The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1906, Image 5

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    j-.... J IU . .,--..,. ,r; T , '!-! (I (I .aii ,,,, ;il
-j firn mi r ' v - - - - - -- w-i c- w w- o
Ciric Juka Ccrnnrisa C'l Ctpa
cf Cboi Hope.
Valley Froitgrowera Are
Coins Aftar Peata. '
The Kost Pcrj!crStccri Subscription ft!2 In Ti:!: ::
Eark ComM to Portland Front Swan
," mi by Way of Hobart, in Order to
Increase Bounty EaxnlngsT-Saren
-TUoni' n &i Way-'
. . - Off the Cap ef Good Hope, li. Feoger,
, an able mmn on the French bark Jules
Gommea, which reached tb harbor laat
night, waa swept oTarboard and drowned,
Lines and Ufa buoys wara thrown to
.him, but ha waa unabi to -grasp thm
'and soon want down. It waa too Tough
to launch a amail boat a ths wavaa
- war rolling ovar tha decks."
. Captain .Quartervaua, master of tha
, Jules Qommee, 'Sarj -that continuous
' galea war experienced aoon after tha
of tha rl rainy waa carried away and
when Hobart, Tasmania,' waa reached,
' estanalv -repair had to ba made, '. On
' this account tha craft was nearly "seven
- months completing a passage -which
under ordinary conditions would not re
quire more than four. The sailor who
' lost his Ufa waa at work on tha deck
when ha was struck by a mammoth wave
and carried overboard.
Another evidence of how the French
bounty law la taken advantage of by
the ship ewners la shown by thewtr
-takenby tha Jules Oommes In coming
' to Portland from Swansea. . She brought
- a cargo of coal and went by way .of
Hobart, .Tasmania, tt Is admitted by
' aenta of the v easel, foa no other reason
. than to Increase tha bounty earning.
The passage la fully a third longer by
.that route than by Cap Horn. Every
- mil that- a, Pranohmaa traverses adds
to the revenue which the owners will
'eaHaea t ross-the, aovarnment, . . .
Including officers, the Jules Oommes
has a craw of It men. Bne is meorM
at the gas dock, where her cargo will
be discharged. - The Teasel, la under
charter to Balfour, Guthrie Co. to load
grain for the United Kingdom. She was
bar a trifle mora than a year ago. V-
Sluiaii Oh Carry Oaa Kaadred Faa
' aana-ars, Three Xnmared roaa rretghi.
' - At o'clock this afternoon -the new
steamer Beaver, belonging to tha Clats
kanie Transportation company, will be
laanohcd-4rrt.e--weys at tha Port
land shipyards. Considerable work will
be don to her after shs has been put
In the water and It la hardly probable
that, eh will go In service before the
first of March. She will take the place
of the Sarah Dixon, which haa been an
the Clatakaal run for' nearly 10 years.
A new hall la being built for the latter
and until that haa been completed the
Old craft will engage in the general
towing trade. Bhe belongs t th Shaver
Transportation company. ( :
The Beaver wui d ciassen among me
beat freight and passenger boats on
tha river. She will be equipped with
fine electric light plant, which Is being
procured In the east. - The dynamo for
. generating eiecu-icn
t Laval steam turbine type and will
he the first of that description used on
" a local craft 'It la said to nave given
better satisfaction in tb east than any
other aort More than 10 passengers
by thai steamer.
Kay '
- ' TJntll the Regulator line is In a aoel-
. tion to charter a veaael to take the
plaoe of the Dalles City ths lltfle steam
' the Oeorge W. . Simons and Princess
, May will handle the - passenger and
freight traffio from The Dalles to Cas
cade lacks.- From tnsra on.. to Port
land the Bailey -Oatsert will take care
of the business. Toe latter mad an
tinsuceessf ul attempt yesterday to go
: through to -The Dalles. Th company
is making an effort to secure another
Steamer and officials of the line are
. tiopeful of success. , It la declared that
- there are not more than two or three
boats at Portland . which would be able
to mah the trip through th rapids b.
low Cascade locks. The steamer Hercu
les, carrying a -wrecking outfit, left for
th scan of th Dalles City accident
Jaat night While she can make th trip
through th raplda it la explained that
he would net be of much eervlo to
operate on th regular freight and pss
enger run on account of her limited
carrying capacity.
