The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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iizz cr.-cc:i daily jcu7.::al. rcr.TLAiiD. Monday evening, fecruary ; u. icc3.
ioui- it-
M.n.a OnM.
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baasr... ,.
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"read ...
-Star ...........
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a.....,..... "Our t.irla"
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....... . .... ..Veaurrtue
C. M. Van Pelt cenduoted funeral
- !r, Flnley-a ebapel yeeterday
forenoon for Dfo thrt, MMhi
body wa Interred at Klverrlew ceme-
torjr. A large gathering of frtend at
th deceased heard th eulogy, tgd
-many beautiful floral tribute were in
evldenc.- There were flowers not only
from Portland friend but from thoM
' In Huntington, Seattle, Euftiu anil oth
er place.. The pall we borne 'by the
following y. K. Stump. Balem; J. H.
J ropBion, prattle: Beth Herron. Eu
ne: .Kirk RheidonT c."t." Urirthnr
'L f collBinenfroinBilrn l landed t.iv-4 i n..m jH,--"th
funei-alT i , I - '.'
; A th" People's forum Uat " evening
addressee on the subject of ?Th State's
iHitr to the Prisoner- wr made by
, Governor George a Chamherlain. Judge
Ia D. Webster and K. W. it. Pierre. The
, latter la prominent' In th Oregon Prte
" oner's Aid society, and told of prison
life.' Qovernor Chamberlain said that
when men are released from prison It
, becomes the duty of every food cltlaen
to help tbem along the right path by
aiding toward ; their employment at
-some honorable 1 occanatlon and treat.
Ina; them as fellow men. Judge Webster
discussed the ways of giving county
prisoners -employment and -encouraging
mem to reform.
' Bukhoda Banarjeo addressed a crowd-
, d house yesterday afternoon In the T.
M. v. A. auditorium on conditions In In
dla. The speaker Is a high cast Hindoo
' woman woo nas seen . converted to
' tThristianlty and Is now doing mission'
arj wore anions ner people, She has
; recently established a school and homoH
.v ror atrls In Calcutta where the pupils
are iaunc xna am or elviid marriace, the
; institution against which Mrs. Banarjee
.la making bar strongest fight. The ob
, Ject of this return visit to America 1
to raise IH.600 to make the school per.
inanont. Mrs. Banarje Is ' herself - a
; grandmother In ber early twenties.
jSlmer B. Upton., aged 1 years, was
very anxious to got married and ho said
lie had a written consent from bis par
V ants. His sweetheart la Una B. Xas-
II. aged It- years, of Oraya Harbor,
' ants ware also willing. Ho appeared at
the county clerk's office lata Saturday
and did not want to wait , a minute.
When told that as lflss KAssell lived
. In Washington the license would have
to be deeured la that sUte, it took all
,t.the diplomacy that Deputy Connty
. Clerks Fred W. Prasp and C C Rose
, could command te calm Upton and e
'.' plain the Is w. , . . l
Deputy District ' Attorney Harry
' . Adams this morning filed In the circuit
. court an Information aaminat la June.
; ft Chinese, charging htm with, murder In
, me nrsi aegre. i ne uninese is ao
V eused of having shot and killed Man
Bhue. a countryman, on the evening of
' ' February i. There are now two Chinese
; In the county Jail awaiting- trial for
; first degree murder, the other being Jew
Nun, whoso easo bas been set for trial
on February i, - -
,-';-?-'''.., - 1 i ... i e.
, On Saturday evening, at T:l 'clock.
' Morrison united in marriage L. IX
. Hunter and Mlea Zaidoo 'MuConaaghy,
only the immediate family being pres
ent. Mr. ana Mrs. Hunter left Imme
dlately. for San erranclsco and Los An--geies.
; They will be at bom after
, Marco I at MS Sixth atreet. . v
Dr. Stephen S. . Wis was the speaker
, at a ceieoration or tne xortleth annlver
. sary of tne Freedmen'a Aid and South
ern Educational soclet at Tavlor Street
- Mbthodlst church yesterday. - His aub
jecc was "Abraham Lincoln." At- the
. close of the service Dr. Wis publicly
, Invited JJr F. B Short to address .. the
congregation of Tempi . Beth Israel
next month, .v. y-' - ; , t
X F. Holtxraan, a painter, almost 19
years old, was struck by an Irvinglon
treat car last nleht at ThlrAaait nmuh
A streets and badly injured, Vour ribs
:"" broken and bis scalp contused. He
- was taken to police headquarters In the
I polio ambulance. ' and from there to
- Good Samaritan hospital a soon as the
nature of his wounds was learned.- -
Raymond Bhane. aged 10 years, was
-. brought this morning from Arlington to
the Good SamarlUn hoepltai. The boy
'wis pouring gunpowder from -a bottle
near the fire when- an explosion oc-
- eurred. Injuring his yea and cutting his
hands badly. He will probably lose his
Edward Holman Co.. the leading
funeral directors, hav the flneet eetab-
. Jlshment, the finest goods, the finest
vehicle and the most reasonable prices.
