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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
:;IUvaJ mioj j italic !''.'. : . mii, . . ' a rrmi vvrwwiw l-eaiame ....... VllKOTi U4 ..,). SH. ............ vaeeeviue "AS " 7, ww m a meeting of th fne tiro eomaiUtM of tb Onsen Btat , Pree aaaoclallon .on February M m the tower room of th Chamber f Com - nieree building. The meeting has been , called to dlaouM th ready-print advar- tlacment now being run by many of the aauy and weekly paper published nrougooui Uta state. :. C Xt - Ireland. vlca-praaldent of to aaaoelatlon, and published at Mora, .spent .yesterday la , Portland, and' laaued tha eall for tha .. meeting. H aula that there, was . (rowing Inclination among tba country adltora to abolish tb ready-print ad vertisements. ..Tb" aaaoelatlon la now seeking a food advertising man ta has- . it asaira., , , t '. y . Frank Hendricks appeared befor Po . lie Judge Cameron yesterday. In tha role "of Kagln and' was sentenced to serve 10 daya In tna county Jail for in ducing Eddht Wright, a lad and IT ,:, year, to-steal av bioyol. Tha boy In formed tb court that hla parent Uv ..: a Vancouver and that IS month age h waa thrown out of hla bom by hla father. Since then he has apant the -. moat of hla time at Seattle, coming to t Portland only a few day ago. Tha lit- tl fellow does not aptwJar. to bo da f. praved and tha court cave hlra Into tha : ouatody of tha Boys' and-OMa Ald'ao- '. clety. Detective Itawlay will communi cate with hla parent. , v s- . ' " "' If ystery attache ' to ' tha disappear i ance of a trunk belonging to A. I Hud v kins, wna died about a month or six ' weeaa tfo near avaiao. waaningron. iq i - waa employed by the Kalama Driving w , company and' while working In tha hills was stricken .with heart disease, Mrs. H. J. Van Yleet. tha mother of Mudklna, who Uvea at Klamath ' Falls, Oregon, haa Informed tha nolle that her aon ' had a trunk at a local rooming-house. -.: which haa not been accounted for and . cannot be1 traced by relatives. Acting Detective Uellyer baa been assigned ta ' search, for It. :. f ' ' "This the fortieth anniversary of the Freedman's Aid and. Southern Edu cation society In th Methodist Eplsoo-4 pal church. Special preparation v has been mad to obaerva this oeeasloa. at th Taylor 8tret Methodist church to - day.- Dr. Short praoha thla morning -on The Value of Concentration,", and thla evening Rabbi Stephen B. Wise, D. D., will address th Taylor Street oon '' L re cation on "Unooln." Two greet oon- v gregatlons ar guaranteed for Taylor . street today. There wlU b a spe- lal program of mualo. , -. ; ; . . Mike Martin waa round guilty of committing art assault with a dangerous weapon upon J. Allen Harrison on De cember it. -7 Martin drew a revolver on Harrison, who grabbed th weapon. . With the aid of Harrison' brother Mar tin waa captured. ' The arrested ' man 'claimed that he waa drunk when th assault waa mad and that he did not remember what he had done. The case . was tried before a jury. In Judge Sears department- of th circuit eourt laet Friday, g 'F- ,; i "In tb Interests of th moral reform agitation Dr. J. W.