TtatUlas; axperleawe f OaptaU Xaatet
' af tha Ship Artraa. .
When-- Bearing Portland about !
years ago en rout from Antwerp with
a general cargo th British ship Argus,
Captain Hunter,' now moored at the
' Banfleld dock, collided with and sank
th Hawaiian ahlp Iolanl, th accident
almost resulting In a great loss of life.
Th collision occurred at midnight la
' the latitude directly west of San Fran
cisco. Th - Iolanl. Captain MoClure,
was bound from Honolulu to th Bay
v The car that wina on Economy Teata,.the car that wins
Testa, the car that la making tha Transcontinental Tour. Do
Br Kellyr-WWtavAWCwd
factory to fill up the first carload at figures that will interest
- F. 5. This proposition is
Brk!ah Ship
City and would have completed her passage-the'
following' day. Canvaa had
been tacked In, auch manner that both
erart received ' th full benefit . of the
wind and they-wer plowing alone at a
great speed.
Dark clouds obscured the ekv and
those standing watch were unable to
see the danger lying in their Path. Bud
denly there was a crash and the men on
the bridge were nearly thrown Into the
sea.BackIng off from the force of th
blow th Argus was soon at a safe dis
tance from- the- ether-vessel. Her ef
fleers and nearly all of her crew were
m their bunks fast - aaleep when the
ships struck, but they were soon out on
deekr Ait examination showed that ths
Briton -escaped without any serious
Aamaga. " '
Oris fat XsU Heard,
' Just as they were speculating on how
th stranger fared, cries for help were
heard. Captain Hunter ordered tits
.small boats lowered.. It waa soon dis
covered that th Iolanl was doomed. She
had a hoi In her starboard hull through
which the water waa pouring In a ateady
stream Ilka a mlllrace. She aank In
about 10 minutes bat Captain MeClur
and hi man managed to get away from
tha sinking vessel In one of th life
boats In their nlghtolotbea. They had
hardly got clear , when the ahlp aank.
nearly drawing them Into th vortex.
' la fleeing ' for their Uvea th ' un
fortunate men pulled directly In the op-
poalte direction, from the Argus, and
ooupls of hours -elapeed v before -the
searching party could And them. Then,
In the deep darkness of ths night ths
seamen in both boats began looking" for
Copt a Hunter's ship. It was nearly
o'clock in - tha morning . whan they
Anally found her. - - -
Captata McClur and his crew were
brought to Portland and from her they
took passage to their raspecttv homes.
His vessel belonged to a Arm on the
Atlantic coast. She waa ' formerly
owned by a British Arm. which sold her.
The vessel was thsn placed In service
between - San Francisco and Honolulu
under, th Hawaiian - flag. - Bho-
named for th palace occupied at that
time by th queen of . th Ha wallas
Islands. . : '
Thirty-two Tsars Sailor.
Captain Hunter haa ' been following
th sea for tl years and haa had many
thrilling experiences, . but - none '-which
esused him so much anxiety for a few
hour ss th sinking of tb Iolant- He
feared that every on of her craw would
be lost - He has been In command of
the Argus for th past seven years.
On nsarly all of his voyages across
the seas . Captain Hunters wife and
children accompany hlnu Donald and
Sydney are twins Just turned 4 years,
Bydney was named in honor of a elty
In Australia, where ha and Donald Arat
aaw the light of day. With the excep
tion of a few daya they have been on
the aea all their live. Towns and tha
country are as full of mystery to them
Lyla. their baby brother. Is ! months
old and his spent 1 months on the
ship. The. boys have som pet pigeons
and a trained dog which has been oa
th ship almost as long as they have
provides the youngsters much amuse-
.t:,.e.: rT v ,.
They Shonld Orala Aroud Bnxtaf
' anormy Wsathaa, Bay Marlms'ltsa,
Criticism Is ' made of th manner In
which th revenue cutters on the coast
are operated. 'It la contended that they
are not only supposed to mske sure that
th revenue law are oompUed with, but
to- be cruising around during stormy
wsather at point where wrecks are
moat likely to occur In order. to render
needed - assistance.-- Instead "-of ' doing
this, It Id declared thst the Perry lies
Idle at. Astoria, nearly all of tha winter
klU ..ntkM wutlAW Km kMf
at Tacoma, a third at San Francisco
a fourth in Alaskan aatefa
. The critics of tha service claim that
one. of the cutters should be kepf con
stantly at Neeh bay, one of the most
she would be In a position to perform a
good service occasionally. - A govern
ment official at tha oustorn-bouse said
this morning that the officers of the
revenue cutters put In th most of their
Urn at safe harbors. ,
"They do not belong; even In th re
motest wsy, to the navy, ha - said.