Fine broadcloth covered caskets, ItC
and UO. The finest wood goods made,
1 from tit to $20. .Parlors t20 and I2t
Third street,) corner Salmon,. Portland,
"Oregon. .i ',' v
and Fargo street, on car line, mod
very way, richly tinted, full con-
to basement, fli-enlace. ' Hma II raw.
meat sown ir aesiredr inauire H. k.
, ' Bteraler,! owner, one block south, at ttt
Union avenue north, today. , ;. 1
r v Rev. J. F. 'Qhormley. nsstor of . the
' Central Christian church, who. haa been
In Illinois and other eastern stages sines
Jinturt 9 mfrivA hnm. frAHaw . T
'. Ghormley haa beea enmaed ia evangeU
leal work during ns absence. , : V
The finest gardens are mad Byjlan
1 '' Ing our "Diamond Brand" seeds selected
. i especially for this eosst. Handsome
V 1 l-page descriptors and illustrated
seed annual now ready. Portland - Seed
"'o Front and yTamhllL . , s . -
-', An offer to purchase th. sits of k
Patrick's church st the corner of Savler
i- I I . I I 1 1 -LJJ. M
Our Prices BeinS
On the snm make of ' HIOH-
ariAVF. PIANOS than that for
which they ware sold for a year
ago (before w took th line), is
proof enough that we can and do
sell pn very close margins.
V - We have th' best line ef piano
to be found In the city and at
Srloe and on Jonas satisfactory.
all.; .., . , ...v-
tela way aad Tea Otbo Vakaa.
IK Sixth Street, Opp. Oregon Ian
f , Building. A
Victor Talking Mar-nines, ttec
ttrds. Sht Mselc, 8 ma 11 Instru
ments, v .
1 Miee 1
Portland A Cixti.' Railway Com-
pany scuras Most of Riht
;.'' of Way Required. ,.
Purchas Gives Company Complete
Right of. War With Exception of
-.Three Pjecc0. R. . . N. Will
t tt.- it-r ij
.-The Portland A SeattI Railway com
pany has purchased tha Heppnsr addU
tlon, 171 lots, oa the peninsula, for tie.
14, this price being at the rat of fit
par lot. There are 1 acres In th tract,
which lies directly on th rout of th
survey made by th Hill line for their
big cut through th peainsula between
the sites selected lor th Columbia river
and Willamette river bridge. Tels out
requires a right Of way 10 feet wide.
Th 00m pany haa now acquired com
plete right of way with th exception
of three pieces lying In the east naif of
th route. As soon aa thee are secured
and title to ground at Maegly Junction
is settled by th courts, th work of
cutting and filling across th peninsula
Nil d commenced.
Grading and clearing Is being carried
on by the O. K. N. company for its
St. Johns-Troutdaie extension. The
work is confined to th section between
Trout dale and the .Maegly farm. Be
yond th' latter point the company still
has to acquire a large part of th right
of way ; necessary for th line. Th
rout run entirely through th Maegly
farm 'and ' directly over th sit of a
large barn. (Which will be removed. .Th
Smith farm Is to be crossed, and h Is
sam u line 01 survey runs tnr ugn in
farmhouse. -,i - '
Both of th contesting companies on
th peninsula ar rigidly following th
lines laid out by th engineers. In ef
forts to eecur the best grades possible,
as both companies ar anxious to seoure
th easiest ban for heavy freight traf
fic. The O. R. 4b N. company's sol ob
ject In building th peninsula line is to
secure a good rout for freight trans
portation between . Portland and th
east. . It-Is th Intention to build th
best track that modern railroad , con
struction methods can - produos, and
abandon th Sullivan's guloh grade of
th present line for all excepting pas
senger trains.- Th Portland SeattI
company Is .making strenuous efforts to
secure a dead level line aa straight aa
th crow flies across -th. peninsula and
over th bridges to be built serosa both
rivers, giving It a model railroad for
heavy freight and rapid passenger traf
fic between ita Portland terminal
grounds and , Vancouver.. ,
William Wacherow Rushes Into
Burning HoteU-Drop Girl
' - Into Blanket Below. '
William- Waohafow. foreman 1 In th
car barn at Twenty-fourth and Savior
streets, at the Imminent risk of his life.
entered th burning Oraad View hotel.
