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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
SHYrtURIOiILEiS DILL HllliUUUULU ';,;;:;.v:.' I . I8 0IITR0E. - Nurse Denies Story of Deathbed ; Reconciliation Printed in r v5 Morning Paper. ; . THERE WASN'T ANYTHING .TO RECONCILE, SHE SAYS : to St Vincnfa Hospital but to orth Pacific Siut6tfum-No Rt- - porter Saw Mias Troeger. "' ' Kiss Laura Troagsr, nuree al StTVle- cent's hospital, whose father. Charles T. " Troerer, died of consumption at the j "V North Pacine sanatorium a few daye ... ago, aaya thera la no truth In the story .printed la a morning papar to tha af fect that tha parent deserted bla chil dren H years ago, that aha discovered him la bar ward la a dylpg condition ?' attar 11 yeara' aaparatlon and that they vera reconciled on hla deathbed. Mlae ' Troeger aaya that no representaUva of tha paper aaw her In retard to the atory and that tha melodramatic aeneatloa U . Wholly flotlon. . ' -, ' . . . "I do aot know where they could bar aot auch a etonr." aald tha young ;' woman.- and If they had no aympathy -for ma In my Borrow It aeema they "i mla-ht have bad aoma reepect for the .dead and at laaat made aoma effort V to learn tha truth before printing a . . story that- reflect upoto one who baa 7 ' passed away." ' J Miss Troeger la deeply grieved over tha unfeeling, and unwarranted manner Vln which aha aaya tha morning paper T-eaat a taint upon bar father's memory for the purpose of supplying tha public .' with a bogus "human Interest" atory. . ' "My mother died when I was very -' yeungi tliat la tiua.- saHnai's xroeger, i T. - -T"ana mf aunr"tootuirBTfTe wrcare iotirlowTier- nuiban -- ai j iMumw mDwvu wi r .. and-wa have-all-beea - together - f re ' qoently. Wa knew-where he was and .' -- w.l ft.aa aa ea lie wraa flat brought to St. Vincent's nor to my ward when ha .waa oving. ni was taaen 'Jik. uh I- aanatrrf-tntri mV WaatVaa ai t waa nntlflaa' that ha Was there In a vary precaiioua condition. I V m a a - wa f f -wv .ww w. got permission from tha alatera here to go over mere ana cars ior mm uurius hla last daya 1 stayed by hla aide . constantly until bla death. There waa ' no reconciliation, because there waa nothing to be reconciled. That la all A ia a hA mtrm: I am rieentv hurt that 'such an unjust article should hare """been printed "and the publicTled to think Harshly or my poor rainsr. Stetson , ' Every man who first tries Stetaon wonder why he didn't do it yearr before. r - v kM lmw H eae Peek ""'T Baa Is ell ike lawel sain. SomTRoscnblattJ c& Co. Corner Third and Morrison Sts. a. iaa Tour-lBoh frame, taished x:A jmi ' ! & rZZ$L- Mm ,ir-. I . - . palatlag, alftereat aabjaeaa, slse 14xaa. Oaiy g.7a. It Grand Introductory ' SateSaturdayr Jtbruarf S Special LurY r rices vn t-rcriiiiiiy in nic aiiic , Last Saturday waa our Orand Opening Bale. We mad miny hearts glad on that day with beautiful pictures and frames at loweet prlcea aver aold on the Pacino coaaVand wa expeoHov make many mora hearts happy during this Introductory Sala Our goods are all first class, new and up-to-dete. Olve ua a calL Our goods and prlcea will astonish yon. A beautiful- pastel 1114) free with earn purchase of It cents or over. Plrst-clsas picture framing a specialty. Wl psy fare both ways (within -cent faretlmlU on all purrhaaes of tl.0 or over. - Special aalea every Saturdsy. Mall orders' carefully and promptly attended to. Send for prloa llaU ' Phoaa East .. . .. - YATES ART COMPANY Btm aUdf