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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
THE OliEGON SUl.DAV JCUHHAL. Fw Jcimal's Wops WMtitrts The Lou D!on Ccandal Now to Have ah Air Ins In Court Chicago Auto Chow the Largest Yt Cyeonbya ,Creat Weight Nelson's Manager Afraid to Let the Dane . Face Joe Cans Fight Trust Magnates Nearly at LoggerheadsHunt Club Races, Evarythbf is, Sort4o i v 1 I ' i. i - - - s I. , 1. ( zrrczrr:7z.-z-z irz - , -r-- - - r - r, - , - . ""-"a- - " - - - , , $JC - '- -'I ""1"-"" L L ' '- - '--"LJVJ-T ' ; , jn n , ' " ' ' '.'..III.' 1 I l' ) ' II .1 " ' 1 eHssaSSSWaWaSsWeWawapi I I I ' 1 HELSOn IlELDFROr.l II Dane's Manager Tells Coffroth That the Baltimorean Has AII II Lightweights Skinned. uj. . JUST ONE MORE MATCH V FOR JEFF IS THE LATEST ; Frankle Neil and Harry , Tenny, the I Bantams, to Fight on February 27 I "wFight; trusty StocUjoldera 'era J Nearly at Loggerheada. :.; ;' . w -,-; By . Kaughton. " -" i ' (Special measles b; Leased Wire M The Joemal) . Ban Krsnelscu. Feb. 1,0. Which, la the - most attractive puglllstlo eard in elghtt Dunns s the paat , Mk , tbla .question haa bwi put to. number of eportlng men who ere auppoaed to be thoroughly posted aa to "the temper of tba thins" and tb reply baa alweye bean the aame Joa Gan and Battling Nelson. When promoter Jim OoffrOlh returned from tba eprlnga the other Bight be waa. aaked. "I have my opinion aa to which la the moat attractive card' but onfor tunately It la not In Bight,'" waa Cofr froth's anawer. Then ha explained. "A match between Qana and Nelaon ' -would create mora Intereet Juat now than an event that had Jeffrlea , for a prln clpalV aald, Coffroth. "It la n lm possible match though, end I'll tell yon why. Nolan will prevent Nelaon making ' it w Information on the aubleet datea back to the nlsht Jimmy Gardner and Buddy Ryan fought at Colma. Coming home on the club's apeclal car Nolan and I eat aide by aide and the drift of our conversation was about aa follows; ''A great fighter, Gardner, Isn't her remarked Nolan. v "'A wonderful man. X replied. 'But there' a one tnan who cm beat v - Who do yoo meanf "'Joa nana.' : "It may be "that Cans would have trouble making the weight that Gardner would ask,' I ventured. -. " 'Dont you oyer believe It,' ald Bat , tllng Nelson's manager. 'Joa tanaean make US at any time of day from the moment he gets up until he puts foot In the ring and at that weight be can lick every white skinned lightweight In the bualnasa today.' . That's th whole story eeld Cof frotb. "Nolan .believed what be eald and etlll bellevea It. That la why 1 think It nest. to Impossible to get Cans and Nelaon together." Ben Sellg. who is Oana Han Fran claoo agent, waa told of Coffrotb's re marks and be aald: "I can give yen mora pertinent dopa than that even. I came over from gauaallto on the ferry with Billy Nolan one day and the talk turned to fighting. He rattled off the names of the men he thought Nelson could go through like sunlight through a chink end then he paused and pon dered. . j ' ."-,! '..''.-, " "But there's ene fellow Nelaon will never bos aa long aa I have a say In It,' mused Nolan.' That's Joe Oana. It's poor business to tnatoh a man when there's nothing but defeat staring him In the face." It may be that Mr. Nolan may deny . participation in either . inoldent end I don't .know that there Is snythlng about theaa quotations to cover him with con fusion Jn any case. "A match well made Is half won" Is a Shakeaperean adage GildS BY LAII 4' -and 4 elareaav At the bard of Avon had i thought ef U he would have made one t ' ' of his characters say "Batter no match t than one'; which promlaea defeat" ' The moral. It there la one, le that ( It doaan't do to take too much stock In I what the manager of a world-famous ; pugilist says. - When be allowa that ia '.J le the fear of contaminating-Influences ' that deters him from