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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
Tns ohtcon daily jc ::jai; ron-iLi'-iiD. -. '-r - -,- 7 ' t v ' - 9 . A A w , W,S A V, FOOIDULL iBEfOHa IS OiJOER I'M Despite AH Talk About the, CoL '1 Ug Gams but Few Change ; - Are Acted Upon.- MUST CAIN TEN YARDS, ; IN THREE ATTEMPTS TDm Forward Paas Shall Be ADowtd : "' but It Hut Ba ToaMd by Man vt Back of Scrlnunafa Wna, and to Either of End Kaahtra, . So much tea bwn written about tne v recent reform 1 football that the aver- , an follower of tba sport scarcely anvwa what haa become at tba ansae -er what tntaailB aolBK With It. ... At lat week Matin la Tork . noma progress waa wu thro toward eltmlimtlng brutality.. The 'keenest Interest wee displayed, by the college representatlvee. . Vha the meeting adjourned inambara f the committee admlttad that - tba task tat for them had been too much to ' iMH of la ona dar. and ao .another snooting will be held on March -.The p mvnanivnLB m mw - follows- It wasiagreed that the dis tance to be gained shall be if yards in throe downa. That every player an tha kicking ntde :, ahall be on aide when the kicked ball . touches tha ground. - . That ona forward paea ahall'ba al ttmtut m a iav. nrovlded the ball does awl touch, the around before being touched by a player of either side. Such - a paae to be made by any nan who waa ' fhehlnd the Una of crlmmage' when the trail waa put In Play. If the ball touchea the around Wore being touched by a Vleyor on either 'aide. It ahall to ta tha opponents on me epoi 1 f" -' pass waa made. Tha paas shall not be received by a man wha aa the acrlmmage line when tha ball waa put . ki.v a asrmrt inh over the line - within the apace of five-yards-on each , aide of tha center ahall be unlawful. The question of affordtna: proper pro tection for the men catchlagjtho ban .m Wniil ntt at lh niaat meeilnc. The renort of tha committee appointed to formulate auggeatlons relative to the ', formatloa of a permanent board of of ficials waa received. and It waa e creed . that It be made publle with a Inviting public euggeetlone. , The report la aa follows: A .central ' governing committee of three or Are, hre to conatltuta a majority, be ap pointed aa a eub-commltlee or tha in ; trconealata rua body-ta eanstltuta a National committee on Officials. Seo tlonal committeea of three each to la- : elude a member of tha general , rulee 4mmtttra be appointed to repreaont different geographical aeetlona of the country or eeprate league a roups. A prmaraent secretary outside of the romnittlM ta be appointed with appro priate aalary ta manage eiecutlve and clerical details. . All unlversttlea and collegea accept ing tha provisions of the rulee 'eommlt ... tea to be Invited to submit Hits of man 1 competent to act aa afflclala. Aftea tow vestlaatlna thla list the committee la ta '.Issue a list of eeleeted officials and all appointments to ba made from thla list . at tba following aaiariea: ciaae a. sivo; claas B. tl; olasa C $: elaaa D, 110. ' Collegea to select offlolals three weeka before games, and aend ta tha secretary within a week after the games a de tailed statement as to whether theserr Wa ot tbo officials waa satisfactory. '.. If the adverse waa tha case, tha secre tary ta ta ba permitted to hear tha offl - rlala In their own defense. Offlolals, - however, max ba assigned by tha cen tral committee ehould tha collegea make ." auch a .request. , - - - .