Co, atawraorae aaa wraaa Awataes. ..... - Housewife who v always buys -in thc l)cst market who reads the ads and saves a dime here and a . dollar there on the pur chases really, in effect M raises the salary" of her hus- -bana- -It-will Daveverv . housewife in the city Tto read the market ads-in-Todays' Journal. WOULD NOT LEAVE FATHER'S HOME And Henry E. Cordy Could Not Get Along With His Father- in-Law. JUDGE GEORGE GIVES 11 HIM QIVORCE DECREE MraroihprWiniarna .Telia Court Her From Her ' Home at Midnights- Dora H. Palen Waiting for Spouse. ' Henry E. Oordy did not get along with hla father-in-law, and Mm. Oordy 1 m -4-4 ..... mlK a-t.M U their matrimonial troubles. Tha' couple nuirnvg m n uu fun. Wisconsin, June t, lltT, and Ieaa than a year aft- w wwa ujt aaaa . uvu a r?a av wear At that time he couple were living In di. rsui wua in v w ii a ym ran la. Durni time before he enlisted in the Fifteenth time before he enlisted In the Fifteenth waa mauea irora HlnnesoU volunteers Mra. CKJrtyJaaaldlapectotThomaa VVJJV Muui.ui..; i...i a .. -.. ....ijT lattap from Seattle, Galea vecemDer e. have told her husband that she would ao.accompany mm to anomer noma Oordy waa allowed a divorce thla morning by Judge George, ' When on the witness-stand Oordy testified that bla regiment waa sta tioned for a while In Georgia, then was sent to Cuba. . He averred that he sent his pay to hla wife, but that after the war waa over aha still refused to leave her parents' home to go to one pro vided for by him. -He said he had not am fMM hla 4 t saa Afwr- declaring - that ' when tne" hos- oaaa. .joanua h. wiuani. - recurnea from Panama, where he had been work- In- n tha oanal ha k.. m their borne at midnight, Martha A. WIN llajns srefl al 1 n waH a H ( nrr The couple- were- married"-at Vafioou ver. Washington, ' June, s, iidi. - Mra Wil lis ms said that two years after their marriaaa her husband beaan to drink and to abuse hsr. . She- waa restored to her maiden name of Martha A. North. Dora n. mm la sum waiting ior ner huabmnit "tat follow her ..horns.' where ha sent her three yeara ago. - She waa married to ft. T. raien in Tacoma Au lull ja, iivii inu iiiwifu uai in iui following January he sent her to ber rr".,J , uttl credence parants- bom.aarvWngUct "'rhmcam, currt ton. and told her be would follow. She baa not seen him since. Tftviiw rtaffiara! that tier hus band. John Edward Taylor, deserted his family In leaving a large numoer of debta and five children. The couple wars married In Hamilton. Ontario, A U- BTjst'16. 1IIL Mra Taylor was al lowed a divorce. . STATE RESTS CASE IN SHERMAN MURDERTRIAL M-math TtM BWfatl.t " Helens, Mont.,, Feb. . I. The state has wtA l.a iaaa In tha trial st LewlBtOn of Charles Sherman, a young newapaper man cnargea witn xna muraer oi an aged Jeweler. Tbe defense Is Insanity. In all gilt or black aad gilt, hard oU aaaaaeiaa.iiiilMMMtt m mm CongreeernanlDrafU Measure Appropriating Two Hundred ' : Thousand for Dredger awa. , , , LARGER VESSEL NEEDED AT MOUTH OF COLUMBIA A-Rocetit-onfrence" of Enfiaeert LjRepreaejitativa I Informed Tbat VProviaions of PreviouiTBnia-Are Inadequate. - "Jr"' i.1 -L'ZT 1ft i w aval T"fri JmirtUiI.1! i ' tvaahtnton. b. I. RepresnUve Blnger Hermann today Introduced a bill appropriating 1100,008 to buua ana pay tha nnaratiha' asDanaea for a period of one year of a aea-goung redge for uae Aaw yivfUH Matiwvtn 1 " IB a recent aonfarenea with, the-chlef englneara Hermann waa miormea dredgeawhlch could be built under the