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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
cr.-w'c:i dailv jour.:.Ai; fcctlaiid, Friday evznino,. fet i.uasy t, it:?. TOwrrropicsl , Bakar.... ... utV Paatagrt ' Mtar .... ' Uraud ... Vlualcal Barlaeque 'HueUsaa la New Vora" "Loat, p.atr" vauaeiue ' The plan of th Portland board of ..' trad to unite each county of tb UU la publishing a. book on "Oregon." ap plying th appropriation of 11.00 Pf county, authorised by th stat legisla ture, and attending about 140,000 In ' printing and distributing th book. . receiving favorable consideration from 'th various counties, aocordlng to renort read at a board meeting ps terday ' from Secretary. Leber, who U now working In southern Oregon on the plan. , Thirty-three new members wr vote4dmls!lon. -Tha municipal. fran. mis eommltioe reoortod that arrant ments are comolet and prospects good ;' for a large meeting next Tuesday even- mg at naigies nail, to aiecuna ine xran Mblsquestlon aud municipal belt, tin now befor the eltlsens and tn eity council-Xo-consideration Among the speakers will b .May pr.Ianfi. F. I- Mo- "Kenria,Wr It" Galvanl and F. A. Johns. The 'Janitor at the Falling school, 'First and Hooker streets, reported to the police yesterday that a number of i young hpodluuis have been making; .th steps and vestibules or jhe building a : . rendeavoo at night.- Every-night, he ays. th boys, who smoke cigarettes. throw matches) around, and h collects a ' handful In the morning.; Fearing that .the building will be burned, tb janitor wants th police to keep th boy away. " " Chief Clrltsraacher ha instructed th patrolmen to watch th school at night . .ind arrest any hoodlums wbe may con gregate there. ' "I'.C-V.u"!..,. . ; "Resolved, That th United ; States - should stabllsh a system of ship sub- . sidle." was th them debated by the To Logelon society of the Portland High school st Its annual debate last night The judge decided in favor of ... .Oeorge T. wllnon and Earl Marshall for the affirmative, agalnat Olenn Bridewell and Btuart HacOonald for the negative. A farce comedy entitled "Th Trial of Peter Bloper," was given - by , th members of tb society after th debate, . . 7S eantsi eundln Portland to southern Oregon points has been granted by th Southern Pacific, and will b effective February 10. The nm nlilpiwaMt mt Ihl. rata -mtl fre 1.100 pounds. The rate on cereal and breakfast foods from Portland to th same territory will on February II be reduced to it cents per 100 pounds f nrsnts Pass, with corresponding rate . to adjacent territory. , Ben Osata, a Japan, Who la re rused Of stealing 100 belonging to. W. Kulnmato, a contractor .employing Jap anese In railroad work near Htlisboro, . wss held to th grand Jury yesterday on preliminary examination before Police -Judge Cameron, - His bond was fixed at tl.SVO. Osata was arrested at Vancou ver. - British Columbia, " where he had fled, and was brought back to Portland by Detective Hartman. -.' Charles Pierce a wall, known com merclaL traveling, man of Portland, Is III at Msrahfleld. Oregon. He haa writ ten friends here that he hope to b able 10 attend to business within the . next two er three weeks. Pierce spent th holiday with San Francisco friends, and it is thought that th .damp winds of California cauaed his Illness. He haa been sick In Marshfleld sine th first of tb year. '.''