sanding bis man - aaalnst a dangerous rival It may ba that L he Is swayed . . by entirely , different .' motives. ; . v.' ... And doaan't' tt. kind reader, suggest . that poor besmirched Mr. Uana may , have been as much sinned against aa sinning when be entered Into various ; shady transactions In the paatf In the -' name ef all that's justifiable how was - the man to obtain honest work when he encountered such ' sullen, steadfast. LIQUORS YOU'LL LIW ' Because of their perfect parity and excellent flavor and age. Standard foods In . our cttab lishment. Every brand of liquor haa been carefully mellowed by age, purely distilled and la fully guaranteed by va. The aame way with our Port, Sherry, Claret and Rhine Wines. Every article we' handle wa give mora for your : money in . quantity and quality than any house in the dry. J, ' CLARET, absolutely pure," "' t gallon ..... ....... . ..BOf ZINFANDEL, absolutely pure, gallon.. . irr;?r;;T.-.;;TBTvJ fiURQUNDYf abaolutelr- - Vfjnrcytallofr, . . . i . , . ;.f 1 .DtrH RJESLINQ Rhine Wlna, ' ' absolutely pure, gallonr,f 1.00 ; ; DELIVERED FREE, . 1 THE QUALITY STORE, i Fifth and Stark Streets. ' Phona Main 6499. , : - ., . -.... DENVER IS OUT FOR THE boivli::g co::sress Colorado- MetropoliatWilrrStart Bali Rolling at Tournament ' Scheduled for Next Month. (Bpedal Punateh by Leased Wire te The loaraal) t Bait Lake, Utah, ITeb. 19. "Bolwera of the weat will have to go some U tney peat Denver out In the Western Bowling congress tournament to . be held la this elty March 1 to It," aald C A. Brandenberg of Denver - today. B randan berg is In Bait Xke In the Intareat ef the Democratic Bowing, club of Denver, which 'team .be' says will make a strong bid " for the ' western championship at thla tourney. Not'only is this Denver team, after the .honor. mm. w. uviwiw ana vrvrwna .ismb, are strong rlvale who have already an- nounced that, they will have full, five men teams in attendance. - JBraodenberg said the Colorado tsn pln artiste, were fully alive te the 'Im portance ' of . this meeting and 'believed with, the other bowlere of the west that the time bad cove when this sec tion of the country should govern Its bowling to- suit the western bowlere. for tbla reason alone. If for. ne other, Brandenberg claima Denver, will try and furnish the largsst representation ef spy. outeidacltr.- - : " ' r" The. Colorado - metropolis te out te secure the congress two years henoe, or in. 1 tot. According to Mr. Branden berg, the Denver bowlers are willing to allow the eongress to go to 0an Pranciaoo next yeas and will vote for that place. In return they .will ask for the congress the year after. Thla they believe wilt be but fair, giving the eastern and western sections of the Western Bowling congress territory an equal distribution ef the datea. W. S. Zehrlng, Salt Lake's delegate In the Western Bowling congress, left today for the east, where he will visit the bowlere of Denver, Kansas City and Omaha In the interest of the Bait Lake meeting. OPEN HANDICAP BUG - TOUIAL'ENT TODAY Averages of the Bowlers In the V . Portland League to' Date. " this afternoon there will be a handi cap tournament on the Oregon alleys. Three ptiaea will be given. No entrance fee will ba charged- and the tournament Is open to all bowlers. Ullman and Floken will bowl a 1 game match thla afternoon, ' Ttm tMllvliial w-trm nf th howl- ers in the PortUnd O. T. P.t league to aate are: i apan, roiiana, mo Menomy. 114; Case. 114; Kruae, lit; Keating, lit; Kneyae, lilt Ullman. 171; Ploken. 1TI; Crook, 171; More js, 171; Reese, 17; Swlnney, 111; W. Slosn, 111; O. Bloan, 111; Lunnay, 111; Mo Monies 111; ' dough, ,1IT Scho nenbach. 117; i Cloaaet, U7; Moore, 1171 Meleen, 111; I Lamond. 114; Hague, 114; Boulanger, 114; QUlard. Ill; Vlgneus, 111; Hamilton, 111; Christian, 111; Newberger, 111; Hlnnenkamp, 111; Kraaborough. Ill; Flood, 111; Mae Oregor, ill; Parent, 17; Htubba, ' 111; Toualng, 111; McMillan, 111; 8 wart a, 111; Peterson, 114: ' McClollsn. 