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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
..'.: Tiro i orecow Sunday, journal, po:..l:.d. suKDAV i:, rnro.rrrru :r v il t::s. MM. LIFE FO ' Big Gathering From Many Sec- Two Wni Cs C-pnid Cacauto lt"l Chs." Thoy Want r V;' ;'.:tho Fust ,Paca. '.. tlon Form Local , Horti- V'-V';'itural' Society. : , 1 .' if..--...-'-.-.'-.'.?,. .. .' V- FRUIT RRflnFRS ATI a?) ' - . .'BBS w B S , as w swee w e e 1 , . -J" s.1 V . I , .. imuu mini . r ' -vsr Vx - i -v MANY ADDRESSES ARE . : MADE BY VISITORS v. Fruit Growing '. .Packing and Shlp- : t .-.ptor ia AH Ita Phases DuKuaaed-- Officer pactod ana New urgan- .1 Uatkra Starta Off la Good Shape. - J V W -..,-4 - --a-. , ' .-. . ,- . . ' - "", fltneeial IMmatck 4e Tli JoorMl.) 1 '' :,; Hood Rlvr, Or.. Feb. 1.T-Tbe largest meeting of fruitgrower aver held w this city gathered bar today to disease 'i fn notation of- frultgrowlns ana to form local horticultural society. Three hundred Brewers from all -part ef th ,' famous Hood River fn4t halt war. la attaodaac and dlaouaaton "of aU nkwi at frultvrovloa. paoaloa aod l ... Wail ' m. V.- Smith a' i-praaldont o tha 8 tat a Horticultural ao- lety. waa mad otuiinnaa and opanaa -Vha mootlnv, aayior tbat It had baan .(rorlnc from tha eoiamarolai tat of Vlaw, and that talks would ba lirattad . f to flvanlnuta. ;H. C. AtWflU praaidant oi ina roraat uron iioruniiiiiru ao -teloty. mada an adrtrtrtj M" r"fc "era balnr a a follows: ' T. A. MoCurdr. y. O. Church. CL U, Wood worth. H. F. XHtvtdaon, O. R. Caatner, A. L hlaaon, " ' t. Patar Mnhr, IX It Bears, Frank Stanton, ' t R T. Oalllffaa, U. A. Frana, Bam Camp- r. ball, F. W. Ancua, C IL Uproat. C K. t Mar.hall. X T. Pottar. Ray .Brock. JC ' J N. Banaon, O.-R. Caatnar, Tom Calkins, U Cartar, B. R. Tuokar, Chris Datb man. - i ' - y.- " v . " .. Praaidant Wood worth ct tha'- Frnft. .KKTowars onion brought oat tha fast in ' I hie talk about eherrles that they wars , not sa proiiiaDia as sppiaa. V & IL ahepard, maaacar-of tha anion, ,'raad an nzbaustlva paper an "Fertilise .;.tlon." , ',. Fruit - Xnapector Castner spoke , en . "Dlseeaaa of Fruit' : c J. T. . Porter" eontended thai hie - ob ' aeratlons and 'esperianos ia appollna--. J Ion were In direct contradiction to the ad rice on this subject issued by tha '-'government department, in wnica etate- ment he was borne out by Mr. Smith, - -," which waa to tha effeot that aU trees required polllnlsatlon, while tha porno .loatcal' department declared otherwise. - - rroiftwor winir ajroae ftuovi ina aw Trrs of allowtns funrua to become iseated In an orchard. A vsneral dlaqus- ' i elon of each subject was mada as tt was Introduced. ,1 , ;-; .. ,. . 1). At s ooncloslon of talks ea fratt cul b tura Meiers. Marshall. Davidson and aproet. whs had-beaaappolnted t re . 'port on, eonstltutlon and by-iawa, mada rHhelr report, and the following ofdosrs w wars elected: . -.r ;. i i L ' Dlreotors 4, R, taara, B. Jt Ihepard, C. K. Sprout ".' UlXJarter and B. F. . v Tucker. . Tha dlseotore, wlH elect a preel- Sent secretary and treasurer. The new Vjtf-tlrrolurl . ettitiaf mtmwtm '' Aff with ai y memberahlp, of. mar thaa 10ft, a4d is the largest in Uis sUte, , i . i t,, ii.. in' -1 n ii UKkQON1 BELLE WEDS" CALIFORNIA BANKER 4 innroui ajianamas-m arw Iaamssai w tree saa IBB jaBBaraBBiii .. , Santa Roaa, CL, Fab, 10. The news . 