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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
' v - v ' ' .c. s ir i:is Giticz k?;d " r : ncrXsuTi'GirOBTIIE-niyER rv ' i v-"- .W:-...::!Jd- v 4 V A.... w a "'. ' r ' foney A.-nor.2 1 . AtUnii. j ' While -Crotsinj 'Atlantic. : ;TO TAXTIrWONEY 1 1 Presents Became So '. Lavish , That J . They Wirt RafoM-YpiitJl. 'Brest "t Bnk ot Gambling. Housa Before ' , EmbarUq on Vojags. ; .;','-';.. 1bm1 Special gervtee.)- - , - New York. Fab. 14 A liner arriving from Franc brought J bom a young American, son of a. dl-ktiova K Terk civil engineer, and tb . young - . r-JB i trip wlU not moo b forgotten by 4h-tttww4f and other attach! of the Steamship. He T distributed ' 13,00 . among the' ship's attendants on - tfaa way, over, and would have been , still nor generous bad It not boon that tb - stewards grew literally "ashamed : tak tb money": . ( :J . ( The night bafor leaving Parla te . ombark tb young American broka tb iA ' bank , of a gambling-house, winning iv.wm., Arriving on anipooaro.. b prp , . ceeded to oalabrat and .unprecedented tip were part of tb oalabrat Ion. Ha insisted on giving away aa much money , aa ha poaalbly could, and absolutely re ' fuaea to tak change. He made large , . . praacnta to every person In uniform on ' tha ship that ha oould Induce to accept - money, . i ne stewards at Jlrst rail over , , themselves In andeavora to serve him, but Anally tha presents became so lav ' Ish that they even refused to take mora. , ' On Friday last tb young Croesus sn- , terea a "bat poor and won lib. . . "It's a sham to tak lt b declared. .; "Got too much money already;-grot to . . spang it ail today," and .' ba did spend i of give sway the whole amount He ,. -bad sobered up when ho left the ship. 1 ERADICATE GERMS OF. ; r S YELLOW JACK IN SOUTH V (Joeraal perlel Serrfce.) ' ,; " Alexandria. LeVFeb. 14. If yellow C :" fever makes Its reappearanoa In Loule Una nest summer It will not be becauss of lack of thorough and aclenUflo pre . ventlve measures on tha part of the f r atate and local authorities. Today, In response to the call of the president of r -the atate board of health, a conference w begun 1 here of municipal health of floors, presidents of medical and sani tary associations. sUte and city legts- latora, quarantine officials, . ' railroad ..." man and others interested in the pre , mention of disease. The convention will ; be In aeaalon two days and will be ad--. . . dressed by Governor Blanchard and . others of promintnc. V . r Among the preliminary plans under .'J discussion la a proposal to sand mediae! ..-..-Inspectors .to every point In the state '. where there ha been Infection, to carry ' on a thorough, campaign against the mosquitoes by destroying any Infected mosquitoes which may poaalbly have ' hibernated and . carried the Infection -. over , tha winter. ., ' , ',. ., TEACHER ASSAULTED 7 - BY HER OWN PROTEGE Weather Bureau's' Indicator for Recordtaff Stage of the Willamette River. Beforexth end of the 'week the new government river stage Indicator will bo Installed by the weather bureau at tha Morrison street1 bridge and at the custom house. The mechanical part -of the device will be at the bridge, while the dial for Indicating the river read ings will be in the ofne occupied by District Forecaster - Baals. The ma chine and dial will be connected by means of electric wire over which the riae and .fall In the , stream will be transmitted. The apparatus is a recent invention, and Portland Js among the first stations st which one was ordered placed. , -. .i . '". ' ' (Bpeetel Mspetea m The Searsal.t ' Milton, Or, Feb. ' 14 The trial of Mlas Edna Campbell, who was arrested last week for an alleged assault upon V? her' teacher.- Mr Flora Jones,- took t place before District - Attorney Phelps . In this otty yesterday. Miss Campbell . was recently dlamlased from the Fruit ,vale school for Insubordination, and It la charged that ah afterward assaulted ' the teacher. The girl was without a ' ' bom In Pendleton, and Mrs.- Jones, the teacher, took ear of the girl. . In yes terday's trial it was learned that the teacher and the-girl ould-net agree. and aa no case could be found against tha girt-It was decided to take her -to Pendleton and tbo county Judge will And a new home for her. 