.,' JOUIJAU - rOHTLAUD,- SUNDAY MORNING, FI-UARY 4. 1Z23. f, ' THi right maa mb fet ' moath-Batory; ' - tal 4a bnai 11.000 la ie4trlBl alack tnst - alii- aat $10,000. . Addrssa I la. aara JoanaL CORNER cask mi ss nlc living, noma awl pno rsaucea. w vaaea. UaU S4vi tars at. JIERE'S aha no to fat lata a eaah bnstnss 'that wM par TO 85.00 day; flaw (squired. CaU Sab Stark at. . BEAL E8TATC BUBINB8S Owar af a waM. .... MUkUeaed (Ml aetata knaiuaaa wssui i I labia, eaerfetle part oar; spaneaca ana bblos ' urr bam ahillir t Uat and show nrooerty, t. wtiioh to easily learned; wnr will faamBt . purtkaaar Bioo a aaoatki only aaou saaiunw. vail (or. particular, aaay. aura ax. ,. $728 WANT partaat for a aaak atorat blf aro flu and able U furnish Jtaak rafanacaa. '- tail S4SH BUrk at. - - SEVRRAL frooary atoraa at food flgoree, . tnik fee Imim anil lat n farm. - V Hardware, paints, alia aa4 huaaMaaata. lw ? aalMtura, la a good llttla towa; would m- . , quire SDoot gll.iuo; term caa o paw. , raw aalooaa la and auald at, UM clte VUnal,.' 1W acra It aitl caat of KalaaMt SO acrea bottom. 40 acre timber for pUlo, oa Kalaata rim, amall orchard, araall booaa and bays, I ' bora, a boat .STB worth tool: nearly all the V (arm needed dmra: prlca $1,400: aoma taraw ."j.., otto k vuoatvtr.... . . .... 246 Washmftoa at.. .'. . SpME of ow roomie honse taf.MUr a nwm oa aa -., uaai twj , u , . 14 rooms aaar th city bat). eo room oa si..... ...... j,.,, f pw 4. 60 rooms, new- brick, Burnsl i.7....$.800 , la rooma oa washiagioa at. ............ ".. 4 rooaM oa Mb at..................... , 83 roam oa lat at., snap...... 41 rooma ea Balmoa at. . ...... .....,. ' 80 rooma oa 8lxtb at) Boor.. a ...113 ' 10 raonja aft lat at........ t T76 . : 13 rooma oa Stark, aaw Airaltur..aa..1.8ou "JWM Oa dtb at. .............. ..a.r... 5U0 so Dora. - SOSt, Vorrlaoa at.. Boon . afala aTSS. , 1X1 yon waat B anas la $ rooailnt baaaa t - Wa , .. aara it - B9 rnoma. IvrlHi bntldlna. boat af VmMoa, tiaarlr full, ront IUft( ioa aro It and auka na an offrr; thia boaaa baa alwaya daaa goad . oaaiDaaa aao oaa a proa rapaiauoa. , ' BHKBWOOD It BOVT. ' V V , ' 7 laorrlaoa.. Booat a. narkamlthHrtmD. jrood eonn f; made 2.( try loaa; eaaar bart and awat aall 000 laat rrar; rant ptl; prlca fur toola and a tack, awak aaorriaoa, room-a, FOB RAIaK Bakery aad rafaetloneiTt tbla . . InHiidaa booaekold foods, piano, boraa, varoa, " tr. ; appar rooma par the rant of whole , kttlldlkCi a oooipatlUoa. XU06 Morrktoa at., , Taoat j. , SAKOAIN la rlaar and eMfaettoaarT atore; HTinfooaia: rbaap rtatl food ruaataf ardor. ; Owaor, 1MB Madlaoa at. FOB BALE Homo bakerr. Urlafooma, fur- aiaeeai an I or pjov, a oaap. a ao, aoaraai. A flrUSNDID iniMrr. dotna bla cai No. 1 location, ao oompetftleB: tba beat ' propaaltloa on the market; a enap. ' W. J. DAY CO., - ' 10BU rourU aC. Booaa M. ' ITANTUb A partar la a food partaf baataeaai email aaxmut or aapiui requiroo. , luauara Room 1, atm Morriaaa at. A FEW dollara trill atart a proaperooa mall ardor bualaeae; wa . furalab raUktfaoa and , arorrikiaf aoceaaary : bf oar taj aiothod ' , fallara lmpoaalble. Mllbura Hicks, BM Dear "' bora at. Cbloaaa. ' ' - - QBO-ERT aad llfbt bardarara, tnAotca 1I.J00. . ttrorwry. waat alda. Htk at.Ma6lca 1800, Two rood clear stands, 2S0 and 8Ao. Furniture 10-room booaa. contra I, aJXI. RrataaraBt near Bd. mod location. B30A. i t it? property ror aaie or traoe. I, 0, T srwf $ room motlcCB konaoe. 10a V fourth, corner Tartar. FOR 8ALR Meat- market, fond trade: It baa ant to be eold: make aa offer, kit. Bceit . Real Batata Office. Lents. Or.. IF row baa from BOO to (ino.ood aad daalra tn Ineeat It with Portland tmahieaa men, where i the principal la absolutely protected afalnet eon lnea. and the Inrereet worth mare thaw " the principal next pear, addreaa M 10, Jonrnal. FOR SALE REAL E8TATE. ' 91.T0O-TROOM bouse. 1st MhilOB feat, baso- ' meat, asodera ptamblof; $sot eaau, balsnoe ..... (in per month. pl.aoo 8 room- bcae.lof VhM faetf rrwai , ararina milt: aacn eaaa, balance ajontb ly. $1.300 A-room boaea, aiodera. plnrnMnf, ; J35H00 feat: H kind of fruit aad berrlaa; . half cash, bamaea moatblp. " BI.SAO r-raom bouse, lot U 1-lilOB feet, " alley In rear. . . . - T Anaear car line, Joes ted tn tba beet rea ' Mencd part of apper Penlosnla. It yea) are : kwklnf tar barpslos. call and aa . . ,C. A. EtOOWBKI, -WnUamtte Statioa. Take St. Johna cay. WILLAMETTE. ' . Beet residence part of the peninsula: only a few Jots left , tn Willamette: tak yonr choice now l all lots are 00x100 feet! B223 each. 120 rash. SB per month. Apply C. A. Eygowakl, Wlllemette atatloa. - SOME SNAPS. . $7,1010 lota en tba peolneola; MM eaah, bs lance monthly.' SU0 cash a Iota. 10x100 each, a corner. Ma. all 60x100 feat. 12S anea, 20 ah, 110 monthly. Apply C. A. Eygowakl, WIIlamtr aUtlon. ,!.-viVIicre-Is-lcnte . H mile north af aft. Scott. ,T find aa, tak Mount Bcott ear nt Flrat and Alder at, and ride to the Be limit an the O. W. P. ear line. Wiley, Allen A Co, will then show yoa noma of the flneat bargain within ata milaa at -Fortland. Her era eome of them: B aeraa, H mil from Lenta, all ' andar enl treat Ion; erer 100 trait trees, baftaalnf t vma-v. rrjCW,. ,OOU. ' ' I aer. new S-roem. bona, wood fther pise. ter. eaaeret fonndaUon and eellari witltln '.-''ocss ec iv-rooa acnaoi Daudinf . rrlc l,el,. 4 . a.s.t ..t. , . - .. ., . H aer. new areosn bona.' hall and Ban try -chlckea kouanand fnrlt trees: 1 block frool Lamta aeaaoiV prlo Born. - 10 acre. U mile, all enltteaisJ. . S-room honse, hara and ontbnlMlnra, oyer soo v aan& railellee, m roil bearlBg. Ahm tract franf t t SO acre, aid 300 lot - at lBta, woon mere ana banreiwood. -WILEY, ALLEN CO. . BEAUTIFUL enrne for residence, inorlfla root. all cleared and reedy for bulldlnf; 4S00, half cssn. is nee montaiy. - Apply U, A. Zr gowskl, Wlllametta Matloa. SOO FARMS, small rta and lot! nsrgitn a w. wirctrre line. tr. bu aaairon, lsmrs. wi ih smi car, c a. KRONER, architect aad aentraatsr. Bernea anut la an part or tao city aad Bold oa a monthly naymonta! nlaaa Bad BDOdneattoaai bnlldlng npacinteaded. Boom B. Cambrldfa . oiop., aura Bear morriaDB. 4 . .FOR SALE lota , and IU -atore . t plaatered and a barn aad ether antbattdlng; bi a1' fenced: t Albany, Llna eoanty, Oregon' rheap. . Addreea Loots Btaobsbarry, Lenta, urciw, . , B. F. CARL bay aad geUa real aetata. , 1, Bamlltoa bMf. ..