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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JC: AL; FOHTL. .D. ". LEOSOuS OF FIRE IT$TIIEI ; Improvement Association Con . aider Recent Disaster and ' " ......, Advocates Fills. : . .' ,, ' " , " V : INFORMATION BUREAU AND CLUB ROOM TO BE OPENED Placa Will Snr m Beany Exdhangt, j ' Bargain- (juBrin2nCntertnmnt ' Headquarters for Important Guests 7 oIQio "Org atSiaSbiu ' KrV:.:: Xv,1.,, ,.'.W -'V: " -Tee east Me efSe. ef Tee Jeareal I s the tor I. M. a Mltler. aterrtoge ,. MmL Xatepeea KalS7e, '......-!..,(;., , Lessons from the East Water atreet Are served aa the" topic at the meetiag of th Eaat Side Improvement aaeo elation laat night. - A resolution of eotf . dolence waa passed eoaveylng tba eym . pa thy of th aeeolatloa to thoaa who loat friend, relativea or property la -: tba holocaust. One of . tba ehlaf lee-; - aona th aaaoclatioa draw from tba lire waa tba Immediate necessity of SUing up tba lowlanda In the central district , and especially of . bringing tha atraata to grade. It waa generally concluded that tba All on Kast Water atraat and . tba ona' recently completed on Boat Morrison atraat atopped tba course of tha flaaiea and enabled the firemen to save tha big wholesale Implement bouaea adjoining, even though tba flamaa bad an unusually good start President Boles announced that work on the experiment All front the river would begin on tha return, of Engineer Xjockwood of tba port commission, who waa expected dally. Tbe dredge baa .been put In commission and tba needed pipe purchased. . The Information bureau question waa discussed and tha committee appointed " to select a site reported that headquar ters would probably be eeeured In tha building on Kaat Morrison street near - Third, adjoining the new Calef block. . It la planned to establish a headquar. f : lra that -will center all tha Inform- tton about East Portland Improvements, r.rinn and warehoasa Bites and busi ness property for tba convenience of the intending Investor! the place will also serve aa a real estate exchange and aeneral information bureau, the real ae tata dealers of tha east aide Hating their bargalna there and Banding customers who cannot find what thay want at tha " various . private offlcea. It is t also manned to establish later club room . that- will enable thai association to en tertain visitors of prominence. The ex pense of the omce will be borne by th -. association and a capable man kept there through tbe day. A committee waa appointed to eon fer with tbe gaa and electrlo light rom , panlea to urge them to establish offlcea n tha east aide for tha accommodation af their pat rone. Councilman Sharkey, wit bta fellow-eouncllmen, Kellaher ' and Bennett, waa appointed a commit tee te hasten tha Sullivan gulch steel bridge, and to thla end Influence will be brought to bear to have the coun. , ell advertise for blda aa soon aa the city engineer eomplotea hla plana and estlmatea of coat J. U Cee, aa chairman Of tba depart ment stors committee, reported tnat : circular latter had been prepared set- ' ting forth the advantages of the east aide as a business location tor sues an enterprise and that the trade center ' ef the east would soon receive these let ' tera aa well aa tha department stores' ' trade Journals" and capitalists Inter ested in such enterprises. v , ... IMPROVEMENT HELPS. venae rill Starts aad toart rrlee Aireaay Affeetea. ' Work has been started on tha fHl af a rand avenue between East Stark and ' Pine atresia and th mound of earth in . the bottom of the slough Is growing rapidly, almoat the entire force of the ' Paclfle Construction company being em- cloved on this new work. The rill on Uast Morrison street ha been nearly i completed and plank pavement has been laid from Union avenue two block eaat on Morrison, opening to trafflo aeveral large establishment that