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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
11 ' FOR SALE FARMS. Entered t the poatofflre at Portlead. Oregon. 4 ror irsiiBBoruuoa inrvuga im m as eecoiiu clem matter. - Hostage fur single molest For 6, JO or 12 ge paper, 1 ceu; it ta 90 pages, 2 ceBie; s to M pages, s ceata. vdttorial Rooms, .Main IK) Mala MJ0 wi.ica ..... roarisv nmnun KxnzixvTATiTx. Vrreaaiid-BeriJamln opeetel Advertlelag Agrnry, too Naeaau e trout. New lurk; Tribune Build- teg. lataego, .. ta SUB8CEUTI0B BATZt. Tmki by Carrier. The Pally Journal. Willi SuniiaxX .tear 1T.B0.I 'Juii iiaTTr-'vear. rrrrrrrr.T gnu The I tally Journal, wltb bueuaji, bvoiiibb. . ', Tlw Dally Journal, 8 months . ... ! . '-til Watty douraat, wits euuaay. a aeonine. a. r-Ttn IMIy Jnnroal, a months. ...... itt-. . . jl.i. iiaiijisXjKSBkaWllw cjuuru ....... the Italia- aos nasir. tft'llTTilj aiiniiay Ta' 36 The Pally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year.. ..$7.00 111 imilf WUIITMI, A JFer .... w- 5t Ielly Journal, with Sunday. aeon ths. 8.75 TW lleilv Jourul. a uuntha ........... 8.75 T)hi lull Journal, wllh Sunday. S nwoibs.'l.bO" ,T)is islly Journal, a alanine .v The lielly Journal, wltb Sunday, 1 aeoath. I I I . lHIM .1 I MMlk .Ao The Sunday Jeuraal. 1 jeer............... 3-tkA "The Sunday Journal. moutha. ...... ...... 1.MI The Same-Weekly Jauraal. . .lb Ke nil-Weekly Journal, I u 1J ps each lu, Illustrated, full market re- ' port. I year I-80 Iteultlaiiece should ba made by draft, postal .wm, ee areas orders ssd small amounts an accvptable la 1 and J -rant poatan stampe. - - TilS JO0KNAL. . P. a. Box HI. Portland. Oregon BTHtKAX MAT BE TOTOP. "fie Jom-asl caa ba farad aa sals at tas . fclluwtng plana: ."..''. Hulas. 1UAUO H. BeUar C; W. . Me- . lllfAUO Poatofflca Kw eompaaj; 1W Dear. '' born arorrt. , - . - UKNVKH. t-OLOEADO J. Black. Slxtaaath and . - Cnrrta atrrrta. KANSAS tiTV Vaa Nor Nawa compatif. . itl.vhKAr-OUB U. 1. KaaaafBAO Baatb Third atrrt. NKW YORK riTT Urtmtam.'a. Dotoaj atjaara. VM AH A Millard Hotel nwa ataud; MrfaaU r1 Htatlnaary ei'ropaay, 130(1 raraam atrt. , AI.T UKR CITY Kanjroa ltetal awl ftaBi; Barrow Broa.. 43 Wt laarood atravt, aouth. ' tJ. J4IUI8 Phllla Rudr. la Loraat atraat; ' E. tr Vtt, KI Oltra atraet. - 'ZTZx " B--..'l.JW-!.'nii J' mIh!"' '1T ?SIJ ' Mnlth Broa., WO Butter atrrrt aad' Halat i Kraurhi Imtrl: Koatw Oroar. rrrr butld ' -7. lax; N. W baa tier, awaable aewa alaad. our , ; m-r Markat and krariwr atrvata. riKATII.K Kalolrr tlraad aawa ataod; W, " ' Mbaaka. Hotel HoattVi. ml aland. El-OKANE, . WASUIMOTOH-Joba W. Orahiai I 'TAfOXIA. ' WASRIHOTON-lCaiitraJ Naw eoav oany; Hotrl Taroma ia"ra aland. . Victoria. British li mbia Ttetat-u Bouk 4k StatloDarr roaipaor. . .WEATHBR REPORT. ' Tha hlirh pniura araa, yaatrrdar vrrt tba .' Borthwaatmi atatra kaa aaparated Into two iiarta. on af "wb Irk la rontral arrr aoatbrra Idaho aad tba- otbar onnrplaa tba apprr alhv alaalppl vallry. Tha laka dlatorbanea haa ad. anrrd To tba 1ar Tnfland " Nait IM hrB followed hr anddra rold wara axtoadlnc . aa far aoatn aa tha Ohio valley and aaat to . ' Nw Enaland. Tba ' traiprratarca In fhla actloa kara fa lira froat 30 to M drenwa Inr yaarorday BHwnlng aad aara tanparatara la rraortrd at Buffalo aad ttatrolt. , fair waatbrt mnttnoaa m tha wratora half of tba I'altod Butra with, aa' a rate, ktlld Ivmooratarra. and thrao roadltloaa will- eon- - tlnna in thta dlatrlrt darlnaj tha aait M boon. OhaarraUona taken at , ' PadBetlpiel " KtatVmo Mai. ptakrr City. OrB.... rioatoa, Maaaarhuaatta... htmao, llllDola. ....... Koaarr, florada Kanaaa City. Mlaanarl... Im Ancrlao, Callfiirnla.. 24 Naw Orlraoa, Umtataaa.... 00 Kfrw York. New York 40 Portland. Orr-rna... 54 , hWhvri, Orfioi 44 . Bt Loula.-llaawn4.. -Malt laikaj- I'uk Kaa rranHaro. t'allforala... 70 Kpokaaa Waahlmtoa. ...... 43 ' Tarona. Waahtniton 40 Walla Walla. Waahlnctoa).. 43 Vaahltn. D. C 43 MARRIAGE U&ENSES. J. B. Baydrr. ST: Nina Oarrlaaoa. 1. fbrla IBdahora;, 30; Itofr . Hobibo, 30. Lawla B. Johaaoa. 84: Tlllle Andrraoa. Sa. - Weddtna Carda. W. A. Bmlth A 0e.. Waah lactoa bldf., cor. Tonrtk and Waahlngtoa ata. Viae Bertha Martin, mom 813 AMeky bids. Btaaaatng aad fine Beedlrworb; laeaooa aiTea. BIRTHS. TA Jamtarr lb. ba Mr. aad Mra. Tataurura l Itm., t9 Everett etreer, a aoa, BMITn January 0, to Mr. and Mra. laaeph Rmlth. 673 Kelly e treat. danehter. t Lot K WOOD January 20. to Mr. and Mra. - Kamurl B. Lockwaod, 33 Broadway atreet, ' a aoti. Janaaro in, to Ml. and hill, frank ), Braaett, TO Eaat Tweaty-alau atreet. aorta, V o . - .IKiMllRK Janaary ST. to Mr. aad Mra. TntA Boahrk. T04H Mlaanari atreet. a danrhtrr. XAHHON Janaary 31. to Mr. aad Mra. Job a j Ijaraoa. tut rNHtyirwro ftreet. aoa. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. BEYER fehroary 1. Jullua Beyer. 349 SI 1th atreet. dlnhtberla. . PA KENT Jauuary 28, Maria Parent, M Eaat Thirty fifth atreet, ekirkenpoi. CAIIHUN Jaonary Ik), Lrroy Calbona. Eaat lale atreet and Grand avenue, an-aalaa. WIKT January' 30. Kllaabeth Wirt, Eaat Tweuty-niulk nd Eaat Yamhill atreet, i7' rblrkrBpOK. ' Pt l RR Janaary ., Prrry Pulfar, M3 Eat Eighth atreet. dipMharla. DEATHS. ' '.KrUinON January SO, Mary 0. Baahtoa, aged A 67 yeara, 48H Eaat Murrlena atreeU eauae, ' . i earelnnma. . Barlal at Rlverrlew cemetery. ANTISONE January 111. Mary ABtlnooe. aged ) 3D yaara, at ft.- Vlinein'a boaptlal; rauae, , puerperal arptta. Burial at Mount Calrary ' ermeterr. 4 kRATZ Febrnary 1. Ehrla Krati, gged JT yeara, r; 141H Elerentk etre-t; eauaa. tubereuloila. ' Bortiu plaee not known. UNDErtTAKERS. Jl. P. rialey dj Ona. funeral direr tora and emhelmrra, earner Third and Madlaoa atreeta. offlre of aoanty roronrr. Telrpbona Mala . Dunning. McEntra A Ollhangb. andertalieaB -and embalaw ra: awlnTB In eaery detail. 