'Ill; Parrot t, ill; Woodman. 110; Kalk. 110; Tataa. 110; McCaalln. ISO) Harrington. 14lt Woelra. 141; Day 141; Anderson. 141! Harbour, 141;, Hill,- 140) Duganna, 111; iwnford. lit; Jones, 111; Norton, 114; Popple, 111; Williamson, 110; Bloom, 117; Vaughn. Ill; Auapach, 1 48. stone-wallers as confront' Mm now In his auest for a match with Nelson T " The light Is breaking Jn therntter of "Juat one more match" for James J. Jeffries. Jltllv Delaney. who noted aa adviser-general and rondltloner-ln- chief to- the big bollermaker's psst malvhea. Is luat back from a visit te the Jeffrlea ranch and he aaye that the re tired champion will. In all probability, take bold again If ahown a suitable op ponent and a fair prospect.' Coffroth eaya that he felt that way about It all along, and that the reason ha hasn't bothered Jeffries la that he wanta Jack O'Brien or Marvin Hart or Bam Berger or oome other heavyweight to rise so far above hie classmates that the publlo jrlll begin tesayt "This fel low would ba In Una for a tilt with Jef fries If Jeffries hadn't retired." When the time la ripe I have no fear but that I will be able te obtain Jaffa signature to articles of agreement," ie tbe way Coffroth puta Itr The threatened return of Jeffries to the fighting Held adds Interest to the coming match' at Los -Angeles between Marvin Hart and Tommy Burns, but only pecauss Hart Is ona of the princi pals. ' Hart, on account of bis alas, prob ably Is looked upon as.the most suitable opponent for Jeffries; and the fact that Jeffries . snubbed the Kentuckian at a recent alugfeat In Loe Angelee Is taken to mean that Parmer Jim would bos ea mercilessly with Hart aa he did with Jack Munroe. - What a farcical situation It would be. though. If Tommy Burns defeated Hart. If anything like that nappenea jeirnea would no doubt burrow deeper thaa ever into retirement. ; t Prankle Neil and Harry Tenny. a pair of bantams, are matched te box before the Ban Francisco light trust on reb rusrr 17. Ther are a waspish couple. and as Intense rivalry exiated between tnem ever since mey rigurea n a ciow thing at Colma there la every prospect of a. bitter eonteet,.- . ; It may be that Honey Mallody and Mike (Twin) Bulllvan will form the March card. Morris Levy la negotiat ing with lhes welterweights and tiw serving the privilege of putting them In the ring In thle city or Los Angeles At thla writing the fight trust ia In a muddle. As told In laat week's letter, the aharaholdera are ' at loggerheads Coffroth. who was supposed to control Tl per oent of tho stock, has given out that he almply stands on aa equal foot ing with Levy.' Oraney and Willie Biitt and that the conditions do not suit blm. "If I am to handle the business of the amalgamated managers I want more thoa-K-per cent," said CoffrotJu-T What, with Brltt-Nelson pictures and other schemes, my thus la too valuable to be given up to the Ban Francisco fight game under existing arrangements" If Coffroth cannot make better terms he will go te London to look after the Brltt-Nelson films, snd will attend, to the making ef daylight matchee at Col ma later la the year. TR0TTIU6SCAUDAL JO BE AIREO : Owners of Lou Dillon and Major . Delmar to Engage in Bit- ..1..,ter Utigation.'