The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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i , , O v - . ... ,. ;
Ulviih! )r,"; '4-'
V".'Ir rT ; ' : "V?;'"Trt ' ' ' ' -u.' - .. hm"--
; . (ConUnood from Pag One.) " FT -fTT
"''.t" "-'""""""I ..' '."'-'"
'- J;
: auotwedad In extinguishing the flame.
' .: Darin all tha forenoon, under th dl
Taction or tnuun unm iwum
' i of firemen removed tha pllee of debrla
search af dead bodies. Tha body of
mu Deller wa recovered ahortlF s
. fore noon. --...' , ..', -v. v ,
;"l-'V Meldaa'g eT. ;.
; w Chief Holden of the east side depart
' ment My that ha aVr before aaw
tra epread o rapidly. v v. - ..-.'-
: '. jf "Tha buuaing on u n w
'. tha afreet were gone bafora th fir
; ' - alarm wa sounded." ald he. -land y
- A i':n Um we were able to get to the
-ft aoana thoaa on tha oppoalte of ,Mor
i " ' riaon atraat wara beyond control, wi
-ri..tarn out bafora tha firm alarm' bad
. . .-arara sailed ta a box eararat hloeks
i . away from tha acena of thajlrftjru
-r. . , . tha Plata and went cirecuy to ma piace
1 of . tha .v. conflagration. when wa got
there tha whole block north of tha
' J hrlile-a araa a aalld aiaaa of flam a that
x v overlapped' tha atraat . and mat thoaa
. v . . from tha buUdlnva n tha outh
1": : Man wara pot to wrk Immad lately
' raaenlna naonla from tha hum In build-
lna and thaaa man worked eteedily
" tintll thajr bad to atop to od belnf
t 'cremated themeeivea. ; - -..
--'' nrebaafs Oaa Work '
si ' 1 nad dlnaa mid t tha flra from
. . ararr dlraetlon aa autckly M poaalbla.
-'Vr'.'Th). flraboat kept thraa llnaa of hoaa
I playing on tha flra from the war awe,
' while many othera aa wa aould lay
J ware atrnna from eaa-lnea Nod. I. a. and
" T. AU tha boaa from truck No. 1, I
; . .t and waa uaed. ... Tha water preaaur
waa eaoellent end eondltlana for fight-
' fng the flra wara fine bed wa but ra
" eelred tha alarm la time. la aueh a fire,
ilthough. twa tnlnutee- time will ehanga
tba entire reault, and tha delay that ao-
. . i.. oorrad In turning la en alarm made It
' tmpoedble for ua to aare anything e
r; eapt lbe "aurroundlng property. The
- ' . butldlnga deatroyad wara of wood nnd,
tr "of eouraa. burned line ao much powder.
"The dirt fille at tha Interaaotlon of
, Beat Morrlaoa and Eaet Water rtraau
aaved property eaat of Water etreat
Had tha old treatle work been ther It
'. would have been Impoaalbla to prerent
tha flamee from being drawn aoroaa to
l iui via viwki wwinina . "
. ' lack of a dirt fiU under tha bridge that
:; enabled tha. flra la attack tha building
4 on the aouth alda of Beat Morrlaoa ftnd
I '4 cauaad tha loaa of life and Oalmouon
: . ' of property there.? . f . : ,i :
'. I J''," aasM fmofoataa at rirat.. ' ' v" 1
r Beoauae Klgbt Watchman Andrew.
f who dlacorerad the fire while making
"Y la tounda In the ymlnlty of O rand ae
' " -j nua and JUiat . Morrteon atreet. turned
la the alarm from boa. II on the comat
. of etwaeV-avanve-wnd Beat-Morrlaoa
- -4 atraat and -then, hurried ( down toward
-l thaifire and: turned in anoiaer amrm
from the bos nearer 'the eeena of the
' C conflagration, noma eonfualon at the
t flra department tntone Taaulte. but
t No. T. when It urned oilt and aw the
flamea. -want 4lrotly ta-th bridge tB
' ateed of ! to the bog and In thi way
delay wag a voided. ' : 1 '
I At tha flaeboat .'dock the firemen
( turned out a aoon aa the fire alarm wa
, aounded, but the box not being one that
tha boat la aupnoaed to answer, It waa
I aot fantll 'the firemen aaw tha flamee
, ' through the window that they reapandad.
i The hoea truck waa tha flrat to raapond.
