The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1906, Image 3

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    IZIj? TO OOjijj
Ctcrrtary 'of -Cix Corrpaniet
Cnd Warning to American
Friend In jOrienL
Little Brown Hen Said by Senator to
I - Be Back of Boycott No Opposition
Z .Jn Congress to Belligerent Policy of
Administration. '
. " ' (Jearasl SsssUI grvte,i
Washington. Feb, Jl. A special from
- . Cincinnati ititM thajt Wens Pons. for.
mer secretary f the 81 Corapanlea In
Ban Francisco, who. la visiting bsr. to-
I day said ha thought th Boxer trouble
in China ni about to jculmlnat a ,tha
greatest massacre of modern Uou, Ha
.issued tha following warning to several
: American rrisnas last want, teiegrapn-
- ' ing It to Seattle, Loa Angeles and tSan
Francisco: J : . ' ; '
"Tha blowls about to fall. Cabli
:"' warning your' frienda to learo China at
'.', one. . Tall tbant to aaek protection- of
. Germany temporarily and sat out of tha
country before February 14." ,.
', Pons explained' tha purport of hl
' messsgss as follows: - ,' ;., vf
"I received word thla moraine' that
aa order had been sent out In aubord
, nate circle of tba .Cblnsk Reform aaso
C elation to throw off all foreign, elements
, . In eur country, starting February 15.
, ; The aasoclatlon a oatsnstbly patriotic"
y ; - Alantiag Vows Seeelved. . .''
Mews from China stows more alarm
- Ins dally. Senators are giving the mat
' ter aerloua consideration. One senator
: declared todays -
jv - "The Japanese are behind this. The
. Japanaae are the moat Implacable
" enemies of America In China, . In tha
' struggle foe oommerelai supremacy they
are pitting ' stealth and unaorupulous-
nesa Sgalnat the United - BUtea.; Taft
and Root must have the money to- pre
pare for the' campaigns sura to some
,! and must expect to protect tf tor the
.", Americans in China. They muat hare
'.money to put the machinery la motion
Snd must hare troops ready, for we may
," need them at any time." : .
The aenator la ualng 'the argument
to ergs hla colleagues to action. There
Is novsttempt 'whatever In government
run i nnn
Pag One.)
, other minor Injyrtea by Jumping from
the second story, window...
'.. R. n. BnbcocK. a wealthy lumberman
". from Lansing, Michigan, leaped in his
underclothes from tha window of hie
room and broke hla leg when he struck
;i tho hard pavement, ., .v '
i'-' Mrs, Brone gave a-srrephle story of
'.the escape of herself and her boarders
from the biasing building. r .
'1 was awakened from a sound sleep
' by my syoa, who rushed Into my room
caning Tire. motherf She 'said. . "Mra.
Edmunds was' in the same room-with
y- me. My eon told me it was impossible
-to gev out of the building aniens we
Jumped. We could see the flames c om
it the- room and tha amok .was
stifling. ' He broke open the window and
to lump, which I did. I landed
tba awning and rolled of .! was
o,escIted that I Hardly. Knew wbat
t waa - nappening. 1 loot . everytning I
ad and got out only In my night
M T Atilrfe that' wa wara ii.
tremely 'fortunate In escaping with our
Uvea, aa the building .was .a roaring
furnace." ' "' ' -'..' i. '.;.,
. Mrs. Han Bdmunda ' said aha
daaad and did not realise what was hap
pening.. . - '
; "Buster ' Browne - told me to- jump,"
aha said.' land without realising what
' was happening becauee I was so flight'
' Sned and dased by tho fire and smoke.
' I followed Mr Browns ent of the win
daw. Fred K nicer followed roe and. ha
picked me-up and carried me out of
' itanger. - He was badly Injured by the
-tatfand his arm Is broken."
: Mrs. Edmunds boms Is in The Dalles,
and she has telegraphed to her parents
circles to' minimise the seriousness of
the Chinese situation but at tha. same
time it ia held by iot officials that
me outDreas is not actually Imminent.
" ' megtmante fot brleat. .
