda In T It contains, s'gn your full name and Houaa. set waanmgxwn Bireei, nwnw nvru viivwe, ivym atate whether you have a plane or organ and what make.. 'Bach and every Hat will be flled and examined care fully by compe tent Judgee, immediately at the oloee of .the contest.-and wlaaere will be announoed through the papere a few dare thereafter. - - Thn.. h. nvin OarTlt Tflllla tha regular prloe, bat cannot apply Waeek IS. Ifaa Kaay paymeatg will be granted ta those wl siring te ba aeoommodated X by applying their Credit Bill aad paying tha balance la email monthly. I .paymeata. - ' ... .. ' 1 - ' It you eecurv a vreoix mu aim eurway r- mn uiwu vanos i " tranafer tba aama to another party who may wleh to buy a plane by having tha. tranafer made la ear efiloa, properly Indorsed by our man- fNot more than one Credit Bin win be accepted on the aajne aiano. r, ' ah answsrs mast ba la our office mot later than I o'clock, March II, eei", ., . , . . . - - ... ... . , . Bead In roar list at once. Lists win ba Bled according to time re-, eelved. and In caae of a tie aa te tho a umber af- worda the Bret one re ceived wilt bo Judged, tha winner. iillliiiciel The Biggest, Busiest and Best Piano and Organ Dealers t ; ::' Truth la mler than llctJonr ::.r ':':.; It's tha truth that .wa have . bought P.1L 7 Brifrham'a Weh-trade stock, and that wo must ' it into caah quickly aa leased to other paraeaL 0 P 0 o. o Tbe IVcSeSa'f tzzrzzi"tzi a Issxzik fsr I7csa 341 WASHllJGTON s ME - - ' Fresh Belled Crabs Dally, 3 tor 25c v , STAKDAnD CD.3 CO; ni-173 Jzi Sl.i tiCiliz RAILROAD CHCiniD " t yiT0 REMOVE PILIf.'a " ' Ik-' ' ? -" ',' Eugene, OT.. JPab. llVWhaa the Boutharn ' Paclflo eoniparT' constructed tbe trestle work for the weat approach to the aew bridge across tbe Willam ette river at Springfield on tha Hender-aon-8pringfleld cutoff, a row of piling waa driven exactly In tha center of the county road evtcndlnf from BugenO te Springfield. Thla piling greatly ab et rue ta travel la the road and haa beea tha oaaae af several miner accidents at night.- ffuwcrouo protests -have ; beaa made, aad anally the oeunty court, at ta arxF aa aaa tha next la lart ttsta of m r II lwi than, t -a frec x priea, or 4-t, of 10. each eft te- uiS aer-..'i In tha . i will be y'- t're ij jftiH f . le,4 1 -e t t .b Lj- D0 THIS! moat phenomenal growta. tiaaaraaa fo maka aew, bomee. we went every ta malt 1 ABOUT IT na usee, out ones. alnhabetleal order. STIVlna the nnmner address, and aend It to Bllera Piano. "Word Contest Department"; aleo im and whaft neaka can - annlv aama oa anv new Diane at tbaa -oa aay . parohaee made prior to ,, 1 .1 ' i the store haa already been V u H 0 U o ' I t o o ST., COR. SEVEITTH 1 J 7 - CENTS gj (O) POUND Its aaaaloa yesterday, ordered the eom- rry to remove the piling. . The trestle completed and tbe werk of removing the piling will entail quite an expense an tha part of the railroad company, It la rumored that tho company may . reelat the order. , . . -rata aa Bad te AH . ' A grievous wail oft times cornea aa a -reault of unbearable pain from over taxed organ a, piaalneea, Backache, IJver Comple'nt and" Conatlpatton. But thanka to JJt. Klnga Mew lAfr Pills they aat an and ta It all. They are' genuine but thorough. . Try there. Only ileev Onarealeed by S. I .idntora- at Co, Bragstata. lit Trd atreet. . s r-r Che ' aianea i Haada thd list af high-grade jriaaes.) - .".' ' ' '.''-" .' : . i-