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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND, ' MONDAY EVCNINO, FUA i .. l'ige of iizoiiii TO DE HEEDED- if , Statehood Bill Pastes It Will De With Rider foShapeyor Foraker Amendment PEOPLE OF TERRITORY , V ' j i JO BE GIVEN A VOTE -Permits . Affected t Regions to LTaks Vote Upon Consolidation Into On ; Sute Defeat of 1 Administration Bill Claimed. ' ' : OmtuI IncUl hlHM,l .Washington. Feb.. It. The status of .. .he alatehood bill ta In better ahape to day eo far aa the daalre ef Ariaona art concerned than ever before . The Insistence of Senator Foraker on . hla amendment wbloh favora Arisona, . reveals olearlv enough that be ha IKiw- ' orful influence behind Mm. and even If : there ahould be a compromise Whereby I he so-called tww-etate admtnlatratlon bill will be paaaed. It will peaa with the Ariaona rider ea lie baok which will safeguard the wlahea of the people ot the atata. In other word, the bill can- ,' xet be passed unless coupled with (he .Foraker amendment to allow , the ' trie of Ariaona aeparately to eay wheth er they ahould be ontted to New Meiloo. . , and with that admandment attached the "administration bill" will be equivalent . to no leglelatlbn at all adverae to Art , aona, ' ... Aalde from thla, however, the frienda of Ariaona claim that they will be able to defeat the two-atate meeeure. . They .'have not ronaldered thla -position' aim : ply because) they lay stress on the other Foraker amendment, the Utter position being taken simply to aliow that the Beveridge clique will be Use ten In any ..'event. ' ' ' . 4. - The Foraker amendment la aa much before the oenate aa la the bill Iteelf, and it must be reckoned with. .There ' art gloomy r porta today' from among ' tha Beveridge faction. In aubatanoa that after all It would be better to flaht but llttla agatnat Mr. Fprakera' plan ao aa not to endanger the passage of the bill ... proper. . - Reading' between the llnea, the atout front of Mr. Beveridge' campaign la -"'sagging a little but with inerrlng indi cation that he himself la weakening, lie knowa that if all he claims were true ha could only paea the bill by a ma jor! ty of one or two, and that there are ' tremendous cnancee against him If he fallg ta recognise the ardent wishes of tue people or Arizona. Aa a matter of fart, the "Foraker amendment Is . now the matter of moat consequence ao far aa . atatehood la eohocrnedheior senate. Mr. Beverldga haa bean thrown - Into the background and tnuat there 'Sight on the defenaive. . NO EXPLOITATION. ekeaaa ta Abaorb Talaable Coal &aaa ia FaiUplaaa Tkwartaa. ' ' ' ' ( V f Juaraal aaaelal gervlaa.k ' V' i VaaKlngtoo, Keti.i All achemeafor the exploitation by private eorporatlona or the valuable coal landa on the talanda of ' Batan. 4 near Luaon, . have . baen knockod In the head by action taken today by the houee , committee on in . aular .affaire, v . The committee recommends, flrat that tha amouot of IC.0,000 In tha houae bill be appropriated for the purchaae of out atandlng claima la the mllllona . that are held by ether oonoeaalonarlea under .Bpojilah rule., Thla purohaea will give the I'nlted 8tataa abaolute control over tha Bataa coat, depualta. The olauae of the Hull bill whtoh waa before tha com mittee today and which aathortaeg tha leaatng of the land ta private eornora- r ttona -wee atrlckan wt The-anthoTtaa-4 tlon waa to be. given-Into the hand ot the aeoretary ot war. Aa It now etanda, tha laeae to anybody cannot be had Utt lean authoriaed byeongreea. t The bill, however, haa yet to be paaaed by the houae and aenate. It la known that William Preacott 8oott ot 8a Franclaoo haa been In correapond ence with the aecretary of war on the matter of a laaee of theae landa. . Il will not taka a fight to aeoure thla privi lege If It la praaaed. for no matter what eventual action la taken tha leaaee tnuat undertake to give tha government coal at ooet or aome reaeoneble flced price, C'JSCH FAMILY LEAVES FOR BATE STATE " BBBaBaWaamBWBaamaawaMaBBWaB' Believed Wedding of Wilhelmina and Lieutenant Scharer Will -, Soon Follow. : "rf -; 1 . rJeeraal SpeHal Karvloa.l 't Lou I a. Fab. It. Attached io the Vflaaourt J"a-ino. flyer, whloh left here Saturday, night. waa the private . oar "Adolpbua V la which were Mr. and Mrar Adolphua Buach, Carl W. "Conrad ana Mra. Arthur Magnae of Chicago, - daughter ef Mr. wnd Mra.'