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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
BE.. tragtic:: p TRANSPORT ATIC L i V JTP R r wiry La . 4 a - .. -.. IS ' --- Ci.'r tj Crcvrcra fa T crcr cf -7 Prc;icl--Cy It V"" c- GC3 .r.s crcrrL:a ... eighteen Cents Vu Bottom Today - With Top , t , Twenty Lower Prices Are Named in Hay on Ac. count of Moderated Weather. rrr Frost Btrset, Teb. Ill -Th prtectpel faster C the Portlaad wholesale uUU today an: , - . Hep exchange to proposed. ' Rescrewen kold auetlap., ,, ... - ., Km Mil low ae loo. ' ' - ,-- Pwoitry market to- eecT ettft. - " Better reeelpu of timl weals. - , ' ; May aarhet dull aad lower. . Nothing stotog at wbset or floor. . v; ' ; Bob' Bnnasara I Bnpml AS exchange far hop trading to pispniil by leadtag Interests of tale etty. Oregon la Bow tko leading hop Motor of the world sad Pert- ... lead to. the leading trading porttoa of -thai . coatar. Too nctan la ropooed for ttaa pa poo of getting tbo trade tegethat-aan allowing . or Bare ma aoapetiooa. m aeuoiis of rack aa tnstltutloa woald hen Undone r to cornet the present obooo la tad sampling aarket, At present giuwaa ara aoaipollod to ' pi seaplae to ereey dealer thai oaano atoxan r tbo total weight of tbaao belnp Tory bio aad costly to tbo pro da cor. Tbo sobject to , -being talkod over by tbo bop fraternity,, and ' all sntereeta ara favenba to tbo project. Tbe -, : prowora waat H boeaaoi It will enable tbon to eeean eoasetltfn bidding oa their atocks. ... besldas doing away with tbo pnaoat eaapllag ayetem, rniie ba damn oay ' taat taor, aoo, would prafat aaaw otbor axaao of oKortnf aa Btoa, aa It hi vary eaatly aad aaaatiafaetor. - Tba aotabuablod of aa eidiinca wouli - bepa o'featsTado woeMba rtebt. Al - .. BBOttor woold oaaaina) aacb llaa btfora tt eoald ba aold. Doalon an trylua te pot real astata bm jatoroatod la anetiac a aaiubia aaiuiaa. with affleaa for tbo dealara aad tba asebaafa 011111 oa in top imw. Orawara BaU a Mootlap, 7oat It holdara of aopa war at tba Bwatla callod br DaraV tba CaUforala bop sua. rao ' tarda artoraooo. r ltnloaa taooe than waro 11 . otbor paopb) latoraatod hi tba aUcaau Pnaa: PalUra waa awdo ekalrana aad Henry Boot i- aoentary. Mr. Uarat toM of bk) a la a, wbleb - bo had wrtttoa for. The Joaraal amnl daa apa. ABHap tboao proaaat tba projoet waa -' tboatUt a pood thmc far tba praaaat narfcat, - bat tbora waa onaldnbla dbKaaafcaa aa la r what affaet tba. propuood ablpaMat would bara - oa tba aazt crop. Moat of too praaaat claiawd they bad boas badly baaiaod la etber pool, bat ware wllUag to try tbalr lack thla tlma aader , v. tba paidaBca of Mr. Iftiret. Jama wiaataalcy. i a autuiar arneial or tao Hopcrowan' tloa, told of hie aeperleaee with pool, aoaia : of which had Bot baea rory rood tar the aoekot. . hook. Mr. Hoffaiaa of Ponot Mm told of hU azponoaea with pooh), aad Bald that aooMtblop waa doa la tha aear fatan fca waa ' .la t rary aiaeh. dJaaaotod. Takoa a a whole, bowarer, tba propaeltloa af Mb. Bant s waa apraeaea aa taoae ptiaaat. Market aa Tlewed kr Othara. ', ..y The follow tap la frma the. aaet bwaarof -tba r-raaaenr rriae vuroaatoX Kow lark: - -. ? ' Bala. a, Boeolpta- for work.,. ....... x.(MS 'i Baralpu from September 1. VBoeelpta aame time last yaar. ....,... i Baporta to Karvpe for weak 1 TP.T1T M.iva a In I , Biaorta fnra Bepttmbor 1 il.lOU - mkwu oaow iime aaat roar.. ....... bbot I laiaorta for weak... 1,007 , J m porta from Poptaaibar 1..... U.bHd Iaiporta aaaw Uaaa Uat poor.... ........ p.bu! ub im avcai autriat peaaral tradl . aaodorata. bat faxooaraUralr - few ,2 arallabla to work apoa. . Aa export order for '. aoooi iw aaiee or atata aopa baa Baea ruled ' , by a axel broker tbroaak purchaaa at different - . k. . l.i. 1 1 L ... ' ' for ebolca pradaa. Tbora baa aeea eoaaldarable . BMTement la tua aula af eb :; oapodally la Schoharie aonaty, aad aaronl kMe f aara aora ewe aad ap at rreat H to ty,r, .. tboaph prhBe to ebolea pradaa la etoer aeetloai . baoa had aorae haalam from Bo to IIUl i. ... eordtop aa aalHy. . Holden of reaulalnv lota , ef eboke pradee to thla atata an bMllaed la ; roaMUa fine la their elewa, aad effortaaa hare vmn umnva. a w aaiee Bare aeea Biaaa la . uroroa aaa norinaia ooaaty, oaitrornl. al ( v t lOo. ForelpB adrlea da sot Indlcat an material ehaaee to tb poaeral faataraa either ' ta Bnpland or oa the eontlaont. : htato, no. prime to ebolea. per lb...... J2A1S Put, inos, eoonBda te fair e aio . Puu. lpod. per lb Ta raeine eoaat, im, prime ta ebeiea, lb.. IJQIP .. PaHftB roait: commoa to fair, lb.. Pdl ' Parlfle eoaat. 