The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Congressmen Averse to Going
on Record in Proposed South
ern Pacific Inquiry.
Matter U Now in the Hands of Fin
ney cf lCuoMT'WtrUiy
t . Advise, for or Against .the Pro
tgoed Anion. :,;7;":''T:vr
Journal SpecW.Strrlfe )
Washington, Feb.
Tr- AcooRmSaTtO I
Democratic member of the house leom-
mlttee on Paclflo railroads, there la o
definite Intention to present a reaolu
tlon of Inquiry Into tba Southern Pa-
;' ciflc.; merger.. Representative Flaley
of South Carolina.-whan asked- by-ol-
leaguee to look into the matter, aald
thatxbe had not time to do so. The
question waa first brought up by a law
yer named Wooda from Ohio, who of
fered to aubmit evidence to John Sharp
Wllllama. ehowing that Harrimaa had
effected a combination In reatralnt 'of
trade and In violation of the anti-truat
. Williams referred Woods to mambert
Of ll)e Pacific railroads committee. They
talked with Woods, and. were not greatly
lmpreaaed with his atory. At their re
queot ha put tba charges in writing, and
thla manuscript, la now in Ftnley's
hands. . Flnley may advise his col
. leagues to present resolutions for an
inquiry. - Such -a revolution. If not re
ported by tba committee, can be made
privileged, and by a yaa and nay vote In
the house may be forced upon It, as was
dene Monday on the resolution for an
Investigation ot the Pennsylvania, Bal
timore 4t Ohio, merger.
-Members of the house are adverae to
' ro'nJL?n rccorl In these railroad mat
"Tera and an effort is betas; made to
-sidetrack the Southern . Paclflo resolu
tion. If the Democrats think they can
brine out new facta it ia probable .that
tbey wilt press the resolution. -
V '" Save Wit Beglae Wort. ;
ii ' - (Josrnel Bsertal Service.)
Denver. Feb. 1. The new mint began
operations yesterday with H0.000.0O
ia gold bare on band awaiting coin
age. . . -. ' ., ':.
We have made a special purchase of Trousers, and to this X
lot we .have added all our-own
J a Leg Treat 1- We begin the
tion ormeasurement If your,
in early before the lots are broken. -If you are' hard to suit 1
come early while the choice is
I Here Are a
i $3.85
I Barga,
ins in
! Overcoats and Raincoats i
j $8-
I $14
t $18.00
No extra charge for
3.00 Hats for
r The $2.50 Hats for;...........;.;...;v?l'85p
Thg"$2.ooHatrf or; ; . . :":rr: .'. ; . : . : t'5""
The $1.50 Hats for..............;..... 00
- Everything . that men and boys
v" r reoucca
v Outfitters for
(S:UsJuhn-Prop- -
163 AND 16$ THIRD STREET r Mohawk Building
Merchandise i Amounting
Nearly Half a Million Dollars
Found Piled in House.
Find Made in "Houm of Mytte
Brooklyn Explains What Became
of the Eatate Lft to Mrs. Mary
-Cook King." -'V:"" ' rr".
(Journal Special Service.) "
Wcw York-.-Feb. I. Mora the-4,-)
001 worth of goods, bought in four
years' shopping in Brooklyn and New
York are plied unused in rooms, clos
ets and halls, nearly tilling large four-1
atory brownstone mansion in Brooklyn,
lay for -It-years unheeded Xacea are.
heaped upon calico, fura on cotton, the
daintiest llnena and silks atored with
common ' household garments, f&OO
gowns . from the, most . fashionable
dressmakers laid en cheap mother hub-
bards, solid stiver and cheap plate, the
most fragile china sets mixed wun
Ironware, crystal cut glass with com
mon glassware all cast Into- pile
reaching as high as the ceilings, stuffed
Into closets and lying on the stairs.
One entire floor la devoted to handker
chiefs. . ' 1 .
Thla find waa made- In the "house of
mystery" at tit State street, Brooklyn.