- v - Annual reports eharwtng results ob- ' lal-ul unHjif tha AKmr t .m am a , published by tha secretary. :. Amendmanta ta tha foul play rules ' adopted at tha last meeting were-made aa follows: Striking tha runner with the ; ball In tha face, tha heel or the hand on defense, meeting with tha knee, strik ing with the locked hands of linemen In breaking through to ba punished by ' disqualification. . Other foul playing to b punished by a penalty of It yarda The membere of tha rules committee ' who were present at the aasston. were. Profeasor I W. Dennis, Cornell, chair man w. t. Keid it Harvard, aerra " tary: Edward K. Hall. Dartmouth; Paul ' Haahtek Annapolla; Walter Campi Tale; Dr. H. U WUllama. Minnesota; I.leu- lenant Charloa D. Daly, Weat Point; G W. Savoge, Oberlln; John C Bell, I'nl- varsity of Pennsylvania- F. H. Curtis, representing all of the aoulhwi sttanal liistltuTTons, and Dr. J. II -' Babbitt of Haverford. , I The abeenteea were Dr A. A. Rtagg, : Chicago, and Profeasor J. T. Vf af Me , , breaks.; ;ji , rartlaad Boy ta fcead. " . Stanford ITnlverslty, Cal, Feb. li. A. r A. Murphy, from Portland, haa bean se lected from a largo crowd of competl- ; tors ta take tha leading part In the aophomoro show, "8be Btoopa ta Con quer." ' Murphy was prominent at the Portland High school as a debater and took part In High achool theatricals. . MOTHER 1 r ' ! ":iVAND CHILD. Let the .mother, J take f. - i Scott's Jimulsion f ofrthe i two;, 4t never fails to benefit them, both. One can cat for two, but nou I ishirig two is a different ; thing.. , It calls for a de ; gree of internal strength 1 that. the. average:, woman flacks.. People of luxury are not very strong by habit ; overworked people are .weak in some funo' tions from exhaustion or their surroundings. Scott's Emulsion can be deJend--ed upon to overcome such conditions. 1-It is a won-: derful food for a mother and child. - STUUFOilD .-asiR 17I00I0G . lEULl Coach Lanagan Has Cut Povvn His Squad and Wants Only 7'' ; Experienced Men. THREE CARDINAL PLAYERS ARE PORTLAND MEN "Stomp" Scott. Ftntoa and Chalmara Art , Certain of ' Their . Poaitiona Whlla Savaral .Other Roea City Sjujcnta-Ara-Trrtic fcrr-dirTnna. fZeersal aeecial gul'ilM t Btaoford University, Cat,' Feb. 11. "A winning team" ta tha cry at Stan ford and a winning team It will be If "Jimmy" Lanagan ' can gat the same spirit Into tha baseball .roan as' has palled victory aut of defeat for tha foot bail men. Lanagan says tba 'varsity af thla year la to ba tba Varsity of mat year and haa cut down the squad as much' as poeslble In order ta get none but experienced mea. - Thla policy Is the reverse of xhla policy in football, -when ba stated that there waa no foot ball team, but every man had aa good a ebanoe as tha aid 'varsity. . i Never before have the ' man been eoeched In so thorough a manner In bat ting, buntlag, running baaes, eliding and In working aa a machine 4a making aa Slsts. Tha men era taught ta play aa nearly an errorless gsmo aa constant work .and p recti oe Insure. Every poe slble ptajhaa.1been studied and prao- ucea. . . v . On list year's 'varsity there are three Portland men "Stamp" - Stott, "Bull" Chalmara and "Kenny" Fenton all of whom propped at .Portland 'academy. Stott holds down the catcher's position,' which ha made In his freshman year. Chalmara holds down center -field and Fenton la tha fastest man on tha team at third base. Portland High school has a large quota af mea aut for tha varsity and elaaa team a. - "Blue" Ooodell,. the atar p'toher of last year's Interscholastlo league, la making a good try for aubpltcber on tha "varsity. Ha "varsity. Ben Morrow Is working hard for right Held. This Is his first year out for 'varsity, hsvlng played on his freahman class team. C C. McColloch has been ' elected manager ef tha aophomora team. Roy Melkle and Fred Wllhelra are out for Junior nine. Jack Hoi men, from the Hill Military echool, has been eieetao manager af tha freahman nine. Holmaa haa also ahowed up well In track, run ning tha hundred In good style. The chanoes look good for a Portland man for captain for nest year. Last veer's captain, Al Towbrldge, likewise hailed from tha Boas City. 11 WINNING PONIES IN YESTERDAY'S RACES T-ijfr 4?WMsel 0fPfaftol twevfaftfaat. . Los Angeles, Feb.. H. Results at raeea at-Aaeott One mile Brigand won, Ratador aeo- and. Bsape