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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
U ronTL ' "D, v.: Jt JflELTOD CODY ill L10HGC Lliy ilTTlCK .0,1 :. .'.0 M.v U Lii ...Jl Uil Le. , w .....e. i. --SM I J IS RESEOltU JOT CM i.Jiliil'E Sister Has Not Cn Him Since Articla Ragadinz Oregon Ccrtt City T Employe! Touit TCir.z Man Who Waa f i Fainoua by Att; :ya f .7 Ctr j tnd Dafanaa Ar-ta C -) r Jnst -D. C. K: ,'':V;j? f A. rJ.-.shari's-Con Vtaa Not CcunJ and Crxiad by Flva vv; - Coyai ; '. , ' rW and Faara H May Havt -Pwlahtd. Vand "j aatern v ZnUrprlz ' .Called a Tirada. "- Out Flrtt Ptp9rt iZ ThiX ' : ' Waa RaqiilrcJ. ..' . h , ' M '' I, H.V Dafe&t f;r Salt Laka Maycrt-ty la Here. NATE YOUNG BURIED Itf- CHAMBER TRANSPORTATION COME HAVS WCniCID , C0"I3 TO ATTEN'D SEE vv:u co to -Y..:'i: told ctc3y:to cctrs:i . . ,1TNE FIR CEMETERY t j.- COMMlTTCZh MAY PRO" IT FOR CITY FCTYEAR3 A.V!ZKlCA LEACU2 v f ; TJ ..J JTERMOON l ? WHIr PIN 0 HE. EXPECTED - ' V J. '.' 1 fill . . ..I , f,. . .. . , 1 "..'. Many 'Other Personsfes Will ; Bel Deputy restrict. Attorney) Adams "'. 'Depoty JJoroner, Flnley Practically Member of Committee' Saya Such At Civil Senrlc's Commlsaion Is Inclined Lad Confesses 'to , Detective (-. Hart- ' '. Certain There Are No More Bodies . i In Debria From . East Sid Fire tack Hurt Prospect of Ejuttern Investment ' end ' Concludes That to J-et Them Keep Positions Pro Present and WQ1 Plan Campaign to Xmphasiges Testimony That Kelly Cot Ooli for Silver t North End Csloon Chortly After Hold Up. ' - man That He Went Fishing, Stayed LateT and Then Concocted Canard," ) Which Was SucccssfuL t vided They Take JDut Second-Ps- PivartToiirigts' Attention to- Home j . S'l Further Search Useless., . . ..., LHarrinua Interests Instigated Tt rjtmiaTHlelaltey ' Wonder Lends, r 'r r. "'"';' 7-''r THE OBEGON DAILY J. DE THAT OF JOllfJ ,r.r:- - v r PO M O F ; -John cusack may b ike name of the unidentified body of the naa at - the - morgue. which M taken from the Bast ' Water street fire early Monday . morn Inc. Miss T. M. Cusack of 21 North Eleventh street, who says she is a sis ter of . John Cuaack, whom abe haa not heard from nine the fateful event, called at the morgue this morning. She say ehe haa reason for thinking that , the body la that of bar brother.; -' "Mr brother haa been i missing since the day of the fire," eald Miss Cuaack. I "He hatf been In the habit of calling to aee me almoat every owning. A few days before the fire he- aald that he had rented a room at the - corner of East "Water and Eaet Morrtaon atreeta and intended going to work for a threshing j machine oompany on the eaat aide. He did not give me the name of the com pany, neither did he aay- Just when he waa going to work. John did not tell me exactly where he waa rooming. I , have not seen htm alnce the fire and am inclined to believe that the unidentified .body.l that of my brother." , ! The second body at the morgue waa positively Identified laet evening ea that of lira. Rebecca J. Cochran, aged. It, grandmother of Harry Cochran, . who conducted the Mount Tabor aaloon In one of the .blocks destroyed. The body 'will be shipped to Needy, .Oregon, to morrow for burUL , The husband Uvea there with hla daughter, Mr a. Ells Lavarty. ' , - A . At o'clock thla afternoon-the body1 of Nathahlal P. Young, who waa burned to death in the bam of the Raat Side Tranafer eompany, waa buried in Lone Fir cemetery. -. The funeral waa held from the Punning 'Undertaking parlora on the eaat aide. Tomorrow afternoon will take place the double funeral- of I T. Dalley and hla eon, 1-year-old led ward Dalley, from Dunnlng'e under taking parlora. ' At the grave In Lone Fir cemetery Multnomah camp. No, 17, cid udies i:o::e res FrSr fBTY 2i'J : Asks Rant oh Building Willed - to Institution by Lata ' - ,.V Mr. Rssd. v.' ' . Anr.4 M. Mann, prealdent of the Old Ladles' home, thla morning filed a peti tion In the oounty court aaklng that the of f Ida la of the home be allowed tha rent . and prof Ha received from the Iota and Improvements of block 114, Portland. ; . Thla block la bounded by Flrat, Beqond, Montgomery, and Harrison atreeta, and to aald to have been wlUed to-. the Old Ladle home by the late Mrs, Amanda w. Keed. v The. peutlon atatea that the property In queatton la worth 140.000. It la net forth that alnce th death Of 'Mr. Reed, which oecured lir aouthern .California. May 14. 