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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
--'" "- ' -7-' ;' - M. at eaJsLsw 1 . v v Jf? L I saw v ' .., si- "'' ...... . TZZ2 V. Tr'i ii ; !:err ?oo cir twai-;;;' ;W,JtTJ -,',ltvi'-z set:---.'' ; ,ppirriANb; orscom. "curiDAY m cents. I;A:.'.;, fTn -rv ' . . . - .y . .-: : , - 'Lx;;-L fV ;. - . r- r r 1 ' ' 1 ! - I -i ?. wB , "m sTbbw .. .. I ' '. - - f y-v -a I I II - ( iiill (7 ii in. - . 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 iii iii . i:- i United ? inanrr:,ica.nTi'.PC . Us Angeles .Railway, t I l!lL: I incorporaicu wuu , iapitaito buna I A 3ANK : AND TRUST, COMPANY : . : : j - ' WITH HALF MILLION CAPITAL United Railws Company Already Has Spent One Million .Dollars, dred Thousand 1 1 - For urn ' In the i aelchborhood of '. $800,000,. th Portland chamber of Com rnre bulldlnr waa purchased yeatardar hr thai United Rallwaya oampanr. an Oreaon corporation formed recently o( Loa Anseloa ned-tA oonatruct a- ayatam of atectrto rodln and near' Portland. The transaction la a ' oaab ' daat, : tha JarfiSat (n recent 'yeara on a atngle piece '-1i Portland ..real- catata. . A, lood pro- ' : portion of 'the purcuaee price w .. over- yeaterday.i and tba aompany take poaaeealon and pay the beJaaca a 1 aoon m tbt a1 et an batbrovM ;..'. tod--- aJerel,ta tba pur t .aK- If . , Ifto ton 4a low .. era, ,ho t .uttrl Oa , ' The ' t . . t aa owned by tha . Co :y tumttian- Iavevtfeient Oompanr. a ayndl . i eata-compoaad -of local and outaid oaplr ; tallata, who Bought tba property ia inol, aubjecf to- a mortgaca held by tha Kew - Tork Ufa Iniurance company for ItfO, 000 for money funilaheo to construct '(be ' building- U yeara a-o , " ' . ; i . Tha sale waaiona of tha quickest aa well -. as one- of tba beavteat mag-iiltude on tha local real estate record.- It was han , died In detail by K. L. Thoupaon for tba . local company, and J.' Whyte trana, President of the United Railways com pany. Mr. Thompson la emphatic la. his . Indorsement af tba bualnesa methods of Anlea ,man. Ha aald: J ' ; , Daja aahi4 Thiaogh. .... ' Tha deal luur been on but Htlev more - thaa weak, and whan It came to terras " r there was no heslUUon nor delay.: They . certainly show their faith In Portland liv tha moat satisfactory- and eonvinclna; t manner 'that could be traaainsd." 1 The property Is 100x300 feat, extendi n , on Stark from Third, to Fourth atreets, la tba heart of .the business district, and the building-la an eight-story structure nastone of massive architecture toa peat construction. Tha bulldlnf caei talns an equivalent ef tSO rooms, prac tically aU-of them Offices, with tha ex- . ceptlon of tha top floor and tha chamber of commerce exhibit hall on tha second floor. Tba butldlna- is tba homo of the i Portland chamber of, commerce, the . Portland Commercial club, tba Portland ' board of trade, three banks and trust companlej, lares safety vault. . and tha tip-towti dpot ot tba Southern Paolflc railroad. It has ; four hire pasaenser elevators, and frelffht'eleratora, and all tha modern office building conveniences. i aatimated that the cross armuar leieuue Between and 970.0uO. There are no Anna and Individual names ! ' directory. ; The building . cost 1300,000, and the ground, eetlmated on present neighboring values, la said to be v; worth fwo.000. .. .v y, . ... , , ,.,,v ':':' ' Batter la lVrtUad, ' -' : .Mr. Bran, discuestng' tha aim and policy or th United Railway eompany, -, aald: - -. - r j "Wa believe In' Portland. ' that la tba concrete explanation of oar course here, and l believe our performance afford A ample proof of our alneetity. Wa have m' . ' ii i of 'Tlte ; , Tfre . circulation of The i Sujiday , journal continues to ' teadily growAt-tHe OMtset-trre etrugjle-ww a severfr)ne, - -but week by week' it began toget lieadway until now it is o one of Oregon 