01 the marnaas today In Tonopaa. Ne , tada, of Walter W. Monroe, cashier of i th Bank of Bebaatopol, and Miss MU idred Fraaoes Parr, a' beautiful Oravon ; nana, waa reoeivea nere and at Bebaato- , tKJI . with much' nlMjmrmh faiian.i f ba wedding waa th sulmlnatloa f a roruana axpoaiuon iaat year When th ..llMHJ.wui,-ir atm mi wm lOUKing I young banker, first enet -. Miss : Parr . comaa or a - prominent lamlly. - Mr, Monro la also elty treasurer ef Babes. ' topo and la One of th best liked young t, men of Sonoma, county. -They will re i siae in BeoastopoL - .. .,' PUFFBALU EXPLODES AND INJURES. YOUTH Aberdeen, Waah, Fab.' It. Bruce - suis, an s-year-oid boy. was btdlv In. , Jured Saturday whll playing with aorae pun Delta out aoora. Ha atruek a match puff Wis out doors. He e track a match 'to one of them, when It exploded Ilka powder, Burning mm on th faea, hands 'and 'arm.. He has sine been nearly alghtlasa. fats arm also bains awU .ana painful. I Yomppjwrtunify ! : FOR IMPORTED BRONZES si. . . iv :'.,4.-y ' ' Being on the Ycrge of annual stock-talc- : . ing and in order to eliminate theYemain--i : ing subjects ifrom " "next 'season's display, , ,wc have Greatly Reduced 3 them to prices which 1 ; '7i will at once become interesting to all adj; irrfrenrof this beauti ful art, f . ' Wft fUH and Wasalagtoa wta, Z ""'' nrwrnsms 'i?'1 ' '- .!. en-rlHTTTyf -- - afanalaarlas- Opttotaa ' "WTur Quality Xs at tts alw , i. - ;,, . Ulaa Crnthia Roche, Whoaa Engafsment to Arthur Scott Burdsn, a Sdon of tha Wtalthy New York Family E.YL. SmiTH FOR eil tW .i:.;,.., ...... . . ' 'i ,i ". fVafara That Momlnitlon to On for Congraatrriany TKeaa'ufrar 5 i or Sanator. . , PREFERS TO HAVE t, V UriCE, btrV HIM '..i.w ' Tharafor No Formal Announcement 'I 'of Candidacy Is Mada, but Pedtteo for Clndnnatus of Hood Kivar Was - Clreulatad Ytattrday, After ..- debatlnSV for many week 4 whether h preferred to be gonernor, tat treasurer, congreeimeif or Cnlted States senator, X. I Smith of Hood Hirer has at last determined that the Irst named offio Is most to his liking. and ha will ba a candidate for th Re publican gubernatorial nomination. N format announcement of ble candidacy has yet been made, -for Mr. Smith has preferred that th office should seem t seek him rather thaa that ha ahould be placed in tha light of aeeklng the offio. But through tha medium of his frlenda the Claolnnatua of Hood Rive I aow CaUIng h atuntlon of hla fel low-cltlena t his wn candidacy. -.- ,. A dispatch from Hood River atatee that a petition for th nomination of Mr. Smith waa being circulated ther yesterday, and that th petition 1 said to emanate from eitlsens who wish Mr, Smith to run." Tw or three weeks age Mr, Smith arranged: to announce his candidacy through on of tha Republl. can papars of -Portland, bat at the last moment decided that .the announce meoH wouia d premature, ana n waa aooora lngly postponed. Recent political hap. paninga have mad it apparent, how ever, that further delay might be dan. garous, and Hood River's foremost fruit, grower may new be elaaeed with tha avowed aspirants for the honor of head. Ing th Republican tlcket-ht tbs-eomln campaign. , . , " ,. ,. . ' There are 'now an even naif' dose f Republican candidates in the guber. natorial race, Th earlier entries are Bs-Oovsrnor T. T, Gear of Hal em, Dr. James Withy com 6 of Corvailla, C A. iobns of Baker City, Harvey K. Brown als of Caksr City and O. A. Sehlbreds Of Marahfleld. up to tha preaent time Oeer and WlthycombS have seemed t be. leading their oompatltora, for Sehl brede'e candidacy haa attracted com paratively little attention save In- bis owa and tha adjoining ountlea. and Johna and Brown have been 'handicapped by tha faqL-lIiat ther rom-Iroml'l asm towa.