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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
;idiilS REPEAL OF TOER ACT Senator, Fulton MaklnjrCallant i'j Struggle to Prevent Tying t : up f 1 imDer Lanas. 'V '" ' , ' . X " " ' " ' ' WOULD CREATE RESERVE i"' ' ; r OF ALL PUBLIC DOMAIN Development of '.State ; Will Be Re ' , tarded and ; Hundred of MOIione H,Worth of Lumber Lie Uncut Will i Appeal to Senate. -;.-: :"v , : i; : (Waaktoeu Boreas ef Th Jeara!.) , Washington, li. C, Feb. M if the present purpoae of the senate committee on publw land is eaecuted ell Ore gon' ie.eee.eoe . acres- of Umtar lend ' that I not tn private ownership will lieuom n off- a permanent n-werv. . The repeal of the timber and atone act la the pivot of. tha change. It I n erded that the committee favors the - effrtnnt of Jlils Uw from the atatota book. It also la becoming known that tha cnmmlttec la not Inclined to forbid " tha taking of land chiefly valuable at ". Mia present time for Me timber by. the old horneatead method, i None of the ' early mU, sui-h as preemption, deeert or swamp provision, will be available. rora the fact that timber land cannot be taken. It follow that it must re main public property. . . " . . ' Fnltoa's ar Coatee. .-. ; ) Unnator Fulton ha barn contenting 1 every inch of ground that the committee so far aa gained. Hie argument appllas to Oregon and covare other timbered commonwealths. He waa finally es aured that ie par cent of the revenue, derived from such timber ealea would he alven to the counties. In which tha, timber la found. If the preaent law la ts be repealed and timber land held permanently .aaV-putlllCiJomftln, ha aaid that It per cent of all receipts waa cer tainly tha very leaat that eould be thought of. Yet thla point, waa belna discussed, and aa yet there 4e ne aur nncs that the aenatora demande will be heeded in tbe committee" report to the senate. ,,'.-.' . . V. - it-..'..- -- In preparing for 'the atruggl In the public landa commit ten, Senator Kulton ' fathered many facta which were a revo lution to eastern aenatore on Oregon conditions. It waa ahown (bat of Ore gun's (O.OOO.Ooa acrea of land govern ment experts declare lS,0.0p acrea ere covered wltli merchantable Umber. ( ' , , Twelve aoilloa Aoree Tlsd Up. (. At tbe preaent time the aovarntnent timm about S.OOO.OOO aurea In foreat re aervea, and withdrawal In the eta to are about t.BOO.Ooe acres.'" When' ' the forestry-' policy for. ths stats la fully. operative It la ei pec ted that over II, eeo.eee acrea will be embraced within ' thess fovernment-owned and controlled reservations. That would leave ap proximately f.000,00 acrea of land cov ered by merchantable timber eutelde . of reserve , t .Just what proportion ef thla la now held la private ewnarablp tha aettator could not state to tbe committee, but $u gathering facte which will prove the matter beyond a.. doubt.- Under the proposed com) It Ion a all of theaa un taken timber landa will be aa If In a foreat reaerve, aa the government would regulate tha cutting, ' eell the' product and keep from 7S to per cent et the revenue derived from the tniriaaction. With thaae figures, the senator naked the committee to eonelder the maxi mum revenue to be derived from land . devoted sacluelvely to foraatry pur poaea. - Again, the government' owe expert were quoted . for facta upon ' which to make estimates. . Henry (Janet nlacea the averaae atand of timber on i Oregon'a 11.000,000 acrea at 11,700 feat board Measure per acre...