0eeatb aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady aaalatant. , The Edward Holme a t'ndertaklnl mmpeny fnaeral dlrertora and ambalmer. 230 7bird at. Ibone 607. . -....- . , a A. B. Hematork, nndertaker and embalmer "Poet . Tbtrteeatb end Umatilla - are. Pbon ,Kaat 4731. ... .. r. JtrTEBTUTW OEaTXTEXY, .." BiBtto ctaTaa 10. Pamlly lota 370 fo 1 1,00ft. Tho only . eeaaetery la Parttand- wht-h per retaally malntalna and rarea for Inta. Ear fall Infflraatlnn apply to W. H. Markenale, War. abater blork. elty. W. M. Idd, prralllrut. ,- . : REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. -- V. E. Thompson et a I. to Eetber C per re A Hoa. lot T. blork 1, anMivlatoii r ti ai m -rartoir Trart .. . . Ma.-lear Eatate mmiMay to Bnl Koaea frld. lota I and 1 block l.'Ardmore., 1,000 ' A. J. Korkaf'llow and wife to Smith ait. flair, bit 0. blork K AIMna .... 2.SO0 ' larker Adanaa and wife to A. H. Morrill; Kmefheaat 4 of ei thereat aertkm 30. tnwnahln 3 north, range 1 want. aad other prauerty w... ...... 20,000 17. K. llliMTham ana wire to M. u Hoi. law,- M SA ai iia beglaniag - aeelh r 14 oegria 3d muiutra eaat 633 tret from-orht ban .anna' a I. 9, 11 and 12. tnwtehhlp I north, raaga 1 went M. Morehead and wife to Nelle Utandar- . eon. M d llork b. Woodlawa ...... t 00 ' rarinr Hralfr or laeeataient rnoipeny ' - l arlra t. Laraon. lot 3. blork 4. Klewart Park . ........... 100 11. I.. Nteoheaem aad wife to r. M. l atlwiwot. aouth lot 0. liktrk 7X altar IfOOO 10 , .0 40 SO - .O o r .0 60 30 - .0 40)' SO ', M - ' f3 . '. : .0 44 f .0 '.' 10 ,- . .o 43 . . no '. -to .o- - 34 T ... M .0 4 T no ,o ' 0 i - .0 -10 . ) flj)i' 11 $1,350,000.00 ; .ASSETS Pmtat nor drnflaMora, who rrcalr 4 par rwnt Intercat compoondrtl.. tloa 'a- yaar oa ' C0VTQV CTK TTriCATKt OF "DEPOSIT. A nrar and I oral farm of aartnaa lie a.ajaiM lal.rrjM iajit fcy-eattlnar-orr . tw laCurmatloa a! thrar roanna rortmcatre and a boat war RpaeUI lrtlh'ata brarlnjr u to 4 par rant kitrraal, vaabla uo JO to 30 oaya rail. , ' . t br BVBurxst vtAxiT i tiaa. 8. . Onr. Third and Oak Straata. . ItMna Kxchanfa li. FIEST STREET Corner TBtlOO. var 11 ret and Waahlnctnn; nod laronei caa be -Inrraaard: $20.00U caab, balaaea aaay brnaa, b for cant tnteteal. TIie-Iealy'bYcstmcntCo. . , , siotld Ablafctoa bldf. ' , LOOK r LOOKi: LOOK rt dry lira 4-foot Br wood drllrered at tou per eord bow. Da not (at tba Impraa aloa Ihla la dead wood, for M la not and the wood will ba eurded at your place, ao, yoa can era yoa ban a eord. aad yoa will and thli dry wood aad aa adrertleVd. , Try ana. Bu tsi, city. , " . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ellaabrth "Ward and buabaad to Hrnry, lot I, block 14. Thurlow a auk- . Jill ilor Krtrlh 111 Jh ., Anna Thar low to -Hrnry Jooea, lot 10. bwrk 14. aamo additloa ana 4ori n. raarcy ana wire to A. II. Mor rill, bite 1 and I. err lion la, towa. ahlp 3 north, ranee 1 waat, aad etbrr pruperty fraorva A. Prarry to J. N. Pearcy, lot . 0, arcthn SX towaatalp 2 north: run I Wear , 1J Lity to virtor i.and company, lota so nA Wf O nl I-- ...i.Lu. at,. "j. . jj. bVolt, iota 4 aad ,44..r- VII J XO m, B. RfDII, BHTB 9 BX 3S, DbOTK ' 13. Pealnaiilar eddlttoa d City to Victor Iad company. Iota 41 to 44. Inrlualre. black 80. Peninsular , addition JHo. 3 19 U. u. Uammaaa and wlfa lac, W. Dib ble, lota 9. JU and . Jl. blork a. e!rn T T. rolkrnnerg et at. to T. J. Brooke, . atria of land SS feet wide for waaon- . road throtub-weat U. at aertkweat W arrtloB 3ul townahln S . north, ranaa 1 west .' ; -1 Ulna .Walton to Grace if. Miller, lot bkirk 60. Wbndatork . 10 Joba W. Braaa and wife to J. H. Petrr- son. lot 3. block HW, atepnaaa' addi tion Hrnry Hnltgrleea and wife to Benjamin B. Hnltgrlree, HH arrea beginning , ear aouthweat earner eertloa la, town ahln 1 north, rane-e 3 east Chrla Nlrdenthal and wife to Hrnry 2. Tahdr. lot 4, blork S. Oole'a addltioB. 0. M. Conner to Henry Perry, lots X 4. , bloc k 6. Wood lawn Helghta Henry II. Heerdt and wife to Rosa City Cemetery aaaortatlon. all of the aoath- . waat H -of soataaaat M, Serlloa 10. - township 1 north, range 2 aaat. and 10.70 arrea beginning at ouarter aertlon line running north ami aouth throueb renter of aactloa 16. towaahlb 1.OO0 SCO 1 north, range 3 eaat 11.000 C. W. kllppel and wife to Alrln W. Bagley, lota T ,. 0. 13 and 18, blork II, Portamoatb Villa Annei No. 3.. John H. Hall and wife to IsHile Laraaa. tola a, to. 24, 26 and 30, blork 4. . Hunriao Park Arleta Land company ta Clark Aaery, 260 100 lot in. Mora a, Arieta ran no. a.. addltloa aad lot 12, blork 13. IXochrr a addition - Point View Seal Eatate company to . Ad ton hJtieer. Iota 38. 34. 66 and St, blork ". Point View rarlOe Realty A InTeatment company to Ida Baker, tot 8, blork T, Stewart Park .-i J. B. Brott and wife ta Andrew Laraea. lota 23 and 23. blork 3, Senrlee Park. Portland Trust company to L. Carlaon, ' lot 17. block A. enMlTieloe lota 2, , 7, B, tract D, Bmltk'a addltloa B. H. Bowley sad bueheud to William . rroat. tut Id. blork lirj. Rrilwood Nrllle P. Kendall aad kaabaud to Mary- K. Smith, lot S3. aubdlTlaloa No. 1 1.000 400 126 100 173 16t Iielaiabmutt A Oatmaa a Little iiomee, and rhaltrla on property B. Blnahrlmer to Daa Mara, aouth lot 4. block 103, Eaat Portland John IL Pet crane and wife to Marleay Eatate 'company, Wa lb, 20 aad 21, ' In Ora Watann KloaB S-acre tract, Black l.tooea addition 8,250 George W. Corhraa and wtfe to Charles w. nnermsn ei ai., poainwi a 101 a, blork 37. James Johna addition to Et. Jnhne 8,100 Wltnelmtna Bteren init husband t- 1lf T. Lacka. lot IS, blork iu, Lincoln , Park Annex 10 Thos ritainaer to John- H. Irwla.