proviaiona of the bllla previously Intro duced by Senator Pulton and himself would be Inadequate for harbor work outside, of the Columbia bar and It la at the auggeatloa or tne engineers- aepmn .nt that an effort will be made to eeoure an appropriation for a larger type of areage. U'KiaLEY DATED HiS LETTERS DEC. 5, SAILED KOV-IB Contlned from Page One.) . . Ing that the letter came through- the San Franclsoo poatomoa. Adda ooaiaawav T. ...... aa MKlni Bailed for Bh.nahal November 1(. It la probable h. ha iaf TMa letter and ' tha en closures, with instructions mac n-y am mailed December I (the date of the let- . . Y. hi. arlfa Marls. WSTO MoKln- lav.'waa then In San Pranelaeo, aba may have been entrusted with the letter. At ail aventa tbe scheme waa well caJca- . . . hla fmnuirl Off the scent ' MeKlnley well knew the methods of the secret service and anew tnai ii m serious effort should be made to appre hend him one of tha flrai thlnga to be done would be. to watch tha malla. v "juat about the Ume that thla latter spsciorj npniss D. ------- - -- i - s letter from SeattRT dated December 4. saying that MoKiniey waa "" to escspe from the country. The writer waa evidently In Ignorance of tha fact that the bird bad flown, and expressed the belief that MeKlnley would Ball from Vanoouirer, B. C. Tbe letter farther ...J ka arraat of eOr- J. Hlb- bard and Kay McKay, eaylng that they had beea engaged la with MeKlnley and might be forced to disclose hie whereabouts.- -. u.k.... - immatiiiiW eommunl- aed- the Information be bad received to Stats Xand Agent west, ana both of them regarded the letter with suspicion, thinking It might be a mere deooy, weat went to "iu " a eearch for Borne clue which . might. i ju.irhiiniPNiC He was ID' mu iw v-.fc..-j . successful, and though aoma Informa tion wsb Becured-ae to ncunr movements during the prevloue summer an fail nothlns wit learned which waa of material Importance.- Keportad rrom California. h rannrta name from Saa Frandsco to Inspector Neuhausen that the two ewlnaiere were in Thla Information waa accepted both by . ana oy west a pnwauif Jo the-Tumora-whlclr-bacama current several days ago that the two men bad fled- the country;- t Two daye ago these rumors werw tonnrmed In a manner that left no doubt aa to their accuracy. Evidently Frnct" 3 Heney Is convinced that the fugitives have escaped, although In an interview In San Francisco hs stated that h thought they could be located when wanted. - - - - caa 'They Be Bxtradltedf An Important queatlon which now silses Is whether Putsr and McKley ha ariiitel. and whether. If This can be done, the government wiu the neceasary etepet It appears to be Impossible for the state land agent to Institute extradition -proceedlnge with out the aid of the federal authorlttea If Puter and MeKlnley were purpooelj allowed to escape from the government h clutches If la not to be "PT thera will be any great effort to bring The. Indictments -now pending In tha federal court againat Puter and Mc Klnley charge them with Pr? defraud the government. It la aald to . L" Ih.i) aurh a chares Is a M QUUUIlUl .... . . sufficient baele for extradition, aa the offense charged la not a iciuny u. : a. miademeanor. MEADE NOt EQUIPPED :J i-TO-FIGHT. FIRE IN HOLD (Joarasl ineHsl ger-.t ' i a.- t.ii..ii. Feb 1. The board tt inqutryiappolntedlltoLUhveatlgata-the : fire aboard the transport Meade and the i ... A.t Haatha mada known thla I ... v.