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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
TIX2 OnZGON w.. . - JOURNAL; Tv.. . , - X CLUB'S RECORD IS G00D00E Annual Reports Show Comma clal Organization to Hav Ao- : 7 compliahed Great Thing. i aT3 FINANCIAL CONDITION , IS ALSO SATISFACTORY Many Kew Paying Member! Added and" Almost vr Department Shows Bis Net IncomeWide Publicity for Orcgom la Planned. .' v. At the annum meeting of the Com--ii BMirclal dob tea night tbe botfj ct ' uuiuit. fna the, miulnr TOT U elected, and Prealdent H. U. Cake made bis annual report. The Utter oonalated f a review In doUU of the work during -4.he. paeL. II no&tae.aaL a srnopela of what It U hoped mar be aooompllebed durinar the oomlna year. - The attend' mo of membera was large and the good bowing made in Freeldent Cake1 re sort waa srratlfylng te all. Outaide of the election aad tbe preal- dent's report -the business of tbe meet ing waa of a routine nature. . tub new 17 looted board of-governors WU1 meet a waek heaee-aad elect-a prealdeot-te auo oeed Mr. Cake.' . The members t the new board of - governors elected last night are A. 7u Craig, Kdward Bbrmaa, CW. Hodaon, Huh VtoUulr . and B. I. Thornpeon. w.-aa Co- . man. Mark vejvjr. George W. Hasan and ' W. K. Clelaad, Mr, Bbrmaa being elect ed te sueoeed bimasii. ..;, ' .. - -Preeldeut Cake In hie report stated that the memberohlp of the dub atthe present time Is SI, all of whom are ao- tlve, contributing members In - good . standing. During the rear Juet paaaed - Ill new membera were aoaea. so ins usv Blnce January I- of tbla rear II new members have been elected. The 'report ahowa that during the. year . ll.ltl.QT was apent for additions' and 'Improve neati to the club. Under the heading Of art additions to the club the ; report . shows that l.l74 ward spent for Dalntlnsa. broases and marble statuary Vor reoaptions aad entertainments the club spent IMOMT. all of whloh was charged. to promotion expenaee. ' For exploitation and promotion tbe " club expanded 11.400. Of this amount : IM00 was paid dlreotly to tbe promo tion fond and 1 100 contributed te the ' chamber ef commerce to aid In tbe pub lication of an Illustrated pamphlet of - Portland designed to be distributed throughout the country. The total reoelpta f the club daring the year the report shows to bare been 74.Ot.M. with total dlebnrsement of 71.111.00. leaving a balance of 11,888.88, On January 1. 100. all debts esoept the ...... Kills w TWMnhav had been paid and the dub waa out of debt. The V profit received from the various de , partmenM 'were as follows! Bar, IM I an t 81 Millard roem. ITU .11 office, ' , making a total of 10,701.11. The f reataurant showed a loss of 1401.00. A 1 statement of the Bnaaecg the explel. f tatlon department, shew a balanoe hand of 11.111.14. t '-' Mr. Cake devoted eonatderable apace f , to a review of tbe publio work of the f , club In the' line of entertainment -of i dlatlnaulshed vtaltore and the exploit- . tlon of tbe reeouroe of Oregon and. to northwest . Tola worm, no etaiee, naa baea.anoat anoceesfuL and the traits of tt hare already been seen. He told of ' what tbe club baa dene to bring Orsgoa . to tbe attention of the world, to eatab ' Hah a broader and more liberal policy , ' than has heretofore - characterised Portland ottlaenshlp. to bring about a -. " unit of Internet and activity In the 'business "world . and - to stimulate ' growth, and development In every line. , u ursad that every effort be put forth Uto continue this work during the eom ng, year and make it mere telling .If soeaIble. ue rexerrea 10 um wom jon Richardson nas aone, ana owpow w blm the hlgneet credit for hie interest ana activity. . lie dosed by urging that 'V every pat'forta TO aooempuaa - V broader and better resulta dustng tbe ; present year la every Una of 'work at tbe-eiun. -.,,.... -n. . v .. ' 1 . -Jib. . ' . 