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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
lsas weU acqtijeimcrehahtsintlis 'jnieaQs?7 were notified to move on February 28th or pay $100 my clothing house in Portland, what can we do ? ? Not a storeroom re going to give -IT? SOYS Double juarantee I Every one of these Suits and ' ' Yvercoata not only bean the Jnion label, but the , maker's 7' juarantee of quality. 'Guess . hat's getting lyour; moneyVi: Jrorthi All wool, of.' course, f the latest , nobby patterns, tedium or extra long over-, v-- 12.50. : Closing price absolutely the " 7 7V 7U.7 " .i ;. in the city. the greatest values ever offered 7: Forget the Price Don't run away "with the idea that these are $4 suits. Don't ' let our low prices lead you to think they -are ordinary clothes, vyou can wear wear.. They can buy for double '. uut price these suits, or overcoats for dress, winter or Bptlng J i will be better working clohes for you than youjjVLA rMM mble our price ; London's old price $10.50. J Closing , -1 '; ll& i r-: ' i LW r a V 7;7 : ' I 7r;-'., .v.' aa, ..... 1 .)-". T. .. . i .."' : liiii .. V-!:-r mm We-have on hand about two hundred Oats and Vests, Sack Coats, Frock Coats and .Prince Alberts. ' in black ' .r clays, gray days, serges, fancy worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres ' V77 and unfinished worsted, and these will be sold at the ridiculously low price of . x x j mi jii i .iiii.i .1 i II ' . . i 7v; NfefS? ...I, -:77 (IANSii 3 ", . jyou bargain seekers know that merchants art not In business for their hHhviTbey most mak a profit on their goods, and must make from S3 11 to tO per cent profit, or the sheriff would have the locks og their doors, Instead of us packing our goods and storing them in warehouses and have the moths eat them up and being mildewed, we are going to sell everything in the house at One Half and lesar , off the regular price. . We again wish to assert that in this stock of Clothing. Shoestjtfats and Furnishing Goods we have only reputable and up-to-date merchandise. 7 ..J , :,;77;Pay leer than Half Price for Union-Made Clothes of Quality made by the best makers In the United States. ' .' ." T;' '"'; v7' t ' I v-7 'v, J mm -'-Tv ''17 ' 7 khinff Wc Advertics, Nothing Micrcprecsnted in Any Way, Shape, Form or Respect. t;: This sale is bound to be a howling success, because we have .made prices that are bound to. bring you to our store.. We have . been cutting the prices to the very lowest notcn and If you are in need of anything in this line It will certainly pay you to take a trip to London's. Your railroad fare paid on all orders amount ing to (25 and over. - This will give the outside trade a chance to come to this great sale. Your car fare win be refundsd to you ' -If I ll - 1 All . I " " on mu puitnuci oi w ccnia ana om. au cars mnucr 10 our I store, two ooora from inira ana Yamniu. : -i " - Now, men, make no mistake. "Attend this great sale and - you ww never regret n. wur cooos are ran aamagea or souea, ; and remember, any article purchased during this sale, if you are 7 not satisfied with your purchase, return it and have your money ' r i j . - ..u. T .A .Cl- . . , Ufake no mistake in the address, two doors from Yamhill, next door to Jones' Market, 17S Third street, where the London's Clothing is bound to vacate their store by February S3. . SPECIAL, Oy ERCOAT SNAPS FOR BOYS Russian CoatsOne lot of handsome Russian Coats for boys. 8 to 7 years, of C I A A I rrav and blue melton, silk cheviots : London's old orice $150. Closine price , .. TliCI pvercoats Stylish coats of various colors and fabrics, sizes up to 8, long cut, belt back, coata ot good serviceable wool materials; London s old price $4.00. ; CI '7C Closing ctv,,,i,MkMiMM;.;,Himi,,,.MMM,..mM,.M.tfliu EXTRA SPECIAL 150 dozen Celluloid and Rub ber Collars and Cuffs.' . ' -WO-aoxenMen's'-Hatsr-an shapes and styles' your choice T 73 pairs of Riding and. Bicycle Pants for about the cost of the buttons 1 1 SPECIAL, I One lot of Children's lie and 35c Hose, sizes 5 AH 25c Neckwear, Tecks, Four-in-Hands, spring. styles ?. 14 500 Fancy Odd Vests, white, piques, gray and hunV " dreds of patterns to choose from. Come and take .your choice at. ...... . . .. . . r sjlL One lot of $1.00 Umbrellas. Your choice at. .30f One lot of Men's Negligee Shirts, pair, of cuffs in each ...;.;..;f..,....V..,.................4e Men's Linen Handkerchiefs: Closing price. .. 500 Dozen Fouf-in-Hand Ties, black only..... 5e Children's Ribbed Underwear. .............. 84 Dozen Caps put in one box. . .Take your choice at .15f Thousands upon thousands of bargains at this great sale. 7 We would have to take the entire news paper to enumerate them all, so come and see for "yourself and lay in a supply, r . . . , We Want You to Come to This Great Sale ; These prices wQl surely bring you here, and we want every tee to b reated right. 