It tells ot the mania, of Mrs. Mary Cook
King, who died nearly two weeks ago
In a Flushing sanatorium, and iv ex
plains, what became of moat of the
l&oe.OOt estate left by her nuaoano iu
yeara ago. The aearch waa conducted
by the executor of Mrs. Klng'e estate.
Mr a. King, who died at the age of
IT yeara, waa a daughter of William C.
Cook, who 60 yeara ago waa prominent
and aut'Mii circles or this
city. When Mrs. King cams out in
mourning tt wae-found -that-ehe had
developed an eccentricity of character
bordering on Insanity. She discharged
ell. hef servanBhadtha doors and
wlndowa boarded, refused visitors and
nnaliy waa sent to a sanatorium.
- 'Tlsn't safe, to be a day without Dr.
Thomas' Kcleetrlo Oil In the house.
Never can tell what moment an acci
dent la going to happen.
surplus stock so now here's X
sale with every size and varia
legs are' hard to fit bring 'em
unlimited. ; ; v , ,
Fevj of ffte i
For Fancy Worsted and JVeedTrousers,
regularly sold at $2.80. 7 .
For Fancy Worsted and Cheviot Trous
ers, regularly sold at $3.00 and $3.50.:
For Fancy Worsted and Cheviot Trous
ers, regularly sold at $4.50 and $5.00.
Men's Suits, j
For those which we have been selling at
$10.00, $12.00 and $14.00.
For those which we have been selling at
$15.00 and $18.50. '
-For those -which we have been selling Z
and 920.00. .
'For those which we have been" selling
. AA Ail AI A W
ana a.w. ,
pressing or alteration.
wear-now selling art greatly'
prices. .
Mtn and Boya
Big Structural Timber of Pa
cific Coast Being Studied ;
', by Forest Service. ,
Timbers of Importance on Coast Ia
; Making Rapid Strides in Eastern
-Markets. - W rr'. ' . n i
- nil.! Ilnriil garvtce.t
Waahlnglnn. , raJLrXtt-aqi-04grfat . many Hyqmgl-JUtnta ana, nave i
tne structural umoers or mi rmiuc i
. . . . . - 1
coast wae begun by the bureau of for-
oatry. now tne rorest service, in
In order to determine with greater accu
racy the exact scope of their commer
cial use.' At that time the only labora
tory In the weat suitably equipped for
work of thla character waa that of the
University of California, . Accordingly,
the flrat testing station waa established
there, and the program then prepared
has been steadily carried out since. Keen
Interest and, hearty cooperation have
greatly aided the work. The lumber
mills of the coast have furnished all
the timber needed; railroads and steam
ship companiea have given free trans
portation for the test material; and the
University of California hap contributed
the use pf its well-equipped testing
laboratory and a supply of power.
In this first serlea of experimenta the
forest service has aimed, to determine
the mechanical and physical properties
of timbers used in buildings, brtdgea
and othor structures where atrength la
called for; ' The tost apeclmena hsve
been aelected from the mill and the lum
ber yard, so that they might be repre
sentative of the timber In. actual . V
' Orera All Oradaev
The iaata covey ail grade Of the pr
act, from clear, atraight-grained slicks
to inferior pieces containing such knots
and other defects aa are found in com
mon and second-grade timbers. By thla
meana it Is possible to establish both the
liability, ot the timbers to contain sea eon
checks, knots, wlndshakes, and other
similar defects, and the precise effect
which these will have oa the atrength of
the timbers. , The knowledge thus ob
tained enablea the engineer or architect
to design timber structures with safety
and economy, and. In addition, provides
a reliable basis for the inspection and
grading of the product of the mills.
variety ef factora enter into the
precise determination of the atrength
structural timbers It la necenaary to
know the rate of growth' of the speci
men, ita weight per cublo foot and the
stage of seasoning which It has reached.
aa expressed In moisture content. To
Check tbeaa determinations, testa are
alao made on small selected pieces, cut
from straight-grained, large beams, free
from. delaUa. so that the relation which
theae factora- bear to tha atrength ot
the timber may be analysed and prob
lems attacked simply and directly,
- The red fir and the western hemlock
have hitherto -monopolised the tests.