have been : shut off for two months or more. The flit on Orand avenue 1 a most Important on to the business men of ' the central district, including more in n , 308'reUll atorea on Orand avenue. Kaat . Burnslde and - Kast , Morrison streets. . Though not nearly an large a contract either th East Washington or East Morrison Jobs It ie far more Important to the bualnoaa tnn and general publlo -ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL." . Along with dyspepsia eomaa rjerroas aeas and gnnersl ill-health. Why Bo - cans a disordered stomach doe tu per mlt the food to be properly digested, ane ' Its product aastmllatod by tne sTstem. ' On1' the other hand tfaa blood lschartn with poisons which come from this ais M-dered digestion, and in turn the nerval are not fed on good, red blood, and we sat ymptom of wrvomnees, aleepleaanest ' tod general breakdown. It I not head work that does It, but poor stomach work. With poor, thin blood the body Is sol srotected against tha attack of forms oi trip, bronchitis and consumption. Fortify Ihe body at one with Pr. Floroe's Golden Mod leal Dlscoverra rare combination H native medicinal root without a per ilc'e of alcohol or dangerous drugs-- - - No man la atronger thaa his stomach. Let the greatest athlete have dyspepsia tod hi muscles would soon fall. Pbys caJ strength Is derived from food. If I ran has Insufficient food he lose r- - a. If be food he dies, 'l . i is eeejvsrtad into nutrition through K a f 'aec and bowels. It depends oa !i , h of tbe stom ash to what a t ' , rtm Is c "eted aad aaslmll- L i t af staiTatlon who I .' - t t i to eat, whea the t x nil organs of dl- r a ' -Oo tk perfftrni 1 a. . 1 UTreal!y 1 - t t e bodf. If the i ! fi tt 'y wUbaweak C tf. -ra U M i. l Ubmc U llAa.nrl ite J 4 I aaseei a It te a great extant unite a divided district that for a year bee been cut off from the greater part of tbe trade that belong to It. ..... Ths fill will once more make .Orand avenueaTK rough business' "thoroughfare and the value of property on thla street baa already Increased In' anticipation of tbabusuies boom, that wui the fill is finished. With the opening f East Washington and Eaat Morrison street to tba river, and the placing of Kaat. Alder atreet In service again by the building of two elevated roadway and the pavement of the streets be tween union avenue ana tcast' Tenia street, the Orand avenue district 1 been greatly helped. , .-... ; , ' PLACES' ARE POPULAR. ereral Oat for Offioe of Saat Side , fastioe ejMl Oeaatabla, v Several candidate are out for th place of the eaat aide Justice and con- stsbls. I. Jestlee Walllauiaf SatUft SBoT Constable Keenan, present Incumbents. wilt seek reelection and. will make an letereatln ' c.ainrialan. inonf ' those who twvet Mi. Betuarg-placwara-u.- U j afnoe ana f to vwra ana in ,rr -ei Dec ted to Drove a formidable candidate en account of bla record as officeholder and bis personal popularity. William North la la the field for the plaoe of Mr. Keenan and other candidate will probably ahow up before the primary election." The work of th . east side Justice court has greatly Increased In the last few tnonm, oespitw in new rustles courts at St - Johns and Mt Tabor, and in tha hand of th clerk of the court are constantly from 1 to 40 new cases, tbe majority of Wnicn are mall suit for bad debt. -, ? ., THIRTY.QNE GRADUATE. Three tar fa Olaaaag maaatva Siplomaa nw Suhorbajt arada Soaoola, From three suburban grade achools last evening It pupils were graduated, and report from the various principal Indicate that th majority or tna grea uales"wlU continue their education in the' high school. Seliwood. Woodlawn and Sunnyalda achools hold their annual spring commencement and graduated tbe Urgent classes tnat nave leri me school at the mid-term graduation, Sunnyslde hsd II In line .or diplomas, they being Rosa F. Arnold, Minnie K. Floyd, Helen