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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
'j THE OREGON SUND.7 JOURNAL, 1 . yy u . . Spring StocLo ' ' ' T ' . 1 . - It J .... v I 1 .. a new i-tixiu-i.-ir ' Ve are rapidly getting our tock i gre daily reivia j-th Utett atyle . nd creation from the. fashion center oi tii country -1 I!arc-5. When " OarTlitw tpring tock"ar Wu (inning to srHve and good r pour-; tng mur tttij UeugitiuauU Vrx tit to Ur placed very few ot th gpring linei on exhibition, wishing tha atocka ' to b contplctt first, but w will toon ' bt thowing the vary finest line of , goring . , Nckwer, IIoiry, ' Pelt, . Glovee, ' Handkertliiafa. etc, In tha y city,, r. ; rtr ''V, ... 'i-ri ":.i'-4r J. ;hipment now cn Ce way arrive our htilS Oa'StUrt V . Fturim 1 r .wi;! be use (...est and most excluaive )jhowlnf of ttp-tp-dU UiUinery in mmx:mwir dm .-V '" V .' v": I ' , !.".,"- u gty - -. yr yrnyy - 'a ccie-it. wa wan eoupUd' with J tZj part of last mL Th opera ..-t -' T gave opportunity for many little entertainment wmcn were waen u vaotag of. Bojt partlee - and mall luiwhMM war especially frequent. r' y" Tba home affaire wara not very many ' ," laat waak bat do ona could all Uia waak quiet On, , With tba ettractlona at tba Marquam and an tho ubeequant dinner and Inncbaona every ona waa ' kept buy.. Portland society- waa given -''"' Ite flrat opportunity to how Ita an- preclatlon of grand opera. There eeemed " "v-J- to ba no falluro f appreciation. Ona fact, bowarar, waa notloeable and waa v" 'remarked by many tba , audience 'though ' handaomely gowned did .'not . '. ,hev tba appaareaoe of a typtoal grand opaja vadleao. , Full dree among --the ; womaa at tba opera la one -thing that baa aarrad to maka tba oparatlo aaaaoa i. '. J- tba moat brilliant of tba wbola wlntar tana tha world aver. purely Portland women hare no reason to be eehamed of ' their ahouldare and It baa never baaa aaid that thy did art know bow to Tba opera, of courae,. naurpod tba .'.'-. x Won'a aha re of tba attention and almoet vary ana attended throughout tba en tire aaaaoa. taklna la all at tba three ; Teoln performance and tha two atatkJ aeee. .- Entertaining tna lira 01 e : weak waa Incidental to It and many de--i Jlgntful-partiaa wara-taraied.- " ' - Oa Monday night Major T. S. Clarkaon ' entertained la a boa the Samuel Meare . ; and tbalr nteoea, Mlaa Loclle aad Mlaa . ' Margaret Palme. Tha F. O. Downing entertained Mr. and Mra. 9. O. Wrenn, Tba other boxee ware oosualed by Mr. and Mra, B. C Bowara, with Mr. and V . Mra. Allan Writht. and Mra. Mlddletoa - with Mlaa Mlddleton, Mra. F. W. taad-.-. ' better. Mr. aad Mra. B. T. tarana, In tba loaea Mlaa FaJIlnt antartaJned Mr. . i ; and Mra. Walter 9. Buma. Mra. Klehard Xoahler aad Mlaa May rUlni and Mr. '. -' and Mra. A. D. Charlton entertained ' Mra. Co ma took, Mra. T. B. Howe, Mra. i 9. M. Barry and Howard Charlton. A number at partiaa. ware aatertalzwd at 'tha Portland . ariil, and Mnoag than waa' tha Waaley Ladd party of atx. . Mr. and Mra. Ladd antartalaed Dn aad Mra. Herbert S. Nlohola, and Mr. and 1 Mra. John K. Kollock. Mra. Ladd wore --f;whlta Uoe and Mra. Kollock blue allk. ! Mr. and Mra J. P. O'Brien entertained the Prad ft Stanlaya at auppar. W. t, Wheelwright waa boat to tha Robert ; Lewleee and Mlaa Royt; and Carl Bpubn , i to tha If.B. Ay ere end Major and Mra. i'Davla. Tba O. F. Paxtona entertained Judaa and Mra. C Bv Wolrarton. Fred , i Mulkey waa to Mra. J. K, Ctolpb'a party. -J Mr. and Mra. t H. Llpraaa entertained ,3 ' Adolpho' " Wolf ' '-and i Mlaa Florence ..