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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
' Ml 1 m ,. 1 . " " : V , . . . , . r;:acc3T AT4TACT l. , m:llic:j a:;d a half jlVork Started on Salem .Eoad Can . not Begin; " Building Expensive Bridie . Across WtUmette Until "Portland FraucfcJse JJf SecureCT' From Portland ta Raltm In mln ; ate; over T-pound rail on a. ballasted roadbed with practically a 1 par ent ' grade, Willamette velioy paopla mar ; rlda In modero coaches giving-frequent service and running ta mile an boar If present, plans ara-carried out by the syndicate that U nuildini tn wiuam atte 1 valley eiec trio road. - Thle eyndi . ' cate haa at Ita bad Moffa White. "New York banker. A. I Mllla of Port land and Charlea Pratt Co, of .New ' t . Tha road will eoat approximately " " v tl.&Ov.eos, every dollar of which fa ub aorlbed and paid . Into- tha ayndteata - treasury, and from the aouroea yield- , lag this, money la eaid there are mora -.: million to be lnveated ' In Oregon If the conditions Justify it. Tha Wlllara . atte valley project haa Interested a nuro A . ber of eastern Investor, and while tha . name of Bona, of them la given out au thoritatively excepting that of Moffat .','.. Y White, M la known that this banking - - firm represent large . number of . .clients familiar with Oregon' raaoureea . and prospect . and willing ta put their i money Into Oregon ntrp(tea it given " Oeorge a. aaoffaa t Vewa. - vv Oeorge B. Moffat, head of tha firm, ' -' came to ' Portland ' yesterday to inquire Into the situation regarding tha grant- Tng of a franchise asked for by hi "", company to enable it to enter Portland 'With an else trio road. ' He haa made half a dosen visit to this elty In the last 10 yeara. and each time haa been - mere favorably impressed. . - -. . "What puaalea ua at thl time la tha -hesitancy that ta exhibited by tha city in. -granting admission-to oapltal In the . Torm of electric railroad construction.' kht aald. f Wo are firm believer In Portland and Oregon, -and tha road we - 'purpose to build from Portland to galea ' Is but the beginning of our plana. There x ' 1c-no telling to what a project ex this kind wUl lead. We have bad the road completely financed for aome time and 1 ; have bean actively engaged In eonstruo . tlon work at the Salem and of the Una, - . - t but .have, been forced to suspend opera tlona for the reason that wa cannot gain entrance Into Portland. la absence . . of definite rlghta on the etreeta of this - city we are unable to complete the loca- -, uon of the fojtiaoa end or the una. -v Xllllon .a a Half Co. v . , "Time ta an Important factor In thl enterprise. We would bava to construct vi.,van expensive bridge over the Wlllam- ' atte river, and a, year would be required fc for auch -en undertaking. - Wa cannot vi. go forward with, any part Of tha pro)- . -ect until this ejueetloa. of, a Portland ,jranchlaa la aetUed.". .,.,- w. -..'v. ; ,r Z Zmapea ta Bantev ' " .; ' ' "Mr." Moffat la accompanied by General . Manager Huntington of - the Medical ' Lake electric road at Spokane, a Moffat ' White property. They drove ever the prospective route of tha Fortland-Saleta , road yesterday and eoneluded their trip " at Oregon City, returning .to" Portland' V aver the O. W. P. electrio Una. The rout of the Willamette Valley road " 5 ' runs aeveral ' mile away from the t Southern Pacific, through a country that - i la now entirely without transportation . "v - Recently W. D, 'fen ton. attorney for ' the Harriman lines, Appeared before WHAT 'SULPHUR-DOES For the Human Body in Health and Discase. - The tnention-of aulphur wiU-reeaU to many of ua the early day whan our mothers and grandmother gave ua our dally- doe of autphur and molaaaea every BDrlner. and fall. 1 - - It was the universal aprtng and. fall "blood purifier," tonlo and cure-all. and mind you, this old-fashioned remedy waa not without merit. , - Tha Idea, wag good, bnt the remedy waa crude and unpalatable, and a large Quantity had