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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1906)
COCGK a.CuED iSfOlllELBlBi UOTE TO SUi . c-.T (OTDiG ) DR,I0Ue!- REUAK3 UEtlE At Cloaa of Speech Three Thou- Annouricjea That He Will Not Ac Sty. t A. J. Montgomery Sty ; , United labile Sentiment Dw-w - mands Satisfaction. Bill . Introduced ', to j Appropriate i Money for Improving Ufa- f aand People Promise to'-;; C-Stand'by Him. ' :;';: cept nattering Offer Frorn' . , . : Dallae' Church." , ' :. T Saving Cervlet. . f COUNCILMAN SHEPHERD : REV. R. K. HAM ASSUMES , H0LD3 MAJORITY TO ,f CS DSRZLICT IN DUTY ' v-V.V- ;" ' ' :'"'y-y; It the Council Ownd AUoluttly by CAPTAIN TOZIER WILLr f,: " INSPECT TH2 STATIONS : ' ". ' k v . ; Canadian Oorcmmtnt Mar Plc ,? HEARS If IMSItF CpORED iv HASSALO PASTORATE K '.-N; -.....-.. . t , 'i . ; Pr. Brouzjier Dfclarda. OrCnanca to Piedmont ' Church : Clebratg T First - Armlrgrtarwof 7ltr Organisation . With Lar(lr Increased I4bV. r"rilpixid Broads th Saloon? the Query Pat by, the Uinlater, VT-V Think the Answer ttuatBeY-. ' l$lguiL Gun .Along Coast Ni Porca -AtftidaBca of AVitnsgi at Znrttlaatlon la Jntandsd to Frif bu !.. Strait ct Juan da Ifuca, .Where tb ' 1 : "f ' - Vtlencir Wag Wracktd. en Powibte Wltflctaci."- " :a rCm. IS REV lOO.ooioot;: , ........ i , . ., , . 7 " . '. . , 1 . . ..... '.'.,"...'' .,:..'.' , . i '-3 ,.. - ' X '.' ,t t .' , j';,'..',:- ', '.,.' : :' - .-asasw . aap-i , asaB aaaax ev - r-m mmm. ii.u. il f - -:.',-i ,z . OL'j'u 1 ""Tf.'" an; 1 - i "Th rrlnds of puritr u doncy, and thejr are the mt majority, still demand th enactment of aa adequate box ordinance and till continue to place th odium for the present eondltloa of things upon th majority of tha lty council," Mid Rev. Androw J. Moot gomery Uat night at the Third Pro byterlan church. "Wo hav boo shocked and horrified at tha disgusting revela tion of th past law wees. 'Th agi tation that baa been going on cannot . bo stopped or thwarted by any aort of -shifty evasion. The people hare their I minds made up. They know what they1 want. They know asaetly to saan who stands in th way of th rolee of the people. prevailing.. They; will hold the - tight parties responsible and . aooount abla. Th boa Iniquity, has beooma so odious that It must go. Thar 1 noth ing more certain than ', that Let the friends of ordinary common . decency stand for their rights. . The victory , seems to be almost won. -I am among those who belter that it la alwaya better to commend than te condemn, and so let me any that w ought to command the Intentions and efforts of the minority la the city coun cil who are working for a boa ordinance. While we hold the majority derelict to th gravest measure in public duty, we equally recognise th efforts of those who have the beet Interests of th city at heart. , v I ,i .,.. "Why all this confusion of repealing, and amending, and altering, and chang ing, and doctoring up, and introducing new and old ordinances? Is -It not to throw dust la the eyes of the publloT The ordinance that was In affect when the present administration earns to power could b put back on th books In Its entirety In a few minutes. If the council was willing. There are at least three things that would commend that . ordlnanoe: First, it was the outgrowth of long agitation, which is still fresh . In the mlnda of a great many people. It represented the final wisdom of the poo- pie so far as they could express them . selves. It found jfavor with almost all, except the llquoi sellers who were af fected by It, Second. It had a large ' measure of agreement to its .various provisions as it seems to be possible to get. . This is sn Important considera tion, because any measure of this sort la rendered operative or Inoperative by . the amount of public sentiment which It may or may . not have behind it. Third. It was carried into the courts and sustained on the issue ' raised. It would have all the sanction which this ; fac. would add to It. "But whether this ordinance or an other Just as good la given something must be done te abate