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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON - pAILY J 21 :At, FCTL. ".I.D, ..Z.. COSTLY PnESEflTS ' .41 . '' . 1 HIS 'V"' '. - f . . t Frank .'Bowen, Charged With tin ' :' Stealing Goods, Mad Gifts . ' 5Vivi $ Indiscriminately; t J .'RECIPIENTS EMBARRASSED . r : NOW AT TURN 0LAJTAIR3 - VlKrJ?oland Denies That Any Affee. . .Lih tiPB. 1'jrJatedBetweener Daugh "'fVttf and Alleged Thief and Vlctlma Want Him Punished Severely; A nuU for making eoetly nl elab- his fi-nii)r' tmu to have noaeeeead Frank Bowen, it young man now vnder arreet for ! stealing goods valued at ;! from verloue merchant, of the city. TTnllm . kited Indulgence In hl mania baa landed 'young 'Bowen in non aefioue irouoie " and brought emberraaamenr and mortW , float Ion to manr Innocent and unaus ' pecting vlotima of his generosity. The fiMiK with which he banded arouna t'coatly presents baa placed Mlsa lima ' " Boland and all the other membera of the ' - r Poland family In a particularly die- agreeable ' poaltlon. ', They and others ' an forred to suffer mortification be- J.-cause of Bowen s conduct. ' V Bowen. It la learned.' not onlr pre- .snted articles aliased to have been - . stolen to Members of tbe Boland family. but beatowed costly, glfte Just as lav . Vlshly upon persona eutalde ef the few llr- Tliue several Innocent families '' were' annoyed and- mortified - when It ., "..was dlsoovered-that ; hla preaente were - atolen property." Ae aoon ae thla was : learned, all Immediately- turned ever te -the of fleers, the preeenta . Boweabed - made them. ' v ' " "" 't; ' ' ' V Toung Bowen roomed at the home or O ?Mra. Boland only during the Chrlett maa holtdaya sad was not there when - arreated. ' He waa living near Por.- " month avenue and Willamette boulevard "when placed under arreet. ; lire. Boland says that when Bowen .wae at bar house be was 'never en friendly tense with any of them and - never went out wltb anr mem be of bet . , ' family. 8he denlea tbe statement et Ule : police that there was any feeling of af - root ion Between nowen and bey dangn- . -t-r -. -, - , , -, . , , .. . -v , , . " r mi mi i hi . im nn in i i i 1 1 vl . - tvICHJISOS I'll TAKE OUT . BOXES O EE GOOD ai . Has -Torn' Down . Awrting--No ; Persecution or Inspection v.r,::-, and Case Is Closed. '. i The Richards reataurant . ease Is eloaed Incident so- far aa the mayor, the .' police and the city attorney1 office ere -f coeoefned." Tbomaa I. Rlcharda, " the proprietor, has torn down tbe awning t in the rear ef hla establishment and ennounoee that be will take out tbe . boxes. In view ef bis eoneluelon that , bis restaurant shall be conducted In e - manner above orltlclem. his ball sf tlOt i has been returned te him by Frank Uen 'i neeey. clerk of the noUoe eeairt, by or t der ef Judge dameron, and Iepnty City Attorney riugerald aaya that there will V be no prosecution on the other charges. , Aa a eonaequenoe of the Snders tending , raacbed. Richards now eecuplee esaetly y tbe aame position aa any other restaur ateur. - Both Mayor Lane and Chief . , OrlUmacher have announced that be le '. not to be persecute oa, account of peat trouble, and that' hie - freedom ' from ' prosecution from now- en will Onpend entirely , on nte futnre conduct. If he aneuld elo give vesnee for arrests, ! p hey will be made. . ., - t ' 1 am f tbe opinion accredited te - , Mayor Lane In' thla matter, said. Mr. . riugerald. - "Richards conducted , a, re- sort where the jew waa violated. .He waa arreated and hss bad a good