. Having secured a- lt-year leas On propertratUi.aonthwaacorner . of Fifth snd Osk street. Oeorge Daromeler will Immediately begin rotlon of three-story brick building on th sit, which will be fitted for storerooms. .Adjustments ar now being mad with the present tenants to vacat or occupy - room In th new building, which will cost about 111,000. Kdward Holman do., th leading funeral directors, have the finest estab lishment, the flneat goods, - the finest "vehicles and the moat reasonable price. Fin broadcloth covered caaketa, - tilt . and $J0. Th flneat wood goods mad, from lll to J0. Parlors 2J0 and 111 'J bird BL, cor. Salmon, Portland, Or. - K. H. Temple of Higglnavllle. Mls- soiirl, has requested th police" to locate nis brother,-w. H. Temple, who left his noma xor Portland - Ave year ago. Tempi I a streetcar conductor. He has not been heard , from sine be reached Portland. i RewilrnanJPar th Montavilla Baptist Church. rison street Is st St. Vincent's hospital suffering from Injuries which h olaims were caused by the accident, but which Dr. A. C. Panton says resulted from an old trouble.. Th ear struck th rear of a wagon In which Nudelman was rid' log and h Jumped or was thrown out. He thought his leg was broken and was taken to tb hospital. This morning Dr, Panton mad an examination and says inat ne "can-rind no indication - of broken bone nor any other Injury re sulting rrom the rail or Jump, la - Spirit Photography ' Possible? Frank N. Foster, greatest living spirit photographer, will demonstrate the pos sibility of obtaining the features of your aepartea rrienas on tne sensitive plate. itev, Nageii roster win give spirit me aags, getting the full names of your spirit friends. Material lie tion and inde pendent slat writing by B. I Foster bring your own slates. , Collection, IB cants. 100 Aider street Sunday T:I0 P. m. - Under ausploe f th Bible Spiritual Society. . - The Red Front clothing satabllshment. Flrt and Tayloriwlll bt thronged with ladies tomorrow. The roprletaciiaAi ipr hd w woolens from the Oregon City woolen mills as fins woolen fabrics aa are mad In this coun try ordinarily (ailing at I J. It.lO and tl Per yard, and tomorrow will offer them tolhe Woiueu uf ruitlsnd at 1 ana l.60 per yard.' Hare s a splendid opportunity to secure s superior woolon cress patters st litu expense. As s result of trylnar to clav elevator Doy yeeteroay afternoon Milton Froh man, s clerk at Neuatadter Bros.' store, wss caught between the floor of the ele vator snd the first floor of the building ana severely squeesea. Tb elevator bey arrived on th acene In tlm to save th young man serious Injury. Toung Prohman was taken to Good Samaritan hospital but examination showed that hs had sustained no Injuria of conse quence w. J. Lyons haa left th Eaat Side bank, of which be haa been cashier for the last seven yeara. and la now'aaao -elated with W. J. Clemens In the Cham ber of Commerce. Mr, Clemens Is local agsnt of the American Surety company ana Mr. .Lyons taxes charge of the bond. lng department He entered on his new duties yesterday. Mr. Lyons Is widely and favorably . known? among business mnr Beautiful sunshine but w can tak your photo In cloudy as well as In the fairest weatherverlknown This Is the result of modern equipment with which our gallery was completely sup plied when- we moved into our new studio In th Elks' building. Seventh and stars. E. W. Moor. Werner Petterson, Isak E. Norgard and' Carl C. Vane hav filed articles of Incorporation In th county clerk's of fice for th North Tailors Gentle men's Furnishings company. Tb capital atock Is $7,000. A. J, McDonald has begun s suit for a dlvorc from Fannie McDonald, al leging that his Wife ileeerted hlmln -theraprlng of Kill. Th couple wer married at Sarins, Ontario, Canada, D rarnber t, lti. After s lingering Illness, Mrs. Elsl V. Krats died at her home, Itltt Elev enth street, .yesterday. She was the wife of August Krats. snd was 21 years or age. Death was th result of tuber culoma. - , . J. , D. Pfelftr, s sawmill laborer of Coburg. Lane county, has filed a petition JUL.bankruptcy In tb iedaral eeurt. H eays his liabilities ar I577.H and his assets 1171. ; . . -posts y on nothing-to- knw-th eraot condition of your ya. All tests ' free. .