1 THE -OREGON &UUD.V?. JOURNAL, FOr.TLAIID,' , .B- ...an, .4BUp.,Ti k , . aasraaa. . . wmm-- -n "J,"fcBjBjBjBJBBaan JflaTaL. a - ST: mwhi Iff J JT I 1 f I " f I ,'. ' Eatered at the poetofftca at PortUad, OnfN, r craasporiauoa xaxwuga toe bum ee ' ClkM M1B I 1.. -V ... Postage far single copies: Far sa 8, 14 ae 13- , rage pwd l cent; le I aw gagas, a casts hi to Ad aejea, 8 centa.. , , . , , ( -' !-?; telephones." ' ' X IMHorU! Booms ..Tr.afaln 388 Buslaeee Office Mia aw ' i't Vreelaad-Baulamln ttnedal Advertising - ia Kmi lUMd p.e Herts Jrlbuae , f.'kVtv-;' wnwcumoaT . una. : - 7 SbeallyJouriuU, MiK BdsiTas. ..$7JH 'Xlia IMIly Joaraal, 1 nr.... ........ ..r J.W , -jae ueuy journal, wuu niuf, . e Iiatljr Journal, months Joe Dally Journal, wltb Sunday. tooatba. 1.85 . rha Dally Journal. months..,. ! 3hs- Daily- Jtaiwl, wllh Mnoaay,- I meats..- ..aha lislly, per week,-4aUara4, Beads . . eluded ' ' Iha Dally, nr week, e 11 raced. Sunday ex- The Dally Journal, with Sunday, yea....T CJ Tbe-lslly Journal, 1 year. ........ ........ B.oo Ohe Deliy Journal, with Sunday, hBoatbe. -T& .. The Dally Journal, 8 axnitba 3.75 The Journal, with Sunday, nealha. J-BO The Dally Journal, 8 aMBtha . M Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 ataata. M Iks Dally Journal, 1 BiouU.. Ibe Sunday Journal, 1 year.. ...... SOO Aha Sunday Jooraal. BMatha ..... 1.IM . , The Basal Weakly tmnmt r y i She Baal-Weekly JoureaL S to IS mm'.; each Issue, Illustrated, (all market re. 1 " port. J year ....... ....1.80 R !. nes ahoala ba aiada by araft. paatai . amtaa, uprna ordara and amall amooata ara maum " 'Tir towSSiL. f . O. Bat 1. Portland. Ortaea. ymXMS THX JOUai. VAT VOVVB. - Tha Jaaraa eaa ba r..ll nl.a r JioiHitDAJJt-H. aollor Ca. W. E. Ma tHKOO rVartofflea Mawa aoaipaay; 1T1 Daa ; EKS VBlToi'LOEADO-. Black. BUtaaatk had KANSAS C1TI ra Koy Wtwa company, : XllNNKAPOLla H. J. .Baraaaafh. M , wur v-rmir rrr RH.t.M'a YTnloa aoaara. OMAHA Millard Hatal nawa atandi Maaaatb Stationary company, lauS rarBaai Btraat. SALT UAKB CITY Kaayoa Hot.1 aawa at and; ' Barrow Broa., 41 Waat Sacond Btraat, Booth. ' BT. L0UI8 Pnlllp KoMlar, aia Aooaaa i w r aa mim atMtt feAM FRANCISCO W. B. AH. Palaea Hotel nawa atand aal lona ataraai amn : aailth Broa . 230 Battar Btraat and Balat Vacta botrt; Poatar Oraar. Barry balld- . tag; N. WaaatUy. BioaabU aowa ataaa. BJCATTl-B Ralnlar Graad aawa ataadl W. I Mi.nba. tint I RMttI BWB atand. CPOKAMB. WA8UINUT0N Joha W.. Oraaaa TAOOMAtl WABHmOTOB Cantral Mawa Bl Matar TInakl Tamma bbbM BllBntl. ; - 4 VITTOBIa, BRITISH COLOMBIA TktarU Book Btationary aoapaay. WEATHER REPORT. ,- rar waatbar aaathnaa fa tha Pacific coaat : atataa thla mmlna wltb taaparararas aoBarally hot tha BMaaaal arao. Lifht flurriaa of anow acearrad today hi aitrama aorthaaatara Waablactoa and at wldoly acattarad placaa la 'anatbara Idaho and aortaara Utah.' bat tba Annonta Wara B-aaaralTy tea analtta awaauia: : Tha dlatnrhaaea caatral aar Moataaa yaatar- tr baa BMrrd aaatward and aa tmaMuaa aura araa haa Braved dowa from tha north and bow marllaa Moataaa. Nortk Dakota and tba Brltlan ' pnamalopB ax madia taly to tba nor Ik. TbU blah rM baa aanaad a daddad draa M tba taawara. - 1am aaat of tba Borky awontalna and aawa wlnda hi Montana and tba Dakotaa. At Bla .. aiarfc tba wind attained a aalndty of 51 llaa an knar from tba waat. while at Baara tha kiiMt vlw4ra waa mllaa from tha north. tlim baa bom Utile chance In tha barometric vnndlUoae la the Pacific northweat and fair , weather la expected ta eaa tin no ta thla dlrtnct ' nunnay.' - rteamlnnawa "ta B a. m.i" Madmoni tent, "-twrataror M aiiint atlalaw tampararara. M (iraraca. JUror readlnc at a. at., Id laat; rhanr la peat St boara, 0.1 feat. Total pre cipitation, a a. m. ton p. at., none: total ara . rloitatioa alare Mrfitmnber 1. 1B06. 3S.M iacbra: .KarmaJ prartplutloa lore Bcptamber 1, I9US, - StT. lacaaa: - def h leacy, -aihe- tnchaa. Total . annahlna. rchraarv 3. 1B06. 9 aoara. 40 atln. utcai poaalhla aaaakiaa, rebruary B, 100a, 9 hoora. as aiuratea. MARRIAGE LICENSES. - - Blroraad - Barcar.- alllwaakla, Orcfoa, 40; Tnaraaa Ibm, . - ' Jamca Prodrrtckaaa. B3; Mary Jane Baa re. 40. - Unla A. retaraoa. zi; stbai M. uara la. Weddlnr Carda. - W. O. Smith Oa., Waak- mctoa bide-, ear. Foartb and Waahlnctaa eta. Mtaa Bortha Martla.' raoae Bit Allaky bMc. ktaafplnc and fine aoadlawork; leaaoaa airaa. UNDERTAKERS., J. F. Ftaler Boa. faatral airaetar and r aahalmrra, oorwrr Third and Medlaaa etraeta. (ifftea of eoanty aoroaar. Telephoaa Mala 0. - Donntnc. McEntra Ollbaafh. aadertakora ana ennaiawra: axxwia ra aery octal l. aeveath aad Plaa. Mala aJO. Lay O HeiMtorsTTh.,ya--M0 Fat Tbtrtaoath aad , Caiatllla ara. , Phoae Eaat 4T81, . . BTTMtrH W s CTJtETEBT. ,-y;-ry,, Btatia era (in. Family lota 170 to (1,000. " (Tha oaly ccawtarr la Portlaad which prr pcraally Bttlatalaa aad carra for lota. Far fall JnfnraMtioa apply to W. B. Mackeasle. Wor wit Mora. city, w. m. iaa, praetdent. ' FUNERAL NOTICES. ! - t 4MPBOTKD Order Bod Man Attention. ( " aieuibera of tba trlbaa aad of tha Pi Tba Put Ha. . raaaia'- aaaorterioa era mtneatrd to i bio la tha Wlfwam, Be. lTOVk Baeaad strrot. today (Sunday) at 1 a'rlork p. at., to attend he fanaral of tba wife of oar brother, "Otto Krtckeoa. fmaa Ophlrv Colorado. Fu i a.ral aervlraa at the raaidrnca of Mn. 8. A. - Netaoa. atatar of Brotbar KHckaon, No. TOT " Mlaaoart aaenoa. at B o rlorb p. ao. ' L. Car. rtmano. Bacratary p. S. Aaa'n, Ck. of B. t MlnDChaba Tribe. - .... ertF.A At the reetdenca. 3M Beat BtsUl treat. - Febrnory a. MU4, Baeeie May Shea, aced IT . yeera, daoabtcr of Mr, and Mra. Denial Rhea, raneral will take place Monday, Feb- roary B, at 1 p. m.. from F. B. DunBlnc'e , cbapel, earner of Beat Alder and Baat Sixth r etraeta. . Frlenda Inrlted. ., tl .,' MEMBERS . I. M. . IS ara raqneatod ta at. tend the fitperaj of Brother .Hill at 1:B0 it. o'rlock from P. a. Dnmilnc'a chapel. Beat Alder and Fifth era., today (ftonday). . Oat pomp inanranre and ibetracta ta real ce rate from tha Title Guarantee A Tract compear, B40 Weehlncfoa afreet, comer Second. -iKOTICE TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. -Knew ta kerehy clvea that the county aa i aarlotendent of Multaotuah county will bold the regular evamtna tlon of apnllcaate for . atare end county penrre et. (he Ledd scbeeL , I'srB aad Jeffereno ate., aa f ollearsi , . , ,. , . t FOB STATE PAPERS. " :' ", " Commencing Wednesday. February 14. at , o'clock a. m.. end rotittaelog aatU Baturday, Fehrnary 17, at 4 o'clock p. m. . W od made r Peaniaiwuln.