deal ef ' irvuoia as ; a -resuiu This ax fair h , , deubUese cost him a good deal ef money v end be has suffered In ether wsva. He I nas announced his Intentloa te do what y Is right end has already made a start i Thla la well and good.. . Hs should now ; be let atone wntll be breaks tbe law .again and then be dealt with tbe same 4 aa other persona." - r 'With the besea cut Ml and awnlngs4 f. remevM' Rtctmrdr reeUurant will be . the seine as other restaurants, and as t each there win be as reason for police & iBspeettoak-u ..,,- .,-w,v. 0. .-.. . - .. ,f , f i ) ' ,s " ARTISAMS0t1)-ttASS : iv INITIATION AT DALLES ''' ( lWel DbiMtrn b. Tae loeraal ) : . L. The Lmlkm, Or, Feb. 14. The United r , Artlaana held n big class initiation here , t,:'laet night and large delegations from ' i Ho River. Iufur, Wamlc. Mount Hood , ; 'and White Salmon witnessed the eere ) , monlee. The work waa exempUHed by Vithe following offlcere from Hood Riser .j. ,'aaaembly: dw..lge. Father Time; R. ' 5-- $ Vaughn, war; C IX Hemrlch, nommeroe; ''.V IC-.Vannlar, agrloulture; K. H. Hert ' - - wig. maauraoture; Mamie Boman. archl-.- '' . k eotura Vlrgie Crene. painting;, Cora V .2 Ptaeh.- mWel- TJI W,K . i r rugn. music; Nettle Push, aculnture: f; ' battouet foDowed the Initiatory erer .'i t elses, aad apeechea were made by Ben : v ator Wheeldon. H. 8, Hudson, supreme j maatar, and atbere. j ed Teka m. Oeatrr. .' lesrei seerui Serrire. Wichita. Raa, Keb. 14. H. O. Toler. breeder cf many fine race horaea, ln- Hudlng Jnhn R. Oenfry, died today. Tho Kidneys VfT' Cay au vreak, tor ; pU or tjricnt- the wbola Byttem saffert. DonL neg licLthea tt this tiaxe, but teed tbs mixlas of the tcllzz bsdt, ? Lha bloatted ' tzcst ths kHsw cotsplexlois, J tba crfcipy Cicrcst end tcin trcrtrstct cscaivitii Kocd'sSrc:?irffla v.lizii ccztclzitJt: tcrt cad tar tss-.ani.lsti e4 Caad fjr took on tMmn. No. A. BIG PRICE IS PilID Pt;1lfl.2E . ., . - Amalgamated Company Give Opponent .More Than -Twenty V, Five Million Dollars. . ' 4 BITTER MININQ WAR ' NJMONTANAjENDS Half Payment Is Mad la Cash and v Remainder in Pref erred Socurjtiee , andanyMlneTraiuferred to Representative '-of Trust ' . V; ? ' (oaraal Iperial Bervlee.) BnttsMnnt , rah 1 Tweetf-flve million dollar.' one half In cash the other half In preferred eeeurltleo la tb price that F. Augustus ilalnae and the ITnlted Copper company .received from the Amalgamated Copper company and allied. Intereete for the mining proper tlea hey control In. Silver . Bow county. I The deal settled a ong oontlnued wef between Helnse and the Amalgamated and ende litigation Involving properties valued at more than llO.OOo.OO. . -1 The tranafer waa made to the local agent, Thomas M. Cole, representing the Amalgamated .Copper emeny, -the North Butte company and the Quggen helm Intereete and the latter Is now la posseaalon of all the Helnse properties. It Is understood that the sale Is a step In the formation of a glgaatlo eepper combine .embracing the Amalgamated holdlngt In Montana, the Bonansa Circle group. aiBlabee. Arlsone, and Bingham Consolidated mlnee at Bingham, Utah, and the North Butte mlnee in this city, along with those, owned by the United CVnner AAmrkfiv . - . . . . - f The full flat of, mines transferred Is the Minnie Healer, Rarua, Johnstown. Com' Belmont and Nipper; Interests In the Highland Chief, Mountain Chief No. I, Tramway, Snohomish, Mountain Chief, Utile Ida, Dayton, Black Dbv mond. .Wild Ooose, Helssy, Pom pay, Montana. Clinton, Scottish Chief, Uon. see Klnkead, Taffy, Silver Queen, A, J. Robert Cmmett, Snooser. Chief Je eeph, Falrmount, Balm and U. B. R. also eontrel tn the following eompanlasr The Johnson Mining company, Hypocke, Ouardlan, Cora Rock, Highland, Bel mont Montana, Ore Purchasing eom neny and emelter and a large number of other properties that are not now pre dUCIIve '. '-- --r.