- Brougher baa- In . vited.Itev. feul Bader, auperlntendent 'of -th' Stat -Anti-Saloon league, to .. apeak a th Whit 'Tempi tonight on ' -Who Ie Remonnlbler Dr. Brougher will give a prelude on '"What Doea tba, J Shepherd Ordinance Meenr and - also . speak on the- subject, Can Ton . Keep a Secret f, A special feature will ate ,'. be mad of th muslo.,'1 ..t V-V'.s',., ... Mattla Oldhan has begun a ault in the circuit court far a dlvoroa from , ' John Oldhan,' alleging non-support and . cruel treatment - She aver that owing - to her husband't failure to contribute ' to th support of heraelf and little ', daughter, Lola Alverta, ah waa forced last March to ga and aeek work. Old ' nan then went to Alaska. Th coupl - were married at Goldendale, , Washlng V ton, February it, WO. . v , ..- f' Atva recant meeting of th class of ' , 10I v of th Jaw department of tb University of Oregon - th following members were elected- to represent the rlaaa,.ln th graduating exerolaea next June: - C. Ben Byiealand, valedictorian; - Richard MoCann, clasa orator; O. T. " Treadgold, - toastmaateri Archl Leon ' ard. class prophet: Edwin Minor, clasa historian: Abner H Jones, elaaa poet; , E. O. Stadter, maaXer of oeremonles. 7 Th great ruah ot buyers at th ered 1 Itqrs' sale. 107 Front street, between Taylor and. Salmon 'yesterday very aa . " rtously hampered the ' management in promptly waiting upon the crowds, Ar i rangemants ar completed t r a larg additional fore tomorrow, and It - I : hoped to quickly car for all who com. - But friends will greatly oblige, us. J)X buying early In th day as possible, - ' Lots' In Ladd's addlUon II.IM. 'i All 1 improvement In. Will build for yen if deal red. Cash or terms. R. U Cats, lit ' Becond street ,, r. ; ' ) ' Sumner 'ot, O. A. B,, will observe ' Freeldent Lincoln's birthday' today by A fweaaoM why th.' H E I T - KEMPER : DIA MONDS thould be different than tbote of other store a. We Nhave always enjoyed tne reputation for distinctive) Diamonds -end have the name mo n f d e a 1 e r .1 ,o Jeing the most critical v t .1 .-V ouycTS - ini we r, nortnweit.5 Every stone well selected . a. b. r. aw w " ' Dwin wTi,.. Re amer and value ..7wivwv I to prospective purchaaera. We cater to the ex clusive trade of Portland end aim ta handle quality Diamonds only. 6. narnEiPEQ . , ; cc:.2jnr T Jewelers and TUversraitha. , 2M IIORRI30N 8TKEET. ., w. N. '. , - . J ycr L.:.. tztt; Cz-'t vrzlt ustH you're tki cr u-l3 ta work to be;ia to tsva rr.c-ry. ' Dcjin now and put ystxr tavir-. U3; or little, in this Caak. Let -it grow in our care we tUow oa top of your own money. . Be alive! ;. WE PAY" mm niTCREST. QC m JES EI eaeral alaaWag Bnglasas Bvafta Xssued a All FarM of th World y- OFFtons 'V'J-'l : W, H. MOORR, Fraldent . V fc K. X.TTLB. Vice-President. - i '. W. COOPER MORRIS. CaahUr. " . :'- pIRBCTORS. .. W.' JL MOORB. HI B. LTTLH, 'UCO FRIEDaV - " H. A. MOORB. W, COOFEH MORRIS. ttt ending, aerrleea at T:l p. a. In the Centenary Methodlat ohurch, in Xaat Portland. The veterans will meet ait their hall and - march to the church. Member of tha Sumner W. R. C wlU be at tb -church to Join la the aerr loea. Dr. Heppa. the pastor, wtll deliver an add re as and special muslo will be provided.. ,.:.. " . , - i f ' . V ,y' s ' y ' ' ,?y' .. Kotloe to Ladles At least l.0 ladles of Portland will be pleased to learn that Dr. Crlatlon's -.representative, Mm. U M. Maya, baa "dona auch a auoeaasful business In Introducing his French toi let artlolea (hat she haa appointed Mrs. A. Vehr of this elty bis sole agent. Mrs, Vehr la a. competent woman for this Una, having received Instructions from Mm. May during her stay in Portland, and together with her larg experience heretofore will nabl her to do thla wall, and Mm. May la glad to b able to plao on ao capable aa ah to represent Professor Crlstlon. Mrs. Vehr will open her parlors Thursday, Feb ruary II, rooms It and It, Grand theatre building..' .