1 ' '.E;' iJ ' ; ,ake,njledo, . , ,,;l,v ' - rrom the Chloase Trtbuna. L ' Mrs. Jimee I bad unexpectedly good ; luck yesterday la looking for a flat. I : ' found aa apartment-houee Where the r-roomeJ are elegant, the rent reaaonable ': aad the agent doeed't objeel to ebil- - . r Mrs. Blykely Mercyl 1 nope yea 'dldnt agree to take It Thereimuat be aometblng wrong wun tne neisnDrnaw. PILES CURED Safftriag for Years, and Bed-Ridden From Piles, a Contractor of . Marion, Indlang, Ig Cured , , : ;' ) ' " hr PTnunid Pilo Curtv - V ? ft si-vy ' ' . " . . 1 1 ' :.'''- Ctrmi rackara Bemt lree to AO Wke 'i ji''''' .i, .9mm addiesa.i J " was tfeubled with piles for several ''years before I would let It be known. ' But at last they became so severe that ' I could not walk and I had to take my .ba.u 1- tried everything and anything ...the doctors preecrlbed, and took their ,i treatments fo a long time, ' But noth ing ever did me any good. I had seen ' your sd In different newspapera. ao I ' . got a iO-cent box and began aalng them. , rrom the very flrst I got quick relief , and by the time I waa atartlng on my : third box I saw I was cured. I have not ' been troubled with them alnoe. . Now ' you eaa uao this aa you please, beoauae It Is genuine, t Yours, T. A. Sutton. . Ptone and Cement Contractor, Marlon, : Indiana." , . ' i Instant relief can bai gnt ten by using the marraloua Pyramid Pile Cures It .' Immediately reduces all congeatlon' and swdUag. heals all seres, aloe re And IrrV- v tated parts. r r. . . ; r. . - ' " . The moment you a tart to uao It your -. anf faring ends and the cure of your , dread daeaae Is la eight .' Tha Pyramid Pile Cure rendara an pcraUow.untiaceaaary--Xo-t' submit to-l the cruel, excruciatlSK pain eauaed by ' the surgeon's knife. Beeldfis, It la ex . pensive and humiliating and rarely a . permaaemt-aTuceeaa, ? v -, ,. ; , , . , - Tbe Pyramid Pile Cure is put up la the form ef "easy to use," specially ' , made, auppoaitories. . They are sooth ing, painless, Inatant and certain. , . 1 A trial treatment will be sent you at en re by mall. In plain, sealed wrapper, without a cent of exponas to you. If you 'send your name and eddraee to Pyramid Irug Co, 111(1 Pyramid Building, Mar- shall. Michigan. - . , ' After you renelve the sample, you can . ft rgular-ala package of Pyramid rile1 Currst yew druggtef s for 00 cento; nr. If he-vuasn't It, send . us tha tnoeey . aad wt vlU aeud U to eu. t:. PIEDMONT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH :-iCELEBRATESFIRST ANNIVERSARY i 4' - ' . Piedmont Pretty Tbe Piedmont Preabyterlan church Is Just one year, old and services .appro priate to the anniversary will be held la the church today. On February 11, lOOt, tbe church was organised by Rev. W. I. Bolt, IX IX, with It charter mem bera..; It baa enored a year of unin terrupted prosperity. 1 A gain tavern barahlp of almost 100 per cent baa been made and eubetantlal improvements nave given a permanence to tbe work. CHURCH SERVICES umir. tm aeS ateaae etieeia. At HUM a. -eaevi:. o. at., erearklas kr ae. ateae at. Biedeet; SUile ecauvL U avt jeeag erdee, iau a, am. . - talTeralgp rark -KtT. Juki day ecbool, 1 a. avi 11 a. rrea UvaT't T:IW a. St., "It Juaa peaiawa. saa . at., a Ma Men Whe A Hut Hid"! baDUeaL St. Johm t mt. 8. A. Leonard. ; gaaday aeei, m a. avi areaeataa. u a. ax. aaa 1 a. a. aaiiweoo Xlereath aad Umatilla ftreetai Bev. tieerae a. iaara.