the boa iniquity. Vpon this plain proposition public sen timent, such as is seldom aroused, Is united. The people are beginning to ask the question: ' Is the majority of trie city ' council absolutely ownea ny the wholesale liquor dsalersT Nobody has done a tithe as much to convince tha people that this la true as the ma jority of the council meraseives. - . , ' preferred Itoek Canned wood. ' " Allen Lewis' Best Brand. , . ' Good roads convention this week la CUverton. Good roads mean tons of silver. , . THE GREEH DISCOUWT STORE , !44-146Thlrd Street SStSlT Portland, Oreson ITlhie White Fly OUR FEBRUARY OFFERINQ 34 u D XTOX OTJIXTTT LOW MIOI AXXWXITS mmCKAsDIH 3CZtl epsiar Frlsae ea Other Oeeea Will ". ' , " Always TrrevalL ; ' r-1 Ixdies and Children's Undenvcar wmS MUSLIM DRAWERS. ; XADTEI mrttnt SEAWUg, ,U ataM, la plala, - tacked sad with refsa; rege- lur ttr. ' j ' wKiTE-rtrnt met ........... .lie LADIXS' aSUiUM DBAWXat. ataoe ef gaud bmUi, seBMtltriMd, eeaikrle rafftei all al: rernlar We. ATrrTE-IXTEB fkicg i.....i..... tse JAOIXI' TlUt HUlliit BiAWXaS, vita wise Soaae. trlmned with lees er eihmlrr: ternlar Oe. ; wxiix-nxca. ritcx ....Me GOWNS AND PETTICOATS LADIES' Snnug SKlmTfl, with Wlds oesre, trlmm-e with lees or esj-hroirtr- nyfiilar tl.oO and tl.Ta. WTJTl-rlTim TtACX Ms MUSUI aUITt, wltk iaa lews SoatM. ulmana wltk tacks, laos or mhr.1d-r: rrnlar 12.60. JUMit.' StUSLni owns, anee wt good qealttr am 11 a. trtmoMd arllk ee "4 I eeriwa: regular l Jm J i-iua ........ . I mm &m otmv-rLairi(u. s"e or astra-eesTy eetlaa SaBeelM nut wUe esd ieegi rarelar w:ViTE tixxtL mto .m -i ODD CORSETS 'r-x;:T SA oat 1rug'ulaf , lrand, at Jow rnces. oed j,ct of vrsan : cobtt roiitlil. ine-ttletut-4 eiid vottosi; r-j." itr t! l . VLVlf f E1CE ." Hf. i4 r-A tco. tci Ksna-iupt t rsicc ..Tie- i. ...lUiv. . T make tha Ufa-saving gutions oa th Oregon and Washington coasts equal those along th shores of New Jersey and Long Island, which are eonatdered nearly perfect, a bill appropriating ad ditional money for the Paclfle - coast stations, la ex sees of the regular main tenance, has been Introduced la eongrees and there Is some talk of introducing a second bill asking for more money with which to Improve the service. Captain D. F. Tosler, la charge of the Faclflo northwest department of the life-saving service, who has headquarter In the .federal building, will leave the latter part of the week oa a tour ef .In spection 'of the nine stations under Ills supervision, It Is expected that his re port upon prevailing conditions will have an' Important bearing upon th proposed second appropriation. i ' Th numerous wrecks along th eoast during the past month or six weeks have awakened the life-saving depart ment to tha necessity of additional sts tloas. There is also talk of more light ttmteee. . ' ' ; - - The wreck -of in etoamshla Valencia en the coast of Vancou-er Island h aonvlnoed ' th Canadian '' government that extra -warning stattans along, the coast In the Immediate rlotnlty of the mouth of the Juan do Fuca straits are needed. Experts hare conceded thai fog horns can not be heard as far In storm a signal-guns, end there Is a possibility that the Canadian authorities may estab lish several batteries of artillery along the eoast near the mouth of the straits. which will belch forth signals of danger during wild storms and periods whea fogs envelop the waters, making navlgv tlon dangerous. ; . . v - Thar Is no necessity of additional sig nal stations on tha American aide of the straits, according to. Captain Tosler, who Lavas for many years In 'harge of th revenue cutter service at Fort Townsend, MANIA FOR BONFIflES . KEPT NEIGHBORS, AWAKE The peoullar mania of an insane man baa-been keeping the residents of a portion of the peninsula awake o' rrigbte. 