The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    -v ( t if tA-ver inn ' ettnw' i triitfitrt .. if. .' - . - "
. 4 h j . . . a. j .... .1, tu.,liiAli uitvu i liivj, r i-i a v, v - i. ., ., ..
ififiiosiiiil inniGATidn lAvj
(,Vr in i
SdIq- f
I. - Ar- .
' '' avv.. ,
v Mart Knocked From Car by Con
'ductor. Posies Away Without r
, J ; Regaining Consciousness. .
-..!; .;?t i i ' I. ' '' 'l,'y j
Senate Committee Favors Giving
Control of the Reclamation ;
..' 1.. Fund to Congress.: t
Coiich may be
seen ' In our
window 'in fol-
- Duttle . Fell ': From Platform, Hitting
' Head on. Pavement Said to Hava
' Been Intoxicate! When He Board
Secretary of Interior Interposes No
Objection but la Glad to Be Fe
""lieved of Heavy ResponaibUity He
--Now me. - ' ' " . -:- .;..;. "
lowing colon
IS " rfiid L. with an " oak
aw I wiriBaWsJa J,
. ' d Cat Tharadiay Morelnf . z:.1l:
' w , Green, red and .
James D. Duttle. the machinist Who
.waa atruck"br X'ATBradt, a street rail
, war conductor! and knocked from a ear
t -at Third and Morrlaon streets iat ll
. o'clock 'Thursday morning,- died at St
Y Vincent's hospital at 11:10 o'clock last
night. The man was unoonacioue from
the lime he fell until hie death, a period
of 40H boura,
Bradt was arrested by order et Chief
', of Police Grltsmanher shortiy after the
. nifaitrwhlch has ended In Duttle's death
: , occurred. No complaint was filed against
.him, the. charge of aesault ana battery
. k.lit sintered nnlv on tha arrest sheet.
- and be is now at liberty on a bond of
1100. .' He may now be charged with
'manslaughter and his bond Increosed. -
' .Duttle was aged about. I years, and
, had a room at the Centennial hotel. He
. boarded a car In North Portland Thurs
i. ? day evening, and la aald to nave been
4intoi1cated. He demanded trenefer.
which Bradt aaya was given him. He
' Ms tlien aald to have asked for another,
- and asserted that- he had not received
. Words led to epithets, and he ie
' .accused of calling Bradt a "liar" and
. 7 then "a damned liar. when the oon-
, ductor admits he lost bis temper , and
struck him. ' .
: ."Aa he -staggered and fell backward
I grabbed hold of his coat to aave him,"
aald Bradt. "but my graap waa not firm
. and the cloth also tore. He s trues: on
' the back of hie bead on the pavement'
r-- The body of -Duttle , was removed .to
. . .. . M f.1.1 0
, tne unaertaaing room, ui imwf n
and Coroner Flnley will hold an inquest
, tomorrow. It la probable that Bradt
will not be taken Into custody, pending
t the result of the Inquest. One witness
- to the affair has already volunteered to
the police to appear and tell what he
knowe If called on.- y-"- t 1 ' -, ;
p. 1 (Saeetsl Mseeten te Joaraal.t ' -
v Chehalla Wash.: Feb. I. Articles of
'incorporation or tbe MuCormlck ft Co
lumbia Klar Railway company were
. filed here yesterday In the office of the
' .county auditor.- The company it) In-
'jcorporatod with 100,0 capital stock.
for the purpose of building a railroad
. Ifrotn McCormiek. a aawmlll town on the
, Chehalla ft South Bend branch". 14 miles
' '(-west of Chehalla to a point on the Ce
lumbta river.,, It ja prepoaed tn -build up
the' west branch of the Chehalla river,
r thence down Gray's river aad find a bar-
i bor at Oray'a bay. Provision Is made In
i the artlclee of Incorporation for the
v company to engage. In a general steam
, f boat business on the Columbia river and
tae Faclflo ocean. . . - i , ,
H. McCormiek. the wall known saw.
i'talll man. who Is now residing In Port-
. ,"land, , V. Im Hale .and A. N. Rlgga of
i-. theTJdeCormIck -Xomber : company, -era
'the incorporators and the trustees who
' are to have charge of the affaire af the
-company. The McCormiek company al
ready ha a several miles of standard
gauge railroad built .in the direction in
floated, and the new ' road will be an
' extension of the system that has al
: ready bean atarud.. -It will tap a body
-of -timber aa fine aa any. In western
Washington and a quantity- that la al
'most endlesa About four yearo ago
. the Northern Paclflo company made a
'Surrey for a railroad from Pa Ell. three
miles east of McCormiek, over about the
' route 'which the McCormiek company
now Intends to cover. -
-Terrible Cat Cured Painlessly-With
Only On Treatment of Pyra-',
: y mid Pile Cure. V
Vaokag-a la maim Wrapper stalled
te Sveryoae ITae Write. .
