The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1906, Image 9

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j "gHE map herewith present
ed will be studied with
much interest by many
people in Portland, fit has been
got up to show the paid circula
te tion, delivered by carriers, of
The Journal, Oregonian and Tel
egram in the various districts of
the city and Its surrounding
suburbs. It shows a most sur
prising state of facts. It is fre
quently remarked by residents of
various parts of the city that The
' Journal seems to be found every
where, ' They refer, of course, to
districts with which they are
- familiar. Here is ' :L i; tangible :
: presentation of the carrier circu
latioh facts - for the whole city
which bear out individual obser-'
, rations which have been restrict
ed to small parts of the city. It
shows, as jt were, individual ob
servers from all parts of the city
coming together, . comparing
notes and finding that what is
- true of one section is true of near
ly every other section of- Port-
.r.Thes'e'';..lables;:have"Jbeen corn-
spiled :with 'extreme care and
after a great deal of labor. -; The
figures make the surprising 'reve-
- latioo.tbat The JourhaJ has '
.Tv.PffUBlwvn rortiand
ana suburbs greater by 2,698 than
'.theTclegrami, the evening edition
of theXJregonian. and greater by
8,3?4Uhan jhe Oregonian.
So far as The Journal is con
cerned this represents its .paid
circulation by ( these carriers. '
Street sales, newsstands and of,
fice sales are not included in these
figures, but owing to the'popular
price of ' The Journal V on the
streets its sales are larger than
either of its contemporaries, thus"
further Strengthening a showing
which was already exceedingly
gratifying.- - j , -
TrSL T 30 7 J 213 ,J ffwr
J 206 s. 9 T 86 ': OH6 :. . -"
T 2.5 -j- T149 - "t'-r.-- - - a 2. -ol JVj
a 300 TJ5Vjio3rt J 163 g 1 .fti
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All IS Pli
Banfield-Vsysey Company Hat a
f Schema for Heating "Town
f ; Frorri Central Plant ' . ( '
t by o
of tio C:r
It go
H O 90'
By Utinc'Refuif of UOls, Company
C CUhns It Can ProVid 8team at
Rata Which WU1 Save House
holder Money. 1
. A btf ataam bMtlns plant 4eattns4
to upply heat . to raldnMs, , publla
Duuaini-a, ernes blocks and atoraa
thronahoat th cttyla tha latM ttarelty
in nm rorm 01 a puonct utility that la
to' ba tnatalled In th olt ef Portland.
r Haat for. aor abody.U tab aumuf-
turad on a wholaaal acal at ona central
.Kenaratlnf station and dlitrlbuUd
threusn undarfround plpaa to every part
of tha municipality. ...
' 1 Tha raaldencea and bulldlnra of tha
rity ara ngntad By alactrlotty generated
Tat a central power plant and distributed
inrouah a system of overhead wires.
" lor'iuei ana lintln la also pro-
4viaea. they are supplied with flowing
wirr inrougn a system or anderrround
., pipes, and now they ara to be provided
with warmth to make them comfortable
In all aorta of weather without the neces
sity of a apart of fire anywhere on
tha premises. The only firs nncesaary
.will be down on the river bank. And
thus will inventive genius beat a JWhole
, city with one email fire. - . .
Tha day of ta old wood atova, with
Its soot and aahea, tba basement fur-
, tiaos, tha open flref laca and other com
monplace apparatus for tha production
of boat, af pears to b rantdly drawing
ta a cl- la I !-. .hm tha aaw
steam beating plant la put lnt eperatlon
tha consumer wUl have but to tura tba
stopcock of a neat radiator that eaa be
metalled In aomo convenient place and
io, ma neat is there.
. , Mere uvarbur. ; ' ...
There will no longer be any neeeaalty
ror roiling out 01 bad In tha old gray
dawn of tha morning and ahivaiing until
your ttetb. ratUe Ilka Bpanlab aatanats
while you ara trying to gat tba fire to
burn. Architects will no longer have
to figure on ohlmneya and tha poor
chimney awaep will have to aeek other
fields of labor or go oat of business.
Tha big steam heating plant la to be
eonatructed by tha Banfleld-Vaysev Fuel
company, which la now applying to tha
council cor a 'franchise to Install and
operate Us twenUeth century beating
Mr. Banfleld says that his eomnanr
propose to construct a pUnt that will
ost ' between 1400.000 and '1600 ooo.
