tuz careen cu::day journai; pohtuvnd, Sunday mornino.- rrsuARY 4, A FEELING LIUCH IMPROVED IU CHARACTER , .1.3 APFAKrrjT IN TH2 V.OP r'AHXIT MANY; : CALE3 ARE RECORDED CUR'N'Q WEEK. ; THOSE QUOTED IN THE EAGTCATI LU SITUATION 13 LOOKING. UP AOA4. yARtTSWFsr-RE vvu - LU i 8 IS VERY HEAVY Fully Five Thousand Bales Sold , t - by Producers .to Deader DuHnye-Weekrfrr: SELLING OF OLDS IS I ; -ir . SHOWING THE FEELING Flout and Wheat Rule Lower on Ac ' j count of Drops Kbewhece-Poultry and Eggs Drop With Heavier At - :, riTal Prospects for Low Figures. Frost Street, Fab. . 4 p. m. Th prtnel pal features of tht Portland whalaaalc marks' ,'ta put week werei .1. 3 Heavy des lings la bona. ' ' . ' ' .. Floor market U ceata tower, V Wheat firmer thougk lower.- Hay market a very dull affair. ' . Sslame prospects are very good. - ; au naaa meet knid at top. t-oiato nirtti is tower. ', Weaksr InUuf la onion amrket. Kgge drop tbrvatbout tka week. . ; I'eoltry lamp ana then firms. rrlr sf. melt dowa ta bedrock. ' I ' Heavy Dealings ia Hope. , " While there la atlU a, disposition li ; auarters la Boy that there wlU be keavy sup. , ' pitta of boo unsold kera at the aad of 'the ease, preeant ooaditloua de aot warrant each . . a statement At no time since the preeant eea . eon opened kaa there ktea a batter demand tee oios along with tka new crop, the mediusna aad . ia caoicew Allboaca taa-- world'o area paet aeeeoa waa la every war a record breaker. , atlll there la no timidity a moo tke"srewcre km etaer aeera or bops ce take all tnat la of fered around prevent tlgnrea. In fact taa de mand kaa ao Improved of late libera la poeltloa ta make eentrscts areas tka prloaa ruling Kxiaj tor a ouratloa at eereral ears. -inia aoara aot Be eons a few- months age. Tkca every ana talked of a cTop tkat weald V euffldeet ta Uat tka aeera for eeveral aea ' aeiie ereo If aot a single bant waa (tow a dur- ma- ihuo. Tola atateaient la doabted la Buy . Quartern aad taa ktri-er dealer 4 ara aot at tkat opuioe. They aaf tkat kopa ara preeeat price; ao more, aa Jess. They ara : willing Ia bo alnea aa tula koala and. tek what Oregon kopa there remains of both tka . not aad IM crepe. Tka surprising feature , of tka waek'a trading wss ' the purckaae af aboat 1.000 Bales , ef old from the Krene. kratkera or Klaber, WMf a - .newer eaaiDanr. The exeat of the -kopa to be takaa la b taa big flna la a. definitely kuowet altker e the prtce at which tbep ware parchasd. A abort time ago - taere waa aa entire abaesoa af offers for 1P04e aad aot area a owrtattoa for taeai could abtalaed In thla BarkaC Tka Tact that 1.000 or ao Dries of Ibat croo was anrcbaaed br alngla. ftrai during tka week, abowa la Itself tb better condition bow ruling. Taking all aalee made during tka weak the total amount WIU reach la the aelLkkerhood at 6.000 bales. a: mrr kealtap moveawat eoaalderlag that this ta midwinter. All the big harera participated la the boring d twins' taa week BV Class Haest. ' KUber, Wqjfr Netter, Joe Harrte and Lack. Waan being Inciaded. Tka klgbest price ra- ooraea earing taa aw vara waa 1VM a ' risor ktarket rtftoea Oeata Lower.-. '-" rXlbarse waa apparent-be the floor arai for apaea tlaM Taa lark af oriental boat caused meat of tka aillla ta shut dowa , aa indefinite period and aa prices bra tide warn eoneidered kick there waa bat D tie ealllag la this direction. Absat tka mid dle af the week tka Port land P tearing kUUe aeBpaar aaaoaecad a eat of It rents a barrel , aa Ita local brands. Thla cat waa faetantlr felt la ika trading, tor slaca tka dap af tka decline, Imslnrss kaa abowa a larger Tola me. - Hereloforp dee lore hare beea buying la a aaad ta moo 1 a ntaneer sat bow tner willing to take aoaaa chances aa tka future eg the Butrkot. - - - . Wkaat trading waa at a aeaataa! ekaractar , durtng tba past week. Lower prices were , named tba first af taa week oa Seconal at tka lower Llrerpool end tka recent ekarp decllnea aleowhere. 1 Ika el (nation abowa more atrangtk U at .tka close ot tka weak than at aap time ' since tke tors af tbd pear. -1 'rices erf far from being sattafacte-p ta tka boMere, who hare beea somewhat epolled aa aap the bopera bp tka bUh' figuree wklcb rtiled during tka former eeeaoo. . Oats and barter are keld aulto firmly bat anisioa.oi a augbt streagtaaalag af priced ao changes occurred la taa markets during tba week. Tba bap markee la rather, bad ana pa with ennallea eery searr aad tba 'van x moderate weather Interfering greatly wltk tka Salmea yraapaebi Tsry Oeed. 1 Proaparts for tbesprlnf . pac o lnsnV la ne voiauoia nrer ara nrr aooa. Aarssav Cblnooke . ara beaianlnc ta raa la Inn num. bora aad a ekarp break la tka prion of fresh flsk waa made la tka local market durtaa the .. weak, risbermea along tka lower rlTer are. I flilOKIG HOP . , 01 rna apuioB tnat ina coming eaaasa will result la a pack at considerably mors tana tkat at taa paet season. Smelt prices seem ta here reached fhetr dowa IIBilt. Beeeiata tba aast week ware es tra fcaary and nrlres droasad fraaa seder arltk Ughtnlag epeed. Two rente or a fractloa aa - ser that amouj.t la tka price sow asked ta 4ka .