104, rbnlre, par lb........ Pdli . raeuie eoaat, ivu. prime, par B...,..,r 1 : ;. -: Xraa aa Umt Xipktaaa Ooata. .. Tha apf aurket ooaKlmea ta shew a breasinp aaap aaa aorae aaiaa wen Baa tsaay aa tow be ISe. with the eery tap of the aurkot at - (Oa. Beeelpto wicreaatof eery faat aad atacka ' bowerer " -t,,rl' ' D"aad ood' .1 Poultry to pry' atlff with reeetbto a trifla , batter today. Deraaad aiaeh praetor. All Hao -era wasted oow with aaeaptloB a! pin, wbleb ara aBlp fair. .... . , .V V Bay"! Bait aal lave. "; '' ' '-- Tbo Bllder weather ha weakened the bay pjarhet aeaelderably aad aoea price an lower. .- Wheat aad flow earp dall aad atoi. Prlea acbaaced. - . Oabi aad hartrf oary aajat. . i ' Bettor Baaafpta af Pmiil Baato, -, '.. . Better aappllea of anaaid Baoata wen ahows ' aVmp tha treat today. Hope wen aaa a lee ti nt, bat the denaBd wee eoaetdanhto aad top V arleea wen easily obtained. Tba aame alraarHoa U Teal; Ukewlaa aiattoa. atroa beef to allphUp fbtaer. Tba trada bare tba fol I para tba fcnowbw petes ta Front rhotce qaallty. Priras paid pra leae eommlaaloa eharpaai for Floar aad Peed. WBBAT Hew el do, Tlej t8c B1IWBI, ll "I''? . . . ' , peea. za.aaj rouoa, pslpoi brew tap. 14 . 00k WboK i St.OBi raekoa. BB. " s , f BTW tlJS par ewL , . OATH ProdeteT prlea Ba. 1 white, taa.aP arar. T.OO. rMMJB Mow r.aleia On pas a tears. $4 nM d TO; etntrht. M 60O.T0; export, $; slley. W.aolt.7Pi prahaaa, Hs. AAO rye, , BO. IB.Oorbalea. PJ.M. , aftLaJTrrrp llraa. - llT.aO pap i mid dTlar. .: ohorta, aaaatrp. Wiaos Ogr, jl.w: ebop. flt.00. 'i HAT Pi edartre prti.i TlaBefby, WTIUaietr oiler, feaey. lll.0plPJ; ordlasry, PT Ona BOO; aeetora bropoa. tl HOBjlAOOi arlarX M pnajp ao; as.Baait.0Oi prsto. BbAoai .00 ax. ta OS. - , . attar. BpSB Bad twaltrp. BOTTBB rAt . a. B. Portlsad tawat area at. plot aoor. Bbe. ll'ITtl-City waa wary. Ux fa -r, S7we)wei eroiaary, lie- - . ... BXiua no. i rreaa rnpna. rsanma, aocjxie; cold atnrera ead eastera. ITeliae, CHE IPC w rail erea, lata, Teanp America. Idc; rheddar, IBa. I1 THURSDAY PRICES IN - . THE WHEAT MARKET d " May Jnlf d :ChPMO I .14 9 .11 Bt. Douta.tM.. .1114 d o Milwaukee .... .14 .11 d d Mlnnoapolip .. .It ' d 4 Urorpool ...... la tcl ! d Kaosap City... .7T1A - ' d 4 Baa FrsaelBco. l.f 1 ;-r . ,. . ... :' " . d 4b -December. , d d ' d TIPS C.-J MARKETS ' d 4 By afcCorquodaJ da Hoover. d d Tha epp Biarket kaa be run to d Bllda as wa predicted few days :; aao. Tha northern Imarkets ara d filled up and thai . outlet e- b looked. - Wa ran poi fio possible d 4 reason why .the market should d e not pllda oil a raw points more d within the next few days. - The) 4 only way to keep stocks from d 4 Booumulatlns la to pet -prioes - d d down where tha penerel publlo d e can afford to. eat appa... jfrlcca d 4b hare been aJtopetber too high d e fop that for tha paat year. The d J:joultry marketJiapjarnln reached d 4 the high mark and snylftmrwrar-' 4 feathera on will sell. The beat e e . demand is for fat. hens, but Jo 4 4 tha Bienoa of these the trade Is d 4b . clad to cat chickens of any kind. . d Freeh meats are alap in pood da- d d mand Bad prices at too top.. . d) ' Dlllt-Jackrabblta. ll.POall.TB aer doe. POULTBI Mlaed chickens, 13f)UHe per th; faaey bona, MHttlee per.Ibi rooatera, eld, lie lb; etapa, 13r per lb; fryers. lotae pa lh; broHora, MapO par lb dspka,i loo par lh; peese. lOtjlle per lb 1 tarkaa, IBe per lb; dreeaee, Sle pa lb; oquaba, 2.70t.OO par doa. Have, wool aaa auaea. ' ItnPII 1WJ& Orea-on. rjrlaM te ebolea. lie lB04 ' mat, TOSci ' wasblagtoa, 10c; IH rrou. 4uS4e djoste ror caewe. . WOOL llOB rllo. Talti. eoi tU2)hl aaa, BPirteJ 1 tap-. ' bOHAIR NemlnaL POxltla idStPKKINH Hbeannc. Itso eat lebart wool, P54J40C sarh; aaedioai wor aoT0e aeab low wool, TV1 00 each. . . . TAIAOW--Prime, par lb, UC4el Me. asl anaae. aqaw. OHITTIM BAPK Se aar BO . HIDEP Drr. No. 1. to Iba aad aa.' ldUPJ fHe per lb; 'dry krp. Kx. 1, I b II lbs, I4ei dry celt Me. 1. Bnaer I lbs. Ibei asnsd hi ateera, HO IB W areei l.eojt.aOt colt blosel sboaoai poet'ahlaa. ... erwaaoa. aeea. toojjaei Aapora. eooa. Ii.oo. A " w-ai . w..,.Mm. . . J POTATOES boat Orepoa. tbN0e per aaehi producon' price Car ear lot. 70e per oarfct ardlaary, 670et predraten' price. eoe)Me awestav- n.m aaa ni. - ' ONIONS Jobblap price OriipoB. Ke. 1, $1.00 fl.2Sj prodaeerei arlce. No. T. a0rtlXMi No. Bif7&c; partac. ItplOo per lb I onloa Te. PRUiH PRtllTR Anolea. "calla." MuTSc: ordinary. TScUft.jttl fancy. 