--J. ; j ' Helnse earae le Butte ) years aire a poor mining engineer without any prep erty. After working a few months In ths local mlnee he filed claims on email atrlps of Isnd lying between valuable mlnee to which tltlee bad been neglected and Immediately laid claim to ere bodlee tneho mines, succeeding by InjUBcUoni end favorable actions by courts In tying np producing properties or in working their .ore. The reeulting struggle be tween him and tbe Standard OH Inter eats owning the Amalgamated has col ored the whole blatory ef Montana dur ing ths past few years. The purchase of tbe Queea Mine A Milling company at Kendall by Foley Broe. of St. Faul t or- e4.!M,0 im an nounced today. . , , ziiolvsffls iflOllLTEOl '" ' ' - - -i" ' Tacit x Understanding All That i . Ever Existed Between Him i , 'and Miss Clark, i V.:V " ' ' ' . ''ordaa Zan denlea' Jhat he has 'been lilted. I . - -., , . - , With "a emlle he aaeerta that ' Mies Ella Clark, a beautiful Spokane mlU ltonalrees, did not east him aslds that she, might bestow her heart aad band Upon Harry Rlcharda. . , - , r, The young superintendent of Zan Brothers' broom factory says ths story printed thle rnonjlng to the effeol that Ifiaa Clark baa become engaged to the eon of the president of the Washington Water Power company may be true, but the Implication that she lilted him te n .. accept Mr: Richards a absolutely with out roundatlou, Mr. Zan admits that he was tacitly sagaged to M lee -Clark, but explalae that the tacit engagement was broken by matual consent, shortly after It was made. . Thle waa not made known, he explains, because there wae Sad "tWneaw-''"'eMt announcement of one. , The sudden sppearanoe of en an nounoement of the engagement of Miss Clark te Mr. Rlcharda, coming without nun or a previous breaking of the euppoeed engagement between' Mlee Clark aad Mr. Zan, conveyed the im pression that ths Portland suitor had been deliberately Jilted. Mr. n had to do a lot of explaining today. Tea, I have seen the story." laughed Mr.. Zan thla morning.. "It ia true that we .were, -engaged, .but tbe engagement only amounted to a mutual underetaad Ing between bar and myself. There wee-no announcement of it and when we mutually agreed, to break tbe en gagement It wasn't considered neces sary to say anything. . It Is all off be tween her end myeelf and has been since long before she went east with her par nte. 1 don't know' whether there le any truth la tbe report that Mlsa Clark lis engaged tn Harry or net, bet-1 have no reeeon te doubt that there Is. Harry la a eloee friend of mine and I aa glad te hear the news.'' Miss Clark ia the daughter of Patrick Clark, a millionaire mining maa -of Spo kane, and Mr. Richards Is the son of H. M. Rlcharda, president ef the Wash ington Water Power company nf tbe place. - They have been friend a for years, Mr. Zan aaya. Mr. Rtoharde has been a persistent suitor tor-ths hand aad heart of Mlsa Clark and fol lowed Kef serosa the continent to press his Suit.:,. , -. y '.;,..'