Mall reports that come regularly to
the state department from diplomatic
and consular oUcers throughout - the
Oainane empire show the varying de
gree of danger. In the meantime the
war "department la actively making
ing preparaiions ror vrouDia in China, it
Is maintained that meaaurea such as
have been taken, which Include the seed
ing of two more regiments of Infant
and two batteries . of field artillery
the Philippines, ar precautionary only,
and that the administration does not
lnfend to be caught In an embarrassing
situation In the event of actual and
Tlous difficulties. " "'"'TZIST''
. Additional regiments In the Philip
pines will give the government a Strong
ioroe mere. Whether this force will be
enough will depend- upon further de
velopments. In the event that reports
are received Indicating that the coming
Uprising Is imminent, further measure
will be teken, Involving the sending of
more troops, i--s.-': r--. '.-.-,.r
Ha Opposition la OoagtessvJ
.. .It has been suggested by army of
fleers that the, Philippine scouts, a local
military organisation of the Phlllpplnea,
made up of natives snd officered' by
Americans, be ueed In China If there Is
trouble. It Is held that tha scouts
would fight good against the Chinese and
would stand conditions la China and ljve
more cneapiy mam Americana.
It la aald the reason the admlnlstrat-
ncn is so active in its position wits tne
Peking government is that the admlnla
tratlon haa beenv assured that there will
be no political opposition in oongreas to
tna Chinese policy. Senators and rep
resentatives art aatlsf led that the situs
tlon'wlll permit ef n quibbling;
m Oompaales la the Bask as As Its
' j- aVUafed gacrotary. ,'iV.r
... iarn SpwIU Servm.v V
Ban Francisco. Fab. 12. No one '
Chinatown this morning 'seemed
knaw -Wong Fong. who. In Cincinnati.
predicted a general massacre of all for
eigners la China. . The dispatch , says
that vyong Fong Is secretary of the Bis
companies, out inquiriee at neasquartera
of that organisation failed to disclose
anything .about him.' Lroo Kan. presl
dent of the Ban Francisco societies of
the Chines Reform association, stated
that the report that the Chinese Reform
sssoclatlon was implicated ia the trou
ble waa untrue. ...
concerning the - 'accident;
everything she had in the flames.
R. H. , tiabcocav . a - lumberman from
Lansing,. Michigan, who -reoently eaene
to for Hand, from ' Fulda, Washington,
where he owns a large sawmJU which is
run by his two sons, said; , :
-'-. Vtairways Bkat Off. "; :'V
' "The noise of the crackling flames
and the screams of the guests In the
houae awakened me. -1 Jumped from
bed and immediately , eaw that the house
Lwas on fire. I rushed to the door to and
ait onance or escape- py the stairways
out off. -1 realised Immediately that to
escape I must Jump and. Jump quickly.
I seised some furniture, and amashed
the window glass, stepped out on the
ledge, grasped an electric light Insulator
and' some wires with the intention. of
dropping feet foremost. -The wires gave
way and I waa precipitated with great
fore to the aidewalk, v where I was
rescued by bystanders. - everything
U WW WW. II.U. , . '
."They say my hip Is broken." hs ooa-
ttnuSd . with a good-natured amlle, but
the next Instant hla countenance
seamed with pain as he attempted te
move in hla cot. -"But I'm glad I got
oft. so luckily, as I understand that sev
eral wars burned to death."
' . Zra Ooopec a Sere.
Ira Cooper, an employe of the Oregon
the Alpine rooming-house, proved him
self a hero, it waa through his presence
of mind that Mrs. Mclrvln, tha blind
landlady, and a doaen or more of the
Inmates of th boas escaped. Cooper's
story xouowsi
"I was aleeplng in tha kitchen, and
man from Corvallla' had a bed in the
office.- The house was full of roomers.
I was awakened by the crackling of
the flames and the screams of people In
tne. miming . buildings. My -room was
fill in with smoke snd I eould aaa tha
flames ' eating their way Into 1C -1
grabbed - a few .clothes, put them , on
hurriedly and ran Into the hallway and
Degas to awasen tne room era.
"I then began to took for a means of
escape. I saw . that the f Ira had evl-
wnicn tne a i pine rooming-nous wit
located and the adjoining building, and
, I ;'
.V...'-li-T': U -1
' a T "si
V '-sV - 11 . m . al. . M0X
ri ipening
Sold Only By
; ' ' IatroJnser Mef Dssnr Stylish Ifsts '
203 'WASHINGTON : ST Bs 5tl'.