'Mrs. Jonas haa resigned as teacher : of the Fruit val school.. j .,'; LA Oraada, Or, Fab. 14.Mra. A. fltaurt, aged t years, of this city, who gave birth to a twin boy and girl a few-dayevagor died yoaterday-ef pneu monia. Friends are taking temporary care of the little onea, who are doing nicety. Mr. ana Mrs. smart have been residents of this city about 'two years, coming her from Canada. The funeral win . be held from , the Presbyterian enurch tomorrow. Rest Stomach Nothln'tf 'will cure indigestion that . dotsn't dlgtst tha food, Itself, and tf ive, the stomach a perfect, rest. . "Ynu nnt rinannth1v nnert that any weik stomach will regain its strength and get well when it is compelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. - , : . You ; -wouldn't expect a sick ; horse to tf et well when it is -compelled to do t full day's work every day of the week. Your stomach must have rtst . But it isn't necessary to starve your self in rderto rest your stomach. : ' : Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is - a perfect ditfestant It will digest all of the food you eat regardless of the condition of ' your stomach', ;.':; ' j i 'i "' For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Flatulence, Headache, Water ; Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis, Heartburn and all troubles arising from, indigestion and non-assimilation of the food.'. 'f 1 'J: i''X"' . I had drtpcpala In it wortt form wag 'f: Avci4 In weight t 11S pound. ' After using two anf"one-half bottles of Kodol. I wa completely cured and restored to my usual weight of 143 pound. . X LUTHZR JOHNSON. v , 5 . Att'y At law, Cleburne,-Tex. KCaXL KCXSTS WI IAT YCU CAT M.mSLTJZ STOMAOM IWtlT. . I .o. .ci.v sa. I : CoLi bj : WoodarrC Clarke '. 9c Company. C trans SpectacU of Wife Plead ins for Release 'of Husband Who Had Thrashed Her. PREACHER TRIES TO -7i;0NVERT7AirBmD3 John Pkkrcn, . AdVeatiat Preacher, Accused o! Abusing Spouse, Praya for Prisonera Who Blow Smoke " in. tlia Face. : ' t ' . Waeelel Dwpsteb ts Tsa Jeeretf.) ":' . Colfax, Waait Feb.. 14 The atrange pectacla of a woman pleading for the release of her husband, who was In the oounty jail on a charge of heating her and Insisting that she wourS. prefer being beaten to having blm locked up with "toughs" and compelled to endure the fumes of tobacco smoke, was wit nessed her today. The woman Wu aire. John Plckrell. wife of a Seventh Day Adventtst preacher, who waa ar rested Saturday night after a Oeree fight la which the ahrlft-'and hla deputy over powered and handcuffed tha mlnlater. Plckrell Uvea on a farm near Kamlao butt, and during the midnight ride from the farm to Colfax he kept up a string of prayer Intermingled with uo tatlooa f scripture. Insisting that he waa being persecuted as waa St Paul, the mlnlater waa thrown Into the Jail with hoboes, petty thieves and felon a ' He announced that, -like st. Paul, hi arrest bad evidently been made for a purpose and he deemed that purpose to be the conversion of the inmates of the jail. He began praying with them early tha next morning, but tnatead of listening with reverence the prisoners lit cob pipes and .cigarettes and sath- ered around the mlnlater and blew smoke Into his far while he kneeled and prayed. He had to grva up, for even the grace which he manifested was not proof agalnat this cloud of amoke, and tit prisonera were left to their evil ways while the minister sought shelter In his eelL - Today bis wife, aged ver Is years. cam to town and begged for the ro of .her husband. She visited Prosecuting Attorney Klpp and offered to pay a costs of tha case If her hus band war released. - The prosecuting attorney said: "Mr a PickrelVlf I re lease him and ha beats the life out of you, do not again aak m to prosecute btm.J The patient wife replied: 1 know he will beat me, but 1 bad rather take many beatings than have him oonflned with thoe tougha and ba comnelled to endur tha fumes of tobacco amoke. , She paid tha costs and took her min isterial husband horn to the ranch which her first husband, J. Burlington, left her when he died several years ago. Plckrell and his wife have been married about six yeara ' Hs Is years old and has several children and grand children. ' AD1UMED IJIilD LEFT TO DIE Deserted In an Empty House, fVetty. Young Wife of .Two Months Takes Poison. - Lingers for five days a BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH Frederick Oakea, a Mining Man Who Made ; a ; Stake at Nome, ' Runs AwaTFrorn Spouse, -Leaving - Her Practically Penniless. ' , '-' fJearaal ftoertal BerrVt. I San rranelaoo, Feb. 14. Abandoned In an- empty house by her husband, who