. ;? RABBI WISE CHARMS U AUDIENCE AT KALAMA 1 ' -S f (- (aee-iel M-mteh te The lesraatl ' 1 Kalama, - Wash- Feb. . le. tlabhl Stephen Wise ef Portland, under the euaptoee of ths Kalama Library aaeocla non, oeirrerea eere Monday evening en eloquent addreee oa the "Life and Work ef Abraham - Lincoln as Statesman. Scholar and Patriot" at toe opera house in tbe presence cf a larse and enthual- aatlo audience. , The addraaa occunlad en bnr. during which time round after round ' of apple uae rehabed the meek and at Its eloee he wee given aa ovation. bmmim Ms doi wise again oorae here to deliver aa addreee be may be sure of neving a etui larger andieaee aad a warmer greeting) - -. . a . -, , KILLED: Or LO SI(il(lG Cu.iV VIce-Consul - Cederbergh Hears of Tragic Death of Brother In Norway. ' , ATTEMPTED TO JUMP V- llTOLPLUNGINO-COAT Miased and Hit -Tempi on Dory- , Was , WeU Kaowa In Portland, '- Hatrtng Formerly -Been -Employ ed In the Sheriffs OUlc,;'J::yy News thst bis brother, Alfred Ceder berghi-whoagorinertrT wen-known resident et Portland, perished during a storm off the - coast of Norway ea January 14 last, waa received yesterday afternoon ; by End re M, f -Cederbergh, Norwegian vice-consul. A letter re ceived by Mr. Cederbergh etatee thst his - brother was caught In a- severe storm just nut of ths harbor of Sta vanger and In attempting to Jump Into Alfred Cedarberfh. dory from a sinking barge, fell lnte the sea.' struck hid temple against the boat and died before he could be got to ehors-by-a -nteamer "that -rescued him aad the captain cf the barge from the water. . , - Alfred Cederbergh. who cult buslneee bene-, and returned to hie 'old borne In Stavangsr, Norway, in 10, just after ths death of hie mother, became en gaged In the operation of a line of steam bargee out of the port ef Stavaager to pointa along the coast, carrying oa freight business. - - A day or two be fore bla death, accorcing te the letter received by Vloe-Coneul Cederbergh, be went aboard post of bisi bargee ana accompanied the captain en a trip in a. nearby port, wherea load ef brick was- taken aboard, v On the return trip on January 14 last, a storm sprang up snd - ths sea became high and rough. Ths heavily loaded barge ' shipped" so much wstsr thst It wss in danger of sinking. A small steamer warned the espial a and Mr. Cederbergh to leave the barge and eome to the eteamer. - A dory which the barge carried waa lowered and Mr. Cederbergh, ble captain and the crew attempted to get In -It Tbe high seas kept ths boat daahing up and 'down eo rapidly that they bad to lump, Both tho eapteln and Mr. Ceder bergh missed the email dory and landed In the sea. Ia failing. Mr, Cederbergh struck , bla temple agalnat the elde of the boat and never regained conecious neee. The other members of ths crew were saved. - The barge went down. --' Alfred Cederbergh was born In Nor way, 47 years ago. He and bis brother, who le now vice-consul, came to Port laud In tela and went, Into the wood and fuel business. Duriag -the hard times they were forced to; -go out of business. Alfred then opened a cigar aad candy store near the Bumstds street bridge snd conducted It for sime time. When the Wlllard A I na worth expedition started on Ita famous trip te explore the Kotaebue sound territory of Alaaks. Mr. Oedarbergh wee one of the membera of the perty. . While In the north he came near losing hie life . by being f rosea. - After the return ef tbe party. Mr. Cederbergh went Into the sheriff's ef flee and was employed there moot of the time until he returned to Norway to occupy , the old borne left by hie metbor : 11 i , A Leading Clothing House. roroed Out ef Buslneee Every arti san In Portland w doubtless aware, ef tbe conditions existing In reference te the rent question. - Ths situation here is lust