-lot " 2.1. block iifl. Prnlnanlar addition 10 rjnlreralty Iod company to Ilennla BnlllTsn, lot l.MpcLJKL-S"jltit-- y Bherlff to J. 3. Bowca, lot 2S, block S. Tremont Place I William Randall and wife--ta I. 1. Bowen, eatoa property 16 Krla lAiadgren and wife to Martla A. P.tera, lot la, block X. Bbinn a addi- tloa ..... .......V.. 1.600 Get ronr Inaoranrar and abetrarU to real es tate from the-Title tlnsrantee A Trust comptBT, 2f Waablngton street, corner Second. NOTICE. KOTICB TO rREDITORE. In the county court of the state or Oregon, lor uia euonty .or - Multnomah. In the matter of tha eatate of ..John )f- OarreM, deceaeed. Notice la bereb gfyrnlhaf the uh3rralgned"baa beehT Tiy order of the aboTe entitled feourt, appointed ad- - mlnlatratnr of the eatate of said deceaeed, situated wlthla the slate of Oregon. All persons holding rlalma agalnet laid - eatste are hereby -notified to present the aame, eerlflrd ander oath, wllh Proper roach era, to me at room 434, Chamber of Com merce building, Portland. Oregon, wlthla all montha from the data af tha first publlcstloa of thla notice. ' 1, C. ELANDERS -i. Admlnlatratof of tha Eatata of John B. (Jen-ell. Deceaeed. WE. tha anderalgned farnltare and alano morrra. will require the payment of all rhargea nonet d-llrrry of gooda after Decem ber 1, 1INKI: H. C. Haa.-k. C. F. Herder. O. P. Huasry, Ooagroae Bros., Pertlaad De llrery f'n., .I'oat Boaclal Dellrery Co.. Pack age Ml. cry Co., Holmaa Traoafer Co., - Norrhwestern Tranafer Co., Oregna Anto DIs ' patch Co., Joha Hampton, JsBiea MrLlmlen, tiwea MrUnden. Pactflc Transfer Co., Oregon , Trawafer Co.. Portland Vaa A Storage Co.. Wakrman. Mores Tranafer Co . Eaat Side Trsaafrr Co.. ti 0. Pick tranafer A Storage Co., c, M. Olann, Barrage A Omnlhna Trana fer Co., A. J, Murphy.. Nadderlr Tranafer A Corn at lesion Co., John A. I'leo. Amlrew J. Mart'by, r...M. irelaad, t. Millar, klnch A Urnurrsoa. ,. . , - . NOTICE. THB aadmlinad will raralra aaalad blda for alork of nirrrbaaduo nraiao at aa rirat at., pi.rt ImmA. ttrrnai. conalatlna of dry onda. fur , alaliln anotlm boot a and abora. Mr., and . of tlta Inranlory nluatlva of ftt.SST.30, to- gatbar wita fixtarra anKHiniina ro ajoo-JV. . up to Monday, rehrvirr 4. at 13 o'clork Bonn. Inrentorr and atork may ba aoea on anoll. ration. A raah drpolf of 10 nor wit of amount efforad will ha required Wllh carh bid. and tha rlfht la marred to reject an and an aitie. Dated Ibla 3Tth day of Jjnoary. fans. V , - B. U. 8AB1N, rraat and Ankrny ata., Fortlaad, Ureioa. rA:ir!'-,"Trn:R rTT.El llosm a ti:i,K. t.iiAi'ii iu. t'ortiana. tirrifon, January 111. nam of Aiiiuul ueetsna; iu rr lar annual mratlng of tha atm'kbolilrra of tlM I'ailflo HI a Ira Trlenbona A Talrrranh enmpany will b held at offlre of titr ihiaal i m in a r Ytmt I'aik and Ainrr star, roriiann, tn-egon. on Tburaday. the midday ol reiirnary. ipuai. at a o'clock 4Uroctora to aer.e -tor the anaulng-yeae ami Diay come before lite- iticeilng, r. W. EATON, rlecretary. NOTICE ta hereby given that oa the twenty flftb day of January, l(ki, IhiI Oreenherg of Portland. Oregon, waa duly adludlratrd .bankrupt. . and that the brat meeting of his rreditora will be brld at room . Chamber tora of Commerce building, Portland, tire gon. oa the thirteenth day of Prbruary. lixwl. at 10 o'clork a. ra.. at whlrh time tha aald rreditora may attend, prove their rlalma, ap-4 point a trnatee. examine the bankrupt and tranasct suck other business aa may properly come brfore such meeting. Dated l-ortlend Oriwon. January 80. 1606. AIEX BWKEK. Kofarea In Bankruptcy. PORTLAnA, Or., Peb. 3, 1000. Sealed Wdo r will bo received at the ofnee of the school clerk, city hall, up tit 12 m oa Mondar, - eeeapaa for the week aide hlah building. Plana and aneetneatlone caa he aoea at the architect's office. 334 Eaat Third at. The achont board reserres the right ta reject any and all blda. ' THOMAS J. JONES. Architect. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. No. TT. W. O. W., meeta tonight In their hall. East Slith, near Eaat Alder. All aieltlug neighbors cordially welroBwd. H. B. INGRAM, a C. . J M. WOOUWOUTH. C - LOST AND FOUND. YOUNG pointer dog. body white, bead and eara browa, round leather collar. Ilreaaa tag Na. IKm. tletura or notify H. K. Smith, - 114 Eaat TweBty-eeventb aU and sbtala reward. . LOST folate gold riot; name Inside s full same reward: keepsake. Lrare at O. 1. C, cor. - Third aad Taylor. LOST A anotted Jersey row with calf. Return to 407 Mtaner at.. Mootayllla. I Howard. LOST White Pomeranian Rplta dog; SA reward. Rrtnrn 3S Cornell mad. Phone Main 2HU. HELP WANTED MALft. OOOD , head aawyer, ratrhet-srlter, ' backer, yardman. 10 labor are, at eace 706 Harnuam bldg. No fee. . . t . PORTLAND Barber College Tuition reaeonabie aa any arhool on roaal. 207 Flanders at. MEN and women to learn tba barber trade In eight sreeke. The Mobler eyatera of colleges will open one of their famoua barber erlioola (ln Portland about February 10. -Gradnatea earn from $16 to 2S per week. Only reliable barber eolleae In the United States. Special f terme to first SO arndeitrar be lively and . get aneclal re tea. Address Muhler ayatam Collegea. Portland, Orerm. CAMP COOK. $v month: machinist, fn: bench. I man; B,vr a ratters, iztj ana s.i: utbmnimsa. t. SI mlllhaada, $J aad Bp; 10 loggers, $3.60 toa,i.(io. " ' LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. .. r 180-Furst-st. WANTED 4?1erka aad wlndow-driaaara ta arudy ahowrard-wrltlng at Y. M. C. A. night acbool: personal lnatractlem. Apply for par tlrulars. SCHOOL tearhera and atadenta, atnrle young men between 30 and 30 who will want gooj emplovment during the eummer. write P. 0. box 034, Portland, giving particulars. A MAN with or without ranvaaalng ei parlance - wanted: baa a good opporlniilly to better him- elf apoa allowing hU worth. Columbia Pho nograph Co., S71 Waahlngtoa at. WANTEIV 1 lumber-grader: 1 . tallyman. $2.60 - adayi laborers for rack work. $3. aad others. STANDARD CO.. By Rnrnalde at. WANTED For United Stalea Army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 86. cltl aene of United Statca. of good character and temperate hablta. who can apeak, read and write Enxllsh. Apply to Reernltine Of. . Seer. Aiaawortb blk.. Third and Oak ata.. Portland, urrgoa. WANTED A nonunion barber with 8 to 8 years' eiperteoee. N 10, care JournaK . WANTED 1 bull planerman. wages $3.60; 2 aurface plane re. per-day. Portland , Employment .Co,,- 2u6 Morrlaoa it . hcllc Z3W. ... THREE woodtrlmmers. Co.. Tacomu. Tha Wheeler Osgood WANTED Slgnpeloter: shopman. J. P. Zlra. girbel, 213Vs Waahlngtoa at., apatalra. WANTED Solicitor for broker re arm. ' to Room 604 Drkum bldg., city. Apply BTUONO boys to work at lathmill; no ot here n-ed apply; $1 per day. pay weekly. 