too tier ror a bride leas than th months sgo, pretty afro. Llna Oakea lay for Bve days between life and death. arter navmg swallowed a dose ofbeUa donna In an sndoair m end" bar miser able existence. . Teaterday aha found, starved bear to death, by Land' lord T. S. Jobst, who went to the houee to collect ' overdue rent- Mrs.. Oakea was taxen to us central emergency hospital by th police, wbo, she says, treated her aa drunk. The couple-were married December I. On February 1 the husband packed his things, saying h . was going to tbs country to work. Later she found a note saying that he had con to, Alaska where h has ex tensive mining interests. "I was. dumfound when I read bis cruel message," said afra. Oekeas Tears war swimming In her big bin eyes. I thought my nuanana loves, me. and could not believe be would desert me so. When I found ho was gone I w distracted. I bad but St, was without food and was sick. , ' ' "The following day tha furniture men cam to th house and stripped it. I bad paid II on tha goods, but the dealer would give me no chance to earn tb email payment due." ,. She took poison and followed It with whiskey, which probably saved her Ufa Frederick Oakea, who deserted his bride. Is a mining man, who made quit , a cleanup at Nome last year. . ...... ... CITY PUNISHES SALE OF LIQUOR TO INDIANS ' fSperfet Dtesetet to The lesraat.) Pendleton, Or4 Feb. 14. Tb first conviction under the city ordinance for bidding the Male of liquor to Indians occurred yesterday afternoon, whan Thomas Stewsrt wab sentenced to say fine of IZe or serve it days In Jail for violation Of tha ordinance." Stewart was arrested by Officer Stephens, -Who caught him disposing Of liquor te In diana In the rear , of the Smith saloon. ta tarns 7Diatrle. - ffteeetal pmetw te TW it I.) Vancouver. B. C, Feb.. 1 . A n Im portant move baa been made- in Kelson looking to mining activity in las tar dea district. , A syndicate Nelson men. has been formed to develop the Mejeetie mine. Whll meet of th capi tal will be found locally, Oregon and western Washington people will also be Interested. . - 1. R l(n ef Nelson la secretary and all money will bo deposited ut the Itelsoa branch of tb Royal ban . FCIITICS . jl CwSLIlS IS Many Republicans arid but One Democrat Have 80 Far An- ; nounced Candidacy. - -r: 1 ' ' ' : 1 tStMeUI TMopett fa rulmill ' Roseburg. Or- Feb. 14. The political pot in Douglas oounty has Just begun to boil. Up to . th first of th present month no candidates had filed their pe titions for oounty offices, but within the laat few days there haa been a number of petitions Hied. . Registration has been going , steadily oa sine tb first of January and now almost half of the 4, SO voters of tbs oounty have reg tetered. But on Democrat has thus far announced himself for county office, he being O. W. Wonaooit, of Riddle, for oounty judge." . -- - Th Republicans who have announced themselves so far are: For oounty Judge, M. D. Thompson, who seeks a second term, and H. J. Wilson of Canyonvllle; for sheriff, H. T. MoClallen, to- succeed himself, and D. R. Skambrook. who served two term as county clerk; for treasurer, M. L Moore of Roeeburg; for commissioner, A. R. Nichols, to f ucil d lilineelf, HlraiTfOaIlopp of Myrtle Creek and William M. Porter of Camas Valley; for surveyor, Oscar Edwarda ef Roeeburg and Frank Cain of Riddle, . No Republican has as yet filed his pe tition for the office of county - clerk. but 0. W. Dtmmlck, who Is serving his third term as oounty treasurer. Is prom inently, mentioned for th. place. Z. N. Agee. Democrat, who is serving, his first term as county clerk, will un doubtedly b nominated by th Demo crats for a second term, . . DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE FOR UMATILLA COUNTY rspeslst Meastek The 9earsst Pendleton. Or.. Feb. 14. A move ment to or ran Is a Umatilla eounty Commercial club or Development lea rue. to bo composed of all the commercial organisations In. th ountyf ta now Be ing promoted, j . ' ' ' So far aa canvassed, ins commercial bodies of Adams, Weston. Athena, Bcho, Milton and Hells are willing to co operate with the Pendleton Commercial aasoclstlon In th formation of a Uma tilla County Development league, which may nltlmately develop Into a Colum bia River Basin Development league. comprising all the commercial oodles In eastern Oregon ana waaningum, wim Pendleton tb central body In th or ganisation. '.' . -.' i 1 fftpeetsl Bteaetrli' ta The fmraal.t Freewater. Or