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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
17 CCN VOYACZ. ' The Journal may have bullded better than kntw In sending tan bright Ora .f eon girls on a trip to Hawaii via. ail points 01 interest an rout a. . Miencan sin la proverbially Bright. venturesome and observing, with . the western glrla well In the lead, and they will get more "education" in the truest aense of the word from this az- man jney would rrom a year la.-college. ; . : r .wT fnte girls, v A trip to ' ! tropica in jnld-wtnteswltlv no pense, no care, everything provided for helr pleasure and comfort and everv- . oooy ui along the line only waiting for , pleasure or entertaining them. - Newspapers -are-dolnga-i great many inw oaya, oui mis la one , of the beat to date, for It-Is Wke a ; . -circle in water"; one cannot tell how . vuia circie may-snaen. ana bo wiaen the t Uvea of thra a-lrln rflartaln It la thav win aiwaya ae ricner. and fuller torthla beautiful break in the ateady course of . . 'ineir aays, ana noooay itnowa now much ;jthe whole state In years 'to coroe may , wn oven oeneniea oy tms excursion. . ' Bright, happy, healthy glrla ought to ; , make bright, happy, healthful homee , 'when they marry, and anything that 'tends to the general well being of our t wuuB wwoiiuwb im put 9 ier wiser ) use than any amount of disquisitions, denunciations and laments over, "race - ! suicide." . -; gooo ana you'll no nappy." , is 'Just exactly as. true when-you turn it . rouna. , . . ,v v. THE AMERICAN GIRL ; V here is a tribute' to the American girl ; ' tir..llnMHiif.H.'niiliu. r '.ImaI k I ..v. mM a. - - . . ' la In the exuberant rhetoric of the sunny south, but pleasant reading noae- theleas. . i The M. C was eating a good word 'for the American boy at Annapolis and iww occasion to aeuver this apostrophe . to the American boys slater: v "I believe that there is nothing bet ' ter in all the world than patriotic, brave .and chivalrous American manhood, ex cept the loveliness, the purity and the . -'beauty of American womanhood. "Borne one has said that when . God made, tha Jlmarlran- rlrl ha aant hla an. ' -gel messengers throughout all the star . strewn realms of apace to gather all ' , -there was of beauty and brightness, of enchantment, or glamour. When these angels returned from ; their harvesting of beautv and threw down their glittering burden at his feet ' he began .in their wondering .presence the fashioning or the American' girl. am wrougm wiin me goto ana tne T' gleam of the stars, shifted glories of ' the rainbow lines and the pallid silver -the - moon, Ho- wrought- with - tha 'heart of the rose; with the-pure, sweet snow that gleams from the lily's petals. "and the fires and the flames that leap 1 ruin jv-vaia aapina. y ; - r . . Than. rlflnfllna mb IntA lita Awn .L bosomy he took of- the love that gleamed V there Ilk some rare Tearl beneath the v wlnd-klssed .. wares of a summer sea. inrilieu liivo aw lurm ni'vu ihdidii 'lng. and all heaven, and -earth rejoiced. - iur, lui hj BN Wivuiui iu, Ainniuia CONCERNING EDUCATION. ' . Aa sure as nature exlats there la no MMinan axnuc uv row i II. x nan la ma arrowth aaoeDt br the acaulsltioa Of . wnvifum DOM JEDuGS AOYEO JY HOLT GIUIS .Sheriff finds It Necessary to Fix ,! Certain Hourt for Vieitora r i'-'.ri'.:'' . at -JaiLr;- 1 : i . (Special Dtaaatca e Te raa.l ' V J. rOrants Paaa, Or, Feb. 14. Because of , tier numerous callers, and the bother of v continually letting visitors In and out r of the county Jail during all, hours of the day. Sheriff Jjewle . has round . it V maammm tn viva. TAm -Jannlna-a enlv certain hours for eallera. Bhe can now f entertain visitors, between and t:30 s'lnck aaeb afternoon. Sunday Included. Previously, both Sheriff Lewis and Dep ; uty Lister were kept busy conducting callers to the JalL