- biatory, spelMnf, .I algebra, reeding, scbool taw, Tharaday Wrlrteu arithmetic, theory of t teecbkig. grammar,' bookkecplaf,, -physlca, 1 civil saverutornt ' rrMay Pbyelokurr.. geography, mental '' arllbovrtle. enmnnaltlon physical geography. , ... Katurdar Botany, piano geometry, general " hUtory, Enrltab Mterature. navchology.. rnn rtlCNTT PAPERS. - r fmeDernf .Wednesday. Fehraarr 14. st t 'clock s. m and continuing until Friday. , - Fehrnary IS. at 4 o'clock p. a. 7' riMT, SECOND AND THIRD 0B ADA CEB- , , . T1F1CATE8. . ', - Wodneaday Penmanship, histarr, arfbofrer V. Phf, reeding. r. Thursday Wrlttea arithmetic : tkesryV af teactilng, grammar, phStohMry. -' rrMsf (leorrspbr. ssenUl ' srlfbaMtte, aebool'law. civil suvoinment. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES, Wedaeadar Paomaoshle, oalbography, erita-' aietlc, readlnc. , . i Thnreday Art ef aaeatlontaf, taoory' ef teari, lug. phvelnloey. . Note. Apnlloanta erba desire to here manu Srtnta treaded end rert If lea tee I sewed la aa- other county ehould eecure arrittsa eonaent ia vtlie awaorintendent of the county . to ahlckr naaaaarrlptB are to be forwardeel. , - . R. Fj ROBBRTeMrW.' : ' Ceaait Beaeet sHaaViateBHtoat . Bnnralows In Bnnf alowGladc fOB BiXX Oa Kaat Thlrtiath. ana block north m i - y aa., . ao aaaaurut . i '.. i Iota. l nlaalaa' rid ar So atlnntaa' walk f a kaart f , - -, .t.000 t BNBt walk; will aU i , half doara lota 4fio to tfluO, oa j taraia; nr ona worth 1,00 nn ii u yoa or to a ooaaa othara who ara to buU4 Baa ho am la "...uib aaaitioa. Two boaf alowa for Mia; eanplatad. . ., . j , Geo. iB.'WarirbnerI' IS "alllaa Wt .faona JMlCl. W. S. WARD, LAWYER v 1 - Will,-., fr-t Probata ynar aaUta a Exam tor, Admlnlatrator or Laan yoa moaay oa Dwrtaaca and adinat or tafuad erar-daa Dortgaaaa; azamlaa tltla to raal aatata yoa buy.. . Paraoaal attaatioa to Meat' aim nan. . . .,. v.- To' Excfiauge , FOB PR0PERTT I!C WATTLE Ooay T-room boaw frith lot 100 laat onara; frnlt - and ahrubbary. . Aadraaa U P. at., llo-vChaaUMr ec Coaaaiarea. ' vFor'Salc-''.':' T-BOOaf C0IT SOME AT tTNlVBRBITT PARK. XDt ..lOOilOO. wllaAalt t2,2&0.. Addreae , ahrobbary. I , L. P. M., SIB Cbaatber of CoaiBMrce. , Pear vary heaatlrnl Iota for Baa reel dance, aa creat- ef kill, oa carllae, anlnterrnpted view of Mt. Hood. Mt. Adena), Mt. St. Haleaa aal he ety; far aale by owner, cheap. . ' GEO. & WAGGONER? '-, BZ3 Falllaa bide. Phone Mala east. FRED WESTCRDAL, Masseur Oradaate Stocfckolav. raraa ay a' new method. Head, aoae, throat and etoajaea dleeeeee aad rhaoaahaaa. . SIT Oreeoalaa bide.; Paaaa Hood a&t. Hoars, lt-B, 4-4. - 1 NOTICE. WB, the aaderalcaed tornltara and alano , atorera,' will reqalra the payaaent of all " ebarcea anoa deUrary ef enoda after rWeoA- ber 1, 1904: H. C Haark, 0. F. Harder, O. -F. Huaary. Ceacrore Bros., Portlaad De ; llrary Co.. -Peat Special Dellrery Co., pack ate Dellretr Co., Uolmaa Traaafer Co., r Norrhweetera Tranafar Oa., Orecoa Aato Die . patch Co., Joka Hamntoa. James McUadea. Owes McLlndea. Pacific Traaafer Co., Orecoa ' Traaafer Co.. Portland Taa A Storage Co., Wakeaaa. Mbrea Tranafar Co.. Baat Side i. Traaafer Co.. O. O. Pick Traaafer A Btoreee Oa- Olena. Baccaca A OaMhea Frana-4 : rar ua., A. Btorpny, naaaeriy Tranarar . A CoaailaaloB rto., Joba A. Lore. Andrew . I. Marnhy. P. M. Ireland. W. Millar, Flack 7- A Headersoa.. THE aaderelened wiu racalea aeahid bids for . a atock of atiaoallaaaous nrrcbaadlae. eonalat Inc of dry oode, farelehtac cooda, hoota ' and shoes aad croeerlee to the amount of .. a boat ft.OOO, tncethor with flitures amonnt v Inc to about 4o0. located at . Waltaoarf. 'Waabltiton, ap to Tbarwlay nooa, rtbraary y K cartlflad check tor 10 per "seat at the ' aaioont of bid moat accompany each offer .. and the rlfbt la laaarnd ta neet any and -raU blda..-. ..... , ...., IaTaoMry Buy be aoea at -car -ef flea -pad " stoca ay on Inepeetea at waltabarc. Dated at PortlendT Oregon, rabraary S, 1S0B. ' . ' Front aad Aakeay etraeta. " - ' xnir waa.raiga.n am raMiTeeeaieg aioa for A! stork of marcbaadlae located at 104 riret at. Porttaad, Orecoa. eeoelstinf ef dry foods, fnr- aiaoing aoooa, aoote ana snore, etc.. ana . of the inventory nl nation of 84,80T.M. to gether wltb . fixtures amounting to 8348.30, Bp to Monday, rebel try 4, at 13 o'clock aom. Inesatory and stork may be aoea ea appli cation. -A eaah deyoalt of 14 per cent of amount offered will be required with each bid. and tha right Is reeened ta reject any and all bids. ' -: Dated thla STfk day ef Jsnasry. 1008. - B. L. BABIN, Front snd Aakeny eta.. Portlaad, Orecoa. MEETING NOTICES.' 0BBG0N CIRCLB. Ha 171, W. a W., meets eooaay aifBi la umr aau. corner wu. Masaa eve. aad Bnmeil at., at B o'clock. - " MA BY BANDALL. Clerk. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Rough aoated sable sad white Scotch Collie doc ace T yeare; name ."Tarn:" white L- rrlll blaee . . -n tin . n .kll. aioaad a..k limkaa ai l.ai Ur sablsL teetS Vncn III.,, Amall .In. ulu I.M - I ward. Phone Beat . 470. 0. M. Pluiamer. 46T East Ftfteeath North. . IOST Friday, February i. udy'a cold watch rmarmia ana m. moo a aetune one aloe, rat aa other. Liberal reward for return Mrs Btoa. tl FUU atreet rhona Mala 4840, city. LOST Female setter flog, white with tan ears ana spnte. Knone Mala B7RA, or call 284 North Eighteenth . Street. Bewsrd. HEI-P WANTED MALE. wOOn - Bead sawyer, ratchet -eettar, backer. Carumaa. 10 laborers, at aoea 704 Marouaa) Idf. Na .fee. ..