11.0001.00; flwd Rlrer fancy Bpltaenberps ead Newtown Ptwlns, pa.e0dlt.Owr ersnpea, aew aarel. 1. 00ti. BO; aeodllnr. ! bsnaoas. duaxSc lb: lenvms. rbolce. tl.ToitiOd par boi: faacy, 1 3. 60 Ql 00 par box; II Baea. Maxlcaa, l.t8 per 100; plorsppleo. M M per doe; peera, 11.75 11.73 per box; aaapriBa. euoii eopanaee oraopes. ooe per bos.. ............. VeubTABI.KH Tornffla. new. TV per I nrrcts. aOU7&a each: heats. 60c ft II. 00 aacbi Omm. rarflaliM. tfiA u il .. : ahbaaa Oregon. 13 00 , per : . . cwt; California, 1.B&U2.0O . per ewt.t greea . poppers, I per lb; Osllfornla tomatoes, fl.W; parsaip, pnrc'pi.oo; atrlnf been, poel eean iwwar, SS.W per erate; proea peas, iuc pr iui bonaradtab, ec per lb; artlrtiokee, 8Bcttl.od per doa; horhoase lot t aoa. l.as1.7 per box; celery, $8.3dQ.M per crate; pumpkins, 144e; eqaaaa, lMei aproats, Be par Ibi cranBerries, Jeraey. 114.OO per b monk, lid on. . OBIBO FRUITS Apples, TaporsUd. ISO lee per lb; aprlcota, lc per lb; paechos. tOUablae M Ihi aacaa. Ue Bar Ik bee; prases. 10 te 40. IHc U 4p ea aacb eixrccBTB aaaaller etas; are. cenromia ton. 7e aer Ibi naHfnrala white, lata aer lb: eataa, toioea. Be per U; lards, !. par lo-rn eew. . alfaeait. Bate. Bta . BTJOAB Back baala OBbe, pO BB; pwalaral. MDOi fnit preaoUtod, lo.TOi dry pnaolated. edTOi Ooaf. A, b 48; bwt .wnnalaled, vo; extra, fl. erii mm '-kji lOf'Ti eelldw. 0.OO1 bbto. 10c; bble. BJe; Iroxee, B0 adraare oa oara aaaia. zoe periewt EOT asaa, is asyi maple, 14e)1P per lb. A Were arteoa manlr. to aslse af laM thaa ear lots Car iota at asocial prase eabjeet U dnctoatlon I BONKT- per era re. LulTIIvPiniti MHia. Ila BL BALT Coarse Half arooad. 100a. ft .00 pet too; table, dairy.- 0a,; TOOs. I10.TB; .lav Ported- Ueerlwei, SOa. 1T.OO; 1 00s. le..V); l4.B0eil.o0! balk.- P9ft I ha. B4.Aflall.00i Baeha. axep. oib.ud:. eacea 000. aw. -aa. oa. 11m. POs. SoelBSc, urerpoot lump rock, pilja per tea; BO-lb. reck, P7 00i 100. HI .71, ; , . waaia-naua caicarra. rake, ' RICB lanrial Jaoao. . 1. ae Mo. lO&Het New Or Wane bead, tei AJax. Br; Crb. IM. .i BKANIt HmaH whit. M.T6f4.0A: - tare white, 18.15; pink. 2.7B bayea, 4.W; Lime, P.TBiMaxlcaa red. 4H niTTB ras oats, famboa. awe pa ni ear. elnls. TH per lb; moated, Be; asenaaats, MtyPOe per Una; walnrim, UaiSli par lb; plae a to, lOetltHe per lb; klrknry Bats. In pet ioi eaeetaata, easrere, urtioe bos m: btosh rra, Me par m: pibarta. MeiiBa.ner m; raaef leaas, UHafHHei slavwda. UwOUHe. Batota. ' Oeal 00a. Zt. ' BOPB-fare Maalla, 14ei staadar. UKd mi. 1 COAL OTI Pearl or Astral a aaa. BnUa ae pal; water while, area bbto. ISe per pat; wosdsa. lie Bar sail headlleht. 170 lea- anaae. H per pst OABOMNB Pi p.... taeaa S4He par pal, kea bbto lar ear eel . " BBNZINBa-deg SBBSS P9P PS pal. Bore, irap per pas, TCP!TfI!ai--Ia caaas We per gal, bbto bite aer eel WRITS LBAb Tne ton, Te per to! BOO-tk an, ec per in; lose aoca, ee per m. wins waim i rieoem esse et px.p. - r luurrn ah mm i. a.kKi a.. i -no i kk. ore; caosa, oxr per aai; penaiue aettio holled, easee, aee per i pai. , b-doi lots, eac; l- l-bbl lot, tOe per pal; proaad rk. nr Iota, I90.0S par tool leea tea ear lorr. ainvnu par soa. xaoata, asaa aaa nrnnail, - PUPJIB BuTa ruol street Beef eteaeo 4a)Se per lb; eewe, pA4e per lb; :asca, block. Pa nor Ibi Backers, 7Q8 per lb i balls. 4exSe sar lb; real, extra. PtllOc uer .lb: wdlaary, sepeejper ioi poor, JCfM par Ibn aiHw .wits a - BAMS. BACON. Brc Portland pact flora 1 1 hams, IP to 14 lbs, 13Me per lb; 14 to Id lbs, lltte Pe h; breakfast baroa, 14HC18HC per Ibi- BlCBle, ati per lb: eotUpe. i nor lhi rcpalar abort clears, aasajoked. I0 per lb; smoked. Pl per lb; dear beck, assaioked. I0M per w. asaoeon, iif io: unlos balls, o ao jo im. wwaia, rw ibi smoked. Pe par in; Clear aeiiiea, asoaiuaaa, w nvi view hjw, .nMpiaa, ill par 1B eosee. oe rer t wnei, ote per to. LOCAL LABO Kettle leaf. 10a, 11 a LOCAl. UkU aetlle leer. 10a, lUe per ; te, MUe per lb oO-tb tlaa. 0A per Tb MM, rendered. 10s. . 10 par lb; ss, Kl per (bt cuinpooad, 10a, Two er Rh cutnpooad, 10a, 1st. CANNED SALMON Oolumbb volumes rreer, I-Ib telle, II. SO; S-lb talai, PITS; faaey Mb Bate, 1 1. an; V-lh hscy Beta, ll.lftj faacy Ub orals, liji; Alaska tafia, plak. BdjBu tLW aoauaal Tp-IPH Rock ead. 7 par ni; srwadete, e par lb: bsllbat. IVie per lb: erebe. I1.K aer doa: etrlned base. 11V4 aew B: catPeb. Te see Ibi salmon, eteelbeeds, he per B ehlaonh, 10 lb; Barring, ec per wr awes, ec per w; earimps. 