- markets) boom, salsa being asada at Sua a box. . : Zgga Drop Tkrengheot tka Week. . .. . ' Tbd prlcea in tba agg market ara tar from . Being stationary, eeme goad-alsed Ineeee belsg abowa dnrlna tba naat all dan. srelnta are " Increaalttg eery feet and thus far there kaa -: beea Uttle acramulatloa at enpplles. Wltk tba - , erwer prices conenmptloa kaa . beea wonderfully aided aad front, this time forth will Increase . , wltk tba output. It la worthy, at awatloa here - mat taa peat sea ana baa been a meat disss. - troas ana tor cold atarage opera Una. Illld . aeatbsr -uae beea the general rule all erer . the onuatry durtng tba winter. ' Several failures at kesry eold a tor ire operators la taa aaat hare ',-beea anneunred during the peat awe weeks, ana ; firm falling during tba paet few days for 100.. 'ouo aa eceoafit of anrstorabla watber for a tor ero goods. This- win bare - a direct bearing upon the agg altuatloa laaemuek aa there wUl ' be a strong tendency apwng the storage men to , ' go slow tbd cooling peaaoa. 1 With milder weather the production of ergs will then aa , grsster tbsn la recent seeoona aad this will put tba price dowa below ordinary ratings. Por Instance, rouet ot the storars of agga la -this market wes begun at a time whoa the xprlco bnrered around 18 eents. This price and or or arseed nnaatta factory ta tka o pet alms and .. practically every one at there lost money dur ing tba rear. Oa tba preeant mo re meat the trade seems to be a anlt ta declaring tkat tka : . . price will not likely etop antll after It kaa ; , j touched cents, and possibly lower. . ; " Ksary Arrive la af Poultry, ' T. Tht teavy recetpta at the former week were eontlnnod during tba first few dsya of tka -praaent- weak-aaaV -tad- rsanH -waa -tkat prlnee , nought a lower level. Soma eleanupa were re ported around II rente a posed. Bad It aot . . peon tor the fact that the outside markets 'Were somewhat In need of supplies the stomp , woald have carried tka prlcea teen lower than . tba present - rating.- Iter to- the -week --tka ahianeata beat ma smaller and this waa a great ; kelp, ta the trade, enshHng It to clean ap. At . tba close of the week there routiners unite a . .: fair demand for. dreeeed turkeys around SO cents. Ducks were being asnghtl likewise aid kenelh-rolleTa'iad fryers.- Oeeee were . rather dull wltk a dowa ward tendency to 'prices, Tba futnre of tba market de panda an . tlrely aa tka arrlvala daring tba coming weak, '.i Wltk rverp ana nearly scared, ta deatk at to tba ultimate outcome of prlcea la tba potato market. It -was little wonder tkat. tba market recorded a further drop oa 'value daring tka ! weak.. Brery ana seems bent ansa shipping r aeejry annpltea as tba Csltfnrnla market, erery ana Beaming t get thrtr s recks he market at about tba eeme time. Suppllea at river Beta toes In California ara atlll e nor amis and . prices there ara rating at vary low ebb. At tba moment there are a few orders coming here , for etilpment to Arranna bat taking aU la aO the trade Ip at a nlas-letlU. There Is. kowerar, a chance that preepeota '. may 1. hrlgktea ap - , Ister. 'AVaaka wfH eeme tnto the market with in a abort -time and that territory will be largely supplied wltk Orsgda roods. Oiwgoa , Botareea as re -a reputattoa la taa aertk 'andl tkey era preferred there avea at slight ad vance over outer stuck. There will soon be a dentaad tor eeed stock frees California points aad Uregsa will be eaUad npoa ta supply utla .waac- - -.. Aa la pots toes, there Is a very dun feeling bv taa anioa Binet. orrermss ay are very Beery and few dealers ara la the market far eteeke oa aeosaak of tka aaf aver. able outlook. No change waa shown la van tat curing ue past weak. - - Freak bleats Are Tsry Aottvs. Orest sctlrtty waa ekowa -la all lines at freak mosta during the past week. The mend was food la aU lines. Beeelpta were greateat la veal. Of thla etnek the arrlvala ware, mostly of . tnfsrios j-grsds tad 'altkongk there waa eomo complaint M to prices tka top waa -fenerolly psld Flogs wars very active wita arrveata fair, atutloa baa a very una feeling, wttk tke farmer weck'e prlcee easily euslntalnod. v. Tba trade paid the following prlcea to Front street dealers for choice quality la round lots. Prices paid producers are ao specified: "-i9rta,-rimu-mat Ttr" 11 --WHBAT-ew-lub. tlcy red "BaaaUaV Wei hhioatam. T2c: Taller. 7 Sc. BARLKTreed. a.w; rolled, d.80; brew tag. I2S-B0. 1 COtH Wkolai HT.OOl aracted. MS. OS pet tno. . . BTS I-M per ewt. - OAT Prodoosra' price Mc. t wklta. ta.oe-, gray, irr 00. P LOUR New seat era Oregon patents. 14.20; etralgnte. nfrOQI.TO) export, .f.Mag.Mt val ley, aa.d0d)a.TO: grahaat, M-Wi rye, SUs, Id.AA: holes. 9S.T8. MIUdTTtTPPsV-Brsa, ; S1T.M par toat attaV dTlnga. tkS.00: aborts, eeustry. . lS.e01 dtp, lialn: chop, tisaa. . HAT Produce re' pries Tiatorhr. Wmamstte val lev, fsaey tl1.00li 00: ordinary, ST onfl 00: ee stern Orsgen. t14.0OdJU.OO: mlxeZ M oOeja.not clover. 4,00.OOi arala. eAAot) .00( cbect. ttt-OO. -: - . arsttsr, Zggc and IWtrp. - aTcantt'lel soar. PPe. BITTER City creamery, SSHei oatslda fancy. sTHSJOOei ordinary. STHa; atora, MJ lie. . . , . . - . . , lOOS Ne. 1 freak Ore eon. eandlad. Siei a torn re eso onsrsru, suajaia CBIESI S Hew run Ista. - Uei Toung America. 18!t4e: Cheddar. 