-, . . . Talae Of Timber Xaa. - If the atate la to be conaldered la dl ! wlalona, Mr. Uanet eaya that region eat 1 of tha Vaaeadea which la claaaed aa timber land will have an average atand of but 4.700 feel iter acre, and Ita good land tuna only about 7.500 feet Taking the region weat of tha Caecadee - sepa rately. Ita average atand runa up to c about 17.700 feet per acre, the very beat DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. Sew Aay ateal Oam 'Be Theroojraly B Joyed by Any toaaaek. '- Men. as a rule, are Nrat dlaoovered toy ' tbelr enemlea. . Their anjigonletr T.m on the aearchllght and the proof of rr - will lie in betoa able to stand the ft iu It waa onlv In thla way thattklr, "Wblte ever knew thai dyapepala waa one of Mr. Black' S worat enemlea. Bitting face to face at a two-by-four table, he i banded hie afflicted friend the bill of - Xar!- c ' ' ' Oyater CockUll. Stuffed Olives. Boaton Clam Chowder. . ; .', Htralned Gumbo. . ' Blrloln Steak with Muhfooms. . " '.' t -Roaat Beet tlaah. - BoUed Ot Tongue with Bauer Kraut ' Ixbater a la Newburg. . . ,. .-.k..v--'. ' Baked Pork . and Bean a. ; . i , Combination Crab Balad, ' .;; : - Hot Mine rw.- - .. ;. Plneanola Frltrter. : ' '. Mr. White ordered a "little of each." - 3tr, Dyapepala Black ordered erackera and a glaaa of milk. 1 had auch a big ' breakfaat thla morning." he aald, "that I'll Juat take a bite to. keep you com ; pany." But Mr. White eould not be da , -celved: '"I am afraid you' can't stand tha . aleam, Mr. Black. . Why don't you any you have dyapepala and be dona with lit ' Vou'H always have that hungry look anyhow ae long as you have dyapepala. ' Now llatenv My atomalh waa In juat aa bad condition aa youre at one time. But now , I" can oat anything, at any time. ' . For Instance, thle clam ehowder or alr . loin steak or - even the ' lobatar .' would be Juat ae welcome to my stomach aa your erackera - and milk. ' you don realize bow thla dyapepala, buatnaaa is robbing you of your spirit, of your enerer and ability to think quickly. ran t help notice It. You haven't the cheer and sociability VOtl had th , months ago. Now i n tell you what to do." And thereat the : cheerful Mr. Whits took a vial from his pocket and - satraotod wee tablet.' Thrrer"there Is a tablet that contains an Ingredient, one strain of which digeeta 1.000 grains of food. For even the worat dyapeptie It' the .only thing that really gives relief. . The reason s it relieves the. stomach of nearly all the work It baa to do. dl seata the stomach and stimulate tha gastric Juice. I ean't get lone without them. They are Stuart' Dreveoala .Tablets. Tou -can get them . nvwhrra on earth for SOe a package. Yea. It Is true, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tai(ts absolutely- stop heartburn, nau "'"sen. Indigestion, dyapepala of the worat type, aour atomach, hloaty reeling and .'it nictetluna and Irritation, and freshen and Invlaornts the atomach. Ther cheer you up snd make you get all the arood there is In your food. ' You .n h.4 a atomach to T6C? Paper SaVrg Over 400 caeee iold in' lee UILypLriLjnetecuriiiatAJfjtAr'L . are loitng money every minute you delay awej- a j.!:-.. .charge.. . : Name. -.-i-- Per "400" Roil T ; Mt. Hood Roll...v..........M ' "Wotxllark" Roll .......... .Td .! "Our Fair' Roll. .......... ..3ot lSanitas RoU, ....... Aseptic Package w fa. . Delta Package Klondike Package ; . vnciQI .,,il,,t.IM,. Per Dozen. e mn Perfection Holl . " I ishu Package Valentines T ittle 4xrir r,l aentiment body remembera hig .friend with"ont of theee j -charming itokena, -f-'- v--'--rr-TT V ' ' We ' are'' ehowjng the ' largeat aeaortm'ert evf r ehipped to Portland, and all at popular price' -' ldtofS00. . t r,. .- 1.; : 'Have you aeen the BuateV Brown-Valentine? Don't mtea thera-quaint philoaopby that cnarrni; in every, one a penny each, ;. ' u . - .4 ; " Photo- t. m m . ' New arrivals, every day Kodaks, Tripods. . Mounts, Post Cards, Lamps and everything used by professionala .or amateurs. : , f Agents for the Lumiere Sigma Plates quick-' . i .'est work yield soft round image full of detail '20 per cent less than any other, first-claso plate on he market. : . 'f...