10 par lb; porch, le per B; black sod. Te lb; toueoo. ic per in; voiumots per B; sllrer saielt, fc per lb; lobsters, la Klb; freeh asackerel, Se per lb; anwfleu, per doa; sturgeon. Be per lb. , OTPTaaS eiboalwetaf bap. pw , pal. pull e sack, IP TP, Ct iiii UardbetL sar boa. PAoOi laaao rtosia, 12-03 per boa. - ' f r , COTTON UNCHANGED TO TWO POINTS ADVANCED New Tork. Peb. If. TVtttoa fa tores closed Bachsrlged te P potato blpbrr. orticisi aiaati euetetlcme by Orerbeck, Btar B rieaSiw warn... s cmeaip r . v Aoea Bbrh ' tiOW Thorn. Wed. Pehmarr .... inns Kxrt March .... I0M 1071 long 1071 Kr April ,...-.. ..inTill7p ims . ioho irm-i Mar 104t lUMI UleJ UrO iuno , Itttt IU July ld 1104 inep nop Ass-nee joKtv.jirw. iiaxi ioui lotio gepieiaber ...... 1mT - iim7 mm lovf October . J OCT 1V4S 1IU7 . KHl 1010 November , .... 1M4 loll ...... 104B 10P'10 104T load til ai aal Oettea BlpW. .1. Peb. IS. Cotton fataraa I te f polats hlpher. 4 , s : ....J : v wew awna wiiewr. . , 'Plow Tork. reh. il Piieer P4c ,' -1 aaiee Bflsae aUHrot, ' I ' d. feb. IB. ailToV 90. , ' ' mad. eo IM ana errr. oire; aew a, Ue: Map aad bulai. ansae, patei kip. BD ma, ae rair, eoaaa. aaaor la loo, lie aaaalted. 1 leaa: cell. aer lb least Miltoan t'ri 'rti l.i.Ll.ji;!i..Jl ilTllECOnOJ!; S . . BaSBBBaBwx - . - At No Tim Durtes Ct Cmion ' Did tht Chlc-o Market Chow !: Dssira to Do Any CttUr.. . FIVE EIGHTHS CUIT v I3THS L0C3 TODAY Slow Action in Both Corn and Oat ..'WltV Little Hope for ImmedlBte 'J Improvement In the Price Hold ers Salllnf Prorialona. . TBTJBSBAre MAX MABKBT. doe - Close Cloa Then. Wed. '. Thure. May 8 .BS.AS JOU 3 Jalr. ...... . ASiA .00' .aii- ,, .k' September.. Gblrape, km did ti oh. 18-At se time dvrtnp the e- tha wheat atarket aire aay erldesce of a dealn to do better. Until the toot half bear It. bat aslllna br boars tbo too bed been ateedy, with xtreely limited ateeke hrourbt the mar. kst to lower flume, cloalna practically at tb bottom. On table trade to limited, tjie aurket to a narrow ooe aad aUaoat w Solly local. If cable aboald com firm te etroap la the Basra. Ins tha trade woo Id sot be surprised re aa today's lea la part. If net folly, Iiaiiaad. Blew la Oeare Bralaa. ' Tb earn aad aar tba alow aetata af the aaa. tele bold oat Utile hope for Imatedlate lo proTement to prices. It bomb as If each little rally would be met with praasan of long eta If. Then will, ef ooarae. be, a tarn tag point, hot It aaa ma tonight ae If tba market woaht dreg tower before aaytblac pood could tome as the rteaata Balden talL la Brormtona there srae the oolltno he fa. tanala boldora, taklnp ednatapa ef email bop receipt end a belter feelrnp at th open top. Dadoobtodly the action af tba ether ptta helped te depress rale. Pit trade la atlU aosMred la the niwetalno. Mmt mA I.UL. a. ... - coat in nance. Official araotkl y Orarbeek, -etart oaoae oompaayi WPBA. Blpb. -r Law. May... Jalr... .M f .PSJA f ,P4' B4H ept Mer. " CORN. V: .48 Jalr..... SepC... . OATH. ... MsyJ... Jaly..... .20 lZ oOU JBA .se .M Sept.. Jbrl MBM POKE. May..... 1I.P0 Jaly..... llSS . 18.IT, ,-41 11.40 . IS eta, II A LAKD. . Tin i on ? : Peb...... IS il' Mart.... T ao 8 00 aaa I IT l.7 jui..;.. BPwJt B Mar..." i n - SHORT BIBB. in Ill 1. 31 a.ira aA iely : iiriBPoot eaAor aumxn. Lrnrpool.' rb. 18 Official prlcaai , WBBAT. Opes . Cloee Tban. Than. ' oa 10144 e lOd OOBN. OVaw Less Wed. Than. sifi March , Mar ! 4.: Msrah ....... 2 ..! ptuxajit emAXB BOTntnr. Obicasa. ra. le. mmerr eematai ; Todsr. ,. rear Apex Wheat ......... xi q onn vera w,uuo a . 11P.0OP Hhlpmoata ., Wheel ...... ...... mono Bw.ooa Corn f3,000 - Wl.oue (irsrsnres waeet, itt.odv baaheiai com. 1T2.000 PuahetoM bow. aS.uM barrels ; eeu. v OBTOAM OABB WBXAf. Oblcap. rob. U-Caah whestl "'.'' Tharwasr. .' . Wed. BM A.b WIS Ho. I red..., .IT fjM 9 .P7M No. S rod .18 .PI ' J No. S hard. .M .18 Jtt be, I hard... .10 .11 M No. 1 Borthera... .S4 Ml . J4 , No, S Borthera .11 , ., .PI . . ,pp . Be. aprlaj .TP ' M .TP BAB TBABOnOO BsUXB UAmm -- as Pma1aeB. Pah. lLOfTlcla! aoralag elaslna: r. . . WMBX. '. . Onee. Hlrt. tew. - ai.ia LISw ' Otoas. , As Msy.......f.ll ' plJa pocopibor.... l.M)4 BABLBT. May......... 1.1IU IJ0 t)ecembT.. HI OXIOAOO BAMB CAB tOTtV Ctolespw, res. II. Orala re total Care. Grade. Bat. land. Wheel ...... It . 11 il Cora 171 , II ' 440 T4 Osts ,.....i2s n in a a - wm 1 jxo p Wheat tan today: . If Isneepoll. STIt Im. lath. 40, leap ape: Mlaaea polls, PUS ; Darath, 87, PtrtlTTB PXAX BAJUEXT, Dalatk. Pah. II Oaah flesi Barthweet, U4l May, I144H. LIVESTOCK STREHBTH IS ve8Yproo::ced . Advance) In Local Yarda Yatter- day Are Easily Maintained To I . , day Cattle Duller, t , Portlaad TTslos Btacfcyaraa. Pah. ll tJew. Mock reeelptoi . . Hmra flsftto ameaw Tonay ... ioo, ... week ape... ........ ...... ... a , .... Month ago IB Its Pf tear ae IBS ap pM Most srondorfal to the etrenath Shown threaps. out the I rr re tork merest today. Boeelpts an few, bat 100 eat lie tormhig tha total. AU Hoes an strong. Hops and sheep esaeelany ao. Cattle eoaaewbet dellor, bat tba tone rename firm. No rbanaoe la price since the several edTaneee reported exclnelTsly 1st The. ioanal eaeterdar. . I imiciar Ail w-nawaa-s SB ewrpjwrwi, Bmm.amipvBma.faii bV-rkere aad China fata, 4.00t.t8, stock rr aad feadai a. 88.78. fstlle Beat saaUrs Orepoa steers, 14.184 1.18; boat cawe ead self era. IS.18a8.IOi Mrbt and me-llem stoera, ).S0 tight rows, ll tot, 12 7048 00; etocken aad Teeners. A2A4I Ue, li.notlz.80. Hbosa weiben sad lambs, aer mixed leep. lB!e. - l.leee (lend OeeL JSP to BOB BIBal IUO tt. roagh end beery, IHeHc ; ' ;; XARXBB BOOB bTBABT. Chicago, rB. II. Ltreoeack rorwlpt! , - Hops. . Cattle. fa lee go .....ll.ono a.ono ' Kaaaoa Cfty lAono , f orm . p.ono Oaisks .............. Asoo l.ra) p.aup llope opened aleeor wits ii.ono toft seer, rvrlntt yeor ape wen W.real. Prices! Ml I4. 18.88478x314 : (wed. 88.10d Ml raaiek. ao.e-.oo.vo; iiiHi, aD.avpa.ia, . .Hie Aleclr , . .- . . ..... . i . . . . . . . . . - aaeap aiosop, - HIE CO:: 00T0ELI3I New York Ctock Market Cat on an Edge and Later VaJuea - Ara Cofiaidetably Lower. ' LOSSES AR3 HEAVY IN ALL SECURITIES Anaconda Drops Serin and a Half IlUnols Central Off Three Pointed Smelter and Steel Are Hit Very i. BIT LOSSBI. y . Katy, iaty, Bfd... ...... ... ilasoorl PselPe... AtchtoOB laso fupsr 1 North Amort oaa Norfolk ssaelter .......... Car roaadrr .i . a, nxni, . . . am Ontario Waa Una. IvZ Peaaalnsla ...... 1 Prseaed Ileal Oar, Reading Its Republic Iteel ,.4 W V . t . Brook ln ........ 1 PalUBMre ........ Colo, feel 1 oc nw.M ....... a1 0. M. W ..I 1 Cbasah ...... o. a as pia. .... p Bock Island....... boatbera By , H Soolbsra Pscile... itL. a. w a do preferred..... 1 . Too. Coal ....... U Ualoa PsdSe 1 -do preferred..... 1 Csaaoiaa ....v.... 1 Veto. Boo is ilo. boo Ik. ...... U da Bd Btd .. C Dearer ft Ceetral Leather.. rle 1 da id pfd...... 34 do let pfd...... riHool tfeatnl... a u. a. auiDsor..... k U. B. BUel ....... do preterrod...., 1 WT.I...K ..t . 1 LauUVllla ........ TA Mexican Oeatral... Amslpsmatel .... . Ull'eopU a fla. ...... U atetrapeUteB ...... Ti Wabash .......... ft " Boaaera of a probable atrtka of the eoaj. tolaora set tha market oa aa edge today ead eeaesd a sharp break la the ealaes leter la the day. Praetlaally the fall Bet we easght la the Jeat, tb prlscluel luea being la Ana- Whirs last 1 rl potass, aad llllaoia Uaaual a palate. Of rSaaal pjBesahliBa hp Oaarbaeh) Star Oeak pesipaay: ; BUOBtPTTOB. laaeoada Mtoinp fie.; AmaL OeorjeT&.TT. ' Atrhtoaa, com......... 118 SIT. Be Drsrsrred to. Oar ronadry, eoai do Pr-ef.i'i . . 108 am. sniper, Am. Saoelt so profarred. Baltlmon A Okie, soa.. Brook fn Rapid Traaelt Csaadlaa Pacific, com. Obi. Altea, com 7 88 aa T8 tltt 183 iZ a5i Obl. Terminal Railway.. Chesapeake Ohio Oolo. Veal A Iron, aoa. . w eos inern. ooia . . . . da Bd prafarred. ..... do 1st preferred , Delewan B Undone.... Dels.. Lack. West.., Den ear A B. O., asaa,., da preferred, ., , Brto, mm...m..i... e aM ,aff?f9m4 a a - a da 1st preferred , miaole Central. ........ Loalorlll A NaahelBa... Metropolitan pt. By.,.,, ee M din 44 lTotjk too Maabattaa Ballway Cexleas Ceatrsl By.,.. laaTat. P. A) ate. M. oe prererred. Mlasourl Pacific M., K. T.. aaa do preferred. ......... Bow York Ceahral Norfolk at West, ana... do preferred , North ABMrloaa.. N. T., Oat. : West.... Peniurlraala Ballway... Psople-i O.. U to. Oe. Pi i aaa 4 Steel Oar, eom, . raclfle MaU a. B. Co... Beading, com do Ba preferred ,, do let preferred Ben, Ires A Steel, eaea. oe prof erred ..a..... Bock lalaad. eom do praf rmd ........ Boatbera By., com do preferred...,,.,,., southern PacIA. ....... 4tW pTwrVafwe Bt. u a. r., id pfd.. ae let preferred...... at. U IW., eom.... Texas d) ParlOc. . ....... Teaa. Coal Iroa. ...... T.. Bt L. A W mm.... A preferred Pbms Psctse, aoa...... do pre f erred Ontral Leather, era... do preferred 0. B. Kohber, eom da preferred.......... V. a. Keel Co., asm.... 110 484 JWwf iTeXI .peososBpo LA L. B.. com.... "8 B . do 9d preferred. ae ui pre) Wis. Osatnl. do preferred .......... Westers Ualoa Tela..... Wabaab, com. .......... maBV sTSrdapPatoal . ammAAmaoA CBra proaaeta. do preferred . , fiorth Amsrtcse. ei dlTldeod of 1 Peaple'a Oaa, Light a Coke eom pa a, s aiTiimia n is per coal. Total aalae lor dar, LISI.lflO phans. Call Balm ay closed I per eeat, - .tobofab btbtb aTooxa. Baa Trastoa, saaslaai . Teh. U. Ofactol aasralap ( Bid. Behseat , $8.48 Cssh Boy M Ooidea imam,. 