15c. GAMH lackrabbita, i.aa psc 00a. PODI.TR T billed ekrckcns. lOVta Be lb: fancy keae, lOHOlle Ibt roosters, eld. Hc per Ita em, luc: rryera, 10a ibi arouere, Ida par lb; docks, l'e per Ik; gases, 10S lie Iter R: tarkeve. Ihe-per Ibt dreseed. SOa par Ik: aquabe. $ T0t 00 per dos. . ... . rasps. Waal aad . Vises. , HOPS 108 Oregon, choice: 10ajlOHe; prime, iOi poor grade, TOasi Wssklac is. 10c: 1004 crops. Be for caoles. POOt IPUS.eUp, vslley. course ta mediesa, tdHASIttet iaa. te27ci caatera Oregoa, IPCjaec MOHAIR Nominal. SOcltla. BHSKPSKINS Shearing. IBatSaa eeekt easrt wool, Md)40e seek; medlsm wena, aodfrae eackl bwa wool. TBcOtl oO sack. , TALLOPr Prime, per la. dSlaei Xs. t sad arr-ee. iam. . .,.... CHITTIkl BARK Se per Ik.' . BIDRS Dry. Ma 1. Id tbe end as. lfHCJ IT He per lb: dry kip. Bo. 1, to m phs. 14c dry calf. Be. 1. eaner S lbs. Isci salted aides. steers, ssuad. CO Iba and ever. Osplle. V40Hc: stars and bulls, neons. eeVTet kin. IS to ; so roe Pes calf,- aousd. aader lb rna. lie: grace, assailed, la less, eulla. e per lb less; ecrerkldea. salted, each. $1 tf.4H.n-. dry, each, tl.00ai.t0: colt hloee, SSQhne, gnat 'skins, oomseos, sack. lOai&c; Assure, eacsv.SOcS) tiM. . .V. Frorts aad . T-eeeaaslec. . . POTATOflg Beet Oreenn. TSalMe nsr sack: producers price for car lota, 10c per sack; ordinary, ffiQ70e; producers price, oC)0Oc ortiONS fobbil lug price Oregon. Ne. 1, $1.00 price, no. , vorfjfi.oa; no. BQlOe per lb; onion seta, Te. Ann lee. ' cnlla." MalTSc! rBEsn rRUiTS Anplee. culla.' ordinary. TScfMI.SS: fancy. l.BOCtS.OO; Hood nrver fancy B pi tern bergs aad Newtnn Plrmtne, t3.ft0tl3.00 oransee. new novel. ge.0Oen2.HOl eeedllnr, J bananas, dVsOBc lb: lemons, cbolee. ei.iosji2.uo per oot : rsnry, a2-0f)na.uo per nor r limes Mexican, tl SB per 100; pineapples. M M per dee; peers. tl.TB per boa: tangerloea, tUBi Jananeeoranrea, BSC par bos. - v EOBTA BI. Rn Turnips, new, "Toe par aaekl earrcta,' COOT5C sack! hoots. tOcslilXW ner eark: Oregna nH.hee, TaV per doc;, eenbege. Oregon, ei.ooaa.SS ner ewt: Osllfor- ra, bi.tbcji.sb per cwti green TTpers, zr.51 wo - per in: t enrernts tomaioee, fajo; Mraaipa POctttl.OO; string kenne, SOe; caul! vwv,, f,e.vv leer mi", green pene, aw p,r ,w. lerseradleb. Be per tb: artichokes, BScQtl OO er sms; nernonee mmeea. ni.aneai.Tn ner nor: celery, $S.a5ffl.S0 per crate; pumpkins. 114a; Bqaaah, I He: sprouts. 6c per Ibt eranberrlee, Jerseys, 114.00 per bat; Coos bap aad Tilta monk. 110.00. : PRIED PRmTS Apotes. era noes ted. Irtvl '' per in: anrieots. lot f lev ser w. nternea. lOHaiSe per Bit Back a. He per Ik leaa: srnasa. K0 te 40. BHet-Ue deoo oa eack eliteentk emeller star: Bsc. Cattforala klacfc. Hl a per b: CaWforala white, Be par Ibt dates, goldea. Br per lbi tarda, sLlB par IS-lk BOS, ...... oreaar1aa. eTuta. s?te. rTTTfl 4 W HerU fcaetaT'MH SA OK W. fB.ra); fruit graaulated. 3 70c dry grsanlated. eo TO; ponf. A, t5 40: beet granulated, t"i.M; errre 43. BB.Blri e-olden fL gs.10: Ti veliow. BS.0O: bbla. I0a H bbls, SBc: bmee, BOe sdvaare on sees naaia tmm goe per ewt tec caak. It say, naepte, iscioc par is. . I Above micee ennlr ee eeles ee less rhaa car lots Cap Iota at .apodal pneae subject te liicwiinei I - - BOHltt-.PI pes cranv. COrTER Package brands, tit ALT Coarse Helf rroand. tone. 17 00 pet n; table, dairy. BOs. Ill.ren (OOs. tlO-TB; fim. rnrroa uverpooi. ans. tl'.ao; 100s, I1C no; tS4e. tit 00; eitre flaa, bble. Se. Ba. 10a. M BuetR B0! bulk BM IKs S OOfla flC, seeks On, OnCIMe, Llvernno) lump rock. fltJO par OP IH BAOg Calcsrta. TUe. RICB tmnerlal Jsnsn. Me. L . etoi k. a 8J,i..N,r OUaaea aead. rtei , AJsa. Be; Creole. Bf, . -BRANS SmaTI "white. M Ttt . teeew srktta .: pink. tlTrlt bayea, H-tOt Umaa. BS.M; evicen renu. BHC, - NDTS Peeeutn. tcmbea. SUc as Par Pre. jinte. THe per Ibt reacted. Be: enroenate. CAcrBOr per dos; walmte. in1Bt4e per Bit pine wnis. ito ' see per in; nicvory nuKn. iin? not lb: caeetnata. eaarrra. IBsPtfle nor lbi Braetl ants. ld per th! Btherta. 141Bc ner lb! faaer pooobs. lBmptBHr; almonds 141i01Wa I arstavs. rjesi una, sta. " R0PB Puis Uaalla, 14ei ataadard.' ItHel sisal, He. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Casss, Sous aot gal; water white, tree bbh. IBr per gal; oca. isc per gait aoaaiignv lTU-asg eeaee, c per ast ... SSHc aABOLIht edee-.. cases MHc act gal. Iron bbls IV per gel ... BBNP.INB td-deg.. seeec Bsc per gsl, Iroa bble. lSUe per gsl. e s-. TTJRPtWTIitat-Is eaaaa BOe per gsl, weedea tytrte PHt Pa ffesle WHITB LEAD Tea erta. Te per lb BOO-Ih lets. c ser In: Iras lota, SHc per lb. WIBP N AILS Present base at tJ.5B, LINRBED OIL Pure taw, la B-bbl lots. 50c; 1-hhl lot. BTc: ceaes. BSc ner sal: renal ne kettle. boiled, eaars, d4e per gsL B-bbl iota, SBc: 1-bbt let, BOc pec gal; ground eakv car lota, $20.00 par ten 1 less tkaa rar lots, ttn.no per tea. . meats, raa ana .n arts sac, - . , PRRSrl MKATS Trent street Beef e 4,6c par lb; cows, It4e nor lb) was, block. Hs par lb; peckers. TOTHe per lb; t oeceersi lII5o per IB; bulls. erne ner lb: veaL autre, luflk ik; ordinary,-THOa par lb; pior, dtiblia par lb; mutton, fas', BHQTHe per lb. ' BAMS. BACON. ETC. Port lead pack (local 1 bsais, 10 to 14 Iba, I2HC per lb; 14 to lulbe. vau-n. ; plenlc Be ass lbi cottage. SHc aer lbi regulsr short clears, -usemoked, 10HC per Ibi smoked. lIHa per Ihf cleer backe, ensmoked. pat ns smotea, iic u. Uslos bstts, Id to IB lbs. ansrooked. Be ner lbi m..i e, per lb clear bellies, knemuand. Us per U: rooked, lie per J: boulders. SHe per lb. imvau ui-nettie leer. 10a, HHs sec ; as. II He per lb; BO-lb tloe. loaAe nW TbT eteam rendered. 