1104. Martin Winch, who waa 1 appointed administrator of the eatate haa reoelved renta and proflta from the property willed to the noma. j and an order la aaked forcing Winch to . pay over theaa euma. ' Mra. Reed'a will haa been contested , ' and tha case la now before the Oregon j eupreme court; The contestants are I .' California helm, who claim that Mra. I Rend was a resident t the Oolden- atete at the time of her death. County Judga ' Lionel R. Webster decided agalnat the 1 ' contesting helra. aa did tha Judges of - the local circuit court, who listened en bane to the arguments In the case, AD MEN ARRANGE: : : . A BARGAIN DINNER . - ' One ' of tha most ' original banquets ever given in Portland wnibe..thalbjr -4he Portland AJ Mn'sleacue, Wednes- day, March 7, the occasion being th first anniversary of It organisation. It will be held at tha Portland Commercial-clubroome at T o'clock and will be . in format A special price of will be charged per plat. If paid for on or before March (: after that dat tKe regular price of $1,74 will be charged. ' The menu will be mad up of advertised ' Roods exclusively. There will be many surprise during the evening. Joeeph Blethen of the Seattle Times. C. V White of White's Sayings and A. Ben nett of th Irrlgon Irrigator nave al ready promised to speak..".' -r-, l . The Portland league haa a larger membership than any similar organisa tion on the Pacific coast and la rapidly arrowing. It affords an opportunity for - those Interested in advertising, either . as buyers or seller of . advertising pace, to get together. "TEAT THOUS AND GIVEN I TO FAMISHED JAPANESE Washington, Feb.' 14. The Red Cross eoclety baa received $10.00 from the (Christian Herald la response ' to the president's appeal for aid to the famine Stricken Japanese. The Toklo govern gaent baa cabled ita thanks. -.iit i " f::'J -- , MEaa. .aaaetaes seaaV'WM.-. ,,' i, Mra.; Mary Elisabeth Haslett. mother Of Mra. I.. A. McAllen. died ahortly after "noon- today at Bt. Vincent's 'hospital. Funeral servkwa will be held tomorrow tnornl"g at o'clock at 8C Mary's cathedral, 8 Is teen th and Couch atreeta. Interment' will, be.' held at Rlvervlew - cemetery,, i u'. .t ; -" : " Aaanrloan sa4 In Boaa. T"'' ' tJnvraal Special Berviea.l ' " -, . Rome. Feb. 14. Miss J. loughbor . ough. aged 14. of Baa Franclsc, died In this cltv trxlM. I . a l i Give c; t 'rs rt!':f ia tror GO Floyd Dailey, Who May "Die of. Hit , - , Injuries. V.f'.Yr Woodman of tha World, will have oharg of the service over the body; of Mr. Dalley, who waa a member of that camp. The service at the undertaking chapel will be almple." .i!-.,- -. , , . Little hope waa held out at Bt. Vtn- eent'a hospital thla morning for th re- oovery of Floyd Dalley, the aeoond son of the family, who- waa to severely burnd trying to escape from hla fatner'e house, whluh waa totally de etroyed. it waa aald that the boy passed a more oomfortabla night, but that hla condition la grave, peath may come at any hour, or be may survive for several daya, ' -r: j- ' ' Deputy Coroner Flnley aald this aft ernoon that be la satisfied In hla owa mind that there are no mora' bodice In the rulna. ' . ' . I have talked with everybody whom t thought could throw any light upon the matter," aald Mr, Flnley, "and have come to' We conclusion that it would be a uaelesa expenditure of money to dig through the debris.- I am Inclined to doubt the statements of those who claim te have heard female voices in the burning buildings juet before they collapsed. I think, they heard tha cries of Mr. Cochran. - I have Investigated the matter so thoroughly that , I am satisfied In my own mind that there are no more bodlee In the rulna." : . WH OUT AIL LIGHT," BUT FOS KO VERDICT" Unabla to Agraa on Caaa of Stata Against Samlarr andVr' : .After having balloted elnpe 1:11 f m. yssisraay, ins jury engaged - i , judgment on the ease a of the , slat agalnat Paul J. A. , Bemler and A. K. Kern, eharged with attempted extortion, waa dtacharged thla morning by Judge George. .At. the opening of Judge Oeorge'a department - of the ' circuit court this morning, thai foreman of tha jury arose and announoed that It mposaioi lor me jurors to agre on a verdict, their ballots having stood the aama sine th second one waa taken ' Deputy District Attorney Oua - C. Moser, who, with C. B. B, Wood, prose cuted tha accused, said that ha had re liable authority that the ballots stood s to in ravor of tha defendants. Mr. Moser said that tha caaa would be tried Kern and Bemler are eharged with having attempted to extort money from the Meier 4s Frank company, ? It being allegad that th first named demanded $600 wortB of advertising from the com pany to keep them from nubllahlne a damaging article. The following Jurors sat in we oaae: m. j. uran. o. w. Dot eon. M. 8. Crook. Charle Dahlqulst, w.' a. usDurn. u. w. Kdmonda. w. w. Darr, John Buckley, H. F, Taylor, H. weiaon. J. wetnereU and H. D. Slater. MAN WHO STOLE AGAIN ' STJfiTiiRliiaFBISON Dlatrtct Attorney Manning has de cided that Joseph Le Barge must return to the penitentiary to eerve the remain ing thre