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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
on see is jo;i;; o? Standard ' Oil ' MacnaU Lost f Strayed or Stolen, Family" '' - Doesn't Know Which. . WlUONAIRE, NOT SEEN K SINCE LAST NOVEMBER Jg Is Reported ia Several Places but I Even His Family Denies Knowl t edge of His Present Wbereaoont T- In Europe, Perhaps,',-.' ,V.---', : (Coorrlibt. Ifearet Kw servicer of New York. Feb. is. The strange dls-, appearance of John D. Rockefeller " shrouded tn mon mystery this after noon at Lakswood. New Jersey, by the r startling declaration,, made by lira. 1 Itochefrller through her secretary- that i rvrn she did n6t know where Mr. Rocko . f tiler , ' He has not been aeen alnoe November , when be told friends that he Intended te sail for fcurope Janu ' ary $. - - .. -' .' The following telegrams regarding It r. ; Rockefeller's whereabout wsrs received .. . "New London, .Conn Feb. IS. Latter Just received from t'plala E. K. deer to relatives -says ateam yacht Plena, . formerly Delaware, -chartered by If. It ' Itogara, Jr., la at San Juan, Porto Rica for two weeks' stey. Csptaln Oeer and three of hi crew were borrowed from the ateem yaoht Kanawha . L owned . by Roger. Hr . which pun into berth here. Captain's letter says temperature la 104 In the ahade and party enjoying hem aelve. la not John D. Rockefeller with the party mentioned?".'." ; Chicago. vKxb. 10. The Jaat we heard of Mr Rockefeller waa about a week or ten , -days age.- One rumor among hta friend waa that- he waa cruising In the Gulf of Mexico on the chartered yacht of a fctandard Oil offlolal. Another, that hla , father. nd eon were together at Focem th-o. ' . - , ' 1 Cleveland. Feb. 10. We tried to get In formation about Rockefeller laat night from relatives, but all profees Ignorance of hla ..whereabouts. . Main. N. J- Feb. l.Joha IX Rockefeller Jr, with hie wife, left Po ieantlco hUhfon Tueaday for Manhattan. ' lie haa not been In Weet Chester elnce Reported he hag gone to Lekewood to Join hla father. Charleston. S. C. Feb. IS. John D. Rockefeller 8rLnot In theae parte. Soma time -eto 3ie engaged rooma at Pine Foreat tan, Bomervllle, but 'later coun termanded the order.. Palm Heaxh Fuw Feb, 11,John-F. ' Rockefeller la not at Palm Beach and la ot expected hare. . :'JmGLARS CHEAK IN , WITH FAMIL Y AWAY Burglar broke Into snd looted the reeldence of El wood wilea at 114 Eaat Halmon atreet while the membsra of the family were away from home. Tha fam ily returned horns and dleoovered tha burglary. Tha thlevss gained entrande through the baaement, breaking open a door leading from the cellar to the up aulra portion of tha house. ; Among the articlea atolen was a gold watch be longing to Mrs, Wllea, a pearl pin, some trinkets snd a small savings bank wltb eome email change In It. : , . v '' TJatom Hasstr Bsslgms. : . - fSeeelal Uheet St Tee Jaeraal.l ' lA Grande, Or., . Feb. 10. Cnlon county's sheriff, C C Pennington, baa realgned bla poeltloa and ths county board of commlaeloners has appointed Deputy Sheriff Tom Johnson to succeed him. Sheriff Johrtaon haa secured s bond' of . Iis.eoe, which was approved. Mr. Pennington realgned sn account of personal buaineea dutlea. i ; -r- ,.T ; :F-WW IS . VI I i i at Eczc.TiuS, (lashes, Itch end Irritations 'lnntly Oelieved c by Baths With : To-cleanse the -skin- of crusts and scales, and sof ten the thickened cuticle: . CtlejippHa cura ; umuneni 10 -insianiiy c'.hv itching Irritation, and ir.rrr.nutionands o oth e4 ind heal : and mild doses ;cf Cuticura Pills - to cool end dssnse the blood: A -r:r.'!j Set, costlng but One4; :P;!iiVls-often sufficient to cure torturing, disfiguring r!cin, scalp, and blood hum- - i:z. ccz-.ts. rasne3, ucn . 2nd irritations, .with :. ;s cf hi:r, from infancy to :z- vhen z else fdls.