"L have been a terrible sufferer" of
piles for fourteen 14 years and during
all this time yon can have an Idea of
how many kinds of medicine I tried.
But I found no relief whatever. I felt
there must be something thst could
. euro me without having to undergo aa
operation which might kill me.
"Now, after trying but one treatment
, f your 'Pyrsralda I am free., free to
tell 1L autferera of thla.dreadful dla
eaee to try this medicine the Pyramid
' . File Cure. 4t will cure. when all others
fall. Sincerely -yours , Branelgh,
Bcnellburg. i-a. .'
Anyone . Buffering from the terrible
torture, burning and Itching of piles,
will get Instant relief from the treet
"merit we" Send out free," at bur own 'ex
pense. In plain sealed package,- to every
one eendlng name and address. '
.. Surgical operation for pllea Is nsrve-
1 ' racking, uruel and isiely a permanent
succesa. Here you can get a treatment
thar ta quick, eesy-te-apply. and- ln.-.
' expensive, and free from the publicity
and humiliation ytou suffer by doctors'
examination. - M : '
t .pyramid Pile Cure Is made In the
form of "easy to use" suppositories.
.The coming of cure is felt the moment
you begin to use It, and your Buffering
' ends. . , -, .)... .
Bend your nsme and address at once
7 to Pyramid Drug Co.. ltm Pyramid
Building, Marshall. Mich., and get, by
return mall, the treatment we will aend
,' you free, in plain, aealed wrapper.
, After seeing for yourself what It can
do. you can get a regular, full also pack
, age of Pyramid ' Pile Cure from any
druggist et 19 cents eech 'or, on receipt
of price, we wilt mall you same ear
' selvee If ' he ehould net have It . , ,
' ' -
(WaahUctoa Boreas of The. Joaroal.)
"".Washington." D. C. Teb. I. The sen
ate committee on Irrigation authorised a
favorable report today on a bill which
contemplates a radical 'departure from
the provisions of the pstlonal Irriga
tion act. This-la the bill of Senator
Hanabrough,'. segregating from the fund
accumulated .under the national Irriga
tion act the sum of 11,000,004 for con
struction of a system of drainage In
North.-, Dakota for -the reclaiming- pf
swamp lands and rendering them suit
able for cultivation. : ' -
'This action is a step toward the plan
-which- is- being-advocated by - several
western senators, notably. Carter and
Hanabrough, of taking control , of the
national Irrigation funds out of ' the
hands of the secretary of the Interior
and placing it In charge ofs congress,
which will be called upon to make ap
propriations for various irrigation pro
jects. In the same manner aa approprla
tlone are made for river and harbors
Improvements and - other government
works. v . '.'.. ,. :'
There Is muchopposlt6n to thla plan
In the senate, but it meets with con
siderable favor In the houae of repre
sentatives, where the general bill gov
erning the expenditure of funda for ir
rigation enterprises, as well aa for the
Panama canal construction, ia likely to
be passed. - .
The secretary of the Interior, Is Inter
posing no obstacles to passage of the
law taking, the control of the irrigation
fund out of his hands, but on the con
trary le aald to be willing to be relieved
of the great responsibility the expendi
ture of the fund imposed upon him. .
The irrigation committee has also au
thorised a favorable report upon the
substitute for the Heyburn bill pre
pared by Senator Sutherland, providing
for 7. the - segregation of townsltes
not exceeding 1(0 acres each under gov
ernment irrigation projects. ' and per
mitting the sals of water rights in aucb
towna foranunlclpal and. domestlo pur
poses, such water rights to be bought
and controlled by the towna - It also
provides forjlhe leasing of, water power
where such action -will -sot Interfere
with irrigation purposes and require
that the sales of town Jota shall be for
cash only. -i-' ; .- ;
Chief of Xatiaeera Oaa OIts me Honey
-to Carry en Heeded etywe1
' (Waahlsgtea Bnreao of Tha.Jearaal.)
