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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
jrilElOREOONAILYQUlUlAIPOIlTlJUIDirriDA'Z:, svtrnNQViTEssuAnY tv ll 1J t. li'-i PLAN TO RENDER ; JIRilll; SAFE Captain W. W. Goodrich Urges Government to Establish Light ' ships in Juan de Fuca. 1 WOULD ANCHOR ONE I OFF EITHER. SHORE "Space Bclwccu Them Would Sa Saf ". Water and Mariner Could Steer trforPort Without Danger,- Ht . Say.-' y- r -' letters urging that f. lightship l maintained at th antranc ot( tha straits of Juan da Fuca have been written by Captain W. W. Goodrich of Portland to the governments of British Columbia and th United States. M is said dla sisrs like the wreck . of the Valencia could not occur If twin Mghtshlps ware stationed at tha entrance to the pas sage, which Is known among mariner as "Hell's Kitchen." Captain Goodrich' Ida I taken from Ills' knowledge of conditions ana tne history of the lightship off Bandy Hook. He .said: , . , ' . "At the entrance to Juan- do Fuca' It la SO miles front- Bonlll point light v , STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The United States National Bank V:' ','. . ' ' OF PORTLAND, OREGON, ."' .Vi.Li AT THE CLOSE OF BUBi'NESS. JAN. Jl. 0V : V' ' ' .- CALI OF COMPTROLLER.. r- s. - i - , ... U. 8. bonds t -.ecur Circulation- 100,000. .' O. 8. and . other bond : and premium. , Real eaUt , . lMli.H Oftlc furattur and fix-, . turea ................ 4,600.00 Bank building v..- 1SM00.O Cash and d us from bank t,XJ5,10.14 . '':7 '" -.' $ ' Vanduyn; TO 'i-'&.vs'.: 313 Washington Street , two blocks west T LOCATION," - R.eopen Their Men's ? Shoe Store Saturday -Morning. It may be discovered that the place Is a little " muased, but our friends will find ns fully prepared to - i please them exactly as well as we always have done in ' v timea gone by. - Call and see us in our new home, north side of Wash : " ington, near Sixth.' .',.' :."';..: ; Men's :$I0,$1230r$15 How can we do this? - We're coming dose to the end of our great aale and to -we have bunched the different lines together to go at 'Se.T5SUITrWofBtedrCassimerefrChevl6tirtWe' never have deceived you IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT house on TauvrTttiUr T5"TtTO0Tl lighthouse on th American aid. The American government ahould establish a lightship six mile north of Tatooah lighthouse, and th British government should anchor a similar ahlp six mile south of Boullla Ughtbouaa. The Amer ican ahlp ahould flaab red and white, at five-minute intervals, and the ".British light ahould flash green and whlta at similar Intervale. . All vessels entering the straits would pas between th two lightships, which would bo eight miles apart and mark aaf channel. - After paaslng into th channel they would steer, their course east -.for port and there would be no danger. "The straits -of Juan de Puca are the graveyard of many aplendid vessels and hundreda or people. There are no landmarks In a fog, and no ' 'whit water,' for th breakers are unseen un til the ship strike them. A vessel en tering these strait In a fog Invite the same' disaster a the TaJenclarmiffere LlgntShtps wuuld hare saved this ship and ber passenger. When the captain. after running on doad reckoning sev eral days, found be wss lost and ooulfl not calculate by bis log the exaet distant ha-haddriftedV ha.ept on what, lie thought was th courae and unknow ingly passed the entrance to "the strait and ran plump Into th rock on Van couver island. : : k . , . c : - . v '-Owing to4th peculiar run of th currenta on trll ooast, and the ebb and flow of the tldea. It I Impossible for a mariner to calculate distune correctly by hi log. as the same estimate never appllea twice for th drift. . Th oep tain of the Valencia, trying to recltort hi position by th log. was 34 mile away from the place be thought be was when hi vessel arnica. mgnisnips could be equipped with rogoeu ana whistles and modern lifeeavlng-applt-anoea, and the stralta of Juan de Fuca would b comparatively safe for hip owner and- tha public UAKXJTXMI rr7l'f0,.t Surplus and Undivided - profits' ......