--: 1 v-r ; - Developing and printing done at a little cost.' ' , !; 'if you are in doubt, ask us ur experience is i f.V "At your service.' Use -our darkroom, t y;., ) a average for the county being ko.ooe feet ! Mr. Uanet, la attaining me toiai oi 2ll.eoo.000- as the timber resources or Oregon, aald that 11 a thousand -waa a safa average for the stats's timber. If this conservative ngure is oouDieo, sen ator Fulton points out ths remarkable proapects for the two aiviaions oi me state, taking 0 years as the time re- nulred for reforestratlon. . . , - .If the committee reports ior ine re peal of the timber and stone sot, , it provides no way la which Oregon's tim ber land, which may be mads valuable for ether than forestry purposes, can be acquired by her eltlsens, and tha senator will carry nia ngm to ins bow of the ssnate with an array ox Tacts that wlli attract attention. . - .. - - f 'SHIPPING LIVESTOCK.; . " t ' SeaaU Oomavlttes as Aftieanare ate- ort) vaverably Trpeav ateaamre. ; tWtahlkitaa Bereaa ef The' Joeraal.) ' Waehinston D. Feb. 10. Senator Warren, waa today authorised y the senate commutes en agrtoulture to re port favorably- on the- Hey burn bill to prevent cruelty , to animaia wnu- in transit bv tha railroad. This bill. whloh has had the Indorsement ot ths Western I.tvestock association, provide that livestock In transit sbsll not be con fined te cars -etthout unloading ror rest, water and feeding for a longer psrlod than IS eouaecutlve houre, excepting upon the written requeet of the owner or person In custody for that particular ahlnment. when tha time of confine ment may be extended to hours. It la wrovlded that In case or enesp, when ths expiration of the time limit oocurs at nlaht. they may be allowed to continue In transit until daylight. If by so doing they will reach a place where they can ' be properly fad. Mtarawt and eared for. It also nrovldes that, barring oeiaya from storms or-other aocldenUr cases. stock trains containing tea or more eara of livestock shall be run at air evarage minimum rats of speed or not less tnan 11 mtiaa ber hour from tha time live stock Is loaded upon the ears and made part Of such train until . it reacnea Ita destination. - MORROW SHERIFF IN . . SEARCH Or- W. DAVIS ' a.l.1 rtlanatrh te Tke 2earml. Echo. Or.. Feb, 10i Sheriff Bhutt of Morrow county is searching the sur: ronnrtins country for , William Davis. who Daaaed a number of worth lee a cheoka Jn thle city on a aheeproan near Ileppner. ior wnom ne ciaimeu o been working, amounting to more than iniL Rrho oeoDle cashed them at th Bank of Kcho and It waa not until after a second batch had been xorgea waa n dtacovered. . Davis wss arpuna ners a few weeks Jiving on ths money secured an these checks.. He left suddenly One air savins b had a Job. Ths sheriff so fsr he Deen . unsuoceesi ui in search. ' - ' .' MARTIN AND TEETERS TAKENTO PENITENTIARY . fsul IUmMi te Th JeseaatV Pendleton. Or.. Feb. 10. Orover Mar tin, the vouna dentist from Freewter4 who was wwrtencea to is yeara in me penitentiary for manslaughter, was taken to Salem today. Martin ahot end Iciilad tha father of a young girl to whom he had been paying attention Martin nleaded self-defense. iudd Teeters, sentenced to "It months for -horse stealing, waa also taken to the penitentiary. - - ' '..". ;. Xle BCtatakea Xdea. . Warn tha Chicago Tribune. ' The misguided young man In th check nit . had : disturbed the audience by antdterlng audibly while tha gifted ac tress waa playing the part of Mary, queen of Scota. and the big policeman waa leading him out by ths ear. ' "IT" found out, anyhow." muttered th young man. "that T-augh and tha I wono laugna wnn yu ww than - two weeka. IWOBi rb without extra ,-A,V f Doc Per Cut of 100. ttB.OT f6.25 4.99 IS fT and humor Every '.-1. The weakness CaeebfM. Tv . j ;.. T.OO ; vl J I f o 1 b- A -the limba following sprains and frac- turea can be over- .. come and . nature aided in her recon-. v utruction work by an elaatic band. .