Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906); - s . ' -v . t v x . . x - ' t i i . -v i i i : f i - O? I3n'S, YOUtr'S' AND COYS' CLOTi-'C, -HATS, CAPS, FUIWISHING GOODS, s-ianiCSESArmrCHILDnEn'S CXOSSAISOFmSTrSTrUJETDimTEEri ' 'iiiiMni - i -I. i" i ."i i "'i rf7 I. 'i i ' rTi " '" i iiTT'i " iVy"' i7 " Tr;v" ""T i' --, t AND MEN'S, DOYS', WOMEN'S, AYLOR AND SALMON T - , 1 ,4S6mXi Good Am tit Nun - In this lot we have, the American -Girl . Shoe, made no In oatent kid and coltxldn. vici, box calf and gunmetal leather, button uce and uiucner.cuts via ana mm . na upoer. Cuban, military and French heels heavy extension andjturp soles; sixes vto.t , ana sxyiev-co ink v'-.'-.v : ' v Sold the world ow at : $2.60! and $3.00. Credl ;f tors'-Sale price.; .81.73 r.t Ladies' fVicl"Kid Lace ' - Shoe, up "to date. ..' Credi tors' Sale price ..'.81.25 One lot; of odds V? '"T ' - and ends - Ladies' Shoes, per pair, . at y f 5, OM .- le C Xhmt Skew, ,y ; f pto .;....5Q Shoes- for Children Children's vici and box call fehoes. -TCredi tors' , Sale-prices . ; i . . i .S4 ; Children's vici And boxcall School bhoes, ' "' in heavy extension soles. Creditors' 'r. Sale rice v.l..V..:...7..i.......49 ' 'Ladiei RaBbers ";iW..,T.r.Tr.:.V; . : .4f . Misses' vid and box calf x' School Shoes, -ir. solid leather throughout. Creditors' 1 ' ' Sale price , . J . , . T3 i v Children's Strap Sandals Creditors? i .: i Sale price :23f - -Boysc Shoes One lot Boys' box calf and calfskin Lace Shoes, heavy toles, : Credjtora. Sale , ' , j price, per- pair. . . i V i'. . . . . . .WH -Boys' vici; box-call and ' kangaroo call ; ; " Shoesrwear resiatera, Creditorr Sale - ; price 1.;. wiYu..v..";..'. ,o Boys' vici kid and box talf, a fine dress . :-'Sv Shoe, , Creditors Sale price...... 81 JM' viz Ja$t 'w7 t One ton of 10c. Cotton Sox CO durinsr the '- Creditort'- Sale "at ..... .... ' ; 15c Blackond ton Cotton Sc V-- , - :! Creditots'. Sale1 price... '..';..;-... V., 8, : 25c Fancy Sox, double heel, soles and toes, V,- in lisle, jMaco and merino. ; Creditors' : " v Sale ' rice k ; ...... . . . ... .lie) ' 20c and 23c Wool Sox, home made, in . gray only.' Creditors Tsale price. -..10e , 40c and 60c Norwegian- hand-knit, double twist', lambswool . Sox, in,, 20 different shades, iust like what jwntW mi a" f . ' . . . 7. - make. Creditors', Sale prit:e.-. .'; .': .;21 fl ATT ry s 0770 A TAT Af? A A ' P 1 And was continued until far. into, the night. I V tK'i'ii IjiYtlMIM HI ' U tl 11 A " known, we are commissioned to UXi ii il, OJAJai Kr,lU II Ae vjJ-nn-S thin .tntk for th Creditor, and MUST do so quickly. To accomplish this, real values are not considered of shy particular importance, and we are therefore enabling pur chasers to buy (20 worth ef this merchandise at from (3 to $10. ;:v; y 'yjyf'T. WE ARE MERELY HAISDl-IINCl THIS CfbcK FOR THE PURPOSE OP r , biopppirsa op it in the shortest possibue time vJ' And the sales win be continued from day to day until everything has been cleaned out, and we advise every reader of The Journal to be on riand at least m early m 9 to 10 o'clock tomorrow taost :-y.:y'' :V---V . ' - t. 75cDouble reiftiforced Working Shirts, ctou-"r ble sewed lap seams, m pretty dark, serv. iceable shade. Creditors Sale ! P price ............... $1.00 Black Sateen Shirts. . Creditors' Sale price .TV. . . ... . . ...... 48e Brass ; SMrts ' 'J- 'tO bozen Iaui)dered and negligee Shirts, ml white and fa.ncy bosoms, will be sold s" "during the -Creditors' Sale at;.V.;. ,25f (Dress iShirts, colored bosoms; will be f , , sold during the Creditors' Sale fof.39e $150 Monarch Dress Shirts, in soft and stiff - bosoms, willi be sold during the v , ; Creditors' Sale at... 69 V-.:a.y- -3-. ni"'-.