- ha fire annaratua on mUIIIIIIH rw i a .a i mnnA nondltton and every ! effort bad been made to extinguish the blsse. Major Ievoi, superintenaeni oi the transport service, admitted that the w..,. nni anulnned with aoDaratua by which a fire in the hold can be eon- trolled from tha engine-room, Bevol in .lata there wss no lime aboard tha transport. Tha Inquiry .will be con tlnued today. RIITTF POSTMAN WAS 7 INDICTED AT HELENA ' ilail rHanatrk fa Tha Mraa.l ' Helena. Mont. Feb. J. SUU another i .i.i . r.(iira.4 h tha feil- eral grand jury was mada publle today when Daniel McMillan, a Butte post man, appeared In answer .to a charge of aatftrefine' a letter ana imwnuni a moneyfirdertharaln- He-will plead later. , COLD WAVE SWEEPING OVER eastern;states ' " ' ; v.. "'" ' iJouraal RoerUl gervlee.l - ... New Tork. Feb, I. A cold wars Is sweeping the Atlantlo coast and east ern states. The 'mercury . is . falling aanMlw ml at Y Mar-ham Taka New Jfork, re Sisters 1 degrees below aero today. ' Advices rrom other points snow sxusmaiy eoia w earner- prevauwg. '. Ill S"" IVE CATJ $10.00 $17.50 for . We let you take the Suit or Overcoat to your friends for approval, if not satisfactory, we cheerfully. REFUND YOUR MONEY JOHN DELLAR Souiliwcst Corner First II V' . . . 1. ; : : ' ' MEAT TRUST TOTTERS (Continued from Page One,) W do not intend to Join ths aaso clatloa," says Mr. Fellowe of .tbe Paclfto Market Ornery company, to which .a aant - "I 111 a ba ilie wt w " : . - , Uever, in competition and iwbea tha ttaa comes tnat aoma una tha price on the goods I aalU I am yeady to get out of buslnees. I am aot a member of any association for tha regu lation of prices and Tiever wtU be. If I -.11 -nnAm at flaUrSS Under tbOSO quoted by competitors, that Is my busi ness and their ioobous - man " can oell goods cheaper than I la a good trader and deeerves credit. "I have been In the cut-rata business for a number of years and am making money. I oell at a email margin aaa haiiava in riolns a bla lot of trade In stead of sitting around sucking my thumbs and allowing -me coowsos w cover my gooda ' "Some time ago an attempt was nan by tha Retail Grocers' association to force me Into joining It, but none baa been made lately for the reason that I told the committee quite plainly that Its work was a rauure. or a naa mined to be my owa boss and make my own iiriuwa. - 'These associations are noimng out trusts pure and simple, just ma iu kind of trusts as the government Is -.. i i riiu autar atatas. Tha HBH.iiia ... - - - people are against the trusts, so I do not believe they will take unaiy to mis MM.iniiiiif T am not exactly looking foe trouble, but 1 believe In do ing bualnees In my own way. n can . . . . -haanev 1Mb tna otner xei- t in An i If I want to fvw . ... a w ... a - advertise prices In ths papers, I am going to 00 It. neraioiora n a " " but little attention to advertising meats, but seelna that the others have quit It I may begin." HEROIC SEARCH . (Continued from Page One. rkii. ..n.M.rln an attamnt at land ing In the bla surf a llaht canoe put off from ehore with three occupants. The canoe was threatened with being swamped every moment but finally reached the Lome, Ita occupants proved to . be Logan and two Nltnat Indiana .. . . haHfnntai wail nlah ex hausted and also Buffering mentally from the narasnips ni naa ciireiwut uuaii ' m ...lit An finthlne- ' for the Door creatures and they-were swept away be fore mv eyes." m waa iiurwira taken aahora Tha Lome returned to . l. . ...t.rflav In an attemot to secure more boaiea. i ni weainer is ra. ported favorable. . ii a i Qaeea Zaeavaa for PaaeraL Mii.a.1 Ii I i'ain. irah. !