- Lns from 1 up. Exclusive optician, 1st Fourth atreet, near Yam hill... . ; . ' -r , : Th Second Church of Christ' Sclent. 1st has secured th Elks' hall In th new building, for Its morning snd wan ing services on Sunday and Wedneaday. Miss Nellie Fsnnlng la first reader. ',... ..--''ft l l '1- Everybody who has ' usd Rainier Mineral soap cannot sy enough In Its praise finest " thing " for ecxema or chapped handa. Grocer and drug- Ktsts sen it , "," ; - " Tb Crystal Ice tt Storage company has broken ground for s 111,000 addi tion to its plant on the east side. Th building. will b completed within 00 days. Watches, Watches, Watches On easy week. -Don't go -without a good time piece. Metiger Co., Ill Sixth street, - At Tempi Beth Israel Dr. Stephen S. Wise will preach this evening at t O'clock on True Optimism, or th Scorn of Consequences" . "Jay It. Upton, his mother snd sister. Mrs Jtyland Or-Seott, left foe Wella4 Walls last evening to attend the funeral of C B. Upton. , There Is nothing for any kind of skin diseases like Rainier Mineral soap try It Teu can get It from your grocer or druggist . ; Th Oregon Equal Suffrag associa tion will meet tomorrow st 1:10 p. m. at 101 Sixth street Members ar nrged to atUnd. .- - t-" WanteoV-at-feaMarquam-buUdlng, head sawyer, ratchet-eetter, bucxer, yardman, 10 laborers. Apply at one. , Gold medal for lawn grass and sweet peas. Butaer, seedsman, : llfr Front.-"- Be John Dellar ad. pag 1. It will save you money on your, overcoat or .suit ,'-',. . As s result trf Jumping or falling froih Tils wagon. ' which waa struck by a streetcar st Third and Madlaon streets 1t night, David Nudelman of til Her- Hewett, Bradley & Co. ; .. . ... . .. ..... 0 .. . . .. . . .... . . Shaw- Knit Hosiery WW CARRTJl COMPLETa LINE. OF THE .JUSTLT -j CELEBRATED"SHAWKN1T' . hosiert; ALL WEIGHTS, " BLACK AND WHITE FEET. k " ALL'SZKS. ' . - " . ' 344 VASH1GTCN STCEET ... " NEAR SEVENTH, v All watches cleaned. 1. All main springs, $1. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth Merchants' Washington. lunoh too 11 to I. tlT Wantecl Djamond. 111 Chmberof iommerc. j s Dr. JO. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marqaam. Ask for Frltrs ta males WODOMCN PlM HIGH ""V JINKS FOR TONIGHT Members of the Consul-Commendera' and Clark' aaaoclation of th Wood men of the Wold will gather at - th W. O. W. halt at Tenth and Washing ton, atreetar tonight and old-Mghcan? rival. Th affair la to - b strictly "stag." - . i, ' .... , . An entertainment committee - com posed of R. O. Morrow, M. O. Wilkin and C F. Pyle haa arranged a lively program for. the evening. There, will be a song by th Portland oamp quar tet -a wreatllns match . between - Ous Behrman and Wlllla T, Buckman, s song by J. A. Epplng, an address by R. O. Morrsw, a five-round boxing eon teat between W. A. DalselL i-rK,mMnn of California, and Jack Heltser, ex ehamplon 'of Colorado. After the pro gram, refreahments wUt be served to tao present - r , ,..;.. - s j .