Red fir, whose merits have long bees
recognised in tha west, stands without
question first in Importance among the
structural timbers of the coast' Llght-
distinctive valuable qualities, and tha
fact that II can be obtained readily in
sticks of exceptional alse without de
fects greatly enlarges Its utility. . In
recent yeara Ita introduction to the east
ern market haa made rapid strides. The
reaulta of the tests confirm conclusively
the exceptional merits of thla timber.
' Sold Tinder rtottttoaa Xamea. , .
Western hemlock haa not readily been
received In the market. Chief among
the obstacles with which It haa bad to
cope is the almllartty of Ita name, to
that "of the eaatern hemlock, whose
poorer quallUaa ' it haa unjustly .been
held to share. Though large quantitlea
ef the timber are cut and sold, Uiey
are marketed under fictitious names,
such aa Waahlngton pine, Alaska pine
and gray nr. for under its own name
the western hemlock haa even now no
market standing. Tat the results of
tests already ahow that though it la
not BO strong or serylceabla as
i red wr
or-lonf-leaf pine, Its structural value
compares favorably with that of lob
lolly or Virginia pine, and that it there
fore deserves to be marketed on Ita
merits. The effect of publishing reli
able Information in regard to the me
chanical properties of this timber by
the forest service will be- to encourage
Ita legitimate use and to remove exist
ing prejudloes against it.
Xngene Testing Station.
During the Lewis and Clark centen
nial exposition at Portland. Oregon, a
testing station ' waa operated in con
nection with the forest exhibit of .the
government, and testa of structural
timbers of large sixes were made daily.
At the close' vf the exposition tha ma
chine waa reinstalled at.Kugene, Ore
gon, where the University of Oregon
haa equipped a testing plant especially
to cooperate with tne rorest service in
thla work, and special Investigations to
determine the effect of knots on tha
atrength of red fir are being carried on.
At Seattle. Waahlngton. the Bute uni
versity haa also completed a testing
laboratory, - which "Will be operated - by
the forest service In cooperation with
lha-Ualverslty. H" tnvatigatlnns-of
western hemlock will be .conducted
along the lines followed with red fir
at the University or Oregon.
About a year ago the forest service
issued a circular, "Progress Report on
the Strength of Structural Timber,'
which gave the partial results of tha
tents :LofPaincnaat- lmbarand
which aa been exhausted by tha re
quests made for it an Indication of the
practical interest of the studies. A re
vised edition ia now In preparation.
Sea Nature in Her Winter Garb.
To,,jet the far-famed Roekymoun.
tains in fhelrw6riaf6us"'wlnter garb Is
the treat of a lifetime. The canyons,
peak a and gorgea are even more at
tractive, in, win tr than in summer. - Tha
tenver Rio Orande, popularly known
aa "The Scenlo Line of the World."
plercea'the very heart of the Rockies,
and besides la the only transcontinental
tine passing directly through alt Lak
City, the quaint and, picturesque Mor
mon capital. Stopovers-franted on all
classes of tickets. For rates to all
eastern points call upon or write W. C.
McBrlde. 124 Third atreet , ,
; raaeral off 9. 9. Sarger.
" (ftpedal DlepsU-h t The Jeernal.y
I Eugene, Or... Ken. I. -The funeral ot
John P. Barger, the Southern Pacific
fireman killed In a collision at' Grants
Pass,' Mondsy-evening, was held here
yesterday afternoon. The services were
held at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Isaao Zumwalt. He leaves a widow and
two children, besides his -mother, four
brother! tui two ialera
aTyomel a dentine rreatanent for Ca
tarrh by areathlaa Medicated Air.
Ever since Hyomel las been known
Its formula has been given to phy
sicians, druggixts, and. In fart, to all
Intelligent people who could appreciate
the true
merit or tne cooiDinaiiun oi
healing gums, oils and
balsams, , of
which it Is composed.