They are simply In the revenue service.
and like other people they ahould get
out and work occasionally." ;
With a cargo of 1,100 tons of wheat
British ship Afan Alaw,' Captain Davles,
wilt leave down tomorrow bound for th
United Kingdom. . she moved out Into
the stream this morning. - Th. cargo la
being shipped by Balfour, Outhri Co.
In tow or th sea felon, the jean
Baptists will leave for th sound - th
first of th. wsek to oomplet her grain
oargo.-a,.1 . - .......
Xjtden with gram, th French bark
gooa lor uiree or lour cars 01117,
Jacques left down this morning bound
for Europe.' She cleared for Queenatown
or Falmouth for orders.
The British - ship Clackmannanahlr
will coma up from th drydock this
afternoon and moor at Martin'a deck to
discharge ballast before starting te load
lumber for Port. Plrle. Australia,
Three steamer th Columbia. Nome
City and Jeanle will sail tonight for
California port. The Nome City and
Jeanle will go to San Pedro, th former
carrying I7,000 feet of lumber ad th
latter grain and general freight The
Columbia will aall for San Francisco
with s miscellaneous cargo.
United States InsDectors Edwards and
Fuller Inspected the steamer Mascot of
tbe.Kamm line this morning and, found!
her to e In fine condition.
The oriental liner Nlcomedta la at the
Oregon California dock, where - the
work of loading her cargo will be com
pleted in time for her to aall Monday
morning. Extanslra repairs hav been
made to, tb vessel in the past few dsys,
fixing up - th damage ah sustained
while coming across th Pacific
Th British ahlp Rajore, Captain Gar-
Hoc, baa been chartered by Meyer,
Wilson A Co. to load general. cargo at
Antwerp for Puget sound. Shs may
possibly come to Portland. .
.' Astoria. .Feb. It. Arrived down at
1:10 a. m., schooner Alice Mac Donald;
aalled for San Francisco at 11:61 s. i
Arrived at l:4B a. m, and left up at
10:49 a. m.. steamer Alliance from u
reka. and Coos bay. Outside at 7 a. m.
a three-masted barkentlne. Arrived at
11:40 a. -m., paraenun uieaner xrom
San Francisco 1 . ' ;: . .
-San Francisco, ' Feb. 10. Sailed at
11:10 last night steamer Northland for
Portland.- ". .
t Astoria. Feb. t. Arrived at 1 p. m.
nd left up at midnight steamer Asun
cion from San Francisco.
San , Pedro, Feb. t. Sailed, schooner
William Bowden for Portland---" ;
Astoria, Feb. 10. Condition of the
bar at- a. nu smooth; .wind .east;
kweather clear,-,.,;, , ;
r;o;iTH AiaiBRARY i
Mora ThanFrftaan Thouaand
Booka Circulated In Main -,
Dafiartment. ; L
Th month of January at tha public
th records in.evry department larger
than ever before. Tb total circulation
In the main department was 11.600, and
the per cent of fiction only 00, which
show that tha library 1 being used
TT"T y atmlanta Wlv hlin.
dred and six people joined th library
during th month. . . -,(
In th reference-room th attendaaee
was 1.164. A list on railroad rats may
be found posted on th bulletin In this
room, i The exhibit on illumination was
withdrawn th laat of tha month and a
new on Installed n Th Evolution of
th Book." This combine materials
on th form of th book and th de
velopment of printing. It may bs found
In th ens on th landing between th
two floor and will be on view for sev
eral 'months.
Th periodloal-room -waa visited by
T.0I4 people. Tber are on file regu
larly th following magasinea oa en
gineering and mechanics: American En
gineer and Railroad Journal, Casslefs
Magaslne. Electrical World.. Engineer
ing. Engineering and Mining Journal,
Engineering- Magaslne, Engineering
News, Engineering Record. Marin En
gineering. Railway Age, Hallway and
lyooomottv '" Engtm
American, Scientific American Supple
ment Street Railway Journal, American
Machinist Iron Age and Metal Worker..