-.. IS4.078.M Circulation ............. sOO.000.00 Dividend unpaid.. 369.00 Deposits 071.2)1.81 ' I.I0.7J0.I Atteat correct: ' J. C AIN8 WORTH. Prealdent 5 Walton V- of their former AND WILL V FOR 0 $675-o: loae - outthe balance quickl; and won't in this great sale. MORRISON coRfmstST llrJrCROPSlE PROPHESIED C rain; of AH Sorts Growing, Well : in Oregon and Pasturage ) Improving. SOME1 WINTER SPRAYING FOR SAN JOSE SCALE Fall VSeiTEjirorucnTn- tected' by h Covering of v Snow -Farmers, on'. .Coast '.Fear,-Warm', Spelf WUlMakaTTreea Bud. Crao eport . -for January received by the local wea,ther bureau from; every seatlon of Oregon indicate that condi tions are' favorable for a heavy yield of almost every . sort of farm- produce. Urain of all aorta Is growing nicely, paaturags is improving and Block la in good condition. ' Fall wheat east of the Cascades was protected by a good covering of now and 1 giving promts of a heavy yield. ' west of the Cascade the rainrau was ample to soak tha ' ground. . In aome portion th ground wa tod wet f of plowing or seeding. There have been no aevere -cold snaps, but alternate thaw lna- and frffl'ng vfrdad Trawth t some extent Wheat, however, baa not suffered any harm. It ha stool ed nice ly and I -looking good ..'."'' i Pasturage, th report how. la rat ber poor, but not more so than 'is. usual at this season of the year. ' In th eastern sections of the state, -where there was more snow, stock has hsd to be fed more than usual. - However, ample hay was In stock. It la reported. No material lossea of stock have come to the notice of th bureau. , " ; Fruit trees are aald to have stood the winter nicely and they give promts bfa good yield, provided they .receive no -pneipectcd setback 4n-ha remaining months of - winter and spring. Com plaints of San Jose' scale are more nu merous this winter than they have been before and considerable winter spray ing ha had to be resorted to. From the coast section ol the stat cornea the report that the warm apcll la endangering fruit. Th farmer fear that If It continues wsrm much longer the trees will Tegln to "bud and aT cold snap, might do Irreparable damage. Oraa Is rather short, but grain Is dotna; well. Stock la thin, but not suffer ing.'. . Willamette valley farmer report thnt warm weather has caused fruit tree and hopa to gtv indications' o early bud djng.Oraln and grass are growing and stock Is In goodT'conaflTofi. ' . Southern Oregon reports an nnusually stormy month, but crops are In fin condition, giving Indication of an un usual yield. ' .- It 4s reported from the Columbia val ley that th past month haa been an excellent on for fall grain. Pasturag I poor and - stock ' I rather . thin. A scarcity of atraw for. outside stock Is reported. About six Inches of arrow has melted and soaked into tho ground. ,. The plateau-district reports' field and meadow pasture very short. Block will have to be fed until spring. Fruit trees and grain are In good condition. Small loss of atock I reported. , PRINEVILXETOHAVT SUNDAY MAIL SERVipE Unci 6am . haa -so arranged It "that hereuftel Prtnevllle may have a Sunday mail service. A star route service has been arranged - between - that city - and Sisters. On and after February a star rout will be operated between Austin and Canyon City. Tipton and risks sra omitted because of the extension of the Bumpier Valley railroad, which branches off the main ilne - at Baker. City to Austin. . - .. Th local railway mall service of ficial have also received - notice of change in two other star route. In the future the mall service between Pralrl City and Comer will be between and 11:10 o'clock In th morning for the round trip. ... Between .Culver and Madras the round trip service, will ex tend between S o'clock In the morning and l o'rinrk In thfi afternoon. ., . rrsfsrred Stock Oaaaed Oeeda. Allen Lewis' Beet Brand. f vi y 1 J v; .. Xr iflC it 1 I fJOREUOOEY-FOR DR. Prudential Committed of First Baptist Church Increases Sal-; ary Four Hundred Dollars. " CONGREGATION GIVES - - HIM A LOVING CUP Reception-at Whltaulfrnpltt In Cl- bration of Second Anniversary of Pastorate and Coming