- , 4 . ... , WANTED--Bene man. S3; planertnaa, 88l edg- wrnase. e-i i anoiuserinau. e.ou ; xauymaa, $2Mi tnmher aor tar, $2.36; & mill end ysrd aiea. $8 ap: man to wort In lath mill, $2. IS; B married atea for mill company, out of city, II up; 4 woodcutters. SI cord. We are now doing business af our new v round floor of fice. - Lumoer men's Labor Bureau, 160 First street- . : ." '.v , : WANTED Clerka aad wlndow-draeaera ta etudy eeowcaro-wntinf if i, as. u, A. Blent school; personal tnatroctioa. Apply far par. ticalsrc - v. ir - , . , ; .. i--, , PORTLAND Barber College Tuttloa reaeonable aa mnr seaooi oa coast. . aor risaoors sx. MEN sad woaoen to learn the barber trade la eight weeks. The Mohler system of college win- open- one -of their famous barber schools la Portland about Febranrp 10. Graduatae - asm from 815 to 824 per week.' Only reliable barber col lea In the United States. ftpecM i terms v to first 30 stndentet he lively and St special rates. Address Mohler Systaai llegee, Portlaad, Oregon. . SCHOOL teachers sod etadeuts, elngle ywang anoa betweea SO aad 80 who will want fooil employment during the eamater, write P..O. box 424, Port land, giving particulars. v . A MAN with ar without ranvaaamf experience wanted: has e good opportunity to better Mm self a poo showing hie worth. . Columbia Juo axsjrapb Co.. 871 Wsablagtoa et. , WANTED SI gnpslnter; ahopaaaa. J, P. Elm- flebal. tiat Washington at., .apatalrs. . WANTED-fWicltor Bar brokerage Arm. , Apply to Baoai 404 Defcum bldg.. city: A GOOD opportnnlty for food aerWIeat kiamaece , mea. Amertrea Mutual Benefit Aeeoclallon, 310 AHeky bldf.. ' .... MAN, traveling sorts sad eoutk to take side . line of aroduce eoaaa. Address O 14, ear Journal. .,- , . ... WANTED Everywhere, ha.tlera to tack sares, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no csa . vaaalnc; good pay. Ssa Advertising Bureau, ' Chleaeev . ., CUTTBB wanted, cleaa, aohev yauns man for i country office; $10 a week "to start: refer- eaces rarnirred. TrOmne. Csaby, Or. MEN wauled everywhere, to tack slgas. dlarri . bats as ei plea, elrculera, etc.; $8 to 84 1,000; ' permanent occnpatloa. Americas L'niwa, Pser tV Wdge CklsBfa,, . HELP WANTED MALE. DK.NVBK. OOLOMADO - $M raward tor dlaroaariBa' ' wharaabaala f Will Oman of Danvor. Colorado? halflit, taat 10 larhfa; walfht. HO lba. Laat of July laft riuraauat with amallar boy a hoot bbbm ara. Had paaa for Haaalt: wtahad to - cat to coaat. r. rawortt. lax n aac vaaar n. ALMMBN sararal flrat-alaaa. aiparlaaoad trarallac aalaanaal aieat oama highly raeoia. atan1d; aioa who ara lb la to aara rrooj $4,000 to ao.uuo -a yaar; Btapia i ma ror rauu atar ,,chanta. , Koorn 401. 3M Banaapla ara Mlf i aaapolla. Ulna. - WANTED olx aaparloagad tnaaUaC' aalaaaiaa. or immi am oartiruiara in- iim mm i umr . IJLS2. .bo JTCbjrafOjJU, , ' 00 MEN. goad pay. aarmanaat: paaa elrealara, ; tark alrna; no raaraaalBC OoBttaaaUl Pla trlbntlnc Cd, Ohlcaro. WANTED Maa, arerywaerei food pay; ta dhv triouie eircniera, aa. matter, taca alrna, etc.! aa canaaaalnc. Addraaa Rational 1I "Sg.tw WANTED A dryroeda man aader 40, who . known bow to boy and eell. Is not afraid of ( work flratUes opportunity for tha debt ' atan. Addraaa Merchant, aare Journal.. . . BOY, about IS years, ta da chorea far board and room and attend acbooL Call Moaday, 'Mi WANTED STUDENTS IN TBLEOBAPHY. Tve teach yoa thoroughly aad quickly; poai . tkms awaiting aur fraduatee; evening claaeea; enter any time. Call or write. Paclflf Tela. graph lnatltute, 408 Steams bldf. WANTED AT ONCE Bright younf an, 18 , to 3S yaara, to prepare for comlnf railway - mail Clarke examination; starting aslary 8400 per annum; prertons experience not , nui ua.ary. oea inuneaiataiy a. u. JHayaan, S18 CMambla bldf, 444 Waaklaf toa at, - WAWTBrMFrW-cttalialnenranca Ban. rrrereBcea; aoae otbera need epply, Thornton. an unaaioer ox uoeanierca oioc. WANTED 4 nwa to travel ta each stats, die tribute eamples and adverttee oar good.; aalary 821 per week and expaneee fuaraateed; expenses sdvsaced; ex parlance anaeceeaary. Addraaa, wltb eta Bin. etatlne see sad orca- petloa. Beava Co., ., 4 Dearbara street, Chi- WANTED Young sua with assail capital fa good paying baataeae. Call after 10 a. , m. t, isuH roarta at. . . .. , WANTED Bright, reliable awe to eell the , Mlnnlmax Chemical lira BxtJngalabar la Oee ' ana, WaahlncioB, Inane and Alaaka; both big ':, like It oa the market; Ma eommlaaloa. Ball , way Equipment Co., Kit Chamber ef Com- i, Portlaad. Or. i , MEN nWrwhere, to distribute ear samplaa: S dally; stosdy. aa aaavaaalaf. , OUvar,'' mroe bldf, Cbleaaa. ' ... , PARTNER wanted at once fa a blf money . making buslneae; mast be reliable: .only amall in root meat required. Addraaa M 14. Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE;'. WAITRESS aad take oaah. atnarl place, ' 7 . , week, call B sad 10 today; plala aundreea, . country hotel, S2B; aolored woman for plala wa.hlng and Ironing: abort-order cook. T; pantry womaav 87; fsmllr cooks, kouaegh-la Bat fond rrTrlri. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, BttH WaahlDf toa St., ear. Berantb, apstslra, BANSBN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 441 U Waaklnf. toa st.aor Seventh, anetaba, Paoaa atsTa BOOB. Female help waatad. , PORTLAND B SWING SCHOOL Faetltoaable dreaemaklne. B71H Morriaoa at., aor. roarta. room C. Systaai taeekt. STEADY girl wanted for housework. SIT Mor ris St., near Rodney - see., Alblaa. . i i - MACHINE-OPERATOR Exprrlenced oa ladtea skirts; newer machines. Charles Cooper A mvo, en j.aira . snevaira. . . I WANT a few energetic women; good aalary, , perm an eat poaitloa. Com mar del hotel, room . la. 8 a. B . , ,., . 01 BL for general houaework, ao eoektuf ; saatat wltk chlldtea. 447 Fifth. , EDUCATED, refined, energetic to ea- gage wltk Vltn m pa ny i yvraraacea,. Ajply ( mt mmmmimm wiwia. - . ' I WANTED Oirl for feaeral beueework, . 80S .Marshall at. t . T .,.,, WANTED Hoaeekeeaer for widower with two children, la Lente. Addrass I 14. Jearnal. BTENOOBAPHEB, eaa take ta eutelds work; ' small wages ta commence wltk. Orefaa Law A Collection Co., 417 fan ton kldg. 01 BL for general I as washlne. Can after 10 today, 47 Davis sad Everett., X. Park at, betweea WANTED Tones wemaa aa aoueakeeper. 