Washington, Feb. S. Senator Pulton
today called upon the chief of engineers
and presented a memorial from the eitl-
sens .of Bandon asking for aa appropria
tion of 166,000 for work on the lower
channel and mouth of Coquille river.
Thla appropriation la desired -for the
purpose of continuing the construction
or the letty. and more nartlcularlv that
portion of It constructed during the paat
year, some 860 feet In length. It le par
tially rocked, and If not completed it is
feared the trestle will be deetroyed by
the atorme or the rock already placed
will spread by the action of tides and
atorme, involving extra expense when
the construction is continued. If not un
dertaken soon. It Is also reported that
there are shoals In the first bend of the
river above Bandon. on which loaded
vessels ground and which is a aerloua
obetacle to navigation.
Senator Fulton waa of .the opinion
that the chief engineer had an emer
gency fund from which the expenditure
could be made to cover the request, but
is advised tnst tbta fund waa ex
hausted. "'"
Chief Engineer Mackenzie states that
he cannot make a recommendation at
this session of congress for the annro-
prlatlon deairedV- as tne case ls "one of
many hundred, and his recommendation
would be without avail, as there Is to
be no general rivers and harbors bill.
The only work In Oregon which General
Wackenste will recommend for special
appropriation la the Columbia river Im
provements. : , v., .
Xaaho Senator StOl Very ZU and WUI
Xavs to Vnaergo aa Oyeratloa.
- (Wiefclastna Boreas ef Taa Josra.l.l -
Washington, Feb.' J. The condition ot
Senator Heyburn, which last night was
regarded aa aerloua is somewhat im.
proved today. His physicians announce
that his trouble Is recurring, appendici
tis and that It will be. necessary for him
to undergo an operation. This will be
performed aa soon as his general physi
cal condition will permit. At preeent
there are complications to overcome.
The condition of the - senator le auch
that he will be unable -to resume his
duties In. the aenate for a considerable
time., ... .... . ,
' (Special Dlapateh (e The Jeernal )
Sal era, Or., Feb. 1. W. & U'Ren of
Oregon City late this afternoon filed pe
titions for four constitutional amend
ments and .one law.- The amendments
are aa follows! .
Extending the referendum 'to ail local
and special , legislation and ptrts pf
bills: state printer amendment; allowing
cltlea-and ' towna to amend t net r own
ohartera; amendment allowing one leg
islative assembly to eubmtt amendmenta
to the constitution and allowing tl)S gov?
ernr, whehlhe votee are counted, to
Issue a proclamation announcing what
amendmenta are adopted, which la final
and no appeal .to the courts; provides
further1 4et-if a -Wit is passed for at eon
stltutlonal convention It must be re
ferred to the people: the antt-naaa
- ' ' ' Kpeclal Datpateh to Tba Jearaal.) ' "
' Salem, Or., Feb. I. The i rangers'
bill, levying a license tax upon the gross
earnlnge tf refrigerator and sleeping
cars and -oil com pan lea, waa filed at
: o'cloctt thla evening.
The O ran gars" flat salary bill and De
velopment s league tax bill ' waa aban
doned. ' ''.';
Nine ' Initiative and one Teferendum
measure will be aubmltted to the people
at the June election. ,.
"""In" pretty figured velours."
The springs are oil tem-pered-
and will wear for
, : years. ', This is a $14.00 ,',
V. v ''
j We have just received our. ,
spring line and are. show
; ing some - handsome pat- - -
'terns in Oriental and
; Jloral designs : :
- 9x12 Axminster "
; Rugs r.f33.50
9x12 Wilton r
- Rugs ........ f44)0
9x12 Body Brussel
.;. -' Rugs . - I $33.50
BxlZ Roxbury
: .'. . Brussel Rugs. . f 27.50
" 9x12 Burlington - - .
ITT Brussel l(ugsp920.00 r.