- For having kept II. 9 given him to pay x telegraph charges, Andy Nutter, aged - I, a . former messenger boy, waa arrested last night by Deputy Sheriff John Cordano and is now In tha county JalLTh boy. admitted that he kept tha money and threw awey tha tele gram given him, thus making hla em ployer liable for th loaa of th meeaage. In order to throw hla employer off hia guard, the boy say h wrote out . a bogus -call on 111 .Washington street, signing th nam' Of H. J. Martin to th slip and making the ohargss aa Id cents. Tb meeeag he received with th money waa delivered by a hotel clerk. Ton miss It If von don't attend the dramatis and mueloal entertainment to be given by the Waatern Academy . Of MusM at their hall, Mulkey building, oornar Second and Morrison, under the auiptoee of Oregon Orap oamp No. II7S, M. W. A.. Tuesday evening, February II, 1101. Dancing' after th program. Th puhlle la cordially Invited. .. Admis sion If cents. : - . .- v'""--.-V;-.'-V. V At th People's Forum this evening an Interesting program will b patented. Governor Chamberlain will ' spesjc ,q "Th Duty of , the Stat to Her -Prisoners." County Judge Webster-will dla euaa th queatlon of prison labor, and Mr. St, Pierre, superlntandant of th Prisoners' Aid aooiety, wUl-tell of, th work of that organisation. - , . , ' Hav - your ! photo :' taken " today1. We're open from ! till I Just becauae .we want to make It .ao that you can coma to this - excellent atudio, where only the beet of -work la done. Every operator Is a star of th flrat magni tude, and our equipment la all new and modern. ' E. W. Moore, Elks' building- Edward Holman dt Co., th leading funeral directors, hav th finest estab lishment, tha flaaat goods, th finest vehicle and th most reasonable prices. Fin broadcloth covered caskets, J ft I and II. . Th finest wood good made, from US to te. Parlors It and 111 Third 8t'eor. Salmon, Portland. Or. , - France ' Wlllard ' memorial 1 exercises will be held at W. O T. U. headquarter In tha Ooodnough building February 14 at I p. m. An interesting program Baa been prepared for the - occasion. . All friends of th cans ar Invited to be present and bring a quotation f ram Miss Wlllard. .... .-. '. t Beautiful six-room houa. tlnlon ave nue and Fargo street, on car line, mod ern every way, richly tinted, full oon- cret basement, fl replace. Small pay ment down If desired. Inquire H. B. Stemler, owner, on block south, at (II Union avenue, north, today. - - , - Tb sermon at th Catholic cathedral tonight will be preached by Father O'Hara. Hla subject will be "Th Secret of th Power of th Catholl Church.' thla being on of a earlee of sermons to be delivered , by - Father O'Hara for.non-Catbolica, Pledging himself to votff for United States senator the-Republlcan receiving th high eat number of popular votaa for the office. N. D. Beutgen has filed hi declaration to become a candidate for state representative on th Repub lican ticket. - -, j.'; ; . Ar you preparing r to build? Tou ahould get our figure on sash and doors, glass, paints, roof stains, eta for wo can - save you money. Maw Era Paint aV Varnish Co JOI Front street, ' Pennington' Pur Bee' Honey, On tario, Oregon. Awarded - gold medal world'a fair, Portland. Sold by-your graces. Distributor. . K. ' N. , Wilson.. Ill Seventh, .city., Main Mti. . ,. -; tTrofeesor A.' C, Newlll give private lessons at lt& Ollaan street prepa rations for college a specialty; Back ward pupil encouraged and their ambi tion kindled. ..,-.", . , , , . , ' Watchea, Watches. Watchee On easy weekly paymenta. 