4, ears Journal. . WANTED noue.ke.pcT i betweea SB aad BS . years eld. by widower 84, S cbildrea; low .. wagee. , M 8. care Journal. WANTED Olrt for llfht boaeawerk. CaU 643 rsaoauver are. .... OIBL to take eare of eafldreav Apply Cos, SOI rust st. M ALR AMO VSMALS HKLP. ! - WANTED Com cet.nt persona to assist la . organising and All bead offices of new fra teraal eorletr carrying elck end accident Bcneata. ' Aaoraea wita stamp, s. u. uick- snaa. Alma, urecoa. . THB NIPPON BMP. OFFICB Jananeee bela furatoaed. 38 Narth Third et Main 41SA. OOOKB, S88. 440 . (weeds crew); wal (ftoe "hincb"; efhers. Rsrrbet eatter; farm- aaao. urasa a, auen vt asoiugtoa. HELP wanted atd supplied, mala ar female. R. G. prake, SOOH Waablnftoa et. Paciae 1870, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG sua wltk borne and buggy would Mke to deliver any klsd of goods from abont 8 a. m. to 4 P. Grand eve. Address G. Pollettl, 148 BT young maa and wife ea farm; only re apectahle yiraena need reply. Address N 18, eare journal. WANTED Poaitloa as engineer ar fireman ny work reaalrinc a sober, honest sad Industrious maa. N 18, eare Journal. WANT FID Poaitloa as Wat oh ma a ar other work around place, to do chores, bp steady, aober man. -u is, care ax sumroai, FOR ALE-A! fine lot ef talkmf perrote, ca nartes. plceone. bantams, etc. Portland Bird Ce- 404 Third St. Phone Bed 881.- . WANTED A home for a bright boy. 11 years old. to cbora and to go to school. 4U Hlxth at. ..i. -. ' ,: WANTED By youag married maa, todoor car penter, cabinet or fumllure Work: refsreanas. aooreaa -rtr- i- nw -usvi WANTED By man of food habits, position to cere for horse end cow and make himself gen erally useful.: Address 0 18, cere Jouraal. , BY young man. hustler, experienced In real estate bnsinssa, anything. I 12, sere Journal. OARPENTEB wants work by day or eaatractt - Job and repair work done. Mala 88A. BNOINEBR-rFlrct-claee license, ewa tad tea tor, BA yeare' experience; food reference. J, W. Miller, lt Ft. SHd St. Phone 8. - ... . . "" TT SITUATIONS WANT ED-FEMALE LADY wants dey work. . Pbona Pacific Ts8. WANTED Position le araall family by mlddle- iiena aoacx oiui. YOUNG Isdy wlahee to assist with hi - at esrbange for pleasant boms and moderate . wages; desires home with elderly couple a email family la Vancouver. Call at 468 Bod- 'aey are. YOUNG lady stenographer would Bke position ta : office where there Is a chases for edvance t meat; wining to start ea a email aalary. I 18, rare Journal. . . ".. WANTED Hoeaek leeptng or chamber k for . buabsnd s room sad board. 1 IT, Journal. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady aarss wishes aaesi-invalld, companion to lady, care chil dren; refers acoa. Pbene Beet 4408, BEFKBENCED boarding-house cook waste peas Haa. M A, tare Jeuwal, - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEUALB er. by reeneetahla aoaaa woman. with elrl atrd B: widower a family preferred. B80H yamolll. Paoea Mala 4414. 8ZPBRIBNCED BwedJah woman aa nook, hotel w nowruma-nowBoi city or aaaurns aau'.a Yamhill. Pbona Mala M1B. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Aejntat aomaUtnc aew) food ealler, wa waaw. auo mcn.ay ataf. - , WB want reliable atea la every town In Oregon w eon aica ana aocraenr uanraaea. raelrle Aid aaaoclatloo, BOO Dakaa bide. ; . nR3T-CXA8Soapea pboto efoata) eoeaethlnf fewi big money. aoairaier . e fatereoa, aooa i aira. AGENTS wanted to Introduce a Bow boaee. Bote laeentlaal' bl( oommlaelon and a . big ..., niana u tjo reaaieioa, ur, a sea ta tn .Portland and taroogh toa bide.- --.e.-.r. ... j AGENTS To handle Magnet avoney-m.klnf Bre. lt vsiinguieDerai apeciai atartiBf orrer; . si ehialea territory) 474 to 00 per month. BADGER CHEM. MFO. CO.. Milwaukee, Wle AGENTS ea aalary or eoeimleakaa; the greateit , .iwiia eener ever proaucea; every near or pan end ink buys It ea eight; 800 to 600 per cent profit; one agent' aalee amounted to 820 In six days; another 881 la two honre. Monroe, Mff. Co., f. Set, La Croaas, Wlsoonsla. , . ... AGENTS make M0 weakly Bailing aor beautiful high art pictures: ssmple SSq; catalogue free. Bherwood A Co., bog 467, Bridgeport, Coua . AGENTS, keep Boated: "Novelty Newe." 171 WsehlogtOB at.. Chlcaro. lllnatrated moathlv, severe novelty ftold. trial thres months, 10c. w"TWANTED Baaponalbla agenta to areeent aa article wnicn aeiis ro ooatneae men and aoaee ttolders oa eight. Call st 814 Abtngtoa bldf. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. ' -. FOB MEN. BS BT, Becoad st. Paoaa Mala IBM. APlNES-CHINESB EMPLOYMBNT OFFICE. Henry Tahara. 84T Bvarett at. Phone Pa. ciBe B4B -, . i , BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY. Help enrolled free. IS North Baoand at. Pbona Mala 1818. , THB Portlaad Employment. 0a. BOSH atorrleea at Pane Paclns S8B. , , , . .. . CABDINATIAN-AMEBICAN EMPLOYMBNT .Co., S Nortk Second, furuuihee all kinds em ploy meat far atea aad wom.a. Mala 8088. BHERWOOD tt B0YT, raal aetata and nploy. meat, mala or female. SOBft 8. Phone Mara 4T8S. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT HOWES. COTTAGES, FLATS, BOOMING HOUSES, STORM. ETC '- Oar rental department bss beea ealarced and provided with eddltnoal staff. Wa invito llatlng from LANDLORDS. . after aeraoaal attentloa to and ooatlnaoas aupenrUloa ever all - property Intrusted to our ' cere. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. - B.- BU- Cesv- 44 aa4 Oak eta.- Pbeae Bsv-TA UST your rental propsrttes wltk aa. Oar rkargee are reaaoaable. and we make every effort to eecure tenants. Western Orevoa Truat Co., 381 Stark at. Phone Pacific 888. IP you want ta rant your rooms or hoaees, Uet . them with tba .Portland Rental Btireaa. 