-Soadar esaeeL M a. m Breecalaa. u e. at. aad tun. d. ej. Arleta In atetbedlat ckarcfe. Preaeblng .at a 9- m, dj Av tA aiaca or uearr m. T1ilre--vaaewe areaaa and KauM atneiai Be. U. B. suee. At 10 a. Suada atawl; Mreaehlas. ll a. m. aad T JtO p. avi V X' r. v., a. m. i awedlee Hort Sad rtfteastk etreetej Bev. BVla tttktntmm. Preach (net at 10:4a a.i X. ..A titUi at. a. t Saiaae . aMMit: IS aa. - rirat Oarmea aToyrth Mnfl llllf eareetaC BeV. . Kratt. ,-lYeecaiBg at. IU14I a. m, aad ti0 , . 1 I Pi am 4 -Parana Merrlr aad Bogney .aveaaai Bev. r. Baearauaa Preaohlsa at 11 a. aa. aad T:S . ai. -Saaday eetieol. tlU a.- akj leeas eOle'a aieettas. 0:e ''. Orae-MMtiTtller Bev, T Qlhnaa Parker, u. v. sioie aceeear a aa. 1 preacains, j a. . aadT:IM p. a. Jnalor BMeUac, p. am.) . x. P. V.. i:ek a. au. Beaellrllle--eteBeelBauae leader: Behcet at BaTleiMjtraet . Bear Twenty anaaa. loader aenoet, a to a. at. - aiettBi uutec aeream aaa Tereix iineni Bev. 11 a X. Lews, rceeeblaa at U a. Bk aad a. m. BereadBaaf BeveaHi and Bast - Aakeay treeta. Bee. Bfctatoa a Laahea. ' At 10:M a. aa., "Tbe Paver ead Plare e( Prayer"! T:e . aa., "Tbe Chaaee et a Utettaae"; baptleai at me eieee ef tae eeeaiaf eerrvre; aaaoay team, 11 Be. 1 yeanf panple'a aalea. : p. oa. Bid Week prayer aerrlrei Thareday. eraelns. vairarr swat bixmb aaa aaet ureal eneeiai Bev. A. lanrrenra Black- -At 10 aw as.. Bible eHaaal aad kladerffarta 11 a. "The Hnly spirit aaa uaurca naaarea-i e p. m., aneeiea en tadyi a. ea., , yeaaa awe-e aattlaci e:SU e. ., yonag peafle a bm There Be Llakt.'.. BMMUasi T.IO p. am., 'lot Veatral Beet Aakeay ead Tweatleth atreete) Bev. W. . Jardea. At 10:1a a. aa.. "Brery Meata Bla Plaee" T:M a, au, "aaeklag Blai" leader araeol, II a. rirat The White Tenale. Twelfth tod Taylor treete: . . Weltroank Breesher, D. D. One a meed ere far aaeetluf . is a. el lo:eu a. rnl,n aiea WIU m Vieke"t Bible eeaeet, li m a. nt.t t:bv p. aa., "tae lea aeei Beeretr't with a arelade ea. -wtat aea aaepaera-a uroiaaete auear .1 . afZTKOBIIf. flaatral Baaaall ead harkv Bev. 1. T. . Akbett. ' -etdralag elaas, 0:4 o'ekxti bely eeaiiaenlaa, 10:W a. ta. laaday eraeel, 11 m. I derotloeal aeeettas ef Bvwerta teacae. t SO m. bli T:W p. ta., a aerrlea "eaianiaaraUad ue etrca ec aDraaaai i.ibcoib. EawortbTweaty-tblrd. aad trHag elreetaj Ber. Heery I, Atkloeoe. laaday aebaet. Id a. aa. i aeraaaa kr kev; 1. B. Lewtua. 11 a. xa.i hwlor leacue, la.- a.; Epwnrth teagae, :30 p. at.) etranoa by saelor, T;W a, . ah, "Over eaailBg Ohetarlee." . Tayk k treat Or. eerie B arietta Short, at 0:M a. ta., eleaeeei 10:a a.- aa ''The Valae vi veareavaiaua tso a. ea., aaaatf auutwn ll:M p. aa., Bpworth b-erue, T:0 e.-av, "Abra baia Uaeele ri Dr., Siepkea B. Wlae wlU ee- M rn i n. .uut a, . tiraee Twelfth and Taylor atreete. Bev, Clarence Tree WUeoa will apeak at alfht ea "Loral Oeartltloaat j What heitr'J Blebep taaeee J. Thobara. 0:8O a. si. ; claee BMtln(, :M a. aa.1 Buaday Khool, 11:11 p. a. Bp. worth Ireaee, t.M) p. an. rree Eaet Klath aad Mill atreeta, ' PreadilBg A aaTBoa Bev. . B. larktaa. Preach, las. 11 a. ax, free eooc red tel at Marejaare Ureod theatre I p. ta.; preachloe. I p. ta, Suanrelde TamblU betweea Tblrty-dfth aad Thlrtylitk atreeta; Bev. T. B, rord. At It a. aa., . lundey erfcaol; M -a. at., preaealtif aervloe; u aa., riaea aaeetiact a eu p. at eblldren'e rlaeeea and nnlor leeanet S:1B a. Epworth leasaei T:R0 p, ., preach I B ear rice; in (eeet Tboraday ereelnf aed onarlarly ooefereaoe frlday erealag, IW. B. W. atewlaad preeldlnf... 