-- 1 ' 4 Mlt rB Deaf V .si- v-rt aaaaem Cil CAREER CiCllED -. . . . Yale Student ' Run Away; and t Secretly i Weds ,: the I Far Daughter of a Laborer. EXPECTED TO KEEP -V'.. marriage a secret Freshman , of Eighteen ' Must Leave . School to Wor for J Bride of Twenty-One, as Parents Will Prop- ably Not Forgive Him. (SpMlal ptaaeteh by Tjml Wire te Ike leeisel) s New. Haven, Conn, Feb. is. y bis elopement and secret marriage to Ml Joaephin Blrney, ona of New Ileven'e lively young -set, Edwin Kanietb Nor ton, a member of the f reahman" class, of Sheffield Scientific achool, tha Sclen- tiflclal department of Yale, has wrecked km Ufa plana. He will have to leave college, and ho fears that bs stay have to earn hla own living. He expected to keep hla marriage a secret till he had been graduated from Yala In three yeara. when be aaya he planned to ciaim .nta bride and Introduce her to hla perenta. If they refuaed to forglvs him. ha could make his own- way In the world, he thought..'' -, In the eity hail today was rued tne atawment - that on January II Norton and Mlaa Blrney were married la Bridgeport by Chrlatlan M.- Newman, a luatlce of the peace. After their elope H meht io tthat city gnd return here the Drtda went to ner own noms ana Nor ton to his college apartment. ' : lie was atunned tonight whan news of his marriage leaked out He said: ; "Now -J shall have to leave eollege. No etudent who get married at Yale can stay In eollege, I waa told by Jua tlca Newman, who performed the cere mony, that the thing could be kept quiet, and aft I hoped to be sbls to keep right on with my atudies. "If the faculty see the' notice of my marriage the Jig 'will be up with BBS I am afraid. I " had plenty of money to support my wife till I - graduated.'' Norton , lives in New York elty. Hla father la a' prominent bualneas man, who baa been abroad for hla health for sev eral montha. No case la known In which the Sheffield Scientific school faculty have allowed ' to remain In college etudant who -married before completing bla undergraduate course. Young Norton Is- only II snd his bride IL Her father I a laborer employed by the ' Wlnchtr Repeating , Arroa company. 1 She haa been a familiar figure en the Naw Haven promenad and haa been seen' In young Norton's company at well-known cafes ..for several , week. - WANTS TO SEE THE GIRL. MUUlonaira Sorts etstaf Ss ZarsstMrsts (gperial Dtaaatch by Leaaed Wire te The Jeeretll New York, reb. lO.Kdward Horton, millionaire, prealdent of the American Caa company, ' was Smoking a cigar la bla luxurloua quartera In the Hotel Man hattan tonight whenr he learned - that his youngest son, Kd win. a Ysls student. had praatlcally ended hla college career oy eioping witn a young, woman wno is widely known In New Haven. Mr. Hor ton took ths first train to New Haven to laveatlgsts ths matter. - - He was doubly, Impressed with ths neoeealty of quick action when he saw that ths die patohee from New Haven aald his daughter-ln-law wag 'one of" tha "gmy set", of thst city. ; . ' - "I must say that I ant greatly aur prlaed and I shall go to New Haven at once," he eald. "The New Haven gay aet. ebT Well, 111 have to find out about, that I am . going there ts find out who this girl Is. I saw my son four day ago at college end he gave me sbeolutely no mdloatloa ,sf being In love." . ' v . . ' i ., "Your son fears ha may bs dlslnhsr lted. what woujd you dor waa asked. "I don't know yet'. I want ts see the girl first snd maks np my mind about her before J decide on anything." 