Six hundred and slaty volumea were
catalogued during th-month and 100
volumes added to the eolleotlon. -
In the children' room there was a
total attendance of Mtl, th circula
tion of booka was 4.701 and tb fiotloa
per cent 64. . Mtsa Haasler haa paid a
number of visits to several of th city
schools during tha month, tailing sto
ries upon subjects usually suggested by
tha teachers, Storta of travel hare
been told In th chlldren's-room and th
100th anniversary of Benjamin Frank
lin' birth" was celebrated; ' also the
birthday of Mary Ma pee Dodge.
The weekly reading for th blind are
continued and ar being enjoyed not
only by those who are totally blind,' but
by those who have such difficulty with
thslr alght that reeding la troublesome.
! SreaTesyea Stoak
Allen 1swtr- Best Brand.
in its clasa on Hill Climbing
you. want a REO? If ao, aea
"youv" "V;i-';.'t3-T";r
In Early Daya, Saya Dr. CardwaU,
WlHamett VaUoy Sent Big Applee
to San Franciaco, Which Broufht
BearPricer In Market 'C
"WHlamette valley kortloulturists ar
making a united effort- to win back
their prestige a fruit growers. - and
show th Hood river valley orchard
men that aalne fruit can be grown here
aa In thelrseotlon of th state,"' ssld
Dr. . J. R. CardwelU- president ef -the
uregott Horticultural society, this
morning,.- v-. .
"Sine th laat annual meeting of th
aooiety, vim tt waa decided to make
minor fruit growing organisations aux
iliaries of lhaj tat, association 1 bayf
received many ranorta t tha affect that
etr-ef fort-is-now being made to
clean the orchards of th codling moth
and tangL The latter, and th black
speca. aap the vitality of tha tree and
decreaae not only th alsa of th fruit
but th quantity.: i
' The county organlsatlone thronghoot
the state ar agitating th anointment
of . county fruit Inspectors, besides In
other ways doing everything possible to
raise th standard and quality of tha
inregon iruiu i
"The present generation may not know
that back In ths fifties the Willamette
valley raised better fruit than does tha
tiood Hivar country. There l now on
exhibition in' Washington, District af
Columbia, the largest pear ever grown
In the world. ; It came from this valley.
It was grown by Oeorge Walling In his
orchard t( Oswego. It was of. th
Pound variety, and weighed 14 eunoea.
"la those days we raised the big red
apple for San Krenclsco and tha United
States. Ths Willamette valley apple
brought the best prios on th market
and th supply wag not aqual to th
demand. 'We- want 'to see those daya
again, and ar working hard. '-
"Back In 1114 a man named Stewart
Who lived two and a half mile north of
Corvallla, grew an apple that weighed
40 ounces. While that was an unusually
Urge one. It was but a sample of the
fruit thai WlUamett valley produced
In ' thoa days. Blnoe than th fungi,
codling moth . and . black speck have
gotten Into tha orchards. The fruit haa
deteriorated and the valla v haa lost
Ita rtlg.- J " :." ' , ' ,
mi i i
TO SAVE 81,000
No Spaclflo Appropriation Mada
for Latha In Flra Depart-V
mant Shops.
Several rims at tha meeting of th
city executive board yesterday tb mem
bars experienced the annoyance' of the
method of the city council In making
speciriSpBr5pmtIOM of rundsTtrmsr
theeurrent ezpensea for 1000.
When tha fir committee'
mended that a lath be purchased for
th machine shop la th fir depart.
mant for 1500, from which a aavlng
of ver 11,009 could be mad In an
year. It was announced that tht$ eould
not be done for the- reason that no
specific appropriation had been made
for that purpose.. City Attorney Mo-
Nsry waa called upon for a written
opinion aa to whether the money might
be taken from th repair fund.
Th next jar came when Deputy City
Auditor Qrutse anaounced that the
February estimate of expenses of th
polio department exceeded on twelfth
tb, approprtatlea for ta-year-for
this department. . ,
When tb estimat of th ost of four
horses for th street cleaning depart
ment wa read It was announced that
th Ol.m asked -e-too--larg-aa- th
tedIJia cost s:
to S100 each. The estimate wa re
duced to, 1 1 00 to. conform t th appro-
nation. x
In order to D on xn aai sias ana
not eall for expenditures exceeding th
appropriation, th board reqneated th
auditor to furnish a detailed statement
of tha balsnoe of each department fund
vrjr month. ... - ' -
'. . Vow Vertlaad
Bunding permits have been Issued as
follows: Edward Curtin, cottage, cor
ner East Tweaty-aecond and Preecott
streets, cost tl.000; Mrs. E. Walker, re
pairs to resldenoe, Bast , ueventn,
twean East Couch and East DavU
streets, oostvl50; it. McCavltt, store,
corner First, and Sheridan streets, cost.