- - FOR SALE Fall Quarter block Faettaad B2,ow sieignta, wita email eottaf! la , . ' a good location with fin rlaw, j-v. -i -i ad - will readily adraaoa dnrhuj . C the coming aammer. .' PORTLAND TRUST COMPART , 1 ' " 9t' mil '' wsV41waiB4 Ml4 San rallaw ' MOW IS THI T1M.B TO BUT PORTLAND , . i . PROPERTY. , IT. boo 10 acres, all slear, near tar llna, aoltahle for plsttiag. $5.000 8 T-room boaaea aa Wast Mill at., corner lot; rentals 10 par cent oa pare base price. "" " - .. . . a.. ,. 14,000 1 d room boas as Oraat at., waat aide, assy term. la.doO lara eacaal tat aa want lid, aaar baatneaa dlatrlctt a fnd Barrel. $1,1014 block OB Ba Bereatk aad TTfla- BKMk, tat ma. .. . I1.0OO 4-room cottage near Nortk TJnloa :. as, car Una, oa easy trm. 1 I hara aoma aplendld fanna far aala, i A. H. BIBRBLL. SOS McKay - bldf cor. Tklrd lad Stark. FOR SALE Fene beantlfnlly located kit en a tUKAP.. good car Una; met owner IM eca a year ago; n neeaa money . end will dleoennt them 10 pet cent to make ssle at once; 1240 rak will haadn tbtat, and they , ere good. PORTLAND TRI'rP C0UPANY OF ORBOON. - . U. Oar. Tba- Bad Oak Sta. WooDMTor; Let loosioo feet, cbees. McKay bldf. Atiln 14. SOT -CTTATS.-- U!sacatMyPayEsnts 'J0t, M .blfci t, FsrreU'i Flret n.baF t B. blk. 1 Highland Fark. Be ?ta- .H. Woodlawa ImO mm buy lat V blk, IS, Oorordala ... win bay 'lot It, blk, S, Fladmoat. . will bar kit B. Mis ! A. . mta ; . wUI boy lot B. stark aad . 2th ata. ta.ono arui pay aar. Oak and B. 11th ata. 8.000 wlU buy I k(a aor. a. Stark aad - av aata ata, ' . : t. L. WELLS CO., 4 Grand aye. ' HEItDEHWIJt iCOTT LAND CO, FOB BALE -Bri AL BARGAINS 0 aoraa timber land la Psxlfle i - waabtuctoa. oa bay. 47 acraa la CUckamaa aooaty, aaar Or. "ton City. atoea ax freoerMe as traoe lor rortund wioa 100x100 dot la Kaallwortk addition. MTU all :.. . I; la Woadatock, 'lOOxlOO, all earners. feuv. HmtDERSOM-scorr Land oo. aul and Bus raatoa Bulldlnf. ' Four 1-story boaaaa with store-room, aa' ; pood eeraar, oaa lot, on Second treat. lDcomr ... 100 per mouth.. Price. $U,0(M. furuc, tMo4-rnrinrTi1flrwptlT lwsteL wt aB-allXrr V nilTlmBl IVVarTtal aMlllaltlT vsa I auiaaivQ, uiuunru. lUaiMiiiiitn 1 11: raraln at M.OOO. , . Tarn' vary roar a-rooca aooaaa la amT alda. cloaa la Balmoat ear llaa, for H.Sao aao auw. - --- - doom boaaa aad lOOilM foot Iota , Sallamad, aiaka a aood koma, tl.IOO, taran. o-rooni nouaa, a aooa cornar ton. aiawii, aaar car llaa. H.lbHi cood terma. S acraa axoalUat laad oa Kallcr I araoaa, aLtOO. . ' Tera bag ranek, " ararjtlilaf . aoaaplata, . aa. niM) ... . . . - CRUNDT.MBLBATH CO. f4(K Uorrlaoa Btraat. FOB BALE Bd aeraa in alt llmita. reedy Diet: chaaa. B420 oar acra. Also 27 lota , aa ear una, as aioraa rrooi snrnsiaa snui arroai Baraatn: aaae terma. a iso nne in - proeed farm, 100 acraa. food bnlldUumi B3.000 - for farm. Sea Taylor, But) Commercial ' asaea. .raeae tuaea avit, roriwaa. . . AORRAOB VOl liUL. - r acraa of food onlmproyed land aaar Fwanam. easily- etearea ana be a nam in; must ka aold anlcklr on accoaat of fmanclal amharraaamaati 42,100 cask. Glre address and whea yoa ess re and aaa tba property t lOOalOO. Beat Portland, aa Uakev are.; i i. ansa at fS.000. ' v aeraa la potnmma caaaiyt an are jerei id Bade plow, SB eaa be plowed; food for and Brain, crass or fralt fine family orchard. Thia property la a bargain at fftoo and must be eaaa ta ba appreciated; SBUO down will awmg mm. . , BEIOOS-FOBD RBALTT CO. 4 . . 13 Vint -at. , S1.B00 KBW madera B-room boaaa. bft. Tabor, aaay terma. Aaareee xaomeoa a aura, vr. (a uty. .- . , HBRB It mi a hem to maew lata, at ai ao acre naa laad. SB ander plow; price foOO, (J00 down, be lance long time. loo aeraa loyal nardea land. BO mflaa from Fortland; ana af tba few good proposition near Portland! fot to work aa tbls and bar a eainaow noma ac your awa; price a,3uu, SS aeraa of fin land, all a Oder the plow on of tba best amall dairy farms la Wsh klakam eoaaty, WashkiirtoB: 12,400, tarnia. 120 acres. SO mrel. 00 Tallin-. IS nnder Plow a term. lew and all can be; a Dorsal at fl.ooo, RIQGS PORD BEALTT CO. ISSk Flrat St. .- FOR SAI.R b boaaa with pastry, bath. Bewlng-raom and cement bewrment; terms If 4slrd. Call at bm St Tenth at. Fhon Bast 1140, FOR SALE Broom cottar en fronnd TOO feet gaMcm anasrs. only a nair block rrom . Union a, car line; abundance of , , rrnit, takn: tarnw fl.OOO eaaa, balance to en It at 0 aer nt. PORTLAND TTtrHT COM PANT or OREGON.. S. B. Cor. Third and Oak 8U - St Joins Special - ' IS.BW will bay I J . lets. 10x100, nicely oreted. In Oak Park addition No. I; re. mem aer these lot ara located close to tha L" iarg tract laat bought by tha -Swift Park- .id eompaay, is is m . a ana any ana -It wiu B7 yea to r n anoat tnem. - . "GresreBrcs. SIMS Fenton nldg. Phone Mala SS0S. I RATI f new home ready for aala; aom of mem are atoosra ; ran aao marc me an of . fart cask or en time: 1400 to lt.ano. la the owner, Jo Nash, la the white bona at Nashrllle addition, aa the Meant Scott car una. . Larca aar aaie SB nansaa a rant. ON TO ROTER1 tip the roT.miwtst Bagnlar ateaawra from Fortlaad: dice past ' rate from the coast ta Inland nolnte: no aana, neaey aoii. per pern at water right with . eaeb tract, earlleat prodocta. larftst pricesi uie vauaoraia ox iae laoriowaat. H0TEB LAND CO.. ' ; Boear. Waahlngton. Writ B0 ACRES. B mile Rood - River, aa eoanty roao: pooa oeii; ei.issi; Bargain; Frary. psa Wllllama a. Soott 0IPS. FOR SALE Fine lot la Pen men la 800x100. tnv na orcnara, fi,voo Addr ill BBS Clay at. . , ACRE TRACTS I y OCR SPECIALTY IS ACRE TRAOTSll Fnll-Oaad atraet. water to eacV aer. v. . TERMS 110 PER ACRr VaRH . $1 PER AORR PER MONTH. Yoa gs ta tbeee acrea oa tba same e pay the same 6c fare the M men paya. Tha lot man ta . your neighbor, bot be Is re stricted In majorlt of tests res that make Opaa Wednesday and Satarday, ataf. - A, C CHFRCHILL CO., IN0V . 