M. Oebble, Gertrude F. Oroce, Ro. B. Johnson. Hsssl A. Lynoh. Charles U Morse. .Thomas Releraon, May Rodgera. Alfred J. Shawcroaa. Will iam R. Slnaletary. Muriel P. Smith, Viola K. Schupbaeh, Margaret Warren, Harriet I. WyveL , ... Eleven were graduated from th Bell wood school, the program being under the auspices ef the Alumni association, principal C. . I Strong delivered the elas address. Th SellaTbod graduates were: Mabel K. Bloeser, Harold B. Babb. Hattla M. Downing, Carl F. Jen sen. Annie P. Larsen. Roxana I. Osborne, Frieda A. Plasa, Samuel W. Baser, Ethel A. Rlaley, Chester O, Stryker and Ed ward W. Wlndsler. ,. ' HEW GU3 KEARtY ' KILLS JUDGE U'eSIDE - Aims a Crow,! Fires, land Gun Explodes Gets tha Crow ; . . All Right. . A crow hunt with a brand new com blnatloa rifle and ahotgun came near costing the life' of Judge Thomas A. McBrid of the fifth judicial district of Oregon a fsw dsys. ago. - Th Judge killed hi crow, but th rifle exploded and cam near killing him. The breech- lock and flrlng-pln blew out, graaed hi right tempi and went entirely through a twoiineh board back of him, - - - Judge McBrlde haa a ranch on Deer Island., and aa he la fond of hunting, stopped In Portland on hla way to the ranch a few day ago and purchased one of Mhe latest-' improved combination rifle and ahotgun. He got a good sup ply of ammunition for both tha rlfl and th ahotgun barrels ef ths weapon and betook himself to hla ranch for a little outing. The Judge thought he would trr hi new gun before starting out after big game, aad a crow being the only thing in sight he loaded the rlfl barret and prepared t teet hi skill t shooting. - Fortunately he had the gun at auch an angle that the atock lay parallel with the aide ef his face, for when he pulled the trigger the barrel exploded., Judge McBrlde' face was badly powder-burned but the Injuries are not considered serious. ' Job f ei Some On. - - - Oir'February IT the United States civil service commission will hold an examination for th position of as sistant examiner in th patent offioe at a aalary of-11.10 per year. Persons Ml,hln ttt nmnte ahntiM aridreae 91 I A. Ltelgh, post office deputy. Portland. body relies for Its strength. And as the body considered aa a whole ts mad ap of Its several members and organs, so the weak neae of the body as a consequence of "weak stomach will be distributed among the organs which compose tbe body. If the body Is weak because It If ill-nourished that physical weakness will be found In back and knees, In band and feet equally. No also will the weakness be equally distributed among tha organs, heart, liver, kidneys, etc being propor tionately weak according to ths amount of the reduction of their dally ration ot nutrition. : , j. j ,: - . ; . ,..., , By way of et ample take ths ease of the Assistant Treasurer ot tbe Catholla Foresters at Quebec, Mr. Louis. Pare, who writes: '' -. . . ' - -,, ,.. .' . For year after. jny health W to fall my bead grevf dlaay. eyes pained Die, and my stomach was sore all tbe tine, while every thing I would eat would seem to lie beery like lead on my siuroech. Tbe doctor claimed that It waa sympathetic trouble due to dyspepsia, and presrrllaed tor me, and although! took their powders regularly yet I felt no better. My wife advised me to try I)r. Pierre's Uolden Medical Dlsrovery and stop tsklng tbe doctor's medicine. - Hh bought sae a bottle and we soon found that I beeaa to Improve, so I kept up tbe treat ment. I took on toeh, my atomach becaaie norms), tlie digestive organs worked per fectly and I soon begsn to look like a differ ent seraon, I can never ceae to be grateful for wbat your medicine has done tor m and I certainly give It highest praise. . ' '., th mcbst orr uvf'J To refute the many false and nmtlcloxn attacks, bogus formula and other an truthful statements published by com peting and disgruntled medicine