ths ssms Identically ae In sev eral eastern cities the whole town gone rent oraay - Tbe smaller concern forced out, compelled to, sacrifice their entire stock or pay an exorbitant rent This condition la particularly and forcibly true with the ease of the London Cloth Ing company of 171 Third street The company that for the last els months baa offered, to the masses of Portland time and again a most complete and up-to-date ator-k of men's and boys cloth ing, furnishings, ahoea, - eta, at prloee wltala reach of . all. - This company eame to Portland nad baa spsat thou sands of dollars In order to acquire the standing they heveln the community, and hss always been alert and willing te share their good fortune with the pub lic. Bet their good Intentions nave been nipped In the bud. . In short, they have received notice that they must vacate the premises at ITS Third street or pay 1 per day rent P, This being out of the question, they , have been, etmply and plainly speaking, forced out ' In preference to etorlng their large stock or packing It for aalpment they have decided to let tbe people whom they have strlved to beaeflt be the onee te profit by their misfortune. So they are going te retire and are going te give absolutely tbe greatest vaJuee ever of fered at any sale tn the eity of Portland. It win pay row te take an tntereet In thle case. For farther partloularn see todays Journal. '.... ; ; 'v-t y. ,.- -,-; STATISTICAL REPORTS i ' OF PACKERS ARE READ (Jeevael gne-tsl Serrtre.t ' ' ' . Chlrsgo. Pen. 14. StatlsUcal reports of pecklag-bouee operations and earn ing were read to the Jury today by a representative of Swift At Co. The tee tlmoay waa e continuation of the ef fort te ahow. that Immunity bad been promised.''' ' 1 . - Alien Lewis' Beat Brand, - 1 - CONCERT - TONIGrHT ; 2 FIRST A CONGREGATIONAL ;, r church y,:'-i::v f.. , Alt mtieln lnvaraw eranr-ta at. Price : of -admission r 1.S we wian , to eau attention . te or large stock ef high-grade planes. - Bare yon And the Knab Bverett Hardman, Packard, -Conover.' Iwlfc. ' Fischer, Smith a Barnae sndmany others. . Our prices 'are ceneeded to be tho loweet, considering quality, and our terms meet reasonable . -;" ' .'-'." -; ' ,- ,t :fj r -I Would be pleased to bare yon and Inspect our 'line, '. ;- - can Allen CSCiltcrt fyrfc Rcmdzcr Co. oomjfs AJT9 VOBBJCSOSr TRADE 17ITII Clllllil I IS now GOIIEl R. P. Schwerln, Manager of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com- ,f pany, Predicts Disaster. WARNS MISSIONARIES OF t APPROACHING MASSACRE Unfair Treatment "f -Orientals the Cause of Boycott'. Which Causes ;. Anti-Porelfn Feelinf Throughout Empire.: - ''''.VvC ;'" ' Voaraal apeelal SerrteM New Tork. Feb, 14 "The American trade - with, China te practically gone." said It P.' Schwerln.' Tloe-prealden And manager or ihe Paclfld Mall Stesmeblp company today, "and there Is likely te be - greater '. trouble ' this t. summer. I would not give a cant for the life of any Caucasian missionary thia slimmer wbe doee not get out of the Interior. '. The boycott Is back et It" ;a . ,r Mr. Schwerln baa' constant ad vicee from China and makee frequent, trip to the orient The-Americans were the moot' popular - foreigners.-with the Chinese after the Boxer ' troublaa of li0, he went on. - "The moderation of our armies tn ths Bald did It But China has gone far alnce 10, farther than any other race - In the aarae time.