The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1906, Image 3

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    .. ; : V . . .,.a. -:
- 1 aCil C") .
Bt-iut'.ful ahowinf of our new Oriental Laoaa,
In Ur( variety of designs. aU-ovra to match,
colon, whit, cream an 4 ktu C y O t f 1
' aperlal prlcea from Mo. up to.. ' WO w
fii Circf3 cf tb Ecri Votes ;';7f?,
... . . ...
0 CCo "Pillow Tops lOo
, Splendid aaaortmeut of Pillow Top. Id Iltho
- graphed and oriental dealcna. Regular ISo
' Special MOKQAT and TUEdDAT
' - -J
Givers of the Ccst Voluea
1 k a
.' a f- -t; - - i--; '-
' - . ' , ., ', " 111 ..' 41 ,! V " ' .,'?'' - -
vur spring slocks arc now, couipicic. r yy. w.iy -iictu yy , 1 w Aa "ia wc vjuai. yy- cu a iuch; itpiwcmuuvc snowing imuuuuui
the house, but thiat our spring stocks are
obtain a cbrrcct idea of tlie spring arid
comeito-Robcrts BrosV NEW SPRING-GOODSy though, are not the pnlyv incentive for you to visit this store, for youll find af ter-
inventory bargains in cvcy
as'a rule:thefe inot enough of any; givefaaf
illljGBO of
In all the
ardf ct Fihl6naM Drew Fabrics'
veritable barraln feait will welcome you tomorroV-the entire department U burating with valuea never before equaled in Uiia city tom6ff6W we Ihow for the flrt time hundred! 6f Va
he latest weaves and color,. .Women know values! That's why the trade movement here irt new Woolen Dress Goods Is such a decided success. - We have the facilities and the will to beat competitors AND
. We ask you to examine our goods do tne same eisewnere.ducn compansons, unparuauy mac, oeip us more uuin voiumn 01 aaverusing. iry any 01 inese wnue - inauiging m personal tests you u tina
vr-iiiv.ii piaui aiiu xaiiv- a nitisi u vawiioitc
Hew Blaclx Sultmrro
56-inclf Black Panamas, chiffon. finish, perfectly fast (J f)
color, dustprooL. Special value' at, per yard.' 4)1 0
45-inch' Black. Panamas, strictly all wool, deep; rich spotless "
black, hard twisted thread. .- Unusual value .at, . ;
, pef yard. V " ' i ." .'. " .
J 38-inch Black 'Mohair "Panamas fast black; a new and very
.popular fabric for early spring wear sold tverywhere'irA
I at 76c' a yard. Our price only.., .V.. f .'. V Y .
38-inch BlacV Cinvas Panamas, aU wool, fast dye, one of the
newest weaves, a' fine dust shedder. Splendid-value CAW
' .' at,' peryafdV; i .. .! .Vw 'i. i , v .. . . v.vv
., -. .... ;
showing in all the various new gray Q 1 . iC C
, mixtures.; : Extra value at, per-yVd". vl Uu
J 64-inch Plain Panamas beautifuhew fabric,
in shades ' of steel and silver gtaj, ; Q . CA
.Unusual quality at, per,yard. ;..'ii.VvOU
62-inch New Shadow Checks, In light and dark
"gray ;" also light, gray-with colored shadow
" checks! : wonderful creations made from fine
: selected
cted wool. " Extra value at, , f 2 C
yard; '. v. . , . iV. , iiV; . . ". v I Ou
64-inch New Gray Suitincs, in plain and in
visible checks, in both Heht and dark colors.
one of the most beautiful of all the new goods.4
Extraordinary value at, - , ' ., . ."
per yard . . . . . . . . . ...... 4 .
46-inch New Cray Panamas, in light, medium .
and dark mixtures, splendid, wearing 7F,
.quality. Unusual value at,. per yard.,; f Ow
36, 38-inch . Plain and Novelty Suitings, in
pretty gray mixtures, in all the light and dark
colors. Our big leader at, t . ' C(n
far yard . ;'. . . . ... .... .7. . . V. . i . . . OXJvt
Ouitinf? and Sliirt-
waidt Sillxo v 1
'An ! unusually attractive line of beautiful Suiting and Shirt
waist Silks, in the popular new steel, silver and Queen grays,"
' in plain and fancy hot effects, effective and desira- A
-bte weaves. - Moderately priced at 85 and. . : . . 41 lUU
jl9-inch: Pure-Silk Louisines,' extra heavy quality, large, me
, dium and small checks, in colors black and white and blue
-and white; most desirable for shirtwaist suits and sep
arate waists. Unusual value at, per yard
A Coimplete ;U
Monday and Tuesday we place On sale a Sampl Line
of Tailored SuiU from which our new spring" tock was
selected. The styles are Pony Coats, Etons and Tight-fitting
effects in every, imaginabla color and fashionable material.