- Wolfe, aatartainln Mr. and Mra. WeU , r. ,- To, -3,' Allan tewlaef and tha W. B. . Ayera worn tba fueete of 'the Mlaaaa .' Faillns Tuaaday ovonlng. The Charlton . . lota party thle time Included Mr. and j Mra. 9. M. Barry and Mr. and Mra. : ' antoal Herlna. Tba F. O. Downlnca '. arala entertained, with a box party, ! John tatta. J. C Mueho and K. M. Laa 1 arua. The C. B. S. Wooda party at the , ' rrlll Included BUlott Bcbenck. the oon t ; nuctor for tha Wairoerlan opera, Mlaa . Nan Wood and W. Di Whaolwrlaht An " other attraotlva table waa made np ot the Bdward ' Ehrmana, tha Mareua , ' rialaohnera and the A. Hextera. Mr. and Mra. Edgar H. Piper ester ' talnod at. dinner tha ft. A..IIerlnta and ' ' lr. and Mra. I. M. Flalaohaar. Mra. Plalachner waa bandaona In black apaofled net. ' Carl Bpuhn entertained ,'. Mra. a B. Xlathlonm aad the Zera Baowa. . Mra. A. Meier waa tha guaat of i the . Blfaiuad Franka and Mr. aad Mra. ' , ' Cbarlaa Kohn cave a auppar to tha Ban ; BelUnca. Mlanea Ella and May Hlraoh and Banford Hlraoh. Mr. and Mra. Peter Kerr ware alone at their table. 7 ' ' '. ' Bom a mailer arUl partiaa were aHwm v by tba Bol (Uumanara, Mr. aad - Mra. .'-R. I Durham, W. J. Van Bchuyvar. Dr. : '-and Mra. Charlaa Maorunt, M. Lowen ; irardV Mr. and Mra. Frank Nan. Mra. 1 c XAnc. Jamaa MoCrakea, Stanley ftmlth. w 'A,i J 1 ' . , lit, F. O. Vawnisz W. -Cr Ahrord.- W.'-tt' Coman, "Wllam CaaUeman, ; Benjamlu Holmaa .. 4 ether a. ,. -.. ' . v-r-:--r.r'vt One of tho noteworthy aoolal af falra or tno weea waa tba bail erven at ue Boottiah Rita cathedral on Friday even In by - tha . Boottiah . Bite branch of Maaonry. In tba library, tha weat room of the cathedral.- the reception' waa a pretty affair.-wbtah : dlaaolvod Into grand promenade, ' led by . Mr.t aad Mra. H. S. Rowa on tho right of-tha column and H. W. Boott with Mlaa Judith Soott en tho left1 Tba aoene on tho. ballroom floor while tha promenade waa In 'prog reaa waa a, brilliant one, dlaplaylng many beautiful gowna and participated la by about ill oouplea. From tha march tha devotaea of drive whlat Pro ceeded to the card room, tba lovera of mualo other than orcheatr to tbOmuaio hall, while the large majority panned Uie evening In the ballroom. .'- Mr. and Mra 11 'ft. Bowe had charge, of tho aardroom dnd) entertained charm lngjy Klghtaen handa of whlat were played' and -In 'the totala Mra. Robert Lutko aad P. B. Brojran made the high aoorea. Tha muelo-parlor waa quite liberally patron lead; no program waa given but favorite numbera were called for and played throughout tho evening. Light refreohmenta were aervad and de Iloloua ereame and chocolate bonbona la dainty eut-glaaa dlahaa were placed throughout tho . different reception rooma: , .