The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    ur...x'.. -
tArs. Sue Harper Mimma -Tetia
Theatre Full of People. About
P;:' Christian Science.
V : ,1-.; . . . t - -
.? lrs" Eddy's Pure, Simple Lop'
ic I
Healiaf .Homanlty Today of .Sin,
V vrki.a Snrrnar and Poverty. Save!
Vtri. Mimma." ' " '
-HrrTM Btue thitr Tru ix to Us
espaoltr last -night to aocoramodata
those who noelred to near ths Christian
; . ; : Brlm lecture lr Mrs. But , rUrper
' . Minimi of Atlanta, QrIa. member of
" th ihri.M... nelanoe board of lecture-
- '-'rtilp of the Flrat ChnreaH-ofChrist.l-
t . : scientist. Of . Boston. ' ! v - , - ,
, J - Kvery seat la tha pit and balcony was
' takes, and there wara lie persons on tha
ntage. Mrs. Mimms held toe closest
1 attention of tha audience from tha atari.
. , boen aomtlmea' iaJdthrtha
-woman la not naturally logica-." said
Y. Jdra. MlmniarrThara la muoti to be said
. in thla subject, but time forblda. While
" snaterlallsra and lllogiaaL theories hava
during all tha centuries failed to da
atroy tha Increasing tils at humanity,
i , Jrfrm.- Mary Baker Kddy. with bar pure,.
aimple loglo, 1a healing humanity today
"mf aioraiaaanar aorrow and poverty.- War
, , loglo 1 almply this, that If Uod la Iplrit
' and ia tha only Creator. Cause, ,Cauee-
- tkm. tha Perfect. -the Holy One, than
;. Ma creation or rnsnifeetaUon must be
- In hie own Image, perfect, spiritual,
v lis rmontous,-immortal man and universe,
moving In tha harmobr of divine law.
Ht, Paul Mid. Christ, Truth, was mani
feated In Cbrlet Jeauo to deetroy the
. " work of tha devil. Thla glorious truth
. ,'of being.' perfect eauae and perfect
cffeuU doca now, aid. and ever will de
' wtroy tha illualona of the human mind,
:J-'tft faloa aanaa of belnr Te ahall know
tha Truth, and the ?rnth hU make
.T you free,', aald k Jeaua. - Truth never
, tnakea free from what la true, but only
' ' ', from what la Ulualva, temporal,,untrue.
i ji : ., -. MM. Bddya aieoorayjr,
rotf of the moat exprcaalva Indie,
lions of the : prog-raes of ' rellgloua
, thought la to be aeon In tha vaat num
ber of people who-attend lecture op'
. the aubject of Christian Science.'. Be
;. fore Mrs. Eddy made her discovery of
the acteooe of being, or the science of
- - Christianity, no two words in the popu-
- lar thought, or In the Bngilab language
aeemed more irrecoucllably aeparated
than thaae--Cbrlatlanlty- and aclanee;
and yeVelhce God himself la Omnl
' fScience. anything emanating from him
must Inevitably be csscntlali aclsnOflc.
-' alnce Ood and his laws ar auprema,
,- ' unerring, and unvarying tha same
. yeaterday, ., today- and forever and
clenoe being that whloh daala with tha
' ' lawa of truth, there can be no, more
holy alliance than that of thiea two
' words, Christian Science. Ton era here
to listen to" lecture On aolenee whoa
principle is Ood hlipaelf; whose lawa
' ' are the Immutable lawa of health, holl-
neaa. barmonr and Immortalityt, whose
reiuTlB must be. and are, tha aaUbltsh
" tnent ef the kingdom of Ood on earth
.. '' tha reign ot .individual and universal
rlahteousneaa. ' ' "'. ' ' '.
; "Nineteen hundred years ago. In the
. mldt ot the tumultuaua 4 bought of
t hat day. there suddenly appeared S
simple, majestle figure,, Jesus at Nasa-
rethl. He span as never man spaae
before, and he proved the beneficent
, ' ways of Ood to man. - He showed this
beueuleut Oud Hi be nSltboT"rbe"oTeaT
tor nor the permltter of eviL It was
:.- as If be said, "Ood la not, a remote ab
- atractlon, not a far-away, ruler and
. . mighty - king, but a living presence,
V. eternal truth, a divine environment. In
. whloh we live, and move and have our
, being, the one.aouroe from which com'
"' sth every food and parfeot thing.'