of Assistant Tho second anniversary of .Dr.. J. W. Brougber's pastorat In Portland and th arrival of Rev. Blnathan Sweet, who has recently accepted a call a assistant pastor of th White-Temple, were cele brated laat night In a Joint reception given them by th congregation of the First Baptist church. ' Rev. John Bentslen, superintendent of city missions, represented the Baptists of th city in a brief and witty address. Dr. ,8. J. Barber welcomed Rev. Elnatban Hweet in in nam or tne cnurcn. At tha rjoncluston of hi remark he pre sented the following statement of th prudential' committee: ' ' : f Just two year aso toda Whltcomb Brougher reached Portland to take pastoral charge of th First Bap tist church of this city. At that time, the church felt exceedingly grateful In the - securing of Dr. Brougher for the work at the White Temple, owing to hi large uccases In former pastorates. Since then he baa been able, Under the blessing of - God, to lead th church out Into a far larger field of usefulness than was dreamed of by the moat san guine of it members. Owing to these fact, and to other hereinafter enumer ated, we. the members of th First Bap tist church- of Portland, Oregon, as anl expression or our unbounded conridanc In and sincere love for lir. J. Whltcomb Brougher, do hereby unanimously adopt th following testimonial: 1 tw rosproua Tear. In looking back over th two year of Dr. Broughers pastoratalt-is'Wltb rofound gratltudthat w Jift pur leart to ourJ-ieavenly Father for hi glftjif-streh a leader to us. In paying our tribute to our beloved pastor him aslf we feel that . any words of com mendation that we might use are In adequate to express our firm belief in his : earnest Christian manhood; our warm admiration for his splendid quali fication In th leadership of the affairs of the ch.urch, and of our - undivided loyalty to him and affection for blm. Wi want to assure.hlm of these, aa he stands at the helm In the direction of th many activities of our church, and aa he seeks to impart th vision of great -undertakings to be made. in the Lord's work. - "All channels of th ' work of th church- have beer- ifcreaaad-4i--voluras during this period.' Large congregations have taxed the aeatlng capacity.-of-th auditorium, partlculariy-afhlght, when stirring evangellsrhs servlt have been conducted- by ; ,4he pastor, who ha trained large number . of personal workers from the church membership. In these two year there have bean re ceived (80 , new members, -over half of whom were baptised by Dr. Brougher. Effective organisation of the church forces has been accomplished and aplsn-4 did results are being realised by the number of societies. - 1 aatoy xtaa Won Tlao. - "The pastor-has also taken an active Interest in the welfare of the city and won for himself a large place in tho hearts of many outalde of the regular membership. From a financial -standpoint as well the 'Church is most de cidedly prosperous. Dr. Brougher has Inaugurated plana and given the most careful attention to minute details. Th church ha now secured two asslstsnt to i him in hi work, not to enumerate other features which have been added to the services of th church." "When Dr. Brougher cam to us H was with th understanding that hi aalary be made 14,00 aa soon aa the financial condition of .the church would warrant th Advance. Permission to do this ha been requested of the pastor before this time, but b expressed the desire that the matter be postponed. However, the finance committee recently imnn statement . to ih pruffenliaT commltte, urging that th financial condition of th church Is now such that this agreement ahould be fulfilled and that the pastor's present salary of It. (00 be Increased $400, making It $4,000 annually. -- "Therefore, as a substantia recog nition of our appreciation of th serv ices of our pastor. Dr. Brougher. we do hereby unanimously recommend that the annual salary be fixed at l4.O00-begln-4 ntng February 1, 10(, and to be paid from tha general fund of tha church." lefinlt action -was postponed at Dr. Brougher'a request until February 8, but on motion of Dr. Barber the