11 down, l"i per week. Don't go without a good time piece. MaUcer a Co., Ill Sixth street. 'Mile s. Orlswold naa filed a declara tion that he will b a primary candi date for th offlca of state aanator on the Republican ticket. - At Richards' Regular Sunday French dinner, with wine. II per cover; to M. Park and Alder street, , , ' tnctudlng yastordayg biialneea tha us department of tha sheriffs office has mm ..ill Lii-i Work of Raising Cunktn Gteam ' ship Wi!l C Crun by Mld- i ?tr"4ii"o( MsnthV' : i " VESSEL SAID TO EE IN W-ilEXCELLEMTCONDITION Contractor Hopes to Have' Her at Drydock by May Flret, and T Eh 1 1 May So' Ready for Active 'Service ': by Middle1 of jtsshv; . Vi". ;'; By th mlddl of th month th work of raising the steamship i Oeorg W. Elder from th rocks on which ah has been resting for more then a year win be started by H. W. 'Baker of De troit. Michigan, who waa awarded th contract a few week ago.. 11 baa had eatenaiv experience In such work and there Is said to beo doubt that he will hav th i vessel afloat and alongside th drydock at St. Johns bv May 1. i soma of the wrecking outfit which will us4 has, already begun to (arrive from th east. A ear of diving materials wtll reach her early In th week. J. IT. Peterson, th owner of th Elder, has had divers examine th veeael recently and they hav found ' that apparently ah ta ta -aa good ahap as aha was shortly after th accident - Bh baa bo greater list than formerly and It la not believed that the bottom Of tha hull la ao badly damaged aa waa at first feared, i. After ahe has been placed on th dry dock and "soft" patohed, bids for mak ing permanent repairs to the vessel will be solicited. Should th oontraotor suc ceed in getting her ratd early In May, Mr. Petaraon thinks there is no doubt that th Elder can be put In condition for actlv service . by tha middle of una, . . -. ' ' - Should thia prove to b th case, there la a strong likelihood that th Elder will comprise on ot the fleet, which will bo operated out of Portland to Alaska. The owner la anxious to - get her In ahap for ' thla service. .. In tb days of . the northern gold exoltement tha Elder mad a number of trips from Portland to Nome and gained the repu tation of being one of the atanchest craft that ever piled In northern water. A letter recently received from the Union Iron works of San Francisco said that th Oeorge W.'Elder and Roanoke ar th strongest and " most ' durabl ships that the company ever had an th drydock for repairs. As th firm baa repaired all of th leading vaaaala on th coast this la looked upon aa being one of tha. highest compllmenta .that could be paid th craft - Both war hullt at Cheiter.Pennsylvsnla, and nons but tha very beat of Iron was' uaad la their hulla. - - ' -e , ' .- , Seattle people ar anxious to set tb Elder to run from 'Seattle to Alaska during the coming season, but Mr. Pe terson prerers operating har from Port land. v (,,.