-""' -i sers 'A fine assortment of elerant worsted and . other textures, designed , and suitable for dress and work wearir. '. .s' 4I"". . t $2.00 'Pants, in all sizes. Creditors' t " Sale price ....... ..78e $2.50 to $3.00 All Wool Pants, in neat hair lines, pretty- plaids and fancy; all wool , worsteds, 2,000 to pick from. ' ' " ' .Creditors' Sale price... . . . . . .... .81.49 ' $5lOO Tailor Made Trousers, in . every size 't and make of pants you can think of, im f-. mense. variety -to select froyi. ., They're tailor made.theyll fit. you.?? . ; Creditors' Sale price. ; ..82.35 . : f t: Umbrellas 33e Buys si Umbrella that would cost ; $1.00 under , happier, conditions, but we must sell. ; I ;?r" v-y : ' 61e Buys you a Gloria Umbrella, with' a v( steel rod and frame, that would- be very --cheapvat :$L50.V ; " .4 97 Buys you an Umbrella that any um l.brella man in town will ask you $2 for. .'We mast sell. V'(';.,''V,v".' ':.-' :': , rONE -THIRD OFF " OveraMs- 50c, 60c and ?5c Overalls. ... .V.,.U..25f 5H0CG t .!.;.. $1.75 and $2.00 Shoes: in solid leather isnd guar an-, teed. , Creditors' Sale price ......... . ... .991 $2.00 and $3.00 Union Shoes,,. in jace and con-T . gress, in , clf, . vid ' ana -colt Creditors' Sale rice ......I... :'.81.r0 $3.00;-,and' $4.00 Union Shoes go during the . ... ; Creditors' Sale at. 2.00 ; $4.00 , to, v $3.00 : Union ' Shoes 'r go . during the Creditors' Sale at $2.50, Men's Eclipse Shoes, in' all leathers and up-to-date 1906 styles. Crcdi- : tors' Sale price... f 2.65 Uppers , $1.25 Slippers. Creditors' Sale price, .56 $1.60 Slippers." Creditors' Sale pHce..78 $2.00 Slippers. ', Creditors' Sale price. .97 , Gloves $L25 GlovesJ ; Creditors''' Sale price. . .09 75c Men's Working Gloves. Creditors ? - Sale price ..;.',.....,....'..,.'.'. 35 "j-" . ' . Oartert, Handkerchiefs, Cuffs and : the ; hundred and one small things that go to make up a first class Furnishing Goods De partment, go at about one third their real .value.'-' :-. .; 'i Hati $2.50 Hats, in all the hew 1906 ahapesp go during this Creditors'. Sale at.s. .99e $3.00 Hats, in every shape, shade, , style, block and make known to mankind, go 'during the Creditors Sale at. ...'.81.39 $4.00 Hats, in all the new 1906 shapes from alHhe leading makers, go during the Creditors', Sale at...i. ......81.69 i Hahdkcrchiofs 10c Hemstitched" Handkerchiefs! in "plain, : white and fancy borders.. Creditors' v Sale price 3 15c Handkerchiefs, including Japanese silks, with initials, go during the Creditors' i .Sale at .....6e Ncckivear. A lot of, black and fancy pattern Bow Ties ; to go at ..5 A fine assortment of Four-in-Hands, Tecks and Imperial Ties; 60s and 75c values. Creditors' Sale Price ... .. .,...' , v . .19 CoUor Suspender ...... si, ..... President Suspenders. -Creditors' ' . Sale price ........ ... .i. ... i . I . . .27et, 162 Dozen of 25c Standard. Suspenders. i Creditors' Sale price. . . : ."i .;. . .Of 26 Dozen ; fine, Holiday Suspenders, $1.00 and $1.60 values. Creditors' Sale - T price -7.7. . . ...... .37 sts $3.00 to $4.00 Silk Vests, in ail sizes. 8 1.19 184 Dozen . 