't - DEMOCRATS OF LANE TO HOUWIASCONVEMTION - fgaeelal Dtopetek te The Jeareal.) .' Eugene, Or., Feb. 10. At an enthuel aatio and largely a Headed meeting of the Lane county ' Democratic ; eentral committee- here thla-afternoon It -was decided to call a maaa convention of all the Demoorata ' In ' Eugene Saturday afternoon, February 14. for the purpoee of a uc (eating proper osndidatea for the different offloee to bs voted upon at the April primaries - and . formulate ..a declaration of principles. - Tha meeting today wa attended by the most promi nent Demoorata In ths county,- suoh as R. M. Veatfhi J. J. Walton. J. I. Mat lock, tS. P.'Wllllama. There la a general feeling among them that ths party will be mors succeseful In Lane oounty at tbla year's election' than for several yeara paat on account of diaaenslona In the Republican ranks.. .. -v . - Ths oounty central committee of ths Seulallat party, baa oalled ev msss con vention to bs held Saturday, March IT. for the purpoee of nominating; a toll ticket for ths June election, j- r ., GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE FOR BRUTAL CRIME - Lswlston, ' Mont. ' Feb. ' 10.Ederard Sherman, aged II, was today aentenced to life Imprleonmsnt for ths murder of Samuel Btudglnekl, an aged money lender, whom Sherman killed- by chop ping out hla bralna. I Sherman oonfeaaed to ths crime, ssylng be committed the murder for ths purpoee of robbery, as he was hard up and needed ths sola Hs aleo eonfeeaed to an - attempt to poison ths dletrlot attorney who waa ease ' and to Sherman e " father" wis Th court and cried bitterly a hla son waa condemned to prlaon. .- Sherman's oarenta are highly reapectabla and op to ths time of ltfsHmUrrfhgTounf aff POPS an excellent reputation. , , - -v . KEEPER OF NOTORIOUS v IRESORTJADLY BEATEN Jim Pninipa, 'proprietor of the Par la bouae, waa aavagely beaten about mld nlgbt laat night . by an unknown man who had been Involved la a quarrel with one of the women in ths place. Phillips t.v'h. ths wouiaii'a part and the atiaiiger left the houae, but soon returned and at tacked PhUlIpe, Aocordlng to the lattrr a story, his aaaailant Sred a shot at hire and then beat him over the head. Phil Hps WiVery"liVerrty Injured andWben taken to the police station be waa acarce lyable to atand. .. I'p to a late hour his assail ant .bad not. been captured., - . , ..'-.',-. .'A. --! '. HARMONY WILL f:3.7 PREVAIL (Spwlal fXapatafc hr teaeod Wire to TM JoSraal) uresnbrk. :rcs. iv.n was stan in Wall street today that the announce rhent of soms big railroad deal may be mads within the nest hours. This Is .construed ts mean ths sals. of. ,tbe Ulln,ols Central. Jacob .If. Schlf bad a long conference with J. P. Morgan to day and then called on Kdward H. Har rlman, James J. Hill waa not down town on account of ths weather. There wss a report that ths delay In declaring ST. PAUL TO SPEHD Estimated -That Twtnty-Flv Millions Will Bt Paid Out on T- Wsst End Work, '. : C. FRANCHISE TROUBLE r MAY CHANGE PROGRAM It Council Tains Down 'Application Vast Payments WU1 Bs Disbursed Elsswhsrs Tacoma's WOlingnsH Soared of Ssrioas Considergtlon, ' lUmmrUI DlnaM a Tke JonreaL) '. SsatUe, Waa a., Keb. IS.Twentyflvs million dollars will bs spent by ths CM osgo, Milwaukee St Paul railroad through ths officials In charge ef con struction work on ths west snd of ths Una. ; - " 0 This is ths sstlmaU tnads by Presi dent A. J. Karllng and high officers of ths road and la baaed on tne prelimi nary aurveys made by ths company. It will bs dlapenaed through Seattle n leeS tbs city council turns down ths St Paul frannhlaa. , and tentative agree mente have been made with Seattle banka for handling ths money, and then the money will be spent elsswbsrs. Tbs official are tired of delays. -St. Paul officiate believed when they made arrangementa bars for carrying on the cdWructlon work that there would be no difficulty In securing1 a franchla for the railroad In Sesttls. Ths company aaked to reach Ita What com avenue holdlnc on tbs seat water way and haa experienced eomparatlvery little difficulty In securing sucn a grani. There have been delays, but tbeee