The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Free, of opheamere Clue.
A member Of the -Arm of Woodard,
Clarke Co., our well-known druggiata,
says: "Many people right here In Port
land are Just In MlssBlalr s condition,
all run down, hardly able te drag about.
This 1$ What Portland Must Do
Willamette Valley Company
Offer Is Made to ' Open Good
don t know-what alia them.,
House If Suitable Building
Is Provided.
to Secure Belt Line, Says
C V. F. I. McKenria.
Building Out of Salem Rap-- -idly,
Says J. R. Whitney.
Melting Held at Eagle' 'Hell In-
rim Oty Oernerehig. el Link Line
Railroad, Docks, RaUroad Bridges,
Bouleyard and Increaaed Parlw,
:r "A 1. . .. I ..I ...1 lull
a pun auiusemvr r ihiuhujim w
'-line, high bridges, and boulevards that
" ' will yield a revenue to support them
.' selves and a surplus sufficient fur a
'sinking fund to pay all . costs or con
V.struotlon. was ths determination made
: ' by men attending a meeting held last
even Ins- ait Katies'- hall undsr-auaploee
"of the municipal ontarprtaa committee
rf tha Portland board of trade.
Strong; speeches were raada by Fran
jdU l McKenna, Mayor I.ane, Wallle
' TVasfc. F A. Jones, WVB. Chase aad C.
-' V. Millar, favoring city ownership of
' railroad -belt Una, bridges, boulevsrds
and electric power; Mr. McKenna talked
a lore tha Una Of civic Improvamant on
fa cuuamercimA Die, irvm im aiauuiFviu.
of a taxpayer and real-aetata operator.
'"'.He la well known to havejrlewe upon
thia question that differ from the uaual
- -socialistic Idea but are baaed on the
""pfoposHlori that ths city aouldpossess
7 'and operate certain utilities for which
nature haa peculiarly adapted Portland,
..and not only reollaa revenue auff latent
to pay all exponas of operation but ere
''Ma.alnK.tne fund that would take ears
t e. bonds issued to finance tha Im
, ..!.Ta"Atraet Tonriata.
t-f. McKanna belleyea the city could
l rure over aeenlo routes an4
. (.cat would attract ereat
j . n ii-r t travaj and lo
rnl p....a l. ' l.hIIw WifWM
, are,a.po!rte.'liwve t. on luada profitable
private aiitorprlaa. and ' Ilia aam
--trteaa-carried oat on larger and broadef
. 'plana ty the 'community,' It la theughC
; wuld beautify . tha city, and make It
. .umoua car and wine, i nera tut ua
"v ,' b made low,, but ample to raise the rev
! , enues-: recuirad. ."- . '..;
; "Now la tha time for Portland to take
rttin Am ihmmm m.M, r, 1 1 lti nt m im
ever to aecuro tbe advantaees of fretting
Mc-'Kenno.,' MLter. on, the taxra will
'- have Increased, the rlty- debt wltt haT
rrown to- tha constitutional limit. prl
' vale concarna will have anaulred r the
sites and openings fur commercial en
t -rprlaea of the nature referred to. and
t 'u It. will be forever,' too lata for tha
' own anyrhinc.tkat
.'a liHroduced the followlne reeolu-'
, Mo waa Ainaaimoualy adopted i,
V" sesa,-9'bee. esj-aa'to'iba an. etlr
'". ,ivera JM ",,-rtn' among 'tha
- C i 'or t'nd fivrabla ta the
"'y J" a'-Mnk
Vr i rp J.' trldge '
, t bouievarda, end. ag
c ta it.