- and being only a block from tha flra.
.4 arrived flrat on tha acana. It wa
nulckly followad. by, the T'.boat, 4,
anramaa U Beaoaav
' 'The boaa track wa mannad by Dam
. t Pinner, Oua gteffena. B. J. Craig. A. a.
; Bonner and Frank Kepper, ta wboaa
. Ufck Work many of thoaa who eacapad
r ; owe .their Uvea. Beallatng that tha twj
lodglng-houaea were filled with people.
they turned their .attention to reeeulng
, ail that could be found. The brava
. men, with only their little hoaa cart
. , laddera en kid tbam, took their Uvea la
. their hande and worked In tha flam.
rescuing men, women and children, until
. tha burning atructuree . caved la ami
made further rescue wark Impoaalbla.
death themielvea.
"When wa reached tha Alpine room
. " ang-houee," aald Mr. Plnney, 'the entire
block wa wrapped In flame and the
' houeea on tha aouth alda war burning.
J: -"i Vpatalr window and door war flllad
,'V'wlth panlo-atiickea people, who . were
' t V aereamtng for help and aeemed to be
'. : too badly acarad to help themaalvea tn
- :.H tha least, Many could have aeved there
';. aalve 'painful - burna and injuria by
v Jumping when they war flrat awakened,
but they appeared to be eased with
fear.-.'' i-
i . , yilgHWoed aHopia yamp.
,..;'- v ""W put the ladder up t the win
---'-. dow and carried out' every one we
; j could And. 0om lost their head after
the laddera war up and Jumped clear
'J ; over our bead and Injured Ihemaelve
- Cm the rock of tha street. - On woman
.- Jumped after I had atarted up tha lad
. ', der after 1ier. She went over my bead,
, and, although -1 Jumped and triad to
' catch bar, I failed and aha waa badly
x i . Injured by her fall. Many Juat atood
and screamed for help until wa got to
.: , them and carried tbam bodily down tha
. :J. ladder. ,- Tha acana lrt thoaa bulldlnga
when wa got there waa the moat hor
rlble that I bar over aeen In my life. -i
a ' ''With the crlea for help of thoaa who
:-. eecapad, the flames were mingled tha
anneae anu moana oi fnose woo were
being burned to death and could not aid
themeeivea nor be aided by ua. After
getting down thoaa ; who war at tha
window and doors, we tried ta reach
other who htd been unable to get to
the window. Tha heat wa terrlfla,
though, and wa war driven baok by tha
fUmee, Most of ua Juat got out In
time to escape being carried down In tha
burning, dabrla whan tba atructuree
caved In."
' -.-,- Oaraa Iti. Bailay,
Te IB. J. Craig of tha flreboat hoaa
truck belong the credit of saving the
life of Mr. Il!y. Bh waa .banging
out of tha aecond story window of the
Dalley home on tha southwest corner of
East Morrison nnd Esst Water street
about to drop from exhauatlon Into a
burning maaa of debrla below. Craig
aaw bar and aa tba woman dropped,
oaucht her In his arm and aa.vai Km
f. WllUm' Dalley. the eldest son of Mrs.
, , Dalley, waa alee banging 'from tha
r-; window and the mother, though h
... af .wa oaaiy oumeo and surrerlng greatly,
. : .ba no. thought aava tor hie eafetv.
. - j-. jDa begged tba fireman to drop her and
... .-ii go -aava bar-aon.. Craig carried the
1 ,; . ; woman acroa tha atreej and went back
" . to reecoe young Dalley, but found he
; bad Jumped and aeved himself. - Craig
; a 'attempted to get Into tha burning bouse
to save tha little child that tha aidaet
' brother aald waa mlasing, bat the flame
. . , drove pirn pack, .,
' " i Tha firemen ' mannlna tha
'Woo truck aavad It parson from the
! barnlng ulldlnge-Nine of thee were
taken from the Alpine oomlnehouaa
and the remainder war rescued from
the adjoining building.
Fireman Bteffena ma an attempt
to reach and rescue Nat . Touag. but
ha had only gotten bis ladder to the
- i window when be heard Young y,
i "Oood-bye, I can't make it, oy. and
, than the buUdlng kegen to cava In.