188 Thirteenth ex.; It wUI coat yoa nothing; raal eetate aceats aboald take adrantaga of thla; oar afento will call. Pboee Mala 1688. WANTED To rant euburnaa nlaea wtta grouna, una euitanie to ran a amall grocery; give location and pries. O S. care of Jouraal, WANTED REAL ESTATE.: WB went Bams good farm property la Wean, fngtoa county; we have roatomere waltmg now. We also have bnvars for kama lota close In; could place 8 cottages right away. Mat with ns right away. Brlces- e uru naaiiy W., -183 PHret etc- WB have a buyer for vacant lot ar boaee end jnx. near Maaisoa onago, seat ar west aides. j ne xwexineatai us., zas Stark. WANTED Lot or boaee and let. at once, a aiaaiaon nrlflre, part caak md paysenta. . vim .wnuu. WANTED Small heeae and lot In. 10 nainntaa' Walk af steel bridge; about (2.000: 8800 caeh, BaUoce monthly peymeats. Ne sganta. . I T, - OMl I'WMI, . - i WIIX PAY eaah for B ar 4-room houee betweea ' Burnelde and Morriaoa sts.. aot further inaa a,aax i w.ina. at 7, ears Jenrasl... WANTEDA small home eeet of Seventh street , : 01 "rqo'n ulck. 12.800 to v.vv. agvow. 1 a. care Journal. WANTED Residence lot for eaah or boaee Bed lot on 1 payments, part cash; location betweea Morriaoa and Flandera and Beat Fourth a.aai ruurteeniB streets. He afeata. I 8. cere Journal. . WANTED FINANCIAL. WANJEDjll.000 loan waated. first awrtgacc ??tT?. J.n "rrr fortlaod. Hrnkle A Baker, Wanted miscellaneous ' WANTED ' r jjJJJj. have esatomera for : the rotlewlBg riareware ar mercantile business ta esat- wj h urvins ar wsaningioa. Eoomlng-bouse, will exchange good Pert. . lead property for ssme. " srocery buslneae is Portland ar suonrhs, - . .... . , T. good hoaees for renting, srsrth about V.VW, . i ; h. . . , . .... , I aroma aronertr umrrii 8a Ana to aa aaa Cottafe, le Upper Alblaa or virinlfy jire- Income property la Portlaad worth $15,000 Vacant lot la eood location. 7 ' ': .. . Restaurant, will exchange Portlaad amp. .'.,.,..,... HBNKLb' A-BAKER, 7.'' 31T Ablncua Bide ' PAINTING. BBrflvtna and whitewashing las. ( baeements, b.ras, locks, ete. ; largest gaeollne ' apraytnf ant (It on the coast. M. 0. Morgaa - a us., azs union are. paoaa East 841T. IP yon want food saddle horses ar want to rent Borsee by day or week, or waat anything r ernree or- moved, or waul a sack or llrery ' call up East 8482, T . ; . . . jaiGHEBT CASH PBICB PAID for furniture In any eruaniuy; s I so xaae aame en esmuilaeioa ana fuaraatee best remits. . The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach. prep.. Sit First at. Phone Mala MM. . YOUNO ladr deatrae rvnearritne work to Aa st borne evenings, each ss copying letters. saareeeing enveiopee, wrappers or say aind of typewriting work: ewae Underwood ate chine. J 14. care of Journal. WB have the buyers, must have the properly, reel or personal; furnish male aad female -, kelp. - Writs or phone sad we will call. Mala r bibs. o. at O. Sap. Keel Estate Co., lift , North Foartb et . WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD . THING. . WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827. S WASHINGTON, PACIFIC TBA PONES DOES 8PBAYINO, PRUNING, WHITBV "WA8HINO.f'- ? ,'- , . WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.t STOBAOB apace for rent Apply Portland ' Wereheese A Traaafer tie. Phone Baaf 64V7. FONES WILL 6IVB FIGURES ON SPBAYINQ. PIBST-CLASS smell tsfe for sale; beea used : only one year. Calef Bros., 284 East Morriaoa. WILL buy Improved smelter stock; give num.- of shares . end price. Address 0 JT. Journal, WANTEM One food yonnf Scotch collie shep herd dog; also a home suitable for driving, saddle end light arm work. . D 14, Journal WANTED Smell second hand safe. I B, ears Journal. WANTED Child to cam for; , ressnaabla. I aval, care Journal. WANTED-otogrepber'4 oulflt 8x7, Iraa, .fra ees. washing and flilng Boxes, tanks. ,(Al4W awst be cheap. It t. wa Jeuraai. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTED Bolltna daek. 4 or 4 foot, ' Tel. Haln 1474 or call Sua McKay bldf .. 4 to A WANTED Care of baby! food home. .Addraaa M 8. eare Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT POB BENT Nice faralsked roam la private reeldenee, 1 bajck rrom earllne, Ko. BeO Eaat Alder aad Twenty -eertnth als. Paoaa Baat MB OBAND, 44H North Third etc Booms Car aeoiiomaa fi.eu per waa a sad an. THE RICHELIEU. US NORTH SIXTH ST. Blcfaatly farnJahed, a team beat aad baths. 60 0 to tha Portlaad Rental Bureau, 188 Tblr. teenth at, If yoa are looking for roams, with or without board, bouaekeeplaf-nioBia . or e noueaf wa win tocate you rree or caarga; ' don't run all over tba city. Phone Mala 0NB Urge front room. 88; Margin at 1 b lor In , north eteel .bridge; phone. Call or phone njeai oooo. enominfa. r . -. , . , NICELY furnlahed rema, 141 Thirteen tb et corner Alder et : " .-. w. . 835 CLAY . Nicely fnmlahed aouaekeeplnf THREE nlcelr famished rooms. 818 - month. Forty-third it. and Hsartborna ate, ea ear NICELY furnished Dedlum-siaed rooms; bath. eaa, poone. iw rare St., Dear atorrteoa. NICE, Ufbt well farnlihad room; hot and cold . water, fee, furnace heat, sleo parlor mantel : i-none maia owiu. iia . jatu at. FOB RENT 8 nicely furntabed rooma. private .amuy ; gaa, net a, pnonel eaey walking dia- ocv, rrivrencan. fiM)4 m Horrleuh at., room 3. mem mia. . NEWLY furnished rooma.'- alnala or aa antte sleo llfht aouaekeenlngi ana front room with alcove, S ar S fentlamen; electric light, bath. mm ram ax. ........ ,, ;; . NEWLY furnished front parlor, callable tor one or two prreooa; easy walking oiatanca to baal , nem center; price reasonable. 868)4 Ttk St. Phone Pacific 104X , v . 048 8TH ST. Nice room, new boaee; eleetrla ; lights, beta sad phone 1 private family; S 1 FX7BNISBED room for. rent ta private fem ur i una location, aaooera, omx, gaa, nnone. Inquire 8H West Park at, near Stark. Phone Paclfls 481. , . , ' . 84TH FIFTH, ahova Mala Heated traaatent 1: light rooma. doable beda: B1A0 wash and apward.."... , . , . . , .,. COM rO STABLE furnished reams; prlcee right; neui, gaa, pnnne; a oiocxa xram xtotai rsrt lanA 84 Taylor at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. fl.TB PER WEEK Large, elaaa faralshed nouaekaepinf rooma; Uundry 4S4 bath, ,144 Sharmaa. South Portland. ' mm MITCHELL, Flaadera , and - Seventh Boome, aouaekeeplnf and i transient; eoa vealeat; prlcee reeeensble. J-0R- -RENT rnrulabed hooaakeepUig -rooms 4 naex nnca Diock oa eeet siae; fas raafoa, bath. ate. ; ao transients; prices moderate. Lngaa. blk.. IO814 Union ere., corner Bast Aider. Pkeaa Bast 4824. : , . S UNFUBNTSHED hauuokeeptof-tsoms; lifbt. bone, bath: cheap to adults. 