were espsetesy SMaaata Vmtda -".TMUbW-bver "thsf3olorado street franchise snd tbs right , to construct tracks ' to ths paeaenger and freight depota wars unexpected. - Ths company believed when arrangementa were msds for locating headquartera hers thst ths Colorado atreet frenchiae would be given promptly and that oonetructlon work could be ordered, st least fey tbe snd of fis present month. Prealdent A. I. Barling talked with rromlnent local men and with elty of iclala when bs wss here snd went sast believing that all obataelea wars cleared un. - The Insistence of the elty sn- slneera npon a - modification of the Colorado atreet frenchiae , along llnea that Bt Paul off Ida la Inalat cannot bs permitted is an entire aurprles to th road and may upset the entire program for railroad construction. Ths contract swarded H. C. Henry for building the line within this state contemplated an order for bealnnlng work within three week from, the time Prealdent Barling awarded ths contract. If ths council delay action this cannot, be dons, v Vasossa U WUUsa. Taooma'a apparent wllllngneas ts give any prtvtlages ths company may dealre la a eoaree of asrlous oonsldsratlon by company offlolals now. It Is generally realised by railroad men that building operations can bs conducted to better advantage from Seattle, not permieaion for Immediate construction is what Is desired. ' i ' ' If ths St Paul officials adhsrs to their original Intention of making Seattle the weet and heedouarters and directing all work from this city there-wlU beI g1!rinimwae-oflveniam-jTpwi. That expendltars irom ceaiue mean all supplies will bs bought la Seattle, and that ths contractor's headquartera will have ts bs maintained hers. While an Immense sum will bs spent en tbs work throughout ' this stats and - In MonUha, millions will paee through tlie city where the , western neeoquariera ere - sstabllsbsd. moot of it Msmalning there. Unleee a delay In granting the rranchlss occurs beyond all reasonable bounds this - money wUl ; be spent through Seattle. ,t - - .- : SUASHES STORE VIKDOIVTO SEIZE TRAY- OF 6EF.1S ' Boldsst :Robbry In History of Vancouver, ? B. ,. C Ssvsn ( . ' Thousand In Diamonds. , ' '(gBeeiat Weeetesrte The lesraetA Vancouver. B. C- Feb. 10.Ths bold est robbery, svsr. beard ef In this elty took place st T o'clock tonight At that hour. When ins Oily wii mmvim m m haav tn.- a man smashed a window of McMillan's Jewelry stors on Hsstlngs atreet one of the ousieet morougnrarea In the city, which was srewded with pe- deatrlan at ths time, ana graoDea a tray of diamonds vaiueo at (.. a peanut vendor on the corner made an at Umpt Tto atop tha thief, but the latter pulled a revolver and fired. -r-' The inwt eacapva id ww rtna- off fur the waterfront The po lice are row guarding every avenue of eeoape. . Tbe man waa notloed loaflni n m. atreet corner, when be - suddenly drew eome Instrument from Ms pocket land- broke the-plateglsaa... He Imme diately enatohed the aiamonaa anq ran. He . was pursued by paaaeraby, but turned down a dark alley and disap peared) In tbe fog. . -v- . 1 I , ' a' tntereetlsff Sfnsleals. . The Mualo Lovera' club, composed 6f pupils sf Miss Marker, gave Ita f Irat mualcai or toe aeaeon mm i (IT Da via street Tbe entertainment was attended by a number of frtende of the-club and an Interesting program d - - . ,, ' ' Wreck on Tezaa Paetfle. ' ' (Bperlal blepatrk by teaetd Wire te The foaraal) uaiiaa, rrtt.1 ier a wre-a ei in Teeee Paelflo aaetheund-spreas from California la reported at CM , Texas, 4SS mile weet of Dallaa. Pour are re torted fatally and ji seriously injured, . innmeco n . . .. ..;w--;-;- ... . . .. .-t-.-Vf ,';' I 1 AND HILlTEi;. 