The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1906, Image 9

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    ;' 4,.-,
Bay They Cannot Compete With
v' Hope That Are Sent on Cort ,
aignrnent Abroad.
-.-'i , i-'.-
'"''V'( a
Wednesday Afternoon
V .-! I J i- V'
Egg Market Bagbia to Slidt Pown-
ward With Lack of Outstds. Ofdsts
'fr? Ffa Ylth Rcdpt
y Brent litre, t, M li-The prtortpal
M toe Portland wholesale marketa toil arel
. , . . Eg market begin to erou, rrr
V ....;' poultry eltuattoe very l(H(.',vat
Hap market continues - ,,', J .
v' ', ' 1 Al freeh DM If to Mul i: a
. Car California cabbage ' 1 1,
' V: kml ear benasas to Wednesday.-,.-
atom- potatoes go to - Arteorta. v ,-,:'
.-' , 4iood preepeets lot. eauned Balaton. '.' ';..'.
Ban Market Ceatinnee Active, ' ' v
Mttaaaaaa at the activity to the hep
,,, Barkat la ebowa eMsr. Bmoer si aawa
. , ara , reported around 107 tor strictly eboles
..' . v' aoada. The Bropoeltloa at Carat. to California
'."r j growrr and -dealer, la recetrlug eooeleerable
' ' atteatlon or tbe trade, . aataa ef the art
'fl?' prominent dealt' say that If ' Mr. Duret
; ' aeearee hb eoaaJgaaseats -they will withdraw
'i,jiu Iron tba market, aa tb.7 eaaaa peasibl earn
, . . pets with toastgaed goode., Mr. ' Buret, aa
.. . tba htber bead, , takee tkla aa aa todtaatloa
.- tbat tbe'dealora are threatening tba gravers
. '. ... because the? want - to bely tbaawairaa. Mr.
1 Dorat baa called a aaeeUaf ft tba grow art
' - j 'ot .Wedoaada attaroooa, t , P'docH, la
' .the Allnar balldlnt. earaar of Third aad Mor
Aiu - .rvu r Ik. ii 1 1 1 J
aiaoa atreate.. nara tba plana at tha paapoaad
daajtwlll be roUf vantuataa. vuu taa aree
Inf la bald tbera will aflt likely aa aucb e
th nukil, baaaaea tba deelrre want ta kaaw
whit la doing. There ara a aenalderable nee.
ber et rorvlgn erdrra to tbla aurkat awaltla
aarrbaaea. - Tbera ara atlll a . eonalderabla
anrobar ad abort aalaa d be eerared aad. tbla
wlU take practically every bale at bopa left
ananld la tbla atata at tba Vaieat time. Tba
demand la tor Oreaoa bopa .Tbeee hire tbe
oaaHtr- aad the ' brewina; fcrada - waa - tbat
quality. ; Marar baa aart a aeaaaa beaa, aeea
In. the boa arkat aa tba oreeeot oaa. . Wltk
a rerord-brraklnc Knllah crop at practtaally
" TOO (XX) cwL, and larar aropa ta arary bap
producing erantry pearly oat at tba haada of
,: urodueera, dealera aad grawera are at a loaa
what to expect for tba future, abort aellere
. ara getting vary aoeaay. luaiatblng hi golag
to happna to tba bop market dwrlag tba Mat
' tew waeka. .Bat wbatl. i '" - ' ,
- - Xgg Market Beatoa to Otap,-.' .
"- Aa waa torecaatad to Tba fmroal tha latter
part at tha prerloue week, tba egg - merket
becaa to elide aft tbla pMralng, axiet at tha
aalra being made at 2V. Once In. awhile a
aale waa mad fractionally blgbrr. Beeelpta
. ara a rain tacraaatng ana the geaern! lmarea
' alon of the trade la tbat tba price will ge
. lower.
i ' - ary- aHlf f- ta Vealliy. 1 1 ' '
' A eery etlff feeling la ehowa t tha poultry
narket. Rerelpta ara ' atlll of a , aoajlnal
ebaracter and demand la eery good..- Higher
prim ara quoted all arenad with tba poaeible
eireptloa of la geeao, which remain atatloaary.
Turk era ara la excellent call. The hearteet
demand remalna la brollm and fryara.
- - Bone Potatoee a ta Arlaaaa.
Soma few ran of potataaa ara new fleering
toward Artaooa. Tbe deaaaad freta thera la a
trig better. Tha eonthera marketa, however,
are generally alnw with prleea lnactlre. Tba
onion market la doU ander aeraaa at Caatl
decaying No. to.
Ooad. Pnapaota far Oaaaad- aalaieai-
Tha canned aalmoa asartet ta heftee today
than at any recent eeeeoa. Tha marketa of
the world ara rleaned ap almoat to a eaa aad
prleea are flnctaatlng badly.' Oolnmbta river
parkera ara now eoaalderlng tha price bf epca
Ing. Generally apeaklng tba opinio hi that
valnee ahonld be toe higher than a year ago,
bnt anme oanaera now aay aa advance 'of bat
ftc will be aaked.
Tbe trade pay the foUowfag prleea to Front
afreet dealera for -cholra anility In round lota,
rrlcea ald prodacera ara Urn tha aaaal rata of
com mlialoa:
Praia, Dear and Feed.
WHEAT New dab. Tie; red RoaaUn, Tori
fcluratem. T3ci eallry. Tito
BAIir.RT feed. f3S.A0 railed. 124. 50 1 brew
lag. 2S.S0.
COiN Whole. ItT.OO; arachad. mat per
aVPJ II U per ewt.
OATW rroducera' price Po. I white, gag. 00;
prey. ? 00.
