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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
i - J r r.( ' ' -.-. !. e, ".'.-' v . . PAC3 15 TO 13 rOIiTLAIID, v OZIEGON, SUNDAY UORNIKO, FEIUARY 11, 1C:3. V r 77 ' 73j o 4i.rJzrAd ViUWU. ir'- 'rDmmm, STORE CLOSES 6 P. IT. Lzt 2Jb urut MtA,stUatACi aJilWX&i P4t&&Trty Hourly Sales O . The Mighty y Km'i toe &U ION loo Fm Black cotton Huh two lot ' in tn cbaoelng, aeamleea with whit feat or 'heavy, -Laahar" patent make;- bat- stOe valuee both ;of theeer.- : l i r i r i . v cl p,M,.. ?, Magnet of fV IbfcJMessJtfoih Genuine 8pnleh Caetile Soap, pur white. . ' Large cabinet eiae Writing Paper. 1 with linen cloth flnlah ; regular lOe value, . Special for the hour at.' box ...sse tt-lb. packet French Dimity,-Linen Cloth Flnlah Correapondenoa Paper. Special for thla hour only at.. 25 Pretty ' little Baby Ribbon In all tb dainty oolors that women love,- Pinks, whlta green, black. jrellowa, ' Travyr Browne, ate. -Our, ueual la. a yard .values. Special for thla ....hour a 4y. ...... v. . ' ' 'too' SaVTS VOSOZaT lTa. ' .(So aarmin'SUvr-Rwullna-ldlaaaea.1 ..nickel -pUtid.-t I W-toch' ala,' for ttie , hour ."j-tj,j:ti:;,',8f' . svmn mnsi ' Pretty Raffled bartar ftlaatto'at a "wonderfully . reduced.; price rat ' Floor. " '-. N '': ''- ' ... '. , An exceptional offering In the Shoa Store for thla- hour( atorm rubber r "foot-holda." In atorm or at rap atylea ..." ,. . , 4 -' . . ( 12 TO 1 P. .$ rmi avausH rars.sH. WXLXJAMM SXATIVO) UOA ? ,: Walt ..' ; j .... - vajmr ise ioxxxas Dainty H-lnch Dolllea. (tamped In eomrentlonal dealgna and- floral pat- tenia, , good . regular -.value ; and. aplendld aeller at Ito each. Bpe clJ tor te nooa hour atv .-' 4 WOMXaT'S OJtOOgal AJTT TOaTS HJO TOM fl.1. All alaea In tha offering but not. all . laea In avery atyle, Chooae' aa you pleaae. any pair In the houee, fojr one hour-it.... ...1.10 Haadaoma Val .Xaoea In Jt-yr4. value in tni greax Bargain lot ud to See. ' Special, for the hour - only at-a, choice ior. .v. .25 ; 3 TO if P. ULon cwtAom FOURTH FLOOR. Special lloticetfo" ihEmb A And!thoM Intereated In n rt needlework. Our olaaaaa for FREB ' laatructloa In thla work win take rthalr vacation aeaaon - atartlaf 4o "morrow, -continuing Until; .iiareh 1, ' whan' tha . ,8iulhc..tenp .. .will begin. The . coming ' aeaaoa - we ahall' add to the -courae of !-.." truotion many new feature, -lny )oludlng the Clolater, Bardanger and Berlin croee-etitch. All Intereated ' In the work, are cordially Invited to ;oln the elaa without charge. Ra- member, all inatruetlong are aboo- ; Uuttly FREE. : .. , .,-.; ll&xt Wednesday W.Valentine's 1 Day Oet th dainty love ailaaive and tha "Comic" here aU at mitee prloe. Sura to pleaae tha young" ' atera. . Card "Valentine, Lao Val entine,, Art .Valentine aa jrou See the "K6mlcs" f lc Card Valentine st lc, 2c, two t for 5c; 5c, 10c up to 35c ''. - Lace Valentin 4c and 5c Postal Card ry, Valentine,, a a for .5c : 5c each. Fancy Art Valentines 5c, 10c, - 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c up to $5. "Jumping Jack Valentine . 