Maina": and laterals ara to ba lttt
throughout tha eltr aa ranldlv as tha
growth of the business warrants. The
plant will be so constructed that build
ings of any class can be heated either
by eteara or bOt Water.. Tha enmnanv
doa not propose to Install a hot water
neating plant, but wher private plants
no- exist tUe company plans to con
nect up with the private water systsm
and heat tha watsr with tha steam
from Its Plant, thus savins- tha nronertv
owner the expense- of matntatntnf :bonif
puu .uium ta nm uuaing. ,
' Cbaapot ZaJmraaaa Bate.
- Re will ba-ombled to -dtarnstr or ai
and bealdea - getting tna benefit af
cheaper heat may. posatbly derive a
revenue from, tha rental of his boilar
rooms. It la also claimed that cheaper
insurance ratea will be aeaured by using
steam heat from tha central ni.nt k..
causa af tha fact that there will be no
necessiiy lor urea about tha building.
By means of tha ateam haatin m.n
Mr. Kannaia aays h can banafit prop
erty holders In three wsys aave.lhem
money on -tha post of heating, enable
tnem to aenva a revenue from spaoe
formerly had to bo used for riu
heating apparatus, aad bring about a
reduotlon In Insurance ratea. -
Tha beating plant Ii to be Constructed
on tha river front between Stark- and
Washlagtoa streets, so that tha fuel
with which tha steam will be produced
can be easily conveyed from river barges
to tha boilers of the plant Steam mains
in radiata from .tha central plant InJ
very amnion, . wieraie Deing con
structed wher necsssary to supply eon-
J w
o 15
T gQ
J 181 .
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O 82
J Q2,
O 32"
I J 7S
O 14
y-TvC?0 -
J V2
O 25
T 37
- J 105
T . 54 -
Burners. ' The company plana to lay Its
mains throughout tha business dlstrlot
first : that It may supply tba stores,
public building and office blocks ' In
the rdowntown seatlonT" The maina a.nd
uteraia ars to be extended as rapidly aa
possible so that within two year tba
plant will ba able to supply all tha terri
tory lying between tha waterfront and
Twelfth street and Glisaa and Jefferson
streets. r .
'r.TW' aTnppiy Xsart of Otty,
This district ; includes the1 heart of
tha oity. A complete map of this sec
tion, has already been prepared. . It
shows tha . location of avery building
within tha district and private marks
of tha company Indicate tha claas Of
building and whether or not It Is pro-
viaea witn, private steam or water beat
lng apparatus. This map enables the
company to know exactly where to nut
lis mains ana. Httsraia.
"We will b able ta furnish -beat to
any part of tha building.'
aid Mr. Ban
rieid, "at a very low cost. If a build
ing la bsing heated by hot water now
It will be an easy matter to connect our
ateam pipes with tha-water plant and
heat' the water, thus eliminating tha
boilers and heatera from euch bulldlnga.
Ws esn best the water at less coat than
the private Individual can.,- Our fran
chise will require ' ns to Supply heat
throughout .the district ( between th
waterfront and Twelfth a treat and Oll
ssn and Salmon . streets within- two
years, but we propose to roach all th
district sbowa .on oar map within that
time, Then we will spread out through
the entire city ss rapidly as there Is
sufficient demand for our ateam beat
Wa will construct our mains to any dis
trict offering revsnua sufficient to pay I
us a rsaaonablo. Interest an oar invest
ment." .;.-... ;ys -
Bum' Befaa.'
Tha fuel to'bs used In. producing tha
swam wnicn. tna company propoaea to
circulate through it heating pipe I
th refuse material from tha sawmills
vz in state. Tna principal aupply will
coma from tha mills along th Willam
ette. Th material is to be carried
from - th mills and loaded' on
barge by means of conveyors and to
ba discharged from tha barges Into tha
fuel bins of ths beating plant by tno
aam sort of apparatus, r Tha company
ww-ewmwHW-tftW refuse material
and ton of it will be d!pod of avery
year In th production of ateam for
""J .. PfP . luolCX ust is
r using me, nesting company
claim it can ; produce it steam . and
beat building for less - money than
they can ba heated In any other mmu.