1073 Macadam road. South Portland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, over 2S, energetle, reliable, to take charge of a Vlavl ofBoa. Call or addreaa Room 23. Lewis bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843H Washing. ton at., cor Seventh, u pa fairs. Pbona Mala 1 100SV Female help wanted. , PORTLAND SErTING SCHOOL Faehlonahle dressmaking. 271H Morrlaoa at., cor. Fourth. - room tV-Syatem taagbt. WANTED Good girl for general son ee work. p. mrc-lr attain at; STEADY girl wanted for bouerwrtrk. 817 Mor ris .St., near Hodaey ave., Alblna. WANTED Immediately, very experienced aecond girl for Srst-claae private family; anhurhan borne; sages $23. 230 Yamhill, Pbona Main 6413. MACHINE OPERATOR Exper lcnrrd -a-Jadlea' - akliua; power mai-blnea. tharlea Coo pry A Hon. 8R Third at,, npstalra. MALE. AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Comnotent - persona to aeeiet . organising and 811 head ofrlcea of new fra tcrnsl aoclety carrying alrk and arrtdrnt bene Ota. Address, with Stamp, K. L. Illrk--mi, Alma, Ore ros. THE NIPPON EMP. OFFTCE Japaneae help ruraianea.: bw norm intra at. Malu 6lo4. HELP waated and supplied, male or female.- R. u. Drake, zitb'a Waablngtoa st. I'acISc 1370. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HOME -tnr atand, atnlible. T, T to do chores while attending acbool.. 1304. .268 Sixth at. I'acioe YOUNO man with home and buggy would Ilka to drllver any kind of gnotla from about a. m. te 4 p. m. Address O. I'ollettl, 156 Grand are. SITUATION wanted a donkey engineer) thor--Addreaa N s. Joe met. oughly. esperlenrrd. YOUNG aober man wonld Ilka pneltloa taking , cars of boreee) experience. Addreaa N 10, eara Journal. ' BY young man and wife on farm: only re . apeets-hle persons seed reply. Address N 13, cere Journal,' ' EXPERIENCED, elderly gardener wen ta work hv me monin; city r nmntry; email wag's bu (wad bo ate. Address. 4 1, care JauruaJ. . SITUATIONS WANTELi-FEMALE WORK Wanted for Chambermaids, cooks, wait rreere, donkey eugiuavr, wood a aad mill uaaua, city work: long uat or applicants. SHEBWOOD A BOYT. 206U Morrlaoa at.. Boom 3. . . Mala 4783. RE PKUBNCKD -boarding. Uun. Address N 17, eara Jour net EXPERIENCED tray waltreaa wish as abort pour work, l-nooa rroBt mat. . . . SITUATION wanted aa -cook by eiperleocea woman, boardlug-honae or hotel; wagaa a. to to S4U: i-lty wresuburba. 'JMlSk Yamhill. I'll tie Mala 6413. ana .WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents: eomethlng new: mod aeller, 7ilg-WgM. 200 MCKaf bldaT , AGENTS WANTED To Bell eoperlor. hhrb' greoe am set y aim kf compiaia-outni rurnaibeo; TMet ea.i. Mki er.H. mu.- m..-.iAU Salem, Oregon. Ad E NTS and peddlrra supplied: good money makers, good aellerai profitable side lines, t ail .evenings at ,200 Third' at. N It, car Journal. -v . . . a. WB want reliable diea ta every town la Oregon to aell alrk aad accident Inanraaea.. raelflc Aid aaaorlalloa, U0 Deknm bldg. pitt,T-Cl.AS."t coupon photo a grata; aomethlng new; Hg money. Hofatrslrr A Pataraoa. inni Ttilro. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT Or E ICE- ros men. H N, Baeaad at, t" bf.tfKa JAPANK8E-CHINKKR EMPLOYMENT OPriCB. Heary Tabara. iwt Kvaratt at. raoaa ra clue 640 . BIO FOUR EM P. AGENCY. Help supplied free. IS North Becond at, . rnoaa Main lata. THE Portland Emplovment Caw. 3U6 Morrteoa at. Phone ran no ist. - i SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., a North Becond, rurnutnee au iinua em ployaient tor men aad women. Mala Sue. SHERWOOD A BOYT. real eatata and employ. meat, ma le or female. 200H) Morrises, Toom 2. Pbona Mala 47S3. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO JtENT HOUSES.- COTTAOES, FLATS, ROOMINU HOUSES. STORKS. KTU. Our rental department baa neea enlarged and provided with additional staff. Wi Invite lletlog frooy t.ANDT.OrJDSr ffer perac npervitloa nal attention, to and rontlnaona aver all property intrusted to our PORTLAND TRUST COM PA NT' OP OBR00N. B. E. Cor. 3d aad Oak sta. I'boae Ex. TX LIST your rental pmpertlee with aa. Our rnargna are reaeonabie, and we make every effort to arc are tenanta. Western Oreima Trust Co.. 201 Stark at. .Phone Pacific 603. IF yoa) want to rent yoor rooma or honaea. Hat them wltb tha Portland Rental Bureau, im Thirteenth at.; It will mat yoa nothing; real eatate agenta should take advantage of thla; v4H- WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED At once, a good bouse and lot or varant residence Jot In South Portland; best caab price. --N a. rare Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTINfl. anraylng and whltewaeblng true. baaementa, name, dorks, etc.; largest gasoline spraying outfit on tha coast. ' M, O. Morse a oa.. . BZ3 union are. rooms a son, IP yam want good aaddla hareea or want to rent noraea or aay or wees, or want anvtning etured or moved, or waat back or livery. cell np r.aat aorix. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture ta any quantity; alao take aa me oa co mm tee ton and gaarantea beat reaulta. . Tbg Portland Auction Rooma. a. acnubaca, prop., zii sir ax - St. Phone Mara 6068. - YOUNO lady deslrea typewriting work ta da at home evenings, suck ee copying letters, addreeslng envsl'iee, wrap para or any hind of typewriting work; owna Underwood ma chine. J Id, eara of JeurnaL WE have the buyers, must have tha property, reel or personal; farnlah male ami frtnala help. Write or phone and wa will call. Mala SloS. n. A O. Emp. A Real Estate Co., 11 Vk . North Fourth at WE WILL BTY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 021 ' S20 WASniNGTON... PACIFIC 70S. T . PONES DOES. BPBAT1NO, PRUNING, WHITB ' WASHING. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t STORAGE apace for rent. Apply Portland Warehouse A Transfer Co. Phone East 6007. FONBS WILL GIVE FIGURES ON SPRAYING. FIRST-CLASS em a 11 eafc for as le : been nee.1 only one yearnralcf Broe.rstSo Eaat Morrleou. WANTED Horse for keeping: beat of care tskea. Call aooa or evening. - phono Main fxix.'l. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Nice fnrnlahed room in private realdeare. 1 block from cerllne. No. S40 F.aat Alder and Twealy-aaveatb ats. Pboae Eaat 258. THE GRAND. 46 North Third at. Rooms for gentlemen $1.60 per week. aad up. , THE RICHELIEU. Kt NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnlahed. a team heat and bathe. FOR RENT Nicely furnished Thirteenth, corner Yamhill. 181 HtVTEL LE ROY, S00H Burnalde at. New brick building, newly furnlahed, electric llghta. hot water at all hours; free bathe; rooma , by the week or month; eltolca housekeeplng .. rooma. GO -to. the Portland Rental Rnreea, 1 Thh--teenth at-. If yoa are looking for rooms, wltb or without board, housekeeping-rooms or a bouaa; we will locate yoo free of charge; don't ran all-wver- the- eltr.-r- Pboae Mala 1AM. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.60 WEEK UP New, clean, furnlahed bona. keeping rooma with fnrnaea heat, laundry, . porcelain bath, lota of hot and mid water, gas range. Mrs. Rounds, cor. Commercial and StantnS ata., Alblna. $l,tS PER WEEKTaTg, MeSS'" tuntlahed housekeeping ruoina; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland. THB MITCHELL, " Flanders. Ind ' Seventh , HcNrtns, bouaeheeplng and venleut; prli-ea maaooablr. FOR RKNT-r-Fumlehrd hnuaekeeplng rooma In - beet helcfe. blork on eeet aide: aaa ranaea. hsth. etc.: no tranelenta: prices moderate. I . i laigaa-bln,, 4ii4, lvteo-aiii, tatati Beat Alder. Pbona Met 4024. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, lowest rates, electric . llghta and pbona Included. SOlta Water at. GOOD, rlran houe-keepltig rooma . at rraannable rent. The Hall. 414 Fifth. $ UNFURNISHED botiackeeplng-rooma; light. pnone, nam; cneap to aduita. nan Thirt , third and Dlflelou, Phone Kaat 4N6Z. TOonff cerT 827 THIRD ST. 3 pleaaant. convenient ground flour rooma, housekeeping, cheap, Pboae Hood lOlrl. S FU RNISHED bouaekecplny rooms, net ot phono, $8 per month. Call tUd Saveatb at. BAT-WINDOW suite. Set floor; gee range, -fnrnaee beat, 148 North Hliteentb. " Phone West 2S01. CLEA N. nice ronma; gaa. porcelain bath, beat; walking Klatance; 203 Fourteenth at.; single. Mala 3.-Vfc ' FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 6-roma- Sat, , fridge, froat lug riser. I block north steel Inquire 28 Lorrabaa. : ROOMS AND BOARD. UNION HOTEL, 81 North Sixth at., aervea tba neai aiaai; rates, room 1, paara fau pes weei. 4. Anderson, prop. J LINDELL HOTEL, Fourth aad Market New . Drjtk, alegaatly furaleoad, Baodara JbroBgaoat raios raaaoaable, BOOM aad board, bath. beat, electric llghta working person preferred. tUid Eaat Morrlaoa FOR RENT HOUSES. a.,r.,.we..r., HOOMTNfJ-HOL'riE "" " using at the low figure of $76 per month, S3. rooma. aecond and third aoors of brick build ing. Waahlngtoa at.; also two good. Store, earner aireat, at gat earu. POUTLA VH Tllr"fT '"'Vv " 7,.-. 8. E. cor; 3d and Oak pta. . Pbona Eirhauge 72. S-BtwM-'bouea:- ball. -pantry- and bathr Kit Ktftaealh at., north: nice nVlghborbood; in-lca WM. Apply to j. V, Jones. 687 Eaat Twootleth S-ROOM furnished bouse. East Taylor; rents for eoui ea.ouu; iz-miauta ride... u 4. Journal. FURNISHED 63.000 bonae of T rooms aad worm or new rurniture. ror W per nioaia; reniea aurtng rair ror S70: In) Iocs, tloa.- Call 212 Aliaky bids. " KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. prompt and ra- iieoie piano ana rurnitare mo vera; also atnr age. Pbona Main 1083. Ofara. 110 N. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY ' 343 Stark at., Win rent your bouse; -' -Will Sod a bouaa for yon. Sea us or Phono Mala 107. S-ROOM bouaa. etrtctly modern, freehly sal nlahed throughout; I fine location, waat aldi Commercial bldg. FOR RENT Honae of 11 rooms, motion !m- provementa, wltb bat water beating plant. 236 Twelfth st. Apply kt 83T Twelfth. $22.60 New S-room honae, furnace, ges, tec tririty. ctoaa to atreet cer, modern, nice biretlon. cor. Beat Mala and Thirtieth ata. Eaat 823. FOR BENT OR SALE Large dwelling. 431 wecoaa at., cor. or llnui lieautirul aroumla: leass to good tenant. Phone Main 42, or apply . er as ej .k. a-.i.k -. 1 QOOD HOME. Owner vscattng attractlva noma of 6 mows. f fireplace, gee. Iwa aloa badaanma aawaalalra, aril, playhouae; cheep to right peraoa: walk ng diet a oca ta business center. Pbona - Ex change 71 . ,-- - FOR BENT. $14 S-room houae, 884 Mildred aii, nair block ta t nion aye. ear. tail 430 Burmaa at. reoat talon ters, FOR RENT 16-room bonae. full cement base. ment. full mt. all aiodern Imnrnvrmenta rent reaaonahle; located at 844 North Second at., lloiiaday'a addltloa. aaat aide. Pboae r.aat ST43. T-ROOM bouaa for rent. $15. 