. i itt -our president be and
authorised to appoint an Inl
i commlttaa cirnposd of one part
a i. each precinct In the -city and
m rs t. large, .whose duty
,"e . ' , 1 1 i vent Iga la 'I he,' i
V - x-rmm. jrtttTn'iriai tireaaaLla la tUla
( reeohillia, jaiul.,(o.cUerata with'- our
-honorable! mayor' and other officers pf
: me city in, promoting any improrament
. or.imsrovemouts for tha coramon-iM
' , nd tha olty that thia committee'- may.
dm wise to- advocate:" v ' t
' ' " !B.CHia .taUadfrom 'thVataila-'-t
a -civil engineer, Ho said -the
'fwtld andpxrte(A''bntt Mna
- . t.t' under 'an errnnrement
'd inchormudaj ' commeraej be widened Dy-contm-
n -ip ,o rha property
' 'nd.l.K. . waika.'cotrld ba plai-M
- frontager ..URuNdUtga by va-
Jji (fronts, rnaylng a' portloa
e'wallf 'and- Mbrrllngvertieral
. ""t 'raeVwlth: plllaos." Jla aald.kt
- .'la -J jsjrapla and wasy prOoesswl
'U. Ihe.dwOradvreeulta iwltts
"""r aeJawyA, to,' sfstiig
ajiai "V'ttjlvaicafrd' ntiblla owner-or-r
tllne and aaid ttt should be
,t i; W fsont..". lie made., a
' t. vt aeitrby tha-elty'aeom-
m, ft$.lynpoMra Portlanrt'a
- ti.e.Alasla trade. C. W.
wanted .-thf advantages .that
u -(ji nn 10-iae ciiy oy owning lis
. V " V tr" power for producing elerv
Nri- 1 nrrerit'ahd'showed how It might
riVf JP10 'of electricity In thia
- in. nrr,,ly a moderate Investment.
T- vs A-jiwia.aiulvwiUlla Nash made
, at,ih.clty should awn and operate a
. I. tine In the -Interests nt oommordal
,US anotoonvaalrnocrto ahlbpere end
-?L' toads, : v"! Sts- "711. ... A
1 r '1 h.".toaid"-'rias' InvltM eah comman-
i fliil bodv'-tn the ill!v'tn unit, a Mmmlt.
f '. Ui weetiiiav to be held In the par-,
, s.uthe Cwmmerclal club'tomorro-r
t -Talng 't lfaa Vrtuck, for -e Mioraferi.
Wweroriad'and Abakan, porta. 1.
Wi: . , A .!... 1 1 . ,--s'.n
" fntanaa aaaak' Oanneg-aead-L
tocKl Paaused
. jlne-,
wis. Beat -Brand.
1 I
vine- Vjoi
rust 'tiompanV
',. !!" to announce that l Is duly nrgsnlaed under tke Insurance laws'
Of the aUte of Oregon, with, a polif-upasii capital of $1,000. and that If le
r fully equipped to serve thy pevple of .the Northwest with life Insurance
1 en-its simplest-form and Investment Bonds for endowing the Insurance.
r . ' -""K"" ...iir-i r.uT. ana
truiiy. invite uievublie to make
ties aad bonds.. .
rn -'r.- '.i'
W- M. ldd ...,,. rt'.y . . . .. . , .', . r . .. , . V:.".'. ; Preslrfent -
Thau. B. Wllcos. ........ t . . ..... .Vlee-Presldent
Jdw. Cooklngham. ....iv... ... .Beoond Vlca-Preeldent
- MWohneon..i.. ...v.. ....... h i v.. ......., .Treasurer
Oao. M. Htrong,,.4i,4vk .l.. ......... , Secrets rv
D. D. Warner.-. ..''. ....................... .Manager Of Agencies '
Dr. Holt C Wilson........... i.
' IV- H.
V. H. C. Jerrerds...... .............
Richard R. Hoge.,.,...
J B. B. Unthlcum
... ...... .......
niciiun v. upua .........,........, ... ......
tu im sica ovmicK, i aooma. , , . .
.-. J. Smith Seattle
M. KLvJatlmer, Keattle...,
TgltrOaVaJIT . OrnCH, aTtXTX
State Printer ' Whitney Announce!