- .'' . i - ; !";. .negro Christens, boat, Bab Johnson Breaks Sovtl of Oham- - . PHT a eavar's Bow. T christen the Beavah, and I 'spect to see you kept as busy aa tb indus trious utti animal you am named fob. I also cttelat that you will be the swiftest craft that evah want down tb rlvah. My blaaaing and beat wishes ar bestowed on you most freely, Mis' Beavah, and good hick to you." Thi speech waa delivered by Robe Johnson, a negro shlpealker, yssterday afternoon aa he broke a bottle of cham pagne over the prow of th new steamer Beaver as th vessel was sliding off tne waya into tna rjver at th Portland shipyards. It la th flrat eteamer that waa vr Christened at thia port by a negro. . Rub felt th dignity, of - hi position and could not resist th temp tation to make an oration.' He was still talking when th craft struck th water and only oeaaed . when ah . began to rock gracefully on the wave created by her own momentum. The launching waa - attended by a large crowd of steamboat men. It was th Intention up to th last moment to dlspenaa with th christening act But when a bottle of champagne waa pro duced and Rub had xfrraasd a will- ingneaa to perform th Important func tion th original program was changed. Th boat slid doers th greased waya, slowly at flrat, but aa ah approached near tb river . ah . want with . tha speed of an-! expresa train. Many of those present enjoyed th rid on bar. About March 1 th Beaver will be placed In commission en tb rout be- issusd -1,111 receipts and haa collected 175,691 this month.. For th correspond ing term last year 1,471 receipts war issued end 1111,411 waa collected. Tha money will be turned over to the county treasurer-Tueaday. v' 't' . v' ' Lota In Ladd'a addition ll.lie. All Im provements in. Will build for you it desired. Cash or terms. R. L. Cat, 111 Second street, - v" -. , ;.' ,. Th steamer Mountain Gem will be ready for launching at Celllo on Mon day or Tuesday, repairs having been complrtd. .',,. - '" ,-, ,, ' At a sacrifice, six, eight and ten-gallon double gauged urns. . Also four bat teries In good condition," ' Address L I, Journal..,-, "'iV' Masquerade, February It, Auditorium, Eureka council No. 104, K. and U of S. Oente loo, ladles o. ; - . - Don't pay money for ehetnleals. - 1 for a bar of Rainier Mineral aoap does th Work.. '.--V :,... -. -,. -:v Gold msdala for lawn grass and sweet peas. Butser, seedsman. Ill Front . Beau UrY the akin for 1 . ' A caka t Rainier Mineral aoap. Ask your doctor. ' Lennox hotel, room and board tl per wsok. - III Salmon. , ; -r . . , IXewU and-Clark open dallyi-'f WooeUf sells everything. 401 Wash. ASK-xov ijrai amaiee . Winter Cardan Billiard HaJI. '' Third and Mprrlaon. Finely equipped Eleven high-grade pool and billiard ta bles, i First class In every respect - .V--r-VWiare to Oins.--4-V- QusUty. Quantity sad Qulrkjiaeg Is th rule at th Morrla rtarant, 111 Waab tngton street - . - t r ' Milwaukie Country Club. V, Ixw Angels end Oakland races. Take BeUwood and Oregon City care at First a4Al , ! - r.ea e a . iMeU-JB Hiewleete . J i ', ' reieglht" aa4remptly nbatt tt Spectacles jTOta $1.00 1? tween : Portland and Clatakanlo, She wilt b operated by th Clatskani Trans portation vompany, incorporated early in October, and' having th following officers: , J. W. Shaver, president; O, W. llosford, vloe-prealdent, ' and D. C O'Reilly, aeoretary and treasurer The steamer waa built at a coat of about ll.ooe. Sb la 111 feet long. II feet serosa th beam and I feet depth of hold. She haa apace for th accommo dation of 100 passengers and wlU be abl to - handl 40 tons of freight Captain Victor Deckerstedt vrUl hav command " - - LOADED TO HATCHES. aTiseaaodla Wm SU -;'',.,- for Orlaatai Forts, ;v ?, , t -With a cargo valued at cloae t IIO0. 