044 Thirty, to sauna. . vo Phone Bast 4B4S. imra aad Dlrlaloa. Bice- car. S FUBN1SHED laekeoptBC-roe phoae, 88 per month. CaU 044 Seventh at. BAY-WINDOW suite, Bret - Soort 'gaa range, furnace heat 143 North Sixteenth. Paoaa West 3881. ..,-,... CI'EAN, alee reome; gaa, porcelain bath, beet; - walk lac ntataace;. 342 Fourteenth et.; alngle. mam adwa. . , . (- -. , .... FURNISHED, on furnished honsekeeptag aad sleeping rooma, cne m; aaiai 471 ' 88 Tenth, aesr Stark. ! FURNISH BB Dinar-' vejbwjsi modern boaee. as, joumai. - . PUBNIBHED and unfurnished housekeeping . rooma, Portland Heights; Inquire at grocery . siorv, oax a weniieia ex. PI VB well ftnnlahed rootne. with piano, bath. , gaa. large yard with fruit, B blocks from car nna. roeoe sast iMia. ; POB BENT Two gentlemen eaa eat alcely fumlehed en any front room, with family: beet, gas, bath. Another alerly famished ; room, same accommodations; a lao asms very nm nouaeaeepinc anitea; cieea an. reans raa eonable. Call 808 CUy. . Pboae Mala 5157. WANTED To rent 8 I 4. mm Journal. fumlabed coffee hease 14RH BTH ST. A tew alee hooaekeeplng S PLEASANT fnmlahed front rooma for light , housekeeping, with gas and bath, for re spectable couple er 3 lad leaf Inqatre from aioa p. m. er evenings, : eus nmt at., fiat F. THB TTLF0BD. 3T1H Third sc.. ear Jeff era on vimi. m i-i i -7 i. , lu T also light housekeeping; brick bulMlricTcssttTl-? Boo stores, grousd Boer.- Waahlngtoa ex.", ' hath sud poena; raaaoasbie. S NICE fumlabed boueekaenlna , .bath; Brat Boor; $13 get month. '. Journal. ,. . , . TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma, nri. vsre bouaa. 83 ' Nortk Sixteenth. Bear FUa. dera. Pboae Main 8871. 7 , . QUIET, clean, homelike suites fnmlahed seeping rooms; gaa. nam. etc.; come and see how reasonable. Phoae Mala 4448, 348 Mont- si. ... -... LA BOB sunny bousekeentog room, furnished. $8 per mouin: nna ror a f eauemea. , SOB Hau, etweea 8d aad 4th ata. $18 TWO extra alee large rooms, unfurnished or partly rnraissea; gas, bath, beat, pboae, use of laundry. 848 Harrison at,. 827 THIRD St., bet. Clay end Market Ground floor suite of 2 rooma, fumlabed for house keeping. ... i .... ,7 . -V ..i . THB LINDA VISTA, B4TH Fifth at., above stain, ror ngnt nooaeteepmg first sad second j floor: 3 front anitea; all rooms lifbt; ethers; electric lights : rates low.- ROOMS AND BOARD. v-." UNION HOTEL. St North Sixth et, errree th nest meal; rates, room $1, board 44.00 par week.' J. "Anderson. frvp.' , LIN DELL HOTEL, Fourth and Market New brick, elegantly furnished. Modern throughout; rates reasonable. ., .,, .r . ROOM and hoard j bath, heat, electric lights) working parson preferred. 434 Bask Morrison. ROOM, board and housekeeping rooms, fin relneetu: every rasper ti- rood pteao. 404 Bast' uau ex. 1 none aaat aaie. ,. .. WANTED 3 more bcardere, with er without mouai; an pome com ror ta; bath aad tele phone, .180 Sixth st ,. . '. , . . . .. ROOM sad board la private family, reasoasMe: borne rooking.' SB North Eighteenth, Bear Weehlflgton. . - FOR RENT FLATS. , THEY ARB NEW ONES. ' p . Three brand-new flats oa Columbia et, $80 each; modern, wltb veraadas and bark yard; 'good locality, fins view. Hee them today. . Nearly new modem T room flat, 8th at., S82.A0; ne Hetter fist in tows for the money. and a number of good bosses both sides of the river. - , , PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON; t :...,, B. B. Cor. 8d end Oak sts. -; ... ' ' Pbone Bxchanga 72.' ' ..'.- r... - I FLATS. New modern 5-room flat! gas range, shades, large, light attic cement basement wood elevator: oas hkrrk from earllne; fins residence location; cheap rent to right parties. StW B. 24th et Pboae Baat MAS. , MODERN 8-rnom flat m e block nortk 84 steel Ineelre 288 Larrabee. midge, fronting river. Ft'BNISHED 4 room modem flat rented. tsU 2 Ualoa 4e. I' 278, .....,.'.,. .. ... . ' ;.-,.' UNFunr::;:iD rooms. T?"J, JnfaraleHe rooms, kewer floor, walk K.Ji ""?- D'"th, tocludlnf watari a narfaln. I 1. Joornal. . 4 j FOR RSNT STORES-OFFICES. IP- Bfartilahed, and aamnlaooaar ales eLVeatZ." W,W4B OWf. . APPV t . the OFFICESaad rooms. Lewis bulldlag, , Inquire I. L. White, 8o4 Dekunt bids. r ? OFFICB rooms, ua furnished rooms aad sample raoms fog rant , Geodnoufh tauf. Apply ele- X MLACKSMITH shop faay rent, with er without living rooms. 7u Dlvtaloa St. s , CLEAN, light, weH ventilated outside off Wee ,Sf second floor. 3B1H Stark st; steoosraphar to attendance, end telepbooe, llfht aad heat; privilege of street signs. ., , . " ,. , TORfROOM',- JM-Tenth end Everett eti:( . food location for saloon, grocery or drOggUt . WUlUm Deaholnn Felling bldf' , ' FOR RENT Fine large atom with large dry gvfont basement U 11, cam Jooraal. FOR RENT-FARMS.' SMALL farm for chickens, garden, da try) bouse, barn, fruit; 86 month; near ear llue. 404 ' A ok any, cor. Sixth. , ' ' . 80 ACBES wlthla city limits, is cultlvsttoa. Inonlm In store, 810 Union are., cor. Falling. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI :: TURE FOR SALE. ; : SWELL new furniture of six -room bouse, rente fur $15 per mouth; bath and gaa; three rooms urmr bju war montQ, snw-Brut tasa poaaee, alou: a snap. (!all today, 40 tloldasaith sirsos, on ij oariiue, . . MUST sell furalrum of. lo-room house Immn oiaieiy; aoy old pnea; reat $. AIM Mont gomery. 1 PUBM8HED S-reom Bat for Mat: flne Iocs, tloa, modern, near furniture, or will eell ui.hbw mst e w. vui a irat ua. . . .. -BOOM hoose for rent and fare I turn for aale, complete, on aissi Morrison St. . FOR RENT HOUSES. REDUCED BENTS. . $40 Handsome, now sad etrictly . modem nrnsa oao miu.' 880 Beautiful, sew end up-to-date T rooms, Bast Thirty-third aad SsmnllL -. - $lNew and modem 8 rooms, Moataaa rv. ana vnnrca er. - $18 Strictly modem 4 rooma, 813 Oantee beln eve. ..........' v ' . . .. $18 Nice 6 room cottage, large' lot, choice zruit, wa suisa, near union are. 818 Very desirable 7 -room cottage, 188 1 a;aat mirry eeventn. : $13 Bo Beautiful and1 aew 4 room cottage, B84 Division. . , 118 Neatly furnished B-roora cottage,. Bait . svrTj-iiiin. near oisrs. . THB DUNN-LAWRENCP1 COMPANY, -. 