Twenty-fifth and Savlsr streets, yester
day afternoon and saved from death
Doratha Wagner, a 1-year-old girl, by
dropping nar from a second-story win
dow- Into-a blanket. t.--- :
Th fire originated shortly after I
o'clock: and completely destroyed - th
structure. Th only - occupants were
Mrs. Louis Wagner and ber two little
children a boy-and a girl. . When th
building was found to be atlas Mrs.
Wagner mad her soap, her . next
thought being of her two little ones.
Both were playing in ar room shortly
before th flames were discovered. The
little boy, however, got - safely ont of
th hous and was found ia tha. crowd
watching th fir. I ,
The Grand view notel wag constructed
for th Lewis and Clark fair. It was
leased by Edward Rose and occupied by
Mrs. Wagner and her children. Th
Are was ceased by tar which workmen
were placing on th " TOof - leaking
through onta a hot ativa. llHjBamtl
gained such headway before they were
discovered that there was no chance to
sav anything. Several other bandings
war slightly scorched and th windows
In a cigar store across th street were
cracked by th heat. About t&0 Insur
ance was carried on th building. Mrs.
Warner's furniture was worth tl.eOO
and was net Insured. v. .
V'ASmiillwiw Mrs. Baaarje. '
Mrs. Bukhoda Banarjee, a native mis
sionary from Calcutta, who la now in
Portland, will be given a recaption to
morrow afternoon from S to o'clock,
rn tha parlors of the Whit Temple. Th
reception will be under th auspice of
th- Ladles' Aid society of ths White
Temple, and th Banarjee Circle. Ev
erybody is invited. .
snd Nineteenth streets has been mad
by parties who ar reported to be en
deavoring to acquire- the entire- block.
Th church sit Is held at tJS.Ov.
' The African Methodist Episcopal Zlon
church will celebrate th anniversary
of Lincoln's birthday tonight with a
musical siid literary, program. . W. L.
Broder will deliver an, oration. 11 ,r"
Invited. : ;-. ; '..;., : ; -
' Oreat Reduction Bale. Entire stock
to be sold below cost; com and look.
Ladies' underwear and-shlrtwalsts, dry
goods. ' Mn Blng Co., tt Morrison
street. . .yr4:- ! I..:;-:r": -J;:-
Watehea. Watch. Watoh On eaay
weekly -paraia"a. -tldowa--et4
week. Don't go without a good time
piece. Metxger A C, 111 Sixth street.
"Idolatry In Portland" Is tb subject
of Dr. Martin's sermon tonight at th
First Christian church, Park and Colum
bia streets. ',' , . . f
. All watches cleaned. 1 1. , All main
springs, tl. Metsgar A Co., Ill Sixth
7 OoldT medals for lawn grass and sweet
Pa a. Butser, eeedaman, lit Front. :
TAsk-for rrttr tamalaar
' ,.''
Milwaukre) Country Club.
Lo Angeles and Oakland race. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City oars at First
and Alder. . . ; .
Allan A Lewis' best Broad,
mm ins:
iyojne. Points Lett Years Xg
Probably No Docks Need
' ' Be Moved. -
Force of En(inere Haa Jurt Com-
plete4 Survey of Upper Colombia
Between Mouth of "Spek and Ce-
liloScurinj' AJ Jitional'DataVX-
United States engineers resumed th
work this morning of relocating th
harbor Uneo, ; conducting operations
from th eteamer Arago. Tb survey
was abandoned temporarily a couple of
weeks sgo to permit th Arago to go to
tha mouth of tbs Columbia, .where ah
waa needed ' to earry supplies to Port
Stevens and other, government points.
Borne of the most Important points
marking th Harbor Una war lost years
ago and they hav neve been rweatab
Uahed. It Is thought that th work of
relocating tliecn oa b completed within
th next week. In a general way It la
known Juat where the line ran and it
la balleved that none of th docks or
other buildings along tb waterfront
will hav to be moved.' A -complete sur
vey will be made from Swan Island to
a (olnt abov , th bridges sear tb
mills. -. -..'.
. Although th appropriations for1 mak
ing improvements to th harbors and
rivers ar almost exhausted,- th corps
f United Statu engineers- are ending
plenty ef . employment to keep them
busy. The plant used for tb extenelon
of th Jetty a tn mourn or in v-oiura-blt
Is being thoroughly overhauled and
put la shape for operation th coming
season. Gerald Bagnall. who haa direct
charge of th government affairs at th
mouth of th river, returned "to Port
land this morning en a short business
trip. He says that repairs to th plant
will be completed early ta tn spcina.