year of hla term Of frva year for burglary, committed la Port. land, , Barge'a commutation of sen tene wae revoked yesterday by Gover nor Chamberlain: it waa granted In August 110. on condition that he ahouid not again ooramlt a trim. I Barge recently broke open the money boxes on a number of gaa meters and abetraoted the coin." He la the flrat man to be returned to prison after hie eantenoe was commuted. , CAMPAIGN FUNDS PAID . , , ON M'CALL'S ORDER h''j '.:' . '-' ' ".""fJoenisl B pedal ServlW.) ' ' KW Yorjfc.FebJ.4. Th invetlatln commit tea of the New York Life made aupplementarr report thia afternoon. It flnda that $114,701 war contributed for campaign purposes from tha com pany' fund. The report saysr- "The auma .were contributed at tha direction of Prealdent MoCall and cer tain trustee. These contributions were not legally Just and such means aa are available ahouid be taken for their re covery." .-. t The committee reoommenda the. em ployment of, special eounaal te recover the money. .., . , ..... . it,,. .,,!,,, . - i - . . .v'. ,'":' ': "a oere Beaaaa. Bewai. ...'--r. 'Swinging axea and crowbar. 'Actina Police Detective Welch, Jons and Murphy broke down the ; door . of - a ChineM . fante eeUbllshment at 01 U Second street last night after throwing th lookout int the street and captured i Mayer. Th player were released on ball of $14 each, and on appearing for trial thla morning aaked for a con tinuance until tomorrow, which was granted.-This Is the flrat time that forcible entry haa been mad Into such establishments alnce Sheriff Word waged war on Chinee gambler. ' , ,!. II .11.- " (Rpedat Dlapatck te'Tse Jearal. Th Dalle Or,r Fetk-14. The Oreaon Bute ITnlverslty Glee and Mandolin club gave a performance at the opera- house here lsst evening to a large au dience The members were encored In every number and tha atudent mad good .Impression as regards their musical 4ajenW tr." i7 i At a meeting of the transportation commltte of the Portland chamber of commerce thla afternoon the attention of the members waa called te aa attack made by a local newspaper upon the Oregon Ooat A Eastern railway enter prise. It' I probable the committee will formulate a statement that wllL. go to tha bottom of th attack .and aet forth clearly th legitimate Durnoaes or in Oregon coast A Eastern and tha soundness of Ita financial . backing. it nviat make queer.. Impreaaiona upon prospective Investors In Oregon to read tirades like that published in an Oregon newspaper, however well It mo tives may n understood by home peo ple," m a member of th eommttte. While such attacks do not materially Injure business enterprises that are fi nanced locally, they are to be deplored for their deterrent effect upon eastern people who. would Ilka toom In with capital and enterprises that would aid in developing the state, v Between the evils of such newspaper attacks and the opposition that the Ilarrlman Railroad com pan lea naturally exert agalnat all Independent efforts to build railroads in uregon. it becomes a serious question to Induce eastern men to Invest money Here in development work. . "AH railroads not built by tha money of exlating roads have to be financed In th eaat Th methods adopted are muca ma aama oy ail successful rail road builders who are not backed by the old-established oompanlea already In the Held and enjoying th exclusive benefit of transportation here. In the case of th Oregon Coaat aV Kaatern tha original promoter haa worked hard two year perfecting tha preliminary ar rangements, I am - reliably Informed that he haa apent more than $60,000 of his own money In this work, haa prac tically , completed 460 mllea of aurvey at hla own expeaae and secured pos- session of hla route at etrategt point The road la projected through parte of th country where no railroad exlatod at th time tha orotert waa started. "The proposed road I of vital im portance te th development of the coaat counties end their connection with Port land by transportation facllitlea. Th originator . haa beyond any question completely financed tha enterprise and the committee la In poeslon of proof that hla eastern financial connection are amply able to go forward with ita construction. Why any Oregon man or Institution ahouid . attack and attempt to ctippla euch a pralaeworthy under taking la a myatery beyond th power of any eene mind to Juatlfy with any logical explanation. The only 'natural conclusion that can be reached la that thla, like all other oppoaltloa to rail road development In Oregon, emanate from the Uarrlman railroad interest. DEAL FOR ROAL'OXE IS KOT '.e YET ARRAKBEO :.yy.- -.V".'1.,. Portland Buaineta Man Think Ha Wanta Too Big' a -' ' Cuarantea.' . . 