These handsome suits are marked, way below their actual
values. "Neglect to secure'6n or more of these handsome
suits will be to cast aside a golden opporturtity came Mon-dav-rcome
early while the assortments arebest. Prices
run 'like' thisrrrTv,' A,:".V;
$l0jC0 $12.50
2'!Coyert Coaip-'J
Women's ajid Misses' Coats,
made of hard twisted tan :
covert cloth, in pony, box'
and fitted back effects. All
new v styles 1 and ' splendid
bargain, v Special- prices'
;'- w Dress' ' Skirts ? v
A new line of Wqnren's and-
Misses' Spring Skirts, made
of double twisted ' Panama,
and heavy serge," all strictly
man .tailored.' Special- prices-
4.50, ?4.05, 55.50,
r Women's Wash Waiita 1-
rT f 1.25 s;
New line x Women's Wash
Waists, made of good qual
ity ; chambryr' in colors fed,
tani;blue, i pink, and royaL.
Special for-Mon-T, jC iVC'
day. and Tuesday ; v)I iO
Sateen Petticoats; ?1.00
Women,', Black Sateen Pet-"
ticoats, iii- several different
styles, full.; skirt," trimmed'
with - ruffles, V bands and
flounces. i- Special V prices
Monday and. '-; .Tuesday'1
915, 91J50. , 'J? VU
$15.CD $17.50
New Gingham Dresses 65f)
New showing of Children's
. Gingham .; ; ' Dresses,' . i made'
with .full.skirts, new sleeves,
trimmed with braid, ruffles
' and tucks, ' sizes' . 2 ' to 14
years. Special rprice ' Mon-
Children's Caps 25 l!
.Children's Tarns' and ' Caps,
made , of eitberr cloth . or
leather in popular plain col
ors and mixed goods.' 'Spe
-cial prices 'range
from 85e- down .to. . mUv
Short Kimonos 48$ . - '
Large v a i Q r t m e n t ot
-Women's --Short -': Kimonos,
made of ood quality, flan
nelette with - large .-collars,
full sleeves, trimmed .'with
ruffles" -aiidXbrai(L2LSpcciaL
Percale;'' Wrappers ?f lS '
Complete line of " W6men's "
-Percale ' ? Wrappers- made
with round or square yoke,
full sleeves, neat cuff, full
skirt . .and j deep A flounce,
trimmed .hvith-: ruffles . and
braid, all 4izes. Special price
Monday and fr ; 0 1 C
Tuesday. . . . . 4'.V;"s5 1 iD
Vzzszizz in IlcnV Geoticn
iV '-v'"; .v-. Boys' , Blouse. WaisU 60ft ' 7
Xomplcte line-of Boys' Blouse Waists, made, of madras, sateen,
chambry and percale, in ; plain and fancy 'stripe effects, all
sizes, ages 5 to 15 years; : Special.
Prices. t . . . .V. . V , . . ;.50- COtV esf
' :V':'',',:-:.:; Men's Golf .Shirts S3 ,x.;. r:v:M? v
Splendid showing of Men's New Golf Shirts, made, of fancy
madras and plain Irish linen, sizes 14 to 17;. always QA-
sold at $1.25. For this sal only at. , . 'i .. . OyC
' Men's Cotton Hose'lSja;: .. '7 " '
Men's Cotton Hose, in ifght medium and heavy weight.'dou-.
ble heel and toe, some in black, tan and fancy mixed Colors;
regular 20c grade. ForlhU sale onlyy pv , "J2C
"- '''':' v ' V Men's and Boys Caps ; ' . -; '
Men's and Boys' Caps In 'all the newest sfyW and shapes
made of good quality serge and cheviots, in plain and. mixed
colors. Large variety to select from. Special prices !