F i- w i I t . .at
i .. I. I t V e t .at Sik . a
1 a or a. I chance .' -. e would be
cut off. I first ran to tne atr atraat
stslrway and found it a seetkg inaas
Of flamea. I then went tq the Kiorrlaon
atreet eutranc to find- a worse condi
tion there. Immediately I realised that
er only chance of sseepe was by Jump
lac. - ---- - , - ,
Brooks Oat tndsws,
"The hallway were by that time
filled with frantic men and women run
ning about In their night clothes snd
attempting to carry their belongings
with them. . Calling to them tot follow
me f rushed to the room on the corner
ef 'Water and Morrison streets, occupied
by two ship carpenters, broke open their
door and rouaed them and then knocked
out the window.
..'I then told the people that they must
Jump quickly.' aa It was thalr only
mesne - of escape 'from, death. In the
names." I succeeded In arousing Mrs.
Mclrvln. the blind landlady, and she
came into the halL I took, charge of
her, led her to the window and. told Iter
to jump upon the awning beneath the
window. Bhe did so, and escaped with
a broken leg and slight bruises sbout
he body.;. ,, , . -
" "One after- thr other,- a- doaetr people
tfumped from the window, and nearly all
escaped without any very, serious-injuries,
excepting) the landlady, although
many received Slight scratches, and
bruises. I waa the last one to get out
of the building at thla place. Before I
Jumped, the. flame--were pressing' me
close, and I got out -Just In the nick of
time. ," Because. . of . the excitement. I
could -not tell - who were among thla
crowd, - . ' J
.. . .k-'-.aji tost Belongings- ' ' '
' "I do not know whether all got out
of . the Alpine or not.. I think, however,
that young Bandera, the son of A. B.
Banders of Cosmopolis, . Washington. '
waa burned. ' There - may - have been !
others whs failed to awaken in time to
escape, the flamea. The people In the
other lodging-house adjoining th Al
pin were not so fortunate In eaoanlnc
and I oeiiev aeveral of them perished.
-rasing everytning into considers.
tlon. all of us war .fortunate to
eape as w did. Not any of tha roomers
were able to save anything. All their
belongings were burned. The houses
were frail structures and burned like
tinder, and It was only a few minutes
after I was s roused before the build
ing ws were in wss a mass of flamea."
' Cooper vtalted the hospital to inquire
after his friends In the same garb In
which he escaped from the house. He
hsd on a white shirt.- a pair of overall
an old coat, a hat that had been par
tially burned by the flames, , a shoe on
one, foot and an old boot with, th top
on on in tner. - -
He said that Mrs. Mclrvln kept
record of all her roomers, but that the
register had burned, although ha at
tempted to secure it. Because ef this
faot th names of th roomers could
not bp learned. , ; x
Mra Mclrvln said that there were
betveea IS snd ! guests In the house
last night Bhs had no Idea how many
sscspeq, .. - :
CntlntMd from Jags On.)-
rapidly off to the hospitals. My moth
er waa tha most severely burned. - How
th other members of th family- re
ceived their burn and I . escaped with
the exception of. .signed hair' I do not
know. Everything happened so quickly
cannot begin to recall Juet what did
occur when the flames lesped across th
Street. - . i - ,
""Mamma want to the hospital In
buggy. Just after aha Jumped a man
drove up In a rig: J think It was a fire
man. . I helped mamma Into It and away
they' went Lata papa got Into an am
bulance, I helped h)m In. as I did my
uroinir r ram .. t..-...i j
" aTO Tims ,
"Nona of us had any time to get Ed.
When the flames enveloped our place
were all upatalrs, axoeptlng Re
tried to rifh down snd get him, but the
flames Were coming up th stairs snd it
was impossible. Where the flames earns
from so quickly I cannot tell. It was
not five minutes from th tlm I went
npstalra, when-the flamea war all on
tho other side of the street before our
house wss so enveloped that It waa lm
possible for m even t try to go down
stairs and rescue my little brother..
'just what our loss is 1 do not know.
Papa bought the place onlr last No
vember st a sheriffs sale. , What fit gave
for It I do not know. Thar was soma
inauranoe, but how much I do not know,
You see. I nave pnly been home but s
few weeks, snd was out of the elty
when papa bought the 'Place. I have
another brother. Fulton, who la now In
Bpokane, - I have an aunt Mrs. Ottle
Train, who Uvea In -Brooklyn suburb.
hs married mamma's sbrother."