'i Bteffena nd Craig found hi remain
later; atwt serried thaov exit.
' i' Cspuin Btokea of engtn company No.
'il.uyi that his company-responded to
- l - f
tha fir when tba flrat alarm waa aenl
la. The run from Fourth and Yamhill
atraat to the Morrison street bridge and
across tba brldgo was made la not to
exoeed thraa tnlnutee, yet when tba fire
men reached the eaat approach to tha
bridge they found themeeivea between
two rows of burning bulldlnga.
Bom grueaome Inoldenta are reported
from the ecene of tbj lira. Special Pa
trolman Oharlea Andrew found a burned
band; The body to wMch" It belonged
baa not been reco-i. rA. '
Th flret body wa discovered by As
(latent Flra Chief Mike Laudenklo and
Captain Btoke of Engine company No.
t about 71 feet west of th Dew Drop
saloon. Bo horribly had It been burned
that when th firemen attempted to draw
It from tha debrt In which It lay th
body separated at tha waist..
Jut aa aoon a he learned that th fir
bad broken out In a dangeroua quarter
and that many Uvea were endangerexl.
Captain of Poire Bailey dispatched every
available patrolman to ,tha ecene of the
blaae. Sergeant Baty and Patrolman
Ernest -Johneon were among th first
to reach tba fire, both men at once did
all they aould to -save th live of th
Imprisoned Inraatee of th burning
bouse. .Several parson ewe their live
to the prompt work of Johnson, - who
wrapped hie cape about one woman
wboeo clothing .waa -ablase.-- Quickly
taking -off hi oat Johnion bound It
about the body of a boy who clothing
waa on flra.-.
Captain Bailey continued to aend pa
trolmen to tba ecene of th fir aa faat
aa they reported. 1 - i
The following officer wr eent over
by Balleyi John Wendorf, John Get
ting Martin B. O ruber, Jamea Klenlea,
Fred Mallett, Jefferson Thomion, Bale.
Jordan. , Humphreya, Teevln, Eberman
and Parker. - Tha laat two named pa
trolmen are the regular officers on the
east alda beat, they being the onjy two
Kuoemen on that alda of tha liver from
at Burnalde street south during .tha
eariy morning hour, .
k paareh tof 'Bead.
r l o'clock na oratemaMo deareh
wee made for the bod lee aupposed to be
to the smoldering rnlnm' Utr to that
hour the efforts' of the fire department
had bean directed toward extinguishing
th smoldering ruins, making It possi
ble .tp work In thej Ungled mass of
cr.ooktd gnd bent Iron girders, gas pipe
and charred beams and . other heavy
tlmbera need In t he construction of the
building "con u m ed.. , i
Before 10 o'clock three charred -bodie
had been taken from tha mine and
wreckage, t They war sent to the
morgue a aoon as nosslbla. While ana
force of firemen waa floodlhiThd debris
with water tn second, under th direc
tion of Assistant Chief Michael Lauden
kloa. was digging In th ruin , for
bod lea. ,..,-.'.,'' ;. !.
Tha flrat parttol of human flesh waa
discovered In th ruin of th Kst Bid
Transfer company a little before 1
'clock. It I supposed to be one of the
legs of "Nate" Young, who waa em
ployed by the company, and la know t J
have bean burned to death. Th Identi
fication of tha few bone and particle
of flesh dinging to them waa made poa
albla by tha places of partially burned
blankets found near th bones and- flesh
and because they were unearthed In the
Immediate vicinity of where Young was
known to eleep.
- area) sonea ana stem. r -This
fragment waa recovered by flrei
men who were working almost hip deep
In water. They were aurrounded on all
Id by half-cooked carcasses of tha
horse owned by the transfer company.
While delving; In th water, which waa
chocked with charred embers, one of
tha fireman scooped up with a tonged
hovel th place of bonee.' They were
carefully . wrapped ta a blanket and
placed to 'on aide to await tha dlapoal-
tien, of the coroner, and afterward re
moved to Dunntng'e undertaking par
lor,, where the trunk of Young's body
had been removed.