- Orn Tcnorrow t&tma .9:30 y illiiie Firanik" Store :". Open Tomorrow Night Ur.a 9:30 last Pay Gis'GQu: Clenrauace Sails 0tNccIit7caitI9(tin Thousand! of Men's' fine all-silk Ties Four-in- Hindi and xecka in lisht and oirk coIorinRj: new patterns; Four-in-Hands are made 2 inches In French fold or 154-inch reversible; ; 1 Q N regular $0c ralues; on sal today at. W Men's 26 and 28-inch Umbrellas; steel rod, Tsrs- gon irame, patent runner; Dig assortment oi desirable handles; regular $1.50 values Q C- at MenU $1.50 "aaett" Shirto t $1.05 Each Men's $1.00 "Monsrch" Shirts at 69c Each Men's tto Camalshalr and havy-wlght nat- laT . ural wool gray Sox; all alsea; great vaL atpr, sw Bntlr stock of Van's Hosiery st low prices. Men's ' Handkerchiefs at Tlaarance prices. -Men's Underwear st elearanc prices. Men's Suspenders st clesrsno sal prloea. Menls Olovea st greatly reduoed prices nr THALFRECULARJR1( - it The" celehraied Aretex pure linen rhesh Underwear on sale at - - one halt regular prices, lwo Dig lots; snirts and drawers tn rozeighUiUhttealthieCSflIr ket; S3.50 quality on sale for, per garment y 1 S3.25 quality on sale for, per garment.. ..."........f 1.63 Men's 2Sc pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs; yi, ifg and a-inch hems; great special value at .....1 C Men's fine quality muslin Nightshirts; plain and trimmed A)Lfi styles; all sizes; exceptional value at.; ......HSf C Men's - medium-weight natural wool , Undofwexr; shirts 0 and drawers in all sizes; $1.00 value.. ;..-;-.rr7r........'..C 7C Best grade Men's $1.00 flannelette Nightshirts; made full C1 i size; variety of patterns and colors; all sizes.. ...JOC B6ys all-woot Sweaters in navy blue, maroon and- Ox ff ford; also black best $1.00 values, on sale for ..,.. rC Seivirig Machines Our entire stock, of Willamette Sewing .Machines on sale at clearance sale prices; 15 modela-to select from; every Machine fully guaranteed for 10 yean;, easy running,' ball bearing, best head, handsome woodwork,, com plete set of the best attachments, etc, etc. Experienced demonstrator to teach you 11 the details of operation. . flSJWTaTMlhlaas tlg.go 23J0 Machine J19.8g 28.10 1SA f 8.18 Men's $3.00 Hats at $1.89 Each Advance Spring shipment of Men's Black Derby Hats on sale today , at clearance sale prices ; very latest ' shapes ; hats selling. regularly at $2.75 and $3.00 each; com- 1 on " plete assortftient of sizes. .............. ..'.... V "Johnnjr Jones""and "CQllegei' shaped in Soft Felt Hats ; new Spring styles and shades ; all sizes ; $2.60, $2.75 c OA and 3.0QiTaluea. . r J Sole Portland agents for "Hawes' famous $3.00 Hats for men ; every hat guaranteed. Cleaning up broken lines of Men's Derby and Soft Q fyU?Ufc$wJSS $4.00, at....,.-.'...;;r7r....TW' lagn Hats ; values up to ,Vvl xV1 Grand Opera Apparel 'A Off Vou can select from our entire magnificent stock of Evening Costumes and Wraps at 33 1-3 per cent discount from regu lar selling prices The highest class apparel for all occa- sions Imported and domestic' modelsm the very latest fashions--Cljsturnes"aff insilkrlacerrnet, crepe Je chine, vel vet "and broadcloths-Prices ranging from $25.00 up-' to " ' $350.00 Wraps are in lace, silk, velvet and broadcloths ; Values from $22.50 up to $250.00 Beautiful theatre, dinner and - reception - garments Variety" by far J the i fff ' .' largest and best. in the city Second Floor. ....... 