Firemen Beard Orlss la SsUdlaf From
Which Bodies Wars Takes.
The fact that persons perished in the
he building In lTsjnsswhoooid lea have not yetbeen
Ins-house waa i recovered Is evidenced by tne stale. T
menu made to Patrol Driver Pries by
men on tne nrenoat. :
As w neared th burning buildings. 1
said Fireman Penny, ,"w heard ertes of
Helpr and Oh! oh!' . A second lster th
building collapsed and w beard no
more calls or groans," '
Patrolman H. .B. Parker was ne ef
th first on th scan. He was walking
east about three btocka beyond the
bridge when th alarm sounded. He ran
quickly to the soens and did good work
istlng th Injured. . Parker give
great deal of credit to Charles An.
draws, -an sx-speclsl policemen, for
prompt and efficient work at the firs.
Tbs police pstrol ambulancs was un
able to handle th Injured fast enough.
and Holmana ambulanes snd on from
th Central stabls wars called Into as.
Five Injured were conveyed to. th hos
pital by tbs police ambulance. . . "
tHw Bays Mrs. Cooper sad
. Mesial fcefs Bnrsiag BaJUiag.
James Elliott, employed by th Stand
ard Box A Lumber company, was among
th number who escaped from tba rooming-house
sondueted by Mrs. Cooper. He
declares that be la positive of the escape
of Mra. Cooper and. . Miss Mericle, a
young girl employed by Mrs. Cooper', but
cdnnot account for other occupants of
the place. , There were seven occupants
ef the house besides himself and the
two women. . ;..,.-.
KUtott lost tl In money and- all- hi
possessions with th exception of a part
of a suit of clothing In which he escaped.
"There war seven parson ' In th
place besides myself, Mrs. Cooper and
Miss Miracle," said Elliott. "I know
tho . two women escaped, but . I have
heard or seen nothing of the others. I
had HO in money. Which was all I had.
raa lost, with all my clothing except
what I bow have on, and everything I
ad.-- ": r. - ."-' . ., ....
"I don't know how th .fir started.
Th first thing I knew when I awak
ened wa tbaA there was a deep, roar
ing sound snd women sod msn shouting
and screaming.-1 threw on a few
clothes sad Jumped.' I guess I'm lucky
to get sway as well as I did."
The firemen are grateful to a Soow-
d waller named Ford, who lives on the
south side, of th bridge near tba Row
I Ing club's boathouse, for Jhe many cups
.4 of hot coffee , he made for thm.Pord
. J took on look, st the fir and arranged
' .r " ' ' ;
. j e
Absolutely free
1st Prise $900 Mshogtnjr, Metroityle PianOlg PUno. -jj .-" t,
2d Prise 4850 Cbickerins. Quarter Grand Piano.. - ; . '
1 - a s r .1 at 1 .a ae M , , .
so rns aoo fLtmoau bpy .unu.
t0 Weber Metrostyla ' Pianola PUno.
4th Prise 550 Fancy Schumann (Exhibition Style) Upright Piancv
5th Prlge350 Fancy. Manoganw. Maranaii a Wendell Upright
-'"-' Piano.-.- , ' " 'v T-J
6th Prige-4250 Latest Metroetyle Pianola. T , ' : -7th
Prise $125 Beautiful Latest Style Kimball Parlor Organ, '.
. rvj r.ju w:ti tiui -. u 1 . M .u.
; Each of Abe contettants iehding the,' next
twenty largest lists of wordg will be given
;Cret-fiilIs for $5 leu thin the preceding prtie,
J or 95, a,nd following this in groups of. twenty
each of the contestants sending in the next
twenty largest list of words ' will be given
Credit Bills for $5 less than the preceding
-prises until. the entire $75,000 shall hive been
distributed.''"; ;' ''v' : ';; ' J't , j V.v'.v
The fairness of this offer appeals at once to
the public from the fact that Eilers Pianos are
sold exclusively ' upon the' uniform or" "one
'. price" plan, v All instruments being' marked in
- plain figures! " Therefore all winners of Credit
. Bills are assured of the bona fide reduction to
1 the amount of the Credit Bill on any new high
' grade piano which they may select, i '
',--- w ,' 0 '.
, , No "employe o( Eilers Piano House or any
member of. their families are eligible fpr this
contest . To all otheVs it is entirely open.