15c. .vv . i 'n i). ' , ;fl Salefif Gpod : Jewelry at ; l:5aiid40cu? Sar ITagg aa the Bargala, ANTtEX SIXTH STREKT FTRST t' AJT AU PAT MUST. TVj 'clean up on a lot of Odd and Xkid that accumulated during our buay holiday and elearano aalee. . wa place on Aala aom'a-tny;intar. eating bargalna for Monday. Thea Odd and End are eoinprtaed of Stick Pine. Beauty Plna, Broochea, Hat Plna, Link Buttotw. etc Thea article are divided lattf two -. lota- ' - . ' i.' Lot 1 Take your ehole at, :each . ...80 . Lot tTake your chotc at. . , 4ach ....... 10 . ' So aty FtB fe 1S. . -,-Tou .cannot bav too many-Ilttla pine, for thoy- ror- aeeful - fee. pinning cuf fa. eollara, walata. etc, Monday w offer foe aale an aaaort-t ment of new Beauty Pin which com In a variety of . dealgna. In Romas and bright flnlah, well mad with eoldered Joint and hrnge; our lo value. . Soecial. Sale price. t..:..4,4 1T 10 5 P. 1.1. Haadaoma. dainty Lac Curtain In filmy white, "flhntM pattern aplendld ..aeller tth regular prlc of UTS. Special for the hour named aa --abov . ................ ,.,,. ........., J achakc&to bwdinner sets for uttle I '-i '"" f THIRD FLOOR. . Vi'.U 8MUM a,-f'.- r-: ANNEJaVrSECOWD FLOOR, ' ,i :' : 'j'1:.k SJ aiwswjs sa ts ssm. Handaoma ae-pleoe, aeta t American emivltreou pinnw Ware, artiaUo- .oauy .aeooraie. wiin pnnroe)"WK namro a own bohjtihb". v r grade of emboaaed body. Bach plac-vrtUly traead tn gold. A aoovo i;etettgr kait llvalaia, , Sfclal for U hour 1 to p. ! .i at. '.,pas 4 f .jjii '. tC. . j,ftifMR f ?'S.;' taOTV 8S.TS ttOBS'tLdS.'. V.; v.'"'.-',,. ;'- An aaaortment of largo graduated , Bead Neck Chain In a variety of . eolor. green, blue, red, amber and 'amethv; ar " tie Value. BpecUiI-' t J, f 17$ We've elected tWaour knowing- the boy would be out of school, and v ; aleo knowing full well that Portland' brtghblad will auraly appreciate . uch aho bargain ej.tbie' llra the beat grade of box ealf, Engllah , "grain and vlcl kid ahoea,. black or tana, Blucher or regular out. with ' good, heavy.: aervlceable sole of oak-Unned leather, made over laU of which your foot and your ye will approv. .Choa any ala from tho -that fit th little lad up to alt a .Our beat rogulat vaJuea Sueoial for tha'hour-at f i...... ......j("....lte Ui tir.90U0iM- A1T0- COT BM3 .fT. rv'' I h !:' ''i''' AKNBX vART SHOP SBCOKp XXOOJV-'-. ' ' Dainty Laea Conar and Cuff" Set in- pretty "and dee treble pattern; Our v regular tic. ra. il- ad ILX value. ., AH, at a choice for on hour .i only aa above ......'''''"'''Tf : ' wwooni SLTS unn FBTTIOO ATS , .,, ;,;..,.,. t7.-.;;-'.-f, .ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. .-' .-;(;, -4. Good, durable and drey Satin Petticoat, well mad in thorough work . manahlp. full aiae;-not a lot of aUngy, cant-eut eklrta. but liberal' , witKni mn of fullneaa trimmed with large tuck and deep flounoa. Beat regular ILvalu Special for the hour uamed-4 to I p. m. lift dosen reund-Hed Dolllea, pretttly fringed. Special, aa above for th hour , named . ................ ........ ............. v..... i'.'.ke) , 'CTmaVBin itAtiT BAsM'(rOT fXOO TO fJkOS a tLas, '. ! "'"' T THOROVCHFAR AJSLS-SBCOND FLOOR."-, ( ' r f ' ; q Pretty and veomfortabl Bath Robe yrf eoft, dainty eiderdown etuff. blue, plnka, etc, aut table for children ranging la ag from ( to If year. To , cloe culekly within th hour, named, wa havf put a prln upon them - abaurdly low when compared to tb quality of th robe. You pick from - peat regular value a ranging up from 11.00 to 15.00, and pay ue for any on ., ultl""' ........i.oa Sae of: Nev Spring Suitings Aa Zxaportaat Bveat te M toa Oooa Satoaa. .. FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. at . 