Shortly after 10 o'clock Aealstant
Chief Laudenkloa waa Informed by Wil-
nam vauey mat nia little brother, Ed
ward, aged years, waa mlealng. The
laat known of him he waa still in bed.
not having been disturbed by the fire,
Tha raqueet was made that a search be
mad of th ruin of th Dalley etore
foe th body. ... .:.,.,-.,''i . .. j, -
i " V' Charred Trunk Found.
' Half a' dosen nen were put to -work
upon that grewaom Job, having been
tranarerred rrom the other elde of Eaat
Morrison street. .' Af tor working for !
than' halt an hour two man, who were
assisting E. M. McDonald of truck No.
4, uncovered a badly burned body. It
wa quickly removed from th debrla.
and after being wrapped In a blanket
was taken across the etreet and tha
coroner notified.
Just before th body was taken from
th rutna Wllllanr Dalley arrived upon
th scene. He waa' apprised of what
had been found, although th fact was
withheld from tha morbid- crowd tf aev
eral hundred men and women who had
been attracted to the spot by th' dig
ging of th. f Iremen. 1 ', ' -
There waa little left of the body aald
from th tnunkV head and shouldere,
Btumpe remetned where arms and leg
bad been. 'Th place) where the body
wa found, together with fragmanta of
bed clothing surrounding It, led Dalley
to positively identify the remains aa
tht of his younger, brother.. '
It was etated that possibly th body
of a boy named Taylor might be in th
ruin and Mr. McDonald' men carefully
searched tha debris an tha south side
of East Morrison street for-any addi
tional bodlee that might be there, but
up to aoon none had been found. . , '
..) .'- ... Flremea CHrea a taesK
.. At that hour th remaining firemen,
with the exception of two or three who
till held the nosala of a hoea on th
north- atda-'-ofthav laduet ' fighting - n
obstinate fire In large pile of debrla.
war jreaaUed and ratMraad to thalr r
ii i ----------1 ii ii , . I,, . i i t . T . . , .
.Vitw of th Burn4 Section a tb
ToogIe," a dog owned by C ,
B. Wood worth -of th Phoenix
Fuel company, I - on of - th
heroes of th morning fir and
to hi dleplay of almost human
Intelligence -two employes of. the
company and several Inmates of
th Arcade1 lodging-house ow
their escspe from cremation alive
In the caldron of flames. .Th
dog , discovered the Are before
any on else : and awakened
Charlee Taylor nd Lew Wtlaon
by licking their faces. 7 They
soaped from their room tn th
rear af the Phoenix Fuel eom-
, pany office Jusf In time to '
prevent oeing - muiui i , w
flamee. These two ; men get
ting out assisted eeverel persons
to escspe from th Arcade lodg
e : l an
-were e
ing-house, .. ..
and my ompanion, lw
i," said Charles xayior,
aound asleep In our room
A when I felt th dog Up on tn
ped licking my raoe ana pawing . w
at tha bedclothes. I raised up to -
knock htm off th bed and dls
covered that th flame . were g
breaking Into our room." ' )
Mr. Woodworth y ' that
e- money couldn't buy hi dog now.- w
speotiv station ta quest of .food and
reet, .. . ..- ' 1 .' '-
It I th Intention of tb department
to eontlnu th search for poaalbla
bodies this afternoon end prosecute It
until the mine have been thoroughly
proa pec ted. - Juat how long that will
take la not known, but probably a
aoupfpg ?. t .. ..... ."- ' ''' ' '
There 1 eome doubt a to th fata of
Photegmpher Hendree. Soma say be la
In tb ruin and other aver that they
saw him after tb fir. Jit wa also
rumored that hi wife and throe chil
dren had met -tragio - death 'in tb
flamee, ' -. ; ., , : ' : ',.'..
' H B. Ingram, who run a cigar atore
and billiard parlor oa tha northeaat cor
ner of East Morrison and Eaat Water
street, which pi so wa damaged to tha
extent of H00 by tha Bra, aaya that
about . I o'clock Hendree entered hla
place, ' bought a piece of tobacco and
made tb remark that ho wa going to
Aatorla. About o'clock thlo morning
ASMSunTXhlef YAUdenfclOB, who knowa
tha man wall,, aaya that he aaw and
apoke tojilm near tha end of th East
Morrison . street bridge approach. .