110 Second SC , . - IS ACRES adjoining streetcar aad eoanty , read, this aid of Moant Tsoor.' Inquire af waer. azi s.asx xweiru au SAME SNAPS S lovely borne gear Hyland. t new and 1 In bearing trait; I lot " BoSQ. N IB, rare earnal. SELLWOOD LOTS. SB down aad BB a menthj from STB to $0a Bellwood Tcwaatta Co, Pboa Kara 4T04, FOR BALK Full lot 50x100 oa east side, aot V , $300 ,. too far to walk from tba city; ' cneep at tba price; we will advanoa 'money ror bonding. , PORTLAND TBI ST COMPANY ,-v . . OF OREGON. . . . Cor. Third aad Oak Bt. FOR quick aala af fond farma, city property or bnalnaaa, list- with F. FUCH8, laOVs Flrat atT' WW aeideiu a-iuwa bona- nd large lota. on ' yoor awa .terips: must eell bow. Take - lit, Scat car today ta Ksshyllle and see tha owner. 4 block west of atatloa. A. Balnty. SPECIAL klknilM la wsttagaa and lota on Mt. Scott ear 11, aa amen jeymeaia.-Bean mti tit . KERN PARK STATION. ' Potter aad Hargroe. fa. SOO room pjadira boaaa, . mrg reception hall, fireplace, Iarg front and heck porek, - brick base meat, beet pert of William are. J bona to Iarg for present owner; won Id tak lot la Wllllama Aeenoe add. aa part pay. ' Call after 0 p. m. at 70S Wllllama are. , 4S ACRES level laad, food bona and fnrnltnr. food satbnlldlnga) tn biggest map In the country, for this I a forced aaie and It - mnat be aold before fh Bth; see anlekly AT A RABOAIN A Blc ahwrbaa boraa af I era an oar line, S far. H mil oatsld city llmHa; graded achnot and ehnrch. Tak . Caaaders car. get off at Nleknm elation, flrat kooaa Beat after oreeslaf tba brldga. NEW cottaa. T mrg hsoa finished, -tinted rooms; costly alekel-trlmmed plnmblngi hot and cold water, poreelala bath, eanttary to!. let: S.rf lota h frnlta and garden; (2,000, term. Uemo Lad Cow. 144Vk Flrat at,. FINE aeraer lot oa Beat TamhllL . Phon Beat B020. . " 00 100. IF SOLD by Monday BflM will bay that n!e pew rot t aire and fine ftotfoo ot. all. fenced; ,' Kaat Msln . and 4.1d si reef; small aamnnt down, belance easy monthly psynienm die amet Cm kM caa. . Sea It.- II a bargala. ; ; V, -'Jt yoa happen to be out of etiaploym-eiit. get !e'mptoymenv. If you can do- ;.-' ' i' anything just fairly well you heed not be without plenty to do.; ;.,7 .." ? ' V 'v"i '.. ' - '';..:'"',.-'','' ''..('." - '-v ,'.--'; ' .. . v r -. ' - - . ' '. . ' ' ITlfww'dV erewa'.adV ' tm. Jl ' SaT ' Tt ea, '.' 'ITaaa aaaal'a II t. '-' Telling your qualificationa and you'll soon be busy, the person some employer wants, a,nd you'll find that the right course. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINR FABM, SS0 aeraa, 2 mile from Este rs as atatloa, en u, y . r. asrune; tram te Portland Beery two ho re; 12s acre ' la cultlreiien, good orchard, wn (eneed, i rood road. Jnet across road from afore 6., church and achoolhona; barn, other on V " bulldlnas. fln aolL ads d ted to Bar. Brain. , BniairHiB . -awni w aau ttmr ere . alaB.tmaiy iTaimaj . DB.ae potatoes;'-only B40 par acre: $2,500 eaah, bet- I nr aoO pt ysf; or wlU Ult dty prop- . , .-.a- w,, aVahkiF waAlA artetii nart trade. 428 acrea, 100 ba enltrratlon, (0 acrea food .. timber, ST acre orchard, good bouse. Iarg frulidryer. bam and other outbuildings, flna water-power attached te machinery for catting feed, sawing wood ana many other) VM milk cow, 10 ar IS bead of other cattle, IB bog. 80 ah sen, S boraea, 4 wagon, bar. .' Bess, btigglee, plow, tarfowe. culttvatora and all kind of farming machinery; tbla place I an renea, ana lies snout mile from " boatlsndlng on Colombia rlear; all , aor for 120,000s $5,000 caak, balance aaay " teraxa. - - B0 acraa near Portland, 4B- la calrrratloa. . 10 acre orchard, a food boaaa and barn, bandy to ecbooL t mile from Lents; ex ftoo- It rasn.. " 8.000 boa Bna , B-room boa, with ' M block: rents B40 par month! room for twd mora boaaea; Beat Twelfth at. I $2,000 cask, balance eesy terms. - Fin B-aer tract on Section Una -road. v near . Orang bail; all la cUlUeatloat , o per acre; term. ar Irrtngk 0; 1,000 1 fln for plating; $4-000 : aaar tarnia. Good d-room bnas, Thtrty-BTBt at. Bear , Dlrleton; gl.Ton; shoo cash. . acre B mile from court hone: Ilea well ... -aa grata); BoOO; (100 eaaa, balaaee $100 pal v year. 8 good lota, - Twenty -nlntk at., aa aarHaa, - bdsv; paov en, nsisncc inarsiimeBia, ' v ' CHABLESON NE1LL, - SIB AUaky bldf . Fhon Pacta UBS. , SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SALE BY - r. Dl'BOlS. Waaningtna hid;., Room 1. Pboa PsrtOc ItM, ' 1400 Neat I room eott; woodshed. fenced, Bn IT nit treea, well, aanural aaoiuan. terms. B4G0 4-room rottafer foil tot, fenced. - cnlckea beeaa, well, etc, center tarma. gl.'JOO Mir B-room cot tare) 1 . foil Iota, fenced, on car line, trait, ate,. Beat - aide; terma. 11 200 Good Broom aottagsi B fall lot. ' fenced, aesr car. Midway; eery easy term. $1.100 Largs new t-room bouse; full mt, St. Jubn. near cart term. fl.iao 4-rootn modern cottage; fall lot, Alblns; aaay terms. . $1.600 o-roooi new . cottage: eoaeret bsae. aaent. corner lot 83i6T. Snnnrald: easy terma. 11 imi riaa modern B-roem aew oottegei ' fall baeraieat, aaa. full bit. aew a, street 'graded, aldewalk. Bad location. Eaat GUaaa, carllne; term. - $2.000 Tine 4-room aw modern bona: fun baaemeat, - gae, electricity. wr, street graded, eldewalk, 'Bna location, Kast DsrU; . term: 1H block to oar. si-oaa Vet-v flne S full-etorr atrlc'tly inoiierii np-tc-SJle"honee; ftlTT hase- meut, , run tot, lawn, an inrpiaoto, awww, " sldewslk. street grsded. 1 block to ear. East ' Flandere, One location; gilt-edge property and extra-good buy; esar term. , IS.OoO Handsome S foil-story 8-reota new ' modern Bouse; full hsaement, fnll lot, go electricity, piped for furnace, fruit and (bed treea. atreet graded, sldewslk. sewer, 1V4 block to ear. Do locatioa. high-grade prop- . 12O0 Near car. In St. Jobs: $226 each, 1 lota aa IHtUlon at. I ay ' term. . a-ouv each... 4 W. Canter addltwa. fAOO each. SO kta Bear Eat Twenty. alehth at. 675i4 block, eomer, Nertk . rrrtngton; terms. . gi.sno It. Esst Mala, corner! esse karma, $1.5o0 ii, Holladay Park, cement walk around. . S1.860 Ftaa lot, 80x100, earner, aa TJataa are. ; term. B3.800 Fln M' btack Bear HolUdsy at. $0,00014 block between East Third at. aaa union are. ACREAGE. $1,4001 sere, Bt. Johns, la Iota; worth 12.400. .... a ... $100 t acre. St Johns, ta lota; wort $J.oo. SO 2a0 10V, acrea, St. John, ta lota; Worth 13 ISSI. Bin 000 B acre. In th heart of St, Johna. $1.600 1 acre, 4-room new honse, Center addition. . $1,8608 scree. SVj from Third and Wash ington; boose, oern, wen. neing - water, orchard, all fenced; a fona hone; m-HiNKsa niANCK.fl. $760 Oood grocery; eloa In. east side, with ueing-room. a yr- leaee, ix a biobi. BI.Hia llrocery atore: hnlldlna. atock. flxturee. 