Many leading physicians Indorse Hy
nel and prescribe it for catarrhal trou
bles. In fact, quite a few of there use
it themaelvea to break un a cold and
prevent pneumonia They regard it as
a natural, yet auienUflo, way of curing
catarrh. '
Breathed through the pocket Inhaler
that comes with every outfit, Hyomel
destroys all catarrhal germs In the air
passages of the throat and nose, soothes
and heals . the Irritated mucous mem
brane and effectually drives from . tha
system all traces of catarrhal poison.
No one should confound Hyomel with
the natent medicines that are adver-
tlers -ratarTB-curev--JU-1-u-:
perlof to them all as . the. diamond, is
more vaiuaoie man cneap Btaaa.
Tha corn Diets Hvemel outnt. constat
ing of a neat pocket Inhaler, a medicine
dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. coats
tained for 60 cents, making it the moat
economical met hod -of -curing -catarrh,
fcs-well as--the most reliable.
Woodardt ciarae tiuo. nave aoia
,r"Y" ri Y:.lZZZ-, . .k.i...;
use that they sell It under an absolute
" arant- tnat tt coat, nothing uoleaa
it curea . - -
If not convenient to ebtals Hyesl ef woed
srd. Clarke A Co.. -or ewne otb.t, drusflat. it
will be forwarded from the laboratory by mall
os receipt ef price. Tba R. T. Booth Coapetiy,
rtroam oiag.. iiobb. f.w iw..
two United States Senators. to
Be Nominated by the People
Many Candidates. '
" (Journal Special Service.) ,
Montgomery, Ala,, Feb. t. Under the
plan recently adopted by tha itate Demo
cratic committee for the nomination of
state and federal office re at I he primary
thla summer. It-appears aa If a lively
nitad States senator will be
precipitated. The senators are to be
chosen at tha primary because of the
fact that the Alabama legislature meets
but onoe In four yeara, while the term
of Senator John T. Morgan expires next
year, and that of Senator - Edward W.
Pettua enda two years later. The plan
adopted not only provides that auccea
aora to the two senators shall be chosen
at the primary,, but It alao makes pro
vision for the selection of two alternate
senators, who are to be appointed by the
governor In the event that. Senators
Morgan and Pettua, er their successors,
should die or resign. This "arrangement
la a unique departure In American -poll'
tics. -
U"tl the adopUon of this plan-H- we
generally taken for granted mat senators
Morgan and Pettua would be without
opposition for reelection, but It la now
almoat certain that both of them will
have opponents, and that In addition
there,' wilt be several In the race for
alternate senator, this latter contest
being the direct result of the axe pf tha
two nresent senators.- Among thoae who
are mentioned aa probable candidates
against Morgan-and-Pettua are former
Governor Joaeph F. Johnston of Birming
ham, former Oovemor William C. Cates
of Montgomery, former Congressman
Richard H. Clarke , of Mobile, General
PJufua N. Rhbadea of Birmingham, and
John B. Knox of Anniston.. The race
for alternate senator also la beginning to
attract, attention. William Cr-Fitte-of
Mobile, formerly attorney-general of tne
state, is the only announoed candidate
so far for thla honor, but among tba'
names mentioned are thoee of Congress
man John C. Bankhead and State Super
intendent of Education Isaac W. HU1.
(Joaraal Special gervlce.V
Waahlngton, D. C Feb. 2. William
Walter Hamilton, a negro, convicted of
the murder of Llxale Lyman on June
20, 1S04, was hanged thla morning at
the District Jail to expiate his crime;
Hamilton remained calm to the very
end and here ..wMno hitcajn the exe
cution. . - '
Hamilton had two triala. ..The first
verdlot of Vnurder in the- first degree
waa sat aside on a inrhnlrallty and a
new trial granted, which resulted In a
conviction. Sentence was passed, fixing
the execution for November ! last, but
owing to the pending of an appeal to the
district court of appsala the hanging
waa postponed. The court of appeals
confirmed the Judgment of the lower
court, however, and the execution was
aet for today.