and aa one or the ' Leads the world. No; subsidized ; ' ; ' Musician Our SOHMER. It Is sold only oa merit. ; Be : sides it is the Upright Piano "f ,. ; 'V, .;-'... '. .,: Yott buy and not the con- -cert grand all the money . is spent to Improve it. Call and eaamine it. Manufacturers' " Piano Co. , CO ALDER STREET.' Sohmer There Is no conquest over the obeta claa that stand in the way of the reali sation of our , deal res except ' by Indi vidual effort. . . It la safer to ret upon nature and to learn from an S observation of ber methode than to listen to the vaporings of men who have got so far away from her . and are so ignorant of ber laws that they, r .. really insane. Helen WUmanav. . v. . : ,-. . . JUhert Hubbar aeyar r- t "education .-. means development growin. we grow through expression; inai is, tnrougn exercise. Theee Ideas are elm. le, plain and now unoiepuiea by the beet minds. " "Orowth, the collegians seem to think, la an acquisition.. Doing byi proxy, mas sage In the plefto of the sawbuuk and k rain-call enrlgletratlon -by listening to another man- expreee another. man's Uiougbta! . , ,.- "Many a Strong and .experienced man never thinks of setting his boys at work. Oh, nofs He sends them to college and mexes or tnem -remittance, men. - - "The students who get the real good out of college are those who work their way through.", ... ; .- And the above applies largely .to the development of the ' eat there la In our glrla aa welt as boys. '-,;; - v Tne writer knows a bright young woman, a teacher in the public schools not a- thousand miles from Portland, who began. teaching at years of age and has - kept up - her teaching - ever since. educating herself meanwhile, until when ehe took the ''life examination" she stood as well aa many another who had far better "schooling" aa the word Is commonly underatood.':' ' . ' ' This girl Invariably plans aome trip for her vacation that Is educational In Its nature.' Bhe has been to Old Mexico, to Alaeka.. aha la- a good mountain. climber, a wheelwomsja, a horsewoman. clever musician In fact she la alto gether alive to this world she lives In, Is devoted to her work and the school that has her services la to be con gratulated. - a- : , , It Is one of the encouraging Indications of tha time that the much-abused word education" la coming to be underatood more and more In it d eper and broader significance. It no longer means filling living brain with a lot of lore gathered from certain books a, .one might put things away' In. a wa-.houee, but 11 means Intensifying the life of that brain; It means making It acquainted with Ita own powers; It means giving it confidence In those powerai It means teaching the one brain that It la juat a little different from any other brain, ever made and that difference la to be respected In the mental development of the Individual and not crushed out to conform to some arbitrary standard of excellence that may be wholly at fault, . , - .,, -. Education should . l et- mean ' doeea not mean how much one has stowed away In the records of memory, but how well the powers of the mind have been da veloped so that any -ing that presents Itself requiring to be learned will find the mind powers In working. - fighting .trim, to meet the demand made upon thenv in - short, not wtat - you .have learned so much as what the mind has been developed up to the point of learn ing at pleasure, or aa circumstances may detormlne, though' for that matter It la better, generally apeaklng, - to "deter mine" circumstances than, to let tnem "determine yon. ' . j. a. . H of your regrets. Ton are what you are rrom what yon have experienced and rightly underatood and accepted all experiences are good and the- bitterest ones best of an." Elbert Hubbard. other were obliged to remain near by while the vis 1 tore were in the presence of the eTlrL the. visit lng business took nearly all of their time.