8 llylng-ronma. fnll corner lot, Bn location. Central Alhlna. EVERYTHINO AS REPRESENTED. HAVE OTHER BABGA1KS. FOR PALE Br owner, s-room bona, modern, np t date, gaa and electric light; near tw cerunee; a Bargain, z,auo. ai arny n. SNAP. 100x128 feat erooad. -nne lsree honse. a eenlent to ear. Bear Lolrerslty Park; for qnlck sale will escrlflce, $2,100. Henkle Baker, ail AUnftoa oiaf . BorsN and four kit. 80 fnrlt treea, chicken house witn one onsen riymoia Koca enickenej fnrnltnre of twa rooajaj om coal and wood; all tor fl25, part eaah, If taken at eoce. .-'all m WmII.m . A FEW SNAPS. , , , ' BUY NOW. 13.500 FnM lot, new modern honse ; owner wanta ta War ta city; neat part af Upper Alhine. - - 83.300 Fait .tat, ' Bwdeni ben, North PoctnitQa $1,260 Fan aara lot, msdtra bags, Raurht at. F. C. KTNa, BOB Commercial block, Second and waeniagton ata. ARE roil look big for farms, tlmbar had, home stead reiinqaisnmnrar inquir or rra (-. King. 500 (busaerclsl block. Second and Waablaftoa at.. ...'..,.. 13.00030 ACRES. ' n in goofl cnltleatlonj B-mom noose, a wrwmM Mmmm, all yaneiia peon rmttl a miiee rrom re 11 roan. . . 12.1004 lots In Woodlewnt food fence, fin frnlt. windmill that eost $1,300; 4 block from station. . $oo 8-room boaaa bn Laarerwood, fan lat, add a food bay. $000 N lea . new 4 room koo, 1 -block froB cat line, Montaylll. . - ... T: BECKNER HIATT. . ,; e- 180 Flrt at. , ..... T. FOR SALE BT OWNER New modem 4-room honee. oei. -iweniy-avtona snn jweniy-tonriii, en Waaea at.. Holladay. Park addition; will bnlld on either of IT lota from pinna sod term tn an It parraaaer, R. B. Blca. fbona nest loan. ....jlv . ... .. .. rwemnfneTTTotirTomflM llelatita: slabtly: half eaah. and n aood bar. $S.,160 T-room modem dwelling, oa Mont- eornery csr lln. ekolce nelrkborbood; rant 8.10. - $4.300 .1 dwellmra. good eoadlttoa, corner, always rented, paying 13 per cent; a ana p. $0.000 Modem dwelling, cloa m; algbtly enrneri half cash) will rent for $no. Choice warehona property aa railroad, treat BIO, taws jo. ami wvtmtm prim. B. S. 7ACKRON CO- 34B Stark at. BaipiiiS' BT50 4 -room eottsge, air fralt treea. harm, Cblrken-bonae, 1 Mock carllne; easy term. $1.000 d-ronm new honee, bendy te car; $ eaah, be I see $13 monthly. $l.s New modera 8-reom boa, eloa In, 'i!oOO New modem T-rem bona, 3300 eaah, balance like rent. $3,800 Troom modera bona, weet aid; blf anap; half caak.' $8.800 B-mom konee, fall lot, B block fretn Hotel Portland, . ' . $20.000 14 block with btrlldlnfs, .eery eentrellr located. In meat desirable Meattea Of Port lead; a buy seldom obtainable. ror smsii or "erf aome or mteatment prouarty, see . riiCUS, 140)4 First at, ' t , late" FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 118,000 QUARTER block aad 4 Urge dwelling, . northeast corner Eighteenth Bud trying. B3.00U Fln boose and lot aa Karby t $4,AO rnU lot and ban. Kearney at., bet. Twenty second and Twenty-third t . $1,400 New aauae and lot, BIB Karby at. $.IT5 Corner lot, Rodney end Maegly t. ya-o -uox oa uoing at., near noaoey, $3.000 B rooms, new Bon, Ren ton at . aoow ist aa Morris, near AlDlna y. ; $500 Lot. Cook are- near Vaaeoorag, $60 Corner lot, Cook are. . 81.380 B room boo, new,' eeay . term. -" $,) S-roora kooaa, S10 Eugene. . $1,380 B-room bona, corner lot: $838 aaab, balanc tuat Ilk rant. $7o Bnalnraa lot aa Onion ara. ' .- $171 ta $200 Lota In North Irrlxajtoa; $25 cask, balaaca $10 per month. i IS.OOO 8-rowu nous, ani Fargo at. 125 Lot. North irytng ton, aaay terma. . 81.700 A-room bona. IPS Monro t. " $2, TOO House aad lot oa Weldler at, . $2,000 4-room new bona and flna oornsr Jot. Eighth aad Tillamook; aaae terma. Tbla b only a partial Uat of property I bar - for sal aa y term. Ageat for Oermaa . dJIiano aad Olaaa Fall Inauranc aoaanaaiaa. . .Call ar write , . e JOHN H, FITTENflER. Phaa Clay 128. Room 863 Bharloek bldg. TIB Wllllama are., corns of ly at., bt charg of W. N. Carter. Phon Eaat 408. - sir seen aiDina vine. St 'Mis Ton had better down k Rt. Johna today and look tba pUc near. W bar got a bnacb of lots, blocka or U block there that ara worth yoor Urn ta iyeU(ate. . 'b Greg-j: Bros. Fbona Main 830$. . u. BIT-IB Faatna' bldf. TOO map aa wall own a heme aa aat; yoa ara barnlDg yonr money-when yon pay rent; w - eaa sell yoa a borne la any part of Portland or anboro for email caak payment aad monthly Installment. . Ita, $100 ta $10,000. ". w a ream aottnf. Alb ma, $1,800; $400 A room hsnae. Tark St.. waat alda. 83.3801 $350 cask. $2S per saontli. Nsw a-room Bonae, Lpakar at $3,300; $260 1 aash. $28 per awath. 1 New B-room baoae, Slat at., easy tarma. Modern -rsom boose, B. salmon, $A3S0 $700 eaah and term. Modern Cornea la lrytngtcm, T rooma, bean tlea, $8,850 and $4,260. . TUB CONTINENTAX, 0OMPANT, . aaa aura at. MODERN 12-room bob, west aid, aontk t.f Morrlaon, claa la, full lot, 1 0,000; bt la worth 84,000. ' , Corner lot aa Bth at., flna locatioa. Day I ' fond rneame and th beat boy la tba locality. .v. un wv m u cast . aia ooau trlct, paying oyer IS ner eent net. New B-room bona within eeay walking die tan eo, east aide; mnat be sold at anea regard less of coat. Call for pert lea la re. Sl4-cr tract aaar tnlrsralty Park, few blocks from earlm. 82.600. 8-acra .tract near Piedmont." good boas, tarn, orchard U.; a yery pruty place, B4.0U0. - Ott-aer form, good buildings. 20 bead of atock and all (ha farm Implements for $4,150. Timber, farma, certified land scrip. COLLINS LAND CO., ' -' Steam Bldf.' Mala 2334. K BIX1CR, 13th and Market, $18,000. - k. vomer an in tM close in, aio.otm. , T-room modem bonae, $3,000; terma. T-room modera bona. Irrlnftoa, $3,000. B-room asodard cot t sea. flreulace. 81.860. 6-room modem aottag aa B. Salmon, $1,800. ' -rom boaa. cloaa in, I1.40W, easy trm fww vaaa, uaaas vm sail. Hons 24x34. aew. aa carllBa, $t00 abnai H cask. $10 per month. - e-reoer bouee. bam. fnll lot, $1,000; $800 casa. Balance ie par month, and eevaral tne good Bom at reeaoaable flgnree. Very bJc recant cheap; ' OTTO CROCKETT, . . 34SH WasklBgton at. $2.300 H BLOCK,. Holladay 'a addition, Kaat in sr. $1,800 02x100 feet aa Ualoa ara clow la. $O00 Fractional lot aa Benton St., Me- Mlllen'a addition. $2.200 2 H acraa aa pealnaala, foar block from carllne. . 