Aoonsed by Kiss Wetner. ;
(Specie! Dhrpateh to The Jmtrnal.l " .
Baker City, Or., Feb. z 8 herlff Am
brose of Grant county ! on tha way to
Baker City with Harry Dexter, who. was
arrested on a statutory charge at John
Day City, on Information filed by Dis
trict Attorney Lomax before Judge Alf.
L. Curry, at the Inatanca of Mtaa Myr
tle Welner. ...
Oat Druggists, Woodard, Clarke tt Co
ren mow to segaia Strength. ;
"Owing, to this' changeable climate
and- unseasonable weather, . there haa
been a, good deal of sickness l,n Fort-
land during tne past zew weens," aaia
a member of tha above firm, "and we
want' to ear to the people of' Portland
that the one thing to aid recovery after
alcknesa ia to give the patient a blood
building and strength-restoring tonic,
on that' wilt treat: ert pprte ana give
atrength to every organ in the body."
"Now," continued he, "from an inti
mate knowledge of almost every medi
cine on the market, we do not believe
therens another Temedrin the wHintry
equal to our dellcloua cod . liver oil
preparation, Vlnol, for thia purpose.
Vtnol- lanot-a , patent medicine, aa
everything In It ia named on the back
label of every bottle; it contalna every
one of lha body-bulldlng. -medicinal elaUson. No information haa
menu of ood liver oil, actually taken
from fresh cods' livers, but without a
drop of the system-clogging oil to upset
the atomach and retard ita work.
It acta directly on the stomach,
tones up the digestive organs, - creates
a healthy appetite, manes pure, rich,
red blood, healthy . flesh and muscle
tissue, and creates atrength for every
organ In the body. -
Mr. Edgar A. Howe or conoord. Mew
Hampshire, aaya that after a long, se
vere sickness ns waa weaa ana, emaci
ated, all tonlca seemed of no avail, but
Vlnol restored in a marvelous .manner
health, atrength and appetite.
If Vlnol falls to build up the run
down and convalescent, give new life
and atrength to the aged, cure atomach
troubles, hard colds and hanging on
coughs, we choerfully refund v-ery dul
Inr paid us for it.? .Woodard, Clarke eV
.Co, drugcUta,
' -4 - ':
Opposition to Malheur Project
Results In Use of AH Water
: for Other Land. .
Na Method in. SightJyveraby-Xwds
Can Be Condemned for irrigition
Project One Owner May Blocjc
- an Entire District '
"7a7aahintaa llnreaa af Thl Inrld.V -
Washington. D, C, Feb. 2. Malheur
experiences iri reclamation work have
taught government offlolala the m
alty ef adopting effective meana to over
come individual obetaclea Reclamation
work, may be retarded by one Individual,
injuring a multitude and depriving
state of large sums of capital, but with
the powers now- enjoyed; and, tn Tact,
with those possible under constitutional
limitations, there la no Immediate rem-
4s j .
' After the wagon-road grant landa Inl
Malheur county had been the stumbling
block for months, tt waa decided to
protect the future by having a bill in
troduced - giving . government officials
the right to condemn land, under the
law of eminent domain. Senator Ful
ton Introduced such a meaaure Into the
senate, and it haa gone before the irri
gation' oommlttee. After consulting
with other lawyers In the senate and
Inquiring Into the matter further, the
constitutionality of auch a meaaure la
doubted even by Ita author. Senator
Bpooner and two other leadera of the
senate are positive that the government
could . never persuade the courts that
land taken for sale again to settlers
waa the rightful . aubiect of eminent
rtntrmtn l.n -may- x. condemned - for
reservoir sites, canals and other perma
nent-uses In eonneeiloa with the reria
matlon work, but it la thought that
the power could not be extended no
far aa to take land from an objecting
member of a community, irrigate It and
then aell the property te anotner set
tier. T -'" ' " '
Tn tha Malheur case the government
engineers concluded after much losa of
time that the road company landa eould
be eliminated without material addi
tion to the cost of that remaining. The
present plan ia on that bast a The gov
ernment will have, It la aald, complete
control of all water In Willow creek
basin for use in Irrigating land em
braced within the reclamation project
Thia wiM give the road company the
Lali.erna.Uveo aUowln g lt e- land
main arm ur m - -
more distant aource. It haa been sug
gested that the road company might
y4eld finally when- the goVemmenfa un
alterable purpose waa manifested, and
come into the general emor-pnee.-.
