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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
Tii3 onzGO'j daily jcji :.u pohtlai.-j, vzD::r:i:A7 it. rz -r.u".i:r UONUUZNTS. avru kinohijct, MS n nnim IcaeitiC mar-oie OSTEOPATHS. DBA. APIS MORTHHI'P. slt-lS-lT W . biig- i o Mala . bid.. Third and wasaiasTtea la. v reuoe KlamlaaUons free. CBS. OTW MABRt, SKIN, Mwt WdS. Clal Ti a. M ao. v"iM" VTf rr IwMi Ulir BtpMtk Ib tow. Dr. -Mimff-i limes wai, PATENT LAWYERS. B. C. WEIGHT, eWssaallr end forotga fananttl tnfrtntrmaet cam. aoa Uocaas, PRINTING. aJUDCftSON 4k PUNIWAT COMFeBI, prtatlp. nthoeraphlne. Mask hooka. Mais ti. SUS Alder at. a nHlMTVa V4rtsrtlc arteries, ' a Hosacl bide., roarta aad atorraws, rhoae T.VIU.H. DAVIS CABOOX PrtiHlB that 7 pays the payer. Bonnie SuS sad 0a Btaerns . CTaV. Slithend alorrteoe. Paoao Mala UT. : tMiNNEKBEBQ BADBMACHBB, eaatsary ". plamhare, St Saorth at. Bat iiacaas. . I OX CO., asMtary phi m bare, l - Mala and Bslntoe. Oroa Phone Mala Baal. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PBOr, B1NOLSSS School af Physical uaiorei II Branches. SO A tW at., pear Slim. RUBBER STAMPS. fr.C. STAMP WORKS. NB Aldav er. phone Mala no; runner stamps, eseia, ait-acua, .-as-s-. trad chechsi sand lor eataloene Ba. la. ROOFIKO. TIN BOOTING, gnrtsrtne. repairing Jobhlng. LaaU. tli Jertareoe at. aa4 geaarel SECOND-HAND GOODS. COODB'S rernttere flnaaa Hlflwat itwi , tit esondhaad faraltare. Sit. Seaoed ' Phooe Pacific . ' SAFES. . tUKBOLD loads eearnat Bra and hurflar. This wall h' anrcllahla; tim-toa A) Bachaye iaehe au-ocyi aiatal Sitnras, lockaata , opened, saf-s ranalrad. Phone 1SH. Joha . K. I'K M Third at. ' SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS: KABLSON CO.. Ansany aad BtyMh Ma., pbotM Paclne Tea Ushers ' of earliest la strnatenta aad' deformity eppUaaeaei raaore, anises and aclasura eharpr-nsd to perfection. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWTASBS at mrj daacrlpttoat baak. bar aad atara titarva nada to erdar. Vba Lata ' MaaarartariKf Co.. Ptirtlaad. STREET PAVINa 'ABBBN 1aajatraittaa"a.jatraa paTtaf,' atdat v waiaa aaa aruaainaa, 11a urafuaau TUB Barbar Aapbalt PartikJ da. at rarUaaA OMva M Wamalar blk. SIGN PAINTERS. OLD StONS. a-tadow tottarla. cloth baaaara, raarailral alrrtrla fana aad alrna a( all . kinds aaada aalrklf. fnatar Blalaar, tltUl ' aad Bnratt. Paoaa Biakaaaa U, . 8CALP TREATMENT. ,BAT, falllaie hauvdaaayeff traatadi abasjuaa - Ing. aMah-urJaf, rhrrapodr. face work. Mrs. r. Kyaa, iao roarrn, ear, Bonai tt. Pbnaa- Psrlfla tM. TYPEWRITERS. KBW trpsarttara. all eukaa, raatad, aald aad rrpalrad Ooaat Aaaacy. SSl Stark. Tal. I4UT. TELEPHONES. THS only aarlnatTa tabtpboae hiasi. . B.-B, , Klactrlc It Talapesaa Maaafastarlaf) eeav easy. SS Pirth st. RANSFER AND HAULING. BAPBS. raady plaaoa aad faraltara awrad. aacftaS aw aoippiaa ana saippaat ail , saaraetaadf ir., Sakiry brick, flra-araof varahoaaa tar atoraaa. Offlre US rirat at, O. M. viaaa. Pbaaa Mala S4T. THS BA0OAOS A) OMNIBUS TBANSPCB CO.. aiiia aaa Oak ata. i bacaaaa raartaj botal ar raaloaaes dlrart ta daarlaatloBI aears tharatora a Told rash aaa aaauf st dapota Private Bsehaafe dS. C 4. PICK, serine SS First at., batwsaa Btark aad Oak sav. pbaaa Bed; plaaoa aad roraliara awal sad aarkad tor ahloplnai aoaiajodlaaa brtch warahaaoa with asperate area In ism, aat aad Clay stm. . OBROON TBANSPtB CO.. IM North Stzth, . Paoaa Mala SB. Haevy haallaf aad staraea, KAST SIPB Traaefar Co.. A. B. Flokamb, area, IS Baal Wata at. Phaaa Baal ad? - POST SPSCIAL DBI.IVKBT Me. SWIi Wash lactoa at. Paoaa Mala SdS. C. W. UNBB BBO., BH4 Sd at. Paraltnra rrarrmf. ranaiabaiBV packing aa4- akleohie. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWBLA CAILt Coa. l Pt awarh. Portland Laaaery sad Towel Sonply .. Math and Coax. a. raoas die. FINANCIAL." UafirXS STATES NATIONAL BANK OP POBTLAXn, OBI90N olOTTWIST COB. ThUBD ABO OAK ATI. Xraaaaala a Saaarai Basking Bmalaaaa, , Aranabl tn AU Cltlas af tba rnltad Btstaa sad Koropa, tloackaag aad Maalhu COrtlCTlOBl MADB Om' FA MOVABLE TnBIl. v'Li'-i"!'"- AI.NSWOKTIt Vlc.praldaat.,.............R, LSA. PAR Nra taaklar . ..R. w. STUMKPH AMt.tant Oailr....,,...,,.A. M . WBinHT Aaatalaat Caablar. W. A. HOLT I ABO TTLTOS. BABBZBS. , . - ' aV, (lataMiakad Aa IIU.I i i . Traaraot a fttunl bm.wi. . ai.oa st all p,,ita siTVaaarsbl ! . Ittara at rrdlt laauad sra".blo la ; Lnmpa , and sU polata la tba Tutted St.tra. .aold aa Saw -lark. Wash ln ton, Chlmaa, St. ... .Loala. Daaaar. Omaha, San PraaclaoV aad Umaita aad Brttlah ddambta. . Kirhano aald ea London. PaHa, 1 Barlla ""V'1, -"oagaeas. Iwkohaaia. Manila aad S"I!.RIIT TI,'0, 1 "VST COMPAXT. SM Marrtaaa at.. partUad. Oraaaa.. - Traaaaau a Oaaaral Banking Baataaaa. r SAVIVOS DEPABTMANT. aataraat Allnwad ea Tltaa aad Parlnta Daaoalbv Acta aa Treat for Katatra. . Irafts and Lottaca of Cradll Available la All , . ' . Parte ef the World. C. F. AIM MS...'. ....Praeldont U A. I.KWIS. Ptrat Vtra-Praaldaat A. U Mil l . ............Saroad Vlaa-rmloaM H . Jl'HITB IwiUfi UKO. P. HI SMELL... ...... Aaalataat Saoraury TU BANK OP CAUrOBNIA. fEatsbllahad 1IM. ftad OfSca. Saa r raodaoaL ' Call . aptt1 paid nr ..,.,...., S4.nnfMWA SS Burpiaa aad aadlrlacd proflta SU.770.11.M ' A Cearral Seeking land Rtrhaage Baalnaaa Transacted. ... ,. t BAVIXOS HKPAUTMKNT. ,r Inlcrcat osld on tl mm aanoalta. Arannnrs oinnail for asms of $10 and onward. Ptrftaad Braacb Chamber ef CsejaaarM . WM. A. MArBAr.... ....taaar I. t. Bt'KTI-IIAELL Assistant M aaa or MOWTOAOG L-OA1NS On Part la ad Baal , Estate at Lowest BAtee. . Tlf't Inanrad. A ha bra eta faralrheA. TITLI OUAtANTTE A TBTSf CO. Weahlagtaa BA. oar. ,WAMIl;r -y, r m-4i dlsatond wmalry. luaeiurr at Cvuiairre - - ., sis FINANCIAL. rilfT BATTOWAL Mf r Of rOBTLAaU, C'SOB". Daaliraatad Daaoaitorr aad rwaaatal Afaat tba L'altaa aiMi Praaldaat... k. U UUJM r..hl... ...1. w Aaalataat flaklar , W. 0. ALVOKD aMid Aaalalaat caakar, ... . . .B. r, Uttara ! Cradlt lamad Available r. BTSVBNS la la Barap aad taa ICaalrra BialM. Sight Biebanaa aad Talrarapbl Ttaaafar old va Maw York., St. Laala. St. Paal, Omaha, feaa Praariaad " aaS ' taa annpipai iwiaia la taa worthwaat. Slaht and tint bill drawa la anaM a eaK aa Laadoa, Parla, Rvrlla. rraakrort-M-th Mala. lloas-koiaT, Tokobaasa. foaaabataa, ChrtatUnla. UlcK-ahnlal. St. Patarabara, Maa- aaar. Btirlrh. lliiaolttla. OoUrrtloaa Mada aa PaTsrabU Ti MUfiaUUfTS WATttWAX : POBTLAkA. Oak.OaT. I. PBANK WATHON Praaldaat B. U Pi nilAM -....Tlea-Praaldet B. W. HOYT i-.r Caablar OBOKOB W. IIOTT ....... Aaal.l.ot Caaular Tiaaaawiu a Biairal Baahlaa Baalataa, Drafta aad Laltara af Oadlt Uaad A'alUbl , , n aii rarta af taa wort. . Collactlaaa I Spaatalt. , POBTLABD TBVST OOMPABT OP OBISOB Taa Oldaat Traat Oaaiaaap ha Oraaaa, fliaaral banklna. Kirbanaa aa all aarta t raa voria. - Harlnaa. arenania. Tiaw ama- cataa, to d par cant; abort-call apiwlal aartlS- a, t to d par cant; abortall apvclal da klPS4VyfeT Soalbeaat Coraar Third anornatr'atK Soalbaaat Coraar Third aBdHOt"ItC Plwiaa PrlMU a-KiOlaaM TI. BEKI. I. roiIRN Pra1 H. L. PITTOCK ..Tkja-Praaldaat UtB PAIIBT... .................. "ra"rr 0. UOLTRA Aaalataat Socratarf. X M0BT0AOB STABABTtB - f torts. Boa da aad Mortcajraa Boaalrt add Sold. n i.if f.i. am 1 1 im uanoaiw. . w. wstarbttr.. '"u'-STT":! 