12 6005 aeraa at WaaAataeh. 1 I klaak aa ' cariioe. WILSON ROWE. 337 Chamber af Commerc. CHOICE lota la Holladay Park, with cement sinewaik ana all street Imoroeementn. Malt aomah at. oornor of Kaat Twenty eecend. eaay term; will also Bell green 4 at back of lot xvaing to raiiroea. eultanie tor garden. for aeieonabl amount Ales C. Baa, 224 Btara at. , . - . BrCHTEL'S BARGAINS! RTO Eaat Rurnalda a. S-atory brtrk bulldlnf, cor art Of A block I 8 great lnreatment. i - . ' - Doa't for rt, 3 fnll mt at Long Beach, 4-room cottar wltb basement eersnd on a sides; Boost location ea tn beach; o $850. . . - kk Mock la Holladay addition at a ham In Acreaf aad farm laad to Snest la Or. ton. ime property oa west and sst fid. BUCHtKL. 8T0 Beat Bnraalda. $8.000 PART cash, balanc Ilk paying rent, , for T-room bonae; eaodera eonyeniencea, cenieut ooor in eaaemeni, corner mt aoxiuo, cement sidewalks, shad tree, room to bnlld an other bona on earn lot Bn neighborhood, la Holladay'a addition, 1 block from Broad way car, 4 block . rrom Unkin aye. carllne; owner lea ring city sooa. iBuuira 408 Weld- far f.- - PORTSMOUTH, near arlrool, lot 80x100; cheap at e4. Brand-new B-room none ea Iry St., near Wllllama .; thoranghly modern; $1,T60. B-room bona on Kaat Ninth at., la fln Miehborhood. lot 83x100. for $2,760, 5hy View Park 80x100 oa graded at. with aldewalka ad water, $. BOzloo la Wllltao Arena addltloa, for 100x100 on Mount Scott line, with 4-room new neuaa, tvi: mm 1 snip,. TYSON KINSET.L. 002 Commerc!! block. Pboa Mala S82S. $3.800 FULL comer lot and new Orontn atodera Bouse oa Tiimmooa at., irrmgton: anno ensn. $560 Nice lot oa Iry at., aesr Commerelar. 3 lot m Ariel Park Na. X near Lamia AearMn. $76 eerh. . Nlc leyet l arr tract aaar aerata, aaltabl tor caickca. - itdu: terme. . J. COWL1HHAW. , V T 1 - ' 403 Com mere 11 BMf. - ' AT once from owner, 4 ale lota for na tiding pnrpnsea; mnat be cheap; en east -stde, not toa rr aat, rnoaa jracitic laus. FOR 8 ALB on easy tarma, ale earner Vrt, alx-room ben, not toilet, not end - cold water. Upper Alblna. - m 13, can Journal. ROOM eorragr oa Nmnt Tabor: -fnll- brick haeement. plaatered, lot 100x100, food plsmb- Ing; $1,060. Ilommercisl Uesl Estata Co. SOS Antony, eor. Sixtb. 33.350 MODERN 8 -room honee Beer th eaat end ot tn areei nrrage; run tor; improrea atreeta ana aioewaiaa. uen iotuj TUlrq sc. $1,860 ROOM boose aad fnll tot la Sannrstd. 101 H lourn sr. $1,800 T-ROOM boas aeer Twenty -eighth: full lot, improyea aireet. Ban eaaa. ii, Tnira. $8,800 .WILL bay a good dairy ar vegetable ranch of 100 acrea of cleared laad and B-rnoin bona S milen rrom Portland; mast b Bold. Address ! 18, cam Journal. $3,500 13 acra aaar Mt. Bcott carllne. i. raw iiDxim, TD ei., aaa mock rrota Mt. Tabor cnrltnes elghtly. , $1,8001 acra oa Montaylll carllne, next to 1-edd farm. f3.80 v aeraa, boaaa, aara, frntt, Cmcka aa. . 80.0nO-a.tSVi scree, partly cleared. - food bfliiee. bam. fralt; near Mt. Scott carllne. $2.800 Qoartrr block, eeal aide, ctoa xo, $2,000180x100, between city aad Mt. Ta bor; essr terms. fell ta Kast irrlngton, low prtre, ey term. DAVtrHwm. ward a co 1 4flf Chain bet af Camawrrr,. again. You are Just employer if you take flye; cents a line FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ;Soi"c:'Oiojcc.Wcst;:SWc H black on Park mt.t withla Moeta f th J. Kl,k d -.aa 1 a. 4 AleAwsiswaV WTfk aWxA r a Bad VVU 1 1 at VUfillli ima a BWa-4 .. f iv,vwi ehole u block aa 13ta an, with 3 flaa r : raaldencee, $21,500. - beautiful eonur let, with seeldeaoa, la - woo nut. ai.ouu. - A yery choice comer lot ta Nob Hill. 84. B00 A full lot. with fine iwatdaaca, aa Wast rsrx St., S4,D00. . Choice Lets In Business Ms . trlct of East Portland Fk bnalneae property oa R. Merrtaoa at. Bear Orand ate. - Oood locatioa on Orand are., eloa tat eor- Br lot; present rental $V00 pat aanaaa, Wklcb , wan pa eaany incrsaaea, U block In .wsrslinaee district, with ttt road tracka on two aldea. Vi block with threetery batldlaf, renttaf . sar t,ew per nnonns. x Residences Hon and roll lat, between B. Ttk and R. Ith am.. $1,100. . Oood boua and thre lot en earUna, $3.lr60. Three fine home an E. Baraaida, aaar 30th at, froea $4,800 ta $8,000. Acreage TO acraa aaa mile from ateetrte Una,' wirh ImproeemenU aad ka partial csltlyatlon, $100 per aer. 840 acrea abont four mile front ml Iras d, . aaslly e lea red, $20 per aera. rire-acr tract aaar O. W. F. Baa, $0$ per acre, . j Oeyeral yery choice Mount Tabor aeraafO tract from $800 la $3,300 per acrk. Lamkrt,; White 404 East Alder Street STARK St.. N. E. cor. Will Property wltti a tnrur; o story Mick nnder eonatructlon within 100 feet of this property; atber aubatantlal improvement eonteaipialed. Inyeatlgat. $7.THO tsmer lot nd bonsee, V. 18tk at.: rent $75 per month. $T,BO0 80x100, cor. lat aad Hall sta.t at ores and hrlnf apartments; rant $70 per , $4.000 40x100. and boaaa, ltb, Bear North Bp St. $2.a00 It with bow awdera B-room Bcsai. Sheridan at., aaar 8th; cement walk, at. A bargala. : EAtT nrDa. - too "Cld 3- 3xi2j with T -mora banaac axaa bam. Tillamook at., near TJnlon aya. MI3,800 All of block 3 h Pattoa tract, IB $0,800100x100, 4 modern eotUgaa, aa R. Bth at.; rent $05 par month. $1,300 Half block 4 block from aew eat barn. Alblna. Vacant lota la all part af tha eaat aMa. Baa my Uat. tOrtB SALOMON, . " r 113H Flrat t- . " A SNAP. For Ski Modem T-room bona, faralaksd. 18.500: $1,800 cash, .balaaee term;. aa larastaetit, paya 13 par' aat Pboa Eaat aaar. . - NEW S-roara cottare. - fall aood nlnmbln! Dries fl.oflO: eaar ti O. M. Smith, T30 Chamber at OomBierca. SELLWOOD, S blocka from car, B-room ban, tot 60x100; 10 bearing fralt tree, bast ea De fies; aaay terms. Lroy 4V Oris ley. Mialaf snare cneap. . 