Another fore of engineere haa Just
completed th survey of th upper
Columbia river between th mouth ot
th Soaks and Celllo. When at Umatilla
rapids tha engineer ' went over th
sround rather hastily and will return
there to secure additional date. When
tola he been secured a full report of
their work will be compiled and for-
warded to tha war department. i is
aid that It will contain matter of more
than ordinary Interest, as it la in nrsr
tiro that section of th stream naa vsi
hn enrveved. '. ' - ,
Workmen ar kept on tne payroll at
Fort Stevens fixing up tb. trestls to th
Jetty whenever It receive tn sugntssr
damage by u storms, in tnis sosnnei
the anrinesra hoD to keen th improve
ment vln good snap until aa additional
appropriation has- been mad by con
gress for carrying on tn worn en an
xtenslv seals. .-:
wassTii Trie t Kelp gtisraw Oft
. ' a Bak .
White bound Tor tb scens f th
tMllea Citv accident, carrying a wreck
Ing outfit, th . steamer Hercules got
aground yeeterday and waa forced to lay
nearly day near Government wiano. im
tranaer attemotea to nuu ner oui inw
deen water and in a abort time shs too
waa hard and fast on a sandbar. -The
Bailey Gatsert finally cam along ana
pulled th Hercules off, th Stranger
having worked herself free.
An east wind has been sweeping aown
th Columbia river canyon during th
past -week, - frequently - reaching . th
velocity ot a gal. It caught th
Hercules in such a manner as 10 carry
her out of th channel. When the
Stranger cot aground sb was endeavor
ing to deepen a waterwayxalongsld of
her companion so that hOmlght float
off. Tb Gatsart als cam near getting
tuck.' -. v
After eh had got out Into deep water
th Hercules continued her trip up th
river and sb la now at Curtis landing,
where th Dalle City lie sunk. Re
ports from th upper river ere that th
wind has subsided materially and the
Rallev Gatsert will endeavor to mane
th trip through to Tb Dalles. Bh left
Portland this morning, th captain hav
ing been instructed to us his own Judg
ment .about . attempting - paea to
rapids. Bh tried to make th through
run on her last trip, but wss unable to
mak prograe against th strong blow.
NO other boat baa yet oeen seouroa to
tek th place ot th Dalles City.
OowmT to See AllJano PloMd on the
v. Dryaook. .. . , ' - . .
K. J. Holt, general manager of the
California St Oregon Coeet . Steamship
company, ia la th city from San Fran
Cisco, having com to see th Alliance,
on of th boat of his Una, placed en
th drydock. Th steamer will be
floated on Wednesday morning. She
Is lying at her dock at th foot of
Couch street, . where her machinery I
being given an verbauung. whll on
th drydock the- vessel will be cleaned
and -painted. Th work laid out to be
don on her will be completed Intime
for her to sail for Eureka and way porta
a week, from today. Tn Alliance ar
rived Saturday night, bringing a full
cargo of freight and "a big passenger
list . Th shipments which she would
have carried to- Eureka on the return
trip will b taken car of by th Roan
oke, - which la expected t o reach the
mouth of th river this afternoon.
B. a. Xy of Vew Tork Oomlng s SeV
;-';-,-;.,'. JBlayt.
Reappralsement Of goods at thai en.
tomhous will be mad tomorrow- by
E. O. Hay of New Tork, who will reach
Portland this evening from ths east
Ma will have aleht or ten eases to lank
after, th local Importers - sppeellng
front ths decision of .Colleotor of Cus
tom Patterson as te their value. Mr.
Hay m on of th Unite Btate general
appraisers, who Is kept busy ths entire
year visiting th various porta on oust,
ness ef this character. Th valus Of
th imported article ta fixed at th pur
chasing price a near a th f lguree
can be obtained, so that th proper tar
iff mag; b collected. , . .-
Carrying a cargo valued at 1 24.171,
th - oriental- liner N lenmedlsj-eeft-down
thla afternoon at T o'clock, bound for
Hongkong and way port. Her heaviest
shipment .consisted of tS.OOS barrels ef
flour, which will be delivered lo mer
chants In Japan and at Hongkong, th
major portion going lo th latter port.
Off the month of the Columbia river
th British- ship Balmor waa Sighted
eater day afternoon waiting , to aross
ID,CS3 Vizzzz lZzzz?
CORSXT COVERS Dainfy styles In immenan
variety, nainsook trimmed in fine embroidery and
lacea. tucks, beading and ribbon: blouse fronts.