10a. lOVtc pec Ibt Be. lOHa oer Ibt compound. 10s, TUe CAeJNBD.4AlMON Oerembta river. I tk tlTK 11.80: S-lk talle, llTBi fancy -Ib Satn. tl.Pt): H-lb laacy gate l.in fsaey 1-lb ovals, tS-TB Alaaka tafia. Disk. BBsaOOei rod. Ill an, LJT.i.l ta. tall , $2.00, VlBH Keck cod. Te per lb 1 Soandera. Be Bet lb; halibut, tHc per lb; crake. tLMlpardosi atrlped bees, ISHc per. lb; catasb. te per lbi salmos, eteelkssds. Be per Ihj chloook, 0e lb: kerriag, Be per lb; soles. Be per lb; shrimps. iue per n; terra, oe per B; buck cod, la ear Ibt tomcod, Ta ner lb: Columbia rln, uii Be per lbi allvor amelt. To per lbi lobctera. Ita per lr rrnsk nMctreret, h per b: erawfleh. loc per doc; sturgeon. Be pec lb. . ' vistbhb ejaoaiwuanr aap par . gal. tS-tSi ir aack. t TB. 1 ' CLA Mb Uard-ebelL ass hen. Baas. rlaava. tXW par bos, ; '.c. . f wkl. ooBTrMCT HQMmowTjro, - Woodhara tarlependekt. -7. A. UnCbss.' whs bsa a honvard af' weodbuvB and has not yet said bis bops, lasso w rna uww wno ssy ia will sot Cy ta raise 10c kopa. Mr. Hnghsa declares at kla kopa, baled, coat him no more than BHc ser Bound. , and thla Includee the anrarlne. It. saya the trouble la that many raised toe Bops and felt themeelves ruined wees tkey couldn't fat mm ngwrw. aar. nosnve oeiieveo It m net r te ret lac-der lest season's crop tbaa about 1TC tad nothing for thla yeer'p rrop. He hoc a Mc raril, In very ontlmletle la lonhnis? Into tke kop future and will keep aa falsi ag heps es n cewc es ovio rn weunn. r.lARKET SUFFERS A SHARP BREAK General Stock Values 6Ude Downward on Many Pretexts Bank Statement. ' NEW COPPER COMPANY A HOLDING CONCERN Rumor Hss It That Heinge's Organ ization Will Take Can of United Copper-Cornpafljr-CaaIi-leTTea Fall Rather Low la Statement NBT LOSSES. Anaconda ........ tHIO. A M, W. ...... B Amalgsmated .... 14 Cbcaapeaks 1H Atchleoa . 'Colorado Fuel S Car A Foundry Onlorads Bouthern. M do Dreferred.... U Sal. J. Bndaoai IV Sneer .tZlIekeweDu 1a Lackawaaaa Bmeltor 1 Denver ., 1 .... do nre tarred iu kaitlmore ....... . 1 strie - .... do td pro. Brooklya, 1 nadlaa ........ 1 lat pre....... A 1111 ooia ueatrai s sow ....... - 1 LsnlsvlDs .... a In ..... 11"" a1 Great Western..,. MeUaooUl sr. rant m Missouri Pscifls. . . tUtp ............ Rock Inland do sreferred.... 1 Southora By..'..... Honthern Pectflo... 1 00 prerarrea.... Kortbera PaClflo.. I iSt, l, a s. W...e Sa preferred..... 1 Teiaa a Pacific... 1 iTenneasee Coal.... T lUaloa Pscifle S rsd Smalt, pro... Norfolk 1 porta American. . , Ont, A W cetera. , Penasylvsnln ..... People'e Oas .... Pressed Steel Car. 1 do preferred.... tOeatral Lestbag... H IU. S. Robber. . 11. do preferred S U. . Steel....... IV racinc atnu preferred..... 1 MR ADTANCES. Atchison, pre..... r Sd pre..... AJton, preferred... 4 . 'Cora Products (Spertal Wepetch by Loosed Wire ta The Journal) was street. Few Xork, res. tv Tke geaeer stock market aafferad oulte a covers decline la prlcea this morning, the Vase la the active laroee running sll tke way from 1 ta S points. ia Bouiaoa as tec etner circa matanosc of a mors or tses disturbing asturc wklek have occupied attentioa during tke preeeut week. mere was maca discaatlsa tedsy wttk regard te tke prospects tor a general strike of the bituminous and antkradte coal enerstlvea nnA tka probability tkat tke beak sutement weald snow a neery cat la earpins r-aanes eras aa additional factor la eack liquidation aa was Tke eaddea adveat at ratker nsvsm.nvwn If aacaoaakle. westker coedltloaa were else names as a disturbing Indus nee la taefcr at feet aa tke winter wheat crop. Trading waa epos a large acale at activity, ant oa tke other kaad speculative interest Beamed to be eeaterea lergsiy npoa a comparatively few of tbe leaders, rsrures la respect of actlvlt were" Amalgsmated Copper. Reeding gad the vwiw pmw nmi .osree. , jnsrs wss definite coaflrmntloa of tke varlona rui wklek kave beea In citcuhitlonr throughout the wess reisnng es tas copper aeearitJea. tat B1U group of stocks, and while these resorts were again commonly accepted as possessing good foundation la fact, tkat did aot prevent tbe aeearltlee conoarned from participating la tba common downward drift of prices. Ia sddl- noe te toe etnsr cireomatanoee nameC ceuslag tbe liquidation that . waa apparent there might be cited tke growing aneaatsssa that eafflclent pressure would be brought apoa eengrraa so that Borne railroad ragolatloa measures woald be forced te enactment. Caak Beast sa rail Lew, Wkllo the bank ststsment could not be called B dunppolnang Snowing it famished a bar ot rather anrxpected featursa. Tka de crcass la actual caak fell far below tbe evernge or tae preliminary eatimatee sad. sa - tna other hand, la view at tbe week's Ilquldatloa tae stock market, it appeared difficult ta s ccount (or tke Increase la tke toes Item, wklek amounted ta tlB.SBl.000. The deposit liens invieujao lsnissssu cie.svu.vue, . AC a recall of the ether eondltlone end chances la tke statement re asm a aenraassd B4.TOt.000 ana tae oanas now aoio nii.iiT.ooo ta szeeee ot the lawful reoulrameata. Tkslr earpbis holdings la tba ourreepondlng week of last year llB Ml.oogi is lBvu, 121.841,000 aad la 100S lt,B4S,000. , , .. - taw rrioec ta lata Trading. ' Then waa ao development curadentty ad- vrrae to Breonnt for the soars gaaaral break aad -wltk decUara of 1 to B potsu. An