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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
: j AM c ;'fV t 1 ' ;'- ' :!tM:A ,-rr--l V:Of:"thev thousands of interested - visitors ; to - the- Xiewb'csd'Ssric' Expodifcnr fcw 'there rerwho'';;db -:. ' " - I I : JJunntf . the. Month f I . . V ' , mnrfiim ramrM ami manv wens the favcrtfcS rWf ihtlsSla s mmmwh -wh?rh were ermrrfantlw ' I 1 1 JLUrir tilS ; iViCath' I : ' :i . lit" 5. .V. of Fclruary $1 Down $1 a Week - ... . V v ' " showered on this suoerior line. ' - 'A y The Malleable was placed on tht 't zztln Tz?otxs fa combing, with' thei'sterUng? malleable ccr: , ijticQ, erquidlts nich,and the most modern improvements. ; Ah intelligcht woman, a good house wL upbn loo!dnrr at The Malleable" wEl appreciate the fict ! ; " rV,r.4;,'".that'the builders of this range "have dons thdr ;'wcrk';rwc-li8st being haniaomely njekdvft. ,"..," easy to clean, is a ; spienaia acnievement of t fimpiicity. - 2very : part of their constrocoon represents a; ' 1 i " ; . thoroughness ofdetai! and splendid worknlanclilp In the -art 'of-modern range buHdlr v' j :l ; J r-;-; The merits .ofTt;Malleable as to Tcciivince" the ?jury of "Awards :;'cf me'Iwla'd gy "Clark Fair that the highest honor, a gold .mejdil, should I be, conferred : on f this : mcderri .line "of 'ransj . The special .terms which , we . have' cabined with the sale -of uese ranges , durmg the month ; of . Febr.,;.'. ruary are a guarantee oi .mo mcnci 01 a rsxsge 01 wnica we arc jusuy proua. 4. a; i- :$MWe6t: p . .. it fas GOLD MEDAL - HIGHEST AWARD tt; . ri v. LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION. J i f 4 1. ."i .r:-- :,'J ip' THE BEST IS, NONE TOO GOOD .' This applies particularly. to "The Malleable." - It is not the cheapest ,s v , ,- r. .t ' i . M llliffl IT1 HI k-Jll a - million in . I p:,. .. if r cTL1Tr I "PVri - v ' in jthe entire construction, fcr malleablft iron nossesses such tensile strength f i; V s ?r sJJ'MJflLC'llJ V 1 1 ' IMP .V? : as' permits the driving of very joint to'iir' tightneVs 4 "VX HnrinatBd thus girinr it great tensile Vtrength fit can be itrWec v .. ! -- J M 1 i f .. " .,. , , ( i. c Diea, naizunvreq ana iwuica wiinoui orcaKing. .ini9.nncung process otxu- : ;- ,1 V St;- .' pies sixteen days, and many castings are rejected because they are -found "de--r.-'r"-- , 'V ; fective when removed from the oven Thus At 'cannot be ; said of "The - " . ' , "1 y'rV. ; 'V ' Malleable" that- quality is sacrificed (to, profit.; ; Those ;castings thtiare l. 'p , . ' : ; found'true as to quality are fashioned back . into -their original shape by, . j ' V.'O.,,' V immense' drop' hammers. -'ty'Vv,'?Av-v - -',i,v;.i'',''':'I, '':.:!,';-'vyj-.' : 4 , ; ;'; ; iiyXi ir To secure the -perfect and - economical operation of a' range it-is as:efl- v:-; - ;. , i .;. H.v''-'.'v ' v .'r 'V;A?J ; sential that Ushould be airtight as a' boiler should beaterrtighti This re-r V :;,; r , suit is accomplished in "The Malleable" construction by riveting very joint i-Vt .k"r. '. i.fh . . - v . . in thu entire, construction, tar malleable iron nossesses such tensile 'strength '"."V.f v ;"?. 1 I, for no range .can have its construction and finish and : A (-.:-:- '--'jm-1 Iri .MtfL, rnfl '; ; -jCUm 1 f;, le:iron,ofrWchThe.MaUeab rti Its name, is the Very( highestgrade pf grayj iron, sub-- ?- r ' 's'v f (T ) ! 1 ' ' ' x i s castiron so 'brittle, and all other imparitiWWehUirefy.- i- DcJl3 " '' rui'J"' mmmmm iTIltEJiLLVOUSl MJILLJILL'rVuK 'ITXNON-B&EJIK THE FIREBOX In most raiges this is the weakest int;, V Kyly-:'" ; In ''The Malleable" this is one of the strongest features. Dis- . ; V' ' AtXXIi iKJ , xjJLS' v ' s rl f I ' ' - ' f " - riveted to the .nickeled malleable rfront ;X bail across tHe top - - ..." mmA mwtmmmA t a . .t. 2- ' 1 f J . t P 1 A uuacu aiuuuu Lite ill rmi i flurr nnr nnnnrrn nniinni nr npir i '"::-':-: gray iron: :. Think of it tV-The'bW. fining--alOTe-wdgha-tnirtyrfr'1 v V-5r'-i :n six pounds.