- Tbe awakening of China le here and one of the Sret things ahe ssw when ehe awoke waa the treatment ef, the Chlneee ' by Americana. .. I suppose no race ever dealt with another-so unfairly na .we dealt with the Chlneee." ,w Schwerln denounced the exclusion law and declared that It caused tbe boycott CRUWffATII WHEELS 'v! 1 ..j ? ''' ":--.: Albany Youth Killed While ; Try- Z t" Rnarrl FrnlghUSli i ; v Mlllersburg, MISSES LADDER AND v :S FALLS UNDER TRAIN Frank Wicks Had Been Visiting Boy ' Friend and Did Hot Want to Walt for Regntlar Passenger to Return 1 1- - ' (SpeaiaJ IXtaet-b te The evsraat Albeny,- Or Feb. 14-Prank Wleka, the 14-year-old eon of Mr.' and Mra. Harry wicka or mis city last even ing wae run over by the afternoon freight and tnstanflj- killed, near Mll lersburg. Oregoa. - r Toung , Wicks and a companion bad spent the afternoon visiting a boy friend living near Mlllersburg and deciding not to wait for the evening local they de termined te catch the freight running rrom Portland te. Albany, c seeing the freight coming they ran ' to catch it young . Wlcka made a Jump for the ladder, mlaaed hie bold And wae thrown under the ewlft-moving ear wbeela and killed. :, A coroner's wry has been called and will render a verdict today. - It la gen- erelly understood that the trainmen and officials wilt be completely exoneratee from any blame In tbe matter. V - MARIE WARE-M'KINLEY . (Continued from Page One.) ' Her marrtege te Horace MnKlnley took place test spring. So far as known she bed no part la the wholesale frauds 1s state ebool land certificates. In which McKlnley end Puter embarked immedi ate-' after their trial, aad shs did not accompany bar husband tn hie flight last November. Among' tbeee famlHar with the event. In the land fraud prnaer-jtloaa It la Intl- mated that If Mrs. McKlnley has Indeed gone to tho orient. It meat have bean with the full foreknowledge cf 'the gov ernment efficlala, . Fiii! j'li -It": Flb'.iLi; iChKU " ' " ; - ." -.-, ' :. - Promoters of Ci rrlsa FJ" Moverrjent b I' tit tt Port- "V ' ' land TomcfTsw " SEE EUROPE AFTER ' : T -WHSLErTHE-CLCCLVl iDelegatcs'to Be Entertained at Com mercial Club . at '- Lonchewa-7ia Jipld Beation to. Discosa AVaya and Ueana In Afternoon and Brtaring. to. j Representatives of the Soutbern elflc, the Southern .Paciflo anoV.Pie Oregoa . Railroad 4t " avlgaUon oom- panlea, and delegataa from a number of Pacific sorthweet cities, will hold a meeting la Portland tomorrow to eon elder waya and means of pushing along tho movement started' reoeatl ax salt Lake to Induce eastern. toortsta te "Sea Europe, If you wlU. bat ' See Am erica It Is said moat of the tenrtota wbe visit Europe are Americans' who have never seen ths- wonders of their own country. -Because It baa ' become a . fad to go to Europe, they spend time .and money'-every year ' seeing third-rate eeanery ana visiting- rourtb-rats pleaa uae resorte.of the old country, neglect, ing the magnificent worke of nature, the splendid:' pleasure - grounds - and hotels-of the pacific and toter-movn-taln states. V "' .' .'. -St. - v..-, .-The- visiting delegates win be eater tamed at' luuoheoa tomorrow at nooa at the Commercial elub. An executive session will be held la tbe afternoon, at which A. U Craig. A. D. Charlton, Qov ernor Chamberlain, H. M. Cake ef Port land and U W. Pratt of Tacoma- will be - heard In- discussion of plana and methods for carrying the "See America orueade into the Atlantlo atataa ' - ' , ' Another session will be held 'fat; the evening, when further dlaouaaloa wUl be heard. The speakers for tbe evening Include Paul Sboup, . assistant general freight agent Harrtmaa ltueS; - Vf. I). Wheelwright, ex-president Portland chamber of commerce;. Planer Harris, Bait LaIcs; a. a CaMer, Seattle,' Pacific ocast agent Canadian:. Paciflo railway. Mr.. Harris ia executive secretary of ths newly organised "See America" league. The chairman of the executive commit tee, R. I MoCormlck of Tacoma, weat-era- agent of the Weyerhauser Timber company, will preside at tbe eeaalone of' tbe Portland meeting. . I v -, , poiFSiifis DOING WELL v i , .!; :. ':r ; Is Marketing at Top Prices Each jjfwji Created Tonnage' of ? the Rnest Nobs Orovvn. ' -i A" -i ' ' ', ,..';.'