14814 First St. ., ' "f- -BOOM fumlabed bonee, Baat Taylor; rants tor SHf, riwii ma-mioniu nw. v u, mrsll. KADDERLY JTRANSFERXa. prompt and r- iiaoie pieno aim rurnitum mover. ; a lao e tor age. Phone Male 1485. Office, 110 N. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY :; -.848 stark et V Wltl rent your house; T t'-' .t ".;", Will Bud a house for yoa. -. Bee ea er Phoae Mala 1878. -BOOM etrletty fraabls ess. alshed througbout: fine locatloa. waat eld a. 410 OommmUl bldg- . - OO0D HOMR. Owner vacating attractive home ef B flrenlace. ass. two nice bedroom a oVivmetalra. yard, playhouse; cheap te right person; walk, lag 41st i nee to buataeee center. . Pboae Ex change 73. ' , . 7, ,., FOB RENT. $14 4-roora house. 884. Mildred . st. balf block to Union svs. car. Call 43d Surma n st . rboos Uatoa 4874, 1 FOR RENT 10-room house, fall cement baee. eat. full-, lot sll morlsra - Imwenvemeiitsr . rent reesonablrt located at 844 North Second . st., Hollsday's addition, seat aide.. . Pboae Baat 8743. .. . ,. .. '" S83 SECOND, modern Main 4454. ., ? , A NEW medern 4-room bouse. 3d Taggsrt et., -Bear Beveatroatb; take Waverly ear; $17 per , month. F . 1, -cars Jouraal. T-ROOM bonse for rent. SIB. 875 Uadlsoa et COTTAGE. 48 Baat Cltntoa. betweea 18th sad Both streets; laqulrc 73 Srd street. H. Slaa. FOR RENT Modem 8-roem cottage, eloae la. - 4BS Bast Oak st 'Phoae Eaat 48. ; A BARGAIN Nice S-rsoei heajse, newly tinted, modem and a good yard. ' Roes st, near Cherry.; Portland Trust Company of Oregon. B. E. cor. Third aad Osh ' eta. . phoae Ex " change- T3. .-. - -, BBnrCTID RENT - , - - , unforslahed.. Waahlngtoa et near Sixteenth; aecoad . aad - third Boor of brick hnllrilnai 874 nar montb: lease tr deelred. 8ox ech ' store end bakery, Fourteenth end Flaadera, . $25. .'... ...- ' 11 ronma. . suitable - for rooming -hones, Fourteenth st.', $20. ' POBTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 1 ..,. , ,. S. B. cor. Third sad Osk,. -.. . - '- " j Phone Bicbaage TS. - P0R RENT 8 room boaee. Bow; Srepteee; cor ner lot -B40 Best Dsvts; ., ..- s FOR LEASE 4-room cottage, furnished. Bass Line rood. Bear a tree tear Una, barn. Urge ehlrkea-yerde, fruit 1 Bora ground: 820 per month; references . required. . Inqulm .OS 10 ire et. MODERN 4-raors flat, corner Diana aad Benton. Inqulm 434 Larrabee St. Phone Union east FOR BENT Good 8-room house sad barn. Bun- nvelde, 4 1 loo per monin. inquire nu aaai Thirty-fourth St., sunnyaiae. , n. BEW and modem T-room - house, near steel , bridge. Inquire 805 Boas at, -or to Blnnott ' A Hlnnott real aetata agents, 535 Chamber ' ef - Commerce. ' BY owner. 34th and Eaat Madawa, 4-room cat- tags. Phone Baat 14no. . FOR RENT A sia-room cottage, hot and cold water; fruit trees on puie; reus pis per axinta. 30U zna xamain erreex. - FOR RENT New T-rnom house, good locatloa, ... - m.t aul v,i,M oi-Imm n. $38 MODERN B-mont flat, near steel bridge. ea.t SMC. weamra n-egnu jrui vo.. SUA Stark st FBoae Pacific 483. ., , '" $30 ROOM modem houee, McMlllea at., easy waiaina oisiaiiw. .ei-ni irvaiio. Aruafc Stark st. Phone Pacific 68. $304 IXrWBB rooms; 48 North- loth " Wear- em iiTcgon irusi mi sua aiars it. r bone Pacific 408.' . "... I- . FINE 10-room bouae. corner, wltb yard, walking aisiance. s-io. t-au tiuo narqu.m. . atala uita. BUSINESS CHANCES. ! l HAVB the beet money-making bcclnese on the ooeat; to the right man them la s for- tune; ne one but those tbwp mesa baslaees .... need apply.. Phone East 4908., .i FOR SALB Half Interest In, aslnon; good buslneae ai,d good locatlou. . Addreee MS, '" eare Journal.- '.- , ...... MERCHANTS . .'':'...;. If yon ere rookmg foe . a good general march s oil Ise baalneaa near Portland, see B: i. Gelaer. i omaon st SEE this deer sad confectionary atom; doing . good business; positively 4 bargain at Atoo, ' Call st 221 Morrison st, room 8. . - . WIGWAM SALOON. 28H First St. Elegant Axturea, large aback, very low rent; one of 7 the, best saloon Vocations la city: fixtures for sale and building for rent Particulars I B. Thompson A Co., 328 Third. ON account, ef other hoslnese, clothing, bat, v shoe end furnishing business, in Tlirsmook. , Oregoa; will cell stork and leaee building 7 38x100 feet arranged, for general merchandise, t or wilt remove stock (nd Vessel good opening " . for live maa. TODIl A CO., Tillamook, Or. AM OPBNINU hotel sad saloon, want part nee JflU Addrass 0 14, aara ewmaal, Wantltf'lates PKDER ANY CLABBIFICATIOM Five Cents Per Lbs ' ' " - .7 I... . ..,., ... No ad taken for lees than l8e pa day. Beren words, as a rule, constitute a Una, but each line la chaffed regardless af tbt number of words. WZAJTLY RATE T Insertions flacladiag ' 0110 Sunday lasue) SB Co 4 nar Use per week. ' MONTHLY RATE (Including all Banaay issues et per line per atoata. ADVEBTISEMiaTTB must be la Journal business, eface by IB o'clock week daya ana ay 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Snnday issne. to secure classification. DISPLAY RATAB givea upon applies tloa at xss otaea, 7 '..,, . ;1li-;:'rTHl?:,J0raWAi' ; si .. f BRAJfCH OFFICES i.;-', '.'