4 . A meeting at noon today la tha Com mercial club rooms between the Joint committee representing tha Portland commercial bodies and General Man ager Charlea P. Do of the North Pa cing Steamship eompany, relative to .he aa or the steamer Roanoke on the pro posed Portland-Alaska run, adjourned without reaching any definite agreemeng. Th joint committee sked Mr. Do to modify th contract demanding that th commercial bodies and the bualneea men guarantee at least $16,000 or t.000 tona of freight each trip that th boat makes If ahe Is Placed In tha Portland' 1 Alanka service, . : " T The meeting adjourned nnta tomor row with the understanding that nr. Do may submit a modified contract at that time. .- - ....... .-t- It la understood that the commercial bodies through their committee la will tag to make a guarantee of not to ea oeed 1.000 tona of freight a trip. If this Is. not satisfactory to the oompany operating th Roanoke efforte to secure some other amp may be made. . RIG STOLEN WHILE OWNER IS IN HOTEL While V. A. Lambert of the Ctttaena tank waa In th City View hotel at 0:46 o'olock last evening, a thief lumped Into hla buggy after untying hla bora and drove away.- A burglar entered th room occupied by Mra. C B. Marquam at the Unooln hotel about-10 o'clock laat night and atol a gold watch and a long gold chain, with a aUd aet with an emerald U. D. Fearey ' reported to the polio thla morning that hla bicycle Waa atolen frbra the sidewalk in front of Ilia Mor- riaoa-afreet. - , An eoeoant .book containing Uttera and memoranda waa found fey Mra W. H. Mora at Thirty-fourth and Tilla mook streets yesterday afternoon and taken te police head quart era. It-will be turned over to the owner by Clerk Leonard If he appears and prove the property belongs to hint. ., t - DIES AS RESULT ' OF CAR ACCIDENT 7. F. tloltaman, T year ef age, died at. Good Samaritan hospital thla after noon, supposedly se th result of In juries sustained In a atrewtcar accident Sunday night. Tha old man wa cross ing th track j at Flrat and Couoh atreeta Sunday' nigtit when struck by aa Irvlngton ear. He suffered a severe acsip wound and several broken' rib. He waa removeed to th hospital, where It wa thought he waa rapidly recover ing." Hla death today waa unexpected. Ken one fee Sheriff. j rvnunon jveiir. wno vii . lormenr sheriff of Multnomah county, today filed hla Intentions of becoming a can didate for that ornc again. He eeeka the support of th Republican party, promising thert tf elected be will treat Tic and poet alike,'' - , Because th law permit foreign born men to -vote arter they have taken out their first-papers many men are led to believe they are full-fledged eltlaena of tne (Jolted Stats immediately after they declare their Intention of becoming citizens, -mi naa been clearly demon strated alnce the municipal civil serv- ice commission issued the order for an city employes of foreign birth to report at tne office of the commission with their naturalisation paper. . . - Th result of thla order ha been astonishing, f Fully 10 city employes, from nearly .every department , of .tha city, have taken out their second pa per, which- entitle them to all tha privilege ef elUsenshlp. Several of theae man took out their first papera so long aa 10 years ago, Finding that they oould vote end aoquire government land and were entitled te other privi lege of native born r people, they thought It wa uselesa te take further atepa. Many, of these men have been employed in th city . for years, and several are among th moat trusted em ployea. They are taking out their aeo ond papers aa fast a possible, - The . etty charter requires that all employee of th city shall be citlsens. Blnce tha man who have not complied with thla section of th charter because of ignorance have made atatementa to tha civil service commission that they believed they were citlsens, - the com mission I inclined to permit them te retain their position providing they Immediately take out their second pa pera.' , , At a meeting thla morning, the com mission discussed the situation. In all probability the matter wiU be taken Into the courts. ' Fifteen firemen who recently ' took the examination -for - lieutenant and captain war placed on th eligible list for promotion to these position by th bommisslon aa follows. . Joaeph M. Mo VI anon. Henry C Johnson, Calvin I. Dell, Edward James Wolcott, II. E. Hawkins. William H. Case, Zacariah' 21iumiinan, Alex- Stinaonr Bernard H. Siebela, Erik U Johnson. Archie M. "Crewe, William D. Heath. BJ. Tooley, saaunce . vyaa ana Harry a. POUocir. i:0 FRANCHISE, KO ROAD . i:n? nvFSTrFrir - .v-ejs-BB iiiifjwiiiibiii ' I '' nasaBBBBBaas-jBsaamMM ' " ': -.;-..:. .... ,. .