-. Tha hoete werer Mr. and Mra. J." 9. Kadderly, Mr. and Mm. 9. B. WOrleln, Mr. aad Mra. B B. Col wall, Mr. aad Mra. J. O. Mack. Mr., and Mra. R. Martin Jr, Dr. and Mra. C, B, Newcaatle and Dr. and Mra. A. Llndaay. The fourth of tha eerlee of at homea la annoanoed for Fri day evening. March I. Among- thoee present Friday were-noticed: . i Mr. aad Mra. J. 9. Kadderly, Mr. aad Mra. J B. Werleln, Mr. and Mra. R. Martin Jr., Mr. and Mra. J. O. Mack. Mr. and Mra. B. B. Colwell. Mr. and Mra. C A. Dolph. Mr. and Mra A. J. r armor, Mr. aad Mra. A. O.'Ruehllfht, Mr. and Mra. J. F. Boot ha, Mr, and Mra. B. A. Xrnda, Mrv end Mr. F. A, Ball In, Mk and Mra. R. W,. Oolaon, Mr. and Mra, R. Lntka, Mr. and Mra. B. 0. Jackaon, Mr. and Mra. W. Harreachou, Dr. and Mra, A. Llndaay. Mr. and Mra. L. a. CUrko. Mr. and Mra. P. B. Mal- colra, Mr. and' Mra. B.' O.. Mattern, Mr. and Mra. C. J. Bchnebel, Dr. ana Mra. W. T. WlUlanteoa, Dr. and Mra. A. J. aiaay, Dr. and Mra. J.. O. Wiley, Dr. and Mra. R. U Ollleeple, Mr. and Mra, A. MoCalman, Mr. and Mra. M. B. Rowa. Mr. aad Mra. W. M, Raymond." Mr. nd Mr. A. B. Butterfleld. Mr. and Mra. B. U Nlonll Mr. aad Mra B. . wnita- i . u. u.. ukit w - tl mil MrTk . Bulterfield, Mr. and Mra -J.4 R. Bowlee, Mr. arxT Mr J. Pollvka, Mr. and Mra. A. B. Bonner. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Hodeon. Mr. and Mra, W. T, Ja- ooboen. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Bailey, Mr. and Mra. .W. 'C Alvord, Mr. ana Mra. R. A. HuUno, Mr. and Mra. A, M. Brown, Mr. and Mra. U D. Freeland. Mr. and Mra. R. A, Brewer, Mr. and Mra. P. B. Borgan, Dr. and Mra. W. A. Camming, Dr. aad Mra.CC Newcaaue. Mr. ana Mra. U Oerltager, Mr. and Mra. M. B. Wake- man, Mr. aad Mra. c Hilton, Mr. ana Mra. F. Stanley, Dr. and Mra. B. B., Wright, Dr. and Mra. A. Weloh Smith, Judge aad Mra T. F. Ryan, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Buford, Mr. and Mra. MoKinley Mitch all. Mr. and Mra. F. C, Baker, Colonel and Mra. W. B. Flniar, Mr. and Mr. H. U Plttock. Oeneral and Mra. C U. Oantanbeln, Mr. and Mra. H. I. Carlaon, Mr. and Mra. R. F. B rower, Mr. aad Mra. P. Johnaon, Mr. aad Mra. Oeorga Bart aeea, Mr. and Mra, H. Wittenberg, Mr. and Mra. Robert Kennedy, Mr. and Mra. H. A. Heppner, Mr. and Mra, Z. Swett, Mr. and Mra. Oeorga Raa, Mr. and Mra. C. H. Rumelln, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Mor row, Mr. and Mra. A. H. Wlllett, Mr, and Mra. D. 1 Povey; Mr. and Mra. I. Tanduyn, Mr. and Mra. J. F. O'Donnall. Captain and Mra. I A. Bailey. Mr. and Mra. B, O. Jonea, Mr. and Mra. B. S. Pa rue. Mr. and Mra. A. Q. Lonr. Mr. and Mra. A. H. Tanner. Dr. and Mra. A. Tllter, Mr. and Mra. Q. w. BUpleton, ,1" , :.' t, t---.'.yrv . : ! ' - BntortaiiMr st th OptrW r;..- Dr. and Mra B. A." Plerod, Mr. and Mra. W. C. Knighton, Mr. and Mra, W. Frt berg, Mr. and Mra, Jooeph Mac que, Mr. end Mre. O. M- Lee, Mr. and Mra. H. a. Whlpplav!- J. C Olda, . R. - W. Sohsneer, B. U JOrgeneeo. Dr. A. : W. Chance, Walter Oadeby, O. Wj Brown, Jamea Muckla. Wilbur Muckle. W. W. Clark. Donald M. Pagua, A. M. Wright. V. A. Avery. B. Eyeaell, R. C Wright IL K. wood, w. uavia, ueoar Jk vtaoo, J. IL McKencle, R. U. Nlckum. Oeorg M. Lao. O. J. Kadderly, Dr. B. Barton, W. D. Butler,-A. Bruoe Francla, X L. BaUay. M, M. Buah. H. B. Smith, iMr. Beker, F. B Mallory, H. W. Soott, knd Mlaa Haael Mullen.' Mlaa Mewby, Mlaa Virginia Newby, .Mlee Mary Davie, Mlaa Clark. Mlaa Cunningham, Mlaa Roaa, Mlaa Waahburn, Mra. .Linda nberger, Mlaa Payne, Mlaa Mary Payne. Mra. Steovoa, Mra' Taylor, Mlaa Alice Turner, Mlaa Mabel