to be taken to get any affect. - i - . ' . Nowaday w get all tha beneficial affecta of aulpbur In a palatable, con centrated form, so that a elngl grain la far more effective than a tablespooa- xul of the crude aulpbur. . - - In recent year, research and experi ment beve proven that tha beet aulpbur for medicinal ua I that obtained from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold In drug stores under th , nam : of Stuart's Calcium Wafer. They are mall chocolate coated pellet and eon- tain the active medicinal principle of sulphur In highly concentrated, effect ive form. ' . m Few people are aware of the value of this form or sulphur in restoring and maintaining bodily vigor and health; sul phur acta directly on tha liver, and ex cretory organs and puriflee and onrlohe th blood by th prompt, elimination of waata material. Our grandmother knew this when they dosed ua with aulpbur and molasses very spring and fall, but tha crudity and Impurity of ordinary flowers of aul pbur were often worse than th dis ease, and cannot compare with the mod ern concentrated preparations of sul phur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly th best and most widely Used.. '. . '. '' - ' r " ' ..' ; ' They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cur con stipation and purlfy: the blood In n way that often aurprlsa ptlana,nd physi- aajuik. . ,. Dr. R. M. Wilkin while axpenment ' Ing with aulpbur remedle. aoen found that th sulphur from Calcium wa su perior to any other form. He aayas "For liver, kidney and blood trouble -especially when resulting from eonatl- - pa tlon or malaria. I have been surprised at tha results obtained from Stuart Calcium Wafer. In patient suffering from bolls and pimple and even deep- ' seated carbunclea, I bava repeatedly aeon them drv an and dlaappaar In four or five daya. leaving th skin clear and - amootu. 1 Although -Stuart s Catetom Wafers la a proprietary article, and sold by druggist, and for that reason ta booed by many physicians, yet I know ' of nothing e safs and reliable for eon stlpetlon, liver and kidney trouble and -especially In all forma of akin disease a tbla remedy." At any rate people' who are tired of plllA. ' cathartic and so-called blood -pur,"-'." will find 1 Stuart's Cat r f'r Mfr. more palatable th elty conacll street committee end formally withdrew the Southern Pa el iO' cv jenny's applioatlon for a (ran ehlee on iront atreet. Hie action waa t n by many to maaa that th Kar rlman letareet were backing th Wil lamette Valley electrio road,- 'Tfou eannet be too emphatio in de nial of auch a rumor," aald Mr. Moffat lOur jeoncarn baa never bad any finan. elal connection whatsoever with the Harrlman eompanlea. ' We d not know th Uarrlmaa people, and there ta not the remotest relationship between , the Willamette Valley electrio line and any Harrlman railroad. ' Our project la ab solutely an Independent Una. If built w ahall equip It with th moat modern car and electric locomotives. It 1a eut Idea to run large coaches.' practi cally tb amm alaa a those of standard gauge road. ., Back oar will be inde pendently operated. " giving . frequent aervloa, and avoiding ua of trailer. Tha freight trains wUl b hauled by eleotrio locomotive. On holiday occa sions or for excursions' w plan to us these ooomotlvs to haul trains f pas senger trailers, but tha regular passen ger and express service wlU be goo by alngl .ar:5 .;....;. '. kMahla - ' "Th eouraa of our people in relation to th proposed road will depend on the length of time w have to .wait to get permission, to com into. Portland; I wish to make it plain that tint la an Important factor, W do not feel jus tified In waiting about for consent to com la here, and Invest our money. I want to say, , to. all alnOsrUy and good feeling, that there are many- other plaoea where the people are clamoring for eleotrio roads and capital ;f or devel opment of resource and where lnreat ore are cordially received." "If Portland want to buUd a Chinese wall of