TbgrTwcrTermi Are Neceaaar7 to
Get Beat Reiulta in OfHca.
Construction work Is progressing rap-
Idly out of Sulsm on the proposed eleo
trio line which will loop Willamette
valley, linking Portland, Halem, Albany,
Woodburn, Kugene and other towna
along the - river. . Btate printer J. K.
Whitney of Salem, who -spent yester
day In tbe dtyr said -relative- the new
electric Una:
"Tha Willamette 'Valley company Is
making elaborate- prapa rations to loop
the valley with the finest electric road
In the. state. It has asked of the
Portland city council a franchise. 1
ready It haa acquired tha blectrld plants
In Albany, Balem, Rugena and- wood-
burn. At fillrerton tha company haa
nougni a nna waterpower plant.
. TThe conatructlon work la progreas-
Ing rapidly out of Salam. . Already tha
grade haa been practically completed
i no
company la-to'use 7e-pound eteel rails.
There Is going to be a gathering of
the Republican plana at Valem on Iln
coln'a birthday. - February 12. Tha
Toung Men'e 'Republican club la going
to give a banquet, to which will be In
vited dvery man-in -the state who as.
plrss to a position oh the. slate ticket
at tbe forthcomjng election. 4 The Port
land Republicans Intend giving a-dinner"
here on. that data, and Juat how
much of a conflict there will be remains
to be seen.' - .
'fas, I am a candidate for. reelection
am a Arm believer tn a. second term;
not beoauee 1 want It tn this Instance,
but because J believe that Jt Uses
about a term, In office for (ha average
men. to become thoroughly acquainted
with his duties. Daring his secoud
term he can do more fur tha state thas
the man who aucceeae mm." . (
Local Comrrierclal Organizations
nt Committees for
t f.
i Meeting, v
f. t ii. "", i. 1 ;. J
Commrttees-hsve been appointed by
Portland ' commercial organisations for
the eee-A-nark meeting, to be held In
Portland Kebreary 1. A programle
being1 prepared to jTriclude. apeechaeniy
R. I McCorralck. Tacoroa. member of
the national wiecutlve committee of the
Vee-Amerlca, lesyue; Fisher Harris ftult
baxa, . saemoar . or the same committee;
W.--i.- Wheelwright, Portland.' I W.
Pratt. Taooma, and 6ther able speakers
representjpgjjmriuug . localities end In-
tereata .I ;- , . "-..
. Pi-ealdent.'If M. Take of tha ! Port
land ..Commercial- olub ..raauSatad aarh
Portland oommerclal organisation to ap
point a committee of'SO to assist In the
reception and. entertainment p' visitors
and the roiiowing have been named: .
For the Commurrlal club H. - B.
Beekman. a..Ix)mbarUJ. Albert Kelden
helmer, Pawl ffhoup, P. R. Johnson. lr.
tt, Coffey, David Ooodsell, IL W.
Mogue, J.C. Morelsnd.VA. MoCergsr,
M.. Wakeman. J. O. Mack. A. U
t'ralg, JV Il.J'ogarty. XX Booth; W. O.
Francle.,W. P.. .Wood ward, C-C Chap
man, w. v. aiorrra, A. J. Caprop, Ralph
Mi. Hoyt J. Thorbur'n Ross. A. IX
Charlton, William Ilnrder. W. IL Chapln,
Henry MoCraksn. 3. B. Hamilton. K. M.
..W,.. Mitchell, Willie Dun I way,
tt, u." jumsn. . . . : . .
Foe. tha chamber of commerce R. n.
Hoge. If. C. Albee; I. H. Amoa. C. 1.
Brune. W. iHtmara, W. H.Dnnckley, W.
W. Cotton. R. I Darrow. W. U. Av.
C, J. Owen, O. 8. Jackaon; U Oorllnger.
O. F.' Ileusner, Adolphe , Wolfe. David
W. - MosessohiW Ur W. A. Cummins.
F. W. Mulkey. A. Nappach.-G. W. Not
tingham, . J. .J. O'Brien, W. K Moore.