- Both Oeer and WUhycombe "tiave re lied largely on the fwiner vote. , Smith is expected to be at least equally atrong In th agricultural and fruit growing districts and it Is intimated that he la ta thav besides th secret support ef- tn .old- Jtapubllcaa-machinofMUlt nomah county. Malcolm Moody la als counted upon to exert hla Influence la Smith's behalf, for- their relatione have been close and th a-oongreasmaa I said to b ene of th Hood River can didate's chief advleara. rj., . .. i 1 GOvERllOR ', - tHreal Oaetca te The JontneJ.) ' 1 Pendleton, or., Feb. Uj Mr XHai enre Adams "died, yesterday . morning after a few weeks' Ulnees of blood puis onlqg... Mrs. Adams was a daughter ef Mr. and Mr. J. M. Fergusoar pioneer reaidenU of Pendleton. She waa bora at Adams Jan It, I tit. and moved t Pendletoa ta lt. ' She had been mar rled a trttra more' Chan a year and was i years and 1 months old when she dll. A beby-alrl, waa .bora tMa Adam if aajra beior hat death, .vv ':":ry ' ;..'' : v ..: ''.. of That Name, Hat Bift Announcsd SAYS f.'OHTHERU PACIFIC IS ; GUILTY OF NEGLIGENCE Coroner's ' Jury Raturna : Vardlct in raxat irain wracK,.Naar s ' (Special Dasetck a raeed Wire to Tke Jeerml) Helena, Mont Feb. 10. nn tha mat ter, of -th inqueet aver the bodies of Sharlee Brlckell, J. 8. Roblnaon, Foster eneoal, I, H, Jeeaup and one Whom we believe to b John Ingram, vlotims of th collision of Fsbruary I, Hot, about three miles weat of Helena, to jury finds that said wreck was due to the groas negligence of th Northern Pa cific Railway, considers that the com- pany worked th crew too many hours and ale that th tw brakemea are not sufficient for a train of that ton. nag. . - We further find that tha crew was also negligent la th way It Dandled Its train.'' - . . -, j.v.. After aa Investigation' continuing throughout four days and nights, th Jury Impaneled by Coroner B, S. Ban. natt today returned th above verdict, A large number of witnesses were ex. amlned and a number of depoalUone a, cured front paseengers and th injured war read. Th verdict give general eatlefaotlon. A telegram from Wallace, Idaho, gives a description of John' Is. gram,-- one . of thoee supposed Jo have beea ta th fir, following tha collision. but th body is so badly burned and disfigured that no effectual comparison can be mad by the coroner. County At. torney Lacrolx , today stated that th evidence . would not warrant criminal proceedings against any ef the members of th orew. . .. ' , . . . . . USED BOY FOR SHIELD WHILE ROBBING STORE ' (Keeelet TXapetaB te Ta eaml.l Taeoma, Wash. Feb. 1. While masked highwayman wts robbing his grocery store tonight, ,. Q. ' T. Maglll atood at the telephone unoonecloua of the preaenc of tb bandit, who com palled Arthur R. Magiiu. the proprie tor a son, give up an tha ready cash. Wheaitn ronoer entered. Time wick man, aa 11-yearold boy, waa atandlna at th door. -The bandit picked him un ana eavanoea to tne counter, using the boys-a shield and presenting a- re volver t young MagllL secured 111 from th eafe and 111 off tha clerk's person, still holding the boy in front fearlna . Maaiu.. . would ahoot, - He als compelled th nlerk to open th safe. but did not disturb th papers. in th meantime the aider Maglll was using the. telephone and did not know the bandit was In th store. C. M. Hop kins: standing nssr th proprietor, saw ths robber, but kept silent, as a revolver was pointed toward him. Th earns bandit robbed two other stores tonight S i ' ' V ,..."1 ' Unction cf btiaz tha Brest est enrcuvo oa trevenuvt ineSda9 tb9 wcrli ha ever known. - It. b ci cJ-rosnj tnedsds'trodutin its tn eqocllsd cJTacts by pcrUy ing, viteizbg cad csrlchhtj the tlood wtJch tki health end strength of every orgc, hoM csa Vzss9 t! Deisd. ' Accent no tJ- tvnte for Hood's, trt list cn bavin,, Hcodt v MAYOR LA" CC3 A LITTLE nyCSTIGATINQ :' Sacarca Evidenca Acainat Polkamen Richards and ESia Whoao Karela Art Said to Hav Arouaod a Neigh borhood. ; : :.r;:T.