.i: CIVIL AND CRIMINAL i SUITS TO FOLLOW FAST If the Mare Waa Doped at Ifemphit It WSJ Probably Be Brought to I IJgbt-iapem Expreaa Opinions ' and SinaUtcra Frieoda Rally. ; . fapeetst resist e ay t,i n ii I was ta Tea Jesrasf) , New Torn. Feb. ie. Following quasi criminal proceedings attendant upon tbe selxure from Kim or SL - Bmathera, mil lionaire tarfmaa and gentleman sports man, of the 11.000 gold cup, which be won with -Major Del mar-in he great trotting race with C K. O. Billings' mare,' Lost Dillon, at Memphis la Oc tober, not. there Is expected an avalanche 6f lawaulta, both civil and criminal, making . the big turf scandal which grew out of the alleged "doping" ef Lou Dillon ens of " tho mosj Inter esting, most bitter and moat diplomatic withal, human: enmity fights that two men of such prominence were ever In volved In. . . Mr. Bmathera plainly says thst the moving spirit behind the prosecution la nons other than Mr. Billings snd that the Cgiloago gae multi-millionaire la prompted by Jealousy alone. Friends of both thess high-class sports, who are without equal from a financial . view point In their- desire to satlafy their pe culiar diversion, predict that a long drawn . out litigation will eventually bring to the surfacs the til feeling that eech haa eo cleverly hidden. It le well known In turf circles that theee two gentlemen were not on apeaklng terms when they trotted their favorltee In the eup race, sad bad not been friendly soma time prior to that meeting. Against Mr. Bmathera there have been filed charges thst he conspired with others for the "doping" of Mr. Billings' mare. Mr., Bmathera filed In the supreme court1 his answer to the charge In the form of a general denial and then stated that he had Instructed hie law yers to take preliminary ateps to pro ceed criminally against those whom he declarea are trying to ruin him. Ha In timates thst alnca his enemlee bsve opened fire he proposes to see the battle through regardless of cost. Horsy people can be found who take aides with each man. - A canvass shows that ona haa as . many friends ss the other. Dr. H. R. a 111. 117 East Fifty seventh . street president of the New York veterinary college, and the atate veterinarian, aald te Tbe Journal corre spondent today: .. . v ' "I know .the mare Lea Dillon very well, I have looked her ever many tlmee on the speedway -and elsewhere. 1 have studied her carefully and I am free to atate that ahe la a flighty animal and gate apeed mad. "It la a eommon thing among horse men to give auoh emtio animate dope juat before a racs and I would not be surprised to find out that Lou Dillon waa doped at Memphis end thst the dope waa given for Mr. Billings' ad vantage." Several sports ' were seen today who had wltneaaed the three raoae at Memphis between Mr. Bmathera and Mr. Billings In 100S Mr. Bmathera won with Lord Derby,' snd In 1001 Major Delmar was defeated by Loa Dil lon. The third and '-deciding race In 1004 was between Msjor Delmsr and Lou Dillon. - Witnesses to the lsst two races aay that Loe Dillon won as easily In 1001 aa Major Delmar did the follow ing year . Nobody could be found who would say thst Lou Dillon In tho final race In any way acted aa though she had been doped, and ejl who were seen seemed surprised et the- charges, par ticularly coming a year and a half after the eup had been won.. A friend of Mr. Bmathera. who would Tiot permit the use of hie name at this time, ssid: - r ' L' "Mr. Bmsthers will turn the tables, and before-, he gets through with the people who are trying te ruin Mm eomo body will go to jail. Or pretty near It Ha never had a hand In any such dirty wors ana you win see msi i amngm before he gete. through. It Is a con temptible thing to do te a equare fellow like Bmathera Why didn't they put the ehargee before the Trotting associa tion, where a apeedy trial could be hed Inateed of going Into the eourte, where the suspicion cannot be removed before a couple of yearsT" ;' Jsaloy Basketball' Bevies. ' The first game of the Junior banket- ball eerlee was played at Bunnyalde be tween the Bunnyalde Athletlo club and the T.' M. C. A. Cardinals. Both teania played first-class bell, although at times the rasged edges showed lack of prac tice. The final score was II te 10 In favor of Bunnyalde.