''od Only Traa Vhystolaa. -r"';
. -The Master came fulfilling God's
'. law. ; He said of , the la w, "I am not
oma to deetroy. but to fulfill.' Ia Xul
filling the law ef Ufa he raised the
dead; In fulfilling the law of harmony.
be stilled the tempeet and healed, the
sick. - When he fulfilled the ' abaoiuts
law of aplrltoal being he aaoended to
., his Invisible unity . with the Father,
, . spirit, from whence be cama. He taught
that Ood Is mind. Intelligence, the aub-
stance that Includea all. and that feeds.
' , olotbea, sustains, governs man. redeem
ing him from the bondage of materlalta
tic law by the lpilltual law, of lite "audi
1 harmony,
"Have yon ever thought bow little la
tie ny Christian people today about
Jesus' works T , Tat he aald, The works
that I do ahall ye do also.' . Hs taught
that Ood Is ths only trus physician,
revealing to man his Ood-gtven domin
ion , as ine re ri ecu on or nia maker.
This supremacy fs not attained through
the human will, but through the en
lightened understanding of the realities
of being and of man a relation to Ood.
Pauls who bad a clear sense ef Jesus'
' mission, strove for this mastery of mat
ter, or the body., and understood it
-primary step In Christianity. ! keep
.under my body ....lest. .. .when I have
preached to others I myself should be
a castaway.' - This conquest of material
Let the ' mother tike
Scott's Emulsion for the
Ji tw?? never fails ; to
J benefit them both. - One
i can eat for two, but nour-
ishingtwo is a different
-3ti ;4yor a de
:r'fTfcc of Internal strength
. . that tHe average-, woman
cs. reople , of luxury
are not Very: strong by'
habit; overworked people
tions from exhaustion or
their sUfWuhdings. Scott's
: Emulsionf can be. depend
ed upon to oyercorae such!
.ebnefitiohs. ; It is a woh
, derful food for a mother
and child."rr"T
tCOTT A iOWItl, fs. rewi tne MevTerk,
aelfhood and eene v- i,.lrlf.r..
leacnest , every uiou..t, wish ana ae
sire Into-voedlenoe to Chrlat. to the
demand of pure, unselfish 'love that
oeeketh notJier own but another food.
ycegreas Tbswogh Dkaeorery,
, : The wise man hath aald that there
Is nothing sew under the aun; and tha
criptures say. sTa&t which hath, been
la now. and that .which ,1s to. be , hath
already been.' One hundred years ago
not s steemnoai WJU known, the human
aubti rorce unused around it. For
centitriea the steam bad- lifted the top
of the boiler In the common uaas of
daily Mfe, hinting an unrecognised
power. - Then a Watt and a Btephenaen
graapao a sense or the lorees of steam
ml applied It It Is an interesting his
torio fact, that the flrat steamboat that
croaaed . the Atlantic . ocean left' the
southern harbor of Savannah,- going to
unuon in ze aajra. now palaces of lav
men else and lusury plow the waves
with a constantly Increasing speed. One
hundred years ago not a railroad annl.
hllated time and distance between. the
cities-of the world, now continents are
Trossearuattons ars tinned Tn cior-gd
profitable bono a through this enlarsed
application ot tha same bomely forca
Flftv veara aaa not an .1mm. srtra
stretched l .slander. Unas., above -our
tnoroughrarea, not loving nor distress
ing message thrilled along Its thread of
lire, ow,. under the ocean depths.
along As coral beds, through Its trans
luoent waves, the new and old worlds
wasp, ana apeak and Vibrate ona Jo an
other.. ; Thla swift meaaenaer. more
subtle than its predecessor, steam, 1
dally reaching to higher eplleatlona. It
1 not a new thing. , As far back as ths
days of Aristotle it was known to eziat
in thla material realm. Put this comM
toe savaaemg - dawn of man's do
minion, has brought It into subJeetlon.
and It Is tbs servant of man. On the
seashore, ss the greet revolving beacon
lights Illumine the darkness, they synt
ooiise ue impersonal of maa to
manias .they beoorne . guidea to the
storm-tosaed or fog-bllndlna-' mariners
on their outward and Inward Journeys."