7 ' ' . , Trtalty Eaat Tenth aad Oraat atreet: Kev. Harold Ufcera. Berrlcae aaernlns aad evening aadaf arbool, 10 a. at.; Epwerth leagu, w.HO tta.s aanalhry haalaeaa aaaetlug of Bpworth Cue, - Taeedey orcein;; prayer aMOtlag, Tkureday'ecoulhc at T:S0 e'rlut-k. , Ceotenere Beet . riae aad Klath Streate; Kev. WlllUm H. llrppe, U. D. At 10.W1, Lord's eniiper, ' with rotnaianloa eddr TiftO p. aa., Uarola patrkrtle eerrtce, "Tbe New Aatartcaa"! lumaar O. A. A peat will be Eat la a body; gaaday achoet, 11:15 p. at 1 re aad later ntedlatee, p. av, Epworth mlaaloB hoot, 8:14 p. av arala dee. 0: o clork. . - ' Pettoa atlrkixaa " arrtni ' aad- CarpMief treat; Bev. Melellle T. Wire. At II a. tnu Mr, at tWIt of EOgena ew "VI laeloae") T:80 p. ia., the peetor all preach; Buaday eeboel, 11:10 p. avt aipwerth league, 1:10 p..av Mr. 'at. EPIIOOPAt. . 4 JTrlxty Klastaeatb ed Brentt atreet; rr, A - A. Meriteu. Hety eoaiaeoetoe. a. a. S:SU a. at. I acoraiaf prayer, 11 o'clock: erealag preyer, ,T:80 o'clock,.' af aw,dea8i.1ewaV. Waive ass Aaa Hea. Btoatral eacrlra). . - I Tee have aot blag te use eeeryihlag kegala v Mwthew -rirt ,r,4 rarwthera atrertei by deles what liall you. Tee aa'l afford la e. W. A M. Brerh. Holy wauanha. ra trine w'th Oaaoer. Life ta surely worth aead ril'r "f 11 a. m.f Saaday - yowrhaaav lp.fe book seat fres. t"'l aLJiJtiUae-d .treat aad Teaeaaeae leeevery e Paello lereead pleat a. rki etwiilns prefer aad eereeee,-T:8f ieba alewrlal-.allWeir Ber. . f. It. Italy aawiBmaaea. It . a. aa. eerrire aed 4 p.. avt svaoay ernoot, . . 1 I'stT - fiarida - teat TweMth sad Balaitat1 yf' -t 'Si a - ei rJ. "li. v. n terian Church. The careful admlnlatratlon of the Ion, composed of Elders Otto Pekuin, Charles Voaper and VI U Ovaitfc with the eooperVtlon of the trueteea, K. K. BaxUr. C. 8. Mack and WlllUm Aehby, has placed the church ' on a aplendid foundation, both spiritual and finan cial. The contract tfor new pews for the church was let recently and they Will be tna tailed the first of April. - Rev. I Myron Booser la the present pastor of tbe church. treeta I Bev. Oeorye B. Tas Waters, B. D. MoralDg prayer ead earawa, 11 e'rlock; arenlef ara errand ear sua, t: e' cloak gaaday ecauol. 'at stepbea'e Tklrteeatk and Clay etreetsi Kt Bar. M. Wletar Men la, D. D., tectari Bev. II. aC. Baauey, prlaet la ebarte. Holy esea. UBioe, t:a a. avi laaday acheet, : a. I BMralo aerrloa, 11 o'clock) eeeaiag aacv- Ice. at Vanl'. aMlauMi A f . Verkav. Bel lac ead eerxtea at I p. avi laaday acbeei, t p. . , .... ; ; :,. l'MBITgBIajr.r' lt reltoo Bev. A. U. Burkbolder. At t:ef p. Bk. "tVxat Bllxloa-Wlll le fee a life." Pledawat Clarelead aTeaae aad Jarretl treat; Bev. U elrroa Bvoeer. At If a. av. "Tbeltery of a year") at T:M a. B "lie te Be Htruoa"! labbath eckoel et II av hlarehell Street Caureb Maraball aad Berth BeveateeBth atreetai Bev O. W. Beya, day ecaoai, 10 a. aa. J preacblns by ue 11 aav-aaWI-t-plcVaV s:s p. m. m Ulepeh Mery and Powell atreetai Bev; Jerome B. elcOlede, D. 1. At 10:80 a. at., 'Baaxbllebed la the reltb") M. W. ateae end P. A. ftaaler at erealag eervlrc, "Tbe People the Leaver Dealer aad Oaaiblera"l Baa day aekeol. U av; Utirlatlae EeeeeTcr. 1:0 a. av; Buadey eabool at Beallererth at I p. av , Oahrary Blareath aad Ulay atreeta. Berrttee at 10:80 a. av aad T SO a. ae. ) Bar, H. Cbailea OeeeeHire, t, p., will preach. , . Third Baat Thirteenth aad Pine atreetai Bev. Andrew i, Moatfoeaery. At 10:10 a. at., Verrlaf Oed;.T:eft a. av, Bev. Paul Bader, aaperlatendeat of tbe Oregce) . Aatl-Baleaa lea tae, will apeak.- " t iW Bet. Theatae. Parry, B. P., will ee eepy tbe jmlplt. -At 10:t a. av, "All Aa thortty" rT: ai) w; av, "The Power et'Peraeaal Ceatact With Oed." ' . , ' " ' OOaOBlOATIOBAl. ' ''''V aaaaralde- Beat Tartar and Baat Tbh-tr- reurtk atreetai Bev. J. 1. luab. At 11 a. at.. "A UeaDel View ef tbe .'New alaa' "1 1:80 a. av, "Bae Bataa Ooaa Oat ef Baal, eeeer't Baaday acheei, 10 a. av Jaalor Chrla tlea Bade tor, I a, av Bealor Carta Ilea Bav oeeror, e ia a. aa. HlahUne l-reeoott aad Baat Birth atreet North; Bev. Adea U. . Bookwood. Baadey eebool, 10 e. avjet 11 a. av, "rorelrnera by VrM.y" nalac Badeerer, I p. av h nealor Ba a a tot, a:a a, at.) at i au p. av, fuypacniea, la the Ckareh aad Oat et It." Mlaeleelppl Areaue Mbnlealppl a Teas and rreeaoat etren: Bev. wwiaaa la. upeaaw. laaday eehaoi, 10 a. avt 11 a. av, "Berlrela; ia jra eea a reuae j winiaa eweiiw. 