- .. Women began calling on tha girl as early as o'clock In the morning, fre quently before- tha girl was up. and It was as annoying to her aa to the offi cer. On Saturdays and Sundays front to 19 o'clock women would be at the Jail thj entire day. - - . - While many of tha woman have a de sire to help tha girl, a greater number call merely out of curiosity, and it Is to lessen the number of these that the newt order has been Issued from too sheriffs Office. !'..,.'- ,t .. "I am glad of It." said Miss Jennings. "So many of these women Just coma to look at ma aa they would aome wild ani mal in a cage. The houra allowed by nr. ivewia will give those who really want to talk to me a chance to call." ABOLISH OFFICE OF V v LIEUTENANT GENERAL iJwmmi apart) eirtcs. ' ' Washington. Feb. It The higher ofn eera of th United State army are waiting with oonslderabla interest for tba decision of oongress la regard to the clause Inaerted In the army appropria tion bill, which reads: "Provided, fur ther, that when the office of lieutenant, general shall become vacant. It shall not thereafter bo filled, but said office shall cease and determine." That such a change was Intended waa mora or lees expected by army offlcera en account of the detail, at th urgent request of Secretary Taft, of Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell ae chief of staff of the army. Tho effect of this assignment to duty la Washington tt i officer over whom there were Six major-generals and a lieutenant-general senior, was to Keep tho lieutenant-general away from Washington. - and. tn command of a military division hitherto considered the) proper ,'oommaad of a major-general . , . .' It waa expected that Genera! MacAr thura appointment aa a lieutenant-general and General Bell's, detail to duty aa chief of btaff would bring about the condition which la shown by the die), position of tho house military commit- to to abolish tho office of lieutenant- general, if tho clause la approved bv con grass it will go Into effect when Gen eral Bate retiree, and It will prevent Ooneral Corbln from becoming a lieu-tenant-general. -; - RICHEST MAN OF RUSSIA ' , CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE (Josraat afctjH. - i Heath Berlin, Fob, 11 The Heath Is Bounced from SI Petersburg ef. Count Anatolo Orloff-Devldoff, the sear's mas ter f the horse. Afterv his tm portal master, the count was regarded aa the richest man ofr Russia. Hla "landed property extended ever nine govern ments, and he owned ' 100 of the moot magnificent houses) fas St. Pa tare burs and Moeeew. On tha outbreak - of the war- with Japan he . contributed vast siims of money te the army and to the Red Crose society. , He died at tha age ef years.--. -. -. me ef ' Pendleton. Or Feb. 14 That the sample mile of read which the govern ment baa offered to bulls la Umatilla county will be constructed now seems smured. for the county court has i r -tef the -offer and has agreed to pay , , -- i-iciJeat to the ' '. ' i J Hourly Sntes Hourly Bales Hourly Sales ttourly Snlac cz j zd r-- a. . twa.' v Wa poaltivo crura far all thoaa painful ailments of women. It will entirely cure the wont forme of Female Com plaints.' Inflammation and Ulceration. Fallinsr and Disnlaoamenta and eons quest Bpldal VTeakneaa, and is peenji- ariy aaaptea to toe vnang pj It will surely cure. ( ;. .. v f It hs4 cured more cases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world baa ever known. It Is almost in fallible in such eases. -' It dissolves and expels Tumors In an early stag of development. That . v - .y causing pain, weight and headache, la Instantly relieved and .permanently eared by its use. Under all circum stances tt acts In harmony with the female system, it corrects Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak aeas of the