tlrnily sll tnn leading issues, sea Idee a few larger loose) ta apecinltlee. -Tbe lowest prlcea were scored 1n tb lata trading or following tke publication .of sa anfsvorshle beak -stsUmst wltk a smart decreeee la enrpraa tenor sc. Ad- rsmors ae te tke coat labor situation aad tba outlook for an Immense coal strike Beit April kad a depressing effect, foreign markets were generally steady kat - dnll. American closed at declines la London. The Important foreign happening, however, was tka tSWO.000,000 Increeae ordered la tke. Bank ot Prance's circulation, nnd w.ch clear tka way tor gold er ports ta that center.' The number of shares of Itack sold -Sonar waa te.Ooa, agelnat BsO.100 tke same dap loot year. Tba total par value of boede sold today wee tllWB.OOO, sgslnst f,rBt,0OB tbe earn day last peer. .-"...', ataay tmclgamatsl ftaasers. - - . Amalgamated Copper waa agala a storm esaaar of rumors. Par weeks hlaw of aa greament aot only with Belnne but wltk the socreesfal maaager ot Ike smelter trust, kad keen la tba air. ' Capper was oa. of tke tew stocks that certain ' well-informed "reacttoolets" apectScally eapected from tb Uat. of those thst -ought ta be cold abort tor . a prodtabl tare.. - - - . ; ' It wss . -rumorea roaay tnnt tke Cooper tecniitlea eompsny, recently f.irmed ander lielnss's s napless wits aio.ooo.ooo esplul stock, weald ba a koldlng concern for the United Copper oampnny aader tke plaaa for settling tka copper war. leadrmatloa. ot tke wmnwt was not obtslnsbls. Wall atreat alee I keerd tkat beddee reprssesUtlves ad tke EVENTS 1 OF THE WEEK. Ouggsnnslms tka (yadleata may Include Tbomaa F. kVysa aad Prealdeat Cole at the Mortk Batto Mining eempaa. OfSetal quotational , .. ' .. OBscairnoK. t: ??? Mining 6 iT.l-JwT Co."".. Atchison, oom......... . as preferred Am. Oar Poundry, a So preferred......... Am. Sugar,, com...... Am. BuMlt, com,,.... V preferred sUltlmore Okie, oom B 10 14 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Oaandlaa Pacific, com. 5m5.i7a5 vuicngo Alloa, ansa, do preferred 0. A O. W.. eaea iS2 0". V uL.r Ue H. COtst . 184 CUcgar Temlul Kr.,.. I 16U m r4 ?4 8 sea . uoaoh oouLnern. one Aa M . . Tt aeeiawnru at Hudson. .. "n,j vacs. w u. at si. u com do preferred... Brie. com..!..... 1IH do aeeoad preferred... 00 nrsi prerarmd minole Central Loalavllle Nashville. 1WH aaec. at. sty Manhattan By Msnieaa Central By. tsi as Minn,, St. P. A) Sts. M. ao prcrerroa. ........ Missouri Pscifle....... M. K. T., cosa I BT I 7 do preferred. T04 T0 JJew "York Central,.., .1150 i lBOiJ Federal Smelters, nrd. K or folk a Western, com ow "nisTe,nn rTortk American....... N. T Ont, J Wasten PaBnayrrnnta By. P. O. L t 0. Os i mat a wtsei usr. Psclflo Mall B.- ,-0e,T 4T1 BeedtogY eomj. ... 11404 v uraivru ....... ...i ., . do- first preferred.... smb. iron stool, cess. no preferred, stock Island, cam....... do nmfarre Boo them My., asm..... do preferred. ......... Son them Pscifle....... do preferred .. . St. L. S. P.. id pfd St L. W, coat.., anrO PI A fsSl I f . ait. AT 41 lis BO! Terse a Pacific....... Tennessee Coal a Tree.. Toledo, St. l A W.. . do preferred.. TJaloa Pacific, com.... aV- pFS)fe)ITe)0 aBBdeeaees Oantral Leatker, com. , do preferred TJ. I. Buhner, com do preferred .......... V. B. Steel Co., asm... Bn, 10O OS WrWT Q aeeeaaa Wheel, a Lake Brie, a wiseansin t eetrsl. 1 dopr rerret I W. TJ. Telegraph...... Wabaek. no hi ei tn i em... ....... Oom Products. ......... ao prererrea ' Total sales for day. Ul&OoiiKareeTT BotTOsr oomt uamxxi. BotosB, rel. I. OfflcUl eoppar ik1ni at HI. Bio- ,. aoo Best Butts... B.SS Old Dominion. I BT.00 Alloaee ...... 41.00 Atlentlc . ..... 28 00 Rlnehnm .... BB.00 lOsceola 101.00 Psrrott ...... ai.no Onlamot . . . . . TOO.00 Oulncy ....... 101.00 Roral nn on Dentennlai ... t oo Tt.OO 100 . B.B0 1B.TB Oop. Bangs... Shannon 01.00 liaiy weal... Elm River ,. Pranklla .... Tamarack ... 10T.00 Tens Copper.. 40.00 t'tah B4.TB Qreeae Coa... Mnes Michigan .... P7.S7U Victoria ..... T.flOA lo.oo i loose , B.B2U 1B.00 Wolverine ... 10 75 Moaawa . .... Nsvsda Con . - BS.B0 in. S. Mining. . BB.fiO 11.70 loniisB uu, ss.00 r S8.4314 North Butte.. vmzo tTATta oorraaTT bobds. Haw Tork, Pea. S-4jevernmeat bonds: ' Dtfe. Bid. Aak Ho. S regular... lean ins . in:t 4 do eoupoa.... iimu lOBVi Ho. S regulnr 100 do coupon 1908 Wo. t email bond .... loxti loaii 102 i 108 ti lot los4 10 104 129U 1B01A ? laoil io lion Ho. regular........... iwrr do eoUDon. ............. 100T Ko. d regular,....'....,.. IBM do coupon 182S THatrlct of Colombia S-SO .... raiuriHi .... ...... . .... , . BTW TOBS BAjnt STATXktXBT. . Hew Tsrk, Pe. te Bsa. ctntetaentr ri. i , aesorvs ..,............. p s.Tr4.o Lsss United States d.oot.soo Loans o.l.2M.non Specie ; ;T."".r.T.v.i . . ; ;.r.. ; m . roo tjegsM - ......... ..... . ...... nic.eoo DeDoslta 14.2(0.viO Circulation SHs.500 :, OOH STOCK aTXHIBO STOOIS. " Saa rrsactoca, Feb. t Official alcanas: i Bid. I ' ... Rid. Oed. CaLYa...SI.3S I CaV-Vmls .....S .49 2hlr d.00 IPirbeoner ..... .90 eiicaa ...... l.M iNorcrosa ,. " .80 SATURDAY PRICES If.- :; JHE WHEAT MARKET 4 ChlcARO t .lB 4 4 Duluth ....... .t4 4 MUwmuk) .I4H 4 fit. tesula...... .ttHA ..... d) 4 Kansas Cltr.e. -19H , ... .. 