. .- -, - Wkat - acra. Bddy Teuaa. ,-,
"Less than 49 years aaro. In lofty ablr
liual isolation, there stood a woman,
Mary Baker Eddy, on the mountaintoo
of vision, klaaed by the rising sun of
righteousness with healing In Its beams,
solitary as ths great explorer who stood
on a lonely peak In Darlen, aa unknown
continent to. ths north and south and
vaat ocean en sltbar aids. Mrs. Xddy
saw behind her the vaat sea of human
thoughta swelling and raging In tumul
tuous struggle, and before - her the
peaoeful Paclflc. an ocean of spiritual
understanding and love. V She saw tha
awful unreallt7of t the 1 Units " senses
wnica witnesses to sin. disease . and
death, the evil that deoeWeth-the whole
world! the enforced, eelf-lndleted sor
row and slavery of men through human
Illusion. - She alao saw the omnipotence
and reality of Ood, good, and ths , In
Units possibilities of man endued with
g .true knowledge of Ood. She -discovered
anew the eplrltual laws of life and
harmony and their application to human
needs, aa Jeius taught and proved -thef
spiritual tanaan where men, tree and
fearless In bis true selfhood, trans
parent walks the earth Ilka some noly
being and she named her discovery
Christian Solenoo becsBse it daala with
eternal laws whloh , slways were, and
are, and will, be, the laws ot God and
tbs universe, ",. -
In that magnificent eighth chanter
at Botnans the apostle aavs: The Jaw
of the aplrlt ot life In Chrlat Jesus
hath made me free from, the law of sla
and - death.'-, lie also- aaya -1 batatas
whole creation groaneth and travalleth
in, pain together,' unwilling under , the
law or bondsge of corruption, 'waiting
for the adoption, towltt the redemption
of bur body. - Everything 'eognlsed by
tha material aanaea aeems to be under
this law; from a- blade -of grass to the
splendid stars, i for - astronomy revealg
a dead moon and orlngwprlds1-
wonderful, spiritual law of Truth,
ognlaed as making free from the suppo
sititious law of ain, dlaaaae and death,
is utilised by Christian Science In its
work of redemption, revealing gradu-
ally- tha new heavens and the , new
earth., wherein dwelleth,. righteouaness.
PivUe Zrfrve BaUag 9vwt,-);:
, "t hriatian Bclenoe la in - full and
ready sympathy with every advance
ment towards purity, benevolence, la
and order. It teaoheg that the Ten
Commandmenta and tha Sermon on tha
Mount furnish tha solution .of every hue
man problem, v Its Alpha and Omega la
irvw-H leaones mat ood is Love. in.
Unite and ever present; that all sects, na
tions and raeea are embraced in that
Mind which la Love; that there la ons
Father-Mother. Ood, one family the
wnoie eartn; mat man attains his awn
perfection - and harmony , In proportion
to his own reflection, tn thought and
actloa toward all men, ot - hla - active
principle, Love. Divine love, reflected
on earth reveals the kingdom of Ood
here aa In heaven. Such love seeketb
not her own' but anothar'a good! It 'bear
etn ail tninge hopeth all thin
11 "B'tl-' " " thug beiSoTiiei
savior or-tns world from all evil eco
nomic, polltloal, physical, mental. Be-
oauie thla unselfish love waa enthroned
In the heart of Jesus He did Hla
mighty works. - Divine love le as unl
veraal aa tha aunllght and distills "aa
the email rain upon the tender herb.'
in the light or thla love we see man as
me image ana uaeneae or juoa.
Baker CrtyrOr.,-Feb. ! Beglllrgtlan I
ox voiere is proceeaing rapidly in thla
county, 1,860 having, registered to date,
the Republloana bavins a majority of
some 19 voters.
The peUtlona at T. T. Oeer, candidate
for the gubernatorial nomination, and
Lot M. Pea roe, candidate for secretary
of statav were yeaterdar filed with the
county elerk and are now being signed
or cneir conatituenia. .
D. W. C Nelson, a prominent mining
man ana aaaayer or thla olty, today filed
his petition asking for the Republican
nomination aa representative In the etate
legislature. - HIS opponent on the Re
publican aide for the . same plaoe la
Walter Moore of this city. No candl
dates have yet died petition for the
nomination to the once of state sens.
tor from Baker, Harney- and Malheur
counties, te euooeed J. L. Rand, who le
a candidate for congress, though W. CL
Arre-of-Dttrkeeand J. N. Hart ot Baker
City are promlnanuy mentioned.