- Thla le the second game of the aeries won by Bunnyalde, they having defeated the Junior Leaders, crack team of the T. M. C A. Bunny alde and Albtne sow stand equal.' hav ing defeated the same teams and not having played each ether. Bunnyalde remalna undefeated aa yet this season, ' The lineup followe: B. A. C . Cardinals. Thompson,. ..Forward.',...,,. Word Fleming , 1...... Forward. ..... Thayer Peterson , ....Center,..,.,.. Wilson Cos Ouard. ........ Bruoe Rogers ..........Ouard ...... .Thomae Price- and -- Peery .........Substitutes Sweeny - Referee Forbes.- T. M. C, A. 1 vmolre ForcL-Bunayatda Bcorer Kstelle Flamming. Timer Du rand, T. M. C A. One Interesting result ef there hav ing been two ehowe In New York this year' la that soma millionaire members of the Automobile Club ef Amertoa are now buylpg American ears, though thay never before would have anything but Imported machines. As members of the club theae man felt obliged to support Its show and. going there frequently. they got to atudylng the domestic, prod uct aa ,iney never naa aone premouaiy, and eo became converted Into purchas ers, ... r :y ... . Brady eieh Meets Wedaeaday. . The Illlnole Btndy club will meet with Mra. C Krttsmacher, III Taylor street, Wedneeday, February 14, at 1:10 o'clock Vople, "Abraham Lincoln." SYS0::3Y TO CASHY GREAT IVEIT THIS . YEAR ' Win Shoulder a Big-Handicap in the Brooklyn, Suburban and " ' . Brighton Events. - ; During the past winter Bysonby has gained exactly 400 pounds. He will not loas all o this gain when ha la ready for one or the big handicaps "i this spring. ' .- ,-- - ..'. ,No horse ever attracted more at ten- attention than Byaonby. What be 1s thought Of by the official handloapper of the Jockey club is shown by the fact that ha la aaked to carry 111 pounds In the Brooklyn. Suburban and Brighton, handicaps, a weight no star of the race oourse haa ever been Aaked to shoulder before. There were stories, to the ef fect that, this great impost " wes con sidered altogether too much by hla own era, tbe Messrs Keene. and that tbe king of the turf world would "not be aean In any of the throe big ovonta men tioned. But It now transpires that the Keenee are well aatlafled, and. In fact, that they think that Byaonby .cannot only handle this weight with ease, but with a lair degree of racing luck will" win any of -the handicaps in which he may he started, .. Mr. Keene expressed aa much recently, and the announcement will send a thrill of Joy to the thousands who lovs to sea a great horse In action against animals worthy of .his steel. Byaonby' s preeenoe 'in any race will maks the event a auo ceaa, and he la sure to meet hie great rival for premier honors, Artful, In at least one of the-three big contents. Racegoers will hops devoutly that they will hook up In tho stretch for a heart breaking run to the wire, and that tba question of superiority for this Is still a question .on ths minds of some ex pertswill be settled. It Is true Byaonby la asked to eonoede seven pounds to Artful, but If he le the sorse the turf world believes him to ba thia dlfferenoe In weight abould not change tha result Seven pounds makee little difference to a really . great horse over a mile and a quarter. If Byaonby la beaten It Is thought soma speedy animal with a mere feather on hla back will be the one to take hla measure. . What Byaonby le -thought of across the water la shown by the fact that an English ayndlnats recently offered the Keenea 1200.000 for him. Ths offer waa promptly refused, for the Kesnes take a tremendous - pride In owning probably the fastest thoroughbred that over wore racing plates. - I SCHREIBER'S HORAGE E. V0:i ID STAKES Biggest Field of Two-Year-Olds ' Ever Started in the West , Ran at Ascot,": '. (Special Dlspstck ay Leased Wire at The Jesraan Los Angeles, Feb. 10. A steady rain from early morning until post time for ths fourth race made a aea, of eaady slop of the Aeoot track today.' The feature event of the day', was tha rich Woodland stakes for t-year-olda. Barney Bchrelber" having donated 1600 ef tho added money. It waa up to him .to do hie