Ayere, Mlaa Joelo Btapleton, Mra. Neppaob, ' Mlaa Bmlly ' Rookord, Mlaa Judith Scott, Mlaa Mildred Long, Mlaa Bva Long. -, - The' luncheon given by tho New Eng land Conservatory club In honor of Mlaa Oortruda Rennyaon. soprano of tho Bav- are arand opera eomoany. waa a pretty affair, Mlaa Rennyaon la a graduate of tho ooheervatorv and had some friends anions tho members of the club in- Port land. Tha luncheon waa given Wednes day at the Portland, and tho table wag beautiful- with violets, in too center waa a tall crystal vase with violets feetoonlng tho low holder aurrouadlng It. Tho aervloe throughout waa la vio let " Mlaa Rennyaon waa In a haadaom black laoe gown. Mra. Max Bhlllock, preeldent of tho club, wore yellow oHk, and a black hat with whit pluraea. Mr. Fletcher Linn, aeoretary, wore dull green otamlno with eora applique, and a black velvet bat The vlce-preeldnt Mra. John H. Hall, waa la white Sta mina with a white bat; Mra. 9. M, Barry wore white mummy cloth with a fur hat la paatal pink; Mra. Grace Watt Roaa, black lac and hat; Mlaa Aajnea Watt, champagne eta mine and pink beaver hat: Mra. J. Ik Sohnita, .Dlue ana ana gray bat; Mra. D. Mackle, white wool with white bat; Mra. x. uavie, ntaca grenadlnf and .black na;; Mra. ju. u, Ooddard. black laeo and gray bat: Mra. W. B. Hamilton, green otamlno with green hat: Mlaa Louise Forsyth, white laoe walat and dark eklrt with a white bat with plumee: Mra. B. Piper, white lao walat and white Mat TT : . V The next of the Irvlngton olub'e aub- aorlptlon dances will take plao Friday at tha club houaa. 'Tba nrai ex me eerlee of three waa given January i. and mat with auoh elgnal aaooese that all are looking forward eagerly to tba next event' The danea, uaaer tbe man agement of Walter A. Ooee, William, F. Wood wnra land O-H. I? the llat of patroneeeea Mra, Oeorga B, Chamberlain, Mra, John W. Ooea, Mra. William Kerr Soott. Mra. R. L Sabln, Mra. Ralph W. . Wilbur, . Mra, Frank- D. Qlbbe, Mra A. B. MoAlpln. Mra. Wal ter M. Cook, - Mr. W. F. - Woodward. Mr, a n. Leadbetter. Mra. Frank J. Relay, Mrs. J. M. Fox. Mra. Charlaa W. King, Mra. Samuel P. Lockwood, Mra. Percy H. Birth, Mra. F. B. Doarn becher and Mra. W. 1 Northrup. The 'women who will receive at 'thle dance are Mr. W. K. Scott, Mra. F. S. Doernbeober, .Mra J. M. Fox. Mra. Frank J. Raley, Mra. X. L. Sabln and Mra. W. I. Northrup. . : A through ear will leave Irvlngton at 1 o'clock by apo dal arrangement and the Oregon Auto Despatch company will have oa of It It-paasenger ooochee leave tha club at t o'clock, delivering passengers on the aaat aide aa far aa Twelfth and Morrison-and on the 'west slds aa far a Twenty-third and Northrup atreota', i . V," . " - The skating rink la Inereaatngi la popularity and private partiaa are being arranged.. Friday , night the Academy club,, which gave such pleasant da ooee laat : winter gav- a onx party, rrotn it to 11 and about ao aludenta from. Port land academy. Hill" MUltary and St Helen' Hull were in attendance.