third; time, 1:41. - Four furlongs Allerton won. Hand Maiden second. Blue Bottle third! time, :4m. . , .. .. ,. Mils, and (0 yards flood Luck won, Charley aeeond. Vino third; time, 1:41 Venice handicap, aeven furlongs A. Muskoday won, Embarrassment aeeond, Fuetian third; time. 1:21.. Brooks coarse Mlsa Betty won, Hoodwink second, Couraat third; time, tiT. . l: . .. . . . Ala furlongs The Roustabout won, Bonmark second. Elfin King third; time. l:1f. t : At Oakland. ' " -.." '. ; (Jaareal gpertal aervlee.v .' San Franetsco, Feb. It. Oakland race results: ! . : Four furlongs Mabel Hollander won, Plmkln second, Grace a. third; time, 0:4. , Five and a half furlongs Tarn O'Shanter won, Nina Spot aeoond. Expe dient third; time. 1:1H. . - Mile and a sixteenth. St. Valeritlne handicap Peutechland won, ' Bannock Belle second, Jake Bandera third; time, 1:41. . Six furlongs Bob Ragon won, Judge aecondr St. George Jr. third time, M44. Five and a half . furlongs Tocolaw won, M!atye Pride second, i Graceful third; time. 1:T. - - v . . roaaaa. tJoarnal aeeelal WllM.r u New Orleans. Feb. 11. Fair Orounde race ree'uete; s Five and a half furlongs Norwood Ohio won. Whorlor aeoond, Shenandoah third; time, 1:1. Three and a half furlongs Baleahed won, Helen Lucas aeeond, Creole Girl third; time. :44 4-. I One mile Ltiretta won, Joe' Leaser second. Ralnland third; time. 1:44 Mile and a half, handicap Captain Bob .won. Footlights Favorite aeoond, John Randolph third; time. 1:41. Five - and a - half fuelongs Varnsss won. Lady Navarre aeeond, Collector Jessup third; time, 1:10. ' One mile Beech wood won, 1 Chauneey Olcott aeeond, Flavlgny third; time, 1:47 4-1. ",v' . , ;,a ' : At aTaw Oneaag ty Park, (Jearaal Ppeclel gerrtee.) ' New Orleans, Fetat. City Park face reaulter " r .. .--,,-... Half mile Lens won. Colloquy sec ond. Bonart third; time, :B0 4-. Mile and a quarter Fonaoluca won, Hymettus aeoond,- Juba thlrdi . time, :ll t-t. . Seven furlongs Rockavray won, John Garner second, Thistle Heather third; time. l:H - Ftvs and. a half furlongs, handicap St. Joseph won, Tlohlmlngo-" second, Chief Hayes third; time. 1:10 4-1. . Seven furlongs Debar won. Garnish aeeond, Monaandar third; tlme l:0-j-j. Five and a half furlongs Bertha B. won. - Kara aeeond, Ooldle third; time. 1:11 y , , . ATHLETIC MANAGEBS QUIT AT WILLAMETTE (Bsertal Ptaeetek to The Joera.I V Saism, Or, Feb, II. At a meeting of the atudent body of Willamette Wed nesday afternoon C H. Med calf tendered his reelgnatlon aa manager of tha foot ball team for 10. Mr. Medcalf la a aenlor law atudent and doea not Intend to ba In college next year. Ralph Mat thews was elected ae hte successor. Ronald C Glover, president af the stu dent body, realgned his position aa man ager of the track team. . Hla resignation wss brought about by tha stand that Willamette has taken In regard to base ball, which Glover atrenuoualy oppoaea. Roy Hewitt waa chosen ta till the posl- I mil is im :m DRITT Hsrrtra's Latstt Fo Arrives In San Francisco and Looks Up ' ' Jamss Edward. - SAYS HE WANTS "TWENTY- A ROUND 00 WITH BRITT After Hl Oood Showtaf : Agalnat Mexican on Friday Laat There Xa a Feelin in CallfornU'g Metropolis 'That . Would Give Oood Boat "Kid" Herman, looking' none the worse for his 20-round araumsnt with Aurella Ilerrera ' of1 last Friday night, struck. San Francisco yesterday, aays Tueedaya Chronicle, In company with bis manager Nate Lewis. Today the two will leave for Chicago, where Her in Is billed aa a theatiioal attracuon for a week or so. Tba trip ta Saa Fran cisco waa made for tha Single purpose of endsavorlng to match Herman with tha only James Edward Brltt, and from tba minute Lewie and hta charge stepped off the train- they sndeavored to locate Jamea Bdward'a tralL - -j Lewie, epeaklng for Herman, aaya he haa $1,000 poated with a Chicago aport ing editor ta bind auch a match, and saya tha money haa been up- for some time past He