98 :L, yt L, i mi taxvrs .a. tabs. v..V Bear In mind th are all the neweet fabric Faahlon hae dealgned to wavV bar wand, of favor over, smart new and chlo checked effect; for on hour only, a above I to 4 p, nv only-you may ehooa from them beat $ 'value la the'eity at,' the yard ..... n.... t. ...... i. .;.43e Rousing Values in ,;:WH ws Baraatwaa - - 'a3rtrirBAa noK ; ' ; . FIRST FLOOR. , . i '-"'v- ' 1, j :- OuT SOe.VMonaTatta SSe. ;v Chlldren'B Gray Cotton Union BuIU, medium- weight: regular value ta Special .................. . . . . .SBd J ChOdM'S as Tte VeaWlta , Children' Oray and Whlto Cotton -jeraey-Rlbbed Vest of Pants; regu . lar valu lie. ; Special. ach...!9d . .Women's SSJO Women' BOX and Wool Union Suits ; in pink only,' good' medium weight, ' ''high' neck. L long aleev, . aakle : length; regular valu .. . ' "Special I m . . . . .. . ... .. 939 ' ,,s .,'!(?'"'... '-- i-s SUC Teats t FamtS US. Women' Silk and Cotton Teats or ranis,, van auh . mimm i iivk, band panta, extra aisea 4. 41 and 44; regular valu ll.M. ( Special, V ach ........... ..........fl.lK. t. at. r Women' Winter Weight' Cream I tinted Liale Pant,' alaea 4 and I; - regular, valu .70. Special. tha alr ......j. j......42o Women' Linen afeah Veet or Pant tn broken line: regular vain Il ia, SpecUl, each fl.BO Women'' Linen " Meah Union -' Suits . tin broken linear regular valu f.o. Special M f)S.OO ,, . vv .v,. : Fancy Lczlhcr Belts ; for Half .... v - . ' ''- Ladle Fine Leather Bella, a good) aaaortment of different style. Spa ' eial for tbroorrow n sailing at rOOM t WOMEN'S '. AUTHORITATIVE STYLES a. aaT - .aaaiBa aVSA. aaaBBBa- BBT iM LSJ tBrengBaw ar av .bw . avw si mm r r ssj ui 1 an an sn m srj sw tn m 'f- ' CDDIVi . ' Correct Attire ' SUMMER An Elaborate Expose of Fascinating Debutantes at Fashion's Court A $100,000 COLLECTION 0H EXHIBITION . And In transit vKt arrival dally. Th Summer' woman of 10I, who will he the moet fetching In her dree, will be the on. who start now to prepar. ' Thf -pick of th naw e0n garmente I here now. - Bewitching material tailored ' Into smart and practical ' model by th maater-hand of expert faahlon eonjurr. Tou'Il find many prie surprlae. among th ' new Suit, Jacket, , Waist , and ' Skirt that 'comprla th Grand Salona' exhibit' tbl week. The styles are tho ; that will predominate revelation of beauty.-, In Suit Eton and Pony affect ' ar "moat popular among amart Eaatern style leader. 'Color .are moat vivid new bllua. plume, maroona, ? green. coral, reaada and grays - being most prominent, . Coat atylee and Blouae Jacket ar alao favored and the t length retain a niche In public eataem among good dreaner. Moat favored "' material ar Broadcloth and Tweedtah mixture, A wide, range of prtoa among io To'ii n. rx -WOKBirS raosr XBtOgOl WORTH sloo fob . Very pretty and attraotlv Kimono and om preralng Saequ; Kimono .tn -hort length,-material of dainty flannelette and outing flannel tn pretty: patUrn and all tha wanted coloring, dressing aacquea of soft and ' fluffy -eiderdown In th delicate, pretty coloring o dear to th heart of - th neat hom-dreer v(ho dote on pretty things for wear about th ' bouse. Good dollar value thea. For one hour you may pick from '-' , ''.: the lot at, eaoh .....B9 sts mnnu 94., -: r- zr-) yr ,.r :;i,iy.iLt.': u- ... ... n . . , . - J . 