One of the flrat bodlee to be taken
from th ruin, today wa that of a
man. HI right leg wa missing at the
knee, - Thatj corresponds to. Hendree'
description. . He bad but one leg, the
other, the right, being off at the knee,
lt I potelbl that tha body of tba
man found in tha ruins might b that of
another man, whoaa leg waa burned; off
at the right knee by the fir.
. Aatde from the aealstant chief no man
could be found at tha ecene of tha fir
thl morning who remembered seeing
Hendreo this morning. On , tb other
hand, ths fireman 1 poaltlv that he
aaw - the photographer near the bridge
approach When the fir i ftill turning
fiercely.'. . , '.',' . . . .. ... .
' Story of 'wAohxoa. ", '' 1
Night watchman C J. Andrew turned
In th alarm from tha firebox at Grand
avenue and Eaat Morrlaoa etreet, There
was evidently no one paaatng In tb Im
mediate vicinity of the fira, where an
other bos Is located. . ..,',' . .
"I waa on my regular round when t
happened to look down Morrison etreet
and aaw th fir,' aald Aadrewa. The
f lamas had -good atart when I flrat
aw them and I Immediately turned In
an alarm. Then 1 haatened to tha acene
and with others begin trying to arouse
the Inmates of the bulldlnga. I think
tha fire atarted in the rear of on of
th building facing on Morrlaoa atraat,
for there the fire waa fiercest when f
arrived, and It looked from where I
turned in th alarm that the fire had
atarted from the rear of on of thoee
buildings.' .: ... " ' . , -
-I haven't any Idea of how It atarted.
Nobody aeemed to know' and wa had
great-difficulty In arotislng th ,oocu
oanta nt the bulldlnas."
Andrew aiaeovareo a numan nana
protruding from -beneath a burning- pll
of debrla. Hoping to save the unfor
tunate, he seised th hand and triad to
draw tha body from beneath th pll of
lumber.- He waa horrified when tha arm
spa rated from tb body. Tb arm and
hand waa placed tn a box and will be
given in car of Coroner Flnley.
v fruzziED by"delay ;
Chief Xolaea Tkiaks Fire Baraed Kali
2 ; one BeTor Alarm aWhkded. 77"
A "feature of th fir that 1 pussllng
officials of th fir department la the
delay that occurred before any alarm of
fire waa aent In to th department.
Chief Holden of the east aide says that
It te hla belief that th fir was horn
ing for half an hour or mora before any
alarm - was aevnded. He believes that
had aa alarm bean turned In li mlutea
bofor It waa some lives and much
property could have been saved, - , '
'"Of course, flra apreada rapidly
through bulldlnga of the character thoaa
war," aald tha chief. ':but I don't see
how the flame could have enveloped
two thlrda of tha block and th hulld-
Ings on the other alda bafora w reached
tha scsn tf th . Conflagration had
atarted only a few mlnutea bafora.
. "I am Inclined to think that the fire
must, hava started earlier la. the night
n spread -throughout the under cert
mt tha a trusts Before It buret throusm
North Sid oMforrieoa 8 treat.
to the. upper portions. When It -did
burst throurh. a draft wag created, and.
of oourss. ths whole block was la flamee
la a moment . J can hardly sea, thong n.
why soms tons did not discover ths fir
before it got such a atart 'A few min
ute of time might hava enabled us t
Check it AS it was, all wa could nope
to do was to aava as many lives a poo-
alble and protect adjoining property.
Trie i Bevra Fortam and I Fexoed to
- .i 'famp, Fraorarlaa Brtp. .
' Fireman Plnney of th flraboat hoc
truck statee that one man, whose Iden
tity ha could not learn, came near los
ing his Uf.' and did sustain a broken
hip because b stayed In tha burning
rooming-nous 10 save papers n ms
valned at 146.000. Tba man. ha atatea,
refueed to leave the building until he
had secured his wealth, and when he
had succeeded in getting It he waa
forced to Jump from a second-story
window to escape. When h landed he
struck upon tb pavement and frao
tured hi blp. . :.. t
Detail - of Folio euie4
.V i Wateh Tlsltosa, a
An extra detail of 'polio was n.
sary to handle the crowd of men and
women who floeked to tho- aeene of th
fir when the fact that there had been
a holocauat i became generally known.