8. Harris, who lives at 100 Hartford street, complained to the polio that he and hi neighbors had been robbed of their aleep by an unknown man who has been building bonfires, whloh Jie keen burning all night . Patrolman Adams waa detailed by Captain Bruin to investigate the,. complaint. , Ha ar rested the man whs has caused - the trouble and County Judge Webster will Inquire into his sanity- . . , . See Nature In Her Winter Garb. To see the far-famed Rocky' moun tains In their wondrous winter garb Is the treat of a lifetime. The oanyons. peaks and gorges, are. even more .. at tractive In winter than In aummer. The Denver A Rio Grande, popularly knowa as Th Boenle Una of .th World. pierce th very heart of th Rockies, and besides Is the only transcontinental line' passing directly through Bait Lake City, the quaint and picturesque Mor mon capital. - Stopovers granted on all olaaaea or tickets., ror rates to all eastern points call upon or writ W. C McBriae, lit Third street. n Q erg .. A . aaaisle Use ret ' I7!i liisfrit lYsists ,A Flyer Frlese-Oa Msslay IWtl 3 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL AND STREET DRESSES at Midi THAT WTLl TAXI TOVS iri i m wutDowa. tmoat .................Me vf CHILDREN'S AND - - "4 INFANTS' WEAR '' . mnim' Ajrp oKXtSBXirt mra. XIS VKDSXWXAB la aU else at popa Ur prices. . . cHn.Dtxir'1 mn yrmxn xxaBxa TEST AX, raelTB-aU alsast, the tarnwiit ....Ms Kiuaxit'a wthtx mixaxD paxts. Kae Isngta, laee trlataiwli aU slsn; fl ROXT ,WxtrTx''b'xjfiaXat-ade' of Sue laera ao4 Iwlai trlnsMe with Valeerieaaea lac Inaartloa sad, est- 7IIC1X Me. Tie. Me, ssxr-ffiS riBs warrs xjbbxou; CAta, trlmaaed arltk abirbm. rlbLun. ana piiiiH. '''.-, ?rov , ,. Mo Mfi.M xyAsTeJ' firx waiTX woot lam sod rranl -n.i.-..Mr.- wlm silk. pmrix '.Me . Ii.m INFAKTS' VKiil -WOOIi c'KT rt-'ir-t-r Tt'V?. ' : , i wiliTT -rxior. .-.v..'....!. HiriS' tUiZ "WK1TX CABKMISS XuSi Bi;k beie ad ...,...... o TOXl Will. XOT WASTE VOK- ir rr voy but a juinvk -riADirirL -waist. At s THE SO0r.ARE JVHr 1HI 71't .WHSXI I0Z BttlMQ wtAX. , ;,.,, v.: 3 i BsMBSgl Th Whit Temple was filled last night and hundreds stood to hear Rev. Paul Radar and Dr. J. W. sroughar dis cuss moral reform and th elty council. Among, those who stood was Council- mad Bhepherd. At the close of the speech by Dr. Brougher the 1,000 people preeent voted unanimously to stand by him la bis fight for purity - and law enforoement in th city. ..Among; other thing Dr. Brougher said: ' ' . .v "In a recent editorial th oregonian had this to sayi The mayor says that he appealed In vain' to the council to revoke the Richards liquor license. The council says that be mad no appeal of any - kind. There la a mistake some where, and w do not pretend to amy who made It. W think It Is not too late for correction. The mayor has now formally ssked th council to - revoke this license and It will b quit Im possible for the council to .avoid re sponsibility If It should so desire. If It refuse. It wjll b quit clear who Is blocking the way to th mayor's efforts to retire Mr. Richards irora cusiness. In my efforts to discover what council man were opposed to th mayor la hi f forts at law enforcement I was led upon jtho testimony of others to Include th ham of Councilman Masters ta that list, J have sine learned that this was an Injustice to Mr, Maatera, and I took occasion th other morning, In a communication to the newspapers, to exonerate him from this charge. ' Bloaarda Altai the Test, ' 'la the -general m launders landing la the past, between th mayor and th city council. It has been exceedingly difficult to get unbiased testimony con cerning the attitude of th various oouncllmen toward moral reform In our elty. Bo far as I am concerned, there fore, I do sot propose to depend upon the record' f th councilman in th past I propose to base my Judgment upon me action or too council in regard to th Richards' Uoense, together with what they shall do concerning law en forcement In the future. I agree with the Oregonian, that If the council refuses- toreveke- th- Richards Moense ft will be quit clear who la blocking the way to th mayor's effort to retire Mr. Richards from business. I do not know where Mr. Orsy would stand, for ho was absent, but I wish to give credit to the six men who did vote to revok Rich ards Uoense. . Let us remember them Bennett Maatnrs, - Rushlight Vaughn. Wallace and