- .',...,' Moffat Says City' CounclPs' Ac Hon Will Decida Whara His Millions Will Ba Spant. -; After eavcral weeks ef surveying routes entering the aouth part of the elty the Willamette Valley eompany naa aetueavpon a satisfactory grade ad' inlttlng It road from the hllla to tha water grade of tha Willamette fiver at a point -on the Macadam road. The oompaay'a attorney, are - formulating tne terms or the franohl it will aak from th ettf eouncll.of Portland, and thla franchise will ba submitted at once. ' "If we do not get what we want the Willamette Valley .company's T reject will simply b down and out, and w will - go slsewher to build eleetrio roada," aald George B. Moffat of Mof fat at White, New Tork banker, who with A. L. Mill and ethers are. backing th enterprise. ' ' -. He aald It waa a aource of wonder te him why the elty. of Portland did not take a mora cordial attitude toward peo ple wno wisn to invest la Oregon ' - : Tf we are granted tne franchise w aak for. we will tegtn work at both anda -ef th line, and puah the road to completion at the earlleat poaelbl nate," aa aaia. "Our is a atrlotly le gitimate nterDrlaa.The read ws would build would be flrat-claaa In every re spect, and ii is ay to see that such a rvaa wouia oe a very aeairaoie improve ment In transportation facllitlea In the valley, and of considerable trade im portance te Portland merchant" . SHOOTS AT MAN FOUND HIDING IN A SHADOW A apeclal policeman on Bt Clair street found a man hiding In tha ahadow of a urge tree last night and called te him to com out Into tha light" Inatead of obeying the man fled down the etreet and th polleemaa opened fir, sending three Duiieta after the fugitive. SHIP'S CABLE PARTED BY AN EARTHQUAKE : (Joeraal Spatial Bervlee.l New York. Fb. 14. Th ' steamer Semla Arrived today and report an earthquake at . Carthagana . parted the hip' cable and awpt many email craft from their mooring The Colombian warship Cathagana parted her cable also. JOURNAL'S HAWAIIAN PARTY AT THE PALACE e ; (special inepstca te Te Joarl;J e Baa . mraaciaco, Feb. 14. Rajn . e bad no terror for th Oregon e beautle who arrived en a belated train from Portland thla after- - e - noon.- Thla' party 4a comprised ' e of 10 of th most popular young women of Oregon, aa determined - e by a voting contest under th ' e eusplcee of Th Portland Journal. e They are guest of th paper en - a round trip to Hawaii and will 4 eell for Honolulu on the- ataam- -" ehlp Sonoma tomorrow. .1 ' Mra. K. T. Wctherred chape r- one th party, ; ' 4 The party arrived at 1 o'clock - today being-delayed "by " two wreck. All were happy and having a fine time This even- 4 ing they will be entertained at e adlnner and reception by tha Bachelors' club of Ban Francisco, 4 end arterwards visit Chinatown nd e the-algM.' ' Th party i I at the Palace hotel.- ' - attending' th meeting of the "Bee - America Firaf eague at the Commercial club tomor- row Flhr Harris, secrstary of. (.Commercial club at Bait Lake City, and Richard P. Morris, ax-mayor of the Rocky mountain Zlon, arrived In Port land tnta morning. ; Mr. Harris - will Uav hare for. Mlaneapolla. where he will attend another - meeting ' of the league, while Mr. Morris will vlelt other northwestern cltlsa. Aalde from th dlatlactlv feature of Mormbnlsra which haa caused the me thworId Mr. Harris ha .prcF -.w tropolis of Utsh to ba known through more to make Bait Lake City famous than any other person within the Mor moa dominion He- la the originator of the "See eAmerloa First' Idea, -which culminated In a. congress In Bait Lake City in January which waa attended by representative man of the enure west. Ita purpose Is to divert the enormoue amount of money that la apent an nually by Americana abroad Into the west. 1 ' : , -.- ;-: . - t.', i, - J aria Taaaana Xtefeai. : . Mi. Morrl achieved fame by hla da- feat for reelection aa . mayor. ; Hia de feat waa accomplished by,' Senator Apostl Smoot, whose intena dealr to control the politics of Utah caused him to abandon hla apoatollo and aenatorlal dignity and make aa actlv canvass through the atreeta of Bait Laka City. Senator 'Smoot personally visited the various ' ballot place on election day, urging his henchmen to further effort and creating fear in thoe of th "faith ful" who dared oppose an apostle. Aa n result of Benator Braoot a, 'ac tive and peculiar method during the Bait Laka election there la a general de sire, even among many old and faithful Mormon, that he be expelled from the senats,"i aald Ex-Mayor Morrla, who la himself a Mormon.. I ha part ae too In our municipal -election waa a thing unheard r of on the part of either an apostle or a senator. It caused the de feat of the ticket he was supporting and of the ticket' of which ! waa the on ticket, was elected In, full."' ' Waaamake for Calef. According to Mr. Harrla It la probable that John Wanamaker will