17AR, the Union Pacific dividend waa due to a desire to wi. t-ennredmpIeilon"br me penaing aeai. r The Hill aiuf l arrlman Intereeta are wild to have curled the hatchet and harmony will hereeftey prevail tn the northweatem sluiatlon. It was further declared that Kill had agreed to take over tne Itarrl-nan holdlnea at Onaet Northern and Korthem Pacific at iw w urjnr ena izb I or tne latter. giw-ino union ' racine surplus of ll.c;.o. . OPERA WMM goes o;i emiiiE Bast Viol ; Leads Walkout Jn tho Midst cf Psrformanoo of Faust by Cxvt Company: LPLAYERd YilU POINT V U AMD GsT THEIR PAY Striks Dus to Fscf That lfea Hsd ' Not Rsceived Their Money; Al though. Todgj Was Pay-Dar ; fiyerythlnf SatisfgctorUv Bsttled. (Baaelet Dkeatek te Ts JemaaL) . Seattle Waah.. Feb. 1.0. While one ef the . most ' fashionable audiences that ever asaembled In a local playhouse was listening te the rendition of Tauat" to night at the Grand opera-house by the Savsgs . English Opera company, ths orcheatra etruck. . The baas viol player led the striks. Hs Issued. ' the ulti matum. 1 get my salary or quit" ., During the 'entire - performance ths orchestra appeared to be disturbed. ' At tbs end of tbe third act 11 member of the brcheatra left tbs theatre. When the fourth act ended, tbe orchestra waa abort ths dossn members. Before the set wss halt ever, however, tbe muti neers took their places, Ths manager had paid them tha salaries that, they naa aemanaeo. t- ---. . The striks was das to tbe fact that today waa payday and that tbe tree urer of the company was about to leave for Portland without paying the salaries. At ths end ef the perform ance It was stated that everything had been arranged te ths satisfaction ef ths men who led ths strike. -, T"" WITH KNIFE AND GUN :? ' BARTENDER RUNS AMUCK Armed with a ll-ailber revolver and a butcher kalfs with a 14-Inch blade, George H. Kelaar, a ' bartender In the saloon of William Linn, 121 Union ave nue, made a savage aaaault en Linn late laat night but without Inflicting any serious Injuries. ' A dispute had ariaen between the ensn, and two or three by Lander Joined In the fight which en sued. 1 Kelaar Was thrown out of ths saloon and wont upstairs, , where - he armed himself and returned to resume the fracas. Hs was again thrown out and bs was finally taken lata oustedy sy patrolmen Biacaman, Unn,wt lodge a complaint against him Monday morning.- ' '. - . TACONfA EXPECTING A HARRIMAN' LINE (Saaclal Dlaaatch te Tka aaeraal.t Tscoraa, Waah., Feb. IS. While the union Pacirie has made no official an nouncement that It will soma te Taooma, elrcomatantlal evidence beera out ths rumor thst ths Harrlman Una Is heeded this Wsy. Extensive purchases of water front and bualnese property have been under way for eeveral weeks and whlls thoae Intereated will not talk, the moat plaualble deduction la that the union Paelflo ia preparing te enter tbs field. The purchaae by the Milwaukee of a depot alte for l.00 thla week, the lota having coat the -owner- about T.eea-a. year ago. Indicates ths greet Increase In Taooma realty since the railroad boom began. -- -w - INHERITS MONEY FROM MARSHALL FIELD aSSMSBBSSaSBSBSSBSBSBB ''."'-' :' (Special Dieeateb te TkS Jearaal.t ' Billing. -Mont., - reb. IS. Edmund Burke, a ranchman .who lives In the Tel lowatone valley, IS miles weet of BU llnga. la a beneficiary of the will of the late 1 Marshall Field - to the extent of. tiO.00. Burke la a ranchman In very moderate clrcumstaneee. .He bee long aald that If be had what belonged te blm he would be wealthy. Burke for merly worked for Field, he Bay. Deafness-ahd Catarrh Cured By ' A CTINA" Y 2 Klnetv-flve ne ent of all" eaeea' tit deafneea brought to our attention la the reaul . cbronlo catarrh of the throat and middle eer. The air , paaamgee beoome ologged by catarrhal depoelte, a topping the action of the vibratory bonea. - Until theae depoeiu are removed a cure la lm- '. poeelble.' The Inner ear cannot be reached by ' probing or