15c'! Arrow Brand , Collars that conflict with our regular lines, will be : offered during the Creditors' Sale at; .8, I Wool Undehvear $1.00 and $li& All Wool Underwear,' In the, .:. famous full-fashioned glove-fitting Switz-; ' ; Conte makes, in-blue, pink, tan and ' V gray. Creditori' Sale price 68et ' , $1.60 to. $2.50 fine select lambswool Under- t wear, in all the very best makes and mills, -' all sizes, all colors. Creditors'. Sale - price .',..;':.; . . ; .98 During TWs Salo f We will not fill Mail or Telephone Orders, V Deliver Bundles, Sell Any Goods to Dealers or Peddlers. All goods marked in plain figures, and Your Money Back at Any Time for Anything That Is Not in Every Way J Satisfactory. . -, ., OPEN EVENINQS I WE M AKENOMISRKPRESENTATION WHATEVER. . EVERY ARTICLE AND ITEM XACTLY. AS ADVERTISED OR YOUR MONEY BACK IN HALF A MINUTE Mm $10.00 and $12.50 Suits, in sacks and " 'double; breasted, all sizes. Creditors' Sale " price ...t.84.45 l$15.oa Suits,' In - sacks and double breasted, neat dark colors, tailor , made, v Creditors.,- ':-;y' ''Sale price 85.65 Vk0-;V; $18.00 Suits, ih' aacks'and double breasted, strictly . tailor made garments ; only, In pure wool wor- : steds, . black clays - snd : fancy mixtures, Scotch ' tweeds . and cheviots. Creditors' Sale i price ............87.65;; $22.50 Suits, in fine im- ported all wool worsteds, v strictly tailor made, lined ' with all wool serge or fine partners' satin, m single tors' Sale price ..; 1....C9.1B $25.00 Suits, in the highest grade imported -."woolens,-: tricbtar broadcloths, doeskinsT clay . worsteds, vicunas, - silk mixtures, ; fancy Scotch suitings, cheviots, English tweeds, cut in the, very Jatest styles; an excellent $30 value. Creditors' . ; Sale price . . ... i.i.. .8195 A LOT OP OVERCOATS AND CRAV v ENETTES AT YOUR OWN PRICES. I v SEE THEM. . .Cv ; '.- ' Men's Un&inycar i Thousands upon thousands of dozens ef the finest Underwear that was ever shown in this city to be sacrificed in the next thirty days at ONE IULF PRICIL 7 J - 60c' and 65c Jersey ribbed fleeced "cotton Underwear, in All sizes and shades,' 1,000.,. dozen in" this ..lot. Creditors'. Sale price . ........ . . . . : '.24 T6c and 90c Fleeced and plain cotton Under wear, in handsome shades of fan flesh , blue and pink. Creditors' Sale . . f price ......... , ,M, ...t...S5 $1.00 and $1.25 Cotton' Underwear, in: tho . full finished Egyptian cotton and ..full . wool fleeced Jersey ribbed Maops'. ' .Creditors' Sale price ..r....J. .v...54eV - Credi Srat GacoG t Suit Cases, brass loeki hinges andjcoroersj , , canvas lined, 28 Inches. Creditors' " ytiv t . , . , . ..... . ... .1 REMEMBER TE1E PLACE : 207 FIRST STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND. SALMON STREETS TltmAN TO STICK - PENUSYLVANIA T.1ERGER 6enator on Monday Wlll'lntro j - dues Resolution Tor Investig- -fl'. '-: tlon of Combine, r 7 HOUSE TOO 5L0W1N :) S attendinq to matter IttedjrAmign JOorcnunent far Selling Out the People la. Not At tending - to Such Matters Long olmraa that It ha bn mad th batt or victim. i a'comblMtion of railroad whloh own ecMU talDM la Wat Vtrtlnl. It dm!U that it It) try1n t aompU i win t bom mm, dui n n praTaniaa th. mm, whlrK hu MtnuM It from gottlnv lta coal to market by reason o( koinft rafua rail war aooommodaUon Tboot who . ara ' oonoonMS In ; thk caormr ara th 3.v O.. th Norfolk Woatara, tb Cantral At Northora and oTtntd ratnor roada. Thar hara af- faetoalir Mockod tbo Rod JlocK r Waahlnvtoa. IX C Fab. 1. Tha t atorUI laah wfll bo opplM I tb bah ot tba paanaylranta morgaf-jioxt- itos i Sar. . ' Senator TUlmaa wIU wlald ' whip and from his proweeo la aoa mat. Mora U U kaowa that tb teahlnc wUl bo dona In proper aorm. ' Tba aenator la techaloallr J Rock fuel caa. will, aak that a roaolutloe bo aeVopted demandlnr too core rn merit to taka oa knowm aa. UO Bad Tha oompaay Aa AJta TOV BUISnjlSS AT STUSTT I'And haraMM),br a Kad oooKfeT .Uao 'j.i',r.. 4 -ounfl jrnii, r. will ao f c (' r 't a ' . if. Oororaoa Dawaoa tweontly aert to the on eta from