be . made member of the executive committee of the "Bee America ! Flrat" congress and that he will be elected, presiding officer ef that body. Marshall Field would have been selected but for bis reoent .th. Members of the executive com mittee' are: Robert L. McCprmlck, Ta- coma:-L. B. Walker, Minneapolis; Dr. David Starr - Jordan, California: Irving Howbert," Colorado;- David R. Francla, St. Louis, and Dr. Nathan C Bhaeffer. president - of the National ' BducaUonal oonferenca Great interest eentere In the meeting tomorrow. '. Representative railroad and steamship' men arrived in number to-1 dav and othera are expected tomorrow. A reception will be held In th parlora of the Commercial club from It to 11:10 o'olock end the following oommltteee' will be In attendance: , v Portland Chamber of Commere H. a Alb. L H, Amos. C. D. Broun. W. Dumars. W. H. Runcley, W. W. Cotton, R. L. Darrow, W. A. Ayer, c j. owen. C a Jackaan, L. Oerlinger, O. - F. Heuaner. . Adolnh Wolf. Oavta N. Moeeaaohn, Dr. W. A. Cummlng, F. W. Mulkey, A. Neppach, C. W. NotUngham, J. J. O'Brien. W. H. Moore, Ii. B. Row.. j! P. Sharkey, J.' H. Dew.on, Big Blchel. J B. W. Spencer. George WaUrbury, B. O. Reed. F.-C. Baker.' Portland .Board of Trade R. L." Dur ham, L- H. Flelchnr, F. E. Beach, J. F. Daly. L R. Hammond. P. W. Cuater, J. P. O'Brien. Ed H. Kllham. J. K. OIU. K. A. Session. Phil Matachan, & O. Reed. W. B. Olafke, WIU1 Flaher. C. J. Owens, R. Koehler, K. B. Lytle, Dr. Byron B. Miller. William McMurray, O. W,. Allen. J.- C. Roberta, jr. F. O'Bhea. J. H. Page. Fred H. .Strong, L. Samuels, T. N. Btoppenbach, B. La Paget, P. D, TulL H. W. Good and Dom J. Zan, Manufacturers' Association Fletcher Lien, F. I Knight, W. H. McMonle. A. H. Devers. R. J. Holme. David M. Dunne, 0org Lawrence . Jr . Robert Lutke, Dan Kellaher. Thoma B. Kay, Oldeoa Btols, Chart Coopey, W. H. Morrow, Thomaa K. Abbott, Charle F. Bee be, Oeorg W. Collins, H. J. Blaeslng, Charlea M. Ounn, F. 8.. Doernbeoher, William H. Chambers, Ban Hlrsch bergar, & B. Lownbrg. J. C Lack!. Samuel ConnelL O. IV. Henderson. John H. Rsnken, K. - C. Stuart. Edward Sharkey. F. C. Stettler, Jeaa Walratn. - PnrtlanA riimmmmlAl Club R . R Beekman- K D. : Inman, C. Lombard 1, Albert Feldenneimer. Paul Bhoun, F. R. Johnaon, Dr. R. C Coffey, David Oood- sell. H. W. Hogue, J. C, More land. C A. MoCargar, M. B. Wakaman, J. O. Mack. A. L. Craig. F. H. Fogarty, J. F. Booth. W.. 0. francla. W. -F. Woodard." C C Chapman. W. C Morris, A. J. Capron, Ralph M. Hoyt, J. Thorburn Rosa, A. D. Charltorv William HarderrW. H. Chapln, Henry McCraken. J. 8. Hamilton, R. M. Hall, H. W, Mitchell end Willi Duni- way. ' . , . -t ROBBERS SCARED AWAY BUT HANG ON TO LOOT Adolph Oelae. proprietor of the Roose velt aaloon. Sixth and Davia atreeta, waa held up laat night by, two masked highwaymen and the eaah till rifled of 110., Th aaloonman waa-' reading a newspaper' when th robber entered,. and while one held a revolver agalnat the back of hla Beck th other took tb I money from the till. ' -. I C Metaner entered the aaloon while th robbers were at work and running I back Into the street began to shout to I attract attention. The criminal war frightened and ran out the rear door. H. El von, driver for an express com pany, reported to the police early tht morning that be had been aandbagged end robbed by two thugs at Sixth and Hoyt atreeta He aald that he refused te hand them hia money -when ordered aad waa knocked senseless. Hla pockets were 'searched, he asserted, - and ti taken, - '. ... 1 ' . - rvJll Ferryko. " (Rpeetal Dtovetrk t Tke Jmrsal.) CoTvallls. Or.. Fab. 14. Plana are how being Inspected by local contractor for I tne building or a rerryhou on th i Corvalll aid of th Willamette river at I For the purpose of thla-.Dlac.- Heretofore - tn " ferrymaaiestla paaea In Union county for some haa resided com distant from th fer- I ry and a bouse convenient to hla work wm mean better service for tne pat:ia In the case agalnat JJ. C Klly who la being tried on the char. r murdered Thomaa FUmmlnga on Do- cram j, ue argument will b fin- inea mi evening, and It Is expected) ins in jury wiji o ready to report ita verdict, tonight or tomorrow morning. Deputy ' District Attarnev Hirrv It- Adams - opened the araumenl this morning on th part of th state. He spoke for 40 minute, and waa followed by John A. Jeffery. Kellv'a attornew. Jeffery lgld great stress on th fact that Hlney Rassman, who haa confessed SnSffi aaloon. where Flemminaa waa murdered, had roomed with a roaa who tallied with Kally a els, and that that roommate -waa now missing. -Raaamaa aald that hla former room- mat aometlmee fished." said Jeffery. but th fisherman haa ' myatarloualy disappeared. I believe that he la sleep ing in the mud Of tb Willamette, thrown there to male sure" that be would not tall of the crime.