Wills, the eight men who voted agalnat revoking the license let us also remember them, when election day comes and g them reason to re member us ever afterward. They are ae follow: Shepherd, Annand. Balding, Dunning, Kellaher, Meaefe. Preston and barkey. . . ., .. . , K UM V Ooaaefl. "These sight men also voted against the - box ordinance which had been recommended for passage by th liquor Uoense committee. , Let us keep these names In mind and watch closely their future actions on moral questions and ws will soon have they lined up so that there will be no doubt as to the place where they belong. . Mr, Shepherd, the councilman from - thle ward, as' th "champion of vice,' introduced an ordi nance to compel th attendance of wit nesses before the Investigating commit tees of the council and to fore them to divulge the names of their Jnform anta. Now. if this ordinance" Is consti tutional, what does It meant It means the drsgglng into publlo print the nemes of young women who-have been ruined in Richards' hotel and other places of a elmUar character. iThle ., would mean their publlo disgrace and ruin forever. A eoolety is now eoneltuted. the young womsa who goes wrong, whether to blame or not to blame, la never given a chano to repent and be what aha Ought to be again. The man-who has . been her companion in aln will be given a thousand chanoes to rise in the world, whether he repents or not Good mea and women who are doing their best to protect and aav theae girls have been given evidence enough not only to hang a yellow dog, but to even hang a coun cilman If he 1 had been guilty of the things charged and proven. , v '. Teetimemy Is aUored, -"If thesa counollmsn who are quib bling over "more, testimony' had had their daughters ruined In this place they would be perfectly willing to take the word of reputable men like Rabbi Wtae and women from the Travelers' Aid society without asking or even thinking of having their daughters' names given to the public to be ever lastingly ' dlsgrsoed. ' I am thoroughly convinced that thos who hold such tes timony In sacred trBt will go to jail first before they will reveal the names of their Informant. Let such a com mittee send two or three of our reputa ble men and women to fall for refusing to give the names desired and such a storm of righteous - Indignation will break forth In this city that when It la over some of these councilman will be swept out of office Into helL For my self, I wish they would try to do some thing like that Perhaps the decent peo ple ef this city, who are In th majority, would wake up then to the underhanded, devilish scheming on the part of men who are determined to carry out.- tha wlahe of the vicious element In our midst But these oouncllmen know that thla evidence will not be given to them end they will make thla an vxeusa for not revoking Richards' license. It waa intended for that purpose, ' .- f . Attempt 4e VrlgbAea reeple. ' "But tttls ordinance means even more than thla. I believe It was Intended to frighten off peopl from giving testi mony In regard to other notorious joints la our olty. Business men who are afraid 'of having their business hurt by th combined forceaNof th saloon, th gambling den and the brothel will re main client Young, women who aav ben- ruined In thiw rli- who would l willing -to tell tiiflr torlw If their hamou were not be made public wilt ibe-Ceterrcd. frem g'.vliut thtir avlaenoe in the Hgni or tnis vronnnce. l oe lleve In a. square, ileal, and if 1 (lad that I liave machartd nny one. I am reafly, ia' correct It. but this ordinance 1j not 'In the intcrevts ef "air play. It la vm- f:Jlfalr to young men nl womn who i A I would l( their poltlone 'and be rub- 4 i Ucly Qlaaruuvd If thilr -tiames were at getting evldxiioe, h-jt 'rather a '? means ror ohutUnsi Up 'the mouths of 4 miny, not aniy -tiaoCTil -4ie p(h(n-' Ji , pUcev but .xtur -places -st equally bad Tea east side erflee ef The sarasl is m the stare ef i. sf. C. Ulller, M Xst aterrlses street Ttlepsea Xael STa, Xeaterday waa an -Important time In to history of a number of . east aid churches and a general program ef an niversary oelebratlona. Important pulpit announcements and Introduction of new ministers was observed la several of th largos churches. ' . .