100 tb oriental liner Nloomedla . wUI all tomorrow at neon for th far east. Th work of loading her waa completed yesterday afternoon Sh would hav ailed today1 bad the damages sh sus tained on th last Inward trip been re paired In time. . Mechanic will b at work on her all of today and tomorrow morning getting her In shape for1 th sea. ) ,. -.- 'Th Nlcomedla's manifest shows that she will carry 41,000 barrels of flour, which comprises the leading shipment This will be delivered to, mcrchanta at Yokohama, Kobe, Mojl and . Hongkong, tha major portion being conalgned to tha latter port She. will carry 71,000 feet of lumbar to Kobe and, 14.000 feet to Hongkong. . Other" shipments ar 110 baleev of cotton, 10 bundlea of shingles, six barrels of wine, 10 boxes of butter, 10 sacks ot oatmeal.. 140 sacks of buck wheat flour, 171 cases of biscuits, on khowoaaaa and ssall amounts of miscellaneous freight - The showcases go to Shanghai, and ar th first to It sent from Portland to th orient Th vessel is loaded to har hatches, and will leave down drawing more than II feet of water,., ' ' Tha Numantia, echeduled to ' arrive from Hongkong, and way porta on Feb ruary II. will be th next of th trane Paelfle freighter to put In aa appear ance. Almost enough freight to All her ha been promised. :! v." , ROANOKE PEA C.REEN.V ? PoBlety ' haalsd and leads m OQ With her huU painted a dark greea and encircled with a gold atrlo th stsamshln Roanok. Captain Dunham, will reach Portland on Tues day from Ban Franciaco arter an ao aanc of more than four montha. . Bhe toft th Bay City at I o'clock yesterday afternoon, and after calling in at jou reka sh will sail direct for Portland. Cantaln Dunham -waa given a gold medal and a puree ot till th other day by th underwriters ror'in aoie manner iu which h handled the. vl when she lost bar rudder off the California coast aa sh waa making her last trip from Portland. ;. .. - V ' . ''" ' . Th Roanok ha been given a thor ough overhauling sine, sh toft here, and It ta said that sh looks Ilk brand new craft Just off th waya' on her maiden run. Bhe .has .been equipped with an oil-burning plant, which make It poaslble to operate th vessel with It fwr men than formerly omprlsd th crew. Tb change also affords much snore rr rraiaht It la estimated that ahe will carry 1.710 ton on a draft of II H feet. BUI ner aciua capacity w murK araatar. When ah reach Asto ria and tha weather condition ar fa vorable It la planned io nave ner maae a record run up th river. It la claimed that she will show far greater speed th.n faafnra the alterations war mad. haJa.suppUed.wlth a new propeller of th Utest design and a foot greater la diameter than the old one. . .. Cbarlea P. Doe, general manager of th North Paolflo Steamship company, a-arnar of tha Roanoke, toft Ban Francis co last night for Portland and will ar rive har tomorrow. It la said that h make arrancementa with th board of trade for placing th steamer on th Portland-Alaska route. ror in pres ent h will be operated ' between her olmerican Restaurant ooaurmat 'V'.'.'em 9 AT AJT9 mif.''-;.. naaav Blase from. 11 a, tm, t . p. m. Tomato Sony with mio (fM wMk steals). Xta 10v Oetory Toaiaj. v 99 teamed X.U Vek Olaaaa, 9rawa 4 15 15 Oraokea Crab OotamWa aUvvA enaelt Oatash Olam Bouuloav wiw-'voaai,....... Soiled Os fomgue with Kuatasd 204 264 204 204 M4 Mai Oklake a la alarylaad Bhort Bib Beef, Bwee Foaeea. . Turkey Oibtote Baato, Boodle. . Frsah Crab, aTawberg Sraissd Breast of IrfMab with . OaaUlflower ...j ,. 