-Tin7T- Pellcemen C. 1 Richards and at J. Ellis will be suspended by Chief Qrlta roacher and charge ef oonduet nnb. oomlna aa offlosr will be filed against each by Mayor Laut. The mayor la said ta have mada a personal iaveatlgation of thsir case. ....-.... The polloemea ar aocused! ( secur ing adjoining room at th Cosmos lodging-house, Fourth and Morrison streets, and installing dasr tw women. When their conduct beoam a aoaev dalous thai eona plaint wer made, t Mrs. Clara Harameralay, ta landlady, ah forced th women to leave - the house, Bills) I said thereupon t kav Insulted Mrs. Hammersley. far which he narrowly eecapsd A thraahlnf at the banda of her huaband. .. Thomas Han merslsy, nntll recently a member of the polio department himself. He then peaked ie bolongluga and left tha house with the women. It la aald. Rich' a rde remained at th houe and it said that Bills afterward went there secretly with tb women. and. unknown to Hammersley or kls wife, again ccu' pied rooms in ere. ...- .. ,j Rionards waa beror ta polio eon mission during Mayor William1 ineom- beacy on th-eharg or drinking while wearing nie uniforms- saita- eharged before the present oommlasion with falling te make hla appearaaos wbsn s lodging house burned down dur ing ths fair near th exposition sreunaa Members ef the police commission were making a preliminary investigation inte the charges last nlgbt and . oalled sev eral witnesses. . IS RATE BILL TO EE KILLED (Continued front Jfag Oaa) aasnme) axe all right, but bow shall a man who la .prevented by exorbitant freight chargsa from sending, his ear- load of perishable freight to market oontrlve to wait for tw or three years until a court can find leisure to come to his succor? Ths Judgmsnt. when banded down. may turn out to b Just ths thins that was needed only try that time th per ishable freight Has psrisnad ana lis owner probably Is dead and. hurled and forgotten. The wnoi transaction is solemn loka. - It la an excellent Joan, but wnat bo nne of popular -SovornaMratT e. Cn grees exlata te make law for th wel far of the.jieople end when money oligarchies ere found operating agalast th wetfar of th people, and yet In accordance Wltn tne laws wnion con gress has passed, it Is not unnatural that we ahould feel disposed to Invsstle rate first such membere of congress es are obUnstbly in sympathy, from' their conditions or from their sop, witn money power ot Now that th rate ; bUl has' been handed over by the bouse to the seri ate, and Is in th bands of th Utter, it will be sxpsdlent ana interesting . to observe Ita oours and It iat who exceptional attention. It is not obten. slbly a partisan measure. It had the support of both parties, so ws need not expect the dlvlalon in j tn senat 10 ioi. low partisan lnee of cleavage. . It will be oppeeed by Individuals and they will have to give non-partisan reasona tot their oppoaitlon. .. v The bill will meet witn en rat or the other her. It will ne votea aown it will he naaaad Only to oe visa lowed be tha auorara court: r It will be pasaed and found constitutional and also effective ror in pnrpwwe .wai it professes to seour. During the period -Of-tuapenee ,w may profitably remember that-no. great railroad influence na oeen i u yej aealnst the bUL I' the rallroada had themselvee suggested