beat to keep the Ova oen turleo In tho family and Horace E 'the pride of the Bchrelber barn, took tha long and of tbe puree, amounting to II. 400. Haven teen bablea slopped through the mud to tha half pole, the biggest field of t-yeax-olde which - has -ever etarted In tha weet The reaulta: - One mile, selling flheriff Bell (Jack eon), 4 to 1, won; Klfln King second. Hockey third: time. 1:4414. - One and one eighth miles, selling Miss Betty (Boss), T-la'.s. won. Luclaa second. The Huguenot ; , third;- time. lie. One mile and TO yards, handicap Morlta IMcDoniel), 11 to l. won; em barrassment second. Workman third; time. 1:41. ..-' f Woodland stakes, t-year-olda, 11,100 added, four furlongs Horace K. (True- bel), I to I, won; Allarloa second, BU veratockln 4hlrd: time. 0:4IW.- Seven , elghtha mUe Ollptn (Booker), T to 1. won; Charley second, J. F. Dono- hue third: time. 1:11 . 81a and ona balf furlonge, selllhg Confessor (W. Davis). 4 .to won: George P. McNsar seoond, Revolt third; time, 1:11. : ' , dates! fixed for i V LOCAL BENCH SHOW April II te II baa been decided upon for the annual bench show or tne port- land Kennel club. , Theaa dates follow ths Seattle Show and It la expected that the local show will be tbe largeat ever held In thla city. - Every effort Is being made to make It a notable auccessa. as no doubt It will be. . Jamae Mortimer, of New Tork, who le one of the. beat judgea In tha country, will In all prob ability officiate here. - Thla year tha Portland elub will give upward of 40 silver oups to ths winners of the special claaaes. There haa been arranged lot classes, and allver wjedala for flrat end hennas medale for seconde will be awarded la theae, la addition to") iUnlnnaa 'I Willamette's xTsw Slaaaoaa. '. ' (Speelil Dtspeteh to Tbe JearaeL) -Willamette University, Balem. Or Feb. 10 Manager Metcalf of the base ball team haa Juat completed the new baseball rield. . wuiemeiio wiu uava one of ths best diamonds In ths atate. The football field has been scraped and rolled Into a hard, amooth field. If the weathkr nermlta the 'varsity team will play a plefced team fromths-medlcsl aad law departmenta on saonoay aner noon. . Thla will juat be a practice game to try out men for 4he varsity. ... ' tadlaa atria Wla a OorvaUls. " 4 ; (Kserlal Massteti te Tae JeaniaL) Chemawa. pr., Feb. 10. The Indian girls' basketball team returned today rrora Corvallla, where they played and defeated tha atrong Corvalllq team by a score of 10 to 11. The game waa fast and clean. After the game ' the young women of -the- -collage gavs-the inemawa girls a reception ana a royai good time. . .-''';. k v TJwIII De Easy. ; Just a little time and effort' will ee- eure tbe beautiful prises offered la tbe word eonteet, the details of which are announced la Kllers Plane House ad vertisement os page . V- - s i 0LYL1PIC CLOD Ambitious Milwaukie Boys Wef- - corned Their Friends ' Last Night." NEW. ORGANIZATION WELL - V STARTED ON ITS ROAD "Strangler" Smith and Harold Sim mono Cava Two Interesting Wrest ling Bouta and Friendly Boxing ! Events Entertained Spectators. - The Milwaukie Olymplo Athletlo club, an ambitious organisation of the youths of Milwaukie, -held their-opening last night A large crowd was present to start the new club on its way. and while the youngsters did not exhibit the greatest amount of . experlenoe, they mads up for any they lacked, by their enthusiasm and giving the glad band of welcome to their f rlendsv ., Tbe club bouse was well erowded and aa the opening was planned aea benefit te help the club secure additional apparatua. a neat sum was realised.. Ths feature ef tha evening waa the two exhibition wrestling bouts between "Strangler" Smith and Harold Blmmone. Both of them ware Interesting snd the contestants ware loudly applauded, r A part of the evening's entertainment was the three-round bouts between members of tha club. The first waa between Duffy and Stride, two fairly clever and vary ambitious youngsters. M. Walsh snd Beott gave a Uvely bout and Dick Walsh and Dowllng did their ahare of the evening's' entertainment with a lively mlxup. , . ( ,- Y. G. A. TRIMS PACIFIC AT BASKET BALL Local Team - Landed came In - Which Quick Shooting " Told. , The T. M. C. -A.