204 Spaghetti with Oaeeee, ttaUaa.., MeaA OhMb Foao Balad 1B 164 164 Mutaom BWw with TeVMabtoa Unit Bptiag Ohlaksn en Toaav. .. 404 Turkey, eraasiiij aama Celery ortog .VsJBb, BUa Beatea. .38 n Fa .204 Bw Pork with Pressing...,,.,. 16 Beeav Beef, Fan wravy. .,15 OaallfUrwar ra Foaa , Bwa TOaaaaoe b Oup Ooatard a. Appl Baa Bo, . . Orsa berry Baa ............ .. .5 MM atlaae Fie ta. Puampklai FU Appl Ft ..............S Sngllah Ftaat Fnddlmt, Brwadgr ' Baaw - B Ooffaa, Bread aad Bnttae aad.Ftaoeg.! Biaiag-roeaa fev ladiaa. J r . . aT -m . . ' I ; "ispiay ,'. ,,reiesiht,,'v aaOromptly ' rnbsllQit r : .QaasUea . I V Us regaaTN. CyUcal Ce.' ! (kS SPKCIALISTaf ' I lit reurtb St, V V M C. A J Nnuq liiBiiiiiiii iW1--,,.-' $10.00 $12.00 $20.00 fWe also take : - suit . -V' ''"'''. '''"' ' ' ' .'V' ' . ,:';V V;"'''"X v.; Vv:"- s-'i't '''.y'-y-' ".:;:'. . Men s and Youths Suits iSa'So; Con First and Yamhill Cor. Third and Dav.3 HUGH W. SPARKS FOR i " PACIFIC UNIVERSITY etat atek Tat StoarBaU ' ' Or., Fab. 10. Hugh W. Foreat Grove, Sparks wtll b Paolflo university's ora tor In th Intercollegiate state oratorical contest. Tb subject of hla oratloa Is H. W. Sparka. The Idol of the southland." and la an appreciation of th character of Robert E. I. H Is a member of tb Junior clasa and represented th university a year ago la tha etat eon test. Beside being-actlv in literary endeavor he la a baseball enthusiast and will manage th college nln during th coming sea- end Lo Angela. A shipment of more than foe tona of freight la saw at tb dock waiting har arrival. " ; ' along the waterfront. Wlth'1l1.7 buahels f wheat, val ued at 117.10, th British ship Afon Alaw alee red yesterday afternoon for Runcorn, England. Bh will leave down tomorrow morning. Two deserter from th veseel who had been held at tha county Jail for tha past two weeks were placed on board yesterday by Ben Blglln, th harbormaster, : Laden with grain, th French bark Jaoouee laTt down yaaterday bound for Queenetown or Falmouth for orders, Th French bark Jean 1 Baptist will leave for tha sound tomorrow, , Th Italian ship a Margherlta will resume loading wheat for Europ to morrow. Her cargo will be completed by th mlddl of th week, . - Th following steamers , clearej for California porta yesterday: South Bay, for Ban Diego, with 100,000 feet of lum ber; Nora City, for Ban Pedro,, with 171,000 feet of lumber; Jeanle, for Ban Pedro, with wheat and general freight, and Columbia.- for Ban Francisco, with a miscellaneous cargo. , n MARINE NOTES. ' e Astoria. Feb. 10. Condition of th b at I p.-m.rtnotht-wind.- northwest; weather, clear. Arrived, down at 1:21 and aalled at 11:11 a. m., schooner A4o ManLKraald. for Ban Pedro. Arrived at 1:41 and left up at 10:40 a. m.. steamer Alliance, from Rurek and Con Bay. Arrived at 11:11 P. ' mV barkenttne Gleaner, from Ban Franciaco. BC Helen, Fob. 10. Paaaed at I p. m., steamer Alliance. . ' Ban Francisco, Fsb. 10. Balled at I p. m., steamer Hoanok. ror roniano. Vailed at 11:10 laat night, , steamer Northland, for Portland. ,. . v C Novel Advertising. , On pag t la announced a grate prise distribution of 111,000 in costly prise, which is open to everyone, and. by a lit tle effort anyone can aecur a valuable prise. Ellera Piano Houa Intenda to make tne name ' vu"re- synonymous with "Pianos." and ahnusehoid word throughout th northwaat. Hence th Inauguration or the great eat , contest vr fcM ta the Unltwl