range from down to........... .... v,,t.i......raw
jtlraiidiQR the Hew;
T7aoli Fabrico
v' Crisp,' New and Fresh faultless in weave and finish,' accurately describes our' choice dis
play the-brightest, choicest gathering of filmy cotton beauty ever displayed in' local circles
so early; peerless' assortments that fairly whisper -thoughts of' warm spring days. Delicate
tinted fabrics greet the eye on every turn, German, French, English, Scotch and our own Amer
ican makes are blended into one bewildering show. Every , fabric fixed by fashion as correct
lis included in the showing. 'The Comprehensiveness of the assortments is second only to the
economical prices, wouia you nave nni cnoicr ncn uy nowi -- - ; (
New Atortmenta Are Here Beautiful, Xet Moderately Priced
Now Silk HiiU
The first showing tomorrow New Silk Mull,
one of the richest and most desirable fabrics
for evening wear, our showing is now com
plete,. comprising the most beautiful flowered
effects, roses, poppies, carnations," etc.; C
Unusual quality at, per yard, vrOv
IIOT7; Starard Sidtincs
The 'first showing tomorrow New Stratford
Suitings,1 in an extensive line of colors, hand
some; f hiked, background in' broken stripe ,-ef-fects.V;
Temptingly w: priced .at, , ' j A,
per .'yard .'. i .,. .... . . . ..... . . t .'. , mUw
; If air. Cotton Serges '.'
The first ; showing t tomorrow New , Cotton
Suitings, in an attractive line of broken checks
and -plaids; medium, light and . dark colors,
correct copies of the popular "new. woolen'
serges. V Surpristoglyjdw priced ' C
per yard.' .'. . . . ...... , Vi . . . . . . . j . . . '..1 Ov
V a-Nei7 Cotton! Taffeta
The first - showing tomorrow New -Cotton
Taffetar beautiful fabric "that has the luster
and appearance of silk; a great assortment to
choosy from in dots and stripes,. complete 'line
of colors iir shades ot gray, brown, blue, green;
white and-black. 7 Unusual value at,
per yard. . .v. . 7.f .V.V;'. . r Ob
The first showing tomorrow Toile D'Osaka,
a 'highly- mercerized fabric similar toy poplin,
plain, colors . in ;airthe mosti wanted C
shades: Moderately priced at, per yard. .1?L
; No7 Ibroidorod Ilnslins
The first showing, tomorrow New .Embroid
ered' Muslins, in an attractive assortment of.
patterns, dots, figuresflowers and plain f Cn
colors. ; Unusual Vajues at, per yard. . . 1 UL
New Mulls , . ;
New Madras Cloth
'New . Raymers .-r-:'.
New Swisses ''J-
New' Dimities '
New Organdies
i New Ginghams?'
; New Zephyrs
New Sateens .
New Percales
v New Batiste .
The first . showing i tomorrow New - Batiste,
hundreds of pieces in all colors, both plain and
fancies, three qualities to select from, each one
the best value to be had at the price C
At 10c at 12, at ... ......... ....IOC
' Xlcroerized Eolienne
The . first showing tomorrow New Mercer
ized Eolienne, in a full line of. plain colors,
many delicate shades suitable, for evening
wear, deep' rich finish. Splendid value tn
at, per yaf d. . ........ ............ . . .awUL
Fontonisie De Soie
The first showing tomorrow New Fantanisie
De Soie, a handsome silk-finished suiting, most
desirable for early spring suits, come in all the
popular ' shades ; of gray. Moderately C A
priced at, per yard............. ....... OUv
- Xlercerized Panamas 7
.The 'first showing, tomorrow New Mercer
ized . Cotton Panamas,' in a beautiful' line of
light colors, dainty checked patterns J Aw
Splendid value t, per yard.Ti". . .TTTiTOUi
' New Novelty Suitings :S
New Novelty Suitings,' an extensive line' of
patterns in checked and flaked effects. 0v
Special Opening Sale Price. .,......;.. lOv
Shadow. Check Batiste -
Shadow Check Batiste, in alt the best colors,
deep rich mercerized finish. Special . .OCrt
Opening Sale Price.. ....01
I 7ool Finished Batiste -
Wool Finished Batiste, light, medium and
dark colors, in checks, stripes, figures, flowers
and plain colors. Special Opening 'I A
Sale Price . . ... . ... ..... . . ......... : . L)C
New White Goods
'New .Lawns zr
r New Nainsooks V -S
New Batiste,':,
New Long Cloth '.
New Linen Suitings
New EmbroTdered
Linens,.- .'J..;;. ' "'
New Mercerised
Mulls, Madras, Pop
lin, Swisses
The Greatest Values Ever Known in Beautiful I7ox7 Cot
ton Fatrica Prevail in Thia Cceticn of Our Storo:, ;
IMlNO, in Banda, Oat-
: Lac
X'aw Una of fancy TK1M1
tooaa and Madlllona, Babjr. Irtah. Crochat and Batista
all-ovar. All n.w (ooda and bt pattaroat flnarlat
prloaa for iniaaaia ransa irotn arrOdowa . en.
par rard..