Stomach, Indig-estion, Bloat. me;, . Hervons FrostratlM. gsadaeha. inuenu wouiiy. . Also t : ' Clzxtammm, Fklzisss, Extreme Issltude. dont-eare " and; " want-to-bo-left-alone" feeling, excit ability, Irritability, nervousness, sleep, leasness, flatulency, melancholy or tha M blues," and - backache. Theea are sure indications of Female 'Weakness, some derangement of tha organs. For Kldamy Consalmlata and Backache of tither tea the Vefets Die uompouna is unequsuesi. . . Ton esn write Mrs. Pinkhsm about yourself in strictest confidence. - ;;w 1TSU B, niUll ax. CS lyaa. ro:iAii paid a r.un $i,qoo TO 17ED HER OTHER Sensational Charges Made in Case.; Brought by I Alonzo ' Whiteman Against Sister. (jMraal Ipaelal Sarlae.t ":'- Duluth, Minn.. Feb. 14. The ault brought by Alonso 3. Whlteejan -against his sister. Mrs. A. i. Olbba, et aL. to set aside a deed alleged to be fraudulent, cams up for trial here today. White man la the ex-mayor of. Duluth, who Is now. serving a term In Auburn, New York, prison for forgery. George - F. Perkins, who held a Judgment of 115.000 against Whiteman. is plaintiff In the suit, and Whiteman, Jt Is charged, has no Interest In thesreeult. The suit In volves -ths title to 4,900 scree of valuable land in St Louis county. . Reuben Whiteman. father of Alonso and' Clara Whiteman. waa possessed of a large fortune at the tuns of his death at Dansvllle. New York.. In lilt. It consisted of a paper mill worth ItiO.tOO, real aetata and personal property In New Tork and tho 4.000 acres of land In this county. By the terms of hla will the elder Whiteman left hla woalta to his eon an daughter, with a life estate te hla wife. If she married, how ever, tt was provided that It went to her son and daughter, Alonso and Clara, the latter now Mrs. A. J. Olbba. one of the defendants In' the present suit. It Is alleged In the petition that Mrs. Olbba patd James Undsey 11.000 te marry her mother, and thereby secured possession of the bulk of the fortune for herself and Alonso." . - - m ' i '.- -j'. CONSECRATE COADJUTOR "TO BISHOP GILLESPIE V.'..1 fjaeraal Special earrteej Grand Rapid. Mlck. Feb. 14. With Imooelng ceremonies in - St. Mark'a eharcb today, the Rev. John N. McCor- mlck, D. l- nitnerto ' rector or nt Mark's, was consecrated a bishop of the Protectant Episcopal church, under the terms 'of his recent election te t be blehop-coadjutor to Blehop GlUeepie In the diocese or weetern Jtlchlgaa Bishop-elect MoCormlck was attended In the solemn procession by Rev. K. H. Peters of Kalamasoo and the Rev. Wil liam Lucas of Allegan.. Bishop Tattle of Missouri presided, and the ether at tendants upon tho ceremony Included Bishops Nelson oc Georgia, Anderson of Chicago, Knight of Cuba, Woodcock of Kentucky.-White or. Michigan city, Williams of Marquette, Seymour of Springfield and Leonard of Ohio. t The eandldate was presented by Bish ops Knight and Woodcock and the ser mon waa delivered by Bishop Anderson. The consecration Itself was performed by Bishops Nelson and Williams. referred Maeh Oaamed Alien Lewis' Best Brand. ELOPES. WITH A MAN . SCARCE HALF. HER AGE faeeewl Pwaeteb ts The Isemel.l -Colfax. Waahu. Feb. 14. Mra. Michael of Spokane has eloped with Wade Car macheL Mrs. Michael, who left a bus band te flao with her lover, ts ft years old. while Csrmachel Is but Is. The couple were overtaken st Garfield by the woman's sou and her son-tn-law, who caused ' her detention. Carmacbel es caped. .p ' . Mrs.1 Michael was. persuaded by her son Sod soD-tn-law to return to bar home and husband la Spokane. - Efforts were made to hush the matter up. Car. machel Is S farmer living near GarfleldV .:' ' CBOVS ''' . ;'.-.'