'a most firmly established institutions.,, It has ; J J secured a firrn foothold because it is unique in its field. It is modern in' its methods, in its news service, irt its handsome o printing and in the eolor which adorns manjrc its pages. It J X contains something to interest and instruct not .Jone the men of th:jamilv3ut every "jmerrtef of lt; If has: thrown to the winds the old-time cast iron methods that used to be popular X in newspapers a-generation ao; "It is strictly up-to-date and 5 iuu ot me ana vigor it stanas lor sameuimgr lor which the people have"kmg contended, and it has therefore earned their respect and confidence. ,;K ' "C".;";".' ' '' 11 '.'.- . Less than two years old, it has made a Tec" . J for success rarely attained, by'a newspaper. . New features, are' beinz con- S , stantly added and new and arprbved ideas are being put into j surprisirj. if .';ih:a anotbtf, year-f he Ssihdiy Journal were ? ' able ta L. : :t t!e Lrtst clulation" ever attained by a news- 'JJ'parrr; ' ! i.t t!.:3secika tot the'cxHintry".- . -f. r t; . ; gSKvr.ys Company, Representing principally California Capital, Closes W Construction Company TL - I: '-M:il.l- TlII i,' iiiruj umiun uuuais;, Liectnc Linesv . it Expecting;Tvyo Hun People by . 1 9 1 0. alnce x coming here' a- few weeks ago lnveated about 1 1,000.000 In thl elty. Wa ar not only lnveaung our, money but are here to lira. 1 ' ' - . rj "r tur : people began taking note on condition In Portland year ago; and have mads -frequent trips to this city. Portland la In a condition similar; to that of San Francisco three year ago. There' ar very groat possibilities for business development In and around tm city 'Portland baa all the beaut lea and advantage of the beat residence clues In tba batted state,' and then some more advantage that do not exist ate wire. ae city is surrounded by ivery rich country, affording a great field for development. The future of tblg city t rry bright . . i, ' ' "W think we are warranted In' aratict paHrig'the future a.hd"",w wanfto as sist -tn , pushing this growtn xorwara. TV's ar willing: to help' and to Invest money In the campaign of development; It 1 net' queatlon srmply of. buUdlng a- few mile of electrio road, or'atraet railway. - We have "larger plana -than have yet been Indicated, and are here to enter -upon extenatv enterprlaea. If th4 city will permit u to do ao. The franchise asked for by this eompany for aa eiecino roao, ana lor ne privilege of . constructing a . rail road on Front street, only the beginning of our plana. ' When, people protest against tba construction of street railroads oa etreeta of tbe city - because these lines would. cut up. tbe town tbey should remember H 1 the very Improvement that make a city grow great In sis and commercial Importance, and equip It with tbe modern conyenlenee of civi lisation. W&a. tm AMfUmUJUUMf, rigelea1a running streetcars on First street, Second street. Third street. Fourth street. Fifth street. Sixth treat, Seventh street. Eighth street. Ninth street. Tenth street, Kleveath street. Fourteenth street. Sixteenth street, and many others. Tba slogan of tba United Railways company Is: - 100.000 people "Ton can add 10.00 to that number." Interjected tbe secretary 'and - treasurer of the eompany. Wllmot Orlfflss.- The United Railway company Is of ficered a rcrtlows: President, i. Whyte Evans; vice-president nd general mana ger, w. V. Ibarra bee; - secretary and treasurer, --Wtlmot Orlfflss; executive engineer, J. W. E. . Tsylor. These, with William! T. Jtulr, local attorney for tbe eompany,' are the directors. . -The projected' railroads, If granted tbe oeairea franchise. ' will be built by construction company incorporated yes terday at Balsm.' It is capitalised at .ouu.o. no oompoaed of tbe follow Ing mem , M. II.! French, JL J. Howard, W.. U'Oould.