men concerning Doctor Pierce's World-famed Famllv Medicines tbe Doctor has decided to publish all the Ingredients entering into his "Uoldeo Medical' Discovery, Hereafter 'every bottle of this medicine leaving the great Laboratory at Buffalo. N. Y will bear upon it a full list of all the Ingredients entering Into tba com-: pound, printed la plain English. . . t rVskw Tbee ORMINAL UttJe Uver A-""?L Jr Pt aa by old Dr. saasaea. Ther'r raad of purely va eMe. coooentrated aiui reeeed meiclaal frr...ij.. extractsd frora aaave Amerlcsa soma aad plant. Tbey svemtily relieve ane red stomach!, attendant die UxaMve, fur ioul, torpia as 4 eerani 4vea aad kowela and abetr el s 'Mats, una or twe a ine or four a cathartic, - PHJT 6LASSE0 .'J!! iKiii&irt: Herman ' Klaber , Wants Federal Regulation of Cizt of ! Steins. - ' .; . 1 AS TO THE REASON WHY . V HE HAS HOPS TO SELL Th M"rLBfffT SH h lffnr ht Needed, His Simple Thaorj C- etjuerrtly He Looks for Support of t AIT Hop Xlfowera. For a nickel,' 9 cents, you may drink your All, for a dims you may imbibe till tha eldewalk begin to rise and for a quarter you may drink tilt tha earth and th aea are yours, till all the world is your friend and a headache la guar anteed for a week. But a headache and dark-brawn taat will' not be neces sary, for poor Indeed la ha who can't afford another drink to drjve away a throbbing brow aad bussing brain. - Teu may do. all . thla ' provided the measure propoaed by-Herman Klaber, a prominent hopdealer of' Taeoma and Portland, becomes a law.. It you are a lover of th stein and tha amber care d I speller Mr. Klaber. la your friend and la working la your Interest If you are a prohibition worker th name of Klaber must be placed at the top of tha list In your little black book, for he would have the government regulate the also of beer glasses, forcing dealers to glveJiot las than a pint of beer aa a drink. Mr. Klaber would make it unlawful te sail beer in a glaaa containing lea than a pint of the atuff that baa made mora, thaa one city famoua. He would have' tbe federal government regulate tbe alx of all, beer glasses. ' Mr. Klaber la a hopdealer, head of th firm of Herman Klaber at Co. ,of Taeoma.- and ha large interests in the firm of Klaber, Wolf at Natter of Fort land., Among those who Mr. Klaber ex pects to enlist under his banner are tbe hopgrowers of tha northwest ' ' ' A Strang feature of tha atruggle theft will likely follow the introduction'' of Klaber'a bill will be the combination af saloon mea.nd prohibition workers. Saloon men are sure to -oppose" the Klaber law-for the simple reaaon that It would deprive them of on half their revenue. - . Prohibition worker ' are agalnat It on general principlee. Mr. Klaber, it 1 aald. has thought of tth acheme for year ud -baa carefully outlined a plan or campaign la be hall of the propoeed law. He haa not de cided what atepa will be taken to bring the matter befofce tbe proper legislative authorities-. -.v , . --- j- - Under th provision ef thai proposed law bottled beer would also be affected. Ruber's law would provide that bottles twice aa Urge aa at preaent be uaed or that the price ef bottled beer be out la two,- ., .-. ; , i j , i v " j;;, ; TON OF CAVING EArYTH ' BURIES EDWARD SMALL t Kntombed beneath a ton of caving earth Edward small, tha 7-year-old eon of Zenae D. Small, eame to hie death. Tbe child and two -compenlone were playing In a cava near Twenty-ninth and Clinton etreeta yeeterday afternoon when the earth above the eave gave way and precipitated ttaelt down upon the boy. Edward- waa - completely burled and -waa dead before help could reach him. The twe other boys, Arthur Anderson and John Waffler. were par tially burled by the earth, but were rescued. -. - ; ,. . The boys had built a Are and all three were sitting In the cave around it. The earth of th bank, which la aaad, gave way auddenly and almost a ton of It eame down upon them. The Anderson and .Waffler boya were near tbe en trance' end succeeded In keeping their heads . from - being covered. Toong Small was sitting near the back ef the enva and waa buried beneath four feet of dirt. . Two neighbors went to-the rescue, but Edward waa dead when they recovered hie body. . t . The bey'a father, wha la now la Pane wawa, Washington, waa -notified and summon sd home. The lad was living with -tits xrandmother. Mrs. Ti. c. Small, at I7 Clinton atreet. , FIRST CLASS GRADUATED FROM HOLM AN SCHOOL i.