;". :9xl2 All Wool , ' ' - ,
v Ingrain . .... .912,00
Charges Mads Against Evange
: list Bulgin at Eureka Ap- .
f parentty Groundless,-
Representative ofSaJerrCollege JAtt
t Degth'aDdor in San Bernardino
--Vindicated by ' Letters , From
"Three Rivera. ' . "' ;
(Boeclal Dbaateh br Leased Wire le The Joerasl)
Santa Barbara. Cel.. Feb. I. While
Evangelist Bulgin of Salem, Oregon,
who was recently seriously Injured in a
Salt Lake wreck and who according to
dispatches received by friends here this
morning, may be dying. Is in Imminent
danger In the south, a letter has reached
here from Three Rivera, Michigan, ap
parently .exonerating the revivalist of
a eharge made against him recently at
Eureka. The charge was that he de
serted a wife at Three Rivers, Michigan,
six years -ago, . and on account of the
statement, to that effect by a Three
Rivers man,, who was in Eureka when
Bulgin was holding revival meetings
there, the preacher was driven out of
that place. . The letter i received here
seems to utterly kill the story.
A man who was largely instrumental
In bringing Bulgin to thla city where
he held a very successful revival, wrote
to a clergyman at Three Rivera, under
whom . he had formerly sat; inclosing
newspaper clippings of the Eureka af
fair and asking aa to their truth. -The
reply was ss follows:''
"Dear Brother: I have nunted nn the
friends of Dr. Bulgin and find"' abso
lutely no ground' for the report of de
sertion. A - Three . Rivers woman met
Mrs. Bulgin two years ago In Chicago
and all was wall at that time. Nobody
eeeme - w know-or them wince then.
They- left here eight years ago, but no
accusations or impurity were ever made
against him, so far aa I can find.
"pastor, ' Methodlat . church, , Three
' Rivers, Michigan."
In-w -dispatch- - fronr-ther JterrBntgnri
bedside jthls morning it was stated that
he waa Buffering very severe Internal
hemorrhages and his friends tf ear that
the reeults of his accident wyi be fataj.
- Son lp tor Sa Starrled. -
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Journal)
New xors. vsd, . jooiana mmon
Perry, the aoulptor. waa married today
to Mrs. May Han bury Fisher at Mont
clatr. New Jersey. As a painter Mr.
Perry shows a talent no less striking
than aa a sculptor.
And harassed by a bad cough T Use
Ballard's tforehound Syrup, it will se
cure you sound Bleep and effect a
prompt and radical care, Sold . by
Woodard, Clarke A Co. -
J. i
. .' - ' ''
IF YOU will
NO W, you
Our spring purchases are arriving daily and we MUST
make room for them. We ! are making "big cuts in all
Hnrci ntirl Af wnit nra nnf -e-anH r riritxr Viit xxill Vif Rrinn
mnVr xrour cUrf
of the low price
, Card No. 5 will be
please call at store., -Thiais-.tne last carLp.-4hei
, r contest closes next saturday 'night.' watch next sunday's
..." paper for date of awarding prizes - 7 ;.
'(Contlnued from Page Ona) .
under the ruling regarding them viola
tion of a cauoua agreement prevents the
offender from participating In further
caucuses..- . . -----
, To assert, as did certain DemoeratU
senators today, that the caucus can read
a man out of the party, however, la like
ly to be considered a very arrogant as.
sumption of power. Caucuses have been
held In the senate before In the Cuban
reciprocity and Panama canal affairs for
Instance but even- these were violated
by members for ths reason that several
of them had received from their con'
Btltuente Instructions to vote for both
measures. . in these cases, however, the
party lash could not be laid upon their
backs for ths reason that there was ne
penallslng-reeolution adopted, aa was
tne case today. - - ---t- .
Clark Wants to Know.
The vote today waa novel In this re
spect, for under the guise of Democracy
no such enforcement of the will of oth-
era will he applied to any-man who has
ever held Beat In the senate. Senator
Clark of Arkansas asserted in a speech
mat was notn picturesque and perti
nent that he wanted to know something
aoout tne uominican treaty before he
bound his vote and his conscience
against it. Hs wanted light, and called
upon the members present to give It.
The senators were not in that frsme sf
mind. They said that-they were there
to rule aa to how the members aa a
whole ahould vote and to do nothing
eise. :
This did not In any sense placate
Clark, who has been a belligerent for
many daya " When, the vote waa called
for upon the resolution committing the
cauoua against the treaty, Clark's was
the only vote recorded axatnet 1L Sen,
ator Teller did not take part In any of
the votes out of deference to his col
league. - lie did not wish to go on record
aa In favor of the chastisement of his
fellow member from Colorado.