H. & Howe, i. P. Sharkey, J. H. Dew-
son, Big. Bichel, v W Bpenoer, George
Wsterbury, 8. O.', Seed,. F. C. Baker. '
For-the bnard of trc1-R. K 'Dur
ham, I.' N. Flelachner, F. IS. Beach, J.
F. Daly, I. B. Hammond,- P. W. .Cuater,
J.'- P. 'O'Brien. Ktf H. , Kllham, J. ' K.
(11 H,' H.v. A Session,. Phil Metschan,
& a. ReetVW. R .OIafke, Willie Flaher.
C J. Owena, R. Koehler, E. K l.ytle.
Dr. Byron J5. Miller, William MrMur
ray, 0.Wj, AUpn, J. C- Roberta. J. p.
O'Bhea. i. ll. Page, 'Fred II. Strong.
U ftamuel, T. K. Stoppenbach. B. Le
Paget. l'.,D..,TuU, -H. W. Ooode, . Dora
A. " -r ' .1
' e4A Xaa no lAaseta. -
Charles W.i Todd has filed a'netltlon
la bankruptcy In tha federal court He
places his JlablUtles at . I1.1IJ.IU. with
no assets. . -r " - 1
r-t. "aV-r.W Vs'? r'
:JL r,..ri .fgI
econumioai. 1 ne company re
the fullest Investigation of Its doLI-
t-'"'".v- ''" . ."''V' ,',
...... Medical Director
Asst. ' MaMllral IHmH.. -
I. ........ .Asst. Aledlcal I1rrtor-
...... ...Director
............ . t ............ . Director
.....Director ,
. . . . , . I m rector .
. .... ..iMreolor -i
. . . . . Director
Real Estate 1 Egchanfe and General
Information Bureau 'la the -Next
"Agency for Betterment of Diatrict
" Planned by . Improvement Society,
Tke eaat (Ida efSca of The Joursat Is Is tka
store el I. M. v. Miller, svu gaat Jtornaos
atrrat Ttlesbuae Kaat B7B.
Theatres and other amusements wars
discussed last night at the meeting of
the Uaat Hide Improvement association
in the justice courtrooms at union. ve
nue and East Alder street. ' A discus
sion of the best mode of securing an
eaat aide theatre brought out two facta
that already there was a proposition
pending which would give tha business
man of the east aide a chance to sub
scribe to a stock company to be formed
to raise funds for a thaatre building
under a guarantee that the money would
Invested would return I per cent;-the
other that should such a guarantee be
given there would be 'no difficulty In
securing money sufficient to build a
suitable theatre. The only thing atand-
Ing la the vy nf the yepture was aaia
to be the'dlfflculty of aeourlhg a lease.
bijt Jt was thought this would be over-1
comeana mat me east Bias ineaire proj
ect would take definite form within the
year. . ' , . . . ; .
r It le planned to erect a building cost
ing more than t0,00 that will be a
home for drawing attractions. - Business
men of the central district are con
vinced that such a theatre would so In
crease bualneae In the dial riot that lib
eral contributions would be Justified
from them, even though no other return
was glvsn. . Tba Idea of the association
Is to make Urand avenue, Kaat r Mor
rison street and Eaat Burnside street
attractive by night and to center some
of the crowds there that now Journey
to the west aide for amusement. Any
form of diversion that will aid In doing
4 his will be boosted by the association
and aided by Ha members. "
'.,' tee Angeles aa Sxample.' -.