3 Vll Muslin Underwear Specials TOMORROW Woman's Cambria O w n a, trimmed in lace and embrold- , " erlea, tucka and .Insertions; V and square necks; res. 70 41avalues JgV Women's Cambric and Nainsook Corst Covers, trimmed In dainty laces, embroideries, tucks and Insertions; via variety; IQ. regular 0o values. Women' Nainsook Skirt Chemise, lac and trimmed in torchon Insertions; 6o value, on, sal St. 43c Special lot of women's fln Cambrle - and Nainsook Drawers, trimmed In sood quality embroideries . and fucks; 1.2f value 7Qc at. ...... ,.,.,.,.m.,,.,i,S v Women' abort white -Underskirt. - cambrlo and nalnSbokV trimmed in torchon laces and Insertions, embroidery and. hemstitched A3 - .Women's hlsb-sjrad whit Pettl coats, trimmed in fln embrold- - erle snd laces; It and OA 10 values. uu......J"0 CBearaiicelSale of Men's Vine Clothing The Year's Greatest Clothing Event b attracting scores of economlca.1 buyers A hundred thoasimd dolleuworth of mgn-groqe ciouung tor men ana yoang men, priced at a point mat pareiy covers ine manmacranng cost m en s stylish apparel in all grades. Silts, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers. Vests, etc, etc CTA'leFBrosVeSc Co., Steiivf ... - A - ; 7' Hi mm l v ST jiraasBr . 1 w w ar el Eloch. Hart. Schaffner & Marx and TR Washington Co.'s best product Clothing that wilTplease every taste - . . - J-.-. .- - -i ,. -, Men's fine Suits in the newest and most desirable styles "and materials. The best garments from the leading manufacturers in the land. The greatest-Suit bargains we - ever offered. r - ; Men's $10.00 Suits at low price of $,7.83 Men's $12.00 Suits at low price of $ U.1& Men's $15.00 Suits at low price of $10.85 Men's $18.00 Suits at low price of 913.85" Men's $20.00 Suits at low price of $ 14 .89 Men's $22.50 Suits at low price of $16.15 Men's $2JT00 Suits at low price of $is.5 Men's $30.00 Suits at low price of $23.15 Men's $35.00 Suits at low price of $26.15 Entire Stock of Men's Trousers to be sold at greatly reduced prices Men's Fancy Vests to be entirely closed out at Clearance Sale Prices Men's - Smoking - Jackets and Lounging Robes at greatly reduced prices Mcn'sBatrfRobea to be sold out at remark- , ably" low clearance prices Stock of Boys' & Young Men's Clothing priced extremely low Men's genuine Priestley "Cravenette" Raincoats and Overcoats every garment bears the Priestley label all the best styles and patterns all sizes. Best values for the money to be found in the city. Priestley's $12.50 Cravenette Coats $ 8UB5 "Priestley's $15.00 Cravenetfe Coats $T0.85 Priestley's $20.00 Cravenette Coata $14.60 Priestjey's $22.50 Cravenette Coats $18.15 Priestley's $25.00 Cravenette Coats $18.85 Priestley's $27.50 Cravenette Coats $21.85 Entire' stock of Men's Overcoats in this season's most approved styles and materials very large assortment. -for your choosing --phenomenal values. Men's $12.50 Overcoats to be sold $ 065 "Men's $15.00 Overcoats to be sold $10.85 Men's $20.00 Overcoats to be sold $14.60 Men's $25.00 Overcoats to be sold $18.85 Men's $35.00 Overcoats to be sold $26.15 Men's Furnishing Goods to sell at ex ceptionally low Clearance Wees If t Qiin22 CURIO SALE Owlnat to ear surplus stock et boUday toads' we shall reduc prioas on every article la an Unas, ' eonalstlns' of fln Silver Clol- ' sonne, Batsuma. asw Braaawar. . Brense Decorated Poreelaln Tea Sets, Silk snd Satin Embroidered . Xlmoaoev- Screens,- Carved - rural-; lure. Toys, Mattlnc, ta, ..; -AndrewrKan ear SfomsosoaT FD R I SALE tRT GOODS, Ladles Underwear, t ; grestly reduced prices, . .. .