1:80 p. at. at T:(0 a, av, "The Dreaje of Ufe,'" tC emath la tbe aertea ef Buaday eTrnins laiee aa yoaaa aaea, raret Madlaoa aad Park ktreetei Bev. B. b Roue, D. D, At 10:80 e'elock, BMretiia aervlee with eenaoa, -"A Being That Bee tbe face of a Lka, aa ox ana aa Katie"! y:au a. "Uaeala aad Beeaevia"t V.-. fc 0, t. ' ' i -i' wnrrvAxiaT. 1 rtret - ertety Ablagtea bedldlas. Third atreet Beer waaaiat a tea to. Ooefereaoe at li a avi preen eel re aeoola'a at. aad arire lyaaaaa, 18:80 p. av; yoaag and D. club, I 80 p. at.; T:80 p. Klsdaa, "The Trath Will Sat Tea m 1 t. aisaaaL Vr." toDowed br Ura, Wllaaa wlia teata. Bible Bplrltaal BeeUtydoe Alder atreet At 11 a, av, cniKxrea't prnreeeiee lycreai aaa eenfereecei I p, ''The BelaUoa et gplril as ataiier," a. m. an tVTKXlAB. ' Wee weataa aa gyaod Beet Tenth . end Oraat treat; Bev. u. ilagoee. naaeay ecnooi, IN WOMAN'S BREAST - h ANY LUMP IS CANCER i ; . a. .:- ; ... .tald frtt) . Muw to) Cob Tof tdt . at MM44jfeNo RIslu' NO PAY UNTIL CUItGUUMl- JllSf SENS ' YwlV NAMI r V" MRS. B. OKOSTBTW ATTB, f IM Arllatesa Ava, Oakkxad, Oat, , ' '.Preeldeat Oolde tHaiWaeaahaCnra, " wm cared of latreceaeer of her bra eat, tide aad araaalt hv Dr. Chaaaaav' medlalae la 14 Aaea " eeaaaa e.eaei aaaeea. JTZT. TT . . " 7 v I ears SWWI SS r rCISCB, M. : , BIBBLV IIBB Tuta ta eaats ana aerru ...,, w erun aeaaee. i, , .y-. MM .. t i riree.41 a.-awVaar-wees'' t "rr. laaiaday eaaaug la aeeeaaeai - Beieol Oaaleh Catoa ereawe ead Merrla treat; . Bev. Uadmead OiilL, Barvtce at II e. avi Buaday aeaaot, 18:1 p. a. I aaeavortel aerrtee - er- the htm Blag ChrlaUaB ef IMa- m... r an a. aa Bl.'jeiaee' Ersfllab Weat Park aad JeM-reea tmu: Bv. i: A. leee. A 11 "WV we Are tbetetUDe": T 48 a. at.. Tae Mlnia. ter'a Belatlea e Prvaina SIB"; . eeboel, 1 a. av; Lather Ueree, T p. av tnriTxs ETAiaxuoiZr St v lohaai "Tbe I lohne ' Jeka ead I iaBe Bt Bar. E. B.. MeVleer. At 11 m.. a. aa.. I b-aiad Iretare,. "BukHnoa1 eKbaol. 10 a. wM Junior a'e Tcaipre"(-faDday K. U C. B., 1:80 p. aTaehv eteaatal BaV. 1. Beweraea. Praeehlus at. 41 a. av aad f JO p. avi aaaoay ram, ,v a. av, a- v. v. m.. orkley Or ear, gaadar arhaot. 1:10 avi mehlaaT, 1:80 . av. by Her. A A w la tec. P1fakKaet Tenth and Meraaaa atreetai Bev. V A, Wlatar. t iO a. at.. Saaday arheall era Mim,. it a. a. ead T:ao a. avi n:au v. ia.. B. U of O. . K. I or u. m. aueeuna-r a p. ea., Juaw Eadaarert prayer Beetlu XBi fcaraday erealag. T. at 0. T. at ' O. A AaaoclaUoa aadltortaav leT raarth atreet. At I a. aa.. hire. Bahhoda Baaarjee, a biarb-raete Hladoe weataa, will peak ea "Oeaduleae la ladU." Bpaetal aaaalc fnralehed by, aeaorletloa errbeetra aed ooartet e tea flrat Pveebyterlaa chuck. Beats free te ajea eoly. V.. If. C. A. A Klnar Wlleaaa ertl 1 aora- aaeariag aaaoay arteraooe at a:av 4 - e - rkarh h I. H. O. A. Bore' elebrooam. "Pat- I rick Henry, Patriot" IpecUl snwla, . Beets J free to heye over U, ' '' aTW TBOTJOBT. Caarch ef Preadaa. Drew hall. 1d Beenad treet. . At 11 a. av. "Urtag Don aad leai. The Charcb of New rHepuneetlea Odd Pet. low' teaaple. Flret aad Alder etreete. Dr. RerUn will prrerh II 11 L at.. "laTohttloa aad Bolut!oa",if :M p. ta., "the Birth of tbe -planet late a Mew Aaa"f Yesag Peeple'a Maaleal aad Dramatic aaelety, t:SO p. aa.; lae porta ut baalaee eetlng at dcee ef erealn Bedaey Arenoe Bodney areaoe aed itaatt atreet: Bev. K. El Bae