end authorised II they could hardly hav maintained to. ward it a less actively nosuie aemeaaor, Tat It la a bill which, ahould it paae and prove effective, oould not fall serl, ously to lnconvenisnoe to rauroaas and diminish their So-called earnings. Oaaaura of Seared Have the railroads than experienced a change of heart, and do they now wish to eharg th trafllo with as llttl In. etead of with as mush aa It- will bear? Or are the railroads mors than ever resolved to grow rlob at the expense of our egricultural and other produo tlvs Industries, and do they intends .by defeating or rendering' Important thla bill to fore tha naool to resign them selves forever after to ba held Op and robbed on th authority of th consti tution? For tha constitution ia a sites bigger thsn the presidents, and anoe th moneyed oligarchy can fasten their grip upon it we eaall b aonrrontaa witn a condition which th makers of ths constitution can hardly hav foreseen, snd to resous ' ourselves from which seems very unconstitutional msasurss may have ta b reaortea to. k-j SENATE 13 DALLYING. Bvidently uttie tatsasUn t Tak Sat Bill arioslyiJbUae,ver Oonrta.. P.m ... . . . . . VIM h Tk. iMMfllt Washington, Feb. ie.-TTbi houa nassed from tha limelight or in na tional theatre today for thCllnurbslnf and tha next act will reveal toe sonata as tha local point of tha-llg-ht. . - Despite ths years of preparation and heartnga on. the subject of the framing of a railway rat bill, th eenate has not yet a bill framed. Today tn eemmiite to which waa commuted the framing el a report aa to the beet bill mat cas be had la divided and bloksrlnav . ' -When the aenete committee on Inter, state commerce met today It developed that tb rat bUIa before It were son. stderad aa hug Jests. , It also devel oped that a yet I he committee Is not determined aa to what -the bills enoem pass within thsir term of common car rier. Senator AJdrlch today pressed this question, which yeaterday iaune4 som acrimony and resulted in Senator (lapp leaving tke aomm It tee-room In high dudgeon after characterising ths eommlttee work aa "levity. 7 In this be was supported by Senator Dolllvsr, Atdrlch- today Introduced an amend ment that will rob of effect th Del It. ver or any old rata bill that la accepted by the committee sad make It ueeleea. It applies to tha auvuod ef appeal. - II . j ':)p- ) that wt offer jtn hx our,new,modcla for tola aeasoiiw Tesa. if i ? ''w &Di pents are a piuutiro to behold and ypu will be ;' ' ivJ;. J doinj yourself a favor by looUnj at them.' -Then you ; .1 ''; A vv -d to pay the price, which ia not too much V-: 1:.T7,;.;T' ''jif ( 1 (" ' ' ' make the law read that where a rate Is named tt shall be taken Into court and there tee ted as to Its constitutional ity before It become operative. Thle wlU mean endleaa delay and a fight the like of which haa never beea seen In the eourte of this land. Senator Knox and Secretary Taft, th president's chief adviser, soatend that tha right ef appealing interstate com merce commission- rates as named is "Inherent in the law." They assert that ths right ef any man to redress a wrong through appeal to the court Is constitutional and that whan a rail, road fee la aggrieved at Its treatment from the commission It haa the right t J to court, make its plea, hav the cas ocketed and th ease bald In abeyanoe until the court hs passed judgment, in the meantime th rate fixed by the commission shsll not beeffctlva r j Senator Knox's point is that there Is BO necessity of dealing- In tfienuj juet what method. Of court procedure shall be, as that is inherent In the