- ,: --;....;-.,,.. . Mr. French' ii one of tha beat known railroad constructors In California. lie (Continued on Page Eleven.) . r Sunday Journar cotmtry. I ' Chamber of Comraerc BoHding, Which Hu Been Spld to th C R AZED F ATI I ER ' S ; A17FUL OEED Kills TfttheV-in-Lnw, '; His Uttl Daughter, Shoots Woman. . ' .and Commits Suicide, . v CHILD CIVEN.TO HER . , - ' .' MOTHER BY CqURT Jcrha Wkte' Ooes to House to De- mand Poesesaion and Tragedy Fol low, Xittk Girl Beinre f hot While Ljrlnf in Bed With DolL' . ' . . '' . , . ' . u -, V -i I . f (Spedsl Dbpateh by Utsed Wit to The Jeerail) ' Detroit. Mich., Feb. .10. John .Wttte Jr., aged SI, a lumber shaver .went to the borne of hie father-fn-law, Augustus Weitel, on Clark avenue, tonight to de mand possession of hi child, Florence Wltte, aged. 1 yeara wha had bean, given Into the jatody of Its mother when aha obtained her decree for divorce. De cember 20, 1004.- ' v-", ; , ', ;'.; : ; Meeting bis fatber-m-law as he en tered the house, ha ahot him In tha ab domen and he Ilea dying in Oraoe hos pital. . The child and Its grandmother were sleeping in an ; adjoining room. Hearing th ahot, Mrs. Waltel tried to bold the door' ad .prevent him' from entering where aha and the child ware hiding.."-" A j-. ,.f.;rv-.-i.; Witt forced hi wa, however,, and ahot Mrs. Wetfel in the collarbone, In flicting a serou though not fatal In Jury. In the bed, her face ' blanched with fear, lay- the little child with her doll clutched In her arms. Th erased father pushed" the mussle of th revolver close to the baby's heart,' pulled the trigger, and the . buUet entered her heart, causing Instant death. When the rescuer rushed Into the- house the child clothing wa on fire,- -."- it,". I win get that kid tonixht dead or aHve." WTtte had said In a neighboring saloon a tew - hours before, - That seemed hi 'only aim 'in life his only purnoe for Irving. Ill' deed' accom plished, Witt almost Mew the top of bis own bead off a' a culmination of hi work of death, suDar:aviL:ciLi. C0LU"CIA'S LAST HOPE (Wasklaataa Bereaa of The loarnel.) Washrnaton. D. C-Feb. 10. Senators Fulton and Oearln today bad a confer- with : Chairman Burton -of the house commltt -on rivers and harbors In reference to the desired appropria tions for Oregon projects. . Chairman Burton advised tba senator that ha bad decided not to report an emergency ap propriation hill and-that .tha fund, for the Columbia river-and ether river and harbor projects would have to , be se cured, through the medium of . the sundry clvlt bill- Oregon's senators will devoto their energies toward securing th adoption of an Item In this bill to jravlde or Oregon Improvement. - , 1 1 w- v JEEtfnOrOfiai J ' -..' ' - V . Laka - Shore Limited Run Into 7Ffeiht Train TtBurdlcIv . , lnd Two Injured. Y SEVEN CARS AND ENGINE . i THROWN FROM -TRACK Kate of Speed at Which Passenger - Was Moving la '.Shown by t Pact 4 That Fourteen , Hundred r Feet of Track Was Torn Up. ' " (Special IHspstck by Leased Wire te The JoarnsI) Chicago, Feb, 1. Lake Shore limited train bio. 11. which left Chicago at l: o'clock this afternoon for New Tork ran Into a - freight . train which, bad 'not cleared against a siding at ' Burdlck. Ind., 41 miles from this city this after- noon78eVehcC1les7gor:tlWOTIrtn were derailed.' ' ' .,-.;-' ' According to information r. received fom' tha railroad authorities only two nersons were hurt Kngir er i. K, Val Unci Of th' limited tram, wnoee lag was broken, and W. H. Burkey, engineer of the freight, who was cut about th head and face. Both engineer ar from Bkhart.,''-'-l-i-- '' -"..' i The raU of speed t which the pas senger was moving la Indicated by tba fact that l.soo feet or tracx wa torn up by th collision. There wa a panto among the passengers, many or whom war flung headlong. Both main tracks were blocked, and it wa 4C minute be fore an . engine could be gotten to the derailed coaches, which ware than picked up and sent eastward, . . BUTTE GIRL BIGAMIST- . .:is suing for Divorce fRseeial msseti te Tba Insmsal.t Butte. Mont, Feb. 10.