. Resins' with the symptoms' ef a eem man cold: there Is chtUneea, eneeelng. eoro throat, hot. skln.e.ulck pulse, hoarsen ae aad Impeded respfrauon, Ulve frequent entail doses of Ballard's Kora hound Syrup (the child will ery for I-). and at the Srat sign of acroupy congh epplv frequently Ballard's Snow LinUneat to the threat. Mrs. A. .Vliat. New Csstle, Coloredo, arliM. VHfrch It. 101:, -t think BaU lard'e orehound Syrup a wonderful j remedy, end. en pleasant to take.? snJ i X .Woodard, Clarke Co. - - " " " i 9 T0 w & OtrBTATaTS SLS. l fourth floor offering for one hour on Thursday. 1SS pairs of Scrim Ruffled Curtains with Batten- ' burg edges and Insertion; each three yards In length - and - 4t Inches wide; best values la town st the regular price ef 11.00. Spe cial for the hour named above, at. pair v.......,.f 1.8S nr woKiri. back 'A large let and splendid ' assort. ,.- ment of pretty Back Combe, la ; dark shell, amber and ' white; ' . some Jeweled and mounted; val- ' ues up to I60..- Special st, ..15dJ Another assortment of fancy Back , . Combs; values from 11.00 to 11.71. ' Special at ....... ...,...,.S94 . SUM FOOP 0X0 useful kitchen' implement . for . chopping meate and vegetables, ' ' the large family also that retails for ll.ff regularly. Special for . . aa hour tomorrow for. .... ,..aSw -Best quality ef black and white hump and eyes, with extra Invlsl '. bin sye. In all slsee ft to 4s re. ular to values.. Special at .....s eearae fee Se A tie packet ef seraare-ehsped en- velopee la white and cream tints; " our beet regular tc value. -Spe-' clal at ...................... Z4 10 TO 11A.M. Whs Waats a Pretty Wtadses Searf . j . , for the Seek - A SSS TAX.TTB FOB Ue. For one . hour's selling ws shall . , offer tomorrow, during the above-. ' named period, choice of a Jot of . pretty Windsor Ties, embracing, navy sad whits patterns, reds trlth black polka dots, and a '. charming variety of Persian do- . '"eigne; good half dollar velnea. Special st .................164 fsssssd ef Sflteo. A beautiful 1-inch Bowl ef brilliant . i cut glass aa above for one hour. ' mAMAZsTSl XSe FJUB. ...... Oaly. Tha stopovers from the great Clear-, ance Sales of January and early February; slses are broken In the . ' lines, but should yoa be among . ' the-fortunate ones te secure the else you want you get s wonder-, ful bargain, for we shall offer . choice ef the entire lot; values "from too to 11.11 for....,:.. 10 see to yaxwbs nr anxu , smT tinnmiw fob is, r A : Annex Salons Second Floor. 4 A big collection of. fancy wings, , Pompons, feathers and breasts. In every new sad wsnted color and , affect; Just the . trimmings one 1 needs to freshen bp the hat that has stood nearly a season's wear, . to make It look new again. .,' For an hour tomorrow you may s ' loot as shove; values In the effer- Ings to ft a Choice -' for . ................. .....94 Writing Tablets, in pocket stss and ef fine Japanese , linen paper, ruled or plain- a good value st the usual price ef fee. Special . at X44 ii to 12 a. a. .Am assortment eft sterMac silven. , . gunssetal and , gold-plated wire ; BraceleU; valsea up te 11.00. ' Special at .le Large else - cubes ef best black headed Toilet Pins. 100 In eaoh cube: regular 10s val see for.. Ket . "Shuahine" Shoe Polish, a splendid "'. drees tag for sseWe or women's 1 shoes; gives a brilliant luster - sad. put up as it te ta s tube, will . . not sou the hands in applying. Regular We value, Special -at . ......15d Economies io Thursday Shopping K ;P Note the wnazinsr values in the offerings included in' the "HOURLY SALES. Take notice abb how annfortably we've arranged the sales no "impossible" hours named, but all fixed so one may easily attend to household duties, yet not miss an hour of tempting bargains; I-Note- also the all day sale of shoes wonderful reduc tions in footwear; and not to be outdone the Millinery store offers exceptional all day bargains in new spring hats. -; Come and spend the day tomorrow. ,SSJ;-iM 1 Great Crowds Center in ihe Shoe Sfqre ; Tfee Wonderful VL , ucsF Continue j ms i fAe Monster Stock Reducing Sae Goes On, f " . - . - ' . .. ' First Floor Sixth T'v" ; Street Annex, Women's $M , ' Shoes $i.98 , About l.OOO pairs Women's Shoes In patant kid or ' colt, box oalf.