law. But ther-lie back of thla argument the grave danger that such an amendment, If adopted, would mean that th rail, roads oould pick out the oourta that ther would wish t hav try their case; in other words, thsy oould find a Judg who could be . depended upon to take care ef tha interests of ths roads. . Thus the shipper ould be hauled from one aide of the country to the other. -1 The naming of -thaaourt tbat the comf plaiaant shall be appealed, to te now stated tn th various bills as th United Stats circuit court wtthta tb eystrlet where -the complaint Is, alleged. That brings ths cas Into ths eoort where the shipper may mt th appeal most eaauyi WILLAMETTE PEFEATED j t rayertll IMsBsess te ie PsaraelJ "' ' Salem. Or.. Feb.ia WUlametU nl varsity basketball team was defeated to. night by naiam x. m, v. a. -oy a soorv of U to it.. The gams -was clean and very exciting from start to Snlah. At no . time could tt be told which team would be the Winner, for WUhunett was In the lead until tha very leap minute of th gam - Here Hargrove throw a has. kst and then followed tt with tossing a foul.- This la ths. ferst.tim tlm .Wil lamette has - been defeated this yean Hargrove mad half of th points made bv hla team, throwing I foula. Whipple and Nelson .were stars for Willamette, ' i Wrttoa lslo-rafhy tn d.' " " - (Sperlal Daveteh te Tee Joenul.) ' Seattle, Feb. 48. Adams, the default. Ina asaay offio cashier. Is - whlltn away th tedious hours of his jail life by writing hid autobiography; - . ; , SPECIAL REDUCTION On account of overstock In iron beds, we have decided to reduce the entire stock from 10 to 60 f per cent. Havin; purchased too large a supply last fall, we are forced to make this sacrifice. Regular price tlCO. ,' Special Sale "Price e . . . fiEtS 'CAK BE HAD IN ASSORT ' - KD COLORS MS j '-esul ,.T-' Complete Hcatf-rrb!::n mm ' ' ANATUFtAL ANT13CPTIC KEEPS OUT BLOOD POISONINO praTcin-arErjiTrjittrjj U : - : j lit !?' UKV RAimivn orb. ; fiVf- ttHVTS. il UNE' IS THE'RATi - O " This soap la Nature's wa preparaUon snd a perfect medloln for A th skin. - It will make the skin soft and velvety, curing all defeotioaa, J . For skin diseases, eosema, chapped hand, etc.. It -has a equal, v - v rirtr toilet and bath It e perfect, and there to no discoloration . j gtala It will not 'Vemov. Ink spots, grease and ataina can be qulskly r removed from the flaeat fabrio without damage, s - i -For eleaniag woodwork aa saUshins mstals It la the best, and ) It doea nt acratoh. '.- ....'-' .' '"' '' .It I sntlaeptle and will prevent blood-polaonlng. 1 " 77 V' It wtu not IrriUta, and th more eonstaaUy It to used the softer and nicer the akin beooraea. :. -. :': ' f; . The merit to la lb mineral.' ' No 'dregs. r ' ehemloala are ,... , and tt Is clean, containing no dirty fata, J , t VJ.x 1 iUauractured by WE PRESTON UANUFACTUR1NQ CO. v ' am 4"Mii iMri r. ,. AMD SOLD BY DKUQ0X3TS AMD OROCBRS - T SALE ric Vp. ttl Cila Price Get a Cake of - RAINIER MINERAL ' : ' e- Y- . -1 With Evert "Want Ad i Jo the Value of 15c tv jt I Over, a . Cajke of . This J Fin Start . WILL EE, ii GIVEN FREE I - . , If yon r.looklng fee P- ' eltlon or want to seetfre the ' tJ aerrioas Of a flrat-alaas man a S i woman,, want to buy, sell w ; exchange, lost or xouna some- thiag. , you - anoaia as Tne t j .... -1 r a v.V. . - IRON BEDS IJfilarriceltlSO; 'Special Sale ; Price ' v., -),. r.i,.vy.;,..,:v - ' All Beds guaranteed ': -to be the latest da-', " ' airn and finish. z" m -v i f'-wv".-'1' . All other (ooda re- ,' duced proportion' ' ateiy. : , ;;'X-.'.: Cor.lFlrst and.Ycihin , lla - V : 7. mm- i