4 4 Llrerpool talVkd tsT4,4 4 Wlonlpet .... .714 4 Ban Tnc loo. l ies . ,LIIQ ,, 4 ' . . . -r DdcolnbaPi' . v' ' i '' " : d ,.. - ' . " -;.. TB GRAIN IS VERY QUIET No Speculatlv Sales Mad on 'Change Yesterday -Cargo ' for Export. - TRADINQ IN FRUIT8 OF SMALL CHARACTER Potatoes - aad Onions Ruls at Easy . Prtcss String Bean Sujiplies Ars -Nominal Ranch Eg fsc Half Cent r OffHeary Poultry Receipts. . (Bpeclal Dlapatck by Leased Wire te The learaal) Saa rrandsco, Psb. S-WThsra were bo speca latrre ealee today. Pur May wheat tl-SS par cental waa aekad aad fa December tl waa bid aad tlJBVk asked. 'A cargo was down from Port Cents for export. There were aa receipts for local distribution. Tbe spot mar ket was doll aad unchanged. December barley cloud 4s par cental higher. There were ao aalee for May delivery, B1.20H being bid aad pi.u saasd. Tb receipts were a.402 sentsls. Spot, barley waa avast cad anrtictiged. Oats, cora and beans ware without any special fea ture nnd quiet. A very large quantity of bay arrived, 1,300 tons. There were aa receipts of now. ralr shipments were made bp yester day's outgoing steamers. .AU arttele remained as previously tasted. , ' . lTWTrsesrilcwr Prlcea all round ware without aap Bootable Changs. There was some shipping demand for seasonable fruits, bat the Iocs! trade waa light. Onuses af desirable annllty aad alas ware firm -ly keld, a large percentage of the kite arrival Raving neea purchased by tbe lending nooses. Commission ealee were being Bold at slightly cut Brteaa taa ardor an keen the snada erneine. AltbodVs the receipts daring the pest few day were oomparsuveiy email. Bloc as appeared te be fully em pie for the regular trade reqalre meate. Lemona keva beea going eff only la. mall way at easy prions. Tbe supply of llmae wss amau saa priece rtrm. Apples were la saoderats demand. Grape fruit waa alow at easy prlcee. Peddlers were liberal bayer of overripe nsninae . ins stock af ripe waa stiu oltk large.' . There was ae definite sts tern ont as ta whether there would be sa orange saetloa en Moadsp, tb avnllabla auantlty sting aa a - Bslanise and Onion Xacy. Putatsaa and anions ruled at aasi Striae keen and summer equeak eaatinnsd nomi nal. Small lots of greeq poppee. .d eyrr1"' nsvs nssB roomvea mtsiy. inere wss little rbaberb. Asnnrsgns from tbe Bneramentn rl' aecrtoa brought BOe per pound aad see boa of lancy rrotn Andres mund wsnt at Toe par pound. la aattor, eheeee aad egge tba receipts were somewhat lsss tkaa aa Friday, freak Confor ms batter was unchanged, bat casters egtras and firsts ware higher, else Oallforala aad aaatera storage. Fancy Toung America cheese wse He per pound lower. Baack eggs, alee selected etore, declined Ha eer Bosen. On 'ekaace 9014 kazaa af freeb California butter sold at tie par pound; else BS casss seienea ranca egga et are per oosen, cad IB eaase at 9Vte. par rsnch firsts snd ee lected etore S8c was bid. Tbe receipts were 24.S00 pounds sf batter, 1,400 pounds threes and 1B.T10 dosen eggs. Daring the week eig carloads of centers Boat- try wore received. Including one reaterdar. The receipts af Califbmlu ysaterdsy were moderate, out nwt waa requu-ea on aararasy. uve poul try wee alow and weak wltk aUgktly lower prices ta some ' instsocss. Dreseed turkeys were In poor demsad asd very weak. Most kinds ad tame ruled at weak prlcee. COTTON FUTURES TWO TO THREE POINTS OFF rw jar., . e. naiss auiuns CM esc a te B nolnta lower. - Offlcisl quotstioos by Overkeek, Starr a Cooks Cv-I ....... Ope, Riga. Lew. ' Cloee. Pebrnary lOTflfttBO aiarea April .............jieia .1(101 10W1 loot 1114 111 1129 1100 10A1 104t 101 l(lru9J looi nuoSoi iioo ihhTu 1114 111410 lino 111920 100T 11 07 'QUO looo loneAsT lOSt 104049 May 1100 June ...............1114 July ...:.-. ltll Augnat ...V........100B September . -........1VV October II 140 November -. . . jusiues All ws cue sar In that operators on marelna gheuld prott by the eiperlence of the past week and kesu-ttreir accounts - protected by Bvsrc than double the usual margin and ales be very careful against overloading wltk toe mack at scaa sad to discriminate In tbe eelee. 41ee-ed -eeaiiionel norche.e,... Beading - turinee developments in tne monetary sltaatlou and the threatening ratlroed legtilatloa at Wash ington, for we ere getting to a point where we era llkelr te hove a mors two-eldej saark.t t-T. A. Mclntyro A Co. . The avert ah weekly statistics out weighed any ef tbe cenaua estlmate'a Influence oa nnglnned cnttoa with Liverpool and that markat waa about T English points lower then due. The bearish future of atatlatlca was round In Pinners', taklage of 831,000 bahse, taiaat tt. OUO bslot tor. tne asms ween laei yeai. Tak luce for tne foil ara son. however, shew np kulllsk and according te the New York cotton exchange flgares are 194,851 bales. Thla la at tbe rate of more tkaa It, TOO, OUO ealee tor tke full seaooa. -Dick Bros. . 1 Liverpool Oottea Easy: Uverpooi, Pen. t. Cotton future closed I a d points klgber. Snots easy. S potats lower. ,.,..MV ' 1 -r . - t , . - . ; XAtTXBX HOPS KIOKXa, ' ' Cklcsgo, Pab. sW-Uveetork rccelptnt . Hogs Cattle Sbeee Chicago ,i..M .....14.0IH1 nno - J,ou6 Kanaas City .( l.oiio Omaha, . .......... A. OllO . 