It. Was libt until Tha Journal xtra
went but noon the street that tha pub
lic generally seemed to realise th ex
tent of th fir. -' ' ' "
Men and women began flocking across
th Morrison street bridge and hamper
ing th effort of th firemen In putting
out th last vestige of th flra and un
dertaking the work of recovering th
bodies supposed to be In th ruins. By
th time lot or 000 parsons had congre
gated upon tha scene, tha patrolmen on
duty- telephoned for help, and soon ropas
were strung across tho streets, keeping
back tha crowd. -".
All this time th Morrison treat ear
had been unabl to run across ' tha
bridge, tha overhead wires having been
melted by th heat of th fire. It re
quired for or flv hour to repair tha
damage dona. Hundred of telephones
and sleotiio lights hsd been put out of
commission by the destruction of the
wire. . By noon tho streetcar company
waa operating over it track. -
- Th extra oetau or pouc naa . ui
they . foujd. do to handle th crowd,
tor men-and woman who work oa tha
eaat aide, and others throughout the city
who had an hour for lunch, haatened to
tha scene. Betweea 1 And t o'clock It
is estimated t.000 or 4,000 person
blocked th streets and the approach to
tho bridge. -j - .
..... 4 . yt i-w-..- 'fit
- I (Hoeelsl Dwsetcb e Tk Jeensl.) '
Bpokana, Waalk, Feb. It. Dr. P. B.
Byrne, who waa mayor thraa years ago,
will again enter tho race la tho next
municipal election and may . be the
choice of th Democratic party.. Munlo
Inal ownarehln of Dubllo utilities will
be the cry of the tx-mayor, who 1s now
league of this olty. , It Is thought that
tha mayoralty may only be a etepping
atone for Dr. Byrne,-who- deetre to be
governor. -; .
. Mayor Floyd wa formally charged
In oomplaints filed today with Violating
his oath of office in having permitted
box rustling in saloons and la permit
ting Saloons to ' rsmaia open between
1 and :! o'clock a. tn. The complaint
tat that -th first .law has been re
peatedly violated with tb ' knowledge
of th mayor by tha six saloons and
variety' theatres In tha lower Howard
street district . Ths charges com bfor
th council tomorrow night.- , .
- BhouM th weather be fair tomorrow,
and Dlatrtot Forecaster Beat says 1t
will be, thl month will have a greater
number of conaecutlve dry days to It
credit than any other February elnce
the eatabllshment of the local weather
bureau. A eunshlny tomorrow will
make IS days without rain. Twelve waa
the greatest number . heretofore, and
they occurred la 10I. Including a part
of January, however, there waa a mach
hmgar period of dry weather tn HIS,
there having been II consecutive days
without rain. Thia ' period began oa
January tl end continued until February
It. In 1110 there were 11 days la Fab
ruary when o rain foil.
Redding, Cat. Feb. It Because bar
mother would not allow her to aoeoai
pany haf on a trip after hy, Annie
MoKayv aged it, near Junotlon City,
during her parent e' obsenc thla morn
Ing fired a .tt-eallber rifle ball Into her
rorehead and died an hour after. . r
y --.. -. - ,
UoaraatflaeeUI servlesly '
' Omaha. Feb. It. Pat Crewe was Iden
tified thl mornlnw by W. S. and Frank
Olynn aa the man who rode a pony to
their bora after the Cadahy- kidnaping
and telephoned Cudahy to look la th
wrd for a lotto .... (;- - --v -t
Th Journal's Psrson&Ily Con
v ductsd Party Sses, Portland
: v And Goes South Tonight.
Will Ifak Btart to Pacific, Colony
AfUr Sgveral pgwo'.EntertaJnnMnt
la tha Bay CityMra. Edytb
." Weath erred Is Chaperon. .
Tho Journal's awollaa trip" party
Will start for th Islands today. The
party Is - composed of th 19 - young
woman ot Oregon who won la the reoent
votlnr Bonust ooaducted by Th Jour
nal Th vote -th young woman re
ceived, aggregating about t,000,000, con
stant a striking testimonial of their J
popularity and of the high eeteem In
which Tha Journal Ha held la Oregon.