PLOI1R New eaetern Oregoa patrata. tt.lSI)
d.SO; atralghta. tSSOtfl TO! aiport. M.Ma.sri
valley. M.6Ott.T0; graham. He. U-tO; rye,
BOa. IS. 00; balra. $2.16,
WIUJtTI'Krp Br.a. IIT.80 per tnar add
dllnga. I2S.00: aborta, oopatry, tlg.60) ally,
llln: bnp. Ili.OO.
RAT Prodaerra' prtee-T1othr, WHIaaMtte
valley, fancy. 111.0001 t ardtaary, T 0fO
00:1 eaatera Oregoa. I14.00all.oei artard,
at SOtia oOi clover. M.00e.b0; grata, 4kpu
.00i ebeit. a.M.
attar, Zggv aad real try. .
PT7TTKR PIT P. a. h. Portia ad aweet
arearo, lie; lour, PPe.
BfTT:H Titr emmery. Mci aatalda
faacy. zTgjsoe, evatoerp. art; atora. ltf
FXMJS Ko. 1 freah Oregno. ' candled. S8c;
' aow BToraga aao oaeiaaWL ivvgava.
CHBEPV-New-PnU cream, tata,
Yeeag Amacloa, I o( Cheddar. 18a.
OAMB JarJriMrtta. U N par dna.
POULTRY Mlied chkkena. UU per lb;
faacy heaa. lie par lb; Mnetere, old, .11 per
lb; ataga, HUe per th: fry era, 120 par lb;
brollera, loeloe par Ih; dacka. Ie par lh;
geeee. IdQUe per UV, tarkeya. IBe per lb;
drilled. tU per lb: aonaba, 2.70.00 par doe.
oaa. weal aad aUdae,
HOPS 1P06 Oregon, prime to ehnlea,
Uoi rfoS. te. t2nuiT"uw 1001
WOOL 1900 rUp. vallei. aearaa to mediae,
IMHCftftmCl , aaa.- PHIziai eaatera Oreaaa,
... ladaae. . .
fiOHATB NemtaaL tOCillA -
HIItFftKINa Bheenng. lAVtme ahart
- wool, ttotoe eirh ; mediam wane. eMraa each
laaji wool. TScAM.tO each.
TAIXOW Prima, par to, dwCea; Pa. aad
areeae. tdltM.
rniTTIM BAPK to par kv. .
B1DMV-Dry. Ma; t, to IM aad aa. 18W
STH per lb; dry ktp. P. t, A to M Mm. leet
dry calf. Ma. ' I. anejar I Rm. ttot aataad hldae,
ataera. aoaad. to Iba aad aver, ideal let eawa,
vyHei ataga and aalaii mum. ad)Tci kip,
IB to to ma. Pe aalf. aevad, aada( lb Mm, llet
greea. anaalted. la leea; ealla. t par to torn)
kcraehlaa. ealted, each. Uf.l.Ti dry. aaoh,
II. 0001.50:, colt hide, moooat goat aklne,
Jrmawa, . each, lOOlfte; Aagara, aacaj, afrta)
i.oo. .... - .
frerta aad agatoHa.
POTATOai Beat Oregea. T6Mla par aarki
prodaeara price tar ar lata, 70a par aerk;
ordinary, ha70c; pruduaara' prtoa, . aSCftOc;
Mi. Il ka mm crate. ' T . '
ordinary. TVJl.tfl; faacy. . II. aoflOO; Bond
Itlver macy gpltaenaerga aad Newtown Pippina,
12 IVXtl OO: wurex - aew airaL I100O2.M:
(erdllng. ) banaaaa, 4HQB lb: lemona. raotce.
tl.r0M par kn: fancy, 11 eOl 00 par boil
maa. Mealeaa, H per 100; pi ara po lea. US
, per ooa; peara, fi.T par aog; taaginaaa, fij;
japaneee erangea,
VaoaTiBI.Ra Taraffla. new, TPe par aaaht
earrcta, d0aTle eack) haeta, P0rOla par
aechi Oreanit redlahaa toe aer Amu ranMga,
Orrgoa, , 13.00 . per , awtl OaUfernaa,
l.M'Ul.ap - par"-: ewt. ' greea pappera,
I) pee lb: California eoawloea. ti nt
' panel pa. porCH OO; atrttig beaa trial eentl-
TKiwer. pa-ww per creret green prae. nicyTip
43 Tpdaw' V Uncoin'a birthday
'.5rwa -and all ana tarn ptock ahd rrain
Tor cof fa and oottoa gxc nance
prarp eloaad oa ' Baturday and
will ramala loae4 vntll Tueavday
,: d pneralna. Ob thla aodotint tnar
to but UttU dotac la . flaanolal
e affairs In r tbsP'tajjta af tba
d ' country..
JOlrT.r.AL'G ' DAILY "
- tips o:if.:AnxETS
a 4 a d) e d d a d d a e
..':' - a
4 By raaraop' Paca Oornppny.-T-r- eP
It la rat bar early ta tba waak 4
d to hava any decldad opinion on "d
tba poultry altuatlon. but on'ac, d
cnunt Ot the t xtrama: aborUga d
d .' Thuraday, Friday and Baturday, a
d"wban anythlnr In tha ahapa of a, e
a' Uva chicken aold at llVk to 14a
d tenia par pound, wa ehould pay d
A. . "- ... , k .Inn aw M tkvlMAM . A
caa w don't look top tfarSnarket e
to fall below tbaaa flgurra thla
. waek, -Tba demand for liva
turkaya, geaaa and duoka ta ooml- , d
rial, but thera ta : aoma call for- 4
fancy dry picked tufkay. -Thla d
la tha only aenalbla way to aa4-d
them la at thla aaaaon, aa ahlp-
para, cat top t prlcaa for. fancy
. atock and ' no .. ahrlnkaa. Tba . d
gg market la a Uttle "panloky." e
but wa look for do Plump .until ' d
.wa haya warmer, weatbar.-''',', d
Jeraeya, JU.00 par bbl; 0bo bay aad Tilla
mook. 1 1 6. 00. ' -''V'.iaa
rRIE0 i rBIjrraAppIra,' awanorated. tm
lfHe per lb; apricoU. 10He. P
ptacpea. 10HWe per Ih; aaCKa. He pa
Cea;. praaaa. to to eO.,ae
litntk eejarter e!e; Ira. CaTltornla black.