3.000 . ...... Hoga epened Ba klgder wltk S.f0 left aver. neeeipte a year ago were ix.ixai. t-ncee: WH-Mt. t Oiail.BTH.: genrl. .Ta,IATVj rough. tik.OSCiS.T0; right. SJ(i5.7. . isilin WTSsuy. Sbeep--6tsady. f'. SUBSTANTIA GilliJ IIIWHEAT Bearish Statistics of Early Ses sion Offset by Belief In Bad Weather Coming Week -'I, CHICAGO ALMOST. ONE CENT A BUSHEL UP Uverpooi Closes Unchanged in All Options ; of Wheat and. Cora- Coarse Grains , Follow Lead of Wheat Pit. ' '' ' ' '. SATTJBDAn WBBAT lUSXVf. OVnN 1BOB Hap.. 4 Atoka M)k .OU'A 11.1044 Jlr 7..n4B S3A .00 tj lt2 kept.. M& .. .taiaB M ..y- Oilcago. Peb. . Ths wheat maiknt made onltsr m- hBtaatlrgala today. Tke he aria alattstlcsl sswa received before th market was offset largely by predictions of bed weather'. Tke bulge today brought In tbe greater part af the abort Interest and acme went tea. Tea world's ehipmeata came ae predicted, end tkey are ilk sir ts brine lower cables. Thai can ant bare a Ospi seeing effect en tke trade. The better feellna eocaae largely tnrougfc anaaitllty of bed westker. Tke aortkweotera attuatloa looks a little more hopeful, bat there hi sot enough la tkat ta canes kelllak enUealssm at tna moment. Coarse Sralna' Higher. - Ia cora aad oats this ass beea market eaea for same time, closing losing Qc ssr came from higher. The principal baying power tbe chart Interest, who naturally feared a Sub stantial improvement ta tbe wheat price. Prorlakma proved ta be tba krigkt apst ta tna market today. Tke entire Uat waa Btreag Bad banyan t thronghoat tbe so Baton. omelet cnotsuons by oversees, ararr at Sjnoke asmpaayi . WMSAC , Open, High. law. Mar S July ."V. .B4Vs . .sail -; -sa2 Sept.... yue.e May OOBH. MMI M OATS. - m July..... Sept e a a, et Map m MXSS POBX. Mar..... 14.40 14T 14.40 , 14 81 . . 14.B0 LARD. Jnly..... UM May...... t.T ." T SO f.TS 4Uiy..... T.I TBI ' T.SB Bept... a.oo a oo m SHORT BUBS. TPS T.SS sa t. OXIOAaO SBAIV OAS, sLOTS. - v - . ..( . t ' Onlcngs, Psk, ty Oram aar lotat ' ', rier. Oeeite, Bet. Wheat IB II Cora 824 , , It - BOO Oats- .........14 ST MB Wkaat ears today I Minneapolis 3B4, Duluth a. Tesr agei ktnswapoUs 900, Dolatk B3, vsjoags a, " ".BAsT ITtAJICISCO eBAnr XABXBT. asm lraaatsoa, fefc. i Offlcisl clossi ; .WBBAT. ... .Open.. High. " Lew. ' Close. May...w...1.8o . f tlA B aenosmssr. . AJnr . . , AJmlta I ' JL BABLBT. ' DosamlnkrnTSSU ; .8H;Wa4-T--ia. r 1.91 1.S0J, LB nuxABT emanf motxkxbt. - CTilenga, Pea. t. Trlaury recelptai - ...Today.. Tear At ' ' Busk. - Bush. Wheat 427.000 tril.000 Oom BOO.OOt : SS4.0U0 Bhlpaaeatai Whent 97B.0OO tt Ore) Corn ITT.OOO tOT.000 Cwamacea: Wncnt aad floor, 1,038.000 bosu ami ears, ee,ow naanain; oats, s,ioU kusnsls. LTPTRPOOL OBAIV XABBXT. Ltverpoel, Pea. . Official prloaa: WBBAT. ' " ' ' ' Ctesa ... Olos Prl. Ret. Msrck ...............a 10 d .eaio d May .Ba SUd n BUd July .es tid te TUd . waa. Mnrefe da 1 4s la May. .4 ....da 94d as Sid . WB3AT BBOSPBOTS ROOD. . (Special Dlapatck to Tbe Journal.) loo. Or Fob. S Ollllam enantr never bad- a batter outlook for a bumper wheat crop than at tne present time. Tbe ground la wet sows I ts It backs. Pall wheat to looking splendid. Tke only danger te be reared la a The weetker far tke east few weeka kaa kaea mack Ilka cprlag rreuent bower and kalmy trims. - -jrxw .Toax oomn stAXan. - " Kow Tork. Bsa.. I Oof too futures eaasad S to 10 points ap. vmcini pnceci Bid. Aak.l - V Bid Aeb. Pebrnary ..fT.OO tTOBlAagost '.."..T.tO $7.68 Hsrcn ..... t.b T iuiBeptemBer . T.eu t.ob April ..... TIB T fx October ....T.OB T.TO May . ...... T 98 June ...... T OO novembor . T.TO T.PO Deoember .. f M t 00 January . ... T.OB S.00 Jul T.BO - Bew Tsrk Cask Oeffoe, Haw Tork. Feb. t. Caak soffeei Ma. t Bis, trial Ke. 4 baa toe, lite, . ....... cu-e... er-eai.a Hamburg. Feb. i. Onffse closed unchanged. n,M nnm4 erltb ..4 I.mm. ia ap, etkare Bsckanged. ' ' tobofak icrjrDio nooxs, ' "i . Sua Praadaoa, Feb. .V-0f Octal dosing t ' Bid. Bid. Belmont ...... $3. BO TMamondflsld ... Mi " Dials .......... o ; Gold field TS Jumbo ......... 1.97U t;nsn awy...... o. Ooldea Aacher. XBTIt Horns X Jim Batter .... Tt Jumbo Eaten .. 94 McNamare ... an Mldwsy l.BB Moatnaa ....... IBS Kendnll Td Lagoe ........ . 14 Mav Oseea .... - 94 Mohawk ....... no Red Top .... l.tlH Bandaterm ,. 1.4J V, Sllvs 1ck..,.. ft l.ttrioT Denver . at . kVllpso do Oold Bar ...... BO Nortk Star.... 40 Too. Eztenelen. S.9S Ton. ' f avsda . IB oo - West . Bna A. TO Adams 10 Atmats . ....t. IB Pine BU Booth 94 ColumDirsW.r."t4 fn SSnlt Wmn m '"m Ooaqoar ' u Stelnwap . 91 BAM FBABCTBOO LOCAL STOCXS. Bsa Prancwco, Feb. t Official closing! ... Bid. Ask. Ooatra.Ooata Water.. !."!""!!.!' 40 5 " 45 poring valley water, Mutual Bieerne. Olant Powder. Hawallaa. llonoken- Sugar. Tlutrlilnaoa Biigsr, rnr, ................. If 4U J . w tr pa Mskaweb Sugar... Ononea Bnasr. rnsunna nugnr,, .... .. Union Sugar..... Alaaka l-sra rs' . u. . . tV California Wine jLii Oceanic Stenmehlp tV PaHfle states Xelepaone....H....IOML. in Oallforala trait ei SO 14 Omss. -S4HB 21$ '. ."15 KtT :,. ". . T TT B ftO A ;s.oo ot4 1?.? aBBa4ea4b 11 a. ' OVERBECIC, GTARR O CCC! - Mem bars ChJcevsa - , iti rtte. ntueef izjz? ;'"wj ra a eras t-i OoatlaBcnie Marvett t? me r , r xutea, i ,i-n.' j. livestock ie:: QUITE GOOD All Lines Ars Showing Over Lai! Week Prices Uttle . . Changed. ' BETTER TONE IN THE:i c attlej3;expi.cteo Hog Market AoVancee Tppettty-Phre CenU . and.. Portland Prices Con tinue to Be Above Those Kollng in jthe EtBtheep Arrtvala Small. " . Fortlerid Union Itockjards, fee. t-4 p. Bkc-e Livestock receipts: ,.",-, Bogs. Cattln. ' ' Skeen, This weak. atv . ' 9 Last week Bod ' Montk age tag - SaS lot xear ago t. treat scarcity sf skein to eanstng aaana aataiB among tke trade here. Total ri aetata b tne yards kera during tba week sminnra to tra, a nasr, aotklag whoa csmpsro wltk. arrrvals sf B.C0S head far tba owvasnoadliig week ia 10. Tke mild wtatar nnd tka kit prtca of wool ta iiaaHiril bp asany ta ba tba nolo eaaaa of taa aanrcltp, for prlcea tka yard ara re thee good, there being Uttle aan plaint en that score. Tka market price kaa noons ran rase rna apwara act gat tbe larger buyers, for beyond pa tbe demand falls dews. Prices previously noted dnru the past U days. - - VerAlsad Xogc Biraara atarkaat, Agak this weak did tke Partlaad Hvsstsclf aaaraot anew ajguar beg prtca tka An advance at SB eontu tra abowa h early la the week sa account of asm and. some amUa sf st times, but the tons snaekly thai and Became stronsnc tkaa i - Par veal aalvaa there resaanss a vary etsena enauuad, bat of lata tke racetpte ksva beea ab aast to small t maks tootstloa. ' rr-Oattle Xdsatp t Tmpiiii ' As sarty tmprovetnont h tbe Battle estSBSsoa anticipated. Tbe cattle mar not kaa kaea weak aad dragging (or sotno time aad M M time far a recovery. Bayers seem dlnpinit ts look wltk more favor oa cattle, aad tke gaasrej prod let tetm era tkat prieos will Boos tiapnnd ta tke Batter feeling. In tke local sjarkot tbe past waea raore waa Bntniat an eniiiu. ,. , , ,. . Official trreatnek prieeat Hogs Beet eastcra Oregon, tSJBT and ekina gala, t.TS atoefcere aaat Cattle Best asstsra Orssnm ate arc. SS.T eusn $4.00 beat eowe and heifers, tS.00OS.i0i Hnht aad seadlum Usees, ta : Hght cows, B9 8 tags, 9.BOC)t.tO: atoekom aad faiUma. sa.es 2 60i bulla, tl B03.a0, BsssB wctaaia and laa SOBViei op, daoc. .-. - Calves Oood veal. IBS ta sua Be rougk and keavy, SH0He. Tka foUowtne- srrivml. mm 'tat the meal yards during tke past weeki nnnaav rrealer si MeLna kad tt aerase from Bugesa. Monday J. B. PI in tea came ta loads of cattle from Bnasikel M. J. eom korsaa. going te Stoes c. aOaTannaTTB WgaatlatlllM l4ltis ------ at Tueedsy g. p. Taylor of The DaBe aaat tt three ears of cuttle) Berkley Bros, kad In ana car of cattle from Tke Dellee; William Ckaadlac of Dsyton, Wasklagtoa, cesas ta wttk eaa en af Bogst J. B. Eelgler ef Osrvato ealpned ta ons carload of sheep and kegs mixed! Mr. Kaka. kauaea kraagkt in e eattla ea Tbe Dalles Boat. Wedneaday air. Bolma es Payetto, I sake, had la sac ear eg. cattle, Mr. Oregory as1rnel la two care of cattle from Fayette,- LUkof Mr. Brerbeas bad to two care ef csttle from Oe Id well, Idakof D. P. Krtchum ef Tka Dalles skipped la eaa double-deck cap ef up j. euinervy eta an some nosn. ' Thuraday J. W. Reds 0f Oarttaa kad to Tare carloads ef eneep sad kogs mlzsdi - Bdward Richmond brought te one daabla dick eat ed keep rrom Mcoop, ... Friday T. A, Pbirnpa Bad ta eattle Baker City, going to Oareeene Packing eeeananr. Tacesaa, Washington; a. H. Bnenan kad I aaa cay af koreee; Mr. Msrpkp hrougkt la one car of horses rrom Albany; prank Utsges eent la sa eer of skssp and Bogs. ssUsdi L. Toder brought la eaa car ef eown, fetog? te Mabtoa. Wasklagtoa. . Bsturday O. D. Joses eega to wtiB tea ear ef cattle! Wllllem Fraaier kad (s snd car M korsee from Haleey; a. B. Ckepsana bs4 to koreee (rota Oraata Past, anlnS to Seattle, HIGH PRICE FOR SHEEP. BVeoant OUUaja Ooturtw .. . a Tory MXgX Ttgm. .. (pectal Dlapatck te Tba Joumnl) Arllnxtua. Or.. Feb. Sv Tke klgbest arlc ever paid la tke history ef Gilliam seatnty fo yeaning eaeap waa psia ners jesnarasp ay w 0. OxmaB af Salt Lake te A, Smytha Son of thle city. - Tbe eua dittoes af tba ecatiact made It fanperatlva tkat Smytka Soso skoal I deliver at tbe local ateekyards B.0M) koad ed yesrllnge after abeerlng time at U N per bead. Mr. Smyths save tkat kts yearlrsgs win shoa sight pounds per bead, and ne ana euuUeel tba I for me per poena aap time, tdb maina a that a yeerltng to wortk true to tkkt part ef caatera Oregna. Mr. Smytno kaa keen la the skews hllrtaei fa thla vicinity for pears aad Is seasldarid end) ef tbe beat dsslora to the sorts west. Be fig area thst tke prospects for tko ssmkat aaana are. conducive ta tbe nignest rsesra pnise br tne sneep raoantry aa tba aaaav, , , . -' v ... rXXTB IBS KIOsL ISsaclal DnsMteh ta Tba Terrmnl T Pilot Bock. Or. Psb. S, Josspk Tey. cad et the pleat er akaspralasr ef saslma Oregna), eaya) tkat ba Barer saw pelts commending tba price they ere bow. Tba asaal price to about IB is ceata, net bow taap are seumg aa niga ee Id ceata. ' Sneep are bringing nnusnsUy kick, prices slsa. Wool praailasa to brtna sa eaosie Uat price tbto aaaaoa U lrmat kndienthnas srd sap atllMtoa. sts. " s ! Bew Tork, Fob. B Sterling re teat PektoBda 4nv.jaes4nv.fB; no dsye. CM.TB04M t. Fook Sang & Co. XMM i m y mXSm m, JAT TO CHONd, afr. Pure, Beautlfol Jada Jewelr-f. Oola Uraoeleta nd rllgTiet Kins; of Ait locorlptlon mad to ar dor. Araerloaa pnraes cngTSnd In Crimean characters tm tetira ' -1 i-luck rlnge engrerod am tb throe caMliia. Chinese abaraelnrs, lat Glory. Procparity and . Loops vi Charfae reaeonable and ordere of dealtrn Bfomptly emit nd sant r ' paid to say part ot th Unlied liaU iownr, . WSLnVAT All B OvJ k (JtotatBtlakenJ !. Boayd ef Tiwahk c--.:y. r.;r . ' ; " n V - v . r -i. n tna ones, i tka prtca tka katts M wnaekeeia