-" . ' ' Mr. . Adam. dwelt oa th statement ef state's witnesses that Kelly aad changed $21 of silver money Int gold at a north end aaloon an hour after the Centennial waa held up. Another- wit ness bad told that there waa about that much allver in the Centenaial-ttir juat before the robbery. . - Mr. Adams re ferred to Rassman. a a. degenerate criminal and aald that he would not aak the jury to hang Kelly .on uncor roborated atatementa of Raaaman, butj he did aak th -Juror to believe the confessed highwayman, wbea the Story j waa - corroborated. . step by step, Mr. Adam told of the robbery, the murder and the arrest of Kelly and Rassman. Tha attorney told ef the purchaalng of th revolver for Raaaman. Mr. Adams highly complimented th work of De tective Kerrigan and Snow, who rested Kelly and Raaaman after other detective had given np tb case. Mr. Jeffery began hla argument at 10.-40 o'clock and will conclude about clock thla afternoon. After eom opening leuiaika legardlng th fight of th defendant, h dlscuaaed th tes timony. Regarding Raaaman S testi mony Jeffery aald 1 ' I wilt not libel the remainder . 01 Ood's creatures by calling Raaaman man, but I. will refer to htm, a a be ing,' or a 'creature.' . Hia waa tb brain that formed th plan of the robbery; he wa the general who conducted the while affair: he la a follower or Jesse Jam and Nick Carter, and he told of wanting to do thla job tip right. . Tou remember that a told -of snapping hla revolver at a man whan, be entered the aaloon and eald . that he ordered the man there to line up. He said waa Ui man who wore a Darby bat,' and other witnesses testified that it the man who wore th atlff bat that did the ahootlng.--He jerked out hla story Ilk a phonograph, for he had 4 been promised hi liberty for tolling the tale Whan th truth le known it will be - found -that Raaaman planned the robbery, kept th victim covered while hla companion robbed th till, and than he, that being who aald that at other time b took the money whll another fellow held th gun. killed Flamming.' District Attorney Joba Manning will make the.1 closing, argument ' on half of the etate. . i. " J. W MILLER, VETERAN MINISTER, IS DEAD Rav. X W. Miller died at the home of his aon, Oeoar P, Miller, I Beat Ankeny etreet. early thla morning at th age of SI year. He bad been ail- Ins-- for months and aavaral waeka ago suffered a stroke of paralyala. from wliton- no -wae unaeie- 10 .recover. Mr. MlUer waa widely known through out thla state. He was .one or the Itinerant Msthodlst preacher ef Ore gon, arriving her from th aat in 1160. : H immediately entered th field as a missionary and worked among th peopl in th different settlements. sharing their hardships and their 1 bora - Ha wae eloaely associated with all th development of th Methodist Episcopal church In thla state and waa on of the most etanch aupportors .of the Willamette university. ; r ' His wli. died several year ago ar. be has sine been living with hie son. Oscar P. MlUr, who ' la deputy city treasurer. , -.'. Arranamnta for th funeral - have not been completed. - The clergy of the Methodist churches of this city , will have charge of the services. V ; ARGUMENTS IN UBEL AND CONTEMPT CASES Arguments ' to . libel and ' ' contempt ease occupied the attention' of Judge Wolverton of th federal court today. The owners of the Dumfrieeahlre ob ject te the libel placed agalnat the ves sel by Inman. pouisen ik co. . Tne ciatm la for lumber furnlhd the veseel be tween April 1 and May It. not. .which la valued at !l.t4l.4. . ' W. D. Hanley I tha defendant in contempt proceeding - and . th Pacific Livestock corananv th plaintiff. - The argument la on a petition la support ef a motion for a rehearing. . Some year go there was a disput relative t water right. Th livestock eompany afterward aought to have Hanley fined for contempt of court la net complying with certain provisions of the decree. Judge Bellinger heard the vldenc In the case and dismissed the defendant A motion for a rehearing wae made by the llveateck eompaay.. Before It-could. be heard the Judge died - and Vudg Wolverton U now hearing tha argu- mnta . . ' - ' LATjRANDE JURY SAYS GASKELL IS lf.r'0CENT - rrtl Dlsnateh The Jeereal.) La Urande, Or Feb, 14. The case of Rnfua Oaakell, on trial charged with th larceny of $400 worth of drug and upplle from a former employer, went te the Jury laat evening and a verdict of not guilty 'waa banded In late last nlaht. It-waa one of th moat inter- time ewlng to the ' prominence of the partie concerned. Th verdict meets with rnerJ errreval, . Reading ; of the ruse employed re- . eently . by a young woman to prevent some person from following her, the li-y ear-old aon of J H. Rlnehart, a ' longahoremaa. llvtnrt 1111 Eaat Four teenth- etreet north, decided to nlsv .a almllar gam in the attempt to save himself from a thrashing for staying - away from home longer thanv hla par. enta permitted. Akidnaplng story not being feasible, the lad Invented a story ' that he had been bound and gagged by " nve youmrui rurnans. ..