'I IkaSltM Vlt-nikTlla? II Sk-i r- 1 - x f , all oolor and laa. t . A big genSrou aaaortment -In 'th ;vTy4.r- " x .-. "' -TA CuHrttV - ' i-'wi""a ;4'"r-v-i ' '' '. "r ohomg. wonderful - value. -up to I I . fir : iy , .inatriDuuon to tax' oiace-on inn . , gj rj HIT itiltt iirmoua - uo-try - orano inai give ; , 4 jW LVr-JJ , !!2J - .yy,yyU p . . h: V J" , . . II ta different charitable oraaalaatlon ' II broWa aeta: . vaJua--froixcL t II bath, or Dlunxa. " . , I .' . I -.'V r "I; M "during th navxlMt'Ihjnd iiVli ; ir-tl.iO. ' II ''- wrtwraar a- awaaaa aa. I I I V .."V 'VL-'- .' . II loa Balloting Conteet" which cloaca II , , HI l TV . '' ' ' T P " ' N last night, Ajoommltte of ' '- 11 W ih9m X ill -TO-I2 f.r y 7 . - A -i KNosTe.V;. ... 1 Ing at the elo. of the poll, at l -.. , II ' I '.A I . - ' 1 J '.f-:VvX :'' II p. m. ytrdy. .. .., ,,..:ii;,l-,. I I ,' A V i: .1 UJ ' "7-XrV- r ri . niJiR-woRTUlN A KINO..; II A r. ,. yl A " - ' 'C - v y 1 a .... mi III. wn hu t n IUT L 1 UUUI Heavy Tapeetry Fortler. In plain eolorlngs. embracing ellvea, reds. Nil, ' Re.te. t Splendid -value at 17.00 In a regular way.' Special for -en toar' m th bis fourth floor shops at, the pair.. ...sS.tS. 0 OOUJLBS Sim. :-' - - -. .; ' . XNkinty sntBroiaerea votiars, wita neai laoe: a lagutar ewo u, ...... i ,i ,t v,' ,v-". A.xfXfigaix VXt a.I.aiT SUITS) go, -, 4 .j.y. .;r ,1, ., Set conaiat bf on l-lnoh bowl and six B-lnch eaueer. An handomry deeo : rated with aa exqulelt undergla flower pattern In bluleh tint. Complete . sV for thla hour 39 2 TO 3 . P. CI. Big PyTillinery Sensation J ,"v-' sa.oo aitb oxas xats fob is. .' A '.i''V About 1 121 Hat In thla amaalng lot jf bargain In atyllah head wear for i women. ' Smart Hat 'for stree wear, all wanted coloring In th assort ; ment, attractively trimmed with quills, buckle, eta. In the popular Bailor , i 'and turban ahapea Values . ranging up from 11.00 to 13.00. To cloa within th hour we shall offer them at a choice lor ....... ...........X04 XMW See aufBtir TAFFBTAa Se TAJU. The neweet Ideas In colored all afk Taffeta, embracing all the lateet, moat ""-wanted shades, pealttvely the ncweat nd latest fabric ahown tn the great Eaatarn faahlon center; wnite, ivory ano cream anaoea. seat aao vaiwm. .'Special for the hour. at, yard-.-. .....t--...'Vv.,.,... .69) ,-?": ''::; : ly v wnvrinAVCMUB io rjrW 'yy:i:;y, ?.1 "4-lneh Fruit' Saucer tn pretty cut glass patterns! set oonalata ef six. Special .'. ; xor tns nour at, ins aet ...,av7. y. '' OOBSST SASaAEft. SSJS KOJC BIBS OK XBOLB . .'"- ,.' ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. ' fyy s--"-f Pretty and oorrect Silk Ribbon Olrdle in dainty 'pink, blue and whit; la St, II and I4t host regular 1M value. , For tb hour named, chooae for . . 4.. ..9Se ' 1' " 5 TO 6 P. W. ,m si.. '.' - ANNEX SECOND FLOOR.'. , liU , Beautiful Skirt tn apotlei white, with deep ruffle of fin Mind em broidery and trimmed wltR fine tuckei with duat ruffle; regular I t-JS value. '.For th last hour of the day tomorrow, chooae for,..-.. ........ ....