I Only such words of theEnglish language ss
tre to be found in. Wcbttera International Dic
tion'afyT" No napes of persons, towns', or.
places, or plurals are to be used. Do not use
a letter more times than it appears in the two
words, "Eilers Pianos." ', Words spelled the
same, but having different meanings, can be
used but'OncerV' ';''- .
Make out your list of words in alphabetical
order, giving the number it contains, sign your
full name and addtess, and send it to Eilers
Piano House, 351 Washington , street, marked
rWord r Contest ; Department"; - also ' state
whether ybu have a piano or organ and what
make. ' j , ,: '''';.''' "'f-' -
Each and every list wilt be filed and ex
amined carefully by competent judges, imme
diately, at the , close of the , contest,, and ,win
nera will be announced through the papers s '
few days thereafter' 5"';'t . ;YiT.T.vCVT'i f
Those who receive the Credit Bills, csn apply
same on.siiy -new. .piano at regular price, but
cannot apply them on any purchase made prior
to Ma;ch 16, 1906. . ,' 4V;-.,M U v..
I: Easy payments will be grsnted to those
wishing to. be accommodated by applying their
Credit Bill, and paying the balance in small
monthly payments. ' ,1 ; ,' ; ' , , 7 '
.If you secure a Credit Bill and already hare -an,
instrument, you can transfer the same to
another party who may wish to. buy a piano
by having "the transfer made in ? our office,
properly indorsed, by. 'our manager. v
No more- than one Credit Bill' will be ac
cepted on the ssme pisno. , ; '-
All answers must be in our office not later
than 5 o'clock March 15, I906.V ; ; ; .ry;:"
Send in your list at once
WINNER. '' . , : - . . .
- Beautiful Kimball "Baby Orand.
' Eilers Piano House "
'...: '- a ! r-' ',.' '.-;..' v .:.
351 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Faney Exhibition - Ityle-B!humann
affaire about his horn so that hs oould
quickly push out into th river It the
m.mmm wffrksd too clos t klm and
then began making hot coffee tor th
.imoni th oltv officials who arrived
on the scene early this morning were
Dr. Ray Mateon, elty phyelolan, and Dr.
r. w. Wheeler, health officer. Other
officials visited th scene during tb
Aif bat Oa f hS Faavby trp
r. ' Dailey Is at Good Samaritan
hospital with hi race and hands hor
ribly burned snd hfc ease will probably
prov fataL In a ssml-consclous condi
tion hs tried to recall now ne got out pi
the building. The door of th room waa
locked and h thought be must have
broken It down,- for he remembered
receiving no aid. His wife and son as-
caned with him. and they Also were ter
rlbly burned. They are at St.- vtnoem s
bosDlUL unable to speak and there is
llttl hop for their recovery. The
father knew of their presence In -the
hospital though he thought 'they were
Ith him but be' seemea to ne uncon
scious of tb death of th little one.
(Continued from Pag On a)
Eighteen horses, sll the trucks, rigs and
feed were burned, making an estimated
srrresste on building and contents 1
tween M.000 and $,000, covered by In
surance amounting to 14,000. v .
On th south side f tb etreet th
building on th corner was owned by
I F. Dailey. who conducted a cigar gad
candy autre. Th loss was total, amount.
Ing to about 11,000, Insurance ise. Tne
two adjoining; buildings' occupied by the
Bridge cafe and Wood' cigar atore,
were valuee at ITtO. - Th loss was
total. Th Insurance, If r any, Is not
known. '
The East Portland Fene. St .- Wire
work sustained a loss of- about 11,000,
Insurance i09: H. U Bruce, gssplpe
dealer, In bwsement of Murphy a plumn-
P. E.
High Grade Stoci.
-JJUf jr.t - m 'r-t..i.--ii., .m ik
. 341 Washiiijton St (
' Corner Seventh......
. 3( 1 J Yf :m Pi l Sa
r a r-r '
.A v;:
Stopa tho COUGH and Hcalo tho LUNGS - Ac
it' '.:-i-n . 1 . 4
Ins ehon. loss sbout tt0, no Insurance.
Th East Morrison. Kxchsnsa saloon.. on
th southeast comer tit Morrison and
Water streets, suffered a loss of about
110 from fir and watsr.