. Buach, to gether with the two daughtere of Mra. Magnua, Amy and Llllle. .The party la oa Its way-ito. Paeadena, California. : where Mlaa Wllhelailna Buecb ta enjny. 1 in trie aunanine witn uentenant Kt ward Scharer of Germany, who followed her half way aeroae the continent In an endeavor v gam her band. . . "la there going to be a wedding aooaT Mr, Baarh waa aaked aa he had hia foot on tne atep or me private car. '1 don't -know what will kappea,' waa tha reeponee. '. TIV have to wait until t . get were." - .' .-. f-w-". . i "to you anticipate, a ceremony eoonT" : But the beer mnamate only etnlled. ' "Jt a too deep. fur me." he vouchaafed, lut he woold not deny that the party . waa going to tba wedding of the young ; vet end. .only . remaining unmarried . daughter .of tbe houaa ot Buach. .. The. departure ot the Buach pny Tor Taaa dena la believed to be the precursor of aw immediate wedding." The "Adolphna' will b tacrnd- to in miheernmltcd ofTln'cftnhecTIdn with furnishing the dobU tne aania re at aansas city and will proceed without , further , change to Pasadena. .-'-t, . C ASTOR I A Jot Infants sad CMUrta. ri Beara tbe 1 SinaUrof c 1 1DIH00D irrj. a. LOGAn r ' y , -. . .". ',"1" .' "T"" ,; ,- General's Widow Denies Current ' ! of Aborigine Descend HISTORY OF ANCESTORS f STAMPS TALE FALSE Other Fictloni Denied by Ortg Who .' Ought to Know Taft Expedition a : RccuUr ' Floating ' Matrimonial Bureau. ' ' By Mra. Johrt A. Iogan ; !" Copyright, t0, by vW K. Hearai ' . Waahlngton. Feb. 7 Tha ' yaeeela which carried the- Taft party to the Phillpplnea appear to have been regular floating matrimonial bureau Tba firat angagament of aota to be announced after the . trip waa that of Mlaa Alice Rooeevelt to Repreaentatlve Mlcbolaa Longworth. Thla waa followed recenUy by the announcement of the engagement of Mlaa Crltch of New York to Repre aentatlve Swager Bherley of . Kentucky, and now comaa the newe thai Mra. Nagle of Denver la to Wed' Senator War ren of Wyoming. Mra. Nagle ia the ward of Henator Patteraon, and aha Joined the Taft par ty at Nagaaakl. Benator Wan-en itart- ed with the party from waehlngton, and It I ald met the charming widow for the-flrat time at the aaaport of Japan, There are rumora of mora weddlaga atlll to come growing out of lha,t - famoua trip. " A'aea voyage la a great aid to Cupid. I never could undaratand why the little god of love ahould be called Dan on ahore but In view ef.what haa happened, if he ahould be called "Jack" when afloat, It would be. moot appro priate. V ,,' Jt la curloua that people will rdafc Into print with atatementa .about illuatrloua man whom they claim to hava known in timately, eapeclally when the atate menta are absolutely Vrlthout founda tion. ;. ; ii' - IfOfaai'f Tfteif Sloog.' ' One "Wlmbar Bedford." whoever he may be, wrltea In a recent magaalne of hla intimacy with Oenaral John A. Va gan. giving a description of Oeneral Lor an in the following ' remarkable lan guage; and which waa copied In aeveral paperai . v "OKNERAl JOHN A. LOOAN. "Soma Kemlnlaencaa by One Who Knew Him -Walt. ' "Oeneral Ixran waa popular In tha army.