exoluaton about tha elty, and keep out Investors and atop developments of the elty and state, it should continue th policy that is now being shown toward tbla enterprise," aald A. U Mllla. "Th revere policy would be more for th good of the city. What la needed la to enoourage Instead of repelling men who wish to com ber and aaalst In th development of tha country. We need mor electrio roads, more capital and more of all klnda of .legitimate industries end investments. The enterprises should be promptly welcomed. , under franchise properly guarding the pub UC right." . LOS ANGELES MEN - (Continued from Page One.) V buUt the Le Angeles Paclne, the Santa Monloa eleotrio end ether roads. Formerly he waa a Tex railroad of ficial. -Mr. Larrabee, who la the general manager of the United Railways com pany, nee for yeara been prominent la executive affairs of the Huntington eleo trio roads in southern California, but a few months ago resigned and more re cently became . associated with ' the United Bail way company. ...... The Los Angela men today have four dlatlnoa enterprise . In . Portland the United Railway company, which baa acquired the Interests of th Oregon Traction 'Oompany; tha Portland Cham ber of Commerce building, which -they purchased yesterday; the Lea Angelea Railroad, Construction . oompany, which they have incorporated in Oregon with a capital of tS. 000.000, and the Common wealth Bank at Trust company, which received it charter from Oregon yester day, and la oaDltallsed at 1500.000. - Their banklng-houee, which may be located la the Chamber of Commerce building, will handle the fiscal affairs of the affiliated companies. Ita officers are not yet elected. . It Incorporators are WUmot Grlfflse, I. W. K. Taylor and X. JT. Howard. . Tha home of the bank la not yet determined. Negotia tions are under way for a lease on th old. snell, Heltsnu woodara bunding. recently occupied by . th federal gov. ernment. and If the deal terminate favorably the bank ; will probably be located there. jv; , . . ., ..,; Soaa f the Saekera. Back of - all the eompanlea named, and parent to them, la th R. A. Phillip company of Lo Angeles and rittaburg. R. A. Phillip, tb head of th concern. la a PitUburg banker and real estate operator who la heavily - interested In Lo Angelea. This company Is com paead of tha following officers and di rector: .President. K. A..Thllllp; vice presidents, T. H. Dudley and Oeorge C Lamcke; secretary, J. Wbyta Evan a; treasurer. Wilmot Onfflaa. - Other dl rectors are .US. Ot. Herlow and H. W. Lemcke. ' Tb company .ha a nominal capital lsatlon-of J250.000. R, A. Phil lip is said to be largely Interested in VIMetktir trust eamnanlfla . "So well pleased are tb' members of these corporatione ' with Portland. It people, commercial posslbllltle and residence advantage that moot of them will make Portland their home. The families of Mr. Evans and Mr. Lairabe are already bar. Mr. Bvan said: . . "Our eompania are not here asking for bonuses; w have no stock nor bond for sal. All w want I proper opportunity to make legltlmat Invest ment of . money in Portland. We are putting money to not taking It eut of the euy.-'. ' . -,. ; 4 , READY TO HIT CHINA : t-y (Continued from Page One.) 1 Mr. Meaealf ha notified th commit tee that be will bava a little bill in amendment of the Foster . bill, which in general terms eeeka to modify ex lat in g legislation. It to nnderatood that representative of organised labor will be called- by opponenta - In1 congress chanalnaT the present law. ' - . " it I not known definitely why the president want to eonrer wltn Mr. For kins, bat! It la assumed bore that be wlahe Mr, Perkins to take tbe ground In ble argument end Investigations which shall ' reflect . tbe presidential views on the sublect and that th presi dent doe not want to have any mla- pnaeratanaing a t aia new. it wouij tbue appear that the bill ta sub- oommltte will report -will b aa ad- ministrativ meaanre. ; RUSHINQ SUPPLIES. Army Salpaisaag f i