All nrolecte may not be ao favorably
situated aa that at Malheur, and in the
westT where there arelaTgw1snd1ioid
lng) it Is believed that, many projects
may be defeated by an Individual, while
the government ia lorcea p
under 'present lawa. . .- , ,
Hints to Island That Yfodding
Present Bought for Alice la
Too Expensive.
" (Joaraal Special Service.) '
Washington. D. C. Feb.. I. Without
appearing ungracious, it la understood
that a arentls bint haa been conveyed
to" the Cuban government that while
tha President ghlr PPreettUe7Hio ac
tinn nf.n. Cuban congress In appro
priating tZi.000 for the purchase of a
w&ririlns: nresent for bis daughter, he
thinks it entirely too expenalve - and
hopea the present will not be purchased.
Thia la a.verv delicate matter, because
th hivh appreciation of what the
United States baa done for the Island
during Roosevelt's administration. No
nu mi be ouoted about thla at the
White House, nor can any definite state
ment be obtained aa to who took tha
Initiative in auggesting that Cuba'a
nrnnoeed cift waa too expenalve. The
nni information obtained la a state
ment that the Cuban present wUl prob
ably not be heard or again.
' ,j . - ......
. (WaohlBrtoa ,Bitrao ef Tee leemal.) .
Washington. D. C Fob.' I. J. A.
Dougherty of the Dougherty-Flthlan
company. Portland, la vlaltlng-Waah-Ington,
accompanied by his wife and hla
father-in-law, Hon. Tim Kinney of Wy
oming. In an interview today Mr.
Dougherty aald that In spite ot the as
cendancy of the Republican party ia
Oregon .it -la- possible that., the. people
of that state will vote to keep the Dem
ocratic United States aenator in office.
xroritrnuinr. He aatdr: :
"Thousands of Republicans, Ilka my
self, believe that Senator John . M.
Oearln la a ,man of auch high equip
ment and auch peraonal merit aa to
justify hia retention In Washington." ,
' (Kpeclal DlapatPh te The Joaraal.)
Butter-MonU- Febv-1. Paul Schmidt
Haualer waa arrested in hla room In
the Curtis block last night by Detective
White on tolegraphlo Instructions - re-;
ccivea oy tjnier or ionce muinoiiano
from the authorities In Pendleton, -Ore-
celved as to the nature of the charge
against him, but it la apparent the offi
cials in Pendleton have been on hla
track aa a telegram Informed the chief
of police that Haualer would be found
In room i, Curtis block. He denies any
knowledge of what he IF wanted for ex
cept he aaya, that he la wanted on a
charge of grand larceny. Sheriff Taylor
la expected here tomorrow for hia man.
Srewberg Kebekahs Install.
(Special Placates te The Joareal.l
. Kewberg. Or, Feb. i.The following
nfflcere have been In a tailed for Vesta
Rebekah Lodge No. Jt by Special Dis
trict Deputy Ilxile Bedwell of North
Yamhill: Noble grand, Mra M. K. Ev
ana; viee-ferrano, miss f. uomn; secre
tary, Mrs. M. R. Moore; treasurer, Mrs.
M- Forsytha; Warden. Mlsa M. Woods;
rnmlurtre, Mrs. Ida Rich; chaplain.
AUia ia aummieuiti loan- iwva.