H per lb) CSilforali Wklte. 8e par Ibl
data. peWa. ar par.lbt farda, li Per
' '1 ' lea Wam Ttl v..' '
COAIt Park beete-Cabe. to-to; powdered.
IS HO; fralt grannie red, 5.T0t dry granulated.
daya: .maple, Me per to. ' 1
(Above prleea apply aalee of Vea tola
var war t apaaiai gaiaia wwn
aarrnatlnna I
HONRT p.aa par era to-
J CXirrklt Pirtire branda. lid
u BALT Coaree Halt eromtd. tooa. tfM fat
lea; table, dairy. 0e. 111. On; loo, I10.T6: i a
Ktad Uvrrpool, BOa. 1T.00 tOOa.
i. iiaaot eatre ane. able, to. an, 10a.
at.BOtTh.lM; hoik. HO. Iba. 4.aftaot aacka.
aoa. MOWea Uvernnol lamp mck. (IBM pat
tout RO-m. rork. PTOOi 100a, M.TB. i .
.ORAIM B AGP ClW-etto. TV&e. : . , 1 ' '
RICB Imperial Jipaa. Mo. 1. tor Ka 1
I4SU New Orteaaa head, Tel . AJak, Be;
CreoK BHe,-- ' .
BBANaSmen white. PtTfl; large wjtte.
I.l plak. II TBI bejoa, 4Mi Llmaa,' a.M;
Merlaen reda, I He, -
BUT-reaaata. jamnea. evo par ,r'
nt i tut m n,.. aaaatad. Bel aoaoaaatt.
eMOe nor rmt Wataala. IBAKtte Par Ibt alae
aata, litlZHe per m wirvnry nia, "T P"
B: ckwetnata. oaa torn. II el l.V pet th; Braall
pata. Me e Ih! alberta. ttetlBt per : taaef
paeala, imtlldHel abnoeda. ltHllH
t- Palatav Oaal Ofm. Bta. - '
ROPM Para Uaollv H1 atudara, ISHet
alaal. tie. ..,,!....
COAL orL PVarl or AatriV Caaee, BOHa pet
gal; water white, , area bbk, lor per gal;
wooden, lee par gall headlight. lTO-dag amaea,
aSH per gal. '
CABOUSa 8dd,g.,; aaaaa Ha pa gal
bron bhla.iar per gaV .
BKN7.INE d.tA'g aaaee BSe par gal area
pbia. ibhc pi pi. i
TTJRPBItTIMa&tBaaaar Bat per gal.
able me per gat.
WHITB tRAb--Toa lota. t per ml B004P
lata. A per Ih: leaa lota. IU pet lb.
WIRI Win ft Prvmeot baae at 12 50.
LINHkBO OIL Pure raw, to B-bhl lot. Bee;
lbt tot BTei nrmw. tp galraawatne krttU
boiled, ceeea, ate per git. I 8 Mil lota. Ma: lhl
lot, Mto per gal; ground- eakr. ear lota, ItO.OO
par to at a tba a ear Iota. Moon par toa.
Kaato, Flab aad Prvrlflama. :
PBBBB atkATawrroai atraet . Maaf man
aae par H; aowa, ae par lb; leaa, block,
Ba par Ibl parkera, TBS per . lb; balla,
per lb; real, extra. BtiftlOe par lb;
ordinary.. per ; Ih; poor, 7e)Se per lb;
Biatton. tancy. TwTpar lb.; -
BAMS, BACON, BTC. Portland pack (local!
hamv 10 to Id Iba, UVk per to; Id to Id Iba,
lae per lb; breakfaat baooa, ltHKtlSHe per
n, picaM, Be per lb eotuga, gv.e per lh;
liar anon ateaiv. hwhwh, ive per in;
amoked. U4a per-lb r lear backi. nnamoked,
par kji oveaeei, unf mi unioa aatm.
0 ta IB Pm, aaemoked. Be pw lb aawked. Pa
par D; clear helllaa. aaaamkad, tl par lb;
amokad. 12w per ; abMildera. IU per la.
LOCAL LAHD Kettle leal. 10a. lle per
lb; to, Jlw par lb; ao-lb Una, loa par lb;
tMua reified, lua. I0H par tol a. Wit
par Ibt compoaad. 10a, TU-
CANMBO' BALMOM Columbia rtvav. 1-lb telle.; t-lb talla, S-TB fancy l ib fata. II. ao;
Vk-lh Caaer Bate. jl.lSj fancy 1-lb evam, Aj
Alaahd Ull. Plak. aJayOOci red, l.Nt aamtoal
to. tall I2.0&.
riBM Hock aod. Ta per lb Boaodere, Be per
lb: halibut, btte per to; era ha, 11.60 pa dpi;
atrlped baae, UVic per lb; eatdia. Y per lb;
aalmoa. eteelbeada, a per lb enlnoofc, 10 lb;
hertlag, to per- Ik; aokia, Be per U; abrluipe.