- A Rev. T. B. Ford 'allayed th fear of th Bunnysld ' Methodist Episcopal church members by announcing that be had decided, aot to aocapo the error mad by th First church at Dallas, Taxaa, which ' congregation last week offered Mr. Ford a largely. Increased salary and greater Held. At the morn ing servloo Dr. Ford announced that after several days of reflection h had decided that It would nipple th shinny side church for him to leave ' at thla tlm and that h had telegraphed . the presjdlng alder of th Delia district mat oa vvum um acvpfii wit wh. - hlshest authorities of th church. among them Bishops Waldon and Bpell- meyer, advised Mr frord to aooopt tn Dallaa offer and It was only , a seir sacrtflclng sense of duty that forced him to refuse the opportunity. . Whan air. Ford made the announcement xeaterday a congregation ' that Oiled the church ross and gave a standing vote of thanks to the paator. . . . : Rev. R. K. Ham yestsrdar assumed th pastorat of tha Uassalo Street Con a-rearatlonal - church. H reoentlr ao- oepted a call from the congregation and left his work at . orovuie. , - California, where h has been until recently. Prior to his pastors ta in California Mr. Ham was in charge or tne - neuingnam (Washington) Congregational church. Mr. Ham la a young minister, a graduate of two eastern theological schools and comes to Hassalo Street church at a time when th members are planning a lara-er work to meet the needs of sd Joining suburbs, which have doubled In population in ins iaai -wo years. - The first anniversary or the organisa tion " of ths nPledmOnrr-PreabyUrlan church was celebrated yesterday morn- Ink, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Booser, deliver. Ing the sermon and reviewing the. work of the first -year or tno organisation. The church at the time or it orgs mi tlon had but 10 . members, but during the year It has grown until It now nils an Important ptac in suburban church work.. ; v.,.- i '-". ; EAST SIDE NOTES.' f Laboring tinder a misunderstanding several xt Johns voters have been reg istering In Portland. In order to take part In th town primary and general election i the residents mfst register in t Johns, a fact - whloh tha towns of ficials are trying . te Impress oa their fellow-ltlsens.V. . v - . .- .:,': ' . The following testimonial appears In the current laaue of the 8t Johns Re view anent a printer which left th Re view office ' for a Caloflrnla Job! . "We cana recommend him aa a champion tlmeklller. If there-la eny one who can turn out laea work In a week than-thla. the above Individual, we do not want to employ him. We were pleased to learn that he mustered enough ambttloa to qulft' ,'.' i - - , ' -- v t A band of tha Loyal Temperance legion baa boon organised In University Park and temperance work among the young people f the peninsula ia prog ressing. Another band will probably soon be formed in St Johns. ' - : , a safety depoelt vault has been in stalled In th- Peninsula bank at Bt Johns and ths ttown Is sssumlng airs over its latest metropolitan luxury. Suburban trafflo on Sunday a- haa greatly increased the last two or three warm Babbaths and for the past two Sundays double, car aervlce hss beet neceeeary to Bt. Johns and Vancouver to accommodate the crowds of pleasure seekers. ' The trout fisherman haa re placed the duck hunter and the first In vaalon of the alough and Clackamas county wss mads yeeterday by th men with reela NO NONSUIT WAS ' GRANTED. SAYS BRICE ; ... ... -,t , ., '" Attorney tJeorger- Brtce says that no nonsuit was granted by Juatlee Retd In the replevin action - Instituted by John Wilson agalnat Mrs.' C ' Brown, his . mother-in-law. to recover., posses sion of a watch and three gold rings left as a" legacy to her -children by Mra. Wilson, who was Mrs. Brown's daugh ter, on her deathbed. He also asserts that Justice Reld did not comment on tha case and that -Attorney Logaa did not "scorch" hlm. . ' ..