1.48 Home .80 r Bid. Olxle .....a .oa Ooldneld ....... .70 IJambo ., t.TS Jamb Bxtoa .. ..n Kendall ........ .81 Lagae ,11 May Qnera .... .14 Mohawk .44 Jim Butler .... L2H MrNamara .... .48 Mldwey ....... 1.80 Moauaa ...... 1114 North Star .... .81 Ophtr 47 Tea. Iitm ...'.10.80 ed Too ...... LOO Saadstona ..... .47 A Hllrer Pick,.... .18. St. I Tee .po . u . . . . it a West imd ..... BIS J National Bask.. .PT Denesr ........ .P7 Ads am ........ .UO AtUatle .14 Bio Ball ..... . Booth .18 OolamH Ml..,' M Ooaooer .18 niamoatlleld ... A4 Brllpse Oold Bar ...... 0. Ball Prop... Htetswsr .71 . .81 .08 IB lack Batt Es. sab WABirawo local rrocxa. Baa Pnaclaee, res. U-OfTVIal PtoaliMj, Bid. Ask. 8!e Ooatn Costa Wster. ...... ....... M 411 lb itpTing filar wsiot.. ......... ou .oo-. Motnsl Blectrto 7 ' 18-4 OUet Powder plU 82 ii Mewalme Vtm martial TP Tl 0'- Halrhmeoe heanr.'.'.'.'.V.'.V.'.V.'.V.V. 12 MsksweB Sagsr 11 !! VP as ........ an Paanbea Sagar........... ....... 17 t'awa 8iar.... 18 . A leeks Peeken'.... 83 CsllforaU Wine...,,,,............ 134 Oreanle 8 tee men In 24 Parlfle Bta tee Tetophaaa... ....... .107 Calif era la Pratt ooMiTocx Bumie arocxa. SsT" Pnaetoea, abastBatl rb. 18. 0 facial . BMralBf - Bid. I Bid. Meslesa tl-80 lOotd Crows ...$ 8AA CalenoaM ..i... . lursai Beoa..... .2 i e eta m ww I v w iW.. .4 iBoecB Barbs emr ,.v. .eo B 1 aHerttog Bates. Peb. 11 IterHng ratea Behuubt, ajaa.iodi48.iei ee day, BeSeae40, 6U J Holding That Ware to Formally Pass to United Railway Com pany Today Are C-.l Unsold. DELAY SAID TO HAVE , , NO ULTERIOR MEANING Officers of Oregon Traction Company Say the Auction la Postponed TbirtlDajra to Give Ample and ' Valid Notice. ,V.V V At an advsrtlsext sals of the Oreson Traction eompany's property and (ran ohlaea this saomlng at tba county court house a aurprlae waa aprunc bp the eompany'a directors. At tha hour ap pointed for the sale Secretary W. u Could, eaxne forward and announosd that tb directors, on tha advloo of their At torney, had bald k meeting this morn ing- and decided to postpone the sals IS days. . . On the steps ef the eourthouse wore rathared offlcera and directors of , the Oregon Traotlon company and ' the United Rallwayp company, the latter group already belna in poaaeaelon ef II per cant of the stock of the former oompany. ' Prasldant Q radon, Beeratarr W. U Oould and Treasurer I T. Kaadp of tha Traction oompany. with tbalr at torney, w. T, Bluir, ware expeotea to oonduot the sale. President J. Whyte Evans. Traaauror Wllmot OrllTlaa, Oan arai Manager VTsD. larraboe aad otbera of the Los Angelas man forming the United Railways company, wars present with the Intention of bidding on the property they had already bought, and the announcement of ths Oregon Trao tlon company's officials waa entire! un expected by thorn. President Bvans, addressing the Ore gon Traction company's ppokeaman, pfit ths question! "What are youirreaaoBa for postpon ing the saUT" , ' w "ft Is done on the edvlco ef eur at torney. It ta thought there le a poa elbtlltr that some qusatlon might be raised ee to thoHgallty of B II dare publication of the notice of sale," re plied Bee rotary Oould. "Our director held a meeting this morning for eon sultation with our attorney, and It waa decided beat to make the proceeding abiolutaly valid by taking further aim end publishing a notice daye la the dally papers.- Ths sale te postponed to Idarcn II, at xno Bams nour sna ptaoo announosd for today's sale.1 ' r , j CURIOSITY COSTS JOB i : OF DEPUTY SHERIFF (Bpoekl IHspatck to The JeamsL) ' Roaaburg, Or, red. II. As ths result ef an alleged eonaplraay on the pert et Deputy BuerlH Bogard, N. T. Thome. Traaauror Dlmmlck and R. IX B luun brook to blaeksa the name of hertH H. T. McClallan, Bogard hap been dis missed ae deputy eherltt and the matter has bean laid before District Attorney Brown. The quartette wore found scru tinising Us rolls surreptitiously taken from the eheiiirp offloe and brought Into the troaaurer'B at midnight Tues day. Bhambrook la a rival candidate for nomination ap sheriff. Bherlft Mo Clallan hap naked that hip books Be ex ported. - ; . ' : . -. ' Taoaaaa B. aTaaB Bass.