South, Carolina -a-lettaf of protoot. It waa bold la abeyance to aeo what tha booao of rapraaontattroa would do. - That blaaob tuo aot booa doln haalnaao mm aulchj r aa the ornatof would wlahi boaoo hla attempt to force apaody action at oaoa. ; It la tho oaator'a dealro that thto laveatisatioa bo done bp a branch of tha poire rntaeat'a oerylca. Ha earea tot wklob hraaeh, hnl onapaata that It bo tho lateratata oommorea oommlaalOB. Aa Bvattera aow staaS tho ondloaa rod tap that aeeompaalaa tho first atepo to aaoh aa InraaUamtloa to to be eat and tha poadoroaa machlaa-af federal pororamont la to bo oiled and It la to bo own iwluy at pxproaa ppvtorav that relief map bo aoeo-apMabad ao early aa poaalhla. Tho aontirpant of tho aonata will bo watabed with aoaoa atmoorn. for It will grrro another ' opportunity to de termine tho truth of oharpea that ha boon-raade mm to lta domination aLlha handa of corpora t Inn a and truata TCna wUl preaa tha roaolutloa bit t ;i 4 ha U haro maay aartJaaal thlnga to aay aa. to bow tho porera ment haa aold out tha peoplo la not at tending to ouch eaaea with expedition. Tho matter, la one that ahould haro bean attended to by tha department of Jua Uce maay montho mn. rv.,.' Tho facta were placed la , tha preal dant'a hand Uat Noveaaber by tho la taratate eoaimereo commlaaloa aa td tho dlaorlmlnaUona practiced by ( tha roada aamlAat their compotltora. . Tat nothing baa boon .dona that bad availed tha eemptelaanii. .. .-:rrt' 7 , Whoa tba dteouaalon of tho rata bin oomea tip In tha aanato tha .Bad Rook caae will flpura aa a powerful ara-u mant that tho preeent arranpomont of appeala to tho United State jotrcult toucta. la determined a hall apply to tho now rata bill, ara anything bat expedition, Tha aoundness of har Inr a special court for tho parpoao of trying auch caaoa will follow naturally aa a auggoatioa. Tbia ue aenata mu BOt adopt. : f' V. v - j- ;t ... .' : CpNORm Aagry at Catof of rolleo yaaJdagr Whllo Arraat of SWatato Sroaaklay atamhera. (S-.ilelfJIo-oUh VP Vaood WV, teTWearaal) Washington, - Feb. 1 Two mambera of con preaa and one aenator were ar reated Ip tha DUtrlct o Columbia. dur ing tho year Joot oloeed.. Thla Informa tion cama to tho bouoo committee oa appropriations today from Major Richard Syleoor,.ohlef of polloe, and la con tained la tha tabulated atatemoat as tho aeon pat lea of tho ' II.1 poraoaa takaa Into custody for broasho of tho mm. Aloap with) tho two mombora of eeapreso aa4 oaa aoaatar ara lanamor- abla aajoonaaapara. toiita. gaubma. la borero. etc. , - Tha members) of tha approprlatloaa committee ara Incensed at tha asttoa of Major Sytroatar la gtvtaig tba oooapa ttoa of threo paraana aa takaa Into awa lody aa either me-obra mf coapieea or senators, .Thr Imparted .tha In fat- tlon to the)r eolleacuee during tha day and lha tommenta of tha member a were aet anoaat far publication. lha( pap that tha report baa beea pent broadsaat throughout tho country, erery polloe ehlef of any town or city of Importance getUag oaa. 'The elaaaifloatlda la earn aging to tho, raputatioa of all members o ooagraaa, ' they maintain. ' and espe cially ao aa tha report does sot name tha Individuals referred to. Tha report asoompanled tho estimate for approprtatkma for tho polloe depart ment and It la possible that ths com mittee aad th house will rent their dla pleasure upon Major Sylreoter by cut ting down hla requests fop money wher ever possible. ' . ' f .- -::."!