Tha Pipes carrying th steam will bav
i sisno oniy irotn if to 10 pounds pree.
sura, but will ba so protected by wood
and asbestos sheathing that ther will
oa only a minimum loss from ttlna mn.
lM Vffl Sa Ohsan. '
Th rata to be charged by tba com.
pany win o ngursa on a baala of pan-
densatlon. Th franchise stloulatea thmt
the maximum charge shall ba II for
1,000 pounds condensation. Jach raiit.
ator will hav ammeter and tha water
resulting from condensation of th steam
running through the radiator will b
measured. One thousand pounds bf this
water will represent the amount of beat
for which a maximum eharsa of 11 win
be made. Tha rate may be anything
ls thsn tt that tha company .may sea
fit to ffx them at. 1 TT
"W plan to supply beat to aa ordi
nary residence,- said Mr. Banfleld. ' "at
a oost of from tit to 171 per year. Tha
consumer, of court, will ba , able to
regulate the site of his bill to a eonsld
erable extent by carefully "handling iili
raaiatora. ir he lower tha temperature
of hi rooms when they become warm,
by simply turning off th steam Instead
of raising tha wlndowa and allowing
m coia-air to blow upon the radiator
and rapidly, condense tha ateam circu
lating through It ha will minimis con
densatlon and Veep Ms bin lower than
may otherwise would pa."
Tak nao f oil " ""'' --
-MKTBantWd sayo tntr-tnT" operation
of th company atsam plant will ena
ble residents to throw away their wood
and onal atoves.dlsosrd thai. oil burn
ers and their private hot air, steam and
hot - water, apparatus and secure ample
beat at a minimum oost . - v., '
"Last year." said Mr. Banfleld. "the
sawmills distributed lUM.m In Port
land and our plant Is to consume a por
tion of tha refuse from these mill to
produce steam which Is designed to take
tha place of fuel oil which I now uaed
in tha city to tha extent of 130.000
worth a month. - Oil la uaed, not because
It I cheaper but because It la more con
venient This plant I destined not
only, to keep money ' at bom but . to
provide a more convenient meana of
leatmg house man oil arrords. Dur
ng the past year wa paid .th mills
something like $120,000 for fuel and
w distributed between and
tl.000 per month among tha worklns-meit
of tha city for handling this Mel. If
ws can devise some, meana of using this
fuel to supplant oil ws Shalt not only
benefit ourselves but tha city at Urea!
and assist ths sawmills greatly In sa- employed
curing; contract I or foreign shipments, ls!!e t
thereby making Portland, new th larg
est lumoer snipping market In th world,
nui greater. ,' .. t, i.
t: J 145
O .70,
X T 80
Thl aad tba Oapttal ef rina
snag vy iu mobest Broa. tora b
On H th 0ta MisssntUs Oom--aesna
f Osagoa.-' ? ur.'
store, advertised in th two-pag .
I nouncsment today, tempts an elision
to tui eonesrn a on of tb grant and
progreealv business snterprtses of th
. Most of , u can. remember, whan
tna gentlemen were almost their own
saleenven. Nw w im scored of women
and men - behind ' th . counter busily
selling th bouss sasrchandls to pa
trona so nnmamua as.. t ea mlnt
tb swarming of th ladustrUu honev
ba. And It I not flattery ta n.m.
th Imporunt Cause of thla weh-nigb
unexampled growth of th Koberta
Bros, business. It baa been bulldad
from tha foundation on th Impregna
ble rock of absolute honesty and fair
dealing , with every patron. Tb qual
ity of tb firm merchandise ta nsver
misrepresented, th credulity of a ons-
tomar bevar . trespass t r .n,
greater than t
business conduct are r t
th richest capital cf i , '
tivatlng frlsndsh' i
bound togethor ty t" s ' I
are a tirfr j f
tursra from whom th brother 4my
their good. . ,
- Th store baa grown bee us it de
served prosperity and It advanoament
la aa eontlnuoua aa th march of Una.
1? On TRIAL'' ATSP0XA2 '
tlperial Dlasatsb ta Ta Jearaat.)
Spokane, Waah., Feb. . Tba dfv
or Chsriei cr Mar." praiUabt of tba v
funct Big Beild National bank of Daven
port. Wash., who I now on trial la t
federal court charged with wracking I,
Is niarked by continuous legal disc
tons, "almost atari uueei Ian ashes ,
witness being an excuse for an -ment
Th ease will not go to tl 1
bf ora neat week.
Th government has taken vy
question of everdrsfta, whlc, 1
claimed. May Allowed the I. - S
tain tunnel. In which be we 1
to make. . II wa t'- :fT
I..T co- toy. -1 n
.) r- i
... I t
r I