-Ouma Alexandra left thla morning to attend ber father. King unriatian a, runerai. . ft .tn - ar.dkxtlca , that tbs ttoisscb end other Cpcstive otrans ere wee!c, tJred or ddUtdrtt ecase-no end cf aches cad peas end ft ; neit. common where tecpla bzlt their insds end btOTy cna worry u uuvy do fc. tahis country. , lcd'sSwTsapcxTlla ct3TSoys?sjcii--lt ha !a C5-ctocch, bi 1th Czsza. woe tsainKnaak of ratrarkoBr earat - tm SahIt m fl I ailinlll Nflu S. C. L Hoo4 Co. LewaJI, Msm, & 11 11. - AtO 1VE CO INDSnSELL DlCn-nErjT STOliS i . .7T. i ii I', mm i '" '. ' ' ' . 1 1 I ; ' ' "' ' and $12.50 and $20 Grade, i . : . . , ...',. , . , . , 1 . ' ' v - RUN1NJIMQ TWO STORES teal pleased (Continued from Page On a) let tbe people understand tha situation and the rivers and harbora. bill will not only be an annual measure the same as that for the other departments; but It will carry enougn money m ak.Haa.. Vta raaldaatS of 'the far east, those living along tha great lakes, those aerved by tha rivers of the middle and southern sections and of the great west wf it-be a tintt otr this question. t a a miliar of oraaalsatlon and that Is under way. I will submit a full report on tnese maiiera io uia chamber of com mere a "While In New Tork I called en gen tlemen having large Interests here and found them neariuy in aympainy win our effort to get thla emergency appro priation . and doing all - they can to further It. While thera I aaw aoma gentlemen who are Interested m pro posed projects for developing certala portions of tha state and the outlook waa very encouraging. The Uae as Salem. , . -T a bnn-n that Vf riff at A Whlta. very heavy capitalists of New Tork. are benina tna oaiem troney una. int money Is In hand but they are anxious MAmMan.a Ark fmm both anda Slid push It through. This cannot be dona until their entrance into roruaua is assured and determined on. The tide . s n .n t m I mm 1 i a f Inn - la running this way and every reasonable encouragement snouia os given inwna Ihg Investors and setUera If we all .... 1 1 . . v.. K . hanrlla mi, affalpB la a broad minded' way. let our resources be known and encourage legitimate inveso ments, he would . be a bold man who I nM.nli..w tha avtatit Af tha growth of the northwest and Portland in the neat is years. Wttmsaii tha Kit. irua. nhurvlMnnfl . CAnnlarl with the experiences I learned of other places ana sections nave cununnra w in ..i v. . . TMlairVa-atirieamaj.r an I growth will ultimately depend on the great waterways or tnis itmion. na have unlimited water power; wa bave ..iwmAna na i iirel ' Traanurraa. and with free rivers limiting and contracting tha Chargea ior transportation ana m ueep channel to the aea, Portland will be nneatlnn the a-reatest city of the northwest. : Furthermore, i experience everywhere has demonstrated that com- m . . ia tha lira nmnji or a arear. cut ana ih. maiI anonnmlnal nort. . other thlnga being equal, gets the business. we tnererore now snouia n necessary steps to provide means by -hiih - air-enaria i.nm1ri fn tha ' nttv either on the eaat or west side can get in and a noil line oy wnicn iramu oan be exchanged between them all and aruilr fanllltlaa. ThaU ITIlT look like large undertakings but thsy are tne necessary aujuncie o. a TOWN TOPICS HITS - ' ' ' ; (Continued from Pago One.) The nresldent. unlike an emperor or TTrmi7-h.lBlmpqrarytitie ann, oa- I " . - - - aW. aa. h Ing Incorporeal, can