spraying, ' hence the Inability of eneolallata to alwaya -give relief. " That there (a a. anlentlfle ure for moat forma or See maaa and catarrh la demon strated every day by the "Aotlna" treatment The vanor current aenerated by-SAotina" paaaae. throprti, the u-. ataohlan tubee Into the middle ear. re moving the catarrhal obatructlona es It paaaee through the tubes, and looeefte up tbe bonea (hammer, anvil and atlr rup) in the Inner ear, making them re epond to the sllghteet vibration of sound. "Aotlna'? nee seldom failed to atop ringing nolaea In the head. We have known people troubled with thla dletreeelng armotom for years to be completely cured la a few weeka by thla 'ondarrui invention. "Aotlna" also cures la grippe, aathma. bronchitis, sore throat weak lunge, eoldo and headache eada.ll other trouble toot are directly le eont on trial postpaid. WrKe ue about your caae. ' We will give free advice and positive proof of cores. A valuable book Professor Vvllson'S 100-paaw Treaties on Dtseeee, Free. Addreee Nsw York snd London F'ei;trl6 Association, IDt MC, ;i Wsuiut street Kansas city, Mo, if. v IS GiJILTY of cuhder Vancouvsr, ' Jury . Finds ; Vtrdiet . Against Man That KJilsd j; , r. : ?, . Adofph Ki!lsir.V ; DEFENSE ENTERED '. TLEA-OFIN3AfiiT!lf Wster tJonipany " Cuts . , OfrTstgf Iron Court House, When. It EC1 vis UnpsJJ,and Has - to'Bs En ' joined. .: .s'.i;:-.-A ' ' gpUI Plfpatah te 'Ta feeraSLI ' ; , Vancouver, Wash Fsb. Ths Jury in the ease, of Simon Brooks, on trial for ths murder of Adolpb MUler near Rldgefleld, thla county, en November SO laat, returned a verdict of guilty at T:0 thla evening. The Jury waa out an hour amrtt mlnutee. The Jurymen try ing the caae were C S. Beaberg, Thomas O'Brien, Chris Burlock, W. D. Sapping ton. Chat Knight William F, Joung. J. M. Hursh, Floyd Allen,, a . C BeelU L. 1 C Wren. Tbomae Good and Qua Dundt- Attorney Milton ISvana and W. EL YaUs appeared for Brooks snd Proee outlng Attorney W. W, Sparks handled the case for the stats. The only point ralaed by ths attorneys for. Brooks was the plea ef tneanlty. Brooka acknowledged at the time of the hooting that be Intended to kiU Miller and had stated previously that he would make wsy with Miller. This one point of tbe defense had little weight with tbe Jury, - C. U Tedder, who captured Brooka soon after hs had killed MUler. testi fied that Brooks made ne resletaaoe te being taken into custody . and that Brooks said: '. ' v ; ' n have killed MlUer and I don't ears If tbey hang me for it" Tedder also testified that a year be fore the murder Brooks had shot at Miller near Rldgefleld. Milton Evana, one of Brooka attor ney, after the verdict had been read said hs would' atr once ask for a now trial :,, . - ,-. .., . The trouble which brought en the shooting ef Miller wss one ef .long standing, As near aa can be learned it originated because of a dlapute 'over aa onion deal, ia which Brooka said Milter got tbe best of him. This waa about two years ago. . - , SHUTS OFF WATER. ; . . Its Oemaeefdoa So OomrUonae. -.fSeeelel PveetaM teTk esrastr-;,i Vancouver. Waalw Feb. IS. Clarke county today aecared an order from the superior eourt asking an order restrain ing tbe Vanoowver Water Works com pany from shutting off tbs water from the courthouse. Several days age ths water company p reseated a number ef bills to the county oommlsslonsrs. Some of vthe bills tbs eonunlaaionere rejected. rnnay night the water comoanr cut off the water aupply of tha courthouse. The1 commissioners wars compelled to hire a plumber to turn on the water, . Tbe water company threatened to turn the water off again and tbs county want Into courU.. ; . . Wv. DRESS IN FLAMES. -.;.', ; -, v, '..-v Taree-Tsae-Old Olarke Oomaty sHjtI xae A-- aTanerw aasna.. .