$1,100; M. I. Walsh Co., shop. Stark,
between First and Sixth streets, cost
IfOO; Mrs. W. K. Healea, repairs to resi
dence. - Llrm, between East Fiiteentn
and East Sixteenth streets, coat $100)
aore Feluso. repair to bona. lAn-
00 in, between Front and Hood streets.
cost ft, w. season, 1 our ooiiagea,
East Ash, between East Sixth and East
Seventh streets, cost 10,400; C. H. Van
Zandt, repairs to residence. Commercial,
between OkWmprs ano sailing sireeis,
cost io. -. : '
See Nature In HeTWinter Garb;
- To see tha' far-famed Rocky moun
tains in their wtmdreu winter, garb la
tba treat ef a Ufettme. Tb eaaysns,
ptskt and gorge are even - more - at
tractive In winter than in summer. -The
Denver A Rio Grande, popularly known
aa Tha Scenic Una af 4b World."
fpler the very heart ef th Rockies,
and besides is uio oiur iraneconiinsntat
Hnw imtnA-dtrrt!y-tbTugh Salt Laks
City, tba eualnt and picturesque Mor
mon capital. Stopovero granted on all
classed of tlckela For rates to all
astern points call upon or writ W. C.
MaBrtd. 114 Third street ! , ..
.r-T eoinaMra OFaa ut 7"lTi .
The hall af the Volunteers of America,
closed for som time on account of the
alpeeno of part of tha carp of workers,
will be reopened tomorrow at S o'clock.
Thar will be preaching at that tlm
and at p. m., and every night here
suffer except Monday. . .
James F. Ksrtchem. F. J. Laaarus
and Frank Kslld have fUed with County
Clerk Frank S. Fields arti.-'es ef Incor
poration for the Sell wood Lumber com-
4any. - The capital siori is .. 01-
vided Into sharea of fl each.
X, lU-MU!s President First National Bank.-
I OO . . . m t . .' - V k a
aigmuna r ranK. Jcresiaent. Meier.
C. F. Adams, President Security
W. P. .Olds, President Oldsr Wortman & King. .', . V.., Portland, Oregon;
Jr FrankWatsorirrPre8ident-MmhairtsNationar
Adolphe Wolfe,' Managing Partner Lipman, Wolfe &. Company. '.,V.S. Portland, Oregon
George W. Bates, President George W. Bates & Company, Bankers'. f., Portland, Oregon
T D' Honey man, President Hdneyman Hardware Company.;'....
J. N. Teal, Teal & Minor, Attorneys at, Law . . . . , . , . , . , . . . r 7. . . . . . . . i.
Jonathan Bourne Jr., Capitalist... , . . . , , . , . .'. ... ................. ... .
Walter H. Moore, President Oregon Trust & Savings Bank......,..
J. Poulsen,' Manager and Secretary Inman,' Poulsen: Lumber Company.. ......
MTalter F.i Burrelli Capitalists ... .................. r....... ...