nave no cwrarai Mies Alice wss not born In tha White House, nop during tha preatdenoy of -her . father, as Miss Clevelsnd was. This principle la recognised by the concoctor of the card, who aaya, llr. Nicholas Longwortb' Instead of . The Hon. Nicholas Longworth, M. C' because Mlas Alice Is going to wed a man, not a member of congresaiirs. Rooaevelt, first lady of the land. Is not the mother of Mlas Alice, and consequently the st preaslon. their daughter,' Is doubly erroneous. No place is named for the ceremony, and at IS o'clock' may mean noon or midnight. "Ths card of Invitation should read: Mr. and Mra. Theodore Roosevelt re quest the honor of your presence at ths marriage of Mr. Roosevelt's dsughter, Alice tre, with Mr. Nicholas Longworth, on Saturday. February IT; 10, at the White House, Washington, D. C II o'clock noon.' Valla rwaa Wga OlUT. (gfieeUI Dleseicli te Tbe 'sarast.l , Vancouver, B. A. JTekv Iv A Japanese Grade, gjjj J? Aged Woman sumption and Hemorrhages Mr. Mary arif8,of Albion, Pai, Restored toyizor ou Health by Duffyf Pure Malt .Whiskey, 7 Recommends It as the Greatest Medicine for Weak and Aged People. - ' ,s "I Was' a Msrs Skdeton From Consumption of tho Uvsr and Hemorrhage, and Helpless as a Baby, but Now at 64, 1 am in Perfect Health, and Duffy la My Constant Medicine." i4 V ...w.v; v :: :..' a-. ::::::-;. -:.:. " ,;1 ' MRa MART ORima , ' ' '' "I hava taken DunVs Pure Malt Whiskey for almost one year, aa I ear-, truthfully and ooneolentlouBly recommend It to every one as the beat medloine for weak and aged people. One year ago laat wln,ter I waa "".XT'SS "v. Ously ill with what the doctors called hemorrhages and consumption Of tha liver, rrom s-eDruary to xne isiier pari oi may rij" anf waa almost aa- helpless-aa a babyr-laas a m-ra TTi?? - - f " to take I ever took. chvslcls -ilftffc-MART Duffv's Pure rys 11 re Malt wnisaey, ana it certamiy i o" " "V. 1J r Today, at 4. I am in perfect health, and never bavs to call or a S.a-.-l ' a a a. -a a aaaaxtl aIbVA T tiaVSf Will f.l-WlthOUt It- 1 II IT V F4 IT IT1J CUnWlellH Il-UIVIHO '. a, as-- - -mm ,w---es--- ORimSr Albion.-par -May J Vlo- , Is the positive preventive of eonstimptlon, bemorrhageB, bronchitis, and I all dls-, -eases of the throat and lunge, and hundreds who have Buffered 'th these dread complaints say that their won w vipire.ii iiia ...f.y ra and regular uae. It Is prescribed by physicians of all schools ""'' ... T .i. i.nianA. ... ail atimah rnmnlatnta. It Is tha greatest tonlo- for dyspepsia. Indigestion and all stomacn compiayi.-. " 'T.'VT in vigors tor known to medicine, and thousands of old people the country over are lept .health and strong by Its regular uae. - - . . - -o,J..lI"--r".:rK.,,. ;i; and mA la ann-aa an-i racnmmended workers Guaranteed to be abaolutely li"""? ZZZ'ZZ Val.: .v-mm-. .kink a-a ..i am alas aaarket for preflt only, and hasmfnl. Semaad VaSy's glo aad rooe ta the eoaa a-ark, tha "Old O hem 1st." aa Broken. Ada-ass Daffy Ikasmfnk Ibemaad VaSy's aad be aareyoa get litjl Sold by ar . . .. - . laborer employed at hs city water works at Cspllano canyon fell-He feet this morning to tha Jagged reeks below iii Cured of Con Malt Whiskey everr where by ministers and temperance free from fusel oil. wm Wv u n.To Imltatloaa and posiaivaly -err saUahla Smr- bottle. Xrook for the trade- , - V. ,.rt.. a aaal Aa Ik. Mr. ia tialt WhUkey Oo, Booaeataf, ST . T. Ha slipped off a board whfla eroselng the canyon. His body waa bad! ma-v SlaA. ' . ' v -.s