-- fSpeetai Dleeeteh to The fearaaL) - - ' Vancouver, Wash- Feb, 10. X,ucr Tedder, (-year-old daughter of C tl Tedder, narrowly escaped being burned to death last Friday evening. Ths fam ily was seatsd at the supper table in the residence near Bldgeneld. when the little girl, who waa In the parlor warm ing herself by the fireplace, ruahed out acreaming and her clothing In Hemes. Hsr father Immediately laid her down and beat out the flames with bis bare bands. . hs was badly burned. , j -. . REPUBLICANS TO RALLY AT BIG LINCOLN! BANQUET Republican hosts will rally tomorrow evening for the Llnoolh baagoet which I la te be given in the rooma of the Comr- merclal club under tbe Joint auspices ef the Republican clnb and ths Toung Men's Republican dub of Portland. Men of prominence In the party eoun elle from all parts of the State will be present. ---a F. R Beach, prealdent of the Repub lican club, will act ae toast master and tbe program- of toasts and responses will be as follows:'- "Ths Prealdent of the United Statea" (tn silence. Blend ing); "Abraham tdnooln," George H. WUUama; "Reminiscences of the Na tlonal Republican Convention of llto," E. U 8ml th; "The Boys From '(I to '," H. H. Northup; "The Poll ties of IMO-, Dr. Andrew C .Smith; The Future of the Republican Party," W. I. Vawter; Tbs . Toung Man In Foutlca,- w. M. Cska.- .. - L " Rapubllcan eandldatee for nomina tion in ths coming primsrlss will make brief addresses. -- ' The committee ta charge of tha ar rangement consists of John QUI, W. B. Chase, Ben Selling, C. W, Nottingham, George W. Stapleton, Allan R. Joy, R. A, Preston, H. C Smith, Emmet Drake and C V. Oantenbetn, Tbe reception com mittee will consist of ths officer of ths Republican elub and the Toung Men's Republican club) . ;, , EYI DENCES OF MURDER : I U ON BODY DISCOVERED fSseeUl tHeeataa to The' JearaaM " V' ' Taooma, Waahn Feb. 10. The body ef Fred Overholm, a longshoreman,, who disappeared January - IT, . waa found floating in the bey today. Evldencee point, to murder. ..The night -b left, ae wag laat aeen coming -from tee water front. Diligent search waa made, but to , no avail until hla corpse, badly de composed, was fished out of the water and Identified , by paper oa-She body. hole ia the head and the ehsettes- ef money ted- to-the murder theory.'burho clues are obtainable, Overholm waa eober and Industrious and bla friends claim be was foully dealt with. - rSeMlal iMaaetea teTbe JearaaLT" lA Grande. Or., Feb. 10. B. XL Re mlg -aad G. R. Setts, both of this elty. hare received Information from' the department that . tbey were successful In their examlnatlone for appllcante for forest reserve supervisors, making tee eucoeeeful -applicants out ef -the nine from' the -different parts ef the state who took tbe examinations. - High school skating rink open Sun day afternoon sad avenue. .. . s . ( r - Till Q?xEltZKZilJiC2... Cr-t., f'..7 I he' ff F"i p-LU: -w.asa -law I... ' ' VI I Im . Sw.aa.e 13, NOW RSAOY, FOR Flyes FrtoeY the Sefcesjgav wtrmrMm jjg' j eieny gmmsi, anpsg jiwa, raasw' Cal C.u ) . e e CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT PRICES THAT WILL TAKE YOUR EYEIN THE WINDOWS o w -e Q IV V( Closed Out at Cost Woman's Prize s Oar Was WSI Get aCAaTT-OFXaT SOOatgl AJTS BTS FEABX, BVTTOirg, I soaea tor....sse BBKBOXB gAFXTT tTBB, 1 O VBCssraa ookbs. .,..,,.....isa FILLOW XOFg, ncuUr ID.........Ue Monday Only - JAFAJTBra TT.TS Iwhlts and" cream, 20-inch width) regular too, SIONDAT PRICK, tbs yard... Sis The Followint All Thb Hontll W-nros vbti itsUogx-Ts es srad. 1 , TXTXB FBIOX us yard...... sss U-XMO WaUTS BXJfalBTXA BafS- - lar eOc. - -- v -r - yiTEB rkTCX. to yard...... SO M-IVOS VXIXS ALSATB0SS--Ta 00 Jnallty. v - LTXB FBIOB. the yard ..:. eMBCa WTUTB ALL-WOOL SIBOS One e- the rs.kloeabls fsbrte tor yrlna wear;, ragsler tl.SS. . - IXYIB ySICB, tbe yard ......... .M reS-IBCK WKITS OKIVIOT A