wants Brltt 4e sign grtl elea for a Jo-round engagement, the weight ta be 111 pounda at I o'clock Herman ta a light boy, able to do 128, ringside, without any great trouble, ac cording ta. Lewis, and haa been conced ing weight la hla matches for tha last year, during which period ba haa not met with a eingle defeat. Lewis, will endeavor ta gat Brltt and the fight magnates together aome time before he. leavea the city today, and eeeure a match. Ha bellevea tha local fight trust wUl be willing to handle the scrap, but If James Edward la willing tha eonteat can ba put an by McCarer at Loo Angeles. Aa Lewis and Herman are to leave the city by daylight. It seems .unlikely - that ahythlng - will be done today, but tha match looks Ilka good ons and may, be made. According ta tno reports of tna Her- man-Herrera fight Herman ahowed him aalf ppesesssd of a wallop and at tha same time la very shifty and clever, re peatedly ducking or getting ' lnalda af Herrera'a haymakers. If ba ta aa clever as tha telegraphed accounts claim, he should ba able ta make Brltt travel soma Aa Herrsrd Is strictly tabooed hare, and thsra la no -other match of particular promise that seems poeslble of consummation during tha next fsw dsya, there may ba somjthlDg doing for Herman In March. WOODLARK BOWLERS OUTPIN GUILD PLAYERS ' The Woodlarba hit no a verv game last evening and took two gamea out of three from the American nniM. Lunney waa there with the bells, put ting up a 1T average for hla three gamea; he also had the highest single game. Ml. The scores: Woodlarka . , () ) (S) Lnnsy , . , ,4, ...... .,..! ttl lf Hague .,, .7. .....14a mo SOT McMenomy .m lit til e . . 117 1T 117 Totals tea 111 III -American Guilds , Free bo rough . . ........ Tales.- Kalk ' .. (1) (t) (I) lit -144 11 HI 71 It 140 Duganne , ......Ill 111 Barbour . . 1 st ia Andereon ... . 4 hj Handicap . . .101 - 111 101 Totals ....'...;.ia '4 111 ' This evening tha Gold Leafs vs. Gold Bonds. Get In shape for the railroad tournament Sunday, February It. SPQRTjNQ GOSSIP. Now comes Veterinarian Fehr with a aworn atatement to the effect that he administered belladonna to Lou Dillon after tha first heat In her race with Major Delmar, after which Dillon loot the race. Secretary Howe claimed that Lou Dillon had the "thumpa" and needed medicine, hence the Injection of belladonna. Now we will See who will get the real thumps, . ... Oi ' ; , Dear Editor XJiavefeeea4rymg -to write- te yo"Tor aome time but Inas much aa I have been busy with legal affaire both la my office and on tba bench, I entrusted my worries to "Wair ao that he .could keep you posted, bur Instead of telling you the correct news he Insisted upon talking about .bat baga, grass seed, Jontle and himself until I could stand It no longer, hence thla epistle to you. X have wor ried greatly of late over your refer ences to my ball team aa being -foreigners," because I happen to live in Washington and own a team In Ore gon, and 1 aak you In a ladylike man ner to dealat or I might be taxed aa a foreign oonoam -doing bualneaa In Ore gon. Thlnge are not running ao smooth ly as I predicted and yet I can't devote any more time ta baseball to the detri ment of the law and Justioe of my court 1 think that I ahall move ta Portland In order to be In closer "touch, advisedly, but deep down In myheart It-is the correct term after alL If I could purchase apartmenta la tha Portland heights observatory I would be a contented man. I eould Install a powerful duplex, triple-halved, carbureted telescope and when not writing high and lofty legal opinions could witness tha gamea at Recreation park, directing the Infield play by a but ton, the outfield by a email lever on my right Besides meaning a considerable saving In the way of family bbxee at the park, I eould also keep my legal eye on tha grass to see that "Jontle tended te buslneoa "Jontle" Isn't a bail fellow after alL : If you knew bjm