Mr. Paquet announces ' that ne wui
rect a brick building on th corner
where the Alpine lodging-house stood. '
Tha Morrison street bridge wss osoiy
burned under the eaat portion of the
approach, and that section of It. it- Is
said, will have to- be rebuilt. Thla loss
will have to be sustained by the county.
The amount of loss on ths bridge hsa
not been estimated as yet.
SsmII Dwsetea te The Ji
Seaside, Or.. Feb. It. Mr. Orlme Is
building a substantial bulkhead along
ths ocean front of hla property. I will
be too feet long and It will Join that
In front of th Hotel Moor. - Surveyor
are locating a driv from th hotel on
to Necanlcum Inn. It is Intended to
build a bulkhead along thla to b Ailed
In with sand and stons snd mak a
boulevard which will extend from Ne
canlcum well on to Tillamook. Thla Is
much needed, as the cobble-stones sre
washing in in such large numbers ss to
spoil th beach for driving. - - .
Oeorg H, Hill of Portland has let s
contract for building a cottage on th
beach a few blocks north of Hotel
Moore. ' ' i v -v
Mr. snd Mrs. J. & Msck of Portland
have been In Seaside this week' arrang
ing for th building of a new cottage. ..
At the last meeting of tb elty coun
cil Mayor Johansen resigned and Judge
Tounr wss elected by the council to aci
la hla place until th ernce can o nuea.
fSoeetel rispsteb ts Tee lesrs.l.)
'' Olympla, Waalk, Feb. It. Mrs. Al
bertlnk Schneider died at her home in
thla elty ef heart disease, aged T4 years,
he hsd resided st her boms en ths west
side for more then (0 years. She was
ths widow ' of Canrad Schneider, who
died sbout three year ago. , On of th
buildings "occupied - by deoeased wss
built by ths Hudson Bay company and
used- by -for--f wharf. -v She: laarea
ight children, aU of whom reside- here.
- . - 1 ' Ten Lt ia ;
London, Feb. It. The Norwegian
steamer Veronica Is loot with 'her crew
of 10 off Lossiemouth. Scotland. . , t
Island City, Or.. Feb. II. Arrange
menu ars being mad . in Island City
for a com plot system of we ter works
snd an organised fir department.
' -
tJoarsat Ssertsl flerrles.)
Rsno, Nv Feb. It. James A. Cham
pagne, a Junior of the university er
Nevada, shot himself sear bis heart last
night In his room st Lincoln bsll and
died an hour afterward. . Tha college
authorities say.tha sheotlflg. wgg, accli I
dental, although cireumstsnoes point .te
aulcldtJ . -. : , . ,
(Jenrasl Speriel Svrrtre.) "
Havana, Feb. II. The 100-miI Inter
national auto race started promptly at
o'clock amid considerable confusion.
Cedrlno and Lancia were soon- out of
the contest. Cedrlno was ditched snd
Lancia stopped to get him a doctor, after
Itrg his own machine py a aught In-
Jury. : , - - - v .-- '- ':. ; . ...
Athens, Or., reb. IL-t-At a wie"-t
Of th elty council a elty water r -
mission was create-l. c. A. 1 -r' a.
Olllla snd O. W. Cross .re f v.
polnted commissioner by I i 1 - r,
snd th snpolntrasnts ws. , i r
tbs'DouneU. - - -
V ' . . - ' - . . J. . 'IS
I . . . - ... ,. . . ,.
I . .
' Get a Cake of
With Evtrv "Wzzt F.V
to the Vzlutct 15c cr
JitVEN FREEl : -:,v :
; ' If you are looking for a po
sition or want to secure the ,
services of a flrat-claas man or "
vm wuinan. want-to buy. sell r
exchange, lost or found some- '
Ithtng. --you -ehonhtss Thr
Journal's clssslfled eolumna. '
This soap Is Nature's own preparation, end s perfect medicine' for
ths akin. It will make the skin soft and velvety, curing sll defections.
For skin diseases, eessma, ehappd hands, eto.. It has a equal
' Fer toilet and bath It Is perfect, and thr I no discoloration
stala It will not remove Ink spots, grease and stains can b eulckly
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For. cleaning woodwork and polishing metals It ts th best, sad
it does not scratch. ....
It Is antlseptlo and will prevent blood-polaonlnt.
It will not irrltete, and ta more eonstsatly It la awed I n
and nicer th skin becomes.
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Tne merit -is in the r
and it Is clean, oentalt. r