675 Madlaoa at 6-RtKIM 2-atnry cottage, good lor a tloa, reut Sin. inquire oau iiay at. . A NEW modern S-room bouaa. S90 Tamrt St.. near seventeenth: take waverly car; $17 per monin. - r 'i. care journal. F0RENTTOREtFFTCES: OFFICES, nnfurnlahrd. aad esmple -rooma; sleo nan oiixsu. uooaaouga Biag. Apply at toe elevator. FOR RENT About April 1. new atorea aad , office rooms, ateam beat, etc., aortheaet ear.. Third and Madlaon. Apply to B. T. Cox, No. i T Flrat at ronm 10. . OFFICES and rooma. iwls building, t laqulrs . I,, wniie, ia iieaum piag. BUSINESS CHANCES. W iwoitlt of other bnelnem. clofMng bst shoe and nirnlshlng bnalaaaa. In Tillamook. Oregon: will nail atork and' leaaa building oT.ui 'V.".V,Vk iin iiiZ.V ZZTlZZl 'ViTis for live TODD A CO. aaook. Or. FOR SALE A 1 grocery, cleaa atock. rnvolres a enap if taaea at once: mcated in central part at Willamette valley. B , Jf uroaL WB bare property la the famous wbcst-growlng k 1 1 -- Chau. - U' -I. I . apple end berry lend In the mucb-lalki-d-of . Hood River valley: hop land and dairy ranches In tha Willamette valley: and ap in toe rmpqtia vsnry tna mna or tig yel low pearbea wf have some very sirs farme - ana atom ranrnee; our aricea are ea low aa tha lowest and wa will give yoa the boat of tarma on any of this property; we will tska - ns part paymrnt good improved or unimproved Port lend property: now if too wsnt a country lire sere is your rnenee. ror mruer iniortna- - tloa call at onr of See. ' NORTHWEST LAND CO., " ' 308 Ooodnongfa bldf. " FILL pay highest prices for Rnrat Switch atork before awitrh gore oa road; aay alts blocka handled. D. J. Kelly A Co, bos l&aa. New York City. N. Y. FOB SALB ' flood general awrrbsadlsa etore ta lumber towa or auv population, mra tea e.iimed la weaterp part af WlVsmrttt valley. T2 ml lea aouth of Portland. For Bar tlrulars write or Inquire of J. G. Vaa Orsdet A Bon. Real Eatate Dealers. Dallas, Oregoa. GOOD paying pawnshop tor aale: old established ausiness, in gooa meet ion. long aeaoe; win at and closest InveettgaUon, Security Loan Office. 81Vk ft. a 8d at. DRUG STORE, new. cheap: building for aala or leaae; A I location for a doctor. Draggle t, Cornelias, Oregoa. BEST bualnees chance In Waahlngtoa; 85.0OC buys half Interest la general store. A. W. Estea A Co., White Saimoa, Waablngtoa. FOR SALE Half Interest in paint and wall paper hualneea la food eaatera Oregon city. N S. care Journal. ' $600 WANTED for half Interest la a big pay ing bualness; don't reply unless elncere and not afraid to bustle; strictly legitimate. N 13, eara J oar sal. . WANTED Partner In real eatate bualneae, es tablished; ground floor office; meet ba f good character and honest. Address Jl 14, care of Journal. . ' , BOOMING HOUSE for aale. $400; 14 rooms, near city hall; full all winter; leaving tba city. . tenons Pacific 604. FOR SALE Shoemaker a bop, good location. , with or wlrhont toouv at your owa price. Im. mediately. Inquire at 622 Wlliianie aye. FOR SALB CHEAP Boarding honaea, 3ft, S3 and 60 rooma, furniture new and complete, houses modern and close In. A. H. Maegly, 210 Fourth at , MONEY-MAKING ENTERPRISE Tha great Hurat Switch Invention will eoon go oa mad: I" large factory near fair ground; can't beat prny prtcet I am selling the Hurat atork at a nig diacount. can ana be ronvincen. w. J. Cm tie, 215 Commercial block. Phoaa Mala 63M. - - - .. -. OLD-ESTABLISHED ee and marine Inam-ance agency wanta man who can Been re bualneae: I f you succeed will wll (4 Interest, whlrh will pay $2taj per month. N 20, Journal. Ai GOOD paying restaurant, cigar and confer. " tlnneay otaadi Seiacaa -complete, Aaareee I . 3n3 Second at..' The Dallea, Oregon. 2 GOOD country botels , 1 for 81.IV10. . . . . . .- 1 for $4.uiai v ..j ... Country atorea from $1,600 to. $20,000; good tttertay. makers. F. FUt US. 14iA rirat at. 2 GOOD aawmlll ' propositions -l-fo 810.0110.. i ri 'or :;a.iio. ; Investigate. ' F. FUCHS. 140'i Fb-at at. 31 ROOMING HOUSES for aale. prices Sf-'-O ..and up: 8 reetsuranls, $150 end up: 8 cottsa-ea for rent: 2 furnished cottages for rent. Sea II. H. lilgley, 278 Taylor et.--; - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t SAWMILL Good condition, good loeatloa, good bnalness; 16.0OT feet dallr rapacity. Ad dress Fred Spires, Goldeodale. Washington. FOR SALE Half tntrreet tn reel estate offli-e. I ISO; r.t nothing to Investigate; 4 snap. Morrlaoa St., room 2. . COME quick If yoa wsnt It; rooming honae. 14 moms, every room full, near ths rllv ball: going away at once; $423,1 20Sts Marrlsun at., room 3. -j. . BUSINESS CHANCES. "OR 8AI-ES BIackeuxltt-eaoB. 2 sets of tools. JuOvk Morrlaoa at., room . . , WILL-PAY 10 per cent Interest for Immediate .. u sou vrom private party! aecurlty. Ad- dress with phone number, O SO, eara Journal, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SQUARE DEAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY , block and 8 modern boaaea, oua 8 and . two a rooma; present income over 10 per cent, ' ,1 modrra S-room honaea, Eugene and WU- mseyeA tinted and pluad fT.r ..f uraacm. styrtl Park Beautiful v-room bouaa and -tat at roei.-a . 2 full lots and 6 room houss, Stewart Park, at 2-3 ooet. Must be sold ownera compelled to leave the city Restsurant. bant part -of Stark at. rtonmln v hnuee -in. en m el near nrnn. -IttXlon. - rrr-..''- . Numarons other boners, lots sad firms for asiv. -W.-rr-Tr.RT ... r-j r Room 866r aUUkav bldg.--: $7001 $7001 $70til $700 ' $700! contractors and Builders Road Thla! Two corner lota, 60 fast, oa cayllna, 8-mlnute service. 4 minutes nlsht and morn. Ing, ee wee In, on 60 feat and paid for: total erreei tront or ,iaj reel; room ror tour cot. tagea that will rent for $10 or $12 per r month: thla 4a In a neighborhood where, sock hovers are needed. Addreaa O 8, cars Journal, or pnone East 8373. r St.:Mms Special $2,250 will buy IS lots. 501ft0, nicety mra ta ted. In Oak Park addition No. 2: re member these lota era lorated close to the lane tract hist bausht'br the Swift Pkik- Ing company, thla - la a Sne buy snd It wiu pay jo- fo ge - GreeeBrcs. - 817-18 Fenton bldg. . Pboae llala 830$. $6602 LOTS aa Twaaty-Bfth near Clinton St.; as oee i nay too city. ' ltiisfr lUlro. I HAVE new homes ready for sale: acme ef inem are mooera; come ana make me aaor far; raah or aa time; f 4no to $1,850. See the owner, Joe Nash.