A. J. Giesy, Physician . . ',. . j . ; ..; .7r;. iV.. .'. .". ; .'. .. V.'; . . . i".
F. I. Fuller, President Portland Railway Company. , ... , . .. . .'.V.V. . i .'. .'...
tco Fried Ca Owpitftlist t
mvw a ivucf vwpii.aaiaw tt imm itottoaottiii,iiMiMttiiMs A j i,iiu9 Kyi cuil
H. W. Goodcr President Port lanC General ' Electric Company V. ; . . . , ....i.. Portland, Oregon
E. E. Lytle, Railroad Builder. .V.
J. Durkheimer, Vice-President Wadhams St. Company, Wholesale Grocers. v Portland, Oregon
O. F. Paxton, Attorney at Law. . T, . . . ' . . . . t . , . ...... i . V? Portland. Oregon -
Edward -Holman, -President-rHolmairUnd'ertaking" Company..... , . vv; . , . . '."Portland, Oregon
L. Jf. Wentworth, Vice-President and General Manager Portland Lumber Co.. ...Portland, Oregon
A." D. Charlton, Assistant Generil Passenger Agent N, P, Railway.; . . . ", . . . Portland, Oregon
PhTo B h r ' f Treasurer' Eastern & Western Lumber Company. ; .' .. .Portland, Oregon
. President Oregon Lumber Manufacturers'1 Association... I.Portland, Oregon
F. W. Leadbetter, Vice-President Crown-Columbia Paper & Pulp -Company,.... TPortland, Oregon r
Marcua Fleischher, Fleischner, Mayer & Company, .Wholesale Dry; Goods....... Portland, Oregon
H. Wittenberg,' President Portland Cracker Company ...... ... , . . .... ... ....: Portland, Oregon
CACogswelLJPresidentWarner ValIeyLivestock tompanyr Lakeview and,..Partlahd, Oregon .
A. H. Devers, Gosset & Devera, Wholesale Teas, Coffees and Spices r...t,., ....Portland, Oregon
Hugh McGuire, President Pacific Paper Company.,.. T,V7;.;t.V.i....V
Jefferson" Myers, Attorney, at Law. ...... . . . ..7.......... . .
H, W. Scott, Editor Oregonian.
(Ilr LilPittock; Manager Oregonian.... ............. .................. Portland, Oregon .
L. 5. Jackson, Publisher Oregon
J. Forbes, Martin & Forbes, Florists
WrCr Bristol, Attorney. at Law;J.7.7v".;7. T7T;.".'VT.r,".-"
Loiiis Gt Clarke, PresideVit Woodard, Clarke & Company, Druggists.. ......... Portland, Oregon
Roderick L.'Macleay, -Capitalist.
J. E. Bennett, Contractor and
Henry E. McGinn, Attorney at
iltop. Markewits, TT'esident' Bushong at Companj5PTinters 4,v
Newton W. Rountree,:Real Estate. and Fire Insurance Portland, Oregon
Edgar M. Lazarus, Architect , . . ..... .' '.,'.... i . .'.....'' Portland,' Oregon
L. Samuel, Manager Life Insurance Company.". .. .... ... ....... ....... . . Portland, Oregon
Clarence b. bamuel. Assistant Manager Life Insurance Umpany ............... Portland, Oregon
Wi Ji Furnish, President' Pendleton Savings Bank ..... ... ....... .. . Pendleton, Umatilla County
J. H. Raley, Attorney at Law. . . . ...... ..... ... . ; . v. . . . .......... . . Pendleton, Umatilla County
T. C Taylor, Hardware Merchant. ... .7. i. .7, . .... .7. ... .Pendleton, Umatilla County
W. G. Cole, Physician. . 7. 7. . . . .'. i ..... 7. . .... . . ... .7 ... i.. . . ... .Pendleton, Umatilla County
George Stoddard, Vice-President Grand Ronde Lumber Company........ La Grande, Union County
George Palmer, President La Grande Rational Bank. 7.. 7.7.....La Grande, Union County
J. W. Scriber, Cashier Farmers' & Tradera'National Batik .;. 7. ......... La Grande, Union County
J. E. Foley, Proprietor Foley House. .... . . .La Grande, Union County
T. H.5 Parker, Vice-President First National Bank . . .... 7. . . . . . . .7. , 7. . 7 . Baker; Baker County
WmPollmarv -PresidenUJaket.
W. F. Butcher, Attorney at Law. 7 . . . 7 . . . 7. . ........ . . . . ... ; . . 7. . ..... i . . ...Baker, Baker County
S. B. Barker, The S. B. Barker Company, General Merchandise. .........".Condon, Gilliam County-
Frank ArSeuferV Proprietor-Salmon Cannery TWrnrirmx, . . . . . . ; r.The Dalles,' Wasco County
Jos. T. Peters," Joa. T. Peters tt Company. ..........,..