0. W. Mlll-r..... ,Yea-Praldaot C B. Claawat. , Saorrtary Blka' Taaiula, Baraolk aad StaiB iraaia, Paoaa Mala IM. M OASIS BBOS, US rtrsd Bt yartlaaa. Or, Offar Ollt-Bdga laraataaata la MontHpaJ aad Ballroad Banna, wnta ar uu. COLUMBIA ft as Bnflaa A Safa Works Tiaia. tork ax parts; nra aaa aaraiar-o apm4 aad rafMh-ad. Pbaaa Paalfla STS. TRAIN tAKES mail from THE STAR STAGE ROUTE ' (Sparlsl IHspstrh ta Tba Joarasl.) "Coryallla. Or.. 'ab. 14. l ud Bta iU mall rout from Albany to Corvallls and thence orr to Philomath la to be dleoontinued tomorrow and the mall that baa been carried by ats wllTthen bo br train. The chance la to be made because the train service Tecently- lnau. urated between Albany and corvaius makes the iUis unnecessary. The con tract was let two years ago nest month for the mall to be carried between Cor rail I a and Albany, but it was only two months a so that the service was es tended on to Philomath. This change was made In order that Alsea postoffloe might be benefited, aa Alsea people have never received their mall until from 14 to TI hours sftef other poatofflces had been served, and the state service to Philomath overcame this difficulty. . In this particular the abandonment of the Stay route Is to be regretted, ss by It the Alsea people- are again cut'oft. BTw naat at Oarley. " (Spesial Ptaaatcb Is The J an real.) ' -Carlry. Wash., Feb. 14 "arley broth. ers have Inatalled a complete plant at thla plaoe for the manufacture of ga. vanlsed steel hydraullo pipe to conduct water from their arteelan well for Irri gation purposes. Part of the machinery wes shipped from their foundry and ma chine shop st Colfax.. Washington, but the larger pan was bought at Ban Frenclnro. '-..:... THE ORIGINAL. ' Foley & Co.r ChkoritlnaVted Horvey and Tar utluoat a0d lung' tcmeir, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley Honey and Tar many 1ml tations arc offered, for tnc trenuine. These worthlea irnrtAtiotui hare limilAr oundino; nArnes. Beware of them.' The genuine Folcy'a Honey and Tar b In a yellow package. . eak lor tt and refuae any substitute It b the hest remedy for coughs and cclis. weedard. Clans oo. aad a. O. KkU- :: "aOTe ft Oa. - ill LEAGUE WES SUM Development ! mnd'Cooi" Roads .' EnthuJat - from Many, Soctlona ProsenL MANY PROMINENT MEN DELIVER ADDRESSES Governor Charnbsrlsin Talkj on Dtv ysloptnsnt of All Oregon and Col - oncl Hof er DeUrers Opening . A4 dresv F. 8. Bran Mskss RcsportM. ISpssaal tlarb la Ths leases! flllverton. Or, Feb. J 4.811 verisa Is erowdsd with development advocates and good rosds enthusiasts from many sections of the valley who have gatb a red hare to - attend the seventh con vention of the Willamette Valley De velopment league, which met in the opera bouse In this city st lit o'clock this afternoon for a two days' session. . Amonf the oromlnent visitors ana delegates scheduled to deliver addresses are Governor Crsorgs K. Chamberlain, J. H. Scott, . Hofer, Lv M. Gilbert. La J. Adanta. Charles Q risen. J. C. Hsyter, H. B. Thlelsen. Gideon Btols, Oeorgs w. Weeks, p. I Brown and Georgs Cualter. Promotlv atil:X o'clock the meeting was called"to order-snd Coronet R Hofetv presldent of the Willamette Valley le velooment league, delivered tha opening address and was followed by Attorney 8. Bonn of tniverton. Who responaea tn behalf of his home city. ' - .