-In the white bouaa at Naahvllle addition, oa the Moaot Scott car. line. Lota for aala aad bouaea to feat. ON TO HOVERI UP THE COLUMBIA! - s Regular a tee mere from Portland: eheepeet tea rrom -tha - eoaat to Inland points; no ad-asavg lull, parprinaDator- right vrith each tract, eerlleet prudurta. largest prices; ins isiixoroia or ine norteweai, write f- HOVER LAND CO., - Hover, Waahlngtoa.. WOODSTOCK Lnf IOOtIOO feet, cheap. 807 Mcnay Ding, .mala .. 1 $750 6-room houae. full mt. on Improved street. near ranium. . IUI ij J nira. . , ACRES In orchard, aeer the rtty. goad build. inre, convenient to car, on graveled road; wa will sell thla at a bargain, oa very easy terms. Call 1QJH Third. 30 ACRES. 0' miles - Hood Area, oa county mad: good anil: II, Ota); a bargain; terms. Frary.-63 Will la me are. Scott 81B5. WILLIAMS AVENUE ADDITION 2 fine 60x100 , lota, xo73 carh; eldewalka. water, gaa and aewer In. Kluaell, 003 -Commercial block. Main 323. , FOR SALE Neat 4-room cottage, northeaat euhurba; full lot, d blocks csrllns; owner will give real bargain ta. quick Purchaser. "Sago," Journal of See. FOR SALE Fine lot in Peninsula 200x100. im- pro rem ante and orchard. $3,000. Addreaa owner, or rati wa ciay at. : ACRE TRACTS' I OCB SPECIALTY 18 ACRE TRACTS I Full-alsed B treats, water to sack aera. TERMS $10 PER ACBB CASH "''' " $10 TKB ACBB PEB M0NT1L Toa go to tbeeb acres on the aama car. ay ine aama oc rare ine anc man peya. Tba H h . ta yonr rwlghhor-bot a U etrlcted In majority ot feat urea that make true vnonrnan noma, . Open Wcdneaday And Saturday avaatngs. , A. C, CHURCHILL A CO., INC. - -110 Second. 8L - IB ACRES adtolnlnr etreetcar and . mealy road, thla able of Mount Tabor. Inquire of - .0. r . w 1 ,. k . ui e,aee iw.uii MUST aril choice i. Hotladay'a; bualneaa and resilience 101a, nt. jnnne, ; r - - SWART, 318 Chamber af Commerce. SAME SNAPS 2 lovely homes aesr Hyland, 3 new anu X in oearing rruil. a iota . IUO. N IB, care Journal. 8450 WILL buy roomlng-houae, always full; gooa iocs 1 ion. -inquire Mauisnn at. 200 FARMS, small t recta and lota: bargains oa o. w. p, electric line. 11. K. Additnn, Lents, Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car, 6c. ' 8-ROOM house. Sell wood at., lot 85x100, rent 826; 82,750 By owner, o a. care Journal. ST. j"Hi,wPllnlIjj vlm MM'f Inr). nlirit b rated. In llak park additloa Na. 2: ramrm. bar these Iota are close to ths large tract lues bought by the Swift Pecking Co.: thla . la a 8ne buy and It will pay you to are ue about it GREGG BROS., ' Phono Mala O03. 317-18 Feaioa blk. SELLWOOD LOTS. $3 dnwa and $5 a month; from $76 m imu. aeiiwooa Towaalta Co. Pbonc Eaat 4704. TWO arrea at a bargain. If sold soon, on car line in B, jonna; rieareu sna rsn ne platted In lota. Address box 88, St- Johaa. $l.snr-100D O-eoom house la Bunnysids art auxiuu, asix 1 f eaah. 107 1 Third. For desirable Eaat Side locations inquire at LAMHFKT Will I'M KK A VO., 404 Eaat Aider St. . Rut I none property oa Eaat Montana St., Best Grand see. Ixts in warehouse district. Residence. property ta all sections of tba elty. - - Flee acre tracts hear ear tins. $06 aar sera and upward. , A aumoer-os aaairsoaa nousos xor ran u . $1,200 BARGAIN Corner 67x100; , styllek mttage; gooa eureei; apply en premises. 686 Felling at,- ; A SNAP. I ror naia -niooers i-rnniei nones, rnmieoau. 83.600; $1,500 caab, bslancs tarma; aa aa Inveatment, paya 12 por seat. . Phone Eaat 1387. .. . NEW modern 5-mam house, furnlahed. Sunny- aide, cheap, terms, uwner, pnoae Baar M. New i mom cottsge.-full - cement ehaeement. Sood plnmblng; price $1,850: esay terms. 0. .- Smlth,-T8 -Chamber et Ooaimene. FOR real good Inveatmeot of $2,600. Portland Heignta; no misuse, box uwu, city. FOR SALB BY OWNER New modern 0-roots bouse, bet. Twenry-oeeona ana iwenty-rourtii. oa Wears it., Unlladay Perk addition; will build on either of 17 lots from plana and tarma to suit parch ear r. B. B. Rica. Pboae Eaat 1088. lot BOiltio; 0) bearing mtlt trees, beat varia nce: aaay tarma. Lerny A Orteoley. Mining shares cheap. 1827 Eaat Ninth at. BARGAIN New T-reom modern- bouse, side, $2,00; terras. F. rUCHS. 140H First at. CITY VIEW PARK Dt 60x100 la thla fine ad dition, with eldewalka, water and grarime. -T-$nnti.JKluall; 802 Commerrtal block. Mshi 223. "'.'' liOTS 60x100, $6 par month: get your borne be fore prlcee advance., Eella Goeeatt, Ockley tireeu a tat ten, St. Johns cer. BRAND NEW 6-room bonae on Improved street near Williams ave.! bath. Dill baaement and mndern ta every detail: only $1,760. - kutselL f-Boa Commrri'lsl blocks-Mala 2823. BEST bargain In a corner lot In Sunnyalde; street Is not graded but have erwer, water and gaa. Phone East 4IOT8. FOR SALE FARMS. FARM OWNERS What hare tn la farm linns f aale? We hive buyers. Write SCOTTISH-AVKHICAN FARM LANDS CO.. 402 8, Orcgoulaa Bldg., Portland, Or. .. . ,r , , if?-.V.AND.,,f 0O0N tinder the Carey kilj s.V' "'S o map free. It. 8. ; 0o 361 Alder at.. Portland. Or. ?...?"r??0"?'"r Columbua. Wash. - Ingtoai fruit, bay. grain, atork: on new rIU road. Addreaa Box 144. Pendletoa. Orrgva. M0W I.TH, BARGAIN I us 8.14 Arr For Kale. JL5 ,Jfcrf salHvntloa, nearly half aeeded. food school and church, on Salem road. 8 utiles . ' K!Ifio IiT'to"i ? ' barn, snd other ont- bulldlnge. 6-room dwelling; 18 head of cattle. ?S m?i U"m mtr- u cbkkriie. ' 1...1. 7 Zn i0!! "a. T variety of farm p. ' !,r 'Tr,! there la runnln,- ; . r X.,"- ' st 1h and barn" 1 ' t i,i.i?,Mr ltrm ?cd " fmaa fenre.1.. I am alone and must leave tha farm. Joha owner. Dayton. Oregoa" . "diatrft? b..7 !XSLSPsn 10 . ACRES, 8 cleared, bonae',-6100 worth or -J cod wood, furniture. 