.Xeaaiasa Boosters, v ; '
r noqulanv reb, le -Thle city te pre-
paring for the growtn and material ad
vancement ot the town In preparing to
organise a ."000810"'. club.. -. ,1 .
A temporary organisation baa been ef
feclnd. with the following officers:, R.
U Phllbrlck, chairman ; O. M. Moors.
ssereUryi f.'-' Hunter, traasurlf.i
Meaera. -r" Brewer,- Rtcnardson and
Campbell - were t appointed , te draft
bylaws. t- committee .- were , else , ap-4
pointed -on memosrsnip,' en giving
the club a suitable send-off, and an se
curing money, for. prises for the beet
name and watchword. -'...A''-. -
IrfOAl Oendlttona KU
XoORl Connltlona; What Nextr Ton
are invited to hear Dr. Clarenoe Tru
Wilson .. on - this subject nt braae
Methodist Bplscnttat churrHI" corner of
Taylor and Twelfth atreeta, on Sundav
at 7:10 . m.- Special organ music and
by eborua choir, r-nr.-- ; ; .'. -..
Hi J. Fulton opened on office In Port
land for the practice ef her profession.
TOO AT shs Is mors widely known In
Portland. -and throughout ths states. of.
Oregon, Washington snd Idaho than are
many doc torn who have given years to
tba .upbuilding of .their reputation aa
hsalera of the alck. . j 1 .i-V
Wt M TBZSf Tha answer is very
simpiaHhng cured The TrtcX. Thty
hsvs usually come te her after trying
a great many other doctors, and la near
ly , every case tbey bava, been greatly
benefited or completely oured. . '
ZB ABT WOBsin she is well
known! ' Her, patients , from alt . ever
Portland, from varloue places In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho go home cured,
Their friends and relatives bear of It
and thus her reputation growa -
About two weeka ago Dr. Fulton was
sailed to the bedside of a man who ha
been constantly doctoring sines , about
th first ef June,, He baa had several
different doctors, but be gradually grew
worse all the time. Hie doctors finally
wanted to perform an operation, but be
would not consent te It . When Dr. Ful
ton wse called aha found him la a high;
feverrmpeturnlK7degreeeV She
treated him less than , two weeka He
went home (he does not live la Fort
lend) today, Dee. 7, nearly well . ' ,
TXZe M A XBOXJi OASB of ' many
almllar onee.
If so, yon would do. well to go to Dr.
Fulton, the treat naturopath. ; .
orrxoa tie TtrBiwFTai tnt. - fbobb
60YU Villi HI EQYS
about vashi;:stcj
Blff Patrtotio Matt Meeting to
r';:-v. ; Next 8unday.
"JOn Sunday afternoon, February It, at
t:l O'clock, at the Marquam theatre
there will be held a big patrlotlo mass
meeting for boys over II years of age.
xnia meeting i to D aaareaaea oy uov
era or Chamberlain, .Judge Fraaer and
other prominent men. . . - , . . t
' The different boy organisations of the
city, such as brigades Sunday ecliool
claeaes, guilds, newsboy unions, ete
have been Invited to attend. . teats are reserved for them. , The Trinity
hoy enoir wui sing tMiM-irnvc-A.
orchestra will furnish Instrumental
music .Charles Hart will lead the boys
in alnelna- national and patrlotlo aonsa.
. It Is expected that S.OOe boys will be
preeent making It the biggeat boy
demonstration aver held In the city.
of the boyr departmenr orthe T.'it
A, It. wui not be a religious meeting
primarily,, nor In the Interest of the
association. No boys -under II or Over
It years will be admitted. -.-,.,
- Always - Uniform !
Always : RtfiabU p
Everywheri ObtainabU
have stood the test! of rime and
,,::Krfic for over 125 rears , '
Be ture that you tet the renuine
with theUmdearkonthepacbe.
Directtont for Pirpirinf more than r
one hundred dainty dishes ia our
Choice Recipe Book, sent free on
Walter Baker St Co. Ltd.
1780 Dorcheater. Mae.
A.f Highest AwardsirT
Europe and 'America
T- If
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