Boblnaea. At I:e5 a. at., Banday rhool;( U a. aa., "Laeeona l"rora me auuaua - a:ao p. ,., T. r. S. O. B. f:M r uw lerq, atreei a-rayer. rtret I'erk and Columbia - atreete: Kev. B. B. Murkier. BeaaseUet I. hi. Martla will preach at 10:80 a. av ea "Coneerratloa": at I p. av ha reueata bla eermoa oa "The Beennd uoniaa er curie aad the Bad of tbe World"! t I:M P. bv, "CbrletUa Blcycllmf." , . :; " BTAVOTXIOAl AlBOOTATIOeT. - fleet OarmBae-TBtk ad rise MM,tal' Bev. Theodore Brbaaer. , BeraDoa aad worship, 10:48 a. av and T:4o a. i at. I T. P. A., t a. i. ana i:o p. avi aaadey acaaoa, l:W a. a. r. a Plret Enilleh Beet Sixth aad Market atreeta: Bev. B. A. Blewert 14 e. v., ptooobibs aervlee: T:B0 The Poaaible ana .the Inpoaalhle"! Teajas Peosle'e jnanee, e:s a. A., laaeoey, p:4S a. tATTIB BAT IKS.' The Beoreaalaed rhnrrh f it vatter Pay Pay Balnte Woodward hall, flrewriaar. Hoatariiia; Will A Feeder, lebhath eeboel. , v m. a a. ae.. , u. aaei, aaaa Ooate"! Slon'e Bellrle-Uterary aadety, . g;li p. av preaeblng at T:0 p. av lo a. aa.j li a, The Bheep ead the ' y- HOB.' Elom AMekr halt, aacaad fleer. Thtrd and Mcarrlaaa atreeta 1 Bae. IXterlaa A. Ma - At 1 p. m., Bible atndy: 0 p. av. "Evil ef Oevef aaeaeej aad Falae WttBeaioa"l T:80 p. av, "Tbla Day la Balrfctlcei Ceeae ta Tkp .Bow--Wkyf - . , . M. B. 0KTTB0B 0VTR. ' rtrrt 1TH4 Becood atreet roreetere kallt tier, s, a. atowre. At 10 a. ta.,-1 11 a. av, "How Did Cbrlat View Death T' 8:80 towwrth haaatwet fd8 Bw bv. aaawlea preachlBi eervtce. xnrmD bbxtbxzt xw obbist.. Pint Baat rtfteaatb end Morrlaoa atreeta; Bee. H. C. Bbaffar. Bible echoeL 10 a. avi 11 a. ., "Caraalltr Killed or Ovcractae WhlchT'T. P. A 0. B., 8:10 p. av "la," it Seeaad atreet between Han ' aad fJacola atreete: Rev. Cbariee Heffendea. Bwa day aehcol, 10:80 a. ra. r areechlag ace Hue, U:80 a. avi preiae aererca, t p. av . . r . - . t ,V OaTXTlAB BOTEVOS. ' ' Charcb of Cbrlat. BdeatHI Bit1 taapla. lurk aad Bcreatb atreeta. - At 11 a. av aad I P. as., ."Mind ") Baaday enoei, 11 a. bi.1 Wedoeaday ateetlng, p. av Pint Ckareh of Clhrlet. Brleattet Boottlaa Rite catbadral, Morrlaoa aad Learaadais atrweta. At 11 a. m. and I o. av. "Ulnt'-'y laadar acbool pt cloee ef moralB) Barrloe) wedaaaeay vaeiag aeeeuag, mt o ciocevj, ,v . ; .','r . cnTTKCH OP OOB, ; V" .'' Ckareh ef Ood 4B0 Hawthorne aveeaei BV dar O. T. NeaL Saaday aarvlcee, SidO aad ISO p. at.) luaday arbaol,. 1 p, av; pray at Btaetlogi Wadneeday. t:80 p. BV . , TMXtTM. "'( "" '.'' r Prleaa Beet Mala aad Tblrty-flfth streetat Lewie I. Hauler. Preacblag aervlcaa, 11 a. bv nd T:80 p. act Sunday acheet, IS a. Bv Chrtetlaa Bhdaever. 1:80 p. av - CB1TID TBnBTrXBXa. " ' Chwnh of Straajera Weace atreet aad thread treaoe; Bev. A Earl DwBola. . At 10:4 a. av, "OlBMa la the City"! IM p. ., "Aa Op per. tane Helper." . : . , :,; . . v , traTTARlAV, . Wret gereath aad Taaablil atreeta: Bev. W. O. Bitot Jr. Service it II t acbool aad adalt eleee et U.88 p. hmirjnnAL bawb. Mllleaalal Daw. .43, av- Bv-haltr I klorrleoa etreata. Berrlcae at l:M a, at t . srrarr or ravTat. ' s eeini T ITWta xeiiea aan. , aeevwaaj At 1:M a. bv. xuirvoyaaea, tm arw nee et allad"; paycble raadlage by Bopata BV I lOeip eaa Mrs. bead riSBieaa. '. - ' - WfJlRBOBOlAjat. ' V Wrw Chorrh Kalihta ef Pytblaa katt. Karen a balldlng. Banday acheoi, 10:19 a, avi lay aartleea, U:M a. Bv " ttUTX BBAaTOaT hriSaTOB. i OUra Breach Ooasel hlleeliva ITrt aeer CUf treet. Servlcce every evealag at t:K e'alotk ad hnadej at I B. bv BiAoov troMT hmaiov. Beecea Usht Mfatoa 11 Itoarth aorth. PTMcalag every eight . aad at I a. bv atreet, Waal Is Bhahaspeare's aertrart Worth Prom the Saa Pranoiaoe Bulletin, , -In view Of the fact that a claim to the poaeeaalon of the "original