10 per H perch, Be per lb; black
per lb; towrod, T per lb; Colauibla rlrer i
He per lb; allrar amalt. fe per lb; tobetar
per lb rreeh mackerel. Be per Ibl era'
vjur n.r Ana . taraum Banner Ih.
i, - aa per id; piaca eoa, le
river eojeit.
per lb; allrar email. T per lb; tobetara, i&a
per lb eroah mackerel, 'Be per ibl crawilau.
OfaTBiia BboaJwata. bay par. gal, fa.M
auk. Utl
CLA Md 11 ardbell. pap
rtoma, IB.09 par baa.
bag, laoat laaar
Hoge Firm, Cattle More Steady
and Sheep in Better Poti
, tlon.Than Ever.
Port lead Caloa Itoekyarda, ran. 11 Uve
gtoek recelptai
Hog Cattle abeep
Today ....,..:.,,. ' 62 ...
Waek r.trF,.nr,i,r.' s.
Moath age Tl Bd SU
Tear ago BO j 150
Bat M head af eattle aad BP head of heraee
were renal red la the local yard during tha paet
ad boar. The cattle market la botdlag outta
ctaady at laat week'a prleea. Hwa are firm
bat aaebaagaa. . Tba atrangth to abeep at man
Official Uveatoek prleea:
Bog Beat eaatera Oregon, aa.BROd.40l
Mockera aad China fata. Bs.TBOI.aoi atockera
and feeder. BSJS0OBM.
Cattle Bat eaatera Oregoa eteare, pt.Mal
4.10; beat eawa and be I fere, 11.10; tight ant
aiedfam tear. I2.TS; light eowa, 12.7.1; etae.
iaanaa.uor atoaaera aaa
feedera, tltO) bulla.
BheD Wetbarp aad lamp. IttwIK! Pilsed
beep. BOdU.
Cilree Oood veal, 10 to tOO pouada, ml
Be; rough aad heavy. HQ4H.
(Bpecwl Obmatei to TtouTBal.V i- .
Aherdeea.VWaah., Feb. IX Although tha raa
af fmh aa Oraya barber tor tba aaaaoa'M land
waa eonildered Mght, K proved a aaeeaaaPal
rear for tba aanaertea, tba total pack of tha
two earn pan lea, the Portiee cannery at Aberdeen'
aad the Itoaalam; Packing dempaay at Hoaalam.
being alee to 40.000 eaaaa. The Beoolam ao
5iny packed aloae fa- 4.000 eaaaa af the fin
ataleuK aalmaa aad .14.000 of the fall ma
ef flah. the latwr" park tlng .vetoed at fAP.OOO.
Tba yalae ef the JtlnhitouH flab at not given,
aa It waa la the nature- ef aa experiment, bat
tbe trial pi eiad a ear eaa. Th Heaulam aoa.
paay did It riablng mainly with boa la, karlag
mora tbaa BO In It, employ. . . -.
Tke fan tripe located la tha bay, where the
area teat, roe ef turn bee heaa during pi erleaa
laacaa, were aimoet eat Ire fallaree thla year.
In tha aorta channel, near n HaaipraHpe river.
atanr flah- were caught with trana. Tha
ef the Heaalm plant put about td.ooa worth
of ImprovenMata htte tba, bnalaeea met year.
Preparatlena are already making te care for the
Qetniault aalmoa raa, which la expected to be
good thai year. . - ,..
Robert Perhee. are had aold bta emaerp.ta
t. B. Blmare af Astoria.- will probably ge ta
Ateeka aad epea aaetbar eaaaery at eoeae favor
aah toaattoa thevuv j
' ; w-"; venraa rnaat bi Ba BtredV 'f - "t '
.r- (Baedal Btapatch ta Tha tarml)
Irtrertoa, Or Feb. II Tba TJnlon
IdBbt dk Pawop company will move Ita
a team fixture from thla alty to Balem
la tha near fatapa, reerv1nr tha water
bower to eanply thla town and If mint
An gal with llBhtav Th electric wire
batwecfTBllvartaa and Baleai will ba rev
talned aa tha current can ba pupniled
from tba tattaf town la eaaa at accident
at thla and at Ua Una. '. ( . . v
07 YE
Annivereary of Birth1 of Mvtyr
President CeneraJly 6bserved
-i .Throujjtiout the Country.,
Banka and PubUe InatltutJona tloacd
in Cbicaco, Maw. York and Qthar
'--MJaaraat. ipectal Batrrlea.1 '
Frankfort, Ky, Fab. li. For tha fhrat
time In tha hlatory of tha. aUba, Ken
tucky today celebrated ' officially tha
birthday of Abraham Uneeln. bar great
aat bob. Furauaot to a raaolutloa, intro
duced by A. U Danny, a Republican
repreaentatlva, approprlata . exerclaea
warn bald in obaarvaboa of tha day, tha
participants Including both tba Demo
cratic . and Republican leadera at both
branehea of tha yeneral aaaembiT. Gov
ernor Backham. Chief Juatloe Hobaon
and the repreaentatlvea of tha axoou.
live and Judicial branehea of tha atata
OTammant war In attendaaoa, , . " , , k
maUaap 1 aVaiwwlr araapanaae FmhUo
.. atamorlal atearttor T wtana Aaxar.
. Uporaal SpeclaV Barvlea.) , -
Chicago, Feb. 1 1-rBanka, . tha Vtord
of trade, tha atock exchange, tba eourta
and other publlo Inatltutlona were
oloaed hero today In honor of Uncoin'a
birthday. Tha chief event of the daya
exerclaea waa tba publlo mem oral roeet-vj
Ina in Q. A. n. Memorial hail, under tna
auspices of tha O. A. R. Memorial aaao-
clatton. Various Orand Army poata. aa
Wall aa ether organlsatlona, held com
memorative meeting ih vaiioua parte
Of tha oltjf durlnB th day and eventnf.