mare Intimately and got In closer -"touch", with him you would goon learn to love him. ' Hla waya are the ways of chil dren, therefore pardon hla childishness. "Walt" la tba whole ahow now, and I'm tha background. . Ha la a winner. Of course that Schlafly-Ats deal la a bad one now, but It was real foxy while It laated. President Bert la a lobeter. He compelled me to pay back Schlafly'e draft money to Morley, but ao long as we got even with lutke Fisher we care very little. I am aa wrapped ap In tha law that you will overlook any legal phraaes 1 may use Inadvertently, be cauee I am certain that you don't know a thing about Biackstone. The grass seed makes ma tired, cut It out Toura for all time. ... JUDQB. . ' Stories never cease about Tim Hurst during his career as umpire. Here la ona that the American haa' recently aprung: ' ... "During my umpiring career, , said MlHI MS TO First Deposit An Sinking Fund - Amount to 0n Per Cent , 2 Indebtedness, ; PUMP ENGINEERS AND 777" GATE TENDERS PETITION Say They Can Baraly Lira on Praaent Wagce Laie Penes Atka That jMaing in Fair flropnrls Ktmntn Till Bnildings Art jLtmnt&T "7 City Improvement bonds will be pur chased with tbs money In tha sinking fund of tba muntolpei water department. Thla was decided yesterday at a meet ing of tba water board. The first 'de posit te the sinking fund for the re demption of water bonds waa made soon aftsr January 1, amounting to 1 - per cant ef the bonded indebtedneee at tha water department, or IlLtOO. - ' - - f- Buperlntendent Dodge was ordered to deposit the earnlnga ot tha water de partment with tba city treasurer for the sinking fund for this year equal to-1 per cent of tha bonded Indebtedness of ths department Applications for aa Increase in wagaa of the. pump engineers and the gate tenders la the water department " waa taken under advisement after a report waa made On the petitions by the su perintendent with no recommendetlona The pump engineers aak for an increase from I7I.I0 to 9 month, and the gats tenders aak for an increase, net desig nating tha amount. They now receive 141.10. Several of the engineers' and gate tenders were preeent and explained that with tha preeent high coat of living It wss barely poeslble for them ta live en their aaiariea. Mayor Lane thought they deserved higher wages. The ques tion will ba settled at a apodal meeting March t . . ' Dr. C H. Rairety presented a proposi tion for laving a network of large mains In the .east side manufacturing district for domestic purposes and for -lira -protection. . Hta plan called for a lt-lnch main on East Seventh street from-East Market ta Eaat Alder street, theuoe west en East Alder te Grand avenua Tha proposition. waa referred ta the su perintendent and engineer for examina tion, , ..;.;.......'.- . F. A. Inelev. repreaantlng Lafe Pence. petitioned the board to permit the water mains temporarily laid in tha exposition grounds to remain until the buildings had been removed. He eonsenled to de posit a bond If tba board would eonaent to enter Into a contract Mayor - Lane thought It advisable to permit the mains to remain, as tha large exposition build ings are a menace to that section of tha city, particularly to the ' Forestry. building and to the Chapman aohool. . Maine were ordered laid as follows: Eighthundred feet of six-Inch main. East Tenth street, from Ellsworth to Beaooa streets, coot $110: six-Inch mains on Eaat Flanders and Eaat - Gllsan streets, from . Eaat Thirtieth te East Thirty-second streets, cost $1,410; 1,101 feet of six-Inch main. Flske street, .be tween Dawson street and Willamette boulevard, coat 14,119. A large- number of petlttone for new mains were submitted and referred, to the superintendent and, engineer for re port able plays, but -never anything " more startling and unaual than tba play by wnicn um Lianien onee Drone up a 14 Innlng game when he waa with, tha Chi cage Nationals, Breltenateln