Orient. - . (Saedel DtoyatA by Leeaed Wire teTssleeraal) umana, neow, jreo. 11 he govem- meot euartermaatcr for tb department of tha Missouri baa been rushing work ell night and all day n upplle of all kind which- ar being shipped to the orient faat a they can b prepared. Th shipment indud equipment, oloth- Ing, tents' and , accoutrements and an examination of th gun and ammuai tlon haa been ordered. . ' Thee goods jw all khlppsd by faat freight to Sen rraajelaoo for .reahip- aeent to th Philippine. Ala n'poU of army headquarters has been made for all clerk who can be Bent to th Phil ippine on abort notice. It, I rumored among the soldier at Port Crook and Fort Oman, that war In China la in. "'-...... v. .)-,. -a . . . -- - ; ..... , U ta QtMtii OS 0waaWleaV . e enniM Mahegaay To TICS VCttKC4.00 lm.MM. Mnok MoMk -S GIFT TO E ALICE Old Friend of Roossvelt 3nd 7 MonstiWreVth of CrapV for " V y Woddfng Prttsnt. i KNEW PRESIDENT A3 RANCHER AND GOVERNOR Banked With Him M Cowboy and Would Hare Fonght With Him as ; Ro(h Kider Could Hs Hars " ; Boafht - Placo ta' Kefbne.t ' '...-,'- - -.t -vV - r'"t:':-'w m 1 ' " ' ' - Among tbe many gifts which, will be placed . upon exhibition In - th white house after tbe marriage ef Mia Alio Boo volt, will be a monster wreath ef Oregon (Tape, the emblem of the state. It wlU be cent to the national executive mansion by exreee tomorrow morning by Elmer KlmberUn, lit North street, this elty. -- J r. . Tb ' ends ef the " wreath, which . la about four feet In diameter, are bound together - with a knot of tbe national colore . red. white and blue '- ribbon. Anon the leave la tbe following note: "An Oregon grape wreath, tbe em Mem of the greateat Pacific coast com monwealth, the state of fertile valleys and snow-capped mountalna, where rolls th Oregon; token of remembrance and eeteem from an np-etata friend and ad mirer. .- BLUER K. KImBERLXN. Tbe wreath was ordered soon after tn oax ror.uxe wsooing ei mis Koose veit waa announced. ' That gave tha florist ample time in which ta eeleet the leave and branches for tbe wreath. Their object waa to obtain a garland that would contain all the color f tb grape. .- . ,-, .Mr. , Klmberlln fat quarterm aster ser geant of company E, ' Third infantry, Oregon National guard. H bear th dtatinetlon ef being the only man In the guard who haa not mlaaed a drill for more than seven yean, The sergeant waa a former resident ef New Tors, where be renewed ble acquaintance with - President Roose velt when ' ma latter waa governor of the Empire state, - Mr. Klmberlln first met tbe president whan he wa a cowboy In Korta Dakota, when that oommonwealth was a portion of Dakota territory. - . -m - "I bunked with bira many a time tn those daya," remarked Mr. Klmberlln last evening. In those days be waa a cowboy,- and X have often ridden the range with him. When he got back east and became governor he waa Just the same kind of a fellow j always ready to ehak lurtid with any person he met. "1 knew the president when be lived tn Albany, when be waa governor, i I waa than attending medical achooL "When tb war broke out I went beck east. Intending to enlist in Roosevelt' reclments but when I got there I found th roster fulL I found a elckly look- Ins fellow who had ridden a home all the way from Missouri, who bad got intd th regiment, t offered him 111 for ble enanoe, nut he rerusd It." In February. 101, Mr. Klmberlln sent President Rooeevelt a handsomely em broidered pniow, upon which wa worked a dei-n of Oregon grape. When Presi dent Roosevelt visited Portland on May mm, m m m m. ' " . .vw.i.w HUH with a ft-pound aatmon and a brace ef Chine pheasant, remarking: the other la for Theodore Junior.'' Th- presentation took place luat aa the special train was about to pun eut of th etation. ' rn preeieent recog nised his old friend "and delayed long nougn i innn mm yorni remem braae.'-, .