! -.- t " ' ''" . -! .. i . " "Polk county la the greatest bop raising - commonwealth In - the state," said XX A. MadUon et Delias, a veUran hop raiser, who Is registered at the Belvedere. ' ' . - . . , w "It has been said, and I guess tt is true, that -Polk county produeee the finest bop in the United Btatea." con tinued Mr. Madison. "In, quantity , I know . that It comes : second to no county In the country. And its output Is Increasing ovary year. In 1MI ig.oo bales were marketed, ths bales averag ing in weight from lie to ttt poundsj Ths yield this year will be 11,090 balee an Increase of 4.00 balee ever last year - or aus.eue pounda. The quality of the hope le euch that tbey bring top prices from brewers throughout the United Btatea. They are especially In demand In Montana. The beer men ef that state have contracted for Ore gon hops three and four years tn ad vanoe. . . "But . bops -ls net eur only Industry. We have miles' of the finest forests In ths stats. Our yellow fir Is In great demand la your city and hundreds of thousands of feet are being shipped here every year. And the output greatly Increased thia year by the ex tension of the Gerllnger road from Palls City Into the heart of the timber. Oer linger first built It Into, the woods by building a logging road. It la prob ably to be a permanent fixture, fori cn money im oeing epem upon tne roadbed, which, la probably ths beet of lte kind in the northweet The road ia mi. law luur rnuee and la Doing ex tended as fast as good eonstrnetlon work will warrant . ; 7 ,"Ae for sawmills, we bars lots of them la Polk county. Some of them are among the largest In the state. There ere three at Falls City land two at Dallas. They are overrun with orders, the majority of which oome from Port land because of the superior quality of our yeiiow nr. -r: i. - ,,, f . : v r:. ; ST. VALENTInE PARTY AT COlOliDIi W : . ' ' ' ..' Two -Hundred" Guests "Attend .'- Successful and Enjoy y.-iikbh" Affair .'v.' "- 7 Ths St Valentine party at the Con cordia club laat bight waa one ef the moat auoceaefu! and enjoyable functions of the season. ' Futiy foe guoate at tended. - The proceeds will be expended on the furnishings of the women's room In the new -club building at Sixteenth and Morrison atreeta. - . - - The club rootna worn decorated In red and green while rsfreehment booths ware decked- with greens aad flowers. Parsons' orchestra furnished muate dur ing the evening. The committee" - la charge wae compoaad of the foUowtng: Mrs. Max Flelachner. chairman: Mrs. M. Slchei; Mra Sol Roaeafeld, Mrs. R. Goldsmith, Mrs. Sol Bsum. Mm M. Baruh, Mrs, learn White, Mrs. Maa Hlrech, Mre. A. Meier, Mrs. O. Blnewaet ger. Mre. B. NeuaUdter. Mrs. L Rosen blatt Mra. Prank Ro4echlld.Mra. Newton FHaalnger, Mrs. . 