- Colonel Hofer dwelt on the question oi Indirect taxatlnn and the good that was being seoompllshed in the Interest of good roads by the various meetings and the bond of union that waa becoming mors firmly established (n the effort to make a united Oregon. " J. It. Scott, praaldent of the State Good Road a sssorlaUon was tha nest speaker after Mr. Sana. He took as his toplo "Good Roads." , "Development of All Oregon" was the thems of Governor George K- Chamber Iain's talk and his remarks were heartily concurred in by aU present. Paul Bhoup of r ths Harrtrasa . lines followed Gov ernor Chamberlain In an address on "A Railroad's Interest In Good Roads" and ailbert of Rossdsls closed ths afternoon session with a talk on "Value of Cannerlea to ths Fruitgrower." ., Between ths addresses musio waa xur- Blshed by a quartet. In bis address er welcome Mr. Sena sold In psrt: 9.U. Beam Talks. "It Is an exceedingly great pleasure to welcome so large a number of happy people to our town. We feel that for Its sise ouverton is toe mon pnni town In the atata, except perhaps ths towns and cities from which you oome. "We believe there Is no more oenexi cant form of association than - thess boards of trade, chambers of commerce and development leagues which are ee- tabllshed all over the country. iney are something more then boards of trade. They concentrate the energy, tne business tact and the progressive spirit which develop the village and maxe tne town. They can do morel while la ne sanee political, they can perform the highest public duties. They -can be come good government clube and en force efflclencv in the public service and purity and ability In public office. "We welcome, tne rarmera. tne iiuars of tha aolL upon whom, after an. ws ara denendent for our prosperity. Mod- em invention has "developed the farmer's capacity for cultivating tne , iieia, so that now he feede the world. We are glad to note eo many rarmera la the meeting. Too show by your presence that you are Interested In thla matter and that you are willing to do your part la the oeveiopmem ox our State. ; r-- ... .... ,r, .. A BTew Btw. 1 feet that wa are on the threshold of a new era of prosperity. The pro greselve spirit Of the new uregun, ao prevalent here today, must not be al lasd to recede. We may truthfully eay with Shakespeare that there Is a tldo In ths sffatrs of States, as wsU ss of men. which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage will be In shallow waters. We must I... the. current when It serves, or lose our venture.' Let us taks advantage of the opportunity that preeents Itseir at this time. . " ' . "We,- of Sllverton, would Indeed The blind If we did not see the good that ta to come from, thla convention, we need these reunions to stimulate and arouse ue from our lethargy. ' We are with this league heart and aoul In tte struggle for the betterment of our laws and ths development of the resources of our state. .Already Ita labora are bringing results. Its efforts to secure a revision of our taxation laws