-y-(Bparlal P la patch to The Joarasl.) . Pendleton, Or Keb. It. Tbomae B. Jamas, a vstaran ef the civil wsr. died at bis horns In this city last evening ef paralysis. His death .was vary sudden. Ths deoeaaad waa II years of age and a natlva of Indiana, and haa been liv ing hare for a number ef years. He leaves a wife and two children. The funeral wlU be held tomorrow, -. atata racborlac ' , ' Employ only the moot Skillful workmen, ' - BOITOB 001TBB BUaBBXT. ' y Beaten, rb. OfSclsl copper earning . Bid. .Bid Adrentan ... 1.80 Psrrot 18.71 Alieoe ...... an Atlsntl 1360 Blnpbsa 4l.fl Cain met ToS.OO Unlary at oo " "or ral 81 no - Sauls Pe .... BOO - Coatoaalal ... 38.80 Copper Bsapa. booo J Da If Weet ... .1800 j Prsaklla 18.88 Rnsnaoa f ..... I lls Ta nor ark .... 108.00 Teas. Copper. ' .44.08 TrlnHr IO.00 I nlud ....... TO M . Oraaby .....a I-87H Mass ........ 18.80 Mohawk ..... 87.80 Nevada Cos.. 14.38 North Bntte., 88.28 Old Oomlnloa, 41.60 Osceola 18.00 run .A Victoria.,.....' ei.oo 8.78 oo : w loons Woteerlae .... 184.00 U. 1. Mlalag.. IT. 80 .. Bi.pi a 'vrnra btatbs otbbbbxbt bobm. Date. Bid. Aak. No. S regnlsr. ......... 10 ae eoupoa... ............. ioov Be. ret'ilar...... ........ loot do eoupoa Ipoa No. a eaair-heads...... , - No. d regular..... lent do eoaooa. ............... IPOf Be. 4 regular 128 do eoupoa Ilia rletrtet ef Ooleabla P-So hUlpplae 8.,., .... tOBTLABB B ABB BTATXBXBT, Cleer1ags .........iTT4.m.ti eeeepeeee Balance s, ' BXW TOBB 00 mi BABUT, New Terk, Pep. II Tbs oof fe aurket eUsei a 8 M points tower. OfActel prlcee: -- Hid. ASB.I , HIS. ABB. Pehraary ..8.e go Tif A apaat 7.l 17.11 March I 85 l.70)Septemba ,. T.JO T 18 April ...... 8 78 I no (irtober .... . T.eO Mar ....... CM IPO November .. T 80 T 8 Jane ....... f 88 7 00 December ... T .40 T 48 Jaly ....... T.08 t.lOjJaaaaty , a.. T.48 f.10 Bw Trk Oaah tVffea. i'".1 )Msw Tork. Pehu IB. Oaea eoffssi Be. T Bkk liei No. d Hentoe, 8. OUtUmti. BBTBSl BtBenTBT TO) PAI. Tarrnat Babrael ef Oahssp sal Oeaallia ta TaeBaHiloaiiali saliii np ippilip gieoa, waisaa. eea aeoy leeouat be eai 1 1. Sua see. Pries fl. aa Bows MsrUa a. P8I Weeklastes et Partlaad, Oregoei ar by Ball froa Tb Tarrasl Ae. Uadsoa at., Bew ' lex, . . RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Taney Wafers Orlgt nal and "only genuine Put ap In yellow v rapper . aad "Ctowb" trademark. . ror sale by the , LBADINO DRUaaiBTB, 108U 1081 102 108 I ion, topi 108 V i 108 lOIJ, ..... Mil, 104 ls( , lot 12p(t I80U lx8 ' UOa 118 ..... ion . iw overbbcic, cnrAnrz c etc:- Members Cliaage It Third ttreet. lZ.?y Coatlnuoue Ifarketa by Trt' C ' " - r ' tiltoo, fcp-let rj. ABT ABB POPULAB aTBAJCfB i . " ' Iawpp BMttto .... f .' ; "rtrmitit Tavrsany. ynhraary la, at . B p. au. Tie Wraapto. CAIXIR At t BeteaJhaa, lanes. Despise, Bntaee, Skew. inrfrww-:'- b'-L. tw AU liathiaatwa Atoaha Vona, Call or aand for"Trl to Woaderfal Alsaha,, TeB rtoa - ' ni alasba a. a. no. Traak Weea.yCo, AptataT an oak at. Portlaee, Or. :i:i'ir:r- t .. Opera ting II Passenger Busmen fee SAN FRANCISCO aad Lee Angel direct. Bl-dally sarrlce. Cabla, 111. Stoerapa. la. v ' .; 0. B, TXOKPIOB, Apeat. ' ' taeaa Bato 184. Ill TKTBB IT. Kcrth Psdtlc S. S. Ca's S.S. Roanoke 1.1 0 tons, salU for Baa rranclsco and trap Angslse, calling at Eureka en route. ThursdaytTebruary 11, from Columbia Dock No, V. .- ;V; TicKct Cmce 132 Third. Near Alder ' h. youno. Agent . Sfoinactilrcfe Positively Cured K "Nature'e Owi m4y," tUsawpfs NATIVE REatftSacr costs you nothing 23c and ft (contains tight Draft far return of your money 4 sat Owed) Al Drap poef do msa eeaeak ar Traa Ba rBCB bf wnanp I BasppW'a Nmtlve Herbe Coaspesiw OhM er Bee PrearUa. DLOQD POIOOH rot son mi twiitt yum we have Btadp the oars of blood poises a iSSlH; 'rtrr ooowaory er Tertiary 8 lead Polsoa Peraianeotly Cured. Yoaas be treated al home under aim. Cairtul 1600,000. Weeollolt the moot ebeti sata eaaaa. If you have axbaaated tha aid method of rrosunonv sod ptlll have acbee sad palaa Mueaa Patabea In Moaib. Bore Throat, Plmplaa. Coprwr-Colorod Bpota. Dloara ea aar part of tba body. Hair or Brebrow fall Ids' oak writs fa as-msfa af auras. MO-page Book rrea. COOK REMEDY CO. IW UbbbM nBfU. aMeap, a. 11 Every IVcCai - tohabamBsd aad aboald know I Tao now tarleel iitaae. aiar. tva. Baa Bat. Aaei If be eso set ear el rib Bllttk, eaoept BO euer, not esne awenp 'or lllnomiad book miliA ft fall rmrttonlara ead iliroettona i-. B. . BXIDMOBB CO., 11 THTBD BTBBR. ABB WOODABO, OLABBB OO. . Jicctrs Stti-pcsa c:;::::j a pesmvEuns yrtmmstloe erOAtarrh at th Biadoeraad bleaoeodkld. aera, as PVhS BS tAf. Care eslrklp eed permaaeatiy the asi8iee. ae jJuMmrofeow fclitowrioUCVrlmr-a! TCEliUlCwh Ckb B-ygra, r"1 r-v. - VavaVAw ial I ievi 1 ' - - - . (JLotaOiaahed llaA , . Boar rr " r a. " ""m B A V of n 6 aide zj V V sesaaaar a' y seVjiKoe coanalont. arosabetorB. ' .