F. S. Stanley, President First National Bank .. ... . .. . . ... .
' . i Treasurer and .Manager Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. . 7. 7 ... . '. Eugene, Lane County
R.A.,BOOtn.Pr v. . n,nl,. . Piicen Tjin rnttntv
T. W. Hariris, Physician. . .'. .... .......... ... . . 7. . . . 7. ...... .7;. 7 .Granta Pass, Josephine County
M F A tr ' ' Vice-President Chambers-Bri stow Banking Company..... Eugene, Lane County
II Anfn'' t President Medford Bank.....V vV7;7.7..7i.;Medford7 Jackson ; County
E. V. Carter, Cashier Bank of Ashland.... 7........ ....... ......... .v.. J Ashland, Jackscfa County
G. S. Butler, Capitalist "and Mayor of Ashland. 7..,7, ..... 7,,. i.... Ashland, Jacksoo Countyl;
H. G. Sonnemann, Merchant and President Glendale State Bank........ Glendale, Douglas County
Wilson F. Jewett, Manager Gardiner Mills Company........... .......Gardiner, Douglas County
II. S. Pernot, Physician. ....................... . ........... .......... Corvallis, Benton County ,
E. D. RessIer, President State
John -Wortman, President First National Bank......'..... ..McMinnville, Yamhill County
W. A Howe, Merchant an,d Banker. . . . . . . . .7 .'i ......... . 7.','. - i .Carlton,' Yamhill County
E. W. Haines, Banker. 7... 7.. .7... -. 7.; 7... . .7. Forest GroveWashington County
Richard Scott, Stockraiser arid Farmer.;... .7...7.7..7....7i...Milwaukie, Qackamaa County :
-T4iomaaJFyanudgellackameVLX Ti . . . . . . ......
Gorgg C- Brownell. Attorney at
Asahel Bush, Ladd 8c Bush, Bankers. . . .7 . . . . .7 . .7 . it". .. . 7.7: ;... ... .Salem, Marion County'
Henry B. Thielsen, Fire Insurance. ,.,.'..... 7. ........... .7 . .7.'. k. . ' 7. Salem, Marion County
W. H. Byrd, Physician . . ......... ....................... . .'. 7. .Salem, Marion County i"
Charles-Sr Moorer-Treasurer State
Abovfii i thcornpleta liar of
by L. SamueL , Tha capital stock,
safeguarded, making the "one-man
between, thia. and March 17. and-
mount of business has already been pledjed Uf tha new concern. Tfo workutj force cornpriats men "
skilled in every detail .of the life insurance business, Oz!y cuch meC:od m hive stood tie cf
time are employed. No autddlary concern, cr alia Ur-a cf try llr,l li r', c? c errrl k
with the Oregon Life. It cc-xta
profita distributed to theai la'Criic
by Orejoniana, Ca iitz.ii c'!!::t: 1
and life inasrxrxa fitrczr-j t!
Samuel, .Uxzizx.'tZ-'.l::; '
aiMr.' '
4 "-
ah W- M ' v -
rwiic. company .
Savings & Trust Company;
. 'jjs
'.TuWi. ...... V......
......... ..............
'. . . i . . v . r
Builder.,......... ..............
Law.......... ......... ................ ..,..1 Portland, Oregon
Loan&Trust Company 7.77. .777
ent First National-Bank
Normal School. ...7...V...V.7..... .'.."..Monmouth, Polk County
Law. . .7. . . . . . . .......... V .7 . .
of Oregon
atockholdera In the ''Oregon Life
Ona Hundred Thousand Dollars,
control an absolute impossibility. The company, will organize
elect directora from tha aova lUt
a U-'a izz'zrjt tr
- sii tt Cu !c!r " .12
b frzr 3 :
c:zr? tl'JLzi " ' '
.V" " "
.IJPortlaxifV Oregoa
tl - '
,v .
. Portland, Oregon
.'.:.';., Portland. Oreon
T.trPortland. Qrcgonl
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon '
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
V.i;.VL I Portland Oregon
....... Portland, Oregon"
........ I Portland, Oregon
Portland, Uregon
Portland, Oregon .
. ;A,;a:Portland,- Oregon--
. Portland, Oregon
........ .... Portland, Oregon
4, -.,. Portland, Oregon 1
. . . . .7. 7. Bakers-Baker County .
.The Dalles, Wasco County
.. ..Hood River, Wasco County
QregcdiJCitya.CJackamaaXounty .
Oregon City. Clackamas County
Salcmr Marion County--.--
Insurance Company," founded;
is well distributed and further
of atockrKldara A vr-r lare-
t 2 '
h 7
7;V:-4 . - ' ;