101 nasi J. into x. BERT bargala -la a corner lot In Snnnrddei etreet I not graded but bar sewer, watar ana gas. - rBone aaai avuw. WE bar eeyeral thonaaad aeraa af ehean Wnd reaay ror to plow la in easiem part or in aura, stutabi tor a colony: tbla land could all ba Irrigated at a small exponas; ny on wanting good kind at $12.50 par sera would do well ta call apoa aa. Offlo, 30$ uuoonoogn orag. ONE af tn flneat farms la tba tat af Waahlngton. fronting oa the Colombia rlear! place weD Improevd, aad all the atork necea aary to carry oa tn work: p-saniton will be grrea at nnea; th railroad now being built paaeee cloaa. to th door; aplendld mar ket for all produce at tba place; parties wanting n place reaay to step rig nt mto and go to work should tareetlget thia before , deciding. Fnll particular ran be bad by caning at war on ica, aun uooonong n, Bug. WOODSTOCK Thoa ftn quarter blocks cloa ' to car nne. rrice la I0M sec tion re edrancing: new boa " ' being built. Better bay a cor ner and borrow money for bolld . . big a home: we will lend ta yon. sea "Woodstock" adeer- tuement in tnls paper. PORTLAND TRUST CO. '.FOB SALE) BY SHERWOOD A BO XT. 205 W Morrison St.. Room S. Honaea sad lot 1b sll - parte af Portland na anoaro, urge or amall. en ssy tarma. D1DT11I. t UM - " $2.000 Modem 4 room honse. Tfnleseslls. $1,800 Modera T-room honse. Eaat Part. Hnq neikma, ll.Son Modera 8-roota cottage, Kenllwnrtli. - 11.000 7 -room honee, 2 lota, Falton Park, $1.100 a-room houae, 3 lota, barn, Iranhoe. 700 a-ronra Bouse. 2 lots. Mount Scott Una. $3,600 Strictly modern 8 -room . booaa. nast aerenteenth at. $2,100 Modera Clinton at. . B renal bona, . log 80x50, $1,200 Modera 4-room cottage Marrnerete lno to $450 Lore Esst Pnrtlsnd Height. viesF-yitwxiw en Ban iweaaetB, .PowelL , ew-f lie err with mm, miwway. , W fuarantee eerythlnf aa ranraaeated; nerarnr aw syrryxainn wo sell. $1,000 FOR corner lot In Holladay addltloa. at. a. usa, asy, aixtn at. $8,700 WILL buy 14 on Twelfth aaar Harri- .. kf. 1. LEE, SIM Slit at ' : Roomy Beildiig Site : B Iarg lota, atom than 60x100 each; mrlra a llttla farm; roarenlent to Clinton Kelly school; (gnat aell together: food alt for auildinf, nne son; price pimi. terme. J. F. COMPTON. 100 ABINUT0N BLDO. Pbone Red 2WM. PROPERTY renting f.to per month, 84,000; cssn. wu, au uomtmiui, a loin. NEW 4 roora bouse, nice' location, -jm'i ton- J pietea, near carllne; cioeete. pantry, bot ana com water, etc.: prno, ternuv - T Iarg tot. block mrllne. feaced. In fruit, enly $'; pay one af ikes lota worth $200; a decided bargsln. .. x W. J. DAY CO., x . 146H Foorth sf., Rooca IS.-' 11 ACRES neer city, on eoanty rod. 1H mile electric cerune, spiennia ui, bo roe; f leered; only BWO: bargain; easy tarma. Tit acre near city. n carllne. good gardes Isnd. no rock or grseel, fenced. B4 ealtlesUd, balaaca eaally cleared; 86, term. W. J. DAY CO., ' 1. 105 4 Fourth at., Room 88. NEW bonse, modem, etos la, East Aakaay at a mntn". iuii neavai, aica yam; B esaatltlu home; $3,300, terma. 4-rooia bvnee, new d modera. faa and electrlcitr: cement haeement: fettion Int- $400 down, balanc aam rent; 1X300, vtotei I.-, .ie "'i'". ,n nnsaaaua, tot wtrxiunL aim locatioa: $1,100, term. Ret herealn. rloa In. eaat ante. Bear bow blgh ecbmil, arrlrtly psndern new R-raom ent tae. essy wslklnf distance; only $2,000, terms. - . W. J. DAY CO., . ; 105 14 f Fourth St., Room S. . FINEST H block III best whole! dlatrVt or Portland... le nrfered rnr aele foe ahnrt time only. Inoulm 22T14 WaahlaatM at . tooa) IT. j . -FOaALERSALErTATSr QirARTTB block, aew I room aonaa. Ball, paa-f!7.- .bath, porcelain tub. emrttve light! fralt aad flowers; 3 blocka from Hlgblana Mbool. 1 block from 3 carilae, 8-nulnnte aerr- IB mhiw from center af city; high and ?.?!i,,LJ'.r,",0 Uaea aa aaay tarma. Pboa Seott dSOT. A CHOICE kM-athm a tba penhunlai win bnlld boas to nlt; amall payment sown, balsa OS r wTuia. rnuaa Boo ott asoT. -R? bona, fuu krt, Impreeed street lOTl Third et - ' t. FCCHo, 1404 First at. PATINO yr 14 per cent oa yonr lTetmnt Tery food T-room modern bon snd full tot aa Beat Taylor at.: will eell for 12.400: la w yior at.; will sell tor $3,400; m I rsnted forl28.50 per month. Ioonlre Stanb4 Boaa, S2Tvi Waahlngtoa at. room IT. 1 REW flat bnlldlng, close In, psy snoot IB per cent oa lnyeatuumt; will go .qulikly. TU Conthtentsl Co.. 84$ gtark St. , FOR SALE FARMS. )i In apperHood Rleag ealley, 3 .! , , sooni. noo poatoctic ana atom; -2" ""TV rrry uiua claarad; -rooa - S aeated back, 3 aeta kamasa and p Wltb th place; honee east boat $400, Prlc S I SOA eeeh 40 acra la upper Hood krrer slley. anlm prorod. U lerel, beet of apple land, red loam eaoUf panrty of water; aa building. ... Prlc $1500 eaah. . BO ere In npper Hood Rlrer eallay, rtyer runnlnf through piece. 14 . acrea . cleared, 'eneed. B acrea la ar chard, winter apple. T yeara old; all leyel, 1 mile to echo! H t poatofflce and etore; bo build toga oa place. . .. Prle $3,000, en kalf man, . . . 10 acraa. 4 mil south of Hood Rlrer! B aeree eleered sad plowed. U fenced ; lend 1t1; food 0-ruom noo; B, F. O. aad tele phone; school 1 mil. ' Price $2,000, en kalf cash. B aeraa. 3 mlma south of Hood Rrree. n ta orchard. 1 acre tn full bearins; S Inch as at watar deeded with plaoti sew eottaaa. .4 amall lam and bemi R. F. D. 1 mil. Prlc $1,600, $600 down. 30 aero la Llna county, 3 mile from eto; 10 acre nnder eultlratkm, all kind of fralt: rannlnf watar and 3 well: amall boaaa, baraa aad atber oatbnlldlng. . . . . Prlc $750. - t '.' dS aeraa m Clark county, Waaatartea, aeer Oamaai 38 aera ander enktlratiea, 10 acra la orchard, balance paiture. all fenced; d guod welle; S-room bonaa, dryer, B-tna ea pa city; barav Btl. paaltry aonaa aad ahedn. rharcb aad school Bear, R. t. D. and Ulspbon. . Price fr)5 aer cr. . . . LANOILI.R RAND. TS Sixth t -; --' " '.HOwatikce Aicajv 40 serea, all ta eoltlratlon, fin eofL . 1U mile 1 from Milwaukee; prim $138 par acre. If aold at once, or will divide. 0 sere u set ta grspss, kerrlsa and aa anrtad fruit trees; modsra bouse, haytng fln lewt ham aad Iarg water tower, wltb gasoline perop; 1 block to car llaa; aa ideal au bur ban bom. S aera ta Mllwankle. Iletaa aeeaaie. Mmiaia i.ir a 1 cm In Mllwailkaa. ww k.insa en bhule af. fruit, ftaa Place for gardes aad chiekene. - 130 acrea at Clackamas Matioa, all tn enl ttratloB, part be yards m land; bast plac I Oregon for alack ac bay reach; prtc $12$ per err. Tl acre, eoe kalf la mlrlystlon: food e chard, hone aad bam; 3 good springs; 1 mil af New Bn and boat binding; prlc $50 per acra. 8 aeraa at Clackamaa station, fond bob Portland neooerty. . - If yea waat good anil, where them la aa freyel, com and sea as, aa wa has aereare frerie af 1 ta 300 eree bt Claeksm eoanty listed at bargala price. Doa't forget that we hare the beat water ta Orecoa. KELSO A EVANS. Mllwaakle. Oregoa. FABM BBS aad koaseeeekem taysstlgatt these arm . a . ' 6-ser chick en -ranch wear earllne atteA mm -arlth aU neoeeaary hulldlna; a great fcaraatn: $1,800. : 8 acraa r-wtof fardea Und, Beer S. P, aershops. $3,500. 