Feb. 14 The eltlsen of Freewater are making arrangements to experiment for artesian water, and they will form a stock company to aub aertb funds to carry on the work. C O. Rogers ha the matter In hand, and It understood the articles o( agreement are now being formulated. . . alp l-1.t ftoeeta ta Tas iearasL) 1 ' Aberdeen, Waah Feb. 14. The 0. K Slade mill Is now filling a large order for ship timbers for California. Scans ef them are extra long, ranging .from e to ItO feet. Tb lumber waa cut br the Wilann mtttc ama tov umasf at mm And harassed by a bad courhf Uae Ballard's Horehound Syrup, IV wilt se cure you sound sleep and effect a prom at and radical eure. nkia 07 Wc arc queotioncd by every purchaser of a SUIT OVERGOA-ri right up-to-date r. goods at ; the "folio vWrig prices ? 7-1 m 820 50 Mm k ,75 ,75 C0Miaestor8ii85 .jf. ;-" y i '..- H T; : ; i ;. '.;" ,7-. v-. '7' "-. '.-. v 7-:':v"y; - o'vp. To answer It: We certainly cannot afford to continue It, but, while" our competitor are sacrificing prices on old, shelf-worn goods we offer our new goods for the same prices. ; Great cut In prices on PANTS and HATS. iJaj ...IE V: AT TWO STORES im mttmemmmKmmWtt mDttmmm Maj ' Cor.:Flwt;tnd Ycnhill S&'zzi Cor Third end Davis Sts. As n advertising; feattire, to bring: new cus tomers to our store and to renew acquaint ance with old customers, we can well afford to give these advertising specials at tess than cost of the goods. - Full size, perfectly made always retail for 25c OUR SPECIAL price, only. . .$ Do . not neglect the opportunity to secure a handsome rocker this week. A job lot of these (6.00 rockers came into our possession on -such terms that we can afford to cut the price nearly in two. .They are of solid oak, quarter-sawed, saddle seats, ' double -: braces,' seven spindles in back, handsomely carved tops. . On display in Yamhill ,V..';'; ' :v. t5'.:'' '-.'V"';: street' window..' -V ,y Gevurtz - v - ... - '' ' : ' ' -i' - I. 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street WALSH'S FAILURE COSTS BACKS mi Associated Institutions of Chi cago Face Heavy Losses as . Result of Liquidation. . ( . ' asaraal Ssselsl Service.) Chicago, Feb. I. The associated hanks of Chios go faoa a possible toe of freni ta l.800.OO aa the r suit of tb Walsh bank liquidation. This will be their position Unless the rail way pro pert lee ef John R. Walsh sell for more than lll.ov,eo for It wss to that estent that he financial lnstltu- oaxzromna nxm w, are sraae fraat tbe fraeb CaUforeis trait m4 sll ever tb. lead te real sb rvfresb the stvaierb n4 iBtMllim ss4 to lee tbe boailo entM. the amf srllntU IsnlM nis take Ikm Wafer. fnr I'oiMtlnailoB. Inllillne sn4 sll Unr st4 ow-t limililx, srltbont trar a. STliles er sale. T h7 art f-fitlj 1ml eitr-lr. Mlmaiaiina 4 sstl ba.tanlna tbe paaeac and sbaorvva et (uod, tb. whnte bod.. I waorxrj ss 1. - - a, f - rv. t izi Tai.4 Si .., a.,.4. ! , . lions earn to tb aid of th Chicago National and th Horn Savings banks last December, advancing the money to par the claims agalnat tbe Walsh in stitutions. Thejr have In exchange the Boa there Indiana and Chicago Southern railways snd ths Walsh stone quarries and coal ml nee, verlously estimated at from (.eo.soo to lll.eoo.000. Th revelation touching Walah's af fairs com as a confirmation of rumor current In . financial circle ' that the bank are la deeper than was generally believed. ' BAKER COUNTY PIONEER, ' DEAD AT MUDDY CREEK (Seeri! Mspsleh te The Jearaal I ' ' Baker City. Or Feb. 14. William Charles Nicholson, a Baker county and Oregon pioneer, who orossed the plains to thla state IT years ago, died at his horn on Muddy creek. Monday after an Illness of three days, at tbe age, of years. , ,s - '' , Nicholson settled In Baker county upon homestead on Muddy creak (7 yeara Sgo, after he bad crossed the plain with an ex and a oow for a teem. At hie death I- t t - '-.ei' A on f t- r"-t t""' r t t th ' ' see, - 1 east v.- I , THE DET.TISTS YOU SHOULD GO TO. Tsverythlag . TOepeaas a Stew Tea Ar Treated. Tcot Beatat Weak la Bar a Aa? Fries Tea Alvsolar , Method as Fraottsed ay k anfdfal meealta. If your teeth are decayed r sV sceaaed er loose and falling out. or your guma Inflamed and sore, then y r health demands that your teeth be t -tended .to. If yoa are looking fr t best work at a teaseaable fee we -advise you to call upon the sos-n 1 i tlsts, iH Morrison street; tr -tlsts who or!1nd tK lbal, the mot-t t - , ' br' of rK - , -.-rins t.....l .