- i.- ; . ' The following pvpda were graduated this morning from the Holman achool; Percy Day, Clifford Jeffoott, Clarence Bettla, HaaeJ Beldtng, Elisabeth Blatter, Mary Bodman, Kthel Lawlor, Mary Mitchell, Henrietta Peroutka, Edna Jsffcott, Minnie Rlchardeon, Abble Bui- llvan. '.-..-',.,.-." ;; n -. The clas organised last ' December. choee aa Ita elaa motto, "Rowing; Not Drifting." and elected the following of ficers: President, Percy Day: vice-presi dent. Clifford Jeffoott! secretary, Kthel Lawlor; -treasurer, Henrietta Peroutka; valedictorian, Mary ' Bodman. Thla Is th Orst laa to graduate from the Hol mes and according to Indlcatlona nearly all will enter the ' High achool. . Mr. Jenkins. ' formerly Inatructor at the High eobool, le principal of tha Holmaa achooL ; . ..-...-'..'..,. ,-.'....-,.,. : Kaay Sfew Some, i -Building permits have been laaued aa followa: D. Frey, ootuge, Porter, be tween Corbett and Hood atreeta, coat 11.700: W. S. Brande. cottage. Eaat Aider, between Eest Tblrty-eeventh and Beat Thirty-eighth etreeta, coat t,8ts; Ruasell - Blythe, , residence, - corner Newton and Vaughn etreeta, cost, !S, BOO; C C. White, cottage. JCaet aitsan. between. Kaat Thlrty-flrat and East Thirty -second atreeta, coat 1.(00; R. F. Dlckeraon, residence, corner Eaat Twen-ty-alxth and Taggart atreeta, coat, II. 00; I. C Green, cottage, Eaat Third, between Irving and Ollaan atreeta, coat 11.100; W. Burrlngton.. cottage, Haw thorne avenue, between Eaat Thirty sixth and Eaat TblrtytSevanth streets. coat (l.lOOr E. T. Daly, cottage, Going street, between William and Union avenues, eoet 11.160; Smith dt Dodge, cottage, Mllwaukte, between Carleton and Martin atreeta, ooat 11.150; O..H. Anderaon, two cottagea, Kearney, be tween Twentieth and Twenty - first streets, cost 11.000; Peter Jullum, cot- Uge, Morris street, between Missis sippi avenu and Daisy street, coat, I00; A. W. Bennett, residence, corner Kast Thirteenth - and Wyaant atreeta. toot Itooo.. . t ... . Jewels fee Several. -" ( ' Peat' masters'- Jewel -were presented te the following Masons at' the laat meeting of Alblna lodge, A. F, aV A. M., by Paat Master J. C. Mofeland: F. A. Nichols, F. P. Leech., John T. Whalley, J. t Touaey. B. 8. Durkee. A. U. Bak- iredt, r. A,,iVatt and J. C. Jamesoo. PETTBRSOr. ' TAILORS - aaeaeaaaeew " :f' 'i,- '-1 ...'.. Removed to 135 . FOURTH ' STREET, between V7aUniton and Alder. .:'; Latest styles and patterns .In Imported and domestic woolens at prices to suit v all WELL' DRESSED GENTLEMEN. the nomn 133 FOURTH STREET HAYuTO ' GeiCiL BET , TOGETHER IIAFfilV : Councilman ; v1a$tr Sug&tf That Clergy Attend Coun- ; S''y cl Meetings. r. For three houra laat night the Get Together club, consisting of the mayor, the members ef the elty council and the elty executive board and other elty officials, dined aad ehatted In the Com mercial elub dining-room. Politico and dsmonstratlona ef . factional feeling were entirely eliminated. John Annand. president. of ths elty council, waa master of ceremonies. Civil Service Commissioner W. I Brewster and Secretary O. U Mcpherson spoks In behalf of civil service, which had also warm ad voce tea th Chief Campbell of the fire department and R. It. Sabin and C. A. Cogswell of wis executive ooara. Dr. C H. Wheeler. me newly appointed health officer, promised te