40 aer, flne farm folly .utppd, $ a."-w ii", nninaa, aa.rajv. - $3 acre, fully aqslpned. 1SH mile nt; heansst plae nronnd Portland; $4,300, ITT-acr choice farm, Berr Lebsnea, girt caeea t an per ecra. lOO aeraa, aew fln batldinge, all etocfc crops, mschlnery. sldewslk to eolleee, a Bsoney-maker; $f,800; $8,800 aaab, balanea $ wrr traaa. - . 828 scree The beet farm fa Oragoa, wltb tmlldlngs Worth $10,000, - for-$21.000 - aay If yoa waat a good farm of sny six hv yesugsis my imt ir yoa ar a good fara aad waat It aold nnlck. list with me, F. FCCHS. 148-4 First mU'r FARM OWNERS What ham yoa ta farm land for ssle? W bsm burses. Writs Bt-Ul I inil-AHKHIUAn FABM . LANDS CO ana a s -. 1 wi a n ee m, voauaea ".S. rwiWH, IS, FREE LAND IN ORKO0N nnder tb Csrey irnfiuos' act. uvea airecx rrom stats. . Writ today. Booklet end map free. B. S. Cook A C., 331 Alder St. lrtlaad. Or. FOB BALE 800-acr raack at Calambaa, Wash. Ingtoa; fralt, bay, grain, stork; on new rsll- - roao, aaar box 144, rtadlesoa, oregoa. Grape Vtacyard d acraa ta Conoord frapes, ts ftaa beartnf atate. S aeraa ta orchard, T yeara aid: d acra of tin ou la garde a. ir yoa waat a fin borne, with a view ever look kor rlrer end tb city -as rorwaaa, enmv ana a .' mia piscv. KELSO EYANS. Mllwankle. Oregoa. FINE INCOME. $5,300 160 ACRES aa tba Bandy. 30 mile front Portland. 3 milaa from railroad atatloa! 3 yonng appie erexuu-os atkor rrnlta; good arm miiainn, 818.000 470 aeree ta eectVm M 1 $ aaat; abont S mile from Sandy rlrer. v as. x. ainaB.iaH. X33-S-4 Falling bldg. , Phon Ms tn 8383. .'ImmdLSdc .IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, ' B2S Acre 140 cultivated, all fenced: acre la good orchard, pood Boos ssd barn, eoanty road; $.17 50 pet acra) ona half eaan. balance per ct. IRS Acres SO . cultivated, M fenced; old bnlldlng, eo eoanty road, 9 milaa from Ore gon city; $60 per aer. 300 Aeree 100 cultivated, 90 slashed, all re nceot nne auss, rsir Bars, soout ao seres bottoxa lsnd; 4 acrea eaat of Woodhura, Oregoa; $60 per acre; aaa half cash, balaaca B per sent. . - - .4114 Acres 1H miles t f Canby. a county road: 35 - cultivated. B acre laahed. B0 fruit tree, living water, fair aaiiainga; o.uuu. . - 40 Arte I mile from Oregoa City; 9$ acrea cultivated aad tn grain, 10 acres slssbrd. 8 acrm la food timber, fair bnlld Inga. llvng water, 3 ow, 1 borae, amall aagoa aad all farming Implenmntai 19,500. 00 Aeree 30 aeraa cultivated, 4 mile from Oregoa - City, llvlnf water, n balldluga; 82.400: fl.OOO dowa. ha line 4 per cent. Bt Acres 2 mile, from Oregon City. B aere eatt1vatd;30 sere slashed, small Boas 'ssd bsm, fond orchard; 12,000; ona kalf dowa, balanc 8 par cant 38 acres B miles from Oregon City) It acre cleared, B aeraa slashed, food boas aad barn, living water; 83,400. Other farm and timber land fag aala. - OREGON CITY TRUST CO Osrd bldg., Oregoa City, Ursgoa. 88 PER ACRE 4 mile eaat f Kalama. Waan, rooeoe. Prlca $1,880, $1,000 dowa. - - I - cultivation, urn anrm. 1 - .jngioo; piling ana jcoruwoou; wnuia onajBjjkiijropwa'J t naiania river; a foou ranga cooniry. $ IB per aere .120 scree In T 3 N-. R. t W with 8.000.000 feet fir tlmbar; a toggtaf pioiMMiTioa. a a i a " iam vara cieareo. $1.500 00-lor Improved farm 4 mllee from la Canter. Waahtngtnn; lie wall, good eotl; Bear sehoeli $1,000 ceek. balanc any tun. , BLAIR HCBLRDT. ' 816 AblBftoa bhlf.u A FABM worth harlnjc Bear ettyi 320 acres. only a mile rrwa neiem, aa macanamlaed mad! 38 acre la cnltimttoa; 3 nlea rna Blag aprtngs. very good 4-room hen so, tlra food bam coating $3.8)0i aheat 140 era al ready pat t crops plac ckaa to aa Un; MO Awrf axaB. Flm (61 a cms ft seat had it Mt. Tabor, n la eoltlratlon; flaa orchard. T-raaak haws. $ baraa; tkx all for enly $8,000, . STAI B A BOM. 937H Wnahlagtoa st, room IT. . " FOR SALE 8 n hnaai. brick cellar, weU ea porca. trail, runninf water. 1 w acrea, ta Mllwaakle; ahm aam tracts. ao-cr farm, a-raeaa knasa.. B acrea ta tt F. v.. Sa xsmhlll eeemty, $ at par a-re.J. A. and A. U. Dowung, Villwaa kka, Oreaem. 160 ACRES n Paedr rtver. partly Imareved. n,ia"M, aonwi a, eMs w sanmrteni at, - - lew acres in v"" "s ec v. ? cleared; a anap, , - a. r. s . BS414 , FcrJttr--.- A OOOD T-room bona, wed -a a, 1-4 t" ft-fram ear lm, aa e r . $1,800. Ca-t Moyt wad Tw A good flrat-clasat ap-ta-aa- e k-r modem la every raeeect i. f ,-.. r'1' " at alty, between 3 ear LatM. htk. $T,50O. Terms. T room konee. beside kstk aad paatr. t west side, close ta, aewly aalaw-4. we' aad aewer eoaaertloaa, plenty of fraitt i rant for $20 per month. Prim IOn. ' ! kiuaa. tot 80x100, pwaty f frat s-1 ' VTiiL.na, eobarb la tb lty, bt Irr. teav . Price 88.000. . . B-rm he, $ room below aad 3 Bps a Irs, grod osll.r, 3 lot &01 loo each. V, M h trawberties, good feac around the Boaaa. bam and weodabed. Ik block to car Una, bow ... lfed for electricity. Price $760. 4-room aot Use with food pantry, hark and atoreroem. enad tn. ao.ino 'anaia1 run, 4 Block rrom car Una. a Biy lmb P'e. Prlc $850; $300 at $400 Sow a. Vaieac M'eed time. . fruit, 1 kkiak from car llna. a Bir Intbt loroom laodem boua ta erery reepect. fa and electric lights snd gas rang In th bowse, toreroom and Iceram. kitchen, dlalnf roue., elt ting-room and doutde parlor aa graand . floor, 8 bedrooms Dpststrs. wot kta f roses. r flu view. I block to s,-Uoola, eleee So ara, oa west sld. Prki $4.M; woald take awn acres fa eloa In. ' 10 acra oa th Baa Law reed, rloes m. at $400 par acra, or 6 acres, earn location, $460 per acre, or 30 seres, about hi ta fralt. lia "U, P' tre, 1 mil from M A ftae $-cr cbiekea ranch, s fair bane, bsm nd chicken corral, a aim orchard of aaorted ft art, plenty jf bsrrtra.- ecwl -wtl-at bouee and running stream oa place; eloa to depot. 