U4-H6Thlrd Street !3Tii!f Portland, Orejon
TfiieWhite Flyer
In 5 Full
WaTfl nriB OfMISS
espeeted tt ta be. ' XVe ao arenbU to eeU goods whew prioea are the
heart argnsasat fox good eaaHty. . Ail prioea quoted wlU hold rood da.
tag tke entire aaoatav-af yeewaasy
ooaae the bena the aaaortsaent
nn All T7Kfte
Ull fail IlllUfc
Popular Prkee oa Other
.... JA
EMBROIDERY APPLIQUE, the yard. ; . .... ..... i ',.5f .
Gowns and Petticoats
lABicr xnrsixv sxtsts. wits wise
Aonnee, - trlmmd wltk I iaee er in
brolWs rernlar tl.SO sad (l.TS.
wTtlTi-TLTaJl FalCS tea
lADizs' snrsuii bkibts. with ass
laan aoasea, trlatsMd with tacks, lees
er "inhrot1Tr; reyolar 12.10,
vHirx-rxTik aiot $
XASIXS' snritnT COWll miOa ef
seed enelttr BMMlla. trim
i awe
I wlU lace-
ana lneertioo: regular IOC.
OOWal. suds ef extraeeTr eettne-
tiimU extra wide sad loag lesalar
Tx-yxTZB raoi
U Union Suits
lAsrxr nn nm vroox. vnev
-StTfTaWBrtttlar SI.B0 OOainy.
-fltsb mot
M te ovautt lAsnr sxxBa-rm
wmm-ixvxK rsios .........ti.M
XASTSr 'vWalTS i OTTOX.l.7R0a
DTTs Xao sleeve, ankle laagtk Oe
IOM tTKIOS SUITS flsat kaee er
BBbreua stylsi laee trlsmed .......Me
'Ie Watch
OU ouT buy Health lnauranoe
Sereral pwd Aooident "
, Companies eeU it. . , '
Sixty dollars per year will brtpc yos
S2SM per week, or every week yes are
.Sick. . ' "T"T:'
But, your time alone may be worth far
more than thai. , "x,r . ;' i. "
' And $200 per week might set pay for
your suffering.
That's why "Cesearet Insuranoe whloh
preventa Slcknesa, la worth ten times as
much money aa other "Health' Iniur
snce.' ',
- - Yet "Caacsret Insuranoe', will cost you -less
than Ten Centa a week. r
That five you a "Veel Pocket" Bog
to carry oonatantly. .
s - - J
'Indlgeatlon" . means food estea but
only partially digested. ' .f.
. "Constipation" means food retained In
the body undigested too long, till It decays.
It then supplies the potaona of decay
to'the system, In plaoe ofjhe nonrlehment
It might have eupplled.
Jjn'l that aJrernendouj handtcap worth
Insuring against?
. What does It cost to Cure Conatlpatloii
or Indigestion, with their train efssmsll
and great Ills, snd to Insure against a,
return of them? , ; - ' v
Ttot so very much. -. ', x
r One 10 cent box of Caxcarets per week,
at most, perhaps half that. " j
. One candy tablet night snd morning.
taken regularly for a short time, Is war-
ranted to cure the worst case of Conatipa- - -tloa-o-4ndlgeatlon-4hat
walk theaaruV
' One tablet taken whenever you. suspect
1. ..
TUU MN ,t vw tiivuj v. aiafuBi w pw -
cent of all other Ills likely to attack you.
Because 90 per cent of these ills begin
Mrs, IV. Hill; outer guardian. Ell Evana;
supporters to N. O., Mrs. U Parker and
Mra V. Neleon; supporters to vioe
grand, Mra. A. K. McDonald and Mra.
E. Nawhousa
And harassed by a bad cough T Use
Mallard's liorehound Srrun., it will se
cure you sound sleep and ' effect a
prompt and radical oure, . Sold by
Woodard. Clarke Co. 1
tats anilir proved the enooaaa we
u t
iUTl .
..- L0'7- PRICE
JlarrUnAe 1
Oooda Wilt Always Prevail.