--valour, gtinmatal and viol kid, with heavy or light .' solas, high. medium . and low beels. Bluchsr and ether cuts; about . 40 styles to . select . from; all slses and , widths; values te 1 4. SpecUl, the, ' , pair ........91.98 1.: Women's S4.M A line ef Women's kid and patent leather Slippers, common sense Cuban and Louis hsels, hand-turned, soles In strap, beaded, silk bow snd Slain . styles; values front 11.71 to 14.00. Special, the pair. i.. ...... .f X.10 Men's Shoes at SI. CO Men's ' 11 J0 Shoed Special, the Men's IT.OO Shoes. 'made by. Kdwln Men's 11-00 Shoes, msde by Florshelms. Special, pair ..... Any -pair of Men's 4.00 Shoes In ths house. Special, pair . - Men's $5.00 Shoes $2.49 yy :;; About 100 pairs Men's sdds snd snds Shoes in button or lace, patent er dull leathers, all styles; values from 11.10 to 11.00. Special, the pair , 93.49 , ' Babies' $1.50 Shoes 59c l?"l-:4 A line sf Baby Shoes In red or black, button er last turn sole, spring ', heel, patent or kid tip; sixes I to I; values to 110. Special, the pair . t4 t ir' Babies'. $1.00 Shoes 35c Baby Shoes la slses I te ; regular value 11.00. Special, the palr.'.SBw Afeiv Spring ' the New Tork models' heads, some shapes that droop over the face tilt Mohairs snd Chiffons, la reds, aavya, pearls snd black snd white. A splendid value that ws shall sell all day at ....... ........... .93.39 Also a line of Misses' snd Children's Hats In pokes. ' Tlorodora' and "Dolly Vardea" styled, all wanted colore; regular ft and 10 values. Special ell dsy at -98 and. f 1.18 11 TO 12 A. M. SSs 90XXJ9S Ida. Pretty;, fringed edge. Dollies, stamped for English eyelet and French , embroidery; regular tie value, Special at .......... 14 1 TO 2 P. n. big lot aad good assortment sf , erosees, mads front inaltatlos'tor. - toise shell set with pearte aad .. white atones; values front lOe te - l.e. Special from t to t p. m. only st a choice for......... 194-. Cbotoa of ' a ' let - ef fine Drese , Shields. - materials ef black and '. , whits silk snd white nainsook; . all slses snd values te lie. Bpe-, emt f or. pair ......XS4 Cold Cream, in largs tars. H-lh. else; splendid .for applying te shapped hernia or face and ' fr softeatng - and beautifying t - skin, A pure white ere.a t will not turn rancid; Sure. 1 value, fjeclal St. te Jr... Slippers $1.19 less Thtn Regular Price pair ............. .i , Clapp A Sons. Special, pair.., LTillinery at ' fAmmm BsVsas SssoaS Flsesv .: , Take all day to choose. Cmnruif tints te see the wonderful galaxy of new beauty that awaits you . in ths "BlJeuT 3.K .00 ..... . w-a.w .......ia.oo salons., Here's opportunity te secure a new spring hat at a special sals figure Just te Inject enthusiasm Into the sell ing. This yssr 'round department has no -Mull days" can't stop toe busy. TOMORROW WE'VE PLANNED A JOLLY SURPRISE - We've received ' a brand sew ' In voice of new Chiffon Turbans rlaht off 2 to 3 p. a. La woxanrs bazvtt xrsmosrzsrs .FOBKAtVF. For ens hour ws shall sffer a lot of pretty, useful Handkerchiefs, our regular -two-bit'' values, choice ef hemstitched, embroidered er '; scalloped edges, also some daintily s trimmed with pretty Iseeo, at half , prioe. Splendid values these at Ito, but slightly mussed from ' handling er window display, some a trifle soiled, but one short trip to the tub will .. bring back the f reshneee of the "Openings.'! - . : Special st ...1SH isrs tss soxjp s9Taa ess ' A line of handsome Wool fllovee, 'Just the needed sort for the cool, mornings and evenings, pretty ;' golf styles, all needed .colors snd slsee. usually selling st Tie. - Special, at, pair.,.. dl XAjrosozoi doe r-zz 1 139 t. A swell lot ef pretty lt.ets Moire Ribbons, In all ' wan 1 shaus, Horn, t ts 40. ales a ! t ef fairy ' ribbons la od 1 j tty aHae that n""-e t if U f e e 1 r t ' 1 ! i' i",: 2 TO 3 P. 1.1. The neweet Ideas In Colored AU-.