-.. , . Police Detective u C. Hartman apent : aom time yesterday in v lnveetlgatlng " th lad's story, as glvn to fats parents ': and to Inspector Bruin at police head' ', quarters and reaching a conclusion that ', It wa untrue forced the boy to admit In th preeeno of hla father that be had not been bound and gagged by any-body.- - ' ... :.! yla attempting to deceive hie paranta the youth allowed considerable In-' genulty. He cut a long strip from th side of hia trousers which, with a hand- -kerchief, according to his canard, had been used In garglng him. He tor hla .' suspenders and tied, the pieces together ,' to form a long one. which he' aald had. been used with a abort piece of rope In , binding him. The suspicions of the de- , ' tectlve were aroused by finding the strip ', of trousers dry, where It- would have , been wet had It been tied over the boy mouth for eeveral hour. - , - Th boy Tn accompanied - th d- tectlve to a point eaat of Wood lawn, near Thirty-fourth street, where he al- " leged h had been tied ' and gagged. There th "detective talked plainly to him and aald he had heard -from ether boy that a had been Ashing on Colum- bla aleugh. Then the lad broke down ' and confessed tha truth. - r , 1 . j- "Tea, It la true-1 went fishing," h aobbed. T stayed, from noon until , O'clock and "I was afraid my father ,1 would whip me. -He, whlpa ma. hard ' when he doe whip me and I did thla to try to eacape punishment, " Rlnehart : was taken . back .' home by Detective Hartman and admitted to hla father that ha had Invented the' atory ', about Ave boya binding and gagging him .'!, became hi dogad fought with their. ? "And I'll bet that hla father tanned hla jacket after I Uft," aald th de tectlva ' f . " " r. . karri:.:.':i asks franchise ;" TO . EfiTER SEATTLE' . . Would Lay; Tracks Around the Entire) Waterfront . of . Sound CrtyeOiil 1 ) . tJoaraat Special service.) Seattle, Wash.. Feb. 14. tb nam-, man system through local Counsel John . F. Hartman, laat night' petitioned the elty oounon for a franchise for the , Waahlagton Northern, a Harriman line. to 'lay track around the entire water- -front of Seattle and thence on to Bmlth'a Cove and Ballard. .'Th proposed rout, la along 'Whatcom avenue from the , Duwamlah valley, thence up Railroad everrae-and Seventeenth-avenue weet to ' Smith' Cove. Salmon Bay and Ballard. . In view of the hostility manifested by th Harriman ayatem agalnat th new -north bank Una. It la probabl that con- , Keidererrte opposition wilt be displayed by Hill toward th entrance of Harri man into. Seattle. Hill ovoia tb tide - line Intervening between the country ' aad th Harriman passenger depot sit. . la addition to tha opposition of Hill. Harriman -will have te face the opposi tion of the Chicago Milwaukee St. . PaoL whoa application for a franchise la being blocked by-the Harriman Inter-- - eet. it Is said that Harriman baa apent 11.000.000 for tide landa In Seattle dur ing the laat few monthe - that are In- trlnalcally worth but a tenth of tha eum. -1 . QUELLE RECEIVES A POLICE VISIT VloUt Rlcharda.alleged' to be a dla- - orderly woman, waa arrested'by Acting Detective , Kay and White laat night whll occupying a rear room In the Quell, cafe. She Wa taken , to police headquarter and oharged -' with f re- Quentlng a. saloon, afterward being re leased on cash bell. A oomplalnt was Bled "agalnat -Frits ' Sechtem, one of the proprietora of 'the " Quelle, In the police court thla morning by-: Deputy City ; Attorney Fltagerald, charging blm with allowing S disorderly -woman to frequent hla aaloon. - A war. ''' rant waa Issued and served on Sechtem thla afternoon, hla release on a 'cash, bond following. '. ... ' DRYDOCK DEWEY IS : FIVE DAYS OVERDUE tJearaal SaeeUl Servtre.t ' Washington. Feb. 14. This la the fifth day th drydock Dewey la overdue at Gibraltar. r8he haa not been reported . since January 11. Navy official declare that' tbay are worried over th big dock. '. ; oonr a xmsre. ' .- ' fSneeln PleDafHi te Ta Jeareat.1 . Hlllsboro. Or- Feb. 14 Judge t.- A. MoBrid arrived here -yesterday and to day la eettlng case for trial and- hear- , ing equity suite, r i - The district attorney and deputy have ' been lnveetlgatlng various criminal mat . tor which have come -to light, elnc laat term. . - ' . .''':.''., ' CAGTOR I A - Tsx Ialixt and CLiiarea. ! Tb CI Yn Hit) IZzji t::;tt Bears th. Fgasraro of ( c