Mo contest vr conducted by a news
paper aroused ao much enthusiasm, for
tba prises offered were tho moat- liberal
ever given by a newspaper west of th
Rooky 'mountains. Ths party will have
a royal' time -for a number of weeks,
more than two of which wQl be spent
In Hawaii, where elaborate plans hava
bean made to entertain The Journal's
guests. . - ''.'''-;' '.'''
'." voUjr Vasty. -'-' r
' Ths winners of ths contest and a
number of friends gathered thla morn
ing at Th Journal office, where th
party of tourists ware photographed.
Afterward' a special trolley-car, bearing
banners reading -"Journol'a - Hawaiian
Trip Party" was taken for a eight-'
eeelng tour - of ' th - olty. Portland
height and the observatory -war
visited, aa wara Willamette height sad
other points of Interest. Upon tha re
turn of the party luncheon was served I
at th Commercial club. The afternoon
le being, devoted to chopping and other
little details preparatory to starting oa
th trip that has so much of interest for
tha touriata. - '
la th party which mad th tour ot
th olty thl morning ware! Ml Emlll
Crosse n. Ml Nash, Mlas Parsley, Miss
Phillips, Miss courtemanoba, Mlas King;
Mlaa Brown, Miss Heavren, Mlas Proeb
teU Mlaa Madlgan, ths 10 winners of
Journal prises; Mrs. B. Chancer, K. V.
Paralay. Mrs. JL W. Brook, Mrs. J. B.
Croasen, Mrs. A. L Brown, Mrs. W. R.
King and representatives of Tha Jour
nal. ;. .'.... , C ' '". ' ' j -.(-, ;
. otaf tint Tonight. '
This averting th party will b enter
taJned at dinner by Th Journal at th
bars- will take the Southern Paclfla train
and tho party atarted on th trip to Baa
Francisco. - Several days will be spent
Tn that city and then the trip to Hawaii.
Tha party has special staterooms ra
aervad la tha staamahIO Sonoma and
every arrangmnt ha been mad for
their comfort and pleasure. Th party
will ho accompanied by Mrs. Edyth T.
Weatharred a chaperon, who will sea
that nothing 1 wanting to mak . th
voyage on of th moat delightful over
taken by a party of tourlat from thl
country- ,-
- When th team ship arrive at Hono
lulu tho party will bo welcomed by a
number of distinguished citlsens of the
Inland and a committee ot oelety lead
ers, who will endeavor to. show th
Oregon - ladlee every attention. - Th
Revel Hawaliaa nana win no at tna
pier to assist la tho welcome. . During
the stay In Honolulu the party wiU be
entertained at tba Royal Hawaii ho
tel, where dance and promenade will
be given, la thlr honor. :
- (teeraal tJaeHal bervies.1 'v
Charleston, S. C Feb. tl. -Ia acoord
anoe with order reooived from th navy
department the coast defence squadron
under tho command of .Admiral F. - W.
Dlokina, and consisting .of the battle
ship Texas, the - monitors Arkansas,
Florida- and , Nevada aa4 six torpedo-
boats, aolled from here . today for
ue I., oTa Oulf af Mssloe. IHwIb
"ta T&?rt
Ai officer of th ahlpa hoept.
tahlv received bv the cltlaen and many
social function's, were arranged' In Jthelr
honor. It wag with regret that the
eftlsens of Charleaton heard of the order
which compelled the fleet te leave for
the aouth. It la understood that the
squadron win mak Ua first atop at
New Orteana, wher It will take part
m th MardI Ore festlvltie la that
Ity. Then thsqhadron will probably
return to Charleaton - to remain until
apiing, when the annual spring gun
practice ' begins near Worfolk. - -
A. . WtkhsF BeosV'.-.,
tapMHal Meaatrk as Tee Jeereal -Pendleton,
Or, Feb. 11. A. B. Wlthey,
ged years, and who was a butcher
by -trade, dropped dead yesterday after
neon, of heart failure.. Fifteen mlnutea
before death ha waaup and walking oa
tha street . .
A cjext Jictor.iaam7,buneW
fuHj realize, that in order to gain your trace ,w must
hava your tocTidence, once, we have that the rest is easy. .
Cercxteen years of fair dealings have won for us the con-V.Zz-29
cf all who know us. They believe In us because :
t:y know our business methods are honorable, our prices
lower threlsewbere, our terms 'ry r''-..: ,
Can b secured from us without considerable outlay and
' mrithotit amy jiak tn youYou simply pay art down the-
balance you make your own terma.; .: .u- zv
i X; T We demand no security, charge no.lntei;V:l::'''.