Cpuncllman Hharkey, who had -Just
arrived from XTailfornla, gave a glowing
aoeount of the energy of los Angeles
and asserted that should Kaat Portland
follow the example of this advertising
community Jt, would outdistance I ha
West side In a decade. - Mr. Hharkey aus
gested that nothing was ever done with
out money and placed himself on record
ae being, willing to contribute liberally
to any ruhd that would boom- the east
aids. r , t- : , -.
f- Preeldent I Boise -suggested a cen
tral Information bureau and realty es
change and his Idea was promptly In
dorsed by half a dosen real eats to man
present and -the others who had found
difficulty In getting what they wanted
In the way of Investments on the esst
,stae. a tnorougn niscnssion or tnigi
.Bsatweouvwest aad a was lusaaJOMiuairi
agreed that a central Information bu
reau, located somewhere on lower East
Morrison street, open all day,- where all
sorts of realty .. bargshis, Investment
chances, public -Information and buyers'
ttpa 'could be had1 for the .asking, waa
one of the things moat needed. In order
1& hkndle. weat. aids investors who are
dally seeking eaat side locations.- Those
who spoke on the- subject agreed that
even If such a bureau bad to be kept up
by tha contributions or the members It
would be a good Investment, and at tha
peat meeting of tbe association It la
probable that the bureau will be eatab
llahed and means provided for its regu
lar maintenance. . '. ' -An
Bast Side enable, " .j
Mr. Boise announced that the . eon
tracts hsd been elgned for the experi
mental fills with the Port of Portland
dredge and that In about sis day a the
work would start. . .
Councilman Rushlight notified the as
sociation that its plea for an east side
Stable of the street cleaning department
had been granted and that 15.009 had
been appropriated for the site, which
will be on some of the alough lands In
the oentrsl district. ' -'
Applications for a franchise on JShst
Third street, soon to be- requested by
the Southern Pacific company, and an
electric road .were considered, and It
was decided by tha association that no
franchise should, be given unless It was
agreed I that the street should be filled
at tha expense of the corporation secur
ing tbe franohlee. - It waa agreed that
the property owners interested were the
best Judges aa to the sort of a road to
be-allowed a franchise on the street.
though the general opinion waa that
the wholesale shippers needed a road
that would give them a transcontinental
connection end low switching and track-!
age charges, rather than a local electrlo
line with no .trarrie arrangemente out
side the city or state.. , ... j
Heading Baca Side Msa aapeet o Make
. TUf aa Isaac. -
Ksst side men' who visited Xjrm An.
goles on the recent Jsunt of ths Com
mercial club and Cevalopment ; league
to the south have returned with sums
larger tdt-as regardlnn what the east
aide should do In advertising and in
park maintenance. They discovered
that Portland spends teas for parka than
most cities' ef a third hsr jtepulatlon
and that . thh expenditure on the entire
oast side district, Is -almost .nothing
when the number of , residents of - ths
tsrritory ' Is , considered. Hawthorne
park wllf. he kept for another year by
the perk board, the fight of the Ira
Mprovement seeorlatlon end the general
relkmor-against ths proposed rellnouish-
ment of the free lease having forced,
thia Issue to the board's, attention, but
llutt te the-only park f valuer n the
east side, and Jt le not. the property of ,
tue city. . . v . . , . . -. ,
. Councilman Sharkey and some of the
I moat heavily Interacted property owners
or tne east siae are in revor of a greatly
Increased spproprlstlon next year- for
park purposes and before the -end of the
; yesr some expression 'for the east elde
.people will be secured on the pronosl-
Uioa to buy some j)f thi.auburbnnJrcta
Ideally situated for, - park purposes.
which as. yet are not held et-prohibitive
figures.. Sueh a site is that on -the
op -or Mount -Taoor.- Another lies - on
the banks of the Willamette near Pa-
rlflO university., while tn meny of " thr1
deep gulches are wooded nooks Meal
' Invaluable to all who'surTei'l'
xrom tnroat and' inr di:
iMtMagsaJutstya, ,
Thia condition la probably caused by
a cold or. cough which la hard to cure,
overwork, or too close confinement to,
business. Buch people need Vthot. We
guarantee that It will euro them Vnd
build them up or return money wher
ever It falls, and tbe following letter Is
only one of many showing what Vlnol
will do.