-Mre.. Arvllla Wklbrldg-Hunter-Meiviii-Nortnay, th lt-year -old girl bigamist, under arrest berew today began suit . for divorce against Oeorg Melville, husband No, 1. charging im with - pernlctous hypno tism and. compelling fear, by suggest tlon,Vto. marry XtaiTTivortheyNa.. Northey secured an annulment of his marriage from the woman two months ago. but h continually, hover about th prison seeking an opportunity of seeing tbe fair prisoner, who, be ssys. baa hypnotised blm. . Priori to her in carceration the girl was living alter nately with her two ' husbands, for pe riods of aeveral daya each, the resi dences of the two-men being but four blocks-, apart. .- "v g v ; ' ' '."''. ... Oodssised, Voenl Aaer. (speetal rMseatr by l-ts WH t Tke Jenisl Mount. Holly, N. 'J..-' Feb. 10. The negro In Jail here eondemnod for - the murder of Miss Allison today made a confession' In which he charge that a confederate, now In Jail hero, wa th actual glare-. .v . s -.. , , ,' v' J uULLIulUII United fiajlwavg Conrpsny. , ;;Ji,rn'i"fJ J. i i Hi il ,il .-. .' r 1 ' l i TACOnAvTERCIUAL FOR IIARRlWAU Seventy Acraa rof L Waterfront Property Purchased. From 1 Sti Paul Lumber Co. , MILLION DOLLARS PAID . FOR RAILROAD YARDS e Believed That Union Pacific Will Be ' the - First' Trariscontinental VLtrie ' Into ' ' City ': of OagtinjwTldelands Near Milwaukee: JSite, ' 1 1 - (apesUl Dtoasteb te Tse ssamal.) ' '. Taooma. Wash., Feb. 10. Official an nouncement made today of th purchase of 70 acres of - waterfront property from the St. .- Pau) , Tacoraa Lumber com pany by the Union PacUlo- railroad, to be used a terminals for entering this TSnyrTTnerlce ishdrret TndTubi llo. but It 1 aald to be about ii.voa.oao. Two weeks ago earnest money, 110, 00. was paid to C. W. Origgs, president of the St. Paul company, Thl deal I the most noteworthy of any : yet. , the price paid being tha . largest yet for ttdelanda. The property give th Union waciflo.a total of S.000 feet waterfront where, the Jntsntion. 1 to build docks with extensive railroad yard leading thereto. . : " -: . V - --' ' - v , The St Paul plant' 1 located back of the tldeland disposed of, not to state ment la made that the'deal will not Interfere with the operation of tha two large eawmlll The company win re tain (00 feet of waterfront where-they will do' cargo buelness. -The property bought by th Union Paclflo lie west of th Milwaukee terminal. . - "1 . am tiledged to teener,- said Colonel Origgs. who I on of tbe ricn- eat man In Taooma, whan asked to eon firm t the rumor." - JThe announcement muat some from th railroad.- However. I can ' asy -1 believe the Union Paelf le wltf be the first transcontinental road tsjto" Taooma. . . -.vr'-.--. . The property' bought by- the railroad I splendidly adapted for terminal pur osea. Considerable dredging Will have to be done, but' tbe best facilities exist for erecting . warehouses and doing,. cargo business,. Negotiation have been under way for month, but th first in timation cam today . from New ; Tork where the deal, wa confirmed. The close of the deal proves the truth of the rumor that the Union Paclflo was soon to enter tha city. The general opinion 1 that thl road will beat th Milwaukee here, ; v , ' ' - - Seeelsl IHasetcti ey Uese Wire te Tie J normal) New Turk. Feb. 10. William Mitchell. singer, was ahot dead In a quarrel, to night by Clarence Brooks, a waiter. mtnmtta-aoemigM WbMtl.. T (ffpist IMptr by Intend Wire te The Jeonial) Pittsburg, P4.. , Feb. -Barer. - bern- bardt, while on her - recent ' trip here. mad a Biklnlxbt Visit to the steel ml lie. iSEMTEDILLTQ READV TO llll B KILLED? Reported That Senate . Will jClaujhter Measure and Thar Executive le Resigned