- . 'The complaint waa so badly .drawn and th evidence so weak,' said Attor ney Logan, "that I moved the court for Judgment In favor of Mra. Brown, whose ease I took without a fee. Attorney Brtce immediately moved a nonault in order to have the case dlamlaeed with out, prejudlo . and , his motion . was granted. -k t ' ... did 'scorch' Wilson. In th court room, after th motion. waa granted. I told him It was a shams for 'him' to drag a ahroud Into court and deal with tb memory of his wife In so profane a manner." . - . .;. Justice. Reld said that aa ths iCaae may again com before him he cannot comment on It He remarked, however, that had not Attorney Brlce moved a nonault ha would have granted Attor ney Logan's motion for judgment In favor Of th defendant Mrs. Brown. ; Th Biggest Evr Held. ? ; la order to mak tha "nam '"Bllara" svnonvmoua with plnno and a hmi.e- ijolfl wird throughout . the . northwest, ; Ktlrii Plnno HnuKe has anrionncod a ari- j ahll3 n-ord '.ctiiMeat' entailing i 26,00i) worth of vftluuMe prlsea, the detail of i which can bo found on page t, i J reniitMlnn. Hjtckrren, wallers and even i bartniulara who ' eoul'l and -would tell wht 'th-y tu'.ow If rrofe-ted from pub- ltclfy will be Kl.!oho-l by thla ordinance. Tliev , i'4iula -lose their vohIUoiik, be biackllited. Iti 1 other . towns and -eim-plt4.ely xhut but ftvun oi- if they were known t.!s!liy atttpt' thw Joints.'' i'-oiiowmg ir.ia prfinT ir. nmugiiur Ic "t anTQu s j BtOTetr iThat & j. 'i-; ," ,.'-- f lAXH6f latest -patterns and; newest fabrics; - Every; size ; ' : ,W; ' :4l .Ai.' O ' .A M iaW'i 1; t,v 'V-wea'- . V-s, . . i . ;, . ...... .'. 'i- .( ilisiiiii II One Thousand otlheTLatcstStyles JustrReceived: i.WUm AVaTTalw W aH ; TTVVM fTw Va w a41waTw eVA-mAAV-Aa sVA VtAa WW " 'and you will gay thy are beautiea when you see them-v s,They f old nearly flat,-5 making ttiem very convenient for street car traveling. ; ".It Is none too early to give that new baby these pleasant after noons." Baby, delighted and its motiier. will. realize great comfort and satisfaction In possessing one of our new carts. V " 4 .. These carts are he latest thing shipment of the, new spring styles.-" Overa thousand in this lot you wiU find a. wide range u will find a . wide range lding ; Go-CarU J from. . . . i Folding ; Go-CarU . from EasyjPaym BIG SPECIAL $I.OO s ." No. no, No. No. No. No. No. f 1- $l.pO DovnOh ;$2wler Made by the celebrated BisaelL They are finished ia golden oak, - light oaV mahogfany and birch. f Once me.a.Bisfel and . yoi ..will ; 'never be without one in the house.' Th$y save money thy save' - drudgery: A-"regular $2.50 .Carpet' Srweeper .;-j J :"(Q"Q": Are Genuinely Worth ' i in town, as. we are first. to receive in s ityles and prices to choose-from. t t i GUT IN MORRIS CHAIRS ! Drbw ; y : Will tMke any Morris Chair shown in ouryYamhill street window. This on top of big cut in the regular prices. Our Duyer.-Mr. Phil Gevurtx, now in the east, haa purchased an entirely new line and . "v . we have cut the prices of, the stock on hand with a view of selling It off before the new chairs arrive. J It will be worth your while to , investigate this special of fer, if you can make use of a stylish, com- fnrtahls Hfnt-ria (:hait tst avmt'1..!iif.ii.lM.. - -s .L. a pried reductions, then inspect the ' right, and one of those snaps you 88ft --Regular price $15.00, special price... r...... ..-..,810.50 .11 V I.. I.M r., ............ . -if xvcguiar pric n.w, special price. ............ .BX2.7d B7 -RepTilar orice tlS.00. goecial orica. I . .' '. ' : ftl Jl-TPS " B2---Regular price $24.00, special price .... .V. . . . .... 818.00 374 Regular price $22.00, special price. .Y.1. . ,V. 816.50 288 Regular. .price $28.00, special price.... .'.21.00 am a a . " e ' . - - 843 -Regular price $33,00,' special price. 7.828.75 Na' 878 Regular price $27.00, special price. ..u:; . .820.00 . : t 0 .-' . ' V ' ...... .. J . ' t : ' ' 1 (.'.'.,'; .,... '5 ; I a and ay goods. You will find them all have, perhaps, been waiting for: '1 wQa-y UP rw Ba . t r r. .7" ."'V