00": i, wt7 laid, Waahlugton. X 5"iTiH? ""11 B0" -ISnuV- aaprlge, TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE for s plane, horee, hernoaa and rulibea.i nice driving dreaa O 6. care Journal. EXCHANGE 2 good building lota, near Union W74 Third? " Pr crt ""'". FOR EXCHANGE Standee ii. ft'oom1' '0r U Morrlaoa HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE MoriKI. ITll mono Main 847. Roardlug. Iltery and sslet nprcee aad baggage transfer. 2U6 Davis at. "A af J.jon-poond horsea. 6 years old; sound iw-icw reeeonenie. aiai Front. FOR SALE-eTIMBER. CERTIFIED arrlp. aay alas pi area 1 brer eel c -. w. ,.ihwiil aua waamsae ar ceav FIVE Srat-rlaaa - limber claims a Willamette .V.'.r" P.""? mut ha of known responsl blllty. WT. Burney. IT Washington Tilug. SOMR good pine timber claims ta ba had If -94 Commercial blkT I ZjTZT' .. I HAVE about 450 timber elalme for lore tloa; . no merges emu yon rue oa claim; call and Investigate. JjkVSMubawh bldg. FORSALE MISCELLANEOUS. 60 SECOND-HAND SKWI NO-MACHINES . iirai ma are. wita complete attachments, folly guaranteed, must he sold st mica. . WHITE SEWING-MACHINE CO.. Cor. Sixth and Aider ata, . Main 2048, BOOKS " bought. Sold and exchanged at the old Boos Store. 328 Yamhill at. - FURNITURE of IT rooma must ba Bold befoea February 1; good and cheap. Apply after, noons. The Dexter. Twelfth and Waablngtoa. WE print your name oa SO calling rarOa. nrooee m, e.'lfj: Jylnc" carda. 61. "ssaa ealSfh BeBrssrlJd.aSJ WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. . vrace lor bsm ana lurorma. tloa at ISO -Fbwt pL Phone Mala 1830. FOR SALE OR REST NEW AND SECOND. HAND SEWING MACHINE .STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. D. JONES. ' Oaat. VlUtlltt aarae . aw m ja gaa sa 8 Aaseat 01 WB 4 rurnltmw aad wit J nay fall vain-'.. - aaasAggUgX iLkgg, AIL. -, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURE2 msde to order i arcond-h and gooda forala. Carlaon A Kali atrom. 8X8 Poach at. Pbeae Clay 671. , HORSES nf all krnda for aale at very reeaoa . abas arlcaa.' In qui ra 276 Froat at. , i j BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rear ar tot aele- oa eeey payments. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKR COLLENDEB CO. 4 . Third St.. Portlaad. - SHOW rases, counters, fixtures bought, anid or exchanged. Weeteya Selvegs Co, 827 Waaa logtow at. - Pacific 788. J PA BR0T Received a lot of Mexican doppel w.n.wuvea psrrme 100 teia ror iitriatnias trade; will aell $18 parrots for $8 till sold, fortlaad Bird Co.. 12T N. 01k. Pboae Red 881. XANURII by weronload or carload aa . W. P.". ' By. Pboae Eaat 2318. "ONIMIAND TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE '"1 t llEAP OR FOR RENT FOR $3 ANU , 14,.,1V MONTH. UNDERWOOD TYPE. WRITER. Ctl.. 88 SIXTH ST. . ONE 4x8 photo stamp camera. BxT lens, shot - Iwr 8- plate holders; -everything new. Cart ee--i addreaa Artlet, m Grand are.. Sooth. - HONEY. HONEY Pure California. In bottle or cans, terse etork, low prices, quirk dellrery. Pacific Honey Co.. Sr E. Burnaiile at. $,0ht CUIX tlea for aale, snltsble for logging railroad or cribbing. Chark-e Pottage, 4n8 - CommsrrlsKat., Portland. CLOSING aale official photographic vlewa of rVfioiltlMI, Soli vanlP RantsriTin TDnf h,ke " ' Si'-' rrv-atlr reduced prices. Kxposllma Stars. 848 Morrison st. GOOD row for ssle rhes.n. - Phone Eaat 6208. or call 286 McPhsraoB St., Peninsula. ; FOR SALE Piano, $76 If Bold thla week; ta good condition. 178 East Seventh at., cor. ' i inn Ml. FOR SALE A Bmell Mock of HMbi eenil r T."1"?. Call or adrlress St. Johaa Ba- ear, ni. joans, in-egoa. PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL medical - advice to women We treat diseases of womea errluelerlr. curing with unvarying sncceaa all female allmenta from the allghtcet local Irritation ' to ths most ro replicated Internal trmiblan; maternity raees given siieclsl stlrntlon; private hospital accommodation: profeeelonel lady nnrae in attendanre; mnauitatlon and ' advice free. T Radium Medical Institute and Sanllsrlum. Third and Alder sta., entrance 253 Alder at., Portland. BLUEPRINTS af any kind or drawlnga or plata made for IOC lo 20c per square foot and up. 430 Yamhill at;; room 8 second floor. l'ort..i land, Oregon. ,; Vnrvn t in. ... . , , curing, arala and electric treatmeate. liAu. Sixth, room 25. LADIES A never-falling remedy: relieves all obstinate re era; perfectly harmless but a , positive rener; receipt wllh full Inatruc- t tions ft latsmps takrnl. Addreaa' Dr. A. nnua. Ban rranctaco, California. DR. W0R1.ET BENJAMJN the,.FootJticcUllsL--BbOIJ Waehingtoa at. Hood 80s. - Sore feet made-- Bound.- - ' FREE to out of town natrona. ear latest rata- , logua of fancy work, pillow tops, center pieces, shlrtwslkts snd nnteltlee. The Ncedls ' " Craft Shop. Si 17 Allshy bldg.. Portland, Or.. .. BACKACHE and kidney or bladder d I ace see - rnred'allb Oieemi tierhs; rrtet alas for 10e& In atanipa. Plummrr. 200 Third at. BING CHOONU, Importer ef Chinese mot medi cines; sells Chine as tea that la certain rura . . for all diseases. 101 Reread bet. Yamhill , and Taylor. -. DR. ATW00D, 18 Ruaaet b1rtg77--8S4 Fwurth' aa. Female dlaeaees and eonflnemente taken and cared for; open eventual. Consultation free. . , 4,rOR8IDI,Ef FRUIT. "A Hot Tamnle.' Hlorr of a "lavr-rnnT H1ll,'Agsr-,- "ller llldden Charms." 60c each. Tha A. W. Srhmale Co.. 22U Plrat, SEND tor free I hit af cat prices ead slabbing rates on magaslBsa, a ones hooi store, zat AMer at- , . . VISIT, the Canfna oasaar Store; finest Chl neee end Japaneae ruriea snd gooda la tba elty at reeeoneMe prices- bo Sixth st,-- - SUITS avsaaed while yna wall, 80c. Ladles' at trie prrssaq, auc. ii inert, itai aiiia ea. aext ta Quelle. ITreee Clay 606. DOLIJt BOSITTAL repairing nad dreaamaklng. 281 Tamklll. MANLY vigor restored hy I it. ' Roberts' Nerve iiinnniae, law mnntn s treat men I. s months, 19; sent securely sealed by mall. Ageuta, Woodard, CUrke k l)o Portland, or.