-Behind the linings are air . chambers;, which pre- -. ; ' - Thi Very heart pf the an'gtl-its wost viUl part No-maV - " vv.jJifv uvuilg v HIV 11111113, (ICMVIJT CASIIIg H1CI strengthens it and is handled with an ash pan hook which never '-. ? SLOWER WARMINOXLOSETThirpartof therangebe- '1. - Jl6 ttiumui ywa-irytu; upriuyu jjiatcu tucrcm m uc Kcp.warni . , ..,.' t . 1 1 i i fli ; - - s ' ifta i n tifAriAw ArAi r. ai j f . - irr iiuw wen aiiiu Bi.iciiLiiii.aiiiv luiisliullcu liic i v c: iiiiiv . uc li . - coat 6ft coal or wood.Bv oneturfi of the .. , . J00 through defective baking. I-oran illustration we ; will say, ; V , ; with Handsome nickel tea shelves. t r , ?V- I ; rieht or left the crate canbe adiiisted for either 1 ' I t thafa rood ranee saves 10 cents per day. In. one year: this v ' ' CLEAN-OUTv DOOR The 'door- is ; so placed that the -housed in' nickel -casta. '.which Drevents them v V i .' ':.a iV ll,'.4 't. ' '-..' '. '-V' h pan Can e put into 'the" lower warming closet and the soot "C.v" - t - ;.--v'v : V f.- ? :-:-- rnif(Trr.r ,.T";t v " ' can then be easily removed with a scraper arid deposited in the in wall for- . v. .. ,. . . ? . .. v..- . .,,.;,..:.: - v 'I. ...v.r' 1 ' 1 ' t : . y.'-A ;hed steel : ' : Vr to tnis Deing many times tne original cost. , t v ; w , - V .. u vh;n uuuk HANULtt 6ut from the ranee in such r i v ' . well with , hard ;"i ;. shaker to the s ,( fueL - Coes are , v, from'-'disarrangement. rASBESTOS LINING Three kinds of material :'- i mation. Outer surface -comttosed of a sheet : of noli v !; and makes a beautiful, durable and practical finish. Inner face . H'' -.The construction ' r 'wTh ''Malleable is ofsuch-ft'nature a,manner thafit'does not become-so hot as oven door handles ; ! 1 . t-;';? ofthe'wall 'is of heavy cold-rolled steeL Between these two ; ( i : - .v- . .. ?v,. ' .. i'-i'. -usually 'do.-. :' : ''. v..V'i':i' i ''v'r-'''7fc'?'V- ''i4.'') ?..; j-'u.-i.Ai!i .t ., r1..L" j -"pi i;.- . and the materials of such comDosition that-it'is-imDossible for i.; a : V ,.MmMl..A..'k-Vi ' ! . ''V--: Y ' L ims, as-jTr- r r . T:.'---1 -" "': . : 1 -:r- -, . v . ..w,.r. ,'. .. .. riu aniufcaKyjiKaupmojLjto r5 Steel dates is the" interlini,nr nf ocKpsn4 Tit!tv3ri4 bestos board irverr heaw and beine a non-conductor, oreventa ":, - the limn or to warn andcthe door to-eet-out of plumb.'1. Beine u - ; vnlv holHs a. lifcril : amnnht' of wutr. hut'. ht 'naiK a.v '" ' i escape of heat through the wall and concentrates it upon , the i.,.' riveted throughout retidersV absolutely airUgtntt pWrvfagV'U' wefl;with any kind of fuel. - It is heated'by means f . a copper pi i : ;':-':,,0?cn. .-., ,;;;;;t: ;.i,.-v''.f '.,;.:'v.--"..,.. -.r '-. . ':.") r l pocket, "whiah is in contactwith steePpocket. with malleable v . .-maw iAnr i- , - equal combustion' of fuel from V' I' ..j- ., u "-Known as the engine draft and insures the : V a,, awr8d tocated.inithe right-hand end-of Jhe tange, and -which w- sf fuel from end to end. " V'" " ';-even distribution of heat "The Malleable" oven is aluminiaed.;-"')'." constantly-aupplies-an-abondance 'pf hot waterA v-1 ; - ' -'i- i:f-';.:;:V yUVvv:..'';.'' r,;'.' ,o;-;r.;vT7:;7-:,,;:, :v:---vU-;'-'';r. -:''. COOK BOOK FREE ' "The Malleable" cook book can be secured "at: our store upon request - This little book of "home , " i helps""contains many valuable recipes and also hints - on the care.of the range. '' j ; ,;' ' .' ,'' r . v YOUR CREDIT 13 SOOD "7- n. -'Tit- Ml. V it. COOK BOOK FREE f :, ' v'iThC'Malleabie" cook book secured at " , Jourtore upon 'request. This liftle book of "home'- ' ; ' , v , rheTpw,1coh"utnsmany 'valuaoTe1 recipeV arU'also hfnts . : "".-on the care of the range, i . ..-,'..-. - " v-- - " t ' "I i " " ",r J