so thst ths bulk. If not all. ths state tax will be oecure-1 from Indirect taxation la receiving the anorobatlon of our cltlsena. Our pres ent method of as armament and collection of taxea la a relic of a bygone dsy. Let us fall in line with ths other progressive ststes of ths union snd adopt the eye- tern of taxation championed by the-Wll lamette Valley Development league. Let us have the aseeasment roll published so that farmer Smith caa see the as sesement of farmer atones. Ws are not averse to paying our lust tag when we know that every one ekse la paying his lust share.- -Let publicity in on this matter and many of tha Inequalities now existing In our taxation laws wiu dls- appear. '-..Wort At the Veils. , ', "Ths-numerous . Initiative -petitions thst are being circulated are indicative of the good reaulte of . the work ae eompllehed by this- league and other Organisations of a kindred nature, "We have trusted to the legislature to do eomethlng, but the legislature has ben buay electing United Btatea sena. I i tors aaa. sometimes usy aid not even I ;ilT V. ., ' .'J F- S.- Scnn.';. " '.''-.'!' Chesterfisld PBOP. OtAKT CBBnilW". tha eale aratad taaraghtrasdar and aaiaa-t, retaaaod yaaCrrday ao Portland aad d rarat la. bal C irate -rsaiasars . a j a j - w -lasaa, whore be will gire ji..ia t..AS la alalia try. ' "Ha la ' the eame ' nan ef " airatarlaa aa ef eld aad If prose aotlcae are to be railed npoe kla toriifticable pvware are growlag stroager year after yaar. " AtBoog the masy aotad - paiauaagos i wbsss Pal ma Prof. Chaatargaid bss road are' to be Motioned Baron- Carl De Prell of Maairh. Bar aria: "leeodlro ." the areat tJrookt Hlr Ed ward Clark, William g. Qladstnae, Saaator Taller, William J. Braa. TV T. (lear of OrccoB, Saoator ,Browaall of Orveoa city. ex-Mayor gtoray, ei-UoTaraor Rogers ef Washington, Alloa Nlalaen. Rcrnbarat. Mnse. Cslra. Hot. Mam Joesa, T. DaWItt TalaMaa. Admiral Bchlcy and scores of others too sumarooa to sac at km. It la aald be tolls the condition of yoar bstltfa, what slla yea and whether or not yoa i be earad: If roe will soon make boslncae changasi If yoar borne life Is er will bo happy: If yoa will be fortunate In tore affairs: if res will travel: If abeaat friends will return; f yoa will win tour lawsuit, and la fact bis reading, ef the palm la a. thorough life reading. . PKogy CITJMTEBriKLD has tieea ta Seattle for the last month, where he baa alrra ever 1,000 tartrate readings. i yretersay Se aaooaacaa test Shi parlors Mild ramala coca rranlnas aatll .S o'clock. Be reSMlaa la (ortlaod bet s faw days. ClllflESE ON TRIAL FOR HIS; LIFE itw fiun ta Charged VVlth Mur der of Lee Ylck " Yee, 7 a : ;'. Countryman, a TRIAL EXPECTED TO , ; ' i OCCUPY THREE DAYS '"rV i ,' r . A Ants-Mortern -' Declaration of Xet ;Ylck Yto Charged Jew Man With . Firing ' ShotsMany Witnesses to Bt Called, Mostly Chineg'g. - Jew Nub, a Chinese, la on trlsl before Circuit Judge M. C George cbsrged with murdering Lee Tick Tee on the evening of January 19. Ths . case was com menced this afternoon and It Is ex pected that nearly three, dsys will be taken up In the trial. Deputy District Attorney Gus C. Moser, assTstsd by J. M. Long snd Alexander S week, will prosecute the Chinees, while Attorneys Ralph R. Moody. Henrv gVMoainn and Charles F. Lord - rsppeaent -- the - de fendant Six witnesses wUI be called to testify for the stats, as well ss a num ber of Chinese. , Nun Wss arreatsd by Detective J.