The Leading Opticians
Headquarter, for SHUR-ON lye Qlasses
Dr. Martin Says Joining' Church
I ;la Uka Mastering Whael-
: ; Headers Are frqwwt ' r.
Large audlenoe greeted Dr. JCartln
y-terday at tha First ChrUtlan ohnroh,
corner Park and Columbia street, Ths
ennetf . yeaterday afurnoon waa oa
"The Second Coming of Christ and tha
End of the World." . Tho evening endl
ong e crowded tho Sunday school room.
Thla Is th laat week of tho rerl-raL
There have been 10 aoeoeaions to date.
Tha sermon at night wa on "Christian
Bicycling."'- ' i -":'
"Bad roada hinder hlcyel ' riding.
Trouble debts, erty, bad neighbors,
sto. sirs tha Christian's bod roada. and
they hinder hint. - On tb bicycle you
Lust keep moving or fall oyer. Bo tn
ffh. Chrletus UU: thra I.
atand at U. A bloycll.t wm aometlmea
ram aaalnst something and take a
header. Some Chrlatlaa tah a header
over adversity, some over prosperity, er
cards, or politics, etc Hare yon taken
a header f Are you lying braised and
bleeding,-dtotreaaed and -disgraced by
the fall? If so, get up, brush off the
dust, waah yonr eyea with the sponge
of faith, oil the bearings with- the hope
of salvation, and. cheered a sain," susa
aaon your strength and on to victory.
"There are eome who admire tb roe
bat have never bad the oourage ta ra
ter It themselves. Bo with many an
converted. ThereW a prise for all who
enter th Chrlatlaa raoe." . . '
rastllee Queues.
A paclal concert will be given at th
Seamen's Instltut ' tomorrow by th
crew of the British ship MUtonburn ad
their frlind, The srraa U bet -
Il Wffl Pay Yon to
CsD on Us For Yonf
Splnfl Smt, loir
Coat, Hat Sboes
, Thia season we show a successful col-
. , lection of all the latest models in 1m-
; inense varieties of materials and colors
i. at moderate prices," Besides, wa give
; , you the privilege to pay k for your
outut at your convemence, . aay at .
of Pacific Northwest
Piano solo, Mrs. Ooffj song. O. Oard ,
nor, MUtonbnrmi reading. Miss lugenla
Craig; song, O. H, Tbornby, MUtonburn l .
violin solo. Ml English; song, Brnsst
Ottthrta; vooal duet, Mr. and Mr. Bdh
rtaon; reading, "The Coming .of Mlas .
Cummlngs," Miss LeoU Slegneri song. '
J. Rlnnle,,MUtonburn; song, James Cor-
mack; song. Mrs. V. Gilbert Forney- ,
bough; song. H. Sail; song, A. Wilson,
Mlltonbam. chants, aeamen of Milton- '
burn, shaatyman, the boaun; National,,
anthem; aocompanlst, Mr. Ooff. A " . .
V:-Ljrr. Worth Xmowtaa; '" i:.. K:L.
that Alleook'a are th original ana
gesuln porou plasters; an other are
Imltatlona, - - :. : -' 'r-
f-ivll- Mlstaka) Corrected.
tt waa aa error to aay that the greet
creditors' sal of clothing and shoes Is -being
held at lT Front street It Is
at HT vFlrst street, and ths crowds are
tremendous. " The tor will be open ..,
venlnga to aooommodat tb Crowd. ' ', .
: i '-'!' i "
. 'k,:..:.:.v - FiwItaowoM Orgaaia. . i- . . -
' .. (apeelal Otesateh ta Th JoareaL) ' Xs.
Klamath Falla. Or Feb. II. A Hor- ;,.
tlcnltural. aoolaty has been organised
with O. A. Stearns president and B, I.
A pp legate Becretary?"- Mr. Btearna, O.
W. White and Robert Casey were named (
aa aa executive committee.
. It Is rumored that a Portland maa ;
will start a nursery on a 49-acre traot j
reoanUy purchased near th olty. ; . :f
C3d aCXU bOMDay. Q&Lyt
'a ; .