end, only authentic" portrait ef Shakespeare la made by Shakeapesrs Hint ef Almond, bury, Hadderaflald, It la noteworthy that the value of what were regarded aa genuine plotureg of the poet has never been aocurately aaoertalned. Sidney Lee of the Art Workers' Guild and the Society of Painters, who la con aldered an authority on the subject, says that a . good first . folio portrait of Shakeapeare would probably fetch about 11.000 (110,000), and he haa such a plo ts re te his poaeeaalon. The majority of portraits which have been discovered are undoubtedly apurioua. Mr. Cuat- of the -national poatralt gallery, haa re ceived aaany . offers of a picture., 01 Phakcapeare, but he had never secured a. genuine one. ' , ' . - "One 'tume up every now-and then, and I have lately had two reported te me, but I do not think they are ef much Importance The Chandos portrait In. tha- national gallery, ta the best authen a. aviley aarvii Ice; T. P. ., . - . 7 " . ' - . . . " I trait of- Shakeapeare In eiletence apectlng .which there ia eonptete evl deace of Ita genuineneaa.' e--.-- Saddle Warts SttvOOa f From the New Tork PreeA "Thd eostiraat saddle In the -world belongs to thd khadive -ot Kgypt," aald fpahlonable aaddler. Tt Is made of Mack leather, though there le more gold than leather vialble. and It coal 879.1.0 9. tt la really four saddles In one. It la a four-horee saddle, and ' the - rtryal erreoma alt In itt to guide the tour horaee of the royal coach in atate oocaalone, L "TUar tightest addta In the World ho eonaw -to - rcner, inw jocney.' vrae made In London, and It weighs II sutvoesr The ptgakla had tt) be scraped tioateu picture we nave or """'"Peayvii, perthlte-entrr . eJ We wilt m&ke you a suit to ycur measure for $22.50, and clve you an " extra pair of trousers of the same or different material free. On account of the stoc.c running lory, we were compelled to suspead our 522.50 sale We havejust received a new shipment of splendid fabrics .from the mills, and will at once resume our proposition of a suit to meas ure for $22.50, andextra trousers fivyvV; Come In todayand looSc over the patternsr7$22.3a to your measure '"J?' and extra pair of trousers free.' .r, . ' i'-.:- , .';::i''-.,;,-fv. Trousers . ii Other tailors' 7'':' Fit. Finish nd p. Fabric guaranteed. The! price will suit .. '.i - and v. :: The suit will fit : We handle no ' s Readjr-Made ; ; Clothing, hut . make your Clothes to v Sur . order at irora 5 to $U the suit, ' Baisaas Uvtag- e ef tallied he rrlhajfey free aai ' where rem live, write I WIZJC GITS TO ANT BQT OR girl under II years of age II worth of dental work free of charge, provided eald boy or girl preaenta at this office 100 ef tar ftcturee oa or - before ' April 1. 0. The pleturee will appear each week la my ads la the Satur day Telegram and Sunday, Ore gonlan . and - Journal.' Aak your friends to save them for too, .. . " . ' 1 f I DR. a X. WRIOHT ; I--':;' 0. S41 12 WaHINOTON 8TKSBT. CORNXR 8VENTH: ,Z J'. " . "a ';. ;' ..''.;."';. r1' ;'v ' '" ' r' ' , ' OFFICB HOURSi . I A. M. TO S P. at. , 7:30 P, M. TO JO P. Bf SUNDAYS TO 1. PHONE MAIN 3119 with fine gleae down ta the thickness of a eighth of Inch to give such light , weight as this. The eaddle. U a flnA etrong one, and It , coat, I60. . -w. nooaalonaJlv gat orders for Meg- lean saddles from Heath American gen erals and from Indian rajana,. oucn aao dlea are often mounted with gold and silver and even Jewels. They, coat all the way fronvllOe to 11.00."; i- ?! - . . y' .. . ,:' atlngly Titles. ' fvesi the Philadelphia BiHethv , ' The King et Ays at called 'the fclag of klnga, ' whom all etber anrerelfna obey) the eaase of the pteaeTTattoa f aU aalama; tbe regaletar ef, the seaaoaa: tbt matt of the eas e ebb aad rtowl brother te the aaa twrd ef fh aeeoavi kh ef tha Bt aaibrellea.