The prettiest corset covers we have ever shown.
Prices run all the way from 1
33c 35c, SOn. 60c, f 5c, fl5o, $1 r to X5Q Each
DRAWERS of fine cambrics and nainsooks fmsde
with fitted waistbands and trimmed in fine em
broideries, laces, tucks, beading end ribbons.
Beautifully made and finished. r Grand values at
5Qc, oOc. 75c, 1. $U3.ff ISO s to' f JO fair
KIOHTQOWN3 of fine nainsooks, cambrics and
muslins trimmed in dainty embroideries, laces, in- ,
sertions, tucks, headings and ribbons, made in low, '
round, square, V and high necks; long and short,
sleeves. Also s splendid assortment, of . plain .
tucked and hemstitched s;owns in all sizes. Hand
some styles in fereat variety at prices all the way
from , - , .. , r-'r.
tl.'f 1.35, tIJO, ta. t.33,$3.50 to $10 tach
WHITS UNDERSKIRTS in the largest and best ;
variety ever shown in the city. Made with fitted T
waistbands, trimmed in dainty embroideries, Isces, '
insertions, tucks, beading and ribbons. . Separate .
dust ruffles; circular and plain flounces.. Skirts
of the most attractive styles. Made extra full, of
th very best materials end exceptionally low
priced at- ;' - ' '
SI. tUl, S1.30. f 1.73, $3. $3.50 to 1S Each
NAINSOOK CHEMISE Plain and -trimmed
skirts; dainty embroideries, headings, Isces, tucks,
insertions and ribbons; very; pretty -styles nd
grand values at l.OO to fT.BO each.
Women's Short Underskirts at SOf , 75, f 1.00
op to 9.50 gach. .-
Magnificent high-grade gsrments made ' of fine V"
lawns and nainsook and cambric, trimmed in fine .
embroidered and fancy laca flounces, separsta dust
ruffles, trimmed v with besdings and ribbons
Prices from f 18.50 to $30.00 each Second
Floor. '.:.!,.. , - v. - - .
raw SPR1NGDRESS coops
Ore Te seeena's favorite ebaM. will be fooad km la la.
Is raust ekith. vlgrnaas. balsas, foslee sad BWealni seat eUrl
et prlee from see to SS.0 a rul I
Sew wklte sreea west ead silk awhalr soede ta seess ssd baa-lias
sew etylea. larce variety, SSe te SS.0 j.ra. '
New rwo-teeed Preaallu la tbe Inrtalbl checks, ll.M yard.
Kr an bra plaMe la very rich erterte at SS.SS a era.
rull lias ef eU-wael betlete. verr bail ahaOMi. SOe vera. " '
Ceoiplcte llae ef Crepe 4. Parte dress
uompiMe uee er lu-nm reaaaw ewiM it ll. ve re apenat '
FaU llue ef Pru.ll. etethe. everr akade. ll.M ut S.M r.rd.
erlep gnUh an-sea, all graoM, all aka4ee, SSs te S1.M rard.
Whits COOdS "
wwy HaaKMM Wklle
special valee la
a great kit ef Isaltanoa baby Irish Lease Snr wakrtlagei
sdasese stjrlea, SLM tars.. . Mall crows will k eafe-
real Oleav Less win k la great seaataaV Oar steak
es lacbM wide.
nur sues.
. ItMl Irleh and
Is br (ar the lark Mt .la tke eltr aa
.Reead SMah Vala., MarhUs eacea
t Batch, e laese wtoe, eu pneee. louses elects to ealeit bus.
tigered sets, white aad ereaat, ereem batlete edge ead besoi te
match. - Claay allerere edge. lautatlea Irleh laeee la great saeartSMat.
All the vary newest at facta ta great
l II .1 .rws-c----!! U
tha' bar. Bh la earning from th weet
ooaat of South Amarloa In ballast. Th
veasel Is under charter t load lumbar
at Portland 'for Genoa. Italy.
Th British staamshln llford. enar-
tered some time ago by th Poolflo Kx-
nort Lumber eoniDany to load lumbar at
Portland for th orient, la several days
overdue from Muroran, Japan. - 81)
waa azpected to roach th river on Bat
With a small shipment f wneat. tne
Frnoh bark Jean Baptist left down
thla morning, bound for Taooma, where
her cargo for SCurop will be completed
Bh will be towed to th sound from
th mouth of th river. -
Th work of disoharglng coal from
tha - French . bark Jules Oommea waa
started this morning at thd gas dock.