- Silk Taffetas, embracing all ths . lstest, most wanted shapes, post-, ; . tlvely the hewest snd latest fab . rlca shown la, the treat eastern ,' fashion centers, -white. Ivory and cream shsdes; best Ite valuea Special for the hour at, yd. .69 . : esc cvsxxoB tops its. " From t to tomorrow we have on' , ssle a lot of Cushion Tops In art .denim with pretty floral decora . tlona, . plain backs, tinted and stamped In ths floral aad eonvon ' - tlonal designs; regular values to 0 to. Special for... ...19s 3 TO VP. n. A BTO B3KUSTBBT STSATX0. S40 aad SSM Xats fee Ue. "AbounjHals In Oils amssing lot of. bargains In stylish headwear ' for women. Smart bats for street : - wear, all wanted colorings In- the ' assortment, attractively trimmed : with qullle, buckles, etc. In the , popular sailor and turban ahapee; values ranging up from II to fl. To close within the hour we shall offer them st a choice for..l8e , An extra siss Chsmols for use In cleaning carriages, etc., one that 'V sells regularly end a ' mighty good value for too. (Druggists . ask more)., .Special here tomnr row, st . &34 t ISs BTTCK VOWnal loo BAC3. . "' r , " ' First Fleer. . ; Jit doeen n this marvelous offer.' --tnr.- larges-liberal - also - towels. . . nicely hemstitched. - for this one hour only, In (he "Domestic'' See , tion; best Ho vslues. Te be 'sold at. each i.' 10 One' gross of1- Oold-Ftlled 'Band '. Rings, prettily snd artlatloaJly en graved, snd ths beef sellers st the usual prioe of tic. for ths hoar set sd above. . Special at,.,,10e WOKBxTS SLSS Ban SXZBTS SSs. From until 4 p. m. tomorrow we . shall Offer a let of Knit Skirts In ' extra widths and fancy striped , t patterns; regular tt-ll values, at - a choice for .............. ..994 ',' IUI OF aTBW SPBXsTw SVXX- .. Floor. . -,. Beer In mind these sre ell ths new est fabrics Faahtoa has designed -. to weave her wand- of favor over emart, new and ehlo check ef ; feats, for oes hour only, as aawve; ' . I to 4 p. m. only, yoa may chooae from them; best 10s vslues la the city, at. yard...i...........42s t TO 5 Pi a XSe FB. apply. At 4 sf clock tomorrow we shall1 place J.i .env sals In the "Man's Shop'' oner , ef the most extraordinary" values) ever offered to mea and woman ' who buy for men ever offered la , Portland. It will pay tboaw mter ' ested: to lay tn s sesson'a aup ;' , ply. Fifty doeen sf Men's Fancy . Lisle snd ' Cotton Hosiery, beet . regular half-dollar values, hand-' .' Some striped- dnstgns and seat., smart figured patterns, for one hour only 4 to t p. av . ' Choose for. pslr..,.i.,.....19s) Nice warm Klght Drawers sf outing flannel material. In pink and blue ' - striped effects. Just the needed things for ths cool nights of early. spring, opeciai aa aoove, sges I and t years only; 7ie values.,. Special at ....49. A worth while saying to those pru dent housewives who will take . . sdvsntsgs of the temporary re- f ductlon oa theee splendid Wool Comforters, very soft, fluffy snd 'v. warm; regulsr 14 veluee.. Special for this hour only at. . ...2.8 , Useful snd durable Whfek Brooms or nna quality ana meoium sise; best "two-bit'. It-cent) vsluee. Special st 18 . Correspondence Paper, a fine grade . of white stationery,' rnled, splen did value at' the usual price of If o the boa. - Special at 1 box- ..............T woBTsrs cboobstso rumi WOBTB SATS FOB Sao. largs Round Crocheted Shawls, fr ; women's wr w head or s- i ders, st, theatre er-c-era t -, tlona, etc All In white t 1 y slta-htly so';-1 .f row t "'' stork. Wlne? i . shows: l" r- " -11.5. I - r t 1 l ( A c .-.,. XBOM. . XmpevSasrt Bvwat ta the Buss eoda Ssloaa Best soe Talmas, ' ss Tees Fifth Sis est Aa-