Muslin Drawers
LaDizr mrsxrs bawtsj, an hsm. -v
4b plats, tucked end with rehlei mas- J
waixi-rtrrs sioi .....its
LADirr inrtLni sbawym, sua ec
, rd araaUa, seaMtitrhea. easiarle refeai
: wTnis-ixila rucsx....
iabxzs rm inrainr mawxis.
wltk wtda Bosore, traaM .with lace
or mbrold.ry: regnlar eee. rrr. -WBITS-IXTta
filOX tie
Infants' Wear
SH01T WXm DkMaiir siaea ef
lie laws aad Swua. trluuaed with
Valenneases laee -Isaartlea and . eav
tHWZt .. .lee. Tie, Me. and II. M
CAPS. trleuMd with ealffoartbeoas
awl BllllBS.
yaioEa ......... tte to ii e
1rAT'. rnrg . vim wool
AOaUEs Ooiura, eleeves sad Ireot
emhmlilered with silk. -
Flicta toe te li st
M.ynlar BOe. ,
wHrrt-yxrES rstcs iie
"'"" Tin wttt hiihSrr.i .
BOaS-eUlk fcaels sad toes Me
Domestics. Etc
xaLi De ta wAiaroiea. ait
leslaas and sgurea; 5e te toe sraoe.
ine Tare .
-lee tar Me-
the yard
K?h.L Me and 10a
WI8B, all aim la, the rard 1
tor apron aad cblldrena'
Ttie yard ,.te
WRlf g rjTDIA LIIIOVb, the yard. .TVe
BBUaBLOII CMTaWlx-yeMlBleeea,
the bait . ....Ilea
VOBT WAUTUroS-ailcbUy selled; the
SfW .M n eaelittee.
. 'the yard M
...ilVie sad. Ue
- Dog in your
Pocket . ;
tn fte Bowe1e. er exW lhrruti poe -
Nutrition. "
Ceeearels don't purge, don't weaken
don't Irritate, nor upeet your atom anh. r.
J.1 No, they , got . like Exeroiae oa the
Bowels, instead. . "r" -
They-atimulala-the BowalMuackBJaL
eontraot and propel the Pood naturally
peat the little valves that mix Digestive
Juices with Pood. v . '
They strengthen these Bowei-Muadei
by ex ere Ixl ng them. ,'-'"
- ' ' ' ;
. The Urns to take a Caeoaret la the very
minute you guapect yon need one.'
-- When your tongue is ooated s fettle,1 '
r Whan your breath is not sbovs
When your bead feats dull, dlsiyv of
ohy. - .
When you have eaten -tse heartOy, or
too rapidly. , .-..
When you have- drank more (haa was
. food for your digestion. - - - - -r
' When you have a touoh of Heart
burn, Cas-belchtng, Acid-rjalng-ln-throa
er a Comlng-on-Cold. . .-';'"!
. Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box where It
belongs, Just as you would your Watch,
Pocket-knife or Lead-pencil. v
- It coats only 10 cents. At any dru(4
glet.'- . " .--'.. ' ., ;.
Be luf you get (he genuine, made oar
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold la bulk. Every tablet stamped '
Wi want ts srnd te ear fHeadt a oeaetifal ,
1, kardHrnaSsGft
dressing taaia. T
(rULD-riJlTa0 pUNHOil BOX, -
calerv It U a treaty fcr 13
Sresslng Ubis. Tea cents la itanpi U asked taa "
awaaare el gdfrfli sad ts cover cMtotCaacartta, ,
Wltk whlca luiilnty trinket li kxided, TM
Send te-day, aientleiilng this taper, Aettrau T
Starttag JUaaeay Geawaay.Cakage er Mew Tark.
awaasitsf J
rSeectal Dlaeatrk te the JeersaL) '
Pendleton, On, Feb., 1-John pryant
of Cayuae haa, been appointed atoek la-1"
apeeter (or Umatilla county to take the
plaoe of Joint B Sean, who resigned at
tne. request ef the county court. . The
appointment waa made yesterday after
noon, , The selection of 'Bryant waa
made after the sheepmen had already
unanimously indorsed Aloose Xaotte for ,
the poilUoo. , i. a ,