- invi- tatlona bav been leaned by Cheater Murphy , and .David Honeyman ' fof a private . party i Thuraday night 'of ' thle week. Washington . birthday. It . I understood, 'la to be marked by a maaqua carnival and only maakera are to bo allowed on tho-floor from to 1. It la said that Multnomah club ia plan ning for a private night oon. - The Gaaette club ha mad plan fey a valentine aance Tnuraaay, , February, II. In.the eest aide Woodman hall. Boat Sixth and Aider atreeta, Thle will bt th club' last party befor' Lent " Th patroneaaee are Mr. Oeorg B. Van-We tera, Mr. Whitney -L Boleet Mre.-A.--M. Oakea. Mra.' W. J, Sally, Mr. Jam 0. 1 BurtiMi, Mr re J, M. Mobra,. Mr."D. B. Mackl. Ml. F. C.-Bellwood and Mr. S: Bullock, v . . !; ri.i tv-i'-. Oa bf'-th events- of, th. next. week tbat nromlaaa to be most dellchtful 1 th dance for which, Mr. C S. Jsckeon haa' issued dnvUUoae , Monday at i the golf . llnka. The daac la. to b given girt who took part In the old maid' eonvntlon and each on ha Th privilege of Inviting' one man.-' - Th '"convention" waa held at Trinity pariah house a few week go.v ''-' . . r 1 1 It la said that 1 the dinner f atven Wednesday by I. v C. Bower for- Mr, Boott. the prominent railroad men. pro Mated one of the moat exquisite table ever aeea at, the -Portland. ,Th mirror top .table gave a eplendld effect v with th arrangement : of meea and lllle of thd .vsUfy. r. Tho .flower need, through-; out , the drawing room where the table waa laid , wars, pronounced exquisite. , Mr. and Mra. C. K. B. Wood enter- tained at dinner Friday evening for Judge and Mra.. C B. Wolverton. The other, gueete were Oeneral and Mra. C F. Beebe, Mr. and Mra- W. B. Ayr, Judge Wllltama and Miss Wlllama. Cap tain and Mra. Bladen, Mr. ana Mr. J, Couch Flandera. , . . ..... " -. -. . Mra. Oeorg W. Hoyt and her daugh ter, Mlaa Martha Hoyt left Thuraday morning for a few month In California. Mlaa Hoyt'a abeenc during -th nwutng weeks la reoretted, but It 1 hoped that the trip will bring th expected benefit to Mra. Hoyt. who ha not been In her uanal good health alnoe her accident In the fall, , ;. - ., -. ,,-.,,.. ' ": ' "''( ' w . ' -'S' ' Mr. Samuel- Kerr entertained In formally at bride Frldav and Ulit ftaa Wood wdn the prise, a beautiful baeket or vioieta. The guests were: Mr. J. Waaley Ladd, Mra, W1U of Phtte- Li I ,'..:.y..3...0ur. lines of Spring we find that 'WE MUST HAVls r.iuuti. kuuij rowe nave pnnca crposa ci xas nunisroua txpcies ' and garments overiooked during the Clearance Sale. Ddow we qcots 'afj&i tpecial hamTwhich : give -you but an inkliiig-of the grand bargafaslri'evf-ilcyartmen iVft-VA!:v.i J-.f'v, y- In Our ' . splendid SAVmG3,:rt-Vl V-v . ' IN FASHION ACLS FUR& r , . -8 a, J - Stock-talking ;-,, " ' J Faahlonable Isabella Fox Boi, lined Ih'a'qulrrel, i7 natural tailj regular 1 18.00 and t tjt 1 v.y 20.00 Boa, ; aen-Uf Sale., ....PJLl.p7 47.50 Silt Petti(ats JsUkndewkirts. ol : , fine grade of Heavy v taffeta, In all desirable f, shades and colors, ex f tremelr rwell - rnade ' : 1 ' and ' trimmed. sjkj '; Petticoats, Clean-Up . , Bale jrlce . -i aw 'Ladies' NcckwT i The '.latest creations I burg lace, silk and chiffon collars, '; tailored atocks, also collar and ' ' V, 7 V ff - tet wort" - UP '' "5c " ' . Pl 8ale price , OJC i, :: - GirlGbats A host of splendid, tenriceable' '. A" . I m W 'Vi '11 .!.- -Coats ana whb,: 'popular, stylet tnd. materials, 8 to ie year. Clean-up gam ; ; price- - '' ' , ' in 14. $3:98 f J I), tt, s LC 4 -' , dephi Miaa'atoaUn of'AoArilla, Mra. runk MM. .Ttalatrtl fltott, Mra. Hear MoCTfJtea n Mlaa Wooa . V,.. ... , - - , , . J 9 ..." - '.' ' ef her friafida Frldar afterooon at flvo hundred. ; Tho afternoon Waa slvon In honor of Mr.