- ,V' Notice. ' ,v'' ' If Interested In Hunt Switch Stock It will be to your adrpntago to, dear with tha company direct. Br so doing It will enable them to erect a large .factory, and thua your Investment will materialise much quicker than by patronising indi viduals. ' . For particulars call ! McKay bulld-IS- 1 . : v y . t vj" ...." ..... f4Th Biggest Ever Held. In order to make tho BAma--KIlera" pyaanymaua wUh-pbmo'and a house hold word throughout the northwest. E liars Piano Hodaa haa announced a pi gantlp word contest entailing IH.tOA worth Of raluabla prlsaa, tho details of which oaa be found oa page . .. .. ShT.' Xaaoe's Sabjeeas reay. - - - TJf. Houee's suheets today rarr WoTB tng. Tba Being With tha Fmae of a Man, a Lion, an Ox aad an Eagle." Evening. "Lincoln and Rooeevelt" There will bo special muslo. , .". Fata sa Bad ta t An. ' A grievous waU ofttlmea cornea as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dtsalaeaa; Backache, LI Tor Complaint and Constipation, - But thanka to Dr. King; New Life Fills they pat- aa sad -to it all,- Ths y ara genuine but thorough.' Try them. Only IM. . Guaranteed by a. O. Bald mere A Ce drugglata, 111 Third street. - ALL READY TO AID ALASKA HUE . Committees Canvassing . Busi ness Men on New Project Meet . Universal Encouragement. . MONEY AND BUSINESS 7' - c PLEDGED BY MAJORITY 1 1 . a, . ' Derlnlte- Retnrns'J'roTii " litdr City WW B Compiled Btfpre Tuasdajr 'So' That a Final Incision Can Then '.Be jResched. ',.... , U Prosecution of tho canvass of th city la behalf of tho proposed Fort land Alaska steamship Una shows favorable sentiment almost n nvorsal j mo n g the probably complete their work Monday af tentooa, and If they, conttnuo to meet wltlM-tho encouragement they received yeetardap there ta ao deubt, thoy state, that, tb deelred Uaa will be put In op eration. . .. . - Teaterday afternoon tba members of tho varleua commltteea continued tha work that .waa oommanoed la tho mora le g. None waa abla to coyer mora than half the district assigned to htm. . Fletcher Una. a member of tha com mute having charge of t o district south of Madison street, said last night: "We did not Ond a man who waa not willing to hslp, la ovary wt la uul , -. . - '" 'S ' f ' t " r to secure ths establishment aad opera tion f ths proposed Haa, Maay war ready to aid by cash donatlooa; others war prilling to algn contracts guaran teeing aufflclent business ta warrant tha Installation of a lino of ateamers, and alladeclared they bould b counted upon to aid in . every -way. possible. Many say they ara ready to send men Into -the new territory aa soon aa tho lino Is As sured, for tba purpose af aoHcltlsg suf ficient buslnssa .to mak the veaturp a 0000000.".: ' -I. It has boon discovered bp tho can vassers that tha contract guaranteeing a - certain amount af . business . each month la unsatisfactory, because It de mands a guarantee of . mora thaa tha - merchants believe cau - be secured. ;-. However another a 'eon tract can ' bo . prepared which ' will prove satisfactory. Tho revised con tract will bo taken around Monday and submitted to tho business men. - Tho proposition as submitted to tho bualneaa mea of ' the city contemplates ths operation . of throe ships, bet wees Portland and VaJdea, Reward, tha Cop per river country and Noma, Tho ahlpa that will be put on th run if tho lino Is established ara ' of 1.009 tono ca pacity each. They ara tha Aaohmaa and her sister ship, tho Watson; both are Atlantic coast pssssls, snd ths Rosnoka, These ships ara under leas by the commercial bodiea and their use Is optional with tho business man who are to aay aow and where tbey shall TEI For modern' dental w-V WorleVre- . newned ta. Lowest price cor-"' t tla Brpt-oUca O t ) t 3 jus; Ft" r r.ivV iZt nrAd-rcf , Ef.dflrv-f AQp. Tjtb