- covering t h e . in- . TWO OREGON GRADUATES FROM ANNAPOLIS P. M. Parklna. ,4 v :' f ' Two Oregon boye are In the class graduated Friday at the United Btatea naval academy at -Annepolla. Tbey are t Alelgh Hughea Of ail Market street. PortUnd, and F. M. Perkins of Salem. Both will receive their diplomas tomor row and Hughs will start for 4iome at once. It le probable that both young men will be placed In service in the Pa clfle squadron, which It is now proposed to lnersaae In order te oe prepared, ior any emergency In the far east . ' Raleigh Hughes stands . no. ids in bis class.' Hs was appointed to the academy by Senator -Joseph Simon In loos. - Before going to . Annapon no attended Portland academy and was prominent In athletics here. At the naval school lie continued his athlstics and waa for two seasons pitcher n the cadets' crack tilns. He le the son of Mrs. Edward Hughes. F. M. psrklns Is the eldest son or w. CHILD OF NINE WRITES : It Bell wood Street, Portland, Or.; Feb. To the Edltore ot The Journal a ChiMren'a Page-T Oantteiaen: - Please publish In The Sunday Journal the fol lowing story: ,.,' . , '.. r v..: . ITh Biography of Mies - Cleveland." MUS CUvelaa was IMtloirtgT-about the sis sf a policemen's flat, and her adopted mother, which la my mother. fad hsr.witn a spoon, ner nine snoot was pink and Juat as sweet aa a baby'a mouth, and finally It became necessary tiiat she should move. It waa a long way to where she had to go, snd of course she waa tied up In a each. We atopped to eat our lunch and got off of the buggy. Trie norss insi was nitonsa to ths bug-y i got frightened and ran awav. . - -" Dear me! ' How It Jolted and bumped Mlaa Clevelsnd, and at last throw Wer squsallag high Into ths air, rlghtn ths middle of the road. 1 quickly, rail te her rescue and found ber unhurt and amlllng. -We put her In the buggy and continued .on out journey. . She wss not kept like other pigs, but waa left to run about the place, vlalt her neighbors J and evea the- buM blacksmith had a :::zl ""V T7 P. ' I: r.o.msn 4... Our 'fr cr' methods ; c aa t c r" ; r . and tha number t m Every j ... . nave cor 1 U,C.3,176 your cor ace? uUilUD AIDS of Vlded you nave a properly imcu aupppri., knit to fit on our own looms to your own espe : cial measure, eo that you get elastic hosiery, wristlets and abdominal supporters that fit at all ' points. Send for measurement blank and price " : llSt.. . ' : -r-;i . , . . ... FOURTH IU1D VJASHII1GT0U: STREETS NAVAL r. ? Raleigh Hughes, T. Perklna, chief clerk In tbe effloe of the state treasurer.' He waa born at Umatilla. Oregon. Jane-. 1ST. but ha resided with his parents In Salem tax number of years and receives, me ltmlnary education In the schools ,ef Salem. ,. ..' ' ' . ? He received hie appointment to , the academy In September. 1101. and fin ished No. tl In hie elaaa. He took an active part In boxing, fencing and base ball. While on the annual erulse last summsr bs broke and held for a ahort time the mldahlpman'a record for target practice, he having made II talta out of II shots In on minute from a. S-lnoh gun on ahlpboard, at target one mUe distant " - ' '' Psrklns will pow be passed from ' a midshipman tol'enalgd, and will prob ably bs assigned to duty on the Pacific eoaat squadron, aa - he baa made a1 rs- quest to that, offset '' ' ' - STORY. . FOR THE TiNAL warm place In his b". . i -ilea Cleve land. -i ' (-'- i - -Bomethnee-sha-wndwred P the stairs. Into the kitchen and helped herseslf with some food oft -of ths table. She know hne n walk no ths ateps as well as any iady-and often fallowed hert mistreas to . milk th cows, nw tress would place aoms imllk on ths ground and Mlaa Cleveland would drink the milk to her hearfa content, , One time we all want to church, but Mlaa Clevelsnd had to stay horns. Just aa ths preacher was about to .say "Amen" in aiaiiraa 1218 Clevelai grunting and looking aa