- . SPORTING GOSSIP. r i. B. Kelly Of the White tame haa received word from San Franciaro that tb d Laveaga estate haa laaaed to the Whit Sewing Machine company for a term of year th property on Van Nasi avenue, from Market to Fell street, for an aggregat sum la excess of half a million dollar. - . uroun ha been broken and the Whit company I erect ing on th alt on of th itneat eu to- mobile garages m the world aa head quarters ror th White steam care. The lot contains -nearly equare feet Made ta Quartered Oak, Sirdaey rw QREGOn OR and the building wUl b few t'.rzLjt, VE CUHZLY HAVE COME C? T1KS THINGS YOU VAIJT UK OUR STOCi: 07 COMPLETE home rurjucHiNQs. ' Lor; I , Our Advantecs Over Our Competitors 111112 Frless liille Esnansc A. , , htapl, Little nionHily ifTTi nw tillUC ucuu , Celebrated ACME STEEL RANGE 10-year . V Guarantee. ; , girlTig a total of about fee, sonar feet or fleer space.-- Thar will be an automobile . machine - ahop, - containing equare feet floor epac. With ma. pi floor, and all th bencbee will b r whit maple, tb aaop will centam trarellng crane which will go to every part of It. and will bo fitted up with ad equipment at an expanee or from lie,. e to S11.04 In machinery end special tool for automobile repairing exclu sively. There will also be a paint ebop and upholstering department for re- flnlshin-T eld ear. Ther will b gar age room for tbe store c or l automo biles, bealde fln. aajoe and lounann room en the aeootid Boor f or th com pany a euatomera . A few year age ft wa contended by th prophet that a American are a buawy-rldlng nation in runabout would be ultimately tb typical American an toatobtle. Sine then tar baa bee a furor orer big touring cars. Imported and domestic. - This, however, ha not esvuaed consternation ' among tho precast, wh eootaod Cat ia m eouauj ;r!olY3r7 ir jm,i, MORRISOn A NEW MAP OF PORTLAND FREE TO ANYONE . aaanxexxeaawBasB9eBsmsmm Not Enough Room in Our Store! . ' And Spring end Summer Goods to Come Yet . AU STANDARD -All STANDARD $3.00 Shoes - Sped $3.50 Shoes $2,6 , All tho t " 1 New and Old Shape' in Toea ' and Different .. .Heels. Vici JOd. . Box Calf, , Velours.. ". - Gun Metal. Pat. Colt, Wax Calf, ' English Grain, , VUcol Calf. ' ' I y ' V f '' '' ' Balance "of Stock 10 Discount Until FeBrnary 28iii (IiUy REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE EVERY PAIR OF SHOES WE SELL, . IP ANYTHINO PROVES WRONO, WE . ' - ' FIX IT FREE OF CHARGE. . : Goodyear Shoe Repair Factory Cpr.Fourth and Yamhill,Y.M. C. A. Bldg wher-indlvUeal wealth- ta: o - boun Uouely dlatrlbuUd there will b alwaya a tarn theuah limited sold for . tb ta th fact that tb mnabout type. though perhaps now leee notloeebia on th road, bacaoae leee lonely, bar in creased In numbers in equal proportion. The eouraa of oveate be led to a ehan in tb prediction, how wherebr th medium-powered ear. of about it horsepower, I now o leased with th-runabout a th preraillng American typee of tbe future. For thee elaaeee tb field la held to b ttnlinv Ited. Tb plan for thl year' output by-tn makara.. had tb agency order, seeen t substantiate thee riew, . WEST A GOOD PLACE " Trt fTf!1""? iii""e"" IU Wa-VW 1 1 mm I ItfwniaW C-l We-er brim-" T baiumore. a tro. iv, , . . Hutton of Idaho .Ure".i t T oa 1 aflrac aa;"- tit j : . 1 ... t'..;.i . i ' i V ; , , j, V t 4 ... ...... 51. CO 0VN$I.C0 YZZ: II lT7 'III t l 'M tt.tim. loner. ' K: ' lil V U1C ' txx - s,r J I II W , , straotlon. Ten skenid eVV-sS'J' II f Kmft W I jl j DRIDGQ CAR9 PA33 OUR iJ $2 .9 0 : MM Half :pf Itfon'JClu Is her month, and mora than half ef that depend - en her- teeth Yor - rite make or mar her xnrealon ef th face In talking or smiling. When Nature ha been -unkind In her allotment ef teeth, or if those ehe hse bestowed be come Imperfect, you will aid youreelf and your look a materially by ooneultlng us. what we toll you will cost nothing; what w do for you will coet nothing Tn eornparlaon with the benefits you will derive.- All klnda of dental work... W lea Brbbe, rmniar avfirx-s-1 - rrsfcsreav- . a son t, t. condition la 1 vo. to r- ,wet, it I I t i . r ' visi r'-t I it v. 012.00 . v. y . J