waa pitch ing for St Louis and Griffith for Chi eago. In ths 14th Inning, last half, the bases ware full, with two men aut and Dahlen ap. He drove a terrific liner over the left Sold fence, a home run, but did not run to first base, making a line inetead for the boa. Tha other players scored, but Dahlen, perched In the bus and anxious to get back to the hotel, refused to go and j touch first Come out of that,' aaya L Not en your lire,- aaya he. "Finally, however, be made me a sort of oompromlse proposition. Tim," he said. If I threw both of my baaeball shoes and hit tha first bag will you let tie so homo winners As- the bus was .fully too feet from Brat base I gladly consented." : ..-- Here Tim paused and drew, a,? long breath. - . ' . . "Von may not believe ' me," he de clared, "but may I never whisper again If. Bill didn't make two perfeot throws. both hla eboeg landing plumb In the Cen ter ot the Initial bag. The few specta tors who remained 'on' the grounds cheered him heartily Or hla great con trol, and- a matinee glrV who waa present seeured the shoes for souvenir l Have she hsa them to this day." - - A dead calm followed the climax ot this remarkable stgry. . - ' "Tim," soma ona present Anally found breath to venture, ."Tim, that story doesn't seem to fit In very well with the rules."- -"A true story teller,' returned Tim, "never . lota himself be bothered by rules." , . e e r Here la one en Bill Clarke that may have been republished many times, yet the fans know Blu.eo well they will readily forgive: 'Never shall I forget." asld old BUI Clarke, Toledo'a new manager, "the foxy trick I once used In order to retire the enemy In the last Inning and win the game, -1 was catcning ror an inaepena ent team at Rat portage. Wis., and tha visiting team was from Hay Crossing, same state. We had them, t to 1, In tha ninth, with twe out aeeond '. and third occupied, and - a dangerous hitter up. . Fearing hla skill I determined to nab tha man at third base without giv ing the batter a chance to break things up. Instead of eating my lunch -that day I had stuck it In the pocket af my baseball shirt - It waa an apple about ths -else and color of the new ball we were using at that moment Before the man at the bat had p. chance to do any thing I made a bluff at catching the man off third and shot tha apple about tea feet ever the third basemaa a head. -The runner at third came dashing In and I put the ball on him.'- "That's sn old one,"aseerted ona ef Bill's listeners. "OnijTI beard It waa a potato." :.,, ... ' -v. . "And I." chimed In another, "heard the story with a different vegetable. . If I remember right It was either a rutabaga Or a small squash." "Well, well," said BUI, rather testily, "whatever the vegetable . waa I know I went without lunch that day." , Pint Appearance at O. J O, ' trMwla! Tttoeetee e Tse-Jeereal.f'""'' Corvallla, Or., - Feb. - 11. Tomorrow night tna O. A. C. man'a basketball team mskes Ita first appearance thle year 4n a game with the Willamette university msn. who lately defeated the etate unl eeralty team. . The O. A. ,C. boys have also, defaated tha University of Oregon men, and for. this resson the game. to. morrownlghti In O. A. C armory, prom tana ta fh latoraatlnv and will .llfut ' rv rjt"a r-ta). tr - - irjiLrri-eTacrn ef ' tXflUi rtETAJO ivJ aW eMe tea sWs esatel eae,na ss eurkatemtweaetwH. Trytaewt km,. Namvear seftsrtMlIb Krai seiitlMllsllrlfMaaltke eepeXaal keyyeri eaat ear tamaisstetlyi Vm saw MSar ar Besrssh aaamlHSV e say gw SKsrsM wj fhaatd cssrsei. Yes ssei SMaay M wt ereenag zu saww sr mwrn. tf yes eait sea e st yesreaCl getilheMtalelarea. ' - . . HAT MBS. WBI8KKT, goes direct to you from our dlstfOerr. aaa of the largest aad best equipped in the world, thai assarmgyoaof perfeot parity aad saving you tba dealers' Mg progta. It la prescribed by doctors aad need 1a hospitals aad by half a mOUoa satisfied "7 anstomara, beoaase II la goad and para ana Fataeebaan, ' .