Th Norwegian bark. General cordon
shifted this morning ' from Columbia
dook No. 1 to th American Can com
oanyV dock. -
Gaptaia Latruns assumd eommana er
th steamer Iurlln thla morning after
having taken a couple et weeks' layoff
on account or sickness.
Astoria, fab. 1. Arrived- at t and
left up at :S0 a. nu steamer Northland,
from Ban Francisco,
storiarTb. 11. Arrived down at I
and sailed at 11 .10 a. m4 steamer South
Bay. ' for San Francisco. Arrived at
a. m. and aalled at 11:11 p. a, steamer
Columbia, for San franc lac o. Arrived
dowa at I end alld at ji:so a. m,
steamer Nora City, for San Pedro. Ar
rived at 1:10 a. m. and sailsd at is:l
p. m. steamer Jeanle, for Baa Frannlaoo
and Pott Lioa Angeles. Arrived down
at S:l a. m. and sailed at 1:1 p. m,
Frsnoh bark Jacquee, . for Queenstown
or Falmouth for orders. Outside at I
p. ' m., British - bark . Balmors, : from
Plsagua. , ' i . .
San Franelseo, Feb. 11. Arrived at IS
a. m., steamer K. A. Kllburn, from Port
land. Ballad at IU m., ateamer Sana
tor, for Portland. - Arrived it I I, n,
steamer Adrella, from Portland. .
Astoria, Fob. 11. Condition of th
bar at a. m., smooth; wind north;
wathr claar.- . . . . '
Astoria, Or, Feb. U-Arrlved down
at -a. mi British bark Ason Ala w." .'
. "A men must surely be deaf and blind
If ha did not beer enough or see enough
to have cauae for revoking th Richard
license," said' Paul Bsder at th Wh.t
Tempi last night. "Tb odium which
bas saturated th air of Portland th
paat few weeks Is enough to mak th
most sleepy and staid old eltlsen Jump
out of th even road and reach for hi
war paint.. -.--' i. i
TTherer saloons IB tblfc . town.. now
running, who proprietors hav been
brought before the eourt and fined for
having girl In tnsir places of bust
ness and dissolute women as frequenters,
yet they sUll hold their license to sell
llqnor. - - . -'
' Tin Pullman saloon has been before
the court six times. - From on of tb
upstairs rooms sn officer arrested a
man and a woman. Tb door waa barred
against him by a ehalr being placed un
der th knob. Th Pullman saloon waa
fined ISO the 17th day of January for
allowing the above-mentioned woman. -to
Secure liquor in this saloon, Th girl
wan .about It years of age. -
- "The Totem ssloon bae been before
the court. Th Doctor saloon will corns
before the court Tuesday. Al Waller
haa been fined f I S for having girl un
der age' In hi saloon. Ar th above
proprietor of good, moral character.
Other t could mention ar th Palm,
Mill Lrown'g and th Market saloon.",
ww-. ri .
Is the
waa tha
teas et
rood. .n feeda. ll.M yard.
Vlala and pla M, fl
Weal BetlMe at SSs te SI
inclose everrUtlna aew as srettr.
aa aUurera, Ml tope, taeea aad saaea
Dr. Wilson 8ays Majority of ths
Council Ar Bondsd to'Kssp' '
.'iil.' Portland . Corrupt--:
Q rasa Methodist ehureb wag Uled last
night to boar Dr. Wilson's sermon en
"What Nextr It was announced that
next Sunday night th pastor would
preach, by request, on Tutur Punish-
mant" " : ', i ' '
Tew people ar afraid f Qod nowaday,-
aald Mr. Wllaon, "but this Is
not a good sign ot th times. A god
ly fear la wholesome. It re 1 levee from
many human dreads and- holds on
steady In th midst of life tempta
tions. In our elty there ta a great fort
of sin, protected by our city council
and entrenched by law. Every young
man and woman l. In danger. On side
repreeents Babbathdaciralrmr sapping
the religious life and sons of Ood from
every on who Indulges. There ean be
no good character if there 1 not th
beginning of wisdom, th fear of God.
Oambllng Is 'a second aid of this fort
ress of evil. Oambllng Is not a bust
sees. Oambllng Is a crime, and It
ought to b so treated by our polio.
When a man offers to gamble with you.
h propoeee to give you something for
nothing. In which caae b I a fool. Or
sothlng for something, and In that ease
h is a thief. Th law ought to pro
tect th town from th reign ot fools
and thieve a. -
"Tb i aid of this fort Is Impurity.
Ton cannot 'maks man moral by law,
but w can by law maks It eaay to do
right and hard to do wrong.. And when
a place beaomes a death trap to virtue,
th aid to procurers and a pitfall for In
nooenca. - it should bs cloeed . bw law.