$1.49 SO FLOSS FXLZ.OWS 47. A.. v y:,r 4-lnch Couch,-Den or Sofa Pillows; best' regular 0e value,. Special from , ( to 4 p. m. tomorrow at the piwclal price of ....... .....4T BBA BOVBLB BTBaTV Eft Linen 6- Wash GoodsShops i - - , I FIRST FLOOR. ',-' Good Bye to Damask Pieces at 0NE.THlRD 0FFI - ORAND DEBUT jt)r SPRINO 10I FAVORITES . IN DAI NTT,. VI - WASH STUFFS.. vW'i Ten Olstne. Valne Tops, etc, 1-S Off. Svral bundled Da Damaak cloths, ' Embroidered Tea ' Cloth. Tabl Cloth and Embroidered Shirtwaist Fronts, mad by leading manufac turers Special at 1-1 off regular prlee. ; 1 10 pleoea real Imported Irish Dimi ties In small checks, narrow atripes and pie Ida, alao neat floral effects, at th yard S5V 30d and 304. .rt The Suits $15.00 to $75.00 ODAOTXAX SXZXTS a re most In vogue. In the new. showtngsyoull nets many -light plaids, snd smart mannish mixture in'Tweedlah effect a." ."Smoked plalda" - ar "hot" favorite. ' Many, new black Panama In trig walking length. Price "ebooalng on Sklrta allow... ............................... .f3.60 to S28.SO, '';:.' z IIEVJ SPRUIG JACKETS y y Are betas shown mainly In Coverts," fashioned In tight-fitttng models, boxy effects and launtv "Ponirr style. .' worn blacka ara-how among the latest creation. rth 1 lattw- bem tnr-pie figtit-ntting frct. -wio -., . choosing a to price each th beet at Itf ' reepectlve ; , -" . JQ Special Sa&IJcn&'Kenhleb & Uetliv;eat An all day offering-two rousing bargalna. for Men, patron. A new line Men'' .; pure linen Handkerchief s. .hemstitched in and Inch ehfect. Beat to -values Monday for half ....... . .............j.-.,...,. ......104 of Silk FOUf-Ia-mhd: a grand valu at th uaal A 'new and Iwndwoins Jtno ofSilk Fouf-Ia-lOo'prUSeJi Special jltonday, for. ywy:yy Hundred of piece fin Scotch Kephyr Ginghams., tn checks, plalda, at tip snd, plain color at th ""7 yrd .,.... .ir.'. .... . .... -Sow ;, : " Wa woods Me, la and. Ue. , An assorted Un of Wash Ooods. th neweet things In percales, batiste, madras. , cheviots, ginghams, dlml tlas. organdie, to, to choose from i at 10, 1H4 and 164 yard. ;?f'y T.-; aWhttes St. Eflurere, a French novelty, nw this , aeaaon. soft - and clingy, dbeo not wrinkle, colors absolutely faet, ex yqulalt design. We have the clualve sal of thea charming fab rics for this section. Sells at, th yard 50) HOSIERY " FIRST FLOOR. "CWiflren'r ' Blaclr rcottow Searal Ho, double knee, heel and toe, medium weight, fin ribbed, lse 4 to 10. Special, the pair...... ,lZv Boys' eAsOotWnnKsl-s. .'; Boys' Heavy Blaok Cot.--i f -.! Hoee. double knee, he 1 t It , fin and double Ylbbed : r--rS-. for lo. Our epecil, t ,r . . I A Stirring Sale at Ribbon Counter Select at your lelaure; the specials ar for all day sailing if lots hold out; ' ' " ' "' " 't',;: '.. .y. -. i FIRST FLOOR-r-i---.... ' ,e Taffeta Bihboaa as. A splendid showing of French Tsf- fata tn white, black and all actor. . Inches wide. . Suitabl for saahaa. glrdlae and hair ribbons. .. : .. -- ' .. f . .-.v.'.. ,"' Aloe Sarttn Taffata Bibsoaa, I Inch 'wide. In black, whit and color; value to too. Special Sale price, th yard .25) ! Any Time V Tomorrow These Shoe Bargains vill last all day! . Of . eearso- early chooeers have an advantage. B early. . ; --Wsans Ttno Sllppeea for Tt. Women's ' Fine Patent and Kid ' Strap or. Bow Slipper. v made In many fancy style, with leather and' Loula heela, .an aaaortment ef odd and end io slippers; value up to ,14.00. Special Sal price, - r - -. tha pair ........TBS- A Ssedzl ' la Sixes Viich mfcfjiwf iVcsta.;'- "y.ts y;VtiihStotizr:iJi;: Fett:- I'm txa to fSM taecg pm Twelve hv?l f' "ef T- - ' t Shoa. v If ) f f ' O. 1 ' -' TTon T7o oa'e t: c 'a r'-t r i I