( '' tu. ana noa, asi sutk m. ' r" ConcreteConstruction Co. TOl Chamber of Oommeroe, Uannfacturers ot Concrete atone Blocka' Contractors for all kinds ( cemest work. ' ." ' J." . raosra Marquam Grand Theatre GRAND OPERAEASON V EXTRA Tuesday Afternoon, February 6 1:1 O'CLOCK. "RIG0LETT0 ' Seata New ea Sale st Box Oflee. Empire Theatre MILTON W. tlAHl Portlaa4's Popular PUykouae. Oalr Ttwee More Tim Matinee 1 The Only Heal -Hoellsait" Flay el the feVaana. .' rmsae A Brewae Utk sad Korrsna. rbee Mala UT. RIAMAN. Manager. - Hooligan in New,;York The clever eoawdy-drame, with an eseellent -company. SpxHal erenary. BTerytblng aaar ' and noteL Don't auaa It. - Bvenlnc prleea lie. afre, SB. See. Matl seta 10c. ISc. ase. est Weeh atwtinc aWaday Mstlaea FeU lard Ulllpatiaa Optra Censpaay. BakerTheater Orefea Thaatra Cev, Laaaaa. See. L, Baker, Her. XesjhUl ead -Teh- Ste. Phoee Mala lael.- The Home of Mitlcal Burlaaque. Toai arrow Matlnea la the Laat Par form ante. - MlVU't AKiaiCAJTi. i-;-Bovleaaae end Bxtravasanaa , tympany. Is the fenny ssoaieal faro. , "TKB TAX XXX DOODL1 IBX. Matlnar Baturday and Sonda loe. JBe, J5, BOc. Krenlns price Soe, . ate. to, tae. Bveataae- at iM 1 , , A waelrh of pretty elrla, araale aad awrri- aamt at the Baker alwars. . ; Bait wNt-'UVIl'l BOmHTAs-S. ' BUrtinc Banday Matinee. ' LAW TO BAR BAD AUCTIONEERS Ordinance -Prepared to -Prevent Soliciting Customers or False Bidding by Boosters. Second-class auctioneer will receive t hottentk)n-of -th -license eemmWtee Of tb city council Monday. . when an ordinance will be considered, which. If passed, wMl put an end to th frauds which, a r alleges o nave-neon -praoi tlced for many montha past. rf The ' orainance proviaea inai mere shall b no sollcltlnc for customers or false' biddtna by "boosters." No bell ihall be rant, and -tto- loud crying -r slnrlna shall be permitted,, unless a Dermlt haa been secured for the sam by payment to the city treasurer of . tl for each man ao employed, in aaaition to the retular license fee of t!0 a day, If any purcnaaer returns aa article to the auctioneer within 4( hours after paytnf - for- It,- upon th ground tliat the article was . not wbat had bean repre sented, and demands , a refund of Ms money, the auctioneer win s required either to refund the money or plac an amount equivalent to the pric received for .the good In th handa of th chief f police, td pay Judamant In any ea wbicA pjsjr a brouabt br th jrsoa alleged to be defrauded. If no legal action la taken, th money In th hand of th chief of nolle shall be returned to the auctioneer. Otrionvlrtloif InTne courts of any at temot to defraud a purchaser, the ordl nance provides that a fine of not less than 120 shall be Imposed and at the discretion ef the court or the license committee, the license may b revoked. Another ordinance regulating employ. ment arenclee, s certain claa of which has been" another source of trouble and annoyance. Is also being eonaidered. tinder the present ordlnanoe regulating this claaa of business, there is practM ally no limit plaoed on charge which marb JimpMdou thtnsuspectlnt applicant for s position. To remedy this It la proposed to adopt th follow ing rat; - WHer Xht aalaVrTortnr DoIttlBK" se cured Is payable weekly the fee to be charged shall not exceed on tent's of th alary so paid; when th salary I payabl monthly th fee shall not ex ceed per cent of- the salary, board to be figured as a part of ths salary In both Instances, where board is Included. A fist rate of $1.0 may be eharged for seuurliig positions. ". -. , . ; .... - ,Creat Shirt Salt. : tie, l(o' snd loo Tour thole of th celebrated Mt. Hood shirts, best Frenca percale, soft golf work shirts; negligee, fl.10 grade for too; the Ho and $1 grade for the. - rerfsot fit and' all alias. Prices less than coat , of mat- Male. Sale opens Saturday, I a. m. and continue up to t:M p, m. McAUea McDonnell, Third and Morrison. . Oo to bear Miss .Hurley, Mlas Connell and Mr. Street at CI race M. E. Maiui at ;. ATTORNEY PIGGOTT