j to Its Fate. EXPECT COURTS WILL -DECLARE LAW INVALID If Hepburn BQ1 Should Pass Without Bitter Oppositioa, It Will Be B . ' caused , Railroads Are Convinced That It Will Be Declared Uncon. rrdtntionel No Oppositioa. Yet . ... -' . .By Julia Hawfhorna. . ' -- (pedal rnapateb by Lsastd Wire te The Jeeraal) -WaahlngtOBir Fab-Kk la tt- the- truth that the aenat will kill the rat bill and that tha executive Is resigned to the fat of that measureT t , y' . A large part of our population dealrea and hone that euch a bill mar be en acted Into lawa. and tha bouse ha spent Ume and labor upon what la known a tha Hepburn bill, and the latter baa passed th bouse by sn all but unani mous majority. Undoubtedly may repre entaUva must have voted and worked for It In'aood faith. ' Is It eonoatvabie that the men who bad ssaWsl- of4t have been play-acting all along and have i constructed and sub mitted a measure which they know could hot be enacted. ,Haa their seal, tor it been a pretense, manifested ror tea vary reason that they know It aiust ultimately prove Ineffectual! There is -a pretty bunch of question . which ' wtll b an swered bafor th cloee of the-present session of congress, and,premonltlone of what th answer will be ar already be ginning te be audlbla In-. Washington. There - are person about keen-noeed enough, to detect which way th wind la blowing, and, who,-though they -may hesitate still to com out flatfooted and declare the thing in pteln English,, have made up their mind that no rat bill will aver become, a law and that th powers which at preeent control our des tines have never for on moment' In tended that iany should. H - , 'V i 0arUoa"T XelgaUty. -: Fr that matter during th debate l the house suggestions have occasionally transpired a to th nstitutioaauty l euch a body aa th Interstate commerce commission. - Th constitution contain a passage understood to mean that exec utive, legislative and administrative functions must not coexist In the asm Individual - or corporata organisation. Now, In order that tbe commission may n of any practical n. It- 4 indcapen- aabla that Its functions shall be prompt- Iv performed: that tha law'e delaya shall not bo allowed to Intervene between tbe making .of a Ompialnt. it aqjudgmeni and th execution thereof. .v But If a oommlexiea la ahown to be le gally incompetent to dlacharg more than one of these of fleers or even more than) two of them, It might a wall or better not exist at all. Recourse to court already ' established baa alwaye been possible for the aggrieved cltlsen, but In the case of a suit against a wealthy corporation by a cltlsen of mod erate means. ' euch appeal baa been found-futile; , th .cltlsen eould not- af-1 ford to maintain hi suit long enough to set a decision upon It. The mean for relief exist: there they ar In plain Ight.1 Why not n them? i --. Only by reason of on little circum stance that It takes toe much time. Th law la alt right, tbe Judge (w may (Continued on Page Tw HILL PLARS TO PURCHASE ST. PAUL AND FflRm TWO GREAT SYSTEMS . i , , ? Cigantio Transcontinental Railroad, Scheme Under Way to Unite -WNorthern-Paclfior Line and Great Northern, and (Special Dispatrh by Leasee Wire m Tbe Jeorsal) St. Faul. Feb. 10. It wa .dlscloeed her today that the moat gtgantlo trans continental railroad deal ever known I being formulated.-"'. IT mean the consoli dation of th Northern Paclflo; and the Chicago, Milwaukee Jk St., Paul, and the Great Northern . and Burlington - Into two great transcontinental lines, tt also geeane tha putting out -of the Harrlman Intereat on the Paclflo coaat. - It also means a -desperate fight between the four lines mentioned and th Harrlman line. A disclosed today by an au thority of unquestionable Integrity the situation 1 aa follow:. Tba undertaking involves two separate transactions; - Tbey- have' been In. the minds- of the promoters for several year.