dressy aerlns ragsler (1.7a. FLTZB FBIOB, th rd.. SI-SI . sS-IVGBI SIOITTtS Plala- Iri salt' atripM (Ilk at ftTlB BI0S, the yard .J1.SI is-lBOK OBBAM ALL-WOOL BXBOsV tntt tbe thins for Ckildraa'a Ceate aad Ladle' Soltai tts SSe (rasa. WaiTB-IXTim FBIOX, the yard... ess XOTJ WTLt FOT WABTS wnw. t rr tot Birr a Vbxjios: yLABFKL WAIST AT SSs, TUB OOOPS ABB MTBT TWS BIbKT WBI0KX YOB SniBO .. WBAB. - . f -J- ; o o asjrxwi O ..... . n UHi I III A i i . - i wr . , ai m ) THE' QREEN DISCOUNT. STORE ''l 144-146 Thlrt Street 101 ' . AKDTRONS vfr':..,(,-t.i.:. . MtOrLft ;v j' 'U oas btjr .-'V.' . - y; "' .-';v:'-OAsyrxT JV;. WAX TAPERS . FTREPLACE8 J. FANCT BUDCTRICAX. A -J-.Th'- VY MAW -AMD FANCT ' .:..Ii.V."-l -ir-wr -m :rf;tr;;ir.,-..;Tr," Li!2lT. ' irc-LHE J TEL, ' 408-411 MofTison St. KLECTRICAIt DESIGNS FASCINATTfKJ MArfTtXe ""r "T ' , EtfECTRICAli SAD IRONS ' , '..'. firb orates' ' . - TONGS AND SHOTEXS v - ' YOUR INSPECTION rset ..............184 ens yare ...................... of i1 ll1...l3 "1 - . ' iip , OanaiO KaaTtkTSCHHTS, waHa and wlik ralnid eordcrs. yiT petuc. :......... . JayooITTS HAJIPKUtOstTKyg with silk Initial., la wall er wait wltk ; mlmHl pnMfa. yLTia yaicg. ..A...,..........THe BAUaMSOAJI gOOXg, la white, blark er etawa; ah fanay. The pair... IS He () iw wutor a - -avis, a vaiie Sag color., FLTlh r10 ......Ua STiyy bosom wmm shuts. y raa bey twe foe last thaa the prke ef ona. , -. , . - yiTEK ntCT each.:. .ela KADaAS SiiATg la aumr striped ee alrna; stfrf aoaoet mat aaarkl. yLTrm ymiog .... wvw-f sSs rnrramrD VS.XD WKTtg sjubm. .yxTiA yaiug.... flat Airs moTnrn mas of Btnigtui RAIJt saaerud stjlse, wiea estln aad far Unlsg. aatea la Tl gad ICSV-lach I.DfiD.1 refqiar 9 ou. CLOSISO OUT Faiox BO AXIS Off VXam SEAL. U black. satla Uaad, erith et vrltaeat eraaiawtst rwelar fx. oCosnio lar a.oo. . out niox.... .....eta W have a srokea Us et 'LedKM gboaldar Capes, not the latest, set el 'Urat fsra. Colors are erewe, gray aad. black. Tbay are new IS.e, gl.le, StM ae aad See. ,j . FLAT . DOUBLS OAt at brows art black. laabaiU aabla; tbe ends gnlsbad wltk tails ssd eorea: awe la so-Inch rrnatbe; rernlar MOO,, OXOSUTf OTTX ylici g.U FLAT iUSSIA BBAft SO AS, Try swrlfweble, 73 ux-fces lang regular oxosiso ovt yaicm ..... lOni BOAS la black Meat Seal ealr, hsad with sgalrrel. ee-tacb leagthei c?oi"iySVffr nun BOealAjf KAIB BOAS, trtstwed with tails aod cords, sua. la TS-iach leagtsei Mmiu aa.An. o otosiwo ovt ma ....... Her fiotioh BiisRctl Yoa Kmy Hotlons v; . . ...... ... r- . .' The card... .......... .....;,V.o I tmCB kTAXXtw the settle.. ..tie siABA Hogs strrsoBTsms..; PWtOt tW6ST.7.m aad see n Domestics, Etc yu BTtror TOWIXJBO Hate white ' or whit with rod ibareefs. - i if" rtXXB SBIOX, the yard. .......... tH TBIgK BTUOBABACB TOWaXnra-ats wklto, fall bleecbsd, FLTUltBIOB, the yard ...... rnw. te WBTTX prDIA LOrOBB, 1heyar4..THe ZBOLrSX LOVO CLOTS U-yard yWMa, the salt Boys and Girls XBB IS T0XTB CXABCX TO OZT A BVSTXB BBOWB DBAWTBO BOOK -t I ABB A SAXFZ BOX TBIBI - We de Set sell Bester Brewa Stock. togs, bet we save tbe Drawlag Book ad Paint Bosss te give away te bar eed girl wbae aefeete key aesM ef tke Stecklsse wklfb we offer bar, la faal- blghsr pries.,'' ' t v aTtaerr lit nn BXBBXO BLACK COTTOB HOgX, doable eaa all flaaai tBIOX, the pair BOTS til KXATT BnBZB BLACK COTTOB BOSXi aU stsss. - FBIOX,. tke pair .......lltt OBTLOBXarB TBB BtBBXD BLACK COTTOB HOtXi all ikaw FBICX. tbe pair............. 1 1-la BT"f hi rhrX BTBBXD BLACK COTTOB HOUSBt doable kaaa, klgk snllrd keL " BBICX. U sen .........aa. 5 o o 2r ior UOHTS BURNERS MAIN m, . . " t - . ' Brt. Tenth and Klsrtntb -t- .. . r . FIRB BRICKS AND CLAT EXQUrBrm CIIANTjELlBRS ' , . TJASUOHT ORNAMENTATION " ' all. kinds of ; ... ' ' " " . SCTLDINGS WIRED! . I ., BtiTLDiNas wired; I OMJlARREITJLOl 'i 1 1 i . '.V