$2X0 AH-Orwr Embroidery s)1.28.-
(. yarda of 2I-ln All-Orar FJmhrnldar. In
vartatr of baautlful daalajna. medallion, arroll.
' work and buttonhola anacta. Vary popular now for
faiwy waiata. ivr aoia in tha ltjr for la tlian
. 18 yer jrarfl mrnxAU mokdai and
! ..01.25
., ' '" Great Sal of Laces. ' ? '
Includlnc Normandy, Halt, Valanclannaa and Point
i da Parla. In width from I to T Inchaa: nona of thm
vr anld for Smwm than !0o prr yard all at one prica
cr rard...... .......... . ...... ......... J
Fancy Lac Collars.
'All our naw fancy la Collara, mada af Baby Cr'vt
Laoa; - rnaular tarr nJ jaa, on aala Monday and r r
day at laaa than half price for lb la aala only,. (
' Is ".a Honey-Caver for All
The Shoes we ere selling during this greatest of all
sales sre without Question the best values ever offered in
this city, not only from the standpoint of value, but style aa
well. All the new and popular, styles are being shown in
many of the best makes ' It takes the man who deals in
shoes to ask us how we do it and how much money we axe
losing. " To be candid with you we are not losing a cent on
a single, pair. Did these competitors! but know how to get
the shoes they would not ask the question. Knowing how
is wherein the 'secret lies. We are trying to educate the
consumers of shoes how to take advantage of these sales
and are happy to say we are succeeding with very marked
success. We are perfectly frank with you in telling you the
makes we sell during this sale. The name NettJeton or
Queen Quality on a shoe is the same as sterling on a piece
of silver. ,Every one knows it means the best, i "
, For lien '
f 2.85 For Nettleton's $6
and $7 Shoes. -7 , .
8 2.85 . For the Turner $6
snd $7 Shoes. - V
S2.85; For Walker &
Whitemans $5 and $6 Shoes .
82.25 For Patent Leather
$3.50 and $4 Shoes. ,
82.25 For Vid Kii $3.80
Shoes.-- " 'V'A"'" ..' -f
2.25 For Gunmetal $3.50
Shoes. 'IT-':)-', . .
? 25 For Bo Calf $3.50
hoes. ' 'V... ' Vy-
?V.: For , TTcracn1 :
S1.G9 For Queen Quality
$3 and $3.50 Shoes. :
81.60 For Patent Leather
$3 Shoes.' ' h . . .
81.00 For Patent: Leather
$3.50 Garden Ties. . V
81.00 For Patent Leather
$3.50 Pumps. ? :'.--81.60
For Kid Lace $3.00
Shoes..--.' v-v ('-;' - ' ;
?1.60 For Gunmetal $3.00
hoes. S :yr
And Many styles too . nu
merous to mention. ;, v ,
For Women's $2 50 and $3.00 Shoes . ,, -
81.35 For Women's $2.00 and $2.50 Slippers. . "
8 15 For Women's $2.60 Oxfords. ' '
We take every pair of Dollar Shoefrom our Morrison
street window for Monday's selling. ' There are S,C00-odi
pairs.. Come early for bestaelections on Sale Monday in
Basement Shoe Department at 1 v .1
Opportune Sole ; of Underwear
"' ' '. i . . ........
" Great drifts of snowy whiteness, made to please the most
exacting as to fabrics, fit and finish. YouH like the garments
for their fluff iness and for their delicacy of detail. Nothing
skimpy about them anywhere in spite of their surprisingly
low prices. :v.i'V-v,y;.:).'v.;';''";.-:,i. -rv;.
Corset- CoversMade-ofTrod-qualityUslm 'and "cambric,
with full or tight fitting rants trimmed with lace insertion,
tucks and ribbons, square, V-shaped r round neck.
Special prices 15 20e, 25e and. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , .00 C
Chemise Dainty Chemise made of fine cambric, trimmed with
embroidery, in short and combination lengths; excep- A
tfcmat vaiuesat 75crSpeciat for Monday- and Tuesdayria-w
Gowns Made of gCKxTquality muslin, with high or V-shaped
neck, trimmed with hemstitched tucks, embroidery and inser
tion; regular $1.25 values. Special price Monday and
Tuesday. , . . .... V
Knee Skirts Made of fine quality long cloth with doutte ;n
stitched ruffle and hemstitched tucks; always sold tt ,
85c.v bpectal Monday and 1 uesday at. ;. ......
Knee Skirts Made cf very fine quality lor - c"
flounce trimnei
r l-'ce, banJ
h e
a xaa a J f
U rt .!
.HMfAl lnil a..