' -V v,-y'.;S -.' " '
Approprlata OeraatoBlaa t Sosoa af
War rreaidaat AM.MmUL .
- (Journal Bpacml Bervtca.) "
Philadelphia, Feb. II. Appropriate
oeremonles In honor of Abraham Lin
coln marked tha nlnety-aereoth annlvdr-
aarv of hla birth In Phlladelnbla today.
School children, collage attidenta, civil.
aoctal and. Dolltldal oraanlsatlona paia
tribute to the memory of the American
commoner. All tha bla buainesa nouaes
and many private residences through
outtha city-were appropriately deco
rated. In th public schools a formal
nroa-ram waa obaerved. conslnung;
aroiaea calculated to aoquadnt tha chil
dren with tha Ufa and character of tba
civil war president. .
natr Cpoonar aad Otbo Vtwambaan
BepubUsaas Orators of tha Say.
(Journal Bpaelal Bartliaa.) '
New York, Fab. . Unooln's birth
day was generally obaerved In the me
tropolis today.' Banks - and exchangee
were closed and buainesa waa renerally
auapended. . Many i prtvata -celebrations
took place. ' Tba Woman's Republican
club gave a breakfaat In tba ballroom at
palmontco'a this morning, and tha Re
publican elub of Mew Tork glvea a ban
quet at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight At
tho latter function the scheduled speak
ers Include General Horace Porter, Sen
ator Spooner of Wlsoonatn, Representa
tive Fred Landls of Indiana and other
Republican party leaders of note.
Slxta Ananal Baae.e at aOolaai Xetel
ta Bono of T.lnoola.
(Journal P pedal Rerrtea.)
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 11. In accord
ance with Ita annual cuatom tha Toung
Men'a Republican club of Missouri will
observe Lincoln day by living a banquet
tonight at the Midland hotel. It will
be tha sixth annual function of the
organisation and will ba attended by
Republican leaders from nearly every
county of Missouri, Including; all tha
members of tha state committee.
Terms; mepubUaaas Oath at Aaanal
Oanvawtton of Tboafn at Oolnmboa.
. . Journal kprlal Berrlco. ) .
Columbua, O., Feb It Toung Ropub
lloana from every county in tba atat
ara taking part In tha annual conven
tion of the Ohio Republican league. The
morning prooeedlnga ware purely routine
and intereat centera mainly In tha an
nual banquet , tonight which will take
tha form of a celebration of the birth
day of Abraham Lincoln. , Tha affair
will bring together a number of men
prominent In publlo. Ufa, Including Re
publican leadera of thla and other at tea.
Wreaths an! mtoaaorlal Offarlxvrs llaed
About lUtrtyrg Toxab. ,
(Journal Bpaelal Service1. ' -Springfield,
III., Feb. laWTha-dilnety-sevepth
anniversary of Llnooln's birth
day wa appropriately, ebeea-vaxt In bia
home city today. WreaaJta and other
memorial offerings war placed abbot
tha Lincoln tomb by tha, vnrioua patri
otic societies. All tha offices In tha
atata house Were closed at noon and
memorial exercises were held In tha pub
llo schools. At tha Leiand hotel tonight
th Sangamon elub holds Hs customary
Lincoln day banquet. Th ohlef speaker
to to be Senator Fred DuBola of Idaho.
First Ofnetal Obmisaiia. ad Uneola'a
AaalTereary la Massaabajstas. -
Boaton, Feb. II. Though mora than
It years have ajapeed elite Lincoln
passed away tha atata of Massaohuaetts
today for th first thne offlclaJly ob
aerved tba armlTersary of hla birth. Tba
last session of tba legislators passed aa
not providing that- tha governor shall
annually Issue a proclamation setting
apart tba twelfth day of February aa
Lincoln day. .In compliance with tha
law Governor Oulld Issued a proclama
tion recommending that tha day be ob
served by tha, people wtth approprlata
exerclaea In tha pvblla school aad other
suitable observance. It la not required,
however, tbat tba dap aball ba abaci-red
aa a legal holiday. - - -
, ''' " '.
,'Tnwto jaapahUaan Cla.'
Olympia, Wash., Feb,- ll-A Rapub.
llean elub was arganised at Tamwator
last night with a membership . of 12.
Tha foilowlna: affleora - wars ileetedt
Peter Sebmidt. president; Albert Meln.
tosh, ylce-preeldatrt; Albert - Raina
achaldt) ' secretary t- wlotom-i MUdahon,
traaaarMi v :. --:u . ,."Itj .V ',
Barroom ' Fight at ; Baker , City
J' Endi: Fataliy foi; One of
quarrel Arises over ; ,1
"4 7.
Frtd Nawhana Struck on Noaa by
-; Hanry ScbwarU, Caaainc Flow ol
T Blooiis'nd JPhraidw . TJaabl. to
r- awu a.yuwiiiusjuv
' .- ' (Bpaelal IMepatch to Th Joaraal.t
Baker City. Or., Feb. 11. Fred' Naw
ban. 40 year of age. wall off finan
cially, and long a realdent af Baker City,
died here at 1 o'clock yeaterday after
noon. Bis death was caused from a
blow struck by Henry Bcbwarta. .
eheepherder, In a drunken quarrel 1n the
Bar - saloon, about 1 o'clock yesterday
morning. ' At th coroner's inquest held
yeaterday : afternoon the facta of tha
affair aa brought out were aa tollowa: .