- cnane nemaro w ltama, -jrtrang 1rM from - San Fren iM ha la .naklna hr home at th Hobart-Curtto. - Mra. BUvens en Mlaa .Beanov TTVyTT ' ur, n aire. ti - iti-K. n-hnraAa v everilnr In' honor of the trtend,. Henry Falrhonha of New Torfc. Th. gata war Mr. and Mra. Robert twla. Dr. and Mra. Her bert Klohol and Mr. Hln tadd Cor- bett :yi ',V Mr. John - jtTKlofi'ook ontortalned"wlth irjMhMa off eiani inwwr, . .. waa olared afterward. The.gueata were Mr.T 9. 'Waly I. Mr.' U Allen K. Hooghton. Ml Ru'e Stott, Mr. Walter Barren and rMr,- Morton laa- ley. -.'' r. - - . :: .i - . . . av - ' ;'. V :.' ji.- Tho valentine party to b gfvan at the old Conoordta elub room TUeoaay oy th women fit tbe cjuh le to be In the natnf e of 4 benefit. - Th Otfrpo la to . w. . 1 a MAm It, the hand. aome new building on Morrison and Six teenth atroata. , ,;, rr.-nn fiaonia want ant trth Doooh uburbon homa laat Thuraday evening to view tno ooupao or ino moon. Tho Interval between , looking were pleaaantly epent with dancing. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mr. Erneat Leiiaiaw. !...;... .'.. ' -- ' . ' iii. - UAtn. Tnalav. eava ' a Oman ovaniog bridge party Friday, oatertala- ina her own ana air. meiar innna . .' . . tT' - - Tno reeltal U bottivoa by Mr. Anna Selfllrk Norton at fl iinlty partah houa haa been poetponea rrom reoruary is 10 we. w4o - tha toViilMf WlT m a il fa her of Con- eordla olab aomh-'r wa wlah U at- e': Oood are hnhnri drJfy and, Fiir Deoartm 1 1 findi' a 'i with ' a larger iitoek-lbf Fur Jacket,-Boaa ana ilea man we anoam ntre ia -stock jat thi eaion ;qf : he;;year. -We have ! made aome radical reduction on otne of our ottt . eller. Note the excellence of ha value: v s $18 lakd $20 Fur 'Boas We have aelected 100 of our belt telling Fur Tie, old regularly at $aS0 and 0.0a "We: will ) place them on 'aale daring thi :; 'Ji CJL VClean-Up Sale it,,,t,;..v!Mf'V'"N''iW . ...... . - i , ; '-' ' -' SPECIAL Tomdrrow Only' J m- 1 1 , ifi Tii. Mr r-A J Jjadics S SK" - 11 v t ing Dacques! ,y i: .y ii. -j yy 'j v- y,viyf? Dreasing. Sacques. made of i all-wool tiderdown, ,with . t larp-e sailor collar. ' some W lmi - .- II , ..t, j,"; n II l jcrodieted: edge f and - silk i'ftbl ; sbnie silk ! biadtng on . ' In Batten-, X- cpiiaf and cutis ana pocxeu. y v Kimonos made of heavy, ' yecVy flannelette, a yoke J itrirnme4 with i wide F ersian ' ? fiainds : colors are blue and pink.? all!. sizes.; yy - ' ' -v - ' J ! 1 . 1 ... t7...t, ,) V" Uiapia tn (vui -;yu. m , " Street Window. ; ; . ' values up -. 11 'To! t MONDAY - . a r- arv - i - . Und. Th Concordia. ; women iglve , A eard party on tho Jlth, ,, ",- ,i i,.v..'-v,i. -)!! i-T-v"' y -!, -'Mrav WarreTV F. Houghton and nf daughter, Mlaa Claire, ' returned Sunday night after a month" atay at Hood River. , Mla Clalro 1 entirely "recov ered from her roat llln. ered from her reoent lllneee. . Or - On' of tho prominent valentine event wilt be the five hundred party given Wedneeday by Mra. A. H.- Breymaa 4ad her three daughtera. A large number f lnvltatlooa hare boon ta;- -, ' , t:.