- T. Realng snd Deputy Sheriff Dode Par rott a few mlnutea after Tee had been shot. Mr. Moser Is of the opinion that one of his strongest pieces of evidence sgslnst ths accused Chlneae ta the ante- mortem declaration of Tee. Jew Nun waa brought to the bedside of the dying man. - When ths arrested man cams nsar the bedside Tee attempted to rise, and with hla head shaking and ayes staring wildly, pointed his linger at " Nun and said that he waa the man who fired the shots. . .- - Tee told the deputy district attorney ha had come to Portland from San Francisco Isst summer to eee the expo sition, that his wife bad formerly lived with vun in Ban Frsnclsco, but that he (Tee) bad married the - woman three years age Although no motive has been given -for the murder, It la thought that the woman figured In the ceae. Tee declared that he and Nun be longetf to different tongs.' snd thst he had aeen the latter here first about three weeka before the murder. . On the night he was shot hs had been vlaltlng a cousin - who resided on Pine etreet be tween Third and r Fourth streets. He said thst bs wss coming dowa ths stairs when he saw Nun stsndlng near the doorway.' No words - were spoken, but Nun began firing at him soon after they asw each ether. Several witnesses thst are to. be called to testify are well-known members ef the Ban Franolsco oriental colony. accomplish that. Of course. If there are any aspirants for the legislature nree- ent, we are satisfied that when elected they will do better and if there are any here who have already eerved they no doubt were In the hopeleea minority. ."Through the Initiative and refer endum - the people can make their own laws, and by insisting that every candi date for the legislature taks snd abide by the pledge to -support ths people's nominee for United States senator we will have very little use for a legisla ture. And I believe thst when It cornea to such a point, when ths only function of ths legislature' will be to meet at Satem In a sort of an electoral college and deposit their' ballot for ths people'o nomine for United States senator and then Immediately adjourn, the people will be the better for It" - . ' ,. . The evening eeeeloo will open at 7:10 o'clock with an address by Mayor li J. Adams of Sllverton. followed by George Cusiter of tbe Sllverton board of trade, who will make a short talk. Other short addreaeen will be made during the evening-and P. L- Brown, manager of ths Interurban telephone system, - will deliver an address ea "Tbe Independent Telephone as a factor in Development" Tha evening seacton will close with a banquet to the gueets. after which Sd Journment will be taken until tomorrow morning at t o'clock, when ths sextans and last day session Of ths convention will be called to order. . The 11:4S o'clock train today brought In tnany detegstes and when ths meet ing was called to order more then Its repreeefjtatlves besides taspy visitors were present, ' . I i f f..,rrpa: la isiatsd ta the I ir-V 1 --T -i I --'l . 5il u ask 01 V JEN 7 witt a Tsarr aWhswiM w '- This is ths regutar $T.S machine, the thoussnds of Columbia records the Entertainer's Art and Muslo in I 1 '...' V e tz. : THB JOURNAL, la offering this premium to Its subscribers, fesls that Z they are nutting Into every home which avalla Jtaalf of thla offer a eon- X X sunt resource lor entsrtauiraent m Ttls C;;crtaHy b C;2n K0V7 X 1 'Fill in and 'mail to this offlce the coupon printed below, and we will X 2 . have a solicitor ceil and explain the OFFER to you fully, thus putting e you to no .rouotss . I- an tTstg tm oaa.y, U ccupcrr or kquziy v ; i rv K:'t?;i? Date ."a 7 i V ."V.Vi "'."i'jTV tl ;". ivr " To" THE JOURNAL, - '.. Itf-iy, , :v., ;;:;rV Fifth and Yamhill Street. :;v;; -v-..:' ; -nV.