proud as a pea cock. Bho walked up t-s aisle-till she came to where we sat. W rot up and arent nul. Hi.. ri.v.i,nd following. . She lived a long, hasr 5"l was butchered, whlca rnaae verr bad. heart beat so naru i could feel It clear In my threat. (End) . Tours tr..'v. - Aae rears. nu( c raised In r Lx:hz':i it. -We'll Do . rUnca ixtenda over a period of half . a century. Our 7T i-ie department ia the) reault of many ye era of careful atudy . J-t cf every precaution to insure purity and accuracy. The t a amount of new preacriptiona filled bflua to January lv :..v-over three quartera of a million ; , ie refilled on an avers re of four times, which meana that wa PRESCRIPTIONS. - Doea thia , record CRUTCHES ' - Erery size crutch made most "every style, too split wood or two-piece, solid or sprinfr arm rest, very firmly, braced. 'Priced Sl.OO per, pair up. .Kent them it you 0ROLUSG ; - CHAIRS ( '' ...'V .. .; . -v.v '! . ;'.' - .'"V -- These bright, aun ahiny days are better ' ' for the shut-ins than , . medicine.vy Rent one ' of our very comfort r able chairs and treat 'your patient to " an . , hour or two of Ore gon oxone.. , , ;, DAYTON T.1AU OUT , FOR PLACE Jess C Miller Announces Can didacy for Mohundro'e Job ; at Walla Walla. 0y: MAY CARRY MATTER TO : PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT R. A. Bellinger of Colfax States He May Enter -Race Alleged Oppo altlon U Game of PoUtlca Salpon Men ReUllate by Qoalng Stores. ', . - rsaeelal tHssstek'n T learaaL) . Walla, VTalla, Wash.. Feb. je.Th onea candidacy ef Jesse O. Miller, mem' bar of the le firm of Miller at Fouta of Dayton and brother of Judge C. F. Millar of the Columbia county euperiogJ eonrt to succeed J. I Mohunare) as raa-iata of the Walla Walla land office. waa formally announced; today and mm a hnaw sensation among Mo kut.itro'1 friends. Sa ths fact that Mil i.. a a. .cauidldata . ha a been wall guarded. W. H. Fonts, law partner of Miller, was tn Walla Walla today con ferring with party leader relative 'to Mlllar'a canaiaacT. r nanus m n. n. of Colfax stated this after noon that he would probably be In the aa RsJUnarsrs xainsr e. siaurcu Ankeny men. ; ' -- ' rail '00'T-000. Llotiozone by What It Does. : The First Bottle Is Free. t :. nn Viir nractice to publish tes timonials on'Liqaoaone. We prefer to buy- the first bottle, and let the prod uct itself prove us power, n test will do more to convince you than any argument or claims. We ask yot to learn, at our expense, what this wonderful product means to you. - II you are sick, use Liquoxone . to get well, as millions liave done. Larn Wnat IK UUCS may ouiu - not accomplished. If you are well, use it to keep well, to ward off germ attacks and as an invigorant ; The virtues of Liouorone are de rived. .olelJroJiUar-by---proeeB4 requiring iarge apparatus, nu wv 8 to 14 daysr time. No alcohol, no narcotics are in it Chemists of the highest class direct the making. Th result is. to obtain from these, harm less gases a powerful tonic-germicide. The great value of Liquoxone liea in the fact that it is deadly to germs, yet harmless Jo you. Germs are of vege table origin and this gas-made prod uct, when absorbed by them, stops their activities. We publish an oiler of $Ut0 for a disesnt germ, cannot kill. But to the body Liquo xone is exhilarating, vitalizing, It i helnful in fhe extreme. That" ia its main distinction. Com mon germicides are poisons when taken internajly. That is why medi cine proves so nearly helpless in a gertn disease. Liquozone is a tonic - Snving lit T.zzt Prase CandVafVVi wcS tXZSi. ""DWrifook Kacla wbrut .iuc Watted and Passepartout . Picturea UP to 65c.......... Oreron Made Whisk Fine Linen Papcterie worth 35c... ,..., ,...18ev Violet Ammonia, pint, worth c ....12 y . pickinson's Witch Hasel, pint, worth 25c.... 144 Guaranteed Rubber Glovee worth 75c. ,,.,.4S4 . ; ..:Wira Photo Racka.