- Ttf kthg f the Bttl principality ef MBreda eaaaed'W his tl eowrtiera ea ataaa ne. caieaa aa 'eaTerehra at tbe . aerrerae, araoee body le aa bimlnoul aa tbe aaa; whoa rod' created ta be aa aoeipllaked ee the aeeen t bar faU; who eyae gutter like the aerth atari a ktag ea aph-tteal ea a bah la rawed; be waa a rieea anaieie an. aaaa. panpapt mm awn." kBew-a ee "emeerar ef tbe earth, iniina r of the white elephant, ewwar wf the twarearHag, BtglUatate heir of Fern aad Brmhaae, twarr of the II aewvtnree tat tbe World, stealer of the IB knrca. lard e ell." f .. aeaaaa.aaapaaBaaaaaeeeeBaBaaaaaaeB IYm--eUBOWt)ait t K TlrV Wlngo, KyJ ' wrltea, April . 101: "For 18 to 11 yeara 1 had been afflicted with malady known aa tha Itch.' The Itrhlng waa moat unbearable; ' I ad tried for years to Snd relief, having tried all remedies I could hear of, .besides a anmber of doctors. I wlah te elate that one aln gla application ex uanara e nnow Imm anent cured me completely and perma nently. Since then I have need the lini ment on two separate ocraalone for ringworm' and It cured completely. Kc, 0o a d . J1.00. t. Bold ; by .Woodard, IwliaaVrllB) 48y (fBwd ... - , . . V V-' i."'e,'- . W"iU Give rousers cccut ten cays aro. , to Your , Measure charge $3.00 to $15.00 for the v ' ' , .-' ,- - .-' -.. J I 7'iH';V .: i - .- ' '.' .(,' . J ; . Id, a,1 : ':y( 'n i- v,-: -', ' ,lBaa.'V ' EEis D'Wfj ; V-'-v'-r-vTiV;:. er these Bsdfaar tt lsanByeiilesi tap Oar Mstr self aaaaanjeaiaal syatexa torn free Proper Attention? ; :i art r', "jf V ''Jh , Oft as Is too often the when prompt attention . save you and yours In later years from a lot of k pain, pbsitive cligurement and perhaps ill health? '. .There is no sense or economy in neglecting either . the children's teeth or your own. . ' The old provf ; erb "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" applies par? : ,'ticularly to teeth, f Every day makes the -cavity larger and In a short time the! tooth:, is useless. ; There is no excuse for any person to. wear a plate and it wouldn't be necessary if you proroptiycon- ; , suited a dentist whenever you discoyer a flaw and -' had the defect remedied. ; . With scientific crown " and bridge work we are able Jo make repulve -motiths look pretty, TWs b a'model dental office ' v backed by skill, modern will of tnir patrons. , -". - ' .... : ; DONANZiV! 1 '.' M 1 fN ' Those STje-wtsej f rear Wea. )' V' eeeaeber.e. Be-S tl-O pleW as t l of l sben-l a aavea hui. Oae t"v. tnil ttl a story of marvelrine reenlte. Idle aeeduine haa mars rejuvenating, vttailla f ,rre thea has erst beeaeuererf. 8ttr vr d f" P''-B Mckag iy oa reoelpt ef turf r. m. L f Made br Ita orurnanra C L i ood Co.. pre, frletoTS leaejd'a b.raeeai ia, leyweO, i ,i.a r ; -V. $4 to $8 same patterns K 7th & Sterii sail paeyjiaaaPy at our store, aaaj emaales mi te perfeetl flt rem. ,case, are they'.' neglected . . and a' little work would w: metbxxls and ; the - good y - The7 PAINLESS DENTIST ' Why ahnald I edrertlae wbea 1 have atore bMhrrea the I eaa altewd tot rrieae eay "Oo aad Be" at a eef flHeot nirlorwarnent ead atrang no8b of ' anrone. WHAT more do yad arleh tbaa the edrkw ef year rBIRNDSt ixt ead Be Wlllleav the t)eaker Praphet. -"wav CMlrvoraai. fabalrt. It aaettee ae e,u-1 - yoS weat to know at tha peel, praaint er t far. Brother WlliUaj eaa tU yea. Be enltea tee ennenc, Inrare raat teeaearee, treete daraaaca wlibewt -atedlclajc, rcelure laat Reeaemher tbe naaie. Wllllare. the . Oweher m tueaev ae awreaia av aa - ta veecoa ante. lrnr prh-ee. .Bradiaew hf mail, .,!. Maaaa. er and all twhaa, Oiilea 0 a. a. a 0 B. av iim GoandSeeHim ' -rr Uet-S- e av-J ' t .