look faith fully after the health and eleenltneee of the elty. Colonel L. U Hawkins consented to give up the shell room oa ths second floor or the city nan to ur. Wheeler as a health office. City Attor ney McNary told of the smalt number of caaea against the city now pending In the court a. R. t Sabin pnalaed the police department, but startled a num ber of hie hearers by suggaatlng that one man have full control of thia de partment. . ' 'i'-' f V S Maror Lane Urged united action of city officiate regardleaa of party affilia tion la-work .for tbe betterment or tne city. : Councilman Masters suggested that the clergy of the city attend tne meetlnaa of tbe council more frequently. City Engineer Taylor aald there were a greater number of atreeta being Im proved than at any tlme'ln the hlatory or the City, jonn asontag aepioxea uie fact that aeveral ot the fire department house were located en ground not the property of the city. - Those present: Msydr Lane, ' City Auditor Devlin, City Treasurer Werleln, City Attorney MoNary. City Engineer Taylor. R. U Sabla, Richard Wilson, ( A. Cogswell and John M on tag. of the executive board; Councilman AnnandJ Balding, i Masters, . Menefee,' Preston, Sharkey, Shepherd .and Wallace: Civil Service Cemmlaatonere J. W. Blaln, W. U . Brewater and Secretary O. U. Mo Pherson; Dr. Esther C Pohl, of th health board, and Health Of floor G H. Wheeler; Chief Campbell, of the fire de partment: Superintendent , Frank T. bodga, of the water department: Build Ing Inspector Thomaa Mann, Ales - C Donaldaon, superintendent street-cleaning department; Park Commissioner U I Hawklna, Mra. Sarah A. Kvane. mar ket inspector; Jamas B. StUlwell, Jr, superintendent city fire alarm; C I Daggett, superintendent garbage crema tory, and F. W. Reed, poundmaater. . See Nature ln ,HerWlnter Garb. To aee the far-famed Rocky raeun tains In their wondrous winter garb la the treat of a lifetime. - The eanyona. neax ana gorge are even more at tractive ta winter thaa tn summer. - The Denver A Rio Grande, popularly knows aa The Scenlo Line of the World, pierce th very heart or the Rockies, and besides Is ths only transcontinental line paaalng directly through Salt Lake City, the quaint and picturesque Mor mon eapltaL Stopovers granted oa all elaaaea ef tlcketa. Fer ratee to all eastern points call upon or write W. G McBrlde. 124 Third atreet. ; - V 't Vet Cheap Aleehol. - 'Oswego grange. Patrons of Hus bandry, has adopted the resolution of the national grange asking the govern ment to remove the tax on denaturtsed alcohol, making It valuable for mechan ical and Industrial purposes. Delegatea to the county convention, which meets at Oregon City March' s, have been chosen aa followa: C C Borland. G T. Dickinson, Jamas Height alternates, Mra. I", Knaua, Mra, . M. H-.-Qaga, Henry Piatt- .-i -V. . t -v---1 - - "V VFroferred SSock Oeaaed Sooaa, : Allen A Lewis Beet Brand, -' Arxay aad STavy ateeepttsm, 1 liearaal Sseetal ervtra.i '- Washington, - D. C, Feb. .- 14. The fourth and laat atate reception of the winter take place at the White House rhle evening, when the president and Mra Roosevelt will receive the offleere of the army and navy and their faml- liesThe Indications are that the' et tendanoe will be much larger than for aeveral ae aeons peal- . - II II lll-Ni rortheBagN Fresh milk is absolutely , necessary for the baby. No dried milk ood, or food which is used without fresh taOk wUl meet the requirements. - ICslUa's Food to Jways te be need with fresh mflki It settaaes and SMee'the baby. Seed for ear book, - The Cere e Feeding ef lasaata," res. , The flT !-- reel veeer-t-4 ' tbef ll.i et . Lee, Ie4. . . GoU l.aaL I' JmsI Afciiri, . favrtUBi, tn. . MtUXIN-a FOOD CO. EC3TCX MAU. V I-'. liii! l-'OS : v., : -i." i " -a.- ' . ' i--.- . . r-t r-t i r- im r va..s- . . vr-TV n a , . . Arvk - .. ;V -7 v xcr' price 01 t -:k ' 7- - "Xv iapnc3. iivcry size- -of :h:': f:?