-.;.;.T.."; ......15e Ski-e for Burning. 3, 5,' t, f 13 f 4-lound Bar Imported CsUUoap,. :. . LJ 7t- worth $1JD0 .........4............... Ke . Frost King or Queen Chamois Vet..'....?3.0 , - 2-Quart Fountain Syringe worth $175. ...91.23 : , Imported Tooth Brushe worth 25c...l..,.13 Dairy Maid, per box............... ....12d . ' Full Pound Wbite'a Tooth. Powder, -v. -.r 't; - worth 50c . ... r,, .32d - c- r- Regal Oatmeal Soap Box worth 25c.........lg t; , Ladies' Handbags worth up to $1.50.. . .:. . ,.Jt3f White Robber Hot -Water Bottle, 2-quart, . .', worth 75c '. . . . .48d) s " not merit Trusses ;";. r- Over 50 etylee of Truaear k .; t Private FitdnrrRoom. v -;.r-V u'';':,;1 : rV--'MeJe and female tAJttida-;Y-Vrf-;vi-" t'" Ne) charge for1 fitting; .,:?;v' : '''V;.' . , i Abaolut aatlaf action : guaranteed or "money v. - efunded.'- , " . - v y-':-, I k . -: , v v,V'. Come In let e talk It- ow. ; ; .'. ' '7-, - preier. -. PRICES Ml ,v. Wilson Whiskey; quart, special.. ......... fl.O - Maryland Club; quart, special. ...f LOT Fisher's Rye: quart, special.,;. ....... ......Set Chicken Cock Rye; quart, special....' ..89d ; ; , Walker's Canadian Club, special... 1.05 DeWar's Special Scotch, special. ....... ,..91.08,: Extra fine Uld &cotcn, special.... ....... .?. i- Fine Old Bourbon, special.,....... ..lo) Fine Old Rye Bourbon; Canadian, special ...Tle . White Port, special., .T3d , California Port; quart, special..; f ...... :.....25d v, California Sherry; quart, apecial. . .-85d Cabernet. Sauterne. BorKundv. Reisling. Ex tra Select California; quart,- choice.-. .-' , . .86f Our special Port and Sherry for this week, ' gallon .,........,.. .. .'..... .v. 81.00 ... "Miller, It Js believed, U slated tor the place If Mohundro falls of reappoint ment " He Is a Bpant ah-American war veteran, eervttig as second lieutenant ef company F, First Washington volun teers, snd baa a good Philippine reo ord. Friends ef Mohundro olalm that If . It oomee to a showdown they will take-the matter UP with the presi dent personally and Show that Mohun dro has mad the boat record ' of any register aver appointed to .ths Walla Walla office and that th opposition Is nothing; more or lees than a gams of politics. Mohandro bas the solid back ing of the Republican county officer and Postmaatef Brunton, who la using bis lnejuence te secure his reappoint- Walla will be a strlcUy tight town tefc I morrow. Prosecuting Attorney Wilson yesterday eerved notice on all cigar stores, confectionery - shops and other place of bualnass amenable to the Sun day closing law to eloss np tomorrow. This action wee prougnt aeoui oy in local saloonmen ' In retaliation. . their places being ordered - closed np three weeks ag.-r- ? - -i .' .. v FATHER . CESTELU EEI.EFIT CLEARS ABDUT $500 , ;;..t . ; , ; Baker - Theatre Crowded With Friende of Prjett Who Lost ,"( All In Fire.; ' About ISO waa realised at tke benefit given for Father Alexander Ceetelll at the Baker theatre last evening. The nlavBous was crowded to standing. room only by friends and acquaintances of the priest who bad a narrow .escape from death In the fire whloh partially We Paid QlOO.OOp ' For the American, rights to Liquo zone, after hundreds of tests had been made with it After its power had been demonstrated, again and again, in the most difficult germ diseases. Then we spent, in two years, more than ten time tbt sum to let others test it at our expense. The result is that millions of people, scattered everywhere, have shared in the bene fits of this invention. , ,. , . -We make' the same offer to yoit. lf . j..a Fei4 k A ' s SI vis -- tirkW aviiirh hi nrnrlurl rnfann tn vr Let Liauozrtncitficlf Jalu)wlhowwHM . . re 1 . . 