:. Beeolutloms Vaaaed. '
Here is the first resolution that was
passed: . "
"Resolved, That the aenate ought not
to advlee and consent to the treaty be
tween the United States and the repuo
llo of Santo Domingo now pending be
fore the senate." ; -
The resolution was dual In character.
that la. It waa a resolution within - a
resolution, the second part being aa follows:--
- - . - .
"Resolved, again. That if two thirds
of this caucus shall vote In favor of ths
foregoing resolution. '. It - shall be the
duty of every Democratic .senator . to
vote agalnatthe rat if ;lcatl.QjJ. said
treaty. .
For the purpose of showing the sen.
tlment of the caucus, the two carta
were voted on aepsrately. The vote on
lha first , wAlch .ahoweeV-the real- entt
menta or the members aa to the treaty,
was ta for and 1 against.
Upon,, tha second, part-the vote was
II to 4.' .--,, , '
Clark of Arkansas waa the only man
who voted against the first proposition
that the party ahould ' bo committed
against the treaty. - Agalnat the second,
senators of . Arkansas, DanleL Foeter
and - Mallory voted. Senator Daniel
made a very strong speech In which he
pointed out that- the cauoua waa making
grave miatake in taking -any auch
action as that of asserting that thla
member or that or the aenate ahould
be bound by aeyruh ae to- how he
should vote,, Senator Pettus took the
position that thla was the meet Import
ant thing that had soma before the sen
ate la many yeara The Republicans
had made -a party, measure of It and
anticipate your
arc assured of cxtraordinarysavings.
mn . nnrl nra will rrlv
and hold goods until you want them
Our Miniature Furniture
ready tomorrow morning and those
had handled it In such a high-handed
way that It waa time for the Democrats
to take - a lesson from the oppoeltloa
and learn some politics, too.
.. ,- : - Sara ef rive TotssVTT'T .
There were present at the caucus 14
ef the SI Democrats. The . absentees
were: f
- Clark of Montana, Berry. Carmack,
.Gorman, McEnery, . McLaurln, . Stone,
Tallferro and Oearin. . . 4
Of the absentees there Is doubt only
only upon one as to - how their votes
will go. That ia Tallferro. His friends
assert that he will vote against ', the
treaty. McEnery Is going to vote for
the treaty, so his friends asy, so he too,
may have to take the medicine .that ie
to be dealt out upon the caucus spoon to
Patterson. The a explanations of ths
senators who oppose the passage of the
drastic clauae of the resolution Is that
the votee we're merely given to prevent
any disciplining of the. senators who
jumped the traces. . . - .
It v. aa asserted "today-thaf the presi
dent had been advised that he waa sure
of five votee that are necessary to- get
the -treaty through. . That he would get
them from the Democrats. It requires
a two thirds vote of tbe senate to pass
the treaty.. , 1
t . . '.,!
(Special Dispatch by' Lessee Wire to The Joans!)
- Lios Angeles, Cel., Feb.- J. Morris
Buck, the murderer of Mrs. Charles A.
Canfleld, whom he shot down on the
doorstep of her home, No. 103 South Al
va rado street, a week ago last evening,
will be arraigned on a charge of murder
before Judge B. B. Smith, In tbe su
perior court, Monday morning, at 10
o'clock. Ths Information against Buck
was filed by District Attorney Fred
ericks this morning. - When the Infor
mation was filed. In view of the possi
bility that Buck will plead insanity, ths
district attorney made a pregnant sug
"I would suggest-to your- honor that
it I possible that you will be called
upon to appoint an attorney to, defend
this man," he aald quietly, v-1
"Well, well," mused the Judge. T
understand that ia a pretty difficult
thing. I'll think It over. Monday
morning I will have decided." -
ftpeelal Dispatch te The Joaraal.) '
Salem, Or.. Feb. S. The Willamette
university basketball teams won a
double victory from : Multnomah to-night-VThe.
first team won by. a score
of 1 to 19 and the second team by a
score of -17 to 1. Both games were
clean, exciting and very close -until near
the finish. Multnomah's first team waa
far-Bhwtd on the 'Btart,"smr"tnenair
ended I to 7 In their favor, but they
were outclassed In the seeond half.