-, , -i;-.: i, av Un. rMn oluh wilt meet thla week vclth Mra John Shepard and tha.Tueadar elub with. Mr... I Allan Lewla. ..f'h. " jvS'"-.'''' . i EVENT3 OF THE wEEt(;r Mr. A Hoben entertained a number of her frtond laat Monday afternoon, at her reeldenoe, tl Larrabee atreet, . In honor of Mra. O. Burk (neo.M)inlU who la ta leave, next Wednesday. for Pew eon.. Th hour war passed with con versation, muslo and earda. Mra.- Mllll Perkins aaag "VlUanVir and a group, of outhOrn nielodl. 8h aleo gave sev eral charming reading. Mia- Mamie O'Neill gav several mandolin eelectlona In brilliant atyl. Ml Elisabeth Hoben gav oeveral piano eelectlona After the program th. g-ueetaadjounied tOh dlaing-room, where a aumptuoua tea' wa served. . Th deooratlona war green and' rod. Tea wa. poured by Ml Mamie O'Nell. . Mlaa Mamie - Heger aiaan. Ml. BllsaboUt , Hoben . and Jooephlne Andreta Hoben. The women mad a charming appearance.) Mrs. Hobo waa gowned In black allk;. Mra. O. Burk wore gray orepo do chine with trimming ot appllqu; Mr. Munk wore black e tannine trimmed with Jet; Mr. r. 9. Gorman, blank" crepe de Chin with trimming of. cream 'applique; Mr. Eleanor CTNellt" black iatln trimmed' in purple; Mr.-etnnott Br., black Tiroea cloth; Mr, ryand Clarno. bine el Ik with ParUlaa trluimlaga; Ui, Jun XlUlon lilXMI . ... II ..X - 98c f 1" 111 II ' V 113 : - :&Lo and Encib although vm 'tTQ ulr. tycry 'The rruinev-vrnflr oboorlunUiei fold; never btforV have we offered 4uch indueementi to thoae'havinerSuit need to aifpply. Splendid' value Clok.s Skirts Waist.. Sweater, werd overlobked bv'the throng vantage of ouf Clearance-Bale now, at price o , low that;t ia .hard to iiiuu nun we arc .amo ci iuiu ; .. , ., at ao great a sacrifice.' The explanation,'. i.L, U alhtpTeWE NEED THE ROOM.- Wrf ; K ; riant a l nl tha Bnecial -orires' beloW! i .' -v : 12100 Clean-Up Sola pric.;r..ia.t5 $2730 Claan-Up Salo prfcd.V.,4.V..14.e5 tldJV) .Clean-Up tola prica.. .,..:.. 15.85 $35.00 Cloan-Up Sal prket 9 1.5 ' 10.00 Clean-UD Sola orica.. ...... .$28.75 ah rt tt a.i ..- 150.00 CleonlUp Sala prica.;..., 'A. $36.85 $60.00 ClaanrUp SJ pric.:; . .';fSa4l5- Dfesa- 'w - $1.50 rhe, celebrated Belle jA VCa V S.W orw X v y all the leading shades and ;, i sizei. $L60 Glove,' Clean-; : -?V-Up 8alepric598c , f- - to $3.50 1 Cil U. Ordway, brwn' broadcloth trimmed in cream vlkj- Mr. Bdward Brown, gray nun'a vellm- trimmed In' pink allk and laoer-fMr. MUlla Prklna, td etamlne trimmed In black; Mr. Porter, blue cloth Wltn trimming -of . white, Mr.- Wgartna. black . broadcloth, trbn mlngo of purple: Mra, Fred Hagermann, black allk. trimming of appllqu. Th young women that assisted. Mra. Hoben were Mlee Mamie O'Neill, who was gowned In white; Mis Mamie Hager mann. i In ' pal blu; Mlaa Elisabeth Hoben. pink, and Mlaa Joeephlne Andreta Uoben, Nile gTeen.-, - i V; ,J '. '- " - - , a- .,yi.y- ; , -. ,..v ,V I f. ,'a valentine ntrtalnment of a mol sucoeesful character waa, held ar th i w Due innpw im inm --'. j fwaa give by tho.V. I.. A. chapter f jrwing Women.