1,1 trouble that it is 10 sutler jiuiu cure , ':' ' Germ Diseases. rMoSt of our sickness has, in late years, been traced to-germ attacks. The list of known germ diseases now numbers about one hundred. ; Some germs as Jn skin troubles directly attack the tissues. Some create toxins, causing such troubles as Rheumatism, - Blood Poison,- Kidncjr Disease and nerve weakness. , Some destroy vital organs, aa in Consump tion. Some like the germs of Ca tarrh create, inflammation; some cause indigestion. . Directly or indi rectly, nearly every serious ailment is a germ result. Such diseases call for Linulrzone not drugs, which can't kill germs. l Bziz 1 worth 8a Brooms worth lSc... t FROM f 1.50 : UP. THIS WEEK Pitied Freel deatroyed the pastorate of St' Michael's . Italian Roman Cathollo church, corner . of Third and Mill streets, on the mora-, lng cf December IS, ISO. u. Father Cestelli'a living-rooms werfx , totally destroyed by the flame, together with all his earthly powr'ona. Inolud-r'j Ins; bis vsstmsnts. Father Cestelli waa eo badly burned that he bad to be re-, moved to' Bt. Vincent's hospital, where f he ban -been under -surgical -care ever alnoe. . It was hoped that be would- be , present at last evening's beaaflt but he. was unable to do so. ' j t. : r - Tha- expense ef the benefit were) sasV? ' tonally decreasad by tha management r of the tlieatre donating part of the rent Those who sppeared upon the program gave their services free. The program was aa follows! ' ' x - Stringed quartet, selection from , Mlgnon" (Ambrose Thomaa), St Mary's Academy and college, first lollh Luola Barton and Mildred Wait, aeoond vlo In, Oracs Jennings and. Ethel Hsiao. viola Mary Jessop and Effle Wiseman," cello Clarice Bogers and Nora Caeey; ' soprano solo, Doris' (Nevln), Thomas ". ; Dobsofe; scene from "Idylls of the King" .,- IxsnnysoBr- an aiim ttiub' uiTmji . , - - i .r , . w a.,kl.u. Hra.- jcrnei -wdd- i.rvesiy : (Canfleld), Mias Ethel Shea: violin olo, "Romance.- op. 13, (H. Wienlaw skl). Miss Cornelia Barker, Miss Mollle Reynolds - accompanist; soprano solo, "Chaason Proveneale" - Dell - Acqua), I Vftsa 1 Kathleen Lawler; quartets from ' fFlora's Holiday" ; tH. Lane Wilson), (a) "Coms All Te Lads and Laseea,- (b) ' "The Commotion pf Iove," Mlaa Lawler, Mra. Reed, Mr Alexander and Mr. Epptng; four' scenes In tha life ef a bride, Mrs. t Llvesly; . tenor nolo, (a) "Sogne" (Toatl), (b) "Quests o Qdella" ("Rigoletto,' Verdi), Arthur Alexander; contralto solo, -My Ala Folk" (Lemon). Mrs. Walter Reed; prologue. "Phellaeot" (Leoncawello), . J. Adrian Epplng; stringed quartet, "Fantasia Capri oe,"' op. IT, (Quenwald), 8t Mary's academy and eollegs. Edgar E. Course n was ao oompsnlst ' i . . ' .'". '.-: .. : - .:. i The Oervala precinct baa not bad a Justice of the peace for four years. Every germ attack, no matter what its symptoms, calls for s germicide.' The mildness of Liquozone makes some of its results seem almost in credible. But in that mildness lies the power that germ diseases need. - And, diseases which have resisted medicine for years often yield at onca to it " 5.0c Bottle Free, j "If you need Liquozone,' and have never-tried it, please send us this coupon. , .We will then mail you an . nnlfr nn a local rfruffffist for a full-. size fiottle. and will . pay hi druggist. k.iralwt tnr it. This ii OUf free ffilt inadeaidHViftce -you;,lfivTet-4he- nrndtirt itself show tou what it can do. In justice to yourself, please ae- cept it today, for it placea you under J, no- obligations whatever. ., ; .: Liquozone 'costs 50c and l. CUT OUT TICS COUPON riB It eat an man It If Tee Meeeeas 0av sea, 4M-0M Wasaab fre., Caleassv - I '- ' ' " ' I ( - .: s . i Ut Pliaaa - t I aeve never tnea will supply MlNC I here never trie tAmosnae. est tf yea aotiie free a vui ism 11 :;-:m00:" PS4T ..,...,.. a. . ............ ....... ' fltve fell s4.1i. as ulte plahily. ' VMs'lkaf thle tttrr applle te kw mil m1r. Asy eilclaa ar saspltsl Bet yet aslag Ltqa aas wUl k slaaly sappUad fat a tsat, , ! Fin English Forest Orov. w'' , : " I- "1 " " .i -. ' Jorry f. . , . ' that ever waeoubliahed.