congre gation unanimously , approved-the reso lutions. ' ' After these resolution - had been adopted, Captain J. A. Bladen presented to the pastor a handsome silver loving oup. This came -as a complete sur prise. Rev. Elnathan Sweet, In re- spondtng-to-'the hearty Jweluuin given him, expressed his great aengnt in being permitted to take up work with the church. .. . : , ;. C. J. Mlllls, superintendent of the rBlbTeachool." war master of cer at the reception. "A - musical number was given by the male quartet and a duet" by Mr. Belcher and Miss Lytle. The Temple-orchestra furnished music and refreshments wer erved. -. JOE DAY FINOS UAH WITH HEW Cafe-Keeper Wants Detective to Prevent Rivals Slandering :; - - V ... His Business.! , City Detective Jo Day figured in a ludicrous affair yesterday, which arose on account of. th misconception of f-crtlii persons11 as-to th order wmuh 1 haa come forth that there must be no more "knocking" of th police depart ment by ita member. The police war telephoned that a detective was wanted immediately at 41 V4 Union avenue. Day was. detailed to th spot. . When- he r arrived the wlf of a roatauranteuf, on learning who he was, pat her finger" to her lips In token of secrecy and conducted hint Into a rear apartment, where her hus band was waiting. ' , Th door was carefully closed and locked and then the restaurant man in formed the detective that he owned the property next door, which had been leased, to i th 1'aclno Coast .Sailors' .ROUGHER -PastorL;Juej i - J- ; ' :' '" - ; : "' ' - ' " ' . j '' ;' - 1 ' : ' ' ; .''. ..-.' '. . . .-.'' . WHEN ture. anion. Her h paused and assumed an air of mystery. . "Well, what do yon. want of mT" Queried; Day; : . "Here Vis what I want," was the re ply. "There I one of tho people who ha been going around town tcnocklng' Lour business. I understand that Chief Oritsmacher la going to atop "knocking in the city, and I want yoa to run this man out of town right away. H I hurting our business. The detective was dumbfounded. He gasped for breath. Then politely ex plained that the police were powerless In such circumstances. When he got outside he laughed mo hard that he lost a few buttons. The finder of the but tons will be rewarded on returning them to th police station. CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY FEBRUARY. 8 Ethel MartcII Vina Hascottc Hiss-Belle Lawrence And 1 Many Other Special ""Features-Including ThcFicchtrs Lcdies' Quintette and r Tyrolean, Trio Owing, to the overcrowded -hoset-intheveningthe management has decided to have Special Daily Mati nees, beginning Monday, frortrt To 5 0' A spe cial select : company has been engaged for the mati- ; ; nees"onIy.' ,-. f. . , SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE SloSo'aock Profram Changed Daily. Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21. 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnaida street. -v-- ' , ' ' "'('''" . , : ' '?..' . ' , . i . ' . ., yt ' - S V Extra Social,; $6.95 iiiiiiiiSp $1 5 suits $6- . You would not believe it if,you saw this state ment in any other-advertisement You know " .' R AD IT' YOUFSEEI These are the balance of ttock of a large manu facturer who closed them out to ut at a little more than cost of making. - They are hand made button holes, hand-felled collars, hair cloth fronts, serge lined, thi season's manufac All sixes, 34 to 42.' - -Seerthenrta our - window. A FEW PAIRS LEFT a . 1, -.j .' i l -i . Extension Sole Blucher Patent Tips to close rout regular $3.00. values -at -LITTLE-GENTS-VICI - LACE-SHOJEST-sizes 13 aU solid -.v..i.:.:........vA-.' MEN'S CANVAS LEGGINS in 14-inch and knee lengths, values up 1 -reee a These Are Princely Bargains Values Not to' Be .HadJEIlsewhere in Portland. Sole Agents for Bunker Hill and Little Red -Schoolhouse -Shoes- ; ' For Girls and Boys. , None Better Made in Amer---ica or Anywhere Else on Earth. THE STORE 239-232 rierrisca T y Ladies' Vici Kid Ex JcnsionSolc, Lace, - Patent Tip, Heel or School Heel $7.60 of those I-adiesWici Kid SI. KID AND BOXCALF- 8 to-( to $2.25 FOR VALUES Street, Near' Second - v w- 73 rTNfATaV H i