. Both men were In the saloon drinking
and became Involved in a quarrel over
the pedigrees at their respective dogs,
word followed., and aocordlng to wlt
naTNwhau atrucktba first blow.'
Sohwarta then struck Newhaus on th
noaa, staggering him and atartlng blood.
Tha acrimmaga was stopped, and those
praaent triad to atop tha bleeding with
tco and. water, but wera unable to da
sov Dr. Dodson was called about an
hour after tha blow was struck.-' New
haus wa'"Vry weak and waa taken to
tha hoapltal,, where he continued to
bleed despite all efforts to relieve the
flow and at 1 o'clock breathed his last.
During tha time Newhaua waa bleed
ing to death, Schwarts was sitting In
a chair near by, sleeping In a drunken
stupor. -When It waa found that New
haus waa - dangerously hurt Schwarts
was arrested and la now In Jajl.
After hearing the testimony of some
doeen' witnesses, tha jury found a ver
dict that tha deceased came to his death
of ' a -hemorrhage eauaed bjr a blow
atraek by Henry Schwarts. ,
-.' . f Bpaelal Dlopatah to Tbe Journal.) -'
Spokane, Wash Feb. ll.The bual
neas men In general ara oppoaed to tha
Northern Pad fie a avowed intention of
keeping It tracks on tha praaent right
of way -through tha center of tha city.
5"JUliJll.Pr.eldantICllloU.J.o con
sider a plan of Joining with tha Great
Noriherr-irrhBB-6fe toTter7! ata
tlon. Is particularly condemned. Thla
mova is greatly desired ao that the
present right af way of. tha Northern
Paeifla may be' used for a buainesa
thoroughfare. ' : '
. Prominent property owners south of
tho Northern Faolflo tracks eaned on
Mayor Daggett recently and demanded
that tha elty .ba no longer Imposed upon
by tha N. P. company through tho com
pany persistently keeping Browne street
blocked. ' Tha oommltteo waa referred
to the board of publlo works, who will
aoa - that tha atraet la . Immediately
graded. A special officer is now sta
tioned at the crossing to that tba
atraet Is kept open.
(Special Dlapateh to Th Psurnal.) -
Cottage Grove, Or, Feb. 12. Tha
Brown Lumber company, tbat now owns
the Long at Bingham mill ef thla place,
haa completely ovsrhauled the' machin
ery and mad a test run of the plant
All parts work well and Manager
Flahr states that ha will have th plant
running to capacity In a few days. The
log pond Is being filled up with good
log, which are hauled from the Oregon
A Southeastern railroad right of way
at th end of tha road.
It la tho Intention of the management
to greatly enlarge thla mill and con
struct timber yard and docks so all
lumber oan be easily handled. The
company has purchased timber lands
at "Wild wood near the forest reserve snd
wit have any amount of timber when
th Oregon A Southeastern railroad is
extended a distance of two miles. '
(KpectaJ Dispatch t The Journal.)
Spokane, Waah., Feb. 11. Following
a complaint charging J. U Clark of this
city with the embessleraent of 1117, a
warrant haa bean Issued for his arrest
Clark waa Interested with a number of
Spokane men In mining properties In
Nevada. It was the practice of those
In tha company to deposit tl aaoh month
to carry en tba proepeetlng. R. A.
Hutchinson and A. B. Rail ton wera
trustees of tha funds of th organisa
tion. Tbla money It la alleged was Im
properly diverted. Tha matter cama to
n crisis recently at a meeting, during
which Clark elalma Hutchinson abused
him. . As a result Clark filed suit
against Hutchinson to recover Hl.000
for defamation of character. The proee
entlon of Clark under the embexxlement
eharge ta an outgrowth of the lawsuit.
' '(Journal Bpaelal ftervle.) ' '
Boston, Feb. . II. Ex-Congressman
William Warren Barrett, publisher of
th Boaton Advertiser and Reoord, died
this morning of pneumonia. He waa
bora In Melrose, Maaaaohusetta, Decem
ber It, 1I0, graduated at Dartmouth
eolege In lilt, t f
flaaraal Special BerTtee.) ' ' - C
Paris Feb. 11. Members of th
Castellana family hava made fresh over
ture to. th Countess Bonl, urging her
to seek only a legal separation. Instead
of a full divorce basing their pies aa
th Interacts af tba children.
flaaraal Special sarvlee.)
Nashville, Tann., . Feb. . 11. Major
John T, Thomaa, president ot tha Nash
ville, -Chattanooga A St- Louis railroad,
died thla morning of heart diseass.
r - ,.,, i i ,r v. .'
' Free dent Makes anleion,
. Washington. Feb. .. ll.-r-The president
haa nominated Oebrge W. Stewart to ba
resistor af tha land efneo-at -Ylaalto,
California a.".-v.,,..'Ci. -i
eaaagrmam';j ,. u ii.i i i '.--. -oaaaBHtm
111". -. .-':- .
Grocery- EconStore
W're going to try to make these
next two weeks . memoracue in
our business history. -There has
been a life and vim to our Janu
ary sale that Just about rp
tickled ua to death., s So come in
and let us show our gooda, it'a
no trouble. yf, iz'A '4
li Pounds Dry Granulated for
I -lS.'pkg Borax WaahlnS 'Compoundi
"Star Crearair'':'rr
Thla rraam la our very beet bargain.
While tha lot lasts wa will continue -ta
sell - v-'i.--.--v',. 1;.-
One dosen eans ...... .-aoe
One oaa (4 doaea cans) fa.40
, v-'.r;;'4o:yJAH
- Saok Pur Eastern, Buckwheat Flour.