- ; .. Please send solicitor to my addreta to explain FRE2 ' ; GRAPHOPHONB ' OFFER. ; ' .v' - , ' - ' 1 . ' ' "' " T I ' ''' ' ' ' ' XT if'..' K- ' '.'IV - f " i "V ' '., .'- '!'"" I 'S'''- ' " 1 -i --'-9 f"''" AuClrCSSd) ffSvaa a) sals Ws treat sneeessfully an private nsr ous snd chronic dlseaees of men; also brood. -atnmaoh. rieairt. ilrer. kldner and throat troublea We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to staycured for ever. Ws remove ' STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In II days, , Ws atop drains, night loases snd spermatorrhea by a new method In short time. We can restore the sexusl vigor of sny man under IS by means ef local treatment peculiar to ourselves. , : We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week ' Ths doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, . have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for li years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no ease anieaa eertain cure can be effected. We gusrsntes a cure In everr case Undertake or charge no fee. Consul te flon free. Letters confidential. Inatruc-' tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. We cure tbe worst esses of pries la two er inree treatments, wiinoui , uon. - uure guaranteeo. If you cannot eall at offloe, writs for question blank. 'sceeeful. -.- . -. . '.. Offlos hours. te and T to a Sundays aad Hplldaya DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. " - Offloss la Taa Noy Hotel. Ht, Third Street Corner Plae. Portland. Or. - fc Examination FixS3 Diagnosis Frcc; ' gpeeiel iavttatioa tt gives, ta all dlecoorafrd aaffarers who ksve ' bsea traatad without racatrlng a care. We bold eat no falee aaoaslse, . We will give yoa a (air aad honest eplatea ef yoar laa caa. The BaJeaee aad hsaaru s i saiaery. tat Onr ajatboda are the FrtlMttherf f97J tb-n ss he each. Doe't waata -valaable flaw aad mousy hat ESUDlQlWa IQi eaane ta aa la the strict eat erandraee. Bsaaaasser. we 'have - enrag etbera aad wa caa ears yoa. All mm afalatsd with eay serre-dshlllty er Meed dlaaaaa are arged to eesM is BS St eaee In fsilaet sialliais. Osasnlsttiea free sad lavitea. -. ... - V"- ..,-.' Nervoaa and Sick Men WCl Ber";:-' ' '' Made Strong Be Made Heahhy; -V - '" ' ',- ,' . - . . .,'- ' Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call St Louis l.!edlcd fi Snrqicd Dbpehsiary 8304 Yamhill Streets Portland, Oregon. i , . G.W.WEATH2RLY. CoALakoCOKE 1J.G.PECK0 The largest- factory In the Northwest handling ita own output :-'v . ALL HOME CAPITAU -7 - ; moewlass 9. AV. B. atoetav ' - . fSpealal Dtaeetck to The JosnraaL) Hoqulam,. Wash... Feb. It. At the last meeting Of Robert Gray chapter, I. A. It., thefollowing officers were elected for the coming year: Jftegent. Mrs, J. II. Bridgea; flrnt vice-regent. Mre. Sarah MoMlllan, Hoqulam; aeo- ond vice-regent, vira. George H. Emer son. Hoqulam l recording secretary, Mre. AOi JBtearnSHoe.uiam; corresponding 'trnr' - 'in' - ArT r vr.