7e will have about W new clerks, and as yon know h ia impossible for all new clerics :o know everything on the first day ol the sale and if there is any article yoii ask for and Jie clerk cannot find it call , for the manager on the floer, Mr. W. W. Bkom. who win e to it that everything advertised ia forthcoming. ','-7J,v; :f '. 7- BARGAINS IN FURNISHING GOODS ' Remember that this sale is leritimate. Portland. Other sales -are bound to spring stna must dispose of our stock. ; ; 7 7 Men's white, - laundered,'; stiff bosom 7 Shirts. Forced Out price, extra - ' special ......i......... ....... .50 Now, you workingmen come along, we 7'". have " here something ' for r jou -good 7': heavy Overalls, all sizes you know - what they cost.' Closing Out Y price .... ... . . .V. .. . . . , .V. . . . .20 TOO Dozen Neckties thrown into one big - heap, come and take your choice.. 2 It is late to Ulk of mufflers,, bnt it will 7 pay you Lto3uyone JornexLjrinter. ; We have beauties, they are large ones 7' nd you take your unlimited ..choice for .......68 Boys' Stiff Bosom Shirts, regularly ' 1 . . - sold at 50c. Closing Out price. ...5 . White Socks, just the thing for sum- . ." mer wear. Closing Out price... '...1 About 200 dozen Men's Odd Vests, reg ' 'ularly sold from $3 to $i. Clos ing out at .......... ... ...... ..10 . Now, i young men, here's your "chance. Once more we have about 175 youths' v, suits ranging from 10 to 19 - ' years, at .'.., .f2.45 ; : It is late to talirebout Ulster, but we .have a few left.' They have got to go, " come take your choke. . . . . . t . ,2.8- . Blankets, good large ones. ... . . . .42 . White Cotton-batten Comforters, , reguUr SIjOO .40 Mens guaranteed pure linen Handfcer- chiefs, the " 25c kind,, Closing Out. price i;. ..W:.. ..7 Men's AH Wool California Flannel v ' -t Shirts V. .03 as we wiU off er you the greatest and grandest bargains ever attempted In the city of up arouna us, but this is tne susignr-torwara saie we are tnrown out ot our premises Boys' All Wool California Flannel r Shirts .........................25 Ladies,' here's something for you, about .800 dozen Ladies' Belts, sent to us by J "T mistake some time'sgo, we accepted 3 them for' the mere cost ' of. making.. They are here and you can take them, 'at 8.-' Be 'quick, as the best ones sre bound to go first. k r-' Beautiful . Bow Neckties, other stores ' charge 25c for these. Our price dnr Men's White Fancy Vests there sre not many ; of these, so, you hsd ' better ' 7 hurry. Your choice... ...... ....70 ; ' Boston Garters, other stores charge you '-25c- Closing Out price . i . . . ... .14 - We. have .on hand some sample Caps, ' ,.; complete drummer's- line, some are - worth retail as high ss $1. Your ' - ' unlimited choice .....r....22 ', $10 Ribbed and Natural Wool Under' ' . ' wear. Closing price. . . . ; .V. . . . .70 10c Collar Button Sets, gold plated. .3 $L25 Smith & Nichols' Shirts. Closing . : price ..... , . ; . . . . . V ; . .43 $1.00 Black Sateene Work Shirts, reiii forced back and front, silk stitched and : absolutely warrantedv . . . ; . ... ; .30.' $15 Fine soft Flannelette ShirU..SO 25c Black and Brown Hose., ....... .5 35c Fancy Lisle Hose.... 10 v" 573 Dozen All Wool Socks. Closing Out .... ; price ..8 ifi&O Pairs of Pants to be sold, for, the 7 1 cost of . the material. ; They have rjol ; to go. -n ..t; " ' v i .'. it i-y (J .f'7- Beautiful Chevbt and Worsted Pants, 7 London's old price $1.50 to $2.50. Qosing price ................. ,7C , OneT lot of beautiful - Kerseys, -Thibets,'- worsteds. Cheviots, well made through out; regularly sold for $3X0 and $3.50. : .Your unlimited choice at. .i... $1.23 Beautiful Dress Pants, other stores will ,oask you $5.00 to $7.50 for these, but they have got to go with the balance of the eoods. We know it is no sood ol asking you a hirh-prtce,-sowe- cut- , the cost clean in half. They are yoars r for 51x0 About 500 Men's Working Shirts. We , , . have put all our 39c and 50c ones in one 7. big heap. .Take your choice at. . .10 We have placed all our Gloves in one . : large box, sdme are worth as high as ' 1 $1.50. Your unlimited choice 15 373 Dozen Blue and Red Handkerchiefs. ; Closing out price.... ...,;..,1 ; Men's Sanitary Fleece Lined Underwear, . in all sizes. Closing Out price.. 7S 7 Men's Ribbed Underwear, regular $1.00 7 value; beautiful : garments. Closing Out price ........... .s..,.S3a eauliful-Silk-HandkerchtefsClosing"-! Uut pnee .............r.........&f ' All our Suspenders put into two prices r 7 Lot No. 1.. 5 Lot io. 2.. ...f., ........... . . ,12 'Ladies' Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs. Closing price ...... .......1 ' Ladies' Stockings, regular . 25c value. Closing price ............. .......1 Unr rCT A Lnrn mnrnrfr tn llnnr LnrfnrA Mfiirialf nri All .sfl.Lnt h?ttrrYincci ' '. rpn r-rr 'f r" ' r- r" f" V- r r - r' r r ' '