States, . . - Butjif.youdoubt us, conviricc end you will find that we undersell ALL OTHER PUT-UP SALES, i f Values for $S.7S: Values for $6.75 Values for $11.88 your measure for a of the newest fabrics for ) f ..v 1 - r . CAFE AND H1USIC HALL WEES BEQINNINO., UONDAY FEBRUARY 18 EkneForst And th Great and Only S Lucie Kecslng Miss Belle Laivrence , And Many Other Special ; Features Including : " TheFie Qdntetle cna Owing to the overcrowded houses in ', the evening : the manigcment has decided to have Special Daily Mati nees from 2 to 5 o'clock. ' A special select . company has been engaged for the mati- , nees only. '?, '.;' SPECIAL SIN3AY UATCVEE w ItoSw'Ctock fV Pfofrem 'Chanted Oailp. . Entrancee at 21 North Third etreet, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec end street, and 243, 243 and 247 Burnaide street. V;?'""" ' Premature Qrzymsa Falling Hair.' Dandruff aad diseased Scalp treated.' Manicuring and Face work. .BOM. B. F. 1. 1IIH Fourth street, -on MorrOn. 1 on It, Ruseel building. Phon lac'.. a l.t. - tl Mrs. Banar' Portland a y t' ltrett. v In "i 'J . 51 yourself made-tb-order ' (raraurly larBefi.) f, n:usAiE o tzttx circa Ml. MS, M Third St., ear. Jeftanwa. Bis Stare of Little Prioaa rbLLowTBe raioxa wot savs to r on avxav souab. ssautt avAkAanu Weatara dry graaalated aaae ssgsr, 100-a . aaek M-40 Weatera dry iraanlated ease ssgar. UK lbs ft Bilra Ory fraselstad snaus, lOO-lk aeek-i - Bilra 4rr (raaulatMl eosar. UM ii.i-O Ba Vma, eraage aa aiuwa pael, per lb.-) pass Masaalia aleaaad earrsats .........) e I ease sew screws aa,a raUlne ....... .1 I lbs eew I -Ik caa Boral kakUs pavaar ... v i-w eaa avaiiiiBf's aeat k-illllBf's Beat kaklag fewoar. ...k Oraaaa A. Ularkwrir, eUveea, es etttss..oe ,ns A Bawavav eeda .fte 1-1. ska Arm 1-Cal eaa taaey laote ayrop... ........ H-al ras (aaey takle syrup.... f lbs Pnovk btbbm -e Bkreeoe Wheat bkMBlt, pet pkg l"a Ike LMlelaea Hea ...M....l-a raacy garly Joaa reaa, pa aa jil bar Roral Bavea soap e-ie sail beet lar aaaae; " lu-ie sen am lara ....... to-lb saU kMt hard finest eaatera kaaam, ear P1....-...M-.--..1" Beat plrale bam, per lb Beat eotut banM (boaaUaa) pa B) .......1e BhraOd eoceanat, eat lb .............a... k Hard-wkMt Soar, per sack ............. ..11.00 -rb eat a, pa pkg ............... ......!" Poantai earMl. pa pag Fall a Haptba aoap, per her ...Oe Beat aott-wb-at Boev. pa paekag ........II 00 Java a Mocha cortee ilav Met U kns eaa eraekars aboat 10 Uaa ........ Kiatllak Braakfaat Ue, pr B .............l-e fa d Ooapowow U irfilu Ma) ........I e s ine srwea Java .avsiee I aere tar eaap I'mea Bweait. Bar peg ............... Tl eraaav (toe aiaal Bast Mde Dalreartea Taeedaye aad frtsaya. non maoi a. cumo SALE . Owing to our eurplue stock of 1 holiday, goods w shall reduc price on every article la all line. , eonalsttng of fln . Silver - Clol Sonne, Batauma. nw Braawwar. - Brons Ioo rated Poroalalw .Tea ' Seta, SUk aad Satin Embroidered Kimono. Screens, Carved Furni- tura, Toys, Mattlnb ete. . ; ' 1 : ',;' ; Anflrev; Ccn Hotel Eatbiil : ' Ossaas Mmlssa aad Wert Jerk Bluets. , RaaaaseMly teralahad.'elaatr eoeleeeaC flmenat. five stlaaiw' aik traet baert et atwppla aad baataeea aiatrhrt. all lam, alrr, eutald feeeaa, ateem bMite. elect. Usnta, t.leneeee la eaa eaartaMBt. ac tu-t eft to- louaglBC. aaaoalaa. H i aW raeeytlee perleea, e..r..4 by aan er ulepheae. - fl.OO to ?S.OO m Cy Speeial Setae s Oe aieJal Has. ' yl iui r-t. -rtvrmwly et Boeei I. w r ies.