-; -.. . J., ' '-v srn Bs . -- ' which falthfauy"iwirodneesBny of which range through every feature of ' every form. . ' . . every dull or blue moment , -.-v.. , . . -j-',; - 'v mot Soasorvew". ''-; ' f "'' '"' ' 4 d Horns treatment 'soe Hplldsys. ! te.lSv - V v- Art of aWlotsV fcreory aad BsetrloHy Er aenes aaiu we aaasaaa aoa esuy every WSaill.wlkWaaBatoJwlytt -fs-eW heat W kaew tbea ta be the beat he- r..r-r- . . C ' 1 emT J I 4 . ST f- i aAi opera- , .. Taaav-.-'- la .. . , J eaoae Tasra ef eanarlaace and eitseelve aracttco have aroiao' rtKlXARLOCKaV uh'ie)rrison Phone East, 244., secretary, Mrs. A. IL Kuhn. koautam; treasurer. Mrs. Frank H. Lamb, Ho qulam: registrar. Mra. , Paul - Bmlta, Aberdeen; hlatortan, Mr. W. Q.Mo Klnlay, Aberdeen.' . , . The chapter meets every two weeka with Mrs. Sarah McMillan of Hoqulam. Union has a society of young women called the "Jabberwockera.' They pay bs nlcav If the. aaoav laa't. - '2:2 eI iMmm, ' ImA OBIssaaaUKOaA. IUIt, STIaVTJ, .' KTDBOOaUsal. TAJaXtHMTaTU, IMI OF BaVAjraTOOn, mMMVMArUMM. BOVWAa ASTatitA aad aaar pisrsssss. we want every -hwaa . afflicted with ' tha above diseases to honestly Investigate ear special system ef treatment We In. trite in particular all who have treated elsewhere without euocees, . all whose eaaee have been abandoned by family physicians and so-called , "FSCXAXr tSTS,1! all whoed troubles have ' been aggravated and mada worse by the -use of iilts, ran sajbtus. nuii TaTjaATBtaaTTS and so-called SFSOIF XOSt Ws will exptsla to you why such treatment has failed to cure you, and will demon at rate to Four" entire aetle f action that ' we caa cure -yoa safely, oulckly and permanently. Our eounael will cost nothing, and ws will do by yoa as ws would wish yon to do by us If our eases ware reversed,- - Write for oar, home treatment If you cannot celL TheDRstlEBIGSTAFF atoosBB aaa 1, Wtxhese ease, M . aaa Ssuaaslde sttreeas, Frtlaad, oa, Opportunity This hard wars stock presents to care ful buyers, slse you'll regret the loss and . pay dearly for the neglect Every ; hardware want supplied and every purss ' suited, - -r-rlT" Ayery,;Co; Taj sOTECJECEiTED SUCCESS OF C. Qee Wo The Great Chinese 1 Doctor Atfto. till First st. Cor. Ilonison Ne mlalaadlag statsnMBta Se tha affllctad. I gnaraatae a coaplate, safe aad las Una rare la the saleheat eoeslble time, end st the lowest coat possible for hooaat aad eaerasi fal treatasrat. I care catarrh, asthma, laayv throat, ' rhaaaaatlim. . maraaasassa. eteasaca, - iirar, Kioaay ana loss saannose. rsiuu XaOVBLES SKDAIX yaxTAza ., VIMslIi. Mv . renaedlae are harmless. ' eneinaeid roots, bares, bods and barks aaDcelallr selactad aad Imported direct by aa from the taterwt ef China. a TOW ABB AyyUCTETj DOWT BZXAt. SBXATB ABB DAJI0BB0US. ' tf yea eaaaot (all, writs for aymptoaj hlaaS Sad Circular. Inrloae 4 ccnta la stsaiaa. " OOBSuTTATIOB ygKB, " ' (bs 0. See We Ohinaae afedlsiae Oa., Mttt ytret St., Oaraer Maarisaa. yaruaad. Or, Plaeao mantloa this pap-r. bTow tf rsa eves aid. we ksve n a lovrest prises aavd sell every Mad mined Ring Up Phone Main 2776 Aad ask as abomt tt. - Oar servtes la - , alsk aa Ugktalag almsss. . , Vulcan Coal Coo For modern dental work. World-re- nowned spectallsts. . Loweet prices eonaletent with Srst-clsss . O TO fiEW Y0H.1 DENTISTS 1 rovBTja axt moMxxxsrm era. - . - Open day and ntyht. from l:J a. m. ... . , ajata 1 Bs-SB. - , Don't: Lose ther: Chdi Btwsms hsss. We're a taehes sky ea rata. Teem need ; i. . ' ' ny . ... TEETH