- Th proposal means two of the greatest railroad systems In the world The Ureat Northern with Its ItlS.Oeo.OnO iron i oraf leaseo and the Bale , of rights to it own ana Xtiruncton. etockbe... rs , Big Deal. ClllOii r t - ' , ''' ' ' - , '" -' Secretary Taft Asks for a Hun dred . Thousand Dollars to ; Hasten Departure of Troops 1 ' for the Orierit. , . ROOT IS SUF.".:or.EO TO ' t EXPLAIN ORIENTAL MOVE Senate 'Committee . Refuaeg Money Unto It Is Taken Into Confidence by' ? " AdminUtrationModif ications in 'Exclusion Law Are Planned by .Administration. ,)'.' , :i (Speetal Dtspsteh by tessed Wire te The Jearaal) Washington, t, C, Fbw 1. Th im- ' portancr of-tha Chinese trouble to the " administration become apparent by the news today that th senate oommttte on appropriation wUl aak Secretary Rooe to appear be for It and tall what he know about the relatione between -China, and th United States, a affect-.' Ing American intereat. ' - Th Impor tanoe of thl notion lie In th fact that'. Secretary of War Taft baa asked the committee for an appropriation of $100,- . 000, and It ha been held up. - it wa learned today at the war de partment that the real reason for ask ing for thl appropriation .1 that tb.-.. i need of more troop In th Phlllp plnee -wlth reference te Cr", and tfe. t if th money 1 not f ortn. -g there will be a fur M to send troop In, an emergsnoy.- If, howvr, th commit tee on appropriation 'will not give the money tbe committee en th Philippine wnl b resorted-to. f ta. ." The committee on approprlattoh. tt tm believed, baa deferred - th matter so a to havth eecreury. of taU pres ent. Th committee on appropriations, alio,' It Is believed, want to know what 1 really going on and Is- opposed to granting th money unless the war de partment and stale department takea it Into It confldenc. ?Thr 1 not any question that there ta a sensation In store If th committee succeeds In getting Secretary Root to lay. before congress th privet cable from Minister RockhllL . T ' :SiKEXCLUSION m : '-': i- "i - -fottdsw of w Tork ta Oeflrsmrtotlo Wtta rtmium Over Cmargea. (BeesUI Mspetefe by Leased Wire te The Jearssn . Washington. D. C, Fb. ! 1. Pril dent Rooaevelt ha asked Representa tive J. B. Perkins of New Tork .to call upon him and tallT over-ther matter of th lawa which have been proposed for changes in .th existing Chine xdu-. elon Uw. .' ? " ' ' --v' A. " '-- . Mr.- Parkin- lav chairman -of tbe aub eomralttee of th house foreign affaire committee which ha th Foster exclu sion bill under consideration. The sub committee mat today and no evidence waa taken. - Representative Hughes, -Need ham and MoKlnley of the Califor nia delegation,, were present and tbey got an assurance that ample notice would be siven of th evidence that 1 proposed to be-taken. It la likely that th run committee wm no meev sum Thursday. - ' . ; - Mr. Perkln said tonight that be would call Mr. Denby, th chief clerk of th state department, Repreeentatlve MoKJnlev of California and Mr. Meioaii, secreury of fba department of com merce and labor, . ' : ' (Continued on Tag Eleven.) Burlington Into Another amounting " to $50,000,000 ' mora t nlll cement theas two- roads Into one vast double track ayatem to th coast -, Th Northern Paolflej whose stock Is aetitally worth 4u0'00 lh b' Of 1". earnings, may easily devote toward the purchas of etocfc In the Chicago, Milwaukee- St. Paul now ex- , tending to the pacific coast and pre- Ucally parallelltig the Northern P ' : The Chicago. Milwaukee-; ti. i will find It more convenient t r - i along the route to use t t Pacific tracfra Ir.-" I. c - been held b-twea t c. . i i end. A , ra- -oad ot - ness briny fc ia i t t ' del end of all ' ' ' ai-alra are reach no. other t diets that wit ' ' i ' poe'" 'y - tlor-i will h-ve ' cjnt. -,er"' II out ty. i ' - ..-... ,' yi.. ,'-' -, :', '