But ther ar about lght men, In our
olty council who stand together Ao- eon
tlnu a oolley or administration whlcli
bas disgraced this elty vr elnce that
corrupt ring' haa had It by th throat
But ' tb people ar . waking up. Th
fourth aid of this fort la Intemperance,
ministered by hundred of saloons, run
ning all th lord's day as on vry
other, and "Presuming to. dictate th
policy ox government ana write) jsv I or
th people. Shepherd, Annand and th
rest may bow down to them, but w
will remember th name of the men
It they eome befor ue for our votes.'
l Ber. William I tTpshaw of Missis
sippi ' Avenue Congregational . church
preached yesterday to a large audience
n th story of tb prodigal son. -
'"This story is in close touch .with
th drama of life and that I th rea
son for Its continued strength," said Mr.
Upshaw. . "Tb greatest problem of life
ha to do with aln and. lb consequences,
from which' ther 1 no escape. Men
who hav sinned against their bodies
and ruined their constitution - learn
that nature 1 Inexorable. He who ha
thrown away bla 'social standing by
trining with th delicate things of life
must reap th result e. Miny who meant
well at 2 ar ruined at it, and they
think It hard that others should be
np when they are down.
"Christ has presented a plotur or- lire
It' thla parabla, of . man's, .wandering.
desolation and return. Uod - oratlme
gives u what w ask tor aatb only
Nc7 Ccrpcts
spring display ef sew Carats sad
stest eateaatf ws ever sttesiptes.
tadlTldaal Uee will be Ssssd sasiplete,
It be tagralas at eSe yard er WU.
SS-St yard. ..The best predict ef tke
freak stare
la nth) territory. Prteea, aaattues aad work,
ssaaaklp gavaatesd la every hasUes. Par
tlaalar attcouoa Is sailed te the eieeptteaelly
etreag abnwliq; la pi. la ealsrlnge rick, isiilis
able abases for park- aad seareosav M
troabl te -skew ye.
gorsl Wiltons, ysrd. .................... SS.SS
S !( Aacsiaiatar, ard., , l.M
lak Art Aioualslera, yard ......i l.ST
hody arssesls. rar I 1.SS
WlBdeor Braaaela, yard l.M
Sail Ik Aimiaetar, yard l.ST
Double eitre qoalltr nreastla. yard....... l.M
Motel Rraesels, yard I ,M
nroesala, rar..
abev prices tnclaee ssoiag.' ktrlag
V '
Auction Hons?
W will nay cash for used furniture.
afnwaM anHT mimIm) ln.fnim.nt. ur.
can sell NKW furniture at a great sav
in xrom tns rumitur combination
prices, . W can furniah a home, oge
or stor oom piste et a trifling part of
Um Mil A th. "hi " I V
although w hav about a large an a es
tablishment aa any of them, w also
oonduot i '
If. and J. D. Goode
1 Auctioneers f "
u noon bt ooa. uutsv.
$40 Bicycle, now.. 822.50
$50 Cushion Frame $27.50
$05 Ruby Racer. . .f 30.00
130 Rims at ; Half Price
Concrete Construction Co,
T0t Chamber- ef Oommat. ' '
hfanufacturera of Concrete Stone Bleoksi
Contractors for aU kind of mat
work..': " " ' '' ' 'i ''."..""
angon atAnr iso. - '-
way to teach us that we want what i
not best for us. . Ther ar soms who
say ther Is no pleasure In sin. Th
young man enjoyed sin till staavatlon
eame upon him and his hunger mad
htm think. If you turn your back upon
sin and turn your fae toward Ood
while yon ar a great way off from him
he will se you and run to meet you aad
ther will be tb best rob, of Christ's
own righteousness for you and feasting
and Joy and gladn.' . . ..
fHpaelal blspateh te Tee Iseraal.t "
Ontario, Or k reb. li. Th Ontario
Immigration company with a capital
stock of 114.00 has been organised with
th following officers: J. A. Lackey,
president; B. M. Gretg, secretary; C E.
Ksnyon, trsasurer; W. C Calder, man.
agar. Th object of th company 1 to
aid tn populating Malheur county' with
thrifty farmer from tha east and aid
In advertlalng th resources ot thla seo
Uoa t th aut. ' a
jCrmnd . 1 1 "dY
Pkoaa Hala , .
Moaday, Tsasda. Wsdaeaeay. V
, Matlaee, rsbniary IS. IS. 1.