X "OaHotf pan TCnoloa Tabla Syrup. :
;, ' .:-'-..;r;S0a :;'':'':y
1-lb. package Sod, Crackers,: --.
eana.TaWa ftaobaS or. Aprtoata..
Park and -Waaaungvoa. Pbona
-: Main S5BS, ',
Many Prominent Railway, Of
ficials to Attend Opening V,
of NeW Station, V?
(pedal Dlapateh to The fimraal.t '
Beattlo, Waah., Feb. lfc-Hlll offiolale
will open the new union paeseager Bta
tlon here with eclat. - There will ba a
celebration over tha completion of tho
passenger terminals that will be tha
moat Important railroad function over
held In Seattle.
... James J. IUU wiU not ba able to aoma
to the coast to open tho hew depot, but
Louie Hlil win be hare. 'Howard BUlott
of th Northern Paolf Is la to be on the
ooaat whenever the station Is ready for
occupancy and, tha high Officials of tba
Great Northern, Northern Paeirio, Bur
llngton and Canadian Paclflo who oan be
spared from, tbele . eastern - duties - will
take part in tha celebration. ,
St. Paul officials .thought the station
would be ready for oooupsaoy on Febru
ary 1, aad a recent guess haa fixed the
data at tha middle ot Maren. But Hill
officials would not b surprised If It
were not available before June 1. That
la merely a speculative oontooture.
(Special Dtapateh to Ta feernal.l
Tillamook. Or., Feb. 11. James It.
Harris, a prominent farmer. If year of
age, who resided on Wilson creek,- was
foond dead In hla Orchard yesterday, H
waa working about bis ranch and ualng
a rather spirited team In haulluf ma
nure. The horses war found with their
harnaaa In a tangled condition. : It la
thought Karris wa poised with an at
tack of heart disease and fall from tha
wagon and was trampled by the team.
Tha coroner will Investigate, , ,
- . ' Nancs O'NeiJ Tonlfht.
Beginning . tonight at the htareaaai Srsnd,
America' graataat trageotenna, hi ace trplall,
will pesto aa angagesiaat of foaf perform aace.
Th oven to a Mil this evening will he Bsator
Diana a "Plrr of at. ih"l tgmorrew algnt,
"Macbeth." oa which ecci.kai th eartala will
rlae promptly at five stunts peel B 'loek
Wedasaoar aftsrnooa. "Migda'"! W adaae rlay
sight, "Moans Vaana h Maatarllaek. Bolk
pUra, "rirea of Bt. loka" aad "Moaaa aaaa,''
will tisv then" flrat piaaiatattoa to thtoeHpr
Naaee O'Rell b) eupportad hy in eaoo Ileal eoa-
aany ef plarara, aad a saaet fmWtaa partorav
aaae is piauiii
Beet aow Bailing.
, Advanca Sal for Hartford.
Tha advance aale ef eaata tor .the eaitotat
tngwllia, Charlaa B. Baatord. wlU apaa to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock t th Marqaam
boa afflca. TaU dlatlngalaha actor, supportad
by Marie Drefnah aad a capable eompear of
nlarera, will be the attrarrioa for toar per
rormaneaa, aeglanlng Thnreday night, rabraary
II. . Tha opening Mil will be "Tbe Taming el
the Borew-'i rrlear alght. Z-Otl.llo" Batardar
matinee. The Merehaat er Venice") Bataraap
alght, "lagomar."-
"WoodlMd'J Corrnnf .
Woodlind," a delightful s theatrical affe
kf aver hM for tha patronage ef .the pabUe.
will ba aaaa here tor th first Mm at tha Mar
auam Orand theatre Moaaa, Tueedar and WeoV
aeedar sights, robraary IP, M and A. "WaaaV
laait" will ha fonad to h t kmd ef aiaaleal
extravagaaaa that peopl fajoy hearing more
thaa one. .It aeve loaea Ita charm, Ita treen
seas er Its decided novelty. Ne matter how
many time one may lletea to the most, th
wit or the hnmer, a eeeood will ahrar
reveal boom hidden charm. The ebaraa Is a
big aoa and attractive. Be Idea the rtrong eaat,
beaded by Barrf Bulger, who has toe leading
eomady role, that of King Bin Jay, aad th
large eborue, th wuipaar eerrla It own er
cheatra. .
' Mind Reader at Star. .
tittle tola Oottoa, at the iter thaTwaek.
a mlad" reader hi a wonder. Mr. aad Mra,
rbelpe.'la "The Tie That Blade," are from
rfew Tut. ' Tee ftiwvu abrtaiw sjw'nrtghf sad
Hvaly aoabrattee and Mr. ad Mr. West p raa am
"A BUmmarid Pvopeeaj,'' ' Vardaa, Peny aad
Wilbur era alagera, analelaaa aad deacon. Will
a Heyt, tha neve ballad etnge. and the Btare.
arape with "Train Wneaer'
aplete tbe
Star' attrseywaa, i
Princaaa TrLtia at Orand,
Th fee rare of the recant tew la aad dart
ei edition, Prtoeee Trlitt, the edaaatad bona,
m at to Orand thl week, . Thla will pestttvely
a the laat aagageaaent ef Prune Trtsto,
Uelphla and Delators have a maatcal get with
anp novaltlao, Tbe. Tvaal trie ar Jog glare,
and Keatoa and tomln are ttodne (tar maa.
rtaaa. . The three Wlrhsr are singing come,
dlana. Harold Hoff baa a Bow ballad aad toe
Orariltemr flawiee "The Green Onoda Man."
IJ. J gaeg-aaaaMaeaagggg-
Bowartara, vopnrnre n
.- t-. (Satmbllabed HIM. r i
Orrrand fnnop;
...... h - .",
rT isoon.".