- -- A awt enjayani pro gram waa rendered ta tho Sunday oehool ball. -In -which the foUowIng partiol patd Claude Hicka, Mia Mildred Mor ran. Mlaa Jonea and Mlaa Alma Hal leek. Tbea ' the company of over more than 1 young people thronged ttyth lower temple. Thl waa attractively decorated h. aa tTathama of Aatorla i Will, ,HV, --'. ' SUbnct, itv whloh Wwt- fa-rtftoM rnrrl-vda ....,- aaeeil a1 IV as A OmMII Q-g rWte flVwal m MIU a,aiai eat we - - grape. ArtleUo vlnUno and eomlc one were displayed aad hundreds ware sold. - A special feature waa th large letter box In tho center of tho room, and two delivery window, where th. young people called for thir vlntln Sor ing th Evening. Candy wa ala aold. whll tea and-eake-wr ervV4ava, charming nook. , .;'tU- x Mra. A. Crofton entertained the Tuea day Afternoon oluh laat week at ber pleasant horn. . Ill '. Eat Sixteenth atreet.. The program wa a continuation of the tudy Of ' Th Merchant ' of Venice" and waa In eherg of tbe boete. Sketch of tho principal char acter were glvea followed by a reedlag from th fourth aet and discussion. Mr. Warren V Whit read A nketeh Of th character of . Antonio nd Bassanlo; Mra. Stllea of Portia: Mr. Crofton of Jessica, and Mra. Merwln Pnnh of Bhylock, with comparUos wlnA KArabbo. '' yy I -7' Y AT7 1 o( avsHzUs inch of epace may: are mani and Cloak in, butt. etc.; tht taking ad-v on i. i at 15 uhder- i , ' ;xih mfKA oik ;$8 Skirta ':'-'- ;-, ',;- i;y ( ' Farley .tailored, beaxitifullr trim-ymed-IW-a'l kiji a Skirts,- in the. newu J ' enccis oi , Diaca., blue and gray cher v Hot, homespuns vaS serge- $8.00 Skirts, Clean-Up ' Sale " KID - 65 c AiMwa , vv we. - K Udies Vests ; Pants, y Misses' Vests or Panjs, also ( yMisses' Union Suits, a very l ' fine quality underwear; al " ways sold at ooc ana . voc--. r VV.. J ; . Sale price Doc . ican-vp K. . . . ; - After adjournment refreehmant were served by the hoeteee, who waa assisted by Mra. Bailey.- The ; gueata of , the afternoon vrer Ur. . M. Ai Ogden and Mra. ' Whletler. Bnnchea , of vioieta , war glvea a aooToiJtr. . ' V Mrs, Frank MUe will enterUla the elub thle week at her home, lit Eugene . street,, at 11:11 js m.- ',ri,Kyh ..&:.;, V.,7, :.l.y it , ' ! ; '..;'' St Davld'a choir boy were plea-" antly ontorUlned Saturday aftarnooal a week ago, by Mr. A. H. Boyd at her homo. 07 Lewis arenee. . Tho principal evenCln.the amuaomenta. waa a paper' chaae through- th neighborhood, The runner returned to the hbeteee' home, where Mr. T. P. Holme and Ml Alic Holme aaalated her in carving refreeh- menta. t '.':r.'- '- ,--'- ' -Th bore enUrtalned were: ' Frank ' Herbert. Chrle Herbert, Archie Roth, Roy Camp. '-Clyd Phillip, v Walter PhUllpe, Frank Mancnr, Ralph Shaw. Edward 'Windier and Charle Boyd., i ' t-.f-i- -r.A-v. -'. '--' Th Ore aan Junels gv thlr Valen tin party at Wow halt, Thuraday evening. Ther wa a large attend- ance of young peopl ni Pareen- pr chaatra playod. "",' . . I , .-..,.,...; -r:s:',..:v-.' Tho farewell dance given In honor of Mis Florence Heavran. at tha Armory hall, Wednoeday evening, waa bril liant aoclai event. Mlaa Heavren la one of the euceeaaful Candida tee Iq The ' Journal's conteet for a trip to Honolulu. ' Th dance wa arranged by a number of Mlaa Heavren young frlende. " Mrs." . (Continued on Pago Seventeen.) : ICE1STERS yj . a acherd where ledlM eaa leera te drert their wa patterae aa cat aad .awke laat owe rrm. Writ, tat hooklet. . , M aad AUssy Wa-eer. M aad atmlsis VaaOsUa. BaaK Oeltar lastnMtlna. "i rahMtra Snr lanotlaea. Ari Is ttiaava ' 7 W If 111 U M . 1 mm 1 1 .J III I . V' a ... .! k.-.. $4.65 , 'y.y- VI ' .'.-.....IV .; m ...... . V r