-'i t 8 S'KT T. ' a. - r ar J ef Sea Baa hp B 1 x J4 . . 1 " e- - ' 1 Traisi to tSte East KzZj--3 nroaph PaUasa staadard and toarlst sloes, TT? Omshs. Chlceae, kok I rtot alcopfnpen dally te sVaaa te.y. Tbrojeh rscllalag chair ran (aeabt free) to tJaioa Depot !" Ltava.' Arrtra, . fo-k,Iand Special for "aa'al Z"a""u- ' en - So0D,'lr for Xaatera . "'(. Walla. t , y.-:: "wr a A woe and iTu',?0?"- 8oe.-dellr-8rl8l i .r"jr." rr. m M -""iiniron, aauy a:ia pa tub sas .fhtBlA BITBB Pno Aeto-la . . .. , . B DIVISION. . ' . . .. w r pmoie. oainiei Ilea wi.o ?!" tlwaoe sad North Boaoh. sTeere-r Hseeele, Aah-at. a-k,. 1 a . aa. eWiie. polnte. Mueetlae erlrb ' k.i a -w oeisroay. la p. as. arriemi heu f p. m., except Seaday. - TAMHILL BITBB BOOTS, CEIi 0Sb Cliy eed TamalM rreer ""uJ U aad Modoe. Asht. Seek. mtH.! VL4."7' Baaday t water per. J8. Arrtra TJO p. p. dally, noept ; " R'AKI BITBR BOrrrfl. ' ' ' .. !!l.-Lw",?h 'oa., aad way polnta Blparla. Wash., steeaaaee aa.u'a I-.7 ? 7? " 8. a., or. apoa errlrsl Trala Ticket Office Third aad Wsaainptoa Bta. ' : - Telepbos Mala Tlx. A. ClAPd,7JnS ESS r- " ' . vu- SOUTH TJbIob Be ant .a Overlaid Pannes Train for Pa lorn. RowliMee a .a. m, floe-os land. Sacra BMa to, Opdea, " fa . Praaclsoa, P toe a tea. . je ..anaeiaa. SI t'aeo. New Orlosa ad the east anaoay with trala moaai aepel. Pili NrownSTllle. anrlnpfleld. .aa en Bnpeae pai Beets at V with -ailrar- - ....... 4 1lsa Meaat Aapel voa iom. 1:P8 ea . 8 80 pea 8 8 aa UA-AeO pa roresllls aaanaper.,.., T:8 ka onerxiaa pasoeagar -4 :S0 pea Perest Baaee psseeap'r... 1118:48 -a -Daily. MPslly exeopt Snsdsy. rOBTLAND-oaWBOO SUBI'SSaN Banes AND TAMHriX. DIVISinN. ' teayb Portlsad (depot fee of Jeff erase St ) , dsllrror Oswego T:80 a. a. I 11:80, S OS. 4:08, I BV 1x8. 8:10, 10:10. 111, a. -Dally loacopt Seadsrl. 1:80. 1:10. 1:8. H:SB a. a. aaMlay only, 00 s. m. , ' fHetonlsg from Oswepe, arrive Tartlaad larly :S0 a. m. I M. 8:08; n. l is, T:S. S he. 1:18 p, a., II 88 a. a. Dally (eaeeat Saaaayl. I 88. f:t, 1:80. 11:41 a. a. Baaaay aaly. 10:08 a. a. Irfaees froa maw depot for Dstlsa aad later. swdlate palaW dally 8 M p. av Arrln Part laad 10:1 V s. m. The ladopoadeaee-Moaaaam Motor Baa sear alee daily to Moeasoalb and Alrlle. eoaaemsp with Boetbera Paelfle eearpsay teach al Dal las sad Indepeadeaew. Pvstlsee fen from Portlaad ta Baiiiama! lad Baa Prtnctace 130. berth 88; aeosad-elsse (are till eaeond-clsa berthe 1180. Tickets te Kastera potato sad Rnrepet 8a fapan, China, rlonohala and Anatrslla. Clip Ticket Olflee em-ner Third ead Wash rattna streets. PheB Male Tli STINOEB. A. L. CBAT-. City Ticket Ageat. HOB, Pass. Apaat, TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland! Lee re. . Arrrre, Tslloweteao parh-Basaaa Cliy-st. Aioea special ror Chess Its, Cenrnlls, Otya pla, Craye Harbor. SootB b J -T..-. a-alila. Boo. ksao, LewtotoSjBatte, Bll- linps, I'esrei, vmeee. mmw Cs City. St. Lenls sad ,1. S:asa 4M pa Ml' ...a..... North Coast Ljaltrd. alee. me npateo. ror iiwrn, p.sltu, apokaaa. Boll. MlBBeaeelto. St. Pshl aaa tba Bast, dally ...... ...... Paget Booed Limited, foe Cbehall. Centra IU. Tseeesa and Seettle only, dally.... Twla City Baprsas, for Ts- IMrs tia ijspa teas pa eoms. Beauts, opeseno. PJeloaa. BetU. Tllowtee . , .. . . Park, htlnoeepelle. PC Past ....... aad the Kaat, dally IVAt pa I 88 pa A. D. CHASLTON. Assmteat Oonersl peesea- per pa Pectlas Astoria & Columbia : Kiver hailroad Cti tTBloa Depart Per Mar rere. Relator, C18 Afrtea kan.'e, Westport. Cllftoa. Astoria, Wanes tow. r la eel. Hammond, rart Btee. aoa. Oeerbart Park, Seaside Iwia U:Ba and aisiaari, aa- if . .... All trains dally. ....e...e raw pai J. 0. MAYO. j. P. sd P. ' C. A. BTBWABT. C- Alder atreek Pboae Mala Bta, iniCQmwlmtAAlXlt. Oto TaW OfBaa, Ml Bt et. Baa eea "The Orleatal Lhalsad. the Past MA bTBIVBBIMB pWBTXOTI . sTB-TO-DAT-B BQU1JP OOVaBOVa1 MMWOSi V tM5 WM Ads- Arrlea, 'l:' :.. .-a tilt ptpT tM ea y ., . . a mffnTsla -aBB pSBB wnr Ml - LJCAVB I ! ' Bpwbs AKAIVS 1:11 a. a BwvtlaBd T :88 a. ha. 11:4lp.m BhbBaatsle I.I8B.BV 1:11 p. pa, "Via Epoi-a a I a- an," (a BL to W. Oe.) ae-ts Cas. y , aainng rrani soetoe a B T , 1SAV- K tx B. B. BO-j -8, A - -Ta IV Bee Japan and China pwne aard ) 'o"av. " (Japan fctall Ptenmshlp vevajr) BV B. b -Aew 1 A J ABfe from b-a.ttle tr. 3-m. Cnlna and l Aalate fas , t -.-- 18. TorXi VStirni tB, ee , r 1 llt'l im -. - .