4 mile from city; prlca ll.SuO. . , 80 srrs chicken -xaack. -at which 13 acre -hi bottom land la eultlrettoa: a ftaa trn rannlnf through the plac of var-rannbtg , water; food B-raom bams, goad barn, fto cfelckea kooaa and corral, $00 tana, teens, tor and all other, future Belonging to tb business; good spaa af horses, ksraeaa aad wagon, food aprlng wagon wltb top, 8 or B . stand of bees, food orchard, beat variety ei frnlt,- plenty smsll fruit 3 good cow anil feed enough on band to mat an til next crop! R. F. D. mail and tslspboos st tha baas a aad close t rood eto; prlc $3,000. block, 100x100. nicely located, eloa ta , car Bn, B-room modem cottage ta every : respect; a concrete walk ta froat af th bouee aad. 3-foot concrete weTk nronnd ta booaa, aia a concrete wall ta front 34 Indie blgh; fln chicken konee that cast $188. an. wire chicken corral 35x80, fln lswa and all . klnda of shrubbery, plenty a fruit; (la ! -catltyr pxhaj B.BOOr rspaT Ronea t. ftamllttaa UMe l Third at., bat Waahlnftoa and . AMar. ' 88 per aera ISO acre. IS mile from Far. laad, ta Clark oousty, Washtaatoa; Id acre cleared, coma timber, balaaca slashed d baraed; good sprlsg living watar. 4 miles from R. B., Beer aeneol; bast af U, MacM toam; gly terma. " 1 88 aer 13 acraa cleared. ore tlmbar, ' Mlane claabsd and baraed; aood spring, 8 -room bmjsa, amall barn, email orchard. SS mile from a food tow a, population 1.S0O; : food gravel road, aeer echeoL 3H ml led from R. R. nnd boatlandlag; will exchange ' for dty pro part 7: bast et aolL $7,500107 acre, 18 mile from Partland,. ta Clarke eoanty, Wnahlnfton; oa feed gravel road. Bear good graded ackasl. BB acre In flna atate of enltiyatloa. balance food timber, good 3 atesy T ream keass. ban dOxen, windmill, aam orchard, ami laad, IS ewa and farm tmplemeam; will exafcaaa to stock oroearlr or ettr aronertr. neeaaueners sor ax. soaas a ettr nroasrtr. $1. 50010 acraa, 14 mils mm af Tsacoa var, asveral scree cleared: New 4-room bonae. new bern, 8.000.000 feet food saw tlmbar. 40 acrea bottom, balaaca 1 1 rolling; sill 1 aaile. fluBM 114 miles: team. sad barassd. new aoabkt-eeeted back, bow cream Mparator, aew plow, kaarow. ntlttveto sod all kind af smsll tools; S ton hay. 30 aaeka epuda. 8 ton ratabaxa, 8 cow, so bcaaeaold farsltara; 4 mile nertk sot of Waahougal. 88.000 Ona af tb bast tarn ta S. Jaha. BMderw a-taom auimiis, bo aad eaM water, - lot BBxlOO: ea block from car. T btoek from paetofflee, all feared with pickets anJ painted. tdwlk U sroaad ta knusaa. all in f1rt-ls efcap! will rent far $18 each; tt will pay yea ta tarcottgato;. If a Baa p. 00 scree. T milaa eaat af Vancouver, aa feed graveled road, R. F. D.. aaar arkeol ; level land! will eell ta Sa-acr tracts, $34 per acre! will rive turns Cell aa THE WASHINGTON OREGON BBALTT COMPANY, SMVk- Waaklngtoa at. Rama J3, FnrtmBa. Or. EL WELL REALTY CO., Taaamrear. Wash. BcsttBimdi JTcrOflcrcd 840 acraa te Jaekaoa eoanty, wall Improved; 180 bead sf cattle. 13 bead af horaaa, sil tas- piemeBia. ror ia.uw. 840 acraa la Ben toa eoanty. neat raack ba tbe eoeaty. lecsatly Improved, $14,000. acra near Colfax. Waahtagtea, si.. aaatly Improved! ea ef th beat reaches in- eteiei aw per s acre: wooht ssaslilsr aa xchaaae ei Pert as nd Baa acraa In Lata aonnty. oaa ar tb bast ranches In the county , well . located, for $23 per sere, tncrodln $6,000 worth at atork aad all hnplssnta. -- 300 acres ta Linn eeaaty. all nnder cHI vatloa, wsll toes ted, evarytkhtf la flrat elasa aoadltloa. fog $10,000; a eartata amanat af atock taelnded. I0O aeree, weU ! Waved, wltb an atork Bed Imptoxeanos and asm' kaat year' era, foe $5,000; tbl I not far from ' Faraat Or 80 aer. Ml mile from Portland. 914 mllea . from rallroed atatloa. 9 mlto O. w. P. Unci tbl plae m elegaatly Improved and eaa ba bonrbt for 88.000. ea vary oood tan 3 seres, no rar rrom ieracon fjity. wvu Improved, wltb atock and xmplmaoBta, fl.660, 7 acre, wail Improved, aa car llaa, $3,000. 10 acrea, wall Improved, aaat cap Baa, $3,300, . . . . 9 aanWIf WVll BsHPttFTVatL MttH oxtValtlOaxsa) 91.100. B acre aa aar Una! prlca aa apwllraltaa. Several faram to xexaag for dry prop. " arty. Oood term on ei 1 rlitnf of rxTad- ,. OTTO 4V CE0CKBTT. . . ... 246 Vk Waaklngtoa It, . FOR SALE Ftaa farm. IBB aeraa, food band ings, near school, store aad noatnfnc: food for grain ar atork! win tak amall haws lot la part payment; term ta Bolt purchaser. See Taylor, Boa Oommsrclal blk Fortlaad. 11 ACRES, mostly ta frntt aad berrlaa, raaataa; watar; neautirut lontiea ror kaeieal will aril aa a whole or ta arm tracts, p. J. Bean, menu, MU wank to, 0r, . $ blarka freea poet- offlm. 40 ACRES, part cultivated oaton land, aaar Oreeham electric line, drtvtaf diet sac of Fortland: aalted far gardening, paaltry, frnlt end stack raising: oely $83 par acra. part down. Home Land Co.. 16 Vj First at TO EXCHANGE. WE waat to exehaaga a earn r goons tor .soma good vacant total th stem, la nicely located and doing a ale k solium W will also trad a nice tot to amn eaa If they will bnlld aa a small boaaa aa aa other tot wa have. Theee ssd eevaral ether trades eaa b bad by calling upon aa at our place of - baatneaa. Northwest Laad Os.. 30$ Ooodaoufb bldg. EXCHANGE 400 seres, first -els as land, ea , na ta tin rirvr, as ' vraaorngtes. eeuaty, easy reach of Portland; a enokw tmpcaved farm: will trad Into Portland property, , Bank I 4k ' Baker. SIT Abtagtoa bldg. T ?1 T" TO EXCHANGE for a plana, an nlea drtvtng - 1 luwia aais pagaye drass 0 8. cam Jearnat " , FOR EXCHANGE Stsadard maks smrtekl Plane; will trad to alty lot, SOBta Morrteea at,.' room B. . . v, . . WHAT bam yoa ta real estate ar mereaatlte Boainosa to xchaag for food BO-raonr ronm f, boruHi. worth $3.6001 Hoass Laad Co . -I48H Flrat at. , . BEST BOO-acra- farm, ta Eddy anwntr. Nrth Dakota, to exrkangd for Orcfoa farm ay city jame aiei"!. . .F . - SEND today far big free 134-pag Old Trua anruoaror ,stiogu n roaltrp noo. cee tstn 134 3fe and 800 tllustrsttoas. Mo. Claaakaa Ca., Bugs, Oregon, .... - - FOR SALS) a xchaaga far rocoeae Beertrg prwaerty, - aeantinii aareaa- im, - nrrea -. modern konee, fralt shrubbery aad S aeraa, eto 11 owner. I 8, rare Joaraal. ' FOR SALS OR BXCHANOE Baelaea btoek la new end prosper to la sea Sara flrcsoa; will net 13 per eeat ar belter; will rraaH aam for tot or hones aad tot re PartlaBd. Pbim Mala 3158 between B aed 11 . aa.. ar writ B3B Worossxar Slack. Perttoad. Ovaaaa. BXCHANOE II aces. S mile ant; wn Im- proved: rnnnlng watar; usrenteng 4 , Call 10TH Third t. BXCHANOE 100 acre. V, "e fre PL lepot. See fruit mil f - a Canty road t'r win pay rasa Portland, at I Third at. IfrrMk ' 1 t' I' 1')., '