Miaa Roae Blair, preeldent Sophomore
Club, Kansas City, Mo., writes: "Last
spring -1 wan all . run do wn, " nsrvous
and could hot sleep.' t triad many modi.
clnee without any benefit. . Your cod
liver preparation, Vlnol, was . recom
mended, and It certainly worked won
ders for me. It waa delicious to take
and not at all like the greasy cod liver
oil and emulsions J was used to. Vlnol
gave me a hearty appetite and restored
l f..l.iil -nd strength. J
consider Vlnol a wonderful remedy."
Vlnol cures conditions like this be
cause It contalna every one of the cura
tive medicinal elemente found In cod
liver oil without a drop of. tbe useless
oil to upsst tbe stomach and retard Ite
work, spd it strengthens every organ
in the body.
we ask every run-down, nervous, ae-j
DUitatea, agen or-weag person in run
land, and every parson suffering from
stubborn colds, hanging-en coughs or
bronchial troublsa to try Vlnol on our
guarantee to return money if It falls.
Woodard, Clarke A Co., Druggists.-
for the purpose, - eapecTally - In -' Mont
gomery gulch, which at present le re
garded ae only an eyesore. '. -
-"If Lee Angeles bad Bulllvan'a fculch.7
said Mr, Sharkey, "it would slthsr pur.
chase It for a city park and spend ItOO,-'
ove on it, or It would be fenced up and
tourists would be charged admission to
i the great chasm. -They make -a
virtue of their necessities, which Is
something we have never learned to do."
'A ekaflng rink" has been - opened oh
tha top floor of tha old Kaddsrly block
at Union, avenue and East' Oak streets,
which was partially ruined by fire last
summer, -but which haa been rebuilt, -no
that It Is practically, a new structure, v
nt. Johns cltlaens will gather in mess
meeting tonight .to organise two hose
companies and a ladder truck com Dan v.
j Apparatus Is already on hand for three
crews and with, the new tumpe and re-
serve.tanJta- tiM.. water .company Is abll
to guppiy BO.eo.uaie pressure to moat or
tha town, t , , ' f .-. .
The funeral ef B. Has It tn. who for
14 years - hsd . been manes sr. of f the
Orettona Kntght Manufacturing con
pany. waa held, thin afternoon from the
reeldence of S. O; Pier, 117 Bast Thirty
first atreet.- Burial waa made in Lone
Fir cemetery, . Rer. 1, . 1. Btaub having
charge or the service. -Mr. naakeii died
at . St., Vlncent'e hospital- yesterday
after a serious operation. i- -s
, A , three-story frame bnlldlng tor
stores and lodges will soon 'be ereceed
by 8. F. White at Grand avenue Ad.
Belmont etreet. v " i v j .,-
W. B. Reynolds ! tisvlng constructed
a two-story dwelling at -East Davis and
Thlrty-flrat streets at a cost .exceeding
rm ins in talk o:i
Complimentary Lectur
. vided by Local Church of
Faith at BtJascO Friday.
The eeml-eanual eompllmentary lec
ture on Christian science to no given
under the auapicea of the First end Sao
ond Churches of Christ, Sclentlet, at
the Bolssco theatre next Friday evening,
by Mrs. Sue Harper Mima, C 8, IV of
the efflcial board of lectureship of the
denomlnetlon, will be en opportunity for
people to hear the subject presented 4y
one who for more than 10 years haa
been an earnest student and practitioner
of thia teaching. - - - , . ,
Mrs, Mime at the beginning of her In
vestigation -of-Chrtsttsn - Science -wae
healed of chronls invalidism of many
years' standing, and since that time haa
devoted herself to the promulgation of
the doctrine aa practitioner and teacher.