1. IX Meyer, Mrs. J. Rosenthal. Mra Henry Unlaman and Mra. Mark Levy. Mas Flelophnarr president of tbe elnh. And Mrs. Flelachner, assisted by other members of the onmmlttee, received tbe gueata. IX eolls Cohen and Mrs. Henry Holimaa attended the door. Refresh mente were In cbarse of Hre. Sol Rneen feld, Mrs, K, Ooidsnal-a, Im X..i, it ' VitlOl to fz9 cU-tJonecItxKl liver c3co4: I ' Y 'HrU'ctnu1eah$ bectt, vithoat drop of oil OT tlsSToeatle feature, it contain all the medicinal element. of cod liver oH, acttually taken from freali, coda Uverse ' ( Dy oor procesa tbe oil. having no value either aa a medicine or ; food, ia separated from the mcdlciruil elements and tiiroirn , mwj, "XJvEZa- cUasUooed cod liver xxa and emulsions, . yinot ia. delktoos?y palataUe, ayeeatlo to the weakest stony. irxh, and thcrtibre pncKpskd aa body boOder and atrenjm creator far old people, puny 1 woriicn,'ir ' Everyttlnjr Vlnol contaztti la iieuned on the labels OOTt GTJAgUsJfTX3 Weka- take Itere promise if H foe nee at pseney wmm qmM. wj inn u me giax. - , . -. IJpodaiidiClarliQ&Co. W. H; MarktJll &?G6i 12 1-123 Grand Avenue " " 1 " ' ... "" " ',' 'V'-'1'1' I ; "' . ON FRIDAY Beautiful Large Pictures Given Away . With eery purchase of $1.00 or over beautiful Pictures with - mats, sise 14J4 by 19 inches, in rarUty of over 20 choice sub jects. Tbeee Pictures axe retailed ia various places at from 15c to 23c each. ' Get one free oa Friday. . -i . ' . -; Great Special-S ' ExtiaonlinarT special ralue ia lfualln Skirts, splendidly made and . vbeautffuUy TOinrned with lace and embroidery. Every (arment Is extra wide. Yon cannot afford to, make them when you can v bay snch rsrments ss tbeee '.,".,;-,..-. l" st..Od, f5, f tJOO, jtJlif flB0, f l.TS, f 3.00 and .& ; Extra Special Sale of Men's Golf r Swell choice new styles in M en's 8princ OoU Shlrta. , Well made and full alga, large gMortmentof newest patterns 'and colore, - Your choice at, ,x.,,.,4..., . . . . ..' ...... . 4. OOs) ' Half of iyomins Chinn la -her meath. and mere than half ef that depends ea her teeth, for they make er mar bar expression of the face tn talking or em II Ing. When Nature hes been unkind In her allotment of teeth, or If those 'ehe hae beatowed be come Imperfect, you will aid youraelf and rmir looke materially by oeneulting na whet wa tell yow will ceet nothing; whet we do fnr yon will eoet nothing Ii comparison with the benefits you wlU derive. s All klads ofi dental work, - Wiao Broc. raUlaf lUr, m4 sad WeAalnftom, Levy, afra. U. Baruh, Mr. 1. TX ateyeT and Mra Louts : Kowenblatt. The bar committee waa - eompoeed ef Mra O. Blnewaager, Mm. If ewtoi Blsalnger and Mra. rred KotBchlld. The card tables were tn char re ef lira. Sol raws, lira. tZa VJjrt t ail ZZra, rra l :z children, weak, run-down men and far all pulmonary diseases. ; benefit or cmre yon we will retom yea . a ONLY Shirts -m:fM Top Notch Point 7s ths resultant nf not only perfect ma- ', ,. tar la Is or ef expert mixing It'e the - -combination of these two excelleneiea. ' After years of experience ami expert- V ment (end we never handled a really '. .', poor paint), we are Satiaflad that we : have- reached the acme of enooeee in ; -. thlv line, and eo are prepared to en- ; dorse and guarantee the Bay State -.brand ae the flneet In the market for , the mOney. See the color card, see the point In bulk end applied to hundreds of houses, hereaboute. and hasten, bare . with yoer order, - v f-; . ' .;. I .-.,jv1 i xe) rAXjrr i Fisher. Tliorsen &Co. SIOmmTSOnT wrw. . . r Ssbalateb eaves Oeffra. - ----- - WaahlngtoTvD. C. Pen. 14. Vestal B. Coffin ef Idaho, who graduated from tbe naval academy, has been ordered to aea'and deprived of a moatlt'e vocation on asoat of basing. But for bis high i' naw."g la the eobool fee would have I- 1 mimttU , 3 Wt ihm