- t:h No such values have heen n v -j ', ;' v'' "'iv "Z."?.-, - Z-.X' v V;: II I sreli wosM owes '::ZX '. I Trust Company: iPg; Is duly organized under the insurance-laws of the State of Oregon, with a fully paid cash capital of one hundred thou- : sand dollars. It furnishes life insurance in its simplest form and investment bonds for endowing the insurance.- .. , , IJfe Insurance is a contract jfor the payment of a given sum of money on the death of the insured, and from the na-;. '. ture of the contract, cannot be paid prior to the deathjofthe insured. : v T . f ntrrt rvr ru-i1!rt wViich'. in addition to the life in surance involved, guarantee the payment of money during ! the lifetime of the insured, are contracts combining invest--ment with insurance, and in event of the death of the in- ; sured, such investment is absolutely forfeited to, and corn fiscated by, the company carrying the contract. , ' " For this ''reason, andin'order to prevent such' injustice ; td the policy-holder, the Columbia Life & Trust Company , separates the insurance element from the investment-element, and issues a separate contract for each, thus securing to the policy-holder and his beneficiaries both the insurance and the investment deposits, ' $10,000 insurance costs annually. ....'..,....,..r., $150 To have this insurance paid;. tip in 20 years buy aV f Columbia Life & Trust Company bond for $3,750,; - : - costing annually jV . i,V':' '. ' ' j "' 4 ,','' 120 i -ToUl annual expense for 20 ,y ears' . j'.V. ;.;';:$270- : . 'The bond guarantees the payment of its face value in 7 20 years,' and an addition thereto a share of the profits. v These profits can be drawn in cash and the interest from the ; , ' bond will carry the insurance. The , insurance and bond . both being payable at death, ; is, the equivalent of having ; $13,750 of fully paid insurance y-.V, f ' W..' f ; The bond has cash surrender and paid-up values; at the end of every year from the date of its issuance. Should death ' occur at any time before its maturity, all payment! made on , the bond are returned, in addition to the face of the policy.;.'. The Columbia Life & Trust Company leads the way in mak- - ing returns to the policy-holder for all that he has paid. " The public is respectfully invited to make the fullest investi gation of its policies an4 bonds. ' ; ; . . . V ; -. - OFFICERS IANP WW. M. tADn, PrseUeei. ma. SL wn.OOX. TkavPiss. ' W. OOOXIXOBAM, S Vais-Pie. DS. K. O. WIIAOS, BUS. Dir. 4 pa, O. f , WTLSOsT. Aaa. ated. IHr, -a av v, imiiiwi a. i ' M fioaarrrnr. . , . , - O. Sarrrv. Saattle, IMreessr, . , ; ,- ,, UTiaU, SeyrUe, IMrests,- S GENERAL OFFICES, BROOKE-GIESY BLDO. Temporary OLIcea, ixth Floor Concord Eld; Second and' SUrk Streets, Portland, Oregon. - ' . 1 - . i .; -i."..' ':J- ' v f ' ., rclcnilcca price-cutting .v.,...-- - .. .... . . :-" :. a ,"r.;:' arc jcnuuiciy uin jla'- TEEN DOLLARS at the " i - - f - S - t-r - f. S -"'j r---r; J "V t-- --... V 2 f DIRECTORS. at. M. JOinraoaT, Treaseasr.-- - -V-6IO. at. STBOBO. Sawetarvv P. B. WAIVES. Kaaager ef Areaeies. BIOHAao a. XOOX, Sueeter. ' , a. B. URIiCVH, Puwatsr. - sucatAan wuaoJi, puesusv . i i . - LuV slaush- -; y-. ' I: . v i. - v- :o offered .4 ' o . .' . - - V . . t 341 WsjUaftost St .. Savsskta - SHORTHAND THS PORTLAND BVSINE88 MAN'S Short, Quick, Legible ' BeeorS la oai sheet M Intra tira sneed lee words a minute. Maximum speed attained, too to 121 worda a minute. Thla record cannot be equaled by puplla of any other busi ness ce-Uege la the. West , ;'-..Wrlo fe Oatalosrae,. - BchnRc-iyalXcr Business Colkgc : The school whose graduates are an ...-..employed. : .- aiks aidg Seveath aad Mark ttta. DaT and niqht classes. - O mmm a a .0 o. . . ..o .WOLFF-AMERICAN' ' t Bicycle, nVrw. ,r23.5CM , IZQ Cushion Frame 7Z7.&0 $53 Ruby Racer... rCO.CO ISO Rima at Hall Price S.S.SIQEL