During tha peat alx years she has lec
tured In most of the principal cltlea of
tha eaat, south and middle weat. and
the past month lias addressed large au
dlencea in California. She Is en route
eastward via Portland, . Seattle, Walla
Walla and Spokane. . ;
- The Richmond Tlmaav-Desoatcli . has
the following to say of Mrs.' Mima and
her lecture recently delivered . In that
eltyi .-."'-..'., ,.--..'-
"Mrs. Mlms Is one of the first Indies
of Atlanta. Oeorgla, being the. wife of
the ex-meyor. Major Livingston - Mima.
She le a .typical ledy ef the land, most
gracious .and charming In her manner,
very sweet and womanly,- but whsn - It
comes to- the matter of her lecture, she
becomes really mascu,llhe In -her grasp
of tha subject the-clear .elucidation of
Its-depth and the forceful loglo with
whtob Ite statements ere driven home.
She waa listened te wtth the deepest
Interest sod- -ths sudJsnce departed evi
dently well pleased ' with -their experi
ence. ,---.., . ':'.'' if - -
-Mrs. Mlms-made .lt very plain that
Christian Science healing .results front
tha practical understanding that God is
spirit and man as his child Is-spirltusl
paaertnirti': cair be eeen
aa the spiritually - perfect- son of pod.J
men nis sins ana sicsnesses nissppeer.
It Is. this truth -of beng-thst heals,-not
human will nor Influence, .Thus Chris
tian Solan oc teaches that air. and dlseeae
nave no divine authority. .t- v, (
- The coming lecture by Mrs.Mlms Willi
be the eleventh provided the nablla bv
the churchea of Portland.. and If the
probable-attendance raay be - Judged by
the general Interest end etteridsnce on
peat occasions, the Belaaco.wllJ be taxed
to. Its capacity.-. . .. ,i . . .... , . ;
. -The admission' .mil be free and no gen
eral reservation of .seats' will be. made-
The doors er the theatre will be open)'
s i:i qciock end ciosee at I o'clock,'
sharp, a( the lmc,.hie,feiturj) bcglga. t J,
V - ... .' '- ' ' '!.. " '' - .',.-.. tj
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.i J-- 'I.: ; ir-- M i - fT"-
V '.-.'( i: t'." '' .' . .--a -XVW'
; TheMiUiriery- Section
presen ts 'af:chbicerlirie
oi ladies' and misses'
- ' for early spring wear ( i
--amaamaam.BmiawaaaMmaaaB.aaia.s.aaw I
' .;'".. A i. . . . .. . t ' '. k , . -J '.. ' it
Fony bMXji;s;in
j?' , f weavesf jarid" :Cclf iiiys .trM
2 yc-:; In thiyw'E;: v;-i
1 :r ' t: . sleeve SIlikfWA
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i i at i ill ! la vV- al;.V
... . f ' - "-' .-. 4. t-Ki. 4-..
''Usual cioirtts Jtrictl'-V'T
t. I--'
ana easy . terms prtr ;
Say-;a $1.06 carao aYcJl.;j',l
Eastern Giiuiiting
-.' ' I i ' "' 'I '.'.' - - . . j .
. ,v'. : ,'v Ta 8tor Wber Yor CreJlt. la OoodV" ',
Men's Suits that arc genuinely worth
at t& nom
" '7 '-'rr.. .' '
..--:.'-! j,;t.
' . . . u
zuioi laiesr pauerns ana newest iai
ncs Jivcry size, 3f xo
V' and you will admitjthajL
'1 f
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v.- t, . '
tt- -4 ,t. J e WfJ,; tf-A M y
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a'werc forced
to dbcontinue bur
suit to measure for
$22e50, and extra
trousers fi propo
sition on account of
tEe: stock becoming
ecMustede V
J ' A new shipment
has just arrivede .
r (inie;in today
and jaMect the pat-
A suit to your
and an: extra pair, of
trousers ; of the lame
or different material
-ridx Seventh 4 Surk
Sst . . . Ill g - --e.fci.e. 'I- - ' " ' - B
I II U . W ST . S . W
aB Jgl asw nansW gal sasaw'
tji--. l t' " ''.' ; -:V ' .
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