--y- warraemiraaaaaroeTfta. i izz eayci3 c::rau:3 tx , st. wul. sms. OAYTON, 0, , ST LOVIs, 0, . ; ATLANTA, aA, - DamutT, TmoT, O. BerAauaaao ItM tot OaMM SAOaoOB-OO PaM la M r . FARMER BOY OF 12 SAVES TRAKI FR0:.l SGASHUP Lad Runs Bravely TnrouKh -a Blizzard and Flags Passenger.- In Nick of Time. ' (jMraal Seerls! SarvlerA ' Grand Ialand Neb- Feb. II. Fran- tloally racing up the track, his cap la one hand and hla handkerchief In. the other, little Charlie Hudson, - tha II year-old son of n well-to-do- farmer, gave the algnal - which prevented the wreck of a heavily-loaded - passenger trarft during tha bliaxard. -. . . Tha . boy accidentally dlecovered a broken rail and quickly realised that tha eaatbound passenger train - waa almost due. Without hesitating, he started to meet It The wind waa blowing a gala and tha Snow waa driven Into hla face. almoat obscuring the view. - Energet ically waving hla cap aad handkerchief. he suoceeded in ' attracting tha engi neer's attention. The trala a topped II inches from tha broken rail.. Paasengera and crew showered blei lnga on the embarrassed youngster when they realised that be bad aaved their lives. ,.. .-ii-y FOUR MILLIONS AWAIT : HEIRS OF A DUCHESS - ..... ' Heoraal Special service.) ' ''- Rama, Feb. IS. A fortune of more than 14.000.000 Is awaiting tha rightful heirs of the late Duchess Felldtaa Bevttacqua de la Mass, widow of the Duke da la Mesa, ona at Garibaldi s generals, who died .without Issue. The story of the deoeased woman reada Mke a romance.. A foundling, she was adopted by a childless couple at Yaldagno named Bevtlacaua. la whoee bouse sha waa general servant until her beauty at tracted tha attention at the duke, who afterward married her at Venice In 1141. Much excitement reigns at Valdagne, where several families bearing tha name of Bevllaequa. mostly Belonging te tns working classes, are still Irving. Though a marriage with 'the duke waa known ta have taken place no certificate In proper legal form eould be found, and aa the claims of the dlatant relatives must for' ths present remain In abeyance. Renewed searches are now being made la tba parish registers In Venice . te dis cover the all-Important miealng docu ment . -. . GREAT JUBILATION OF ENGLISH WORKING MEN .- (Jrarsal Seeds! Service.) ' . London, Pb. 16- There waa ' great Jubilation "today at the .sixth annual conference of the labor representation committee, wboas eandldatee scored many successes-' at the recent general election. Over 90$ delegates attended the conference and - many resolutions ware introduced. Among them was one for making the eight-hour workingday com pulsory: -also one for .readjusting the 4urden-of cost m the matter-of social reforms. Substantial taxation of land values, free meala ta school children and tha prohibition of the publication of betting news ware also discussed. ;". aroealain Beam Oantialln. " " ' (Rpedal Ptapetcb to Tee JavraaL) Centra Ua, Wash., Feb. 11. In a hotly contested gsme of basket ball here but night between the T. M. C A. team of Hoqulam and tba high school teste ot this city Hoqulaift won, the score toeing Hoquiara 40. centraiia L , i - . , THE DENTISTS YOU -.SHOULD GO TO Tan italWet. ta Bear at Any- Alveolar Baatlete If your teeth are - decayed ': or , ae- sceesed. or looee and falling out er your game Inflamed and Bore, then year health demands that year teeth be at tended to. If you are looking for the keel work at a reasonable fee we would advise yon te call upon tn Beaton Den tists, til . Morrison Street; the den tists who orlrtnatad the " Alveolae Method, the moat-talked ef, the moat imitated of reoent dental disco veriea. - Bxamlnatloa free. Lady attendant Skillful apeoisllsta .