' We treat auoeeeefully all private nor.
VOtll and llinrnln A L.UMa nt mil! BlBO
-bloody. a tonu!h,Jbrt. liver. kMney and
throat treublaaTW pur' BTPHIt-IS
- f without mercury) to etay cured tor
ever. We remove BTR1CTURB. with
aut operation or pain. In II daya,.-.
" atop aratna. nignt loaaaa aaoj
' sparmatorrhea by a new method In a
"'sHert time. W can restore the sexual
vigor ot any man under to by mean eg
looai i raa tmant peculiar te eursajvaa.
? 'Wo Cure "Gonorrhoea
'&k'M In a Week
:k Hv'vV'1
stltate are alt
Tho footers of thl institute are alt
- f,ular graduates, have . bad many
year experience, have been known In
1 Portland for 1 years, have a reputation
- to maintain, aad will undertake no aaa
' ualeaa certain cur can be affected.'
' We guarantee a euro In every eaa wa
; undertake or charge no fee. Consulted
tlon free. Letters eonfldentlal. Inatruo
tlve BOOK FOR MN maUed free In
plain wrapper. .
We cure the worat eaees of piles lay
at inns (reatrae.nia. wuoout operav
ion. y ur guaraniaeo. : ,
M If VOU cannot nail at aelaa wM. oe
eeasrui. . ,;. ,, ... .. . , ,..., ,lS,r .
.i 0m k0Hr' to I and I to a Sandaya and Holiday lt.ta
D R.- W. NO RTONJ D A V I S fiSc t6.
OtBoaa In Van Noy Hotel llto Thlr d Straet, Comer Pin. PertUnd. Or.
I Cook My Own
Separately gad dUtlaetly . for each patlaatT"
? and each dlaeaaK. Calls mm phraieiamv t
r oat praeorlba th tome medSdn tor all 7.
boataa Wa I dtagnoaa each ease aaparateU, -
f . ask ae aatlen sad 4j.
. ' Aamag thea are to be tun ad rapeaaaataMves
, af tha wealth aad raltara, as well aa tbe -
task aad ale f the atata tltlseasalp ef to
' state, ... . -r "
rrrcoMe Tr MEr-rri
A sia ml nation- will east thaa aethlag aad
.11 l rnanoc euro, men
. a the Pad who eaa,
then there I aet a pasklsa
DR. W I N O: L E E
StuUtsriarn, 7 North Fifth Streat, PORTLAND, OREGON
T?., -
Bporlat larlUtloa ta gtvaa to ell ataeaarsgad aufarar who hav
. baea treated wllhuut reeetrleg a euro. . Wa hold aet a tahw
promlsa. W will giro ra a fab- asd honest eptolen .ad year
;Th Salaaaa. aad Art ef Sadlelae, Sargeey aad Eietiteety
aava iiinm ia- ear aaaaa uaui we annua sea eaur ava
kaovn. aceeeasry, bat the skill with urkiah to apply . vi tea
. Our PMtbud are tha
rsnee year of agpertrae aad itenelv praetlro have psaeia
Pttahlithpn - Bt7i tbem oa a Barb,
eeaie to aa to the
All maa afllrtod vrlth aay aerve-d.kllltr or Meed disease are arged to
aa at eaa. to falleet aoallaaaa. . Oeaeulmllaa free aad uvtted, ' -
' ' Nervoui and Sick Men WEI Be" -' ;v?
- Made Stron-Be
Writs for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call
St. Louis Medical & Surgical J Dlspciary
i- J' X. 30 Yamhill Street; Portland, Oregon. " i .
i "
r? mm m-
Ths largest factory In- tha Northwest handling' Its own output--
Half of Woman's Charm
Is her month, and more than half ef
that depends on her teeth, for they
make or mar her expreaslon of tbe fae
In talking; or smiling. Whan Nature
haa been unkind in nap allotment of
teeth, or If those she ha bestowed 6e-
oome Imperfect, you will aid yeurlf
and your looks materially by consulting
us. " what we toll you will cost nothing;
what w do for yon will eoat nothing In
oomparison with tha txnaflta you will
darlv. All kind f dental work,
Wise Bros,
raUlas aids'. Third aad Waaadton.
raome KalB saga. ,
i" -l!1-":' Hemberd 'aileaaw tmt at Yr-s-.'''i.v'?-' '-'Z ut .
amAJaranMrmoarf, oarroa, stocks ajts bobtm. , t,u-
' J' f IH Thlra atraat Mcatay Batldlns. rarUnnd. Or. ' , . ...
..:;'v wa s-o.-a. asu rtx coanossioaT trssnaa, '
Oentlauona atarkeU by rlvate vTtra, ' Qntoh Servtoe. MriJlFV -5;- O
TUtaav kmnhera, aad VnRed Stataa Nattomai Bank at rarut .A
-A ifwit Ari; r ,0 b.
. ;
.. i ,
, . -
- '.'!:.11''' )
a.Mrh Klnak. .Haaal
Herbal Remedies
: - d.: - r.i.e. .
. J re , . '
treatment aoa .
.. .
iAuuuiiauuii I'l wJ
Diagnosis Free -yj
beat. Wb know them to be the beat be-
fioa't waata valaaMe tl
atrtcteet enaldea.
bar, we have
Made Healthy
; Phone East. 244,
'.4 .- -,' -: "t . A . -!'... ,.",.'..
- '
. .
' i
. "1
a i. l . T tic z
...... ..' ' . .'; "
' . l ..' .-- ,v ---J--;c
: '' ' J '' .' , r , - . .
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,fJ i 1 v ' - . v' . , ' i . f i . . . -, . . , . j. .