LOSES HIOMMGniilT"7 Judge Sears Says He Stands' as ighas.Bef oreHe .Was Called a Poet . "I think that th plaintiff stands remarked " Judge Sears this morning whit handing down s decision In th easervf-A ttorawyc irr PTjrrWt garnsr Asa K. Richardson. Richardson was sued for I3.EO0 dsmsges on th charge of having said that Flggott was a thief. Th defendant la more than 80 years old and Plge;ott was formerly his attorney, and acted as such when property belong ing to the old man was sold, in which deal Rlrhordaon charged Pis-gott with having wlthheldITW without " permis sion. Findings were for th defendant Judge Bears said that In authorities relating to damage casea of a like na ture. It waa held that the statement al leged to have been made by the old man was not to be taken literally, but should he considered to mean that the pioneer accused his attorney of having tricked him. The court also held that swing to the feeble condition and ad vanced age of th defendant, hla eharg agalnat hla i attorney ' should not be treated aa seriously as It would hav been In th ras of a strong man. The plaintiff la a man of sensitive diapeslUoa. of nUa tamneraaent aad THE DENTISTS YOU SH0UtD"G0Td Bverytbiar Oepead es 'Bow Your Teeth Ar Treated Poor .Dental Work ' . An Prlos Tha-AJvaoJat Method aa Practiced by th Boston Sen Harts Assures Permanent aad Beautiful Basalts. , , .( IdTBefor this language waa used." "Ceased oflooseand falling out. or your guma inflamed and sore, then vour health demanda that your teeth ba at- leaded- . I f- ree-tT twlrfnar-fnr-'tris sess wor at a reasoaable fee we would advise you to call upon the Boaton Den- tinta, 2ltt Morrison street, the dn tlsts . who l originated., the Akreolae Method, th moat-talked of, th most Imitated of recent dental dlaoo varies Examination free. Lady attendant Skillful peclallats. ... BOSTOB? BBaTTZSTB til H Morrison Street, Opp. Meier A -Prank snd Poatofflce. Is said to five in the clouds. Which, if true, may add to the beauty and pleas ure ot hja life," said Judge Beara, "and I. think that h stand Just ss high in th community aa before th language was used." . . i. - Milwaukie Country Club.' . LosAngeles and Oakland races Take Sellwood and Oregon City ear at-first aas duaar. v . ... . Gr3nd Ts5is j? i w 1 M " 1 . .. One. Selmaa. 1 - TKZATXB. Oara.ll Btitar , . Weekef Karol Kof . ' 7aaaary . Oraadeaaape Balph Cuatmlnss Prteaa Bvanlna aed aad hla Oeaapanr Snndar. 10e. aoe, SOe; Is "A Saaia ef soaUnMS. ine U aay Haarta." . aat errpt tmtaa. CTI D Teatalla aad Bias taJIlrV SaUth aad Bills.; 15"TBJb Caprle. Waek of Jaaoart. Sfasea aad (heea. BA1TINITTI w. K. Bartfard, TBJO. Stanaeas. ' Strata frost Parle. ' Prlroa tu a any seat eaeept howa Iwe. r earth , aad fcterk Its. PANTAGES I S Wah. CAPT. HOLTTThf, la a Seneattoaal Caniamball-Catchisg Act. I Ihe Bcaaalde. . Crawford and Duff. Widow Matter. Mlar Paelty. Jeae aad Bartne. Le White. Moving Ptctnrea. Perfnrmaneve dally' at t 0, T:8 and p. at. Oantrel . adotlaalea, TBN eeeta. Kaeerved Mt. SO eanta. UYRIC THEATRE 6i Lost a Baby A"B0AkUld IABCX IX TBKSB ACTS. ' - Adauaatea 10e;. Beeerved Seats. 90s. ' TONIGHT Apollo Rink Exhibition Skating ending witli a T DazzliHgEleeutgvVllirt-: " " ; ; Afternoon and Evening" yjv katesa7 200 Pairs of New Aluminum- Wheel Skstes Come-and-Try- e-Pir 1- APOLLO RINK Admission 10c r " Skates 2Jc. - T- Hosiery Crr" " The arreat sal of 1a fancy h . new tries, begins tome w iHalnrd-, i morning at I o'clock.. erhahla bar gains will given, Pe sure snd !- advantage of them. MrAII" Mcl.e nell. Knlranc oa th earner, Thlra t " sorrlsos, . , , -