Dent wae the star foe Multnoman and
Whipple and Parcel for Willamette.
Bad ef Sitae rigkt. v ! ' -
Two physicians had a long and stub
born flght with an abscess on my right
lung," writes J. F. Hughea Of DuPont,
Oa., "and - gave - me up. Everybody
thought my time had coma As a last
resort I tried Dr. Klnga New Discovery
for . Consumption. The . benefit I. re
ceived waa striking and I wsa art my
feet- in a few daya.- Now I've entirely
regained my health."- It conquer all
Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed by S. O. Sktdmors
Co.,-druggists, lit Third street. Price
too, ..Trial bottles free, .
spring waiits and
Vftll thf ' t
Interested in contest will
Ton ought to ace new fascinating many of them are because
, . -. we knew eur business. . ,
They please the ladles aad economical as burning air. r
40S-41S Bfecrisem Street, .
C. QeeWo
j uocior
At No. I62i First St., Cor. Morrison
- He silsleadlat ststeswats te the sfflUt.
f (oatsatM a eeaipl.te, safe sag laetlag rare
1a the-- eolekeet Mslble - ttsw. aad at the cm pgsaiDie ror Boamt ana ei
fal treatment. I core eetarrn, - astasia laas.
throat. rheasMtliBL
It.w. wnoti sna mst si.nhood.
siaiAais. "aai-
Mr rewedlee ' are karmlesa. - eneneaed ef
rests, herbs, bass aad barks esnedsUy seleetei
sad laiperted dlreet by ee tress the Interior
.( biaiu- - ' --
IT TOU ASK ArrucTm DOVT sxlat.
nun a as uaaoaauua.
tf vea eaaaot esll. write for sraateai hlaah
astf eircalar, Iim-Iom 4 cents la .tjrapa. .
sr-taaat-wa Oiinase auai.tae tN UBu
rtrsi St., CM at a. Vartlaaa, Or. .
Presse SMatloa this Baser.
1 jaaihnii lianas wstawrte
CT'a mint ffmml lwl. tr . Uf
enaessnia, Bat eat.
These seSertag fresa weak
see waiea aaa tne pMaauree
Ufa should take Javen fills,
ia bnv will tell a store of
aserveloos resulu,
Tale Baealerae kaa mere
rejuvenating, vitalising fnree than kaa ever
Seen efle
Beat seat vmU m
niy oa rsosfpe et uus aav. i
ilr oa i
r Its orlsinetera O. L
prieesra Heod'a Kanaearuak.
f IV 'A
k a
ltr-?t,"l!?., I&LLL i;
Are you satisfied with the
stove or range you are,'--using?
If you are not let
us supply you with a '
new JEWEL steel range.
' A very important item
where fuel ia expensive. V .
' a 1 it. .t
a quauiiy uuit wui mp
al to .every house- '
' The JEWEL is guar
anteed for fifteen years.
$1.00Dovn arid
$1.00 Per Week
ohn Barrett Co.
Bet. Teaxa sad Bleveatk
Hotel Eaton
Onset Kstrlssa sad Watt 'ark Streets.
... .-,, i
BsBossaiely faralsBed. elegaatly eeelssas, '
rbeproDf. fire BtiDatea- araUi ftsss heart et.
abopplat ana Baetness alstrlet, sll Ursa,
strr, eetalde ts.sis, ateass heated, eleetrle
llahta. t.leDhoae ta each aeartaMBt. eta
Laraa erttces, loaasias. asaeslns, wrltais,
laaiesr reeepnoa sailors,, aWNss
by suO or telephone. . .
Vrlvate sislbee suits aratas sad
Room $UOO to 03.OO Dag
' Saiilsl Bates te
(TatsMrly e Betel Seapata, Saaeaae.)
1Wn.l l sUtiasa
a4 Casebs ea4
Tt.Sii"' . I"''" t s i
aw. a Mirtla'a. aSt W.rtlmatne
BtVParfUad, Or. (on; ev br bwII frea Xae
.arraai uaw. ee uaeaea mww ias
FRENCH Tansy Wafers Orlgt
' nal and only genuine Put Bp kt
yellow wrapper aad prewar
trademark. For Bale br the) "
ew ie tf re-aj r St1.
1. 1