Aswrtca's Oreetaat TrageiUaar,
NANCE O'i'j.
aarb saaie Prautioaa. aa A
tOMIwjtf Af t.l O CLOv,
fires cf JJ. Iztf
Mr soaanaaaa. first Tlsae Pare. ,.
TrrJ r '"t--JS
Carts is Rises et M rmny, Owiag ta
tae siassi snaeis aiorta. v
Wednesday Ev, 'cr-j XzzrS
By Waeterlinrk. tint Tim Rare. '
avatng Prices Lewr rinsr. $l.Bo aad tl.'
BslaeeyTfVTOc SOe. Oauur, 6a, tel. Bssas
aad Logas, loJ. .
ataUaae rrleea tawer rkwr. L ' Baleeay,
T5e ead SOe. Oellery. SBc, See. '
sitATB tu mniajJva.-7-'-
?iI?BW' nmSHt2jtn'
riJSBUAJlT IS, IS, 11 ,
' Tbe tnttalaaed Ac,
Aensnpaalad br ' Mlea' afarla DrafasS
tm aa labia pradavtWa et etaadat elaya.
Tkarsaay alrht Talag ef the Saiew. . ,
-L- gnday alsHtTOUalla."
ataeaay satlaaa, "The wiiiaini ef Vaaiea."
lilin 7 ulaM. "Iniraai."
Bwniwo rmrt-uw now, tl.Sn, i. '
Balraay. Ttc. SOe, usllery Sae, SSe.
MATlNBg pnirra Lewer near. St. faoj Ka
., tire Balossy, Sue. Oellery, ate. Sfte. U- -I
ASvaaee sale epsss tusiwis at i a. a. '
rmdido nttnt
Mifii-ira4 lath aad Mi
. , Mlltea W. Baa aura, afaaesee.
, Pertlaed'e Popalav P1ar ssi.
aPCaa.rd S aLiaaSatiaan - -
v 4 v Opsra f Ccnpcny
tokioht Ajro TOsfoaaow wianrr, '
, 'Tht Cc'cty CL-T
"Aa A.eriL3 HZ zzn"
gPBCIAL X OTI OB There will se a per.
fcraim gatarsy Bight.
Bvenlag piiras tSe, SSe, See, SO. Matt
ass 18a. SSe, 60a. - . -
Vm otttaetiea, "Ih mrtlsir'S Bsoghtse''
.' : APOLLO :
Moniay cad TvzzZiy rcht
mr nor. son waxji
v. i ..
Courteous and ' attatlv inatruatorg
" . skat afteraooas. -
iUL, erlwysk
Bslter Thectrc awTiSTi:
raaaklll aad Third, eta, Pbeae Mala taut.
, All This Waah AaHea'B Best Sfw,
MThe Vuiitt DvSit CiT'
latreduslog thro sertleas et
atlrth aad
ybw Th Braet ITaaleal Satire,
"A VM tails
laaejoawe Oieiaaar," S...a4 Ql Iwnm
aaa - Traaae.- ef Aenaate. Thu4 . ae
ii.a.itaf lajaa, "A Trip te the qTI,ni awi
WwSnasilsy Bargsla Matisse aBe te ear sat
Other aaaUaese, oataraay lao, SSe. See. Sue.
Might prises SSs, S6e, SOo, Toe. -
. . vest wi y-nali
BalpaJa -
Web -f kv It
Princess Trixle
Be bast edaeated
kerse In the
Xss Three
, v Be raid Xarf.
Pi hee Bvealaas sad
Saadsya. lOo. hue, Soei
stlsiss, lOe te say
seat aaeept feoaea.
Mr. aad BH. paela
Week ef Feb.
Is s weodarfal
eshtMrlea ot
. Mm tat T
WU1 C. Xayt
Pta-s 1 10 te say
Beat eiestil
rss nooarPABABLS Bxoox on. nxsnTg
r Our Cirii
- ASwIsslea, lee? meeeS Beet. SO. "
The Best
Nlffht School
' la th ' Northwest is eon ducted
" DchnKe-lft:!i:r
business Cc!!:2
Elks' Bldg.. Seventh aad Stark. ,"
' i ' ' 0&AjrS -'- i '
Monday, . Tnisjawifsislla aaat
No better Investment - than a
. oonrs In our IparUnnt of
W ' bav th most ' modem
naipmnt of any col leg m - tne
. - West All our deportment ar
; tn charge of oxperta, . .. .
W ar loaded up with
We receive aupplte from all far'
so there Is never danger that o-r t
will becom exhaoatedl When yu. r
bin begin to look aorry juat
f Rinaf Up Pttone Z
And see what w can do' to r-".: -
....... x, t.-v-. ... -