., ADVXBT1BEKEBTS ':fJ"l:f-i;- Will he : r.c.lv.4 - at regular amam-efacs fates. Followlaa is a list af anthnrlseA SCOHte- Whe-mlll,-.Xnrwav4 aenv aos..l.e. taauei i PbUcatlo is the aaat ' 7 BOBTB, SIDE, " " S. A. Preerari. Jn.rilt ' mrmmmmJAAmM sad Thunnan etreete. "on' 11 111 I'asrraacy, 880 .Gusaa . street cor ear Twenty-orat. " ' J ,, - W Allen, pharmacist Slrtaaath aad Marshall streets. Meuoasmoa's Pharmacy, - Blnetaeatb aad Wsablagtoa trssts, . . . rl'womu on.' 0. V. TfltlBB aftt rWa a.eaaa.BakAiaB aumat Olhhs streeto- " r- " atrSeti!1 Dru' . eompeny. .FJrat and Oraat ..Zbta Erarley, arnggtat 408 Jtfferaoa ireet. corner Tenth. ' 7 Bettman'a pharmacy, corner Sixth : and Harrison etreete. Plummer Drue? 00m nan v. 8A0 rhlrd asanas. coracr Madisoa. ' .. . . ' , XABT BIDS. " W. B. Love, avueetar . w m ai -J and East Burnelde atreet Nichols A Tbomneoa. IBS " eaves. corner Alhlna avenue. ' ",'k V"" rampsay. comer Hawtborae sad Grand avenues. w. C. Cable, dmgglat eoraar Hallsdsy venue end Larrahe atM.1 aese eteel bridge. - '" - " 7 - B, A. , Wilson, JSS Orasd svsass. , sear Ea M"rriaon. It w. Ball. BBS Inst Bevantk street a Stevtherav Tattle's pksrmary, BBS UlaalMlppi sveaae, comer Shaver street - , . - noKLAjro. " . - F. J. Osrk. druggist 1008 Berth Uslea sveaae. - - . " - -i ( ' V BUBBYB1DB. 4 7. " , , - ( V.' B. Wsrih. BbaesiactaA aaa BUlasaaA street. . , .. ,. ' ..7.', v BB00BXTV. 1 Brooklva M.rm..s mm.. sVsmsll .si Mllwsakls streets, .. . j-"-.".: :abxra. orjcoost.'-- Arista Pharmacy. Mom aad Foster arrests. SFJXWOOD. : Hsmatock'g Pharmacy. 448 TTmSrllla sea. aaa, corner Bast Thirteenth atreet Elllett'4 phsrmacy, .1 , ' BUSINESS CHANCES. WB have property la the fsi wbeat-eeowlne belt a of eaetera Orecoa and Washington: apple and barrr lead la rha mocb-tslkwd-of . Hood River valley: hop land and dairy ranchte in tba Willamette valley; and up In the Umpqua valley the land of big yal- ' low peacaea are have eome vary nice fa , sad stock rsnrhee; our prlcee em as low as the lowest aad we will alee yoa the best of terms ea any ef thla property;, we- will take . sa part payment good I rar Portland property 1 now If Ufa hem Is your chance. 1 jmsnx gwa improved ov urumprovea V'or further l.(srni. tloa call st nor office. - . , . NORTHWEST LAND C0 " V -.' . . .. 308 Caadaaash. bldg. ,. ;'.; FOE ft ALE At grocery, elean stock. , Invoice 81.800:' e a nap If taken si once: located la . central - part 4f Willamette . valley. . B B. . WILL eay blgheet prleae for Hurst Bwlt-ri etocs nerom ewitca foes oa rcaui ; any aiaa blocks handled. D. 1- Kelly A Co., box 15t, New York City.- H. Y. . .. ..n POB SALB Ootid gar erst merchandise a tore la nmoer town or sno population, located ea railroad la weatera part of Willamette . valley, 78 ml lea smith of Portland. For par. tlculan write or Inoulra of J. C Vas Oradal ; A Sob. Rasl Batata Dealers. Dallas, Oragoa. GOOD paying pawnshop for Bale; eld established business. Ta food location, long lea less, will stand closest Investigation. . Security Office, 81H V. Sd st . . . Lose BEST buslneae chance In Washington; $5,008 nu ye aair interest IB general a lore. . a. w. , Kates A Co., White Salmoar-Washtagtoa. ., FOB SALB Half Interest la pa tat aad wall. paper business m good eaetera oregoa city, N 8, eare Journal. . . BOOMING HOU8B for sale. 8400; 14 rooma. near city pan: mil an winter-, leaving the ' city. ' Phone Pacific 504. " MONEY-MAKING BNTEBPBISB The great -- Hunt Bwltcb Invention will soon go on road; x large factory near fair srmonda! can't beat " - xny prlcei t ear selling the- llnrst- stock at a nig discount, feu end vie convinced. . w. J. Curtis, 014 Commercial block. Pboae Mala r 4384. r .. 1. ,. .' ., .. t - : - , ' 66 OLD-ESTABLISHED Sre aad awtne laaorsnca ageary wants maa who eaa cecum hoslnese; . . If you succeed will cell It Interest, which 7 ' will pay pee month i 30, JonraaL.1 A GOOD paying restaurant , cigar and rvmfec . tlouery stsnd; flxturee complete, 'Addraaa 7 303 Second at-,1 The Dalles. Orecoa. ' WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.t . -.. , BAWMII.I-Oood condition, rood location, good , boelneea; 18 000 feet dallv capacity. Ad ' drese Fred Spire. Ooldendale. Washington. - JBWELBY buslneae. small stork, fine repair trsde. ra thriving valley tows. Jeweler, cam I Joomsl, : .-. . , ,. f8n0 DOWN and 11(1 aioathlv bttva exceritlon ally good well finished, well located 17-rooin . corner room tag bonee In flue district near - Washington el. ( prim enty $500. Horn Lsnd Co., 145H First at ' ,. SI BOOMING HOUSES for aale. prlcee S-Wft . and apt 8 restaurants. $IM and np 8 cottages . for rant: 3 tnrnl.ried cottagss for tent. See ! H. H. Hlgley. 878 Taylor st. , t . , ; FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE for farm a, cite properly In Portland or vleialty, a new hotel with 34 rooms, lot 100x100. worth Bft.ftriO. on the main line -of 8. P. ft. R..-In a good "town over 150 miles from Portland; thn reaana ' for aelllng la 111 health. Address R 11. cam ? Journal, r .... -- . ., --r.7 - ,, 7 THB greatest railroad switch " Invention of modern times is now en eihlhltlon at SOS McKay bktg.t atock in this corpora tloa can , be purchased at a htg dlacnunt by calling ua ' W. j. Curtis, 315 Commercial blook, I'boue - Main 68R4. .... FOB SALB Omarlng geoersl store la factory ..town; cash trade; tare stock B tlmea; low expenses; discount Address , Early Bird, mm Journal. . . . FOR SALB 0B LEASE FOR TEBM OP FIVE YEARS. . Tract at 8.200 acres of hnnck-graee and ; kbeadow, prairie '. land. 1 Washoe county, ; Nevada, B0 miles from Orecoa line, at $4.04 per acre mah or lease ssme for - fire yeam at 10 cents per acre first year, 30 cents 7 per acre per year thereafter. Leaaee to In. v eloae tract during first year 1 urltb aah--. stantlal wire fence at his own ' expense. . Hent parable first of sack year during . term. Address room No. 11 221V. Morrl ' soa atmet Portland, Oregon. . . , . : . - MRRCMANTBI 7 - -t.. . ' f have good moneT -making country etocca from 81.5O0 no to tari iioc). which will 4tan4 . your cloaeat investigation, ' F. FUCHS, 148Vk first Street. 7 W0t?LD you Invest year money la a eemuier. rial enterprise If your capital was amply secured and good returaa guaranteed I have , an Interest In the development of as e . ceptlonal Portland enterprise backed by mea . of promtnence and hlgheet integrity. - Let me present Its merits to yon. . Address V. ' O. bog 80S. ' ' ,: FOB SALB One af the beat located eon fee. tloneries in Vancouver, ashlngton, on ac. count of aickneea. Now la the time l. kiio b'forc the men. Fine for candy makey. Phone j lea. oyf aisisi lion. - , POR SALE Slock of groceries and htrdwere. wen incatcii, ia goou ihwb; iieya 2u peg Seat aaaaaU. Addrscs I A, 4m JouraaA, ; 1