-w--. . BOSTOW Bllttm - ' ' MIIb, Morrison ' treat. Opp. Uetaf , Hi -1 -A' We treat anoooo'ully-aa rtvata Inmat tro..a. e euro STf-rllLM twltoout Bwreury) to stareijryd for- we remove itriltuks, wv aut eperatloa or pain, la II days. We ato draiae. night loeeea . aad spermatorrhea by a new method In n ahort time. We eaa reatore the asxaal vigor ef any man uaer 10 by means ot local treatment peeuuar ta enraelvee i, We Cure Goncrrhoca In a Yezk , The doctors af this tnatltnte are all h-reejuier - graduate, have had many years' experience, nave been known In roruana ror li years, have a reputation li v. ta maintain, and will oadartake ao eaae ttnleee oertaln euro oaa be eaeeted. we guarantee a euro la every -wnaerraao or enarge no ree. t;onsujia - tlon free. Letters conndeutlaL tnstrue - nnnv avtn u-.nt una . la plain wrapper. -We cure tue wuiat caserof-pfme In twe ar three trsatmenta. without epera- . hob. v-ure gneranieea If you cannot aall at eOoa. wrlta for rafui. r..r - . ... - - ' . .- . Ofaoa near I te I aad T ta a. Sundays and HoUdays. II fa X.; ,., ,' DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS & C0i CBoea ta Van Noy BotaL It H Third Street Corner Pine. PortUnd, Or, , ' " - - -; -" " ' ,-" "' - ' THROUGH TOURIST V SLEEPERS XVBKY DAT .-7 1 SEATTLE AND CHICAGO VIA Great Jtorihemtfailym eeTi Cornfortntbl Wsr" " Li n ' vi kout.6 oi ine rampua vncuiai For detailed Information, rates, , ; h. dickson, c:y:& t.a. ; ' - ":r IM CMrt St, ortlad, Ore. , ' , Cu lis mm m I" ""anVi'iTi'i'l H Mtdleiae. Sergery u4 BeetrM ' J BMV&MM,MMtlMeajl wU 'wata'te appy, J fee". , earn er Oar I w thni mrm btiHSshei 1874 et ea la tie ert ntawe aaa wa afflMad with ear aeeve tokUHy er bleea 41 aa at aa to faliaet Haitian,- Oesealtatiea free aad tavttea. a Nervotu and Sick Men WCI'MV :';-'- - iv hUdm Strooz--D Made Healthy V :. V' ' Writs for S-ftniom Blsak If You Cannot Call . St leds Kcdlidft " '. ; Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon, v Half of Voman's Chcrm la her mouth, ' and more than ' half ot ; that depends on her teeth, for. they make or mar-tier expression of the face In - talking or smiling. - When . Nature . -haa been unkind in her allotment of ' ' teeth, or tf those aha has beetowed be- ! come Imperfect, you will aid -yourself -and your looke materially by consulting ua What we tell you will ooet nothing; what we do for yon will coat nothing In comparison with the benefits you will -derive. All kinds of dental work. , ; Vlase BrOeO. ratUma -Odg, Third and wee-tag-tea. I CooK r1y Own Stparately sag . dtatlsetlr ear seek pettart aad each dtoeaee. Callke sow sky tela ae, 1 de aet preecrtae the eaaet SMdlctas Iw sS kasuiB ilia I allecsese eseb esse eeparetely, .- CURE MY PEOPLE Aawag taee are te be feaaa repmeetattves ef the weelu eed reltere, aa well 'aa the : rank aad lie ot Ue etura dtlsuealp ef ths . . state. .... ALL SICK FECPLE ACE ISYITEO v T0 C0.V.E TO KEI ; i ' . v,. . : As enuelaetlea will eaet- faem aetbher ssd -If 1 eaanot rare, tbea there le aet s skyalclaa -ea the Ferine who ess,- . . ,-, .. .-- Sanhariam, 17 North Fifth I -lA P0imjirD WIRE Phone Main 0C0t tC3 jo wja; xmn j ' , . f . . - - . i -. i. f . ar. -Y ' i : : - atsa a - l-r- - . ease war I t V. auaatfon blwik.- Heme-treatment IN THX YEARj ;; th -af.a-.l ato, call on or address :. .' T r. J Examinction Frco i DiasnodFrco T." ii peetel Isvltatloa Is aveea te aU alaeearaavd eeffenre Whe hava m Weeted oitbont recelviag-a care. - We hoM eat -a fatM mtm. We will give yea a (air aad .aeaeet olntea afvyear tha haat ' Ire keew thea te he the-beet he. - eee yeere et eayertteee and eiueetve practice have prewra eat ee4. Dee't waete valeehlenme end asmey at etrietert eoaadrace. .er,., we have eaa enre r Herbal Remedies WING JLE2E Street, PORTLAND, OREGON Dj;:j.D CrrlCE RAlLIKG , - xzzz at.d men rErcirs : -" - Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing; -: . i ' ' Poultry. Netting, Etc ; i ? , & IRON VORItS FLANDERS ST Near Third ads pay csst pes IXlm UiaU "I fear an aom raaaikri lux sraraV ' , , JOU IHl aaWMMr , 'V'"- -, . ' ;'--' s T t. '