- trimmed tbe lamps of tha Pacific university last evening In the baakstball eaga at the T. M. C A. to the tune of to T. While the eoore appears top heavy the game was ex citing from beginning to and. The anti veralty had tha ball frequently out were slow on shooting, while tha T. M. C A. through superior team work made their shots frequently. A material change waa made In the line-up of the locale after tha first half to try out eome new players and they gave good account or themselves. ' ' Honora were evenly divided between Btokee and Hart man, who eech got four goals Forbes, ' who played only in tne first half, distinguished himself, by scoring three times, and Young, who took his place In the last half, got his mark on the board twice. The line-up followe: -' - Paclf la . - Position.- . T. VL C A. White ...Forward... Btokoa, pugh Wlthhsm ......Forward Hartmaa Peterson ...... .Center.. Forbes, Young Aller .....Guard..'...... Freeman Calls ..........Ouard.. Russell. Btokes PUBLIC mm. OPEUIUGf mm IS STILL AT FEVER HEAT Such an opportimlty for money-saving on the finest grades of Qothing for . man and boy has not been presented in many years."."'"''".'";. '; ; - : ; In addition to the sale of Men's Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats at $8.35 ' -We now offer r Former $3.50 to 14 to 19;formei prices $10 tp$15tat Blacks Meia Wcfe FJE3 ': 05 and 07 chum tm r.oe TO ST.3T LI CQ1 Fifteen Hundred Policemen and Soldiers to Guard the CourW Every Third of a Mile, (Special Dlspetefe by Leased Wtae te Tae Jearaal) - Havana, - Feb. -10 On the--, splendid f 4H-milellmostone road leading, from Marian to Ban Cristobal from five- to eight racing automobiles will Inaugurate tomorrow tha four days of tha Interna tional Racing association of Cuba, with the Iia-mUo road race, the first big road race aver held on thla stde of the Atlantic-alnoe the Vanderbl It cup eon- teat on Lng island laat" fall. ' . The -prlso will be a beautifully en graved trophy known as ths Havana Municipal . Challenge, cup.- - American drivers who participated In laat year's racs pronounced the .course undoubtedly the finest In the world for a . et retail of that distance. i iBecausa the 44 tt miles coarse mast be covered four times to complete the 111 miles course must be covered four tlmee each way,, to complete tha til. (oorreot) miles, tha race will pot be continuous; It will really ba four races, In which the fastest aggregate time will determine tho winner. The machines vrfll ba held In control at the end of cash Ian to give all the competitors s chance to complete the lap and any cars that rail to reach within a reasonable time will be ordered off the course by patrol guards who will' be stationed at every third of a mile. ' : " .'... The Cuban - authorities,' ' especially Senor Enrique Connlll. ths young mil lionaire sportsman, president of the auto club, are greatly elated on the ova of ths great competition over the ahlpahape appearance of everything, becauas tbey bavs spent not leas than isi.eoo to maks ths affair a success. Ths road Is pro nounoed in splendid condition snd Is to be guarded by -1,100 soldiers snd polloe- men and ZI0 bicyclists,, PAPER CHASE OF HUilT CLUB HAS MANY RIDERS - Twenty-Seven Follow the Hares Over Excellent Going With Good Jumps for Miles: ' ' Tha paper chase of the Portland Hunt club was ons of the most enjoyable end also one of the largest attended of any held during the present season. - The party started from the old golf links en Milwaukie avenue and the chase covered about eight miles. The going wns very flue -and tha courae had Jt number or nice" jumps. . . . . . The bares were w. n. Davis ana J. c Muehs, and the hounds wars: ' Mrs. D. H, Blytha, Mra. 8. O. Buf fura. Mrs. F. O. Downing; Mra. C H. Lead batter, Miss Dorothy Howard, Mlaa A. H. Bbogren, J. D. Alexander, W. J. Chapman, .B. T. Chaae, J..N. Coghlan, W. W. Cotton, F. O. Downing, Emmet Drake, H. H. Herd man. V. C Howard, R. 4- Jenkins, John Leitta, B. N. Lasers a, C H. Lead better, F. W. Lead better, T. B. MoRath, James NIooL B. C Bpencer, T. T. Strain. A. H. Tanner, W. B. Walter, snd Frank Wilder. , i - .... .. What nueeeae In competition mesne le llluetrated by the fact that mora than 00 persons have tried to buy the Plerce-Arrow ear which won ths Olldden tour last year. They ail eald they would prefer the ear that ran a thou sand mllea without adjustment to - a new machine. INTEREST IN OUR Bid ? , ;;:'":' ;'' j; Prices ' 7 $ 5.00 nt .Cv 200 YOUTHS' SUITS 'Best fabrics, sizes 5 C?5)5 SSSS ''.v. ff and Blues Included la Both Lines. Third Ot., Dete tStartl mm CLOSES soon DOORS Attendance at Chicago Passed , Records and Sales Run f . r v 'lnto fcSlions. : f ALMOST EQUALED - v NEW YORK'S" TWO SH0W3 Preaident' Miles ' Says It Waa tha .; Greatest Display Ever Held in This Coontxy, -That' Being- Ona Hun dred Styles of Manufactara Shown. (Bpecbl Dlspatrh by Leased Whs te The Jbsasal) Chisago.' Feb. 10-The Chicago au tomobile show tonight eame ta a apian-, did eloaa after aeven days ef axhlbl-' tion. which-Preeldent Samuel A. Mllea declarea has never before been equaled In America. Fifty . thousand persons tonight -and yesterday gassd upon the marvale of apeed and endurance, making ths total for the week 111,000 persona. -and filling the Collasun and the Jlret regiment armory to their greatest ea- . paolty. - tl The ealss ef automobiles in the week amount to $7,100,000 and It Is considered . safe to say that out ef the enow wlU grow amounte more thaa these deals to ba closed later; Two thousand dealers entered ths exhibition with 4SI auto mobllss of 100 stylss ef maaufactura, and there were 140 axhlbltlona of auto apparatua and aooossorloa. The attends ancs was 10 per oent greater than last year. By days It re gists red aa follows: Saturday 10,000, Monday 11.000, Tues day 11,000, Wednesday 11,000, Thurs day 1 1,000, Friday 40,000, Saturday 10 . 000: total ttl.000. . -. - "The show haa been a gratifying sue eeaa from every etaadpolnt and will greatly sdvmnoe the automobile," - amid President Miles; "It haa been equal. . almost, to the two ahowa held in .New York snd la tbe greatest exhibition 'ever held in this country-" ' -, The ehow next year will be head en practically the flped el Ptopatea by ImH Wire e The Jearaal) ' Ban Francisco, Feb, 10, Oakland race resulte today: - - Four furlongs PlmMa (Clark), 4 to -I,' won; Kappa, aeoondt Charley Payne, third.' Times 0:414. ' . Bevsn "furlongs, selling SB Chfnua- . hue. XClark),- 11 to a, won: Standard, second;. Olenarvon. third.' Time, 1:11. -. One mile. ' t-year-olda, selllng Avon- alts Knapp). II to I, won; : Watchful. " seoond; Tavora, third. Timet i:z. One and ona eighth mllea. Palace Ho tel handicap, S-year-olde snd up, purse 11.000 Proper (Knapp). even, won; Bannock Belle. ' second i Corn Bl essoin. , third Time, lt. Five furlongs, selling Kama oreagn. , fDusran). a- to 1. won; Bad Bam. , sec ond; Pickaway, third. , Time, 1:01. One mile and 20 yards, aeiiin Clydeo (Knapp). to 1. won; eSckeraall. seoond; Theodore Caae, third. Time, ... -. .:.' ;-.'v '""'T". . XaAlaaa ptwa Weodkajna. "Y Chemaws, Or Feb. ' 10. -The Weed burn High school were dsfeatod at bas ketball here by the Indiana last night by a score of 41 to 11. The gams was ' olean and a fast ona from start to fin ish. Both teams played good ball, but the Indian boys bad too much wind for' .their white opponents. - - .... ,.. o the suit- , N .v the Suit and OoJl 35 '' - . . ., ' i . . -' :'