- - Hla frienda railed him 'John,' and he generally had hla room filled WUJt .pffjeera.. hiL Tecelvlng' in hla auirt. alaovea. He waa part Irlah, part Indian. and wholly American. a handsome man, allrbtly above the medium height, hav ing coal-black area and long, straight, black hair, which hung all about tha head and, If ' I remember . correctly, turned In alt around. . Ilia hair waa Srobably accounted for by hla Indian lood. Aa ta the Indian blood. I had In formation dlreotly from one who knew him very well. Ha waa Impulatve. Be ing a good atump apeaker, he waa fre quently called upon to apeak Yor tba vet eran cauae that la, to urge the men who enlisted ror three yeara and aerved that term, . thua : entitling themeotvad io be regarded as veterana. and who wished to atop at tha expiration of their term, to re-enllat a veterana." . . -. Where Mr. Bedford got hla Informa tion to the effect that Oeneral Logan "waa part Irlah and part Indian" hla family are at loaa to know. Oeneral Logan'a father waa Bcotoh-Irtah. and whoae father left Monehan county, Ire land, during the rebellion ot 17. Hla father. Dr. John Bogan. waa a graduate of tbe medical department of tha Dub lin university, auid came to thla eountrv after hla graduation. Dr. Iogan'a flrat wile waa an accompllabed French Wom an who came to Cape Qlrardeau, Mla- aourt. : Her - family war among the Huguenota who emigrated to Mlaaouri In hn early day.. Bhe lived but three yeara after her marriage, leaving a daughter at her death.' ; , -. r . wggtuuoa ta 'Sreaa. t ;'J"-' ; - Dr.- Ixigan moved to Jackaon. count-v. IlUnola. In UK, and the next year he married Mlaa Kllsebeth Jenkma. alater of ttieutenant-Oovernor Alexandor Jen-X aina or iiiinoie, , una waa a native of Nortlt Carolina, a cousin of Hon. Mat thew Raneom, late United Statee Sena tor from that atata., .... , Dr. Logan continued ta realde In Jack aon county, and praoticed hla profeealon until hia doath In Ills. He aerved aev eral terma as elate eenator In tha 1111 aota legislature.. Iogan county, IlUnola, waa named In bia honor. Ho waa a man of rare ability,,' and would have reaented mm insinuation mat any memoer or pia fifmtly. had Indian blood In hla'velna He waa too proud of hla own ancestry and that of hla eeoond wife, who waa Ueneral Logan'a mother, and who wea descended from heroea of the war for American) independence, . .f. V That Oeneral Logan wag universally popular In and ou f tbe army la a fact too well known 4o have required Mr. Bedford'a atatement to that effeotj but thai general Logan received In hla ahlrt aleevea la another vagary of Ma Bed ford'a memory. General Logan waa a aoldler In every, aenaa of tha word,' and waa alwaya observant of all the amenl tlea of tbe army and civil Ufa, and bad very little patience with the uncouth and careless v He waa faatldloua In dreaa and had no ambition, to be a clown or a aoor. . ,. ,:- iw' V BEAVERS ON TRIAL ; ' V FOR POSTAL FRAUDS ":::-',r':t . -b-v,- ' Uoaraal gpeelal atrvlra.) P A Waahington, Feb. , 1 J. Having ex hausted every meana known to tha law to escape or defer their trial, the caaea of Oeorge W. Besvera ' formerly . the chief of the division of salaries and allowances of the poatoffJce department, and Oeorge PI Oreen, formerly state eenator of New York, will be called for trial a. hi a. week .before Justica Gould la the orimlnal court. The Indictments against Beavers and Oreen charge con spiracy to defraud the United metre office department with time locks. Sagaao Weaa Seeks Blvotoa. . , " tapeeail DUi:rk e The laml.l ' Eugene. Or. Feb. It. Mra. Kltaabeth. 'C. Smith has begun suit In tan Lane county circuit, court for divorce from Bewail C. Smith . an the - ground, of cruelty. They (were married-March 1J, till, and have four children, una' of whom la a minor. The plaintiff aaka for tba custody of th minor. , . -. , ,-! ; :.3 . ,'v. ' ;; Booorder Okark a Baslgg, J . ' - lapeelal Dlapeteh at Tbe ieoraal.T foreat Orove, reb. U. i'lty Recorder 1. a Clark, It la reported, will tender bis resignation next Tueaday at tha regular meeting. - Mr. Clark wlahea to give hla entire -time to reel estate Interest. He wan eecsntly elected on the "dry" ticket b aa overwhelming majority, . , t DEALM MM 1 Tie a trail many a man travela In and a godd woman giinTiim cnr he a gettln' and a(7e a apendln' an' makln' a ahow with the beet" Mary Austin in Editor Realm reralnlne Some day ago you published a letter from a lady protesting against' ' tbe barbaroualy magnificent . acale upon 7 which the coming White Houae wedding bad been' projeoted and If, for once, you will per mit the Intrusion of a mere man upon the hallowed ground of your realm dhould be" glad to eay that I heartily Indorse that ladya views, although you were probably right In thinking Utat the preaident regarda it aa more of a gtaie than a social function. To me that letter seemed to voice, for tha moat part, an unspoken protest among mllllona of thinking people, who are, mora than eheep following; a leader, bur whdar th same lime do not . wish to be mlaunderatood, aa one who eleme the popular current la likely to be. However, it aervea me aa a text to preachlfy on tha crate for : thlnge which haa turned about every femal head that either acquaintance or read- inr haa brought to my observation. It would certainly take' one of the loonlee" to toll what good a lot of cut glase and gold and ellver things rldlculoualy In excess of what- they can poaalbly use, will be to Alice Rooeevelt and Nicholas : Longworth except to hoard In a aafety depoalt vault ar pro vide .employment for a corps of ervanta, or to pawn when they got Into "straightened clrcumstancee." It we ahould see some very poor per son collecting old tin cans, ehoee, um brella and all' aorta of Junk In one big pile and apparently aaytng hla prayer to It, wa ahould at once set him down ea a victim of mania, but he la no more a monomaniac, than tha wealthy woman who apende her life In- worship of aucn thlaga aa her wealth and aoclal atand lng put within her reach, but which af fords her no pleasure nor profit beyond tna mere megpie-iike Benefaction or poeaesslon. . I know men whoae wtvea run bine ar hundreda'of dollars every month Just to gratify thla Insane desire for thlnge uaelees thlnge that taka their fancy- end I know men -too proud to refuee their wives anything they crave, who cerry a load of debt all their Uvea and go down at laat. debt-burdened and mortgage-ridden, a eaerlfloe to thla idiotic unholy erase for things, thlnga. everlastingly and forevermore. - Perhapa tha department atoreo are re- nonelbJe for thla type of lunacy, 'cer tainly they are crowded with thla-type of lunatic, and a fine , psychological atudy aha will make for the achoolglrl tot .years henca - :.,' - ;.::... . I fancy we can get the right per- apecttve of present conditions In no bet ter way than by anticipating the mental view of the men and women of, eay 110 yeera henca aa they atudy our his tory. . . . Whan - they- Tead that- a oartatn old avanentla haM un a whole nation for yeara to tha tuna of ll.000.0lo a minute Oowif to be worn by Mra, W, 8. Cow i:i mtd mm I . mm m m MM VT W- J msj m m .. -.'V aV ' f . Mlaa Alloa Rooeevelt. Tbe gon la of royal blue aatln. It la magnts centiy embroidered upon the skirt, bodice and aleevea. The latter- are ' . short, meeting the long glovee crinkled under the lare cuff of the aleeve, . where It lermlnatea at the elbow. The bndlc-e Is rimmed with real lare r1- decorated -with little raised lace roses which are -such a rharraiiur relief . to the npen in aea of lace beneath. The bodice la fitted with aatln draped "; ovavU held la place by rich embroidery and lace, , ,. for the privilege of ualng their-own propertyy hey will Mush o think they had each fools for anceetora; when they find the record of noodles and pugs eared for by French nurses and decked Out. with diamond -oollara. while babied atarveds to death Hi tenement he uses. they will think wa were cold-blooded. black-hearted barbarians, until some sweetly charitable writer takee up our ease and dlacovera that we were tiot fools nor murderers, but Just luaatlca -money mao lacs, afflicted - with the -mania for getting thinga together In little separata individual piles, - either to clutter up our homes or to hang upon our persona If ever the great God Mammon." whom we worship and . to whom wa dally eaorlflce. living beings, Is draaaed from hla high plaoe, it will bo by aome great one who cannot be drugged,' blinded, besotted by thlnga, but - wba compels obedience of eon- ventkmalktes instead of hnmbly ' atib- mlttlng hla own neck to their lavish Heaven hasten bia oomlng! ' ' " ;' But to return to Miss Allca How much of her popularity la due to the induetrloua newepapef reporter and how much to her exalted atatlon Ipetedd ot her awn peraoaallty tha publle at large haa no means of Judging, certainly there Is no reasonable ground for per aona who ar utter etrangera to her and wbocan 111 afford- the - expenditure, sending ber wedding preeenta, . ' ; ' Without doubt Mies Rooeevelt Is a charming girl America la famoua for charming girls but It Is a aueetton whether or not the wholeaale adulation and notoriety which aha haa received hava benefited her Judging from the expreeaion ahowa In what la aald to be her latest photograph, they have been a positive Injury.- for that portrait re vealed a face, oold,' hard blaae. ' One can but think of the theueande of breve- glrla as pretty, , aa refined, as bright aa tha prealdent'a oldest daugh ter, battling single-handed for eelf-oup-port and receiving no help and scant. If arty commendation for their gallant fight, and I do her the credit to believe that aha would be happier to aea aome of tha extravagance lavished upon bet dlapeneed among glrla who need It to help them Irjt their struggle. ' A life in Which everything ia poured without effort on the part of tba recip ient Is rendered lean and Impoverished by what II reoelvee, Just as tha million of Uvea filled with hard, uncongenial, thankleea, unpaid labor are Impover ished by what la withheld. Bffortleea luxury and . equal id poverty produce substantially the aame effect upon the Individual, ao that, like - her poverty- stricken eletere. Mlaa Alice la cheated. after alL ef tha beet life can give any of ue-retura for thought and labor aa needed. J -" f. But Preaident Ttooseveit baa loat ifle opportunity of . hla -Ufa , ta teach old world monarchies , that a republle something more than a Aame that In matters aoclal aa wen as political, it atnndetor tha voritloe and reaUtlea What aa opportunity to ahow that the "aim pie life' doea not mean . cruaeneea, lee st tha wedding of her niece. iTcr.:Ef.iT io r;::..; c:::3 a it3 z::zi A Prominent Clnolnnatt Wamaa Tta Bow LyOla M. Ptoknaaa'g VeerataUo Compound Ccmplataiy curoa Lsr.t - The great good LydlA K. Plnkhaag'g VcreUble Compouna la doinf amony tho women ot Aoierica ia attracting tha attention of many of oar leading scientist, aad thinking poopl geaar- aUj. .. .. J2 Tha following letter Is only ono of manv thousands which are on file la tha Pinkham office, and go to prova bavond aueetion that Ljdia B. Pink ham'a Vegetable' Compound must bo a remedy of great merit, otherwise II could not prodnoa. aneh marrelcma results among alok end ailing woman. Dear Mra. flnkbam "About nine mrmtha ago I waa a great eaf ferar with female trouble, which caused aea avaro pain, oxbreme awrvouaness aadfra quent heartarhaa, from which ha doctor failed to relieve aae. I triad Lydia K. Fink ham'a Vegetable Compound, and within a abort tune rail uuiier, ana aiier suing nvo bottles ef it I waa aotirely cured. I therefore heartily recommend your Compound as a nUndul female tonic. It makea the monthly periods regular and without pain: and what a Mewing It ia to find such a remedy after ao noany doctors fall to help you. I am riiaaiaa to recommend It to all suffering women. lira ttara Wilson, U last 9d btreea, Cincia- It von hava aappraaaad of painful periods, ' weakneae of tha atomach, Indlgeatlon, bloating, ' pelvld catarrh, nervema proatration. dlttineas, faint neaa, " demt-cara " and " want-to-bale ft-alone " faaling, ajioliablllty, baok acha or tha blues, theee are aura indl- eationa of female weakneae, or aome deranrontent of the organa. : la auck eaaea there la one triad and true remedy Lydla JL Plnknama vagatabia Cone nor rudeneea, nor dlaeomfort, but the very flower of refinement and courtesy, with - the labored eplendors- of foreign eourte - oonapiououa by their . abeenoe. Tour moat llnoerely,-- BACHELOR JOHN. THE QUIET HOUR.' Abraham Xlnooln, Bora . Pebraary la, ';' .... " . , 1S0S. ', , " A people la but the attempt of many Ta rise to tha eompleter life of one. And thoee. who live aa models for tba , mass '.- v ' ' .- . 'V- "' ", Are singly of more value than they alt .- Robert Browning. A PARABLE. , By James Rueaell LowelX Said Chrlet our Lord, "I wlU go aad :. aea-.. .;- I " r- Bow the men, my brethren, believe In .. me." -i . Ha paaaed not again through tba gate . of birth, -Bat made Hlmaelf known to tha ohlldrea ,;. eertlw" ..",;. Then- oaldtho chief priests and rulera and klnga, - ' -- : Behold, now, tba Giver .ef alL. good -i ... tlrlaaa: ' , - Oa to, let ua welcome with pomp and atata .: r. - - - Him who along la mighty and great" With earpeta of gold tha ground they - apraad ' ' &-::'- Wherever tha Sot of Man ahould tread. And In palace ehambere lofty and rare They lodged him and aerved .hint with fclngiy lara ,. , , . Great organa gorged through archea dim. Their Jubilant Xlooda in praiee of Him; And In church and palace and Judgment .hall- ' - He saw hia Hla Image high over all. . But etllL wherever bia steps they lad, The' Lord in Borrow bent hie head, - And from the heavy foundation stones, Tha Son of Mary beard bitter groans. : And In church and palace and Judgment - hall ' .-. - ' . -. He marked great flaaurea that rent thf , walL- , '. - " And opened wider and yet more wide - Aa tha living xounaauon -neavea ana .-gigbaa.. (.. . . -'i ,. .... .:'" ;...' ';'v '.:-,.!'. '. Have ye founded -tout thrones and altera, then. . : - " On tba bodlea and aoule ef living men The 20th Century Vlith the wondeHul"metal action it . excels all other players in tone, touch and durability. ,' ;C''.-;t.;- '.f'..; v" C CASH OR EASY . V V PAYMENTS ' Hariuhcturtrs9 Piano Co. tZO ALDER STREET;; o . CecHian r'':TiIC...a:irY:T0 . .. ' ... 4 ! I... i- I 1 1-1 11 II 1 I ii-i )' -j. . . . i teyouraccoant To Sc!crit2rs All you have to do U to show ydu are a subscriber of The Journal, by producing a Journal receipt or otherwise, and sign a receipt for the bank upon the delivery of the pocket .savings bank to you.. 'Thereupon you take the bank to, THE OREGON TRUST SAVINGS BANK, in the Marquarh" Building, and by depositing $1 or mors in this i j bank you, are given an extra 25 cents, which is added to -your account," This is all done for you just to encoursge you to" open an account In this institution and thus start you upon the rosd to wealth. Every person; man, woman, -boy'or girl, Is privileged to take advantage of this proposi-: tion, r'-Ther banks : tan beobtained-from-The ; Journal-busir; ' ijess office or through Journaf canvassers in the 4ty. vy-"'. PHONE MAIN 500. And think ye that building ahall endure Which aheltera tba noble and cruabaa n , . the poor f.-i - -. x4 ' ' "With gatea ef ellver and bare of gold Ta have, fenoed my ahaep from their . . Father-e fold: , . . 1 ' " I hava beard tha dropping of their tears la heaven theae nineteen - hundred . yeara." r. "O'tord and Master, not ours tha guilt, Wa built, but aa our fathers built -Behold thine lmagea, how they atand Sovereign and sola, through all our land.' "Our teaktt hard with rord .;' aad ' flame .. '. ; To hold the earth forever the aame, And with aharp crooka of ataal to keep Btlll aa thou lef teat them, thy sheep.". Then Christ-sought out an artlaaiw ' ' A low-browed, stunted, haggard man,' And a "motherleaa - girl wboaa flngera . -.- thin .... .. " . . Pushed from her feebly want and atn. . . ' , - -v.--... - i Theee aet ha la the midst of them, . And aa they drew .back their garment hem . '. " ' , i For fear of defilement, LA here," said ha.--. . -.'-, ; , .... u... -, The Images ye have made of ma - MUST PAY TAX OR LOSE - LICENSE IN NEBRASKA - i u, , - - 1 . . - (Jearaal Speelal Servlee.) ' ' Lincoln, Neb., Feb. It. The depart ment of laauranca of tha atata of Ne braska haa aerved notice ''upon a aoore of the largest Are Insurance corporations in the country that they must respect the Nebraska statutes by tha payment of a S per eent reciprocal taa or forfeit their 1 Ice n aea to operate in thla a take. Included In thla Itat of companiea are the Flremena Fund Inaurancs company gnd t he Plis aV Marine fneuianca uoui- pany. both of San Franclaco, - .... n , ; The .notloe by the Insurance depart-merit- ta the- result -of a decision thla week by the Nebraska, Supreme court. In which tbe court euetalned tbe consti tutionality .of the reciprocal tax, tha aame ta be levied against all Are Insur ance companies from any of the atatea levying a Ilka tax upon a Nebraeka com pany. The payment ot tne tax nag bean reaiated sine the day of its enactment by moat of the large Are companiea until nearly ttO.tO la now due for back reciprocal taxea. Tha i delinquencies mnst now "he satlafled or tha. licenses WlU forfeit. . :'. . , ' (geectel DIVMteh te Tee Jearaal.) ; Milton, or.. Feb. 11. Mra Ullen W. Phelps bsa commenced suit for divorce from D. J. Phelpe on the ground of de- aertlon. "They were married in this city a few years, ago. Attorney C. T. God win of thla piaee Is tha pialntUts at torney, t ...... ... ... .s L.. 1 -b:e .v: r;- i- k cf The Jcnd il OREGON. l Top Notch Pcint la the resultant ef not only perfect tna terlale or of expert mixing It'a tha ' combination of. theee two excellencies. After yeara of experience and experi ment, (and we never handled a really poor paint), we are -Battened that we have reached the acme of euooeal In -thla line, and eo are prepared to en dorse and guarantee the Bay State; brand aa tbe flneat in the market for- -the money, flee the color card, see the : paint In bulk and applied to hundreds of houaea hereebouta, and hasten here with your 'order.- . , , . Fisher, Thbrsen , '. PBOaTW AJTB MOBKISOaT STS. CHEMAWA SCHOOL CANNOT ACCOMMODATE STUDENTS. (Baaelal pWpawa' te The eeraal.) '''-'. r Chemawa. Or., Feb. 13. Tha accom- ' modationa at tha Indian acheel are taxed ta the utmost,, there being more than (Id puplla now present M tha aohool...' while the enrollment, for the year ta ' t0. New puplla have arrived at the school from t California, Oregon, Waahr tagton, Idaho and i Montana. Siipetin- tendent Chalcraft haa now to deny sdmle-.-. aloa to appHoanta on aooount ot. ao-. commndatlona. - ., ' Take Advantage of Our TRObsER 8ALB $8.S0Trousers are" .: now .. , . ,$5XK - iiXto Trousers are J now ., ... ..... .f 4.00 ; $4.00 Trousers art 'Y now .. . . . : . . .